Semi W jejektly News "RT' RALB TIIK NKH, i:miili)ln-(I Nov. .I, M I T1IK II I.KA I. Ii. ! ttnl.liMlK .t April Hi. ( ( Oiisnllilutoil Jan. I, IKI.V PLATTSMOUTH, Nlili.. XOVIC.MIiKli 1'!). I SOS. VOL. VIII. NO. 7. MEETING- gnnnn?!I?m?f"HHHTnm!"HHnmrnT!nnmmrn ONLY A FEW WOEDS. lie Best (iootls .Maaamamwiaog-Bi i in nil A I I VT I ClfP f? I) I A I DO 6 THE MORE YOU SAY, THE LESS PEOPLE REMEMBER. JOE & FRANK, The People's Clothiers, Will sell Overcoa-s, Suits, Underwear, Shirts, Ties, Hats and Caps at Prices that no beat. other house in America can Please step in and take a look at our Stock and Prices before you buy. Have you seen our 50c All Wool Fleece-Lined Underwear? JOE & FRANK, Waterman block, - Plattsmouth, Neb 232 Genno & Co.. I lave W.-ill terns, where an IC levant new line of i vr, in all the lale pat- It will pay 3'oti to fo you have a bir line to se- ? f ? f 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 lect from one that's new. GERING & CO. Carry a stock of awfully cheap Blank Hooks. They have the best Writing Tablet in the city for 5 cents. GERING ck CO. Are tlie only people in Platts mouth who carry an assortment of Lowney's unrivaled Chocolates and Alleretti's Creams and Choc olate confectionery. GERING &. CO. Have a Compound Srup of Tar and "Wild Cherry that ouht to be in ever' household, to cure bad colds and lunjr trouble before seri ous complications arise from de lay. Many a doctor bill miyht be saved if you kept our Tar and "Wild Cherry Compound in the house. AAA 'ilisr & Co., Urn o"4fstvS nticl Stiitloncrs, North Side Main Street, PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA The Methodist Divines of This District Now in Session in This City. THE PROGRAM. V6U & 00 ! ; mmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmimmmmmm m m ifUfl TUESDAY KVENIXG. T:.'(). Praise Service II. V. Cope. 8:00. Sermon -"The Holy Ghott :" John 1-4:1; 1 7 . . . InKc Sl.i v n-. Wednesday Mokxix;. !:00. Devotional . L Kol.len. 0:.'t0. A Discussion of the Subject of the Sermon of the Pre vious Evening. 10:00. Symposium "The Spiritual Life of th Church." The Relation of the Class Meeting J. II. X. Col.b. The Relation of the Praj'er Meeting G. M. Gate. Relation of the Epworth League McKemlree DeMoti. 'Vhv Relation of the IJenevolences Geo. Shumati. Wednesday Aetekn x. 1::J0. Devotional 1'. K. Tom-!. 1:4 . Educational Address 1). V. C. Hunt ingtoii. I . D. "The Transition of Methodism. " ('iirti. .'':()(). The Woman. s Home Missionary Society, In Charge of Mrs. (Ylia A. Gates. 1:.'50. "Some Advantages of Wesleyan Methodism Over Ameri can Methodism." lame Itarron. "Wednesday K venix ; . 7:.'f0. Praise Service C. M. Shejdieid S:00. Revival Sermon A. I!. Whitmer. Vrc the 9 S t E U H UU JV V KJ I I f Clicnnest. UiiULiiliiUiiUliliUUilUUUUiiUUUUliUUliLiilLkliiiUiiUUliliUUUUiXikkiUiiUUUULiliUUUUikUliUUikUUiiUU You cannot go to the Omaha Exposition any more, so spend your time with us. We have the Greatest Ex position of... Seasonable Dry Goods EVER BROUGHT TO PLATTSMOUTH. 5 Special Sale on Dress Goods.. 5 ...15c, 19c, 29c, 35c and 39c. rrr See our New Black Crepons, at one-half Omaha Prices. rrS New Silks, New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, Nevv Flannelette Wrappers Spend pour money trith us and pet caluc n vw red. We cannot a font to mis lead our patrons. A'rrr hodi knows irhat kind of foods ire sell. Have irui you seen our Line of... Collarettes, from $2.75 up. Hig Suit at Lincoln. Judge Cornish listened to testimony yesterday in the suit of William L. Matson,G. W. Holdrege,F. I Foss and J. VV. Deweese against A. L. Lmmer- eoa id which the Dtaintins seeK to make the defendant pay his share of I a large block of indebtedness incurred by the South Fork Irrigation company which he helped bring into existonce, but which it is claimed he never paid. The company floated paper through the Security company of Hartford and the plaintiffs alleges that they were forced to take up the whole of the pa per themselves without the aid of the (defendant They sue him for his share of the indebtedness, somt $60,0C0. The defense is that the plaintiffs paid the indebtedness out of the as sets of the South Fork Irrigation com pany,ruining its credit,and established out of it the Northwestern Irrigation company. Mr. Emminon savi he has been damaged thereby an asks judg ment for $20,000 by way of cross peti tion. The whole day in court was con sumed with the taking of testimony from the plaintiffs and parties inter ested as to what they had used to pay the indebtedness. State Journal. IS..OO Kciiiinl will be paid for the conviction of tin man and boy who were seen going to ous slaughther house, Saturday, and returning with gunriv sacks contain ing meat. The man was tall and slim and went out, and returned on the M P. track. They were seen by severa and any information as to who they were win te paiu lor by caning on Patterson & Kunsman. Sheep Herds Imprisoned. Tacoha. Mot. 28. Thousand of sheep are im prisoned in th mountains near Pondelton, Oregon. Three feet of snow has fallen in the foot hills there and the sheep cannot get through it to the valleys below. This situation results from the fact tfcat sheep men have kept their sheep on the mountain ranges as long aa possi ble because of the dryness of the grass outside. Unless chinook winds blow and melt the snow sheepmen will be I unable to bring their sheep out with out heavy loss. ROCK BLIF1S NOTES. THE LEADERS N THE GROCERY TRADE ARE A. H. WECKBACH & CO. THEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass county. Everj thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods il ways in stock. The only place in the city where you can get all kinds of 3sh Cheese. Call and see us. L H. WECKBACH & S. Waterman Blk. Mrs. T. L. Campbell is on the Sick list the last few days. The late blizzard has stopped the preacher's corn shelter for the present. Mrs. Frank Brosius, who has been sick for some time at the home of L. B. Brown, is some better. Westley Burnett is the name of our new doctor and he is doing a rushing business. Success to you doc. George Kester, who has been farm ing C. J. Martin's farm for the past year, will move to McPaui, Iowa, soon. John Sutton has laid the foundation for a log house which, wken finished, will be a thing cf beauty and joy for ever. Fay Mynard, who has been living upon" the farm of Levi Churchill, will move to Iowa. Mr. Heed, who has baen working for Henry Cramer, will occupy the place the coming season. He Can Heal Mow. Herman Waintroub, the merchant, tod iy received from California a diplo ma from the College of Divine or Spiritual Science, which states that he has completed a thorough course and is entitled to act in the capacity as healer in that faith. Mr. Waintroub has been very studeous and h's appli cation has been rewarded by a success ful examination, and he is well quali fied in that scienc to act as teacher. We congratulate our friend and hope for his abundant success. Total paid tho Presbyterian church todate by the City Steam Laundry $1.07. The only way this amount can be increased is to patronize them. TO CCKK A COLD IN ON K DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the monej' if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cass County Nebraska. in tne matter oi tne estate ot Henry Stoli, de ceased. This cause came on for hearing on petition of Ilenrv M. Soennicstien as administrator with ill annexedof e-tateof Henry Stoli, deceased. praying lor license 10 sen lot iwo ) in me norm-east quarter of section oo, in town l '.i, range 13, Cass county, Nebraska: lot three Oi) In the north-west quarter of section thirty-rive town VI, range 13, aforesaid; the north-cast quarter of the south west quarter ot said section to. town 13. range 13, aforesaid, and also lots one, two and three, (1, a and 3), in block one (1), Young and Hay's addi tion to the of city plattsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, for the payment of debts in the sum ot $u!32.VW with costs of administering estate and for sale of land, alleainjj that because of the nature. situation and condition of said real estate, it w ill be necessary to sell all of said real estate that the residue might nt be Breatlv depreciated in value if enough alone was sold to pay said debts. costs and expeu-es.ihere not being sufficient per sonal property to pay said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered by me that all persons in terested in said estate and especially: Philip Moll, Charles Moll, Mrs. Charles Stoll, first name unknown: Elizabeth Mcfrarland and her husband, Mr. Farland. first name unknown: tteorge Lehr, lieorge Lchr, jr.. and w ife. A. ienr, nrst name untnowu; onarie? Letir, .M.'iinie Lehr.Christinae Leach, lohn Leach. Martha Lena Beery and husband. Mr. Beery, first name un known: Mena Thierolf. Henry Ihieroif. Ko.anua Maurer. John Maurer, Louisa Hippie, Joseph 1 Kipple, William Moil, August Stoll, Jacob Moil ana rrea 1011 appear Deiore me at mv cnamDer-. office clerk of the district court, in the court house at Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the lith day of January, A. I)., ltii. at the hour ot i o clock p. m.,to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administra tor with will annexed to sell all of the above de scribed real estate. 1 his order shall be served by publishing same for four successive weeks prior t day f hearing in the Semi-Weekly ncns-neraiu. uateu ovemoer A, YJ !-.'. BASIL S. KAMSF.V, Judge ot the District Court. J. Li. Root, Attorney tor Administrator. Muffs and Fur Trimmings, .... I'.est selection in town New Hosiery. Underwear, ....In Cotton and Wool Union Suits Cotton Blankets, :t!tc, IHe, .')!,, 7'.c and S.V Cotton Flannel, . . . For mittens, 1L'.., I7 1e Outing Flannels, 5c. Get a new Oilcloth and Binding for your Stoves.. .Best selection in town from 2j; up m Get our Prices on CARPETS... 2 ...All wool, 50c. Best K. per 2-ply all-wool Carpet made for ;."e. See our new Brussels, M fjuettcs, Axminstcr ami Velvet Carputs. Thoy are beauties all cheaper than last year no advance on our goods. Get our Prices on all kinds of Shoes... 3 ....The Best and Largest assortment of Shoas and w..rm SIip-r ue have .-v-:i- .shown. Tablets and Pencils I'M MOB with .School Shoes. Don't fail to see our new stock of Lamps nv have lamps U lnrn. I - feriT Agents for Butterick Patterns. Gago Down Corsets and Budd's Babv Shoe. 2J llHi'liiMMiMlsM! inn si M 4 ay si m chool Shoes Good and Cheap. A nice millinery stock for sale. quire of J. H. Thrasher. En- Probate Notice. In the County Court. Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate id i runian Hail, de- ceasea. Ennah Hall. Norma Hall. Nettie Hall. Waldo Hall and all other persons interested in said mat ter are herebv notified that on the linn day oi November. 1898. Norma Hall tiled a petition in saia court, alleging anion? other tiiines. that 1 ruman Hall died on the 6th dav of .vovember. is'.", leavinc: no last will and testament, and pos sessed of real and oersonal estate, and that the above named Constitute all the persons in terested in the estate ot said decensed, and pray ing lor ine administration thcreot. 1 ou are hereby notified that if you fail to appear at said court on the the i ith day of December A. D. lsi'j. at - o'clock p. m. and contest said petition the court will appoint Ennah Hall, or some other suitable person, administratrix, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. W itness my hand and the seal of said cot:rt at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the :th dav of ftOV. A. LI. 1W. UliOKi.K M . Pl'ROCK, SEAL County Judge. Legal Notice. In the District Court of Cn.-s County. Nebraska. Henry Eikenbary, et al vs. Citizens Bank of I'lattsmouth. et al. To the depositors, cred itors. tockho!lers and all other persons interested in the C it; ens' riankot fiattsmouth. Nenraska: ouare hereby notified that uivn the -'th day ot November. A. D. an order was en tered in the above case by the Honorable Basil Kamey judge, requiring all persons to show cause on or before the ad dav ot December. A. D. 1898. why the claim of Charles L. Ketiedict against the Citizens Bank for rent from March j, ism to sept.-niDer IU. Iy4. aijreijtiiig should not be allowed as a eeunr,,! claim against the said Citizens Bank and entitled to its pro rata share ot the dividends, it having been reuusea ro juagment against said bant: and why the claim of said Charles L. Benedict for rent trom September 10. t to March 1. Ih3" amount ing to$Ml SO against the receiver which has been reduced to judgment should not be naid as a pre ferred claim out of the assets of said bank as a i part ot the expenses incurred in running. Done pursuant to order of court. Charles C. PARf ei.f., as Receiver. Byron Clark, Attorney. Mi il Mi m m M Mi m 0 LOOK OUT That your children are well shod, for it might save DIPH THERIA entering your family. Dry feet save Doctor bills. BEWARE that you are not BAMBOOZLED again and buy your Shoes at the Old Roliable Regular Shoe Store. THE TIME IS NEAR when we will have wet, sloppy weather and that's what tests a shoe, so be careful you don't get 'em with paper insoles and counters or they will surely collapse. Take our advice, let us help you select you shoe and you will come out winner. WE'VE GOT 'EM! What? Why, SCHOOL SHOES, of course GOOD AND STRONG at 95c, $1.00, $1.10, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50. In all shapes, styles and varieties of leather and warranted to be SOLID LEATHER throughout and sewed up FREE OF CHARGE should they ever rip. We have a CUROSITY in shape of a SEAMLESS SHOE for YOUTH'S, BOYS and MEN which can NEVER RIP. SEE 'EM. m pj m m ISl m. 221. sal ISl. isl. 1EI. ISl, li, isl, iISl. lISJ, ;ISi Wl '0. IS, ISl isl, :ISl. isi, ilSJ, irsi iisl REPAIRING. ROBT SHERWOOD FOOT MILLINER i J i Plattsmouth Coal Yard is top: flack to huy HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Hay, Corn, Oata and all Kinds of F od Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER 5 TROOP, THIRD AND MATN-STS. Our stock Is complete in all lines and we invite our friends to look It oyer. We will frj'leavor to please you. Call And see us. STREIGHT 0 SATTLER, (Successors to Hry Rock.) PLATTSMOUTH NEB HARVEY HOLLOWAY Contractor J3uillcr. Contract taken for the erect:, ,n of Residence XJarns and any kind of carpenter work, in anv part of the county. Call ou or address HARVET HOLMHVAV, I'lattAmonth. Nb THE PERKINS HOUSE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates $1 and 51.50 Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furni8bed. PLATTSMOUTH, - - XEJl