Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 05, 1898, Image 3

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t. II
!( V i
Mi" ! ,
dipt. Crum Stownrt wan in town
A wedding In K uth Park ii talked
(if 1-y tho yoHi p-t.
I'VanW Davis' littlo hoy Ih reported
dangerously ill wiih catarrhal fever.
I'olilictt UMurM thn attention of tho
public to huc)i an extent that ft nows
ltm can scarcely be found.
Jcrim Swobodu, jr., wan today no
pointed ad mi ra lor of the enlattt of
John W. H'iinc-i, d'-coiS'-d.
Mm. Tom I'ulton and children
were in Maple (Jrova today trad
intf with I'lattpmouth merchant who
Willie ( 'arinack iH improving rapidly
undr the health iivin climato of
Nebraska, hut. ho atill hIiowh tho effect
of m. -riou i 1 1 nos.
!vrys ai o fixing up wnno i-enidoncf
proporty i'i tlio Fourth ward in niec
ntyl If more o-ood houHOM wore built
hoi--' th y would find roady tenants.
ll-nry (.'oopcr wnt to Kaunas (Jity.
today l consult a .- i r-i r.l t -1 and ; 1
roiiof 'r,in - i I .-1 ' i - ifi . n 'v li-ou'li't-whieh
ha- in d mi ;V;i i i of him lo
sorao ti in .
II. ( MoM .! : '-i i
tjuarniil.i mil :: i-i . -r- . !
fy'r nt t hoi i- Ikiii. - H . i
at the) Ki 1 . ixl hi v
homo ty 'tl Pr
Poritina-lci ' I! . S ii
loi.1 ..r today l ti .
ti! t he i an Hi. in 'k
ovft-. It v. - , : r .i v ' .
had fol iowfd . a I o ' ! ' In1 e un '.i
The -So iniii i d - ; vaivitin ' 'u iki,
and tho thou-iiL .,f furtlior war, it
Huoum, is ii t cnieri.iiiiod by tho
haughty Dons who caniiot atTord to
tako any more on losing thoii
coveted honor.
Allen Jaeub llotson, J. Li. floot and
T. Frank Wiles gave th-3 residents of
tho Taylor school district a namplo of
republican oratory last night, with
somo Bound lotric that ought to have
boon a boiielit to their hearers.
Tho effort to ronew the Omaha ex
position next year is receiTed with
unfeigned disgust by tho towns outside
of tho metropolis. This city is the
losor of soTeral thousand dollars, and
a scheme to further our losses will not
bo looked upon in a friendly spirit.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Spurlock were in
the city over night and departed for
their homo at York this morning.
They have been in Omaha packing
up their exhibit at the exposition,
made by the Mother's Jewels' Home of
whicti Mrs. Spurlock is superinten
dent. Gil OTlourke was in town today
from Omaha. Ho has quit the Cudahy
company, aud is not doing anythirg
at present. His brother, John, is in
tho omploy of Mnrkels, who hfive
charge of tho U. P. Ky. eating house,
and leaves for Salt Lako today to
work for them there.
Canada tooJv a vote on prohibition
latel3T and the prohibitionists won the
fight by a majority of only 13,000.
Only about one-fourth of the voting
population are reported to have taken
part in tho election. Our neighbors
to tb' north, one of whose chief prod
uc s i.i barley, will soon be as dry as
ttu Arizen a desert, providingof course,
th ;t prohibition p-ohibits.
Th- elegant Pullman train on ex
hih ;i ti at 'ho exposition in Omaha,
wli.c. ad mi ea by thousands,
pas- 'i -.Ii ouir tiie city this afternoon
ovoi i lie ii. & M t.M.roule to New
Yocu. v. it wi i run en the New
York (J r i, '.itniu-!, hoi ween Now
York ;s;.ti -g . fl looked gor
geous i , r r . is . pn - d
t-i rough.
Tho f::s
h i vo :
ii - ! .
tii" - ; .
t c-c! ' :
i in i e '
at !
the i iilili ;
the t!i- e. a'
on a retrt-a".
. to
! II .
t.a v -;
j !en.
JVC , f
eh tho
y are
b a
Judge Spurlock will speak at Eagle
Saturday night.
A bijf minstrel company will be one
of tho early attractions at White's
Opera House.
Fireman Sam Meyers, of the Schuy
ler run, it on tho sick list and Lonnie
Stultz has his place.
Miss Bessie Clifford returned yester
day after a pleasant visit of a few days
with her parents at Louisville.
Andrew Winkler of Cedar Creek
will apply for a saloon license up there
at the next meeting of the county
The Piattsmouth Telephone com
pany has a regiment of raen at work
today puttiog in telephone poles. The
now company will sooa have its lines
in working order.
If the voters of Chase, Dund3', Hayes
und Hitchcock counties fail to send
Col. Frank Israel to the legislature
they deserve to have a crop failure
very year. Israel is one of the chosen
people and his integrity is not dis
puted by any man on earth.
The News will not be drawn into a
personal controversy with the assist
ant democratic organ until after elec
tion, when wo will take pleasure in
showing the inwardness of some rotten
doa s with tho reasons why the clerk
and two commissioner s tako so much
interest in i -. ii .vini; the taxpny.. rs of
eo'I'.u- s i.
'i ..o spectacle of Chapman talkinc
about the wrong doing of others is
llko Satan robuking in. Ho ban not
for yearB paid a penny of taxu, and
yot ho wants to havo a groat d al to
say about who nhall hold ollico, liin
oppesitlon to men who havo been his
friends for years would ii.iiicato thi.l
he was well paid for his opposition to
tho party which gave hiiu nino con
tinuous years of public o'lio .
Mr. and Mrs. C. C
tained at dinner yesterday a co iinl-io
reunion of the Withrow family. Jt was
an occasion long to ho l.y
those present, who were: Mrs. II. S.
TruBsler of Fort Maditoi:, Iowa, Mrs.
J. A. Stewart of Edgem-nit, Seuin
Dakota, Mr. ami Mr;,. Will I,. V;tl -row,
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. I '.oyer, a d
Mr. aud Mrs. C E. Withrow of thi
On Thursday li-t. Mr. Thrina
. Jenkins, who lives somo fou- mi.e
abovf ttiis city on the Hide, v.-a-,
hero for tho purpose -f uisos!iig of a
i:. .1. Ilurkt tt U U-H t 11)4 KUIIruluu
l"roiHl t Ion to Pi lmtr.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 4, lS'JS.
Hon. Jami.s Manaiian,
LiNt i.n, Nki:
Dkai: Sir,: Your letter of recent
date a-king mo to participate in a
With row .t.-ji-; !"','- ,:' j-dnt dobatOH is at hand. In
n piy p. rmit mo f say that 1 havo not
a .-ingle nj en auto u fore olectioa. My
m el;n;rs are '11 ;dveil;i'jd and L 1 1 a
en;a'oJ. 'J'iit-reforo, it will bo iai
po -siolo for u.e to accept j"ar inviti
i ion.
My c i-. j) .:gn
wagon IoimI of potatno-.
man is quite ag-o, 1
years old, is vor .-n-y
i history. In li
'uneral of I) e -i t
assist d in bi : n
risou'.s lo ; i-n i . . ! u.
a Jitv New-.
a 1 1.
ii -,
Tho ret;'.'f-
th.jir '.in
.-a' i
I u '. ii
. ee l ;
- ' j
i :e.
ii I a
I :
Pt I
far ha-1 been very
-;lf an 1 I trust alt-o
i intere-iud in my
. 1 i i gs i... vu been
: -1 it.-.
,.n.l po-.-, 1
t ilk to r
.. V altend
iJ-Jt, 1
t l I .
a m - n
e: po'
r- hy ;
if i v o
o f e w
!U 111-
.c .1
Itlval of the Hugnr Trunt.
Nkw Yokk, Nov. 1. Tho Times
says tho new Doscher sugar refinery
b; gins it uctual output of refined 6ugar
today. Friends of the now euterpriso
insist that through the use of modern
apparatus tho Dorcher plan will l o
able to turn out product at an average
of over one-eighth cf a cent por po ind
cheaper than is poosiolo in tho old ro
lineries. No recent trade event has
commanded the Wall trcet atteution
which in given lo today's etart by
tho Messrs. Dorcher of their competi
tion with tho American sugar refinery
company, in whoe management for so
many year they were conspicuous.
Pri-sidont Ilavorneyer of tho American
sugar refining company is quo'ed ns
sa , ing to business acquaintances that
it is tho Doscher and not thu Arbuekle
competition that he has reason to con
sii r, and from the same quarter como
rati. or violent predictions of dreadful
things which tho compaDy propose lo
indict upon tho rash secoders. Ono of
tbi li st c -liisions between trio Dos-
chers .' n
be in 1 1."
(ilMiaa I x lorlin lu Sturt,
PiTTSnuitt. Pa., Novcmb-r 1. The
rnot Important window fneiori'-s
in tho country wlil ho stijtcl on
Thurrd-iy mornirig. In spit 'f th or
der of Prosident lJurus to tho eniitia
ry. This statomciit is nriJo en the
authority of a number of lohaldn
blowers and gatherers, lueinln-rs of
L. A. ;(, aed vnui-hed for l3' (inr;-.-Ambos,
a met.-it)i.-r of tie" cvn'iii'.vij
Not iff of Mlllcmi'ii t
All artien indeht. n to the firm !
i W. W. Coate & Co. re,; ue.-U-d
call nnd settlo with their su e r. r. ,
t!ie ICIitdnger Ha'-dwaro Co'npany. ,
The Nl'.WS u'.ee is tl.e bo.-t oquij p.-d
t ::
-4 rj
... - i. 4 Ul I k- I I - ( K
j0. ; patf
i e-
ihe American company will
matter of controlling the
of wholesale grocers.
.: in tioit quar'oi is to on
fU- j et of the first, ti St of
i.- r II i rise.
lr. T-
( : .
I ..V ; -s.l k.ii.
. -- is.s: 1 1
i!i;i !v , n g a n
.-. n-.l or" a' n .
Toe lust d.-v
. e. u .
' . ou'iy 'hi i i 1 i i
! . lH'.IS. w; n ... l .
: -. ! I z . . I : . .1
... ,, is 7 .18 i .IP
.1 It II L N i ) I '
II -u'..tey ;ifti r I V i
dr. Totiiitkin- lr. Ig t in
ropoi'ij in Hu'b f t -i,m
of $300. Mr. Tom p-in - - ii ;ii ti
no 'ded the money to -peml in ii nm
paig.n to dofoat Mr. Di tm . X !
Mr. Toupkins is the lawyer c aim
to bo ho knows that it is a p.-n ti-nliary
offense to upond money to s-( u e his
election, but ol course this is in keep
ing with Mr. Tompkin's in a .mr of
electioneering. n some places ho
pretends to bo a Methodist and a. pro
hibitionist and in other places ho
claims to be ono of the boys and circu
lates a petition among the sn loon
keepers of Nebraska City asking them
to vouch for him being a saloon man.
People of Cass and Otoe counties
should voto for a man like Mr. Ii. A.
Dittmar and not voto for a lawyer who
is without briefs and unknown to
clients. Nebraska City Press.
Todays M;irk-t.
Chicago, Nov. 3. All cable oilers
of last night was accepted, and a
strong demand for grain of all kinds
iu England kept the market rather
firm. The opening cable from Liver
pool, Paris and Antwerp were n shade
lower, and opening was off in pr. ipor
tioe, leaving all cereals showing a
slight dttdino.
Wheat being down , while corn
showed only i, split lo.s with oats o!T i.
Some sixty boat loads had been boln
at New York for export, and it w ir.
expected that tho opening would be
higher. A consignment of Ameriei-.n
wheat was shipnod diroet to S uyriii..,
Asia Minor, w u;h indicated that ti -
exports from llussia wouid no, hi
ve ry great, but exports from Hud a
Pesth, say that th European harvest
are greater than was expected, ai d
that no American wheat will bJ
needed on the continent. The se-orm
cable from Liverpool quoted W ?: ! : a
lower, and corn and oats eo'-hi-I,
which had a leudene to cause v, h .-. i
to slump, while coi'n and oats
strong, especially a'-.
. i
e .
. ii
i , ii.. i :i.
ii, -ciieu.
.1 a t.-ti'oii
i ii. v ing to i
usioii .ry:'. ..
, of June. '2-
. i'
y. i .
IVCor.':-t r
.:..--er ve.',
i ing lilit
o 'rates
v - r
. pt-' ( I chl - e 'fe
v:lh:n a fov i ..I a is
leaving and In re is
st.ookho'dei s in tho World "sC'ohiniin
1-xpOsition t-oirpiny to regard wiMi
7 ".Kid p; -op: t
io ta'.'j i.ii.-t.
1 ais -'..aJ- a t.
J'-,. ' d
M.' O til..'- 'l . .
i ri t.lie eh . i
i a alt n I i
rais;d I '(. r -t-xpoii
I' n i.
of ',.!), (.0.
somethi g for
job oflico in Cass count v.
work done en sho:-t iv.-'ii--
Most youngsti-rs f tho pres.-' !
learn so rapid? tint it is ai :ae
possible for the hi.rh n-hools to
up with the-
r:ca!., o
l iii
A l-hw VI -z .:; very for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tunt s, dy Mail, 70 cents; Uottles, GO Cents.
;.!E3 F. VM.l Sj!d Pioprietir, - - 3:3 i:or;ti Kdia Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. FR1CKE .!'-'. CO.
J rehciiba th.-i-i I :a-.- t'l y i. r vjiy
fr.m one s'. iri ': i f i.v ..;.-. ir.l ' "ulity
the h:;hc-1 i . I ' c t h r i c r . ! ul folks.
You t:u t 5 :r I-::.!! c!..tor cf
1 i.
la rc.ite-i b.'ttlc only.
i i c
o id
a 1
i . .s i .
d.v a
oncy in tei.u ! unrcatjoniny
t ern ci'i.ti oj jiosiuon." I do not be
t o ve. tho pe.oolo ar o with you in jour
attitude toward tho auministiation.
'J'tii' Aiueiican people arc loyal, and
white differing u;mn soiiio of the issues
i,t the day, tho msij-rity cf them are
enthusiastic in their support of tho
government at Wusiiinton and so far
they are well satisfied with McKin
h y'a mi f tho all'airs of
our nation. 1 hey also beiieve that he
should be surrounded with men, who
will not bo embarrassed by uarty affili
ations, which pledge them to hinder
rather than ae-sist in many important
mt asufes arising from the recent war.
You t-ay you ''oeclare congress to be
a co-oidinatc, b ancn of gov
ernment." As ttie constitution of the
United .Slates declared this one hun
dt oa yearn art, it wouid bo unneces
sary tor Hi to debate this question or
a: y o.hef p-irt of Uiu constitution of
toe L'liitea States.
Iu reioi e'iee to the Gacrc l-ili (v. hich
sei ins to have oeea entirely ovoi
iooKed by you it. the hutti oi t-is
vieoryu i-i ed ji-
ed atten: to ii n
v. ould su-i .-t that
rainpai. n of lSUO,
l . ,i many co gres
iiurouuccd iiaanco
i' -. itii th-.-ir ideas,
i .1. leulous Ilia : you
;;i h s great number
in wo-ni'-r, if n-. t en vy and awe a surplus
I of lumo.-t S400,1'().
! In tie presence of this eiirp'u?
C.'iicayo takes oh" its exposition hat to
o, i hi- v on .li i. itnas aireauv aumi. eu me
e i u. u;iv' patriotic J art istic beauty and completenos of
the Trans-mississippi Exoosition. It
has had columns in appreciation of
Omaha's epiendid emulation of our
world's fair. It has sent thousands to
wander amid tho "fairy scenes of
loveliness imagined in a dream" and
help swell the gate receipts. But its
pleasure over Omaha's success is
swallowed up in its amazement over
that surplus
Long prosper Omaha! Vive la sur
plus! Times-Hern Id.
Last Night's Fire.
From Wednesday's Daily
Tho tiro alarm last night about nine
o'clock routed out the department, but
it was foon discovered that the flames
issued from a burning1 flue in Robert
Sherwood's residence which resulted
in no damasro whatever The hote
was several hundred feet short, any
way, and emphasized the fact that im
mediate revmirs on the hose about
town is necessary, as there is not
enough in good condition to be of
much service.
c imuaien, u .t.l
l , ' , .
! ii. u n ol i j" '-- o :. i.
I v. k;a .-; i
j liter i :
it IS l: I
-. IO.. il .o
j i.-l. Is i;i
(but, i, ii
I hoa.u c
j ol oli'S Oil.
join t ti o . "
t I 1;
Tho closing s
I from ye-t--rda v
at the same thru
h:.d a s' ;r
whoa, j
v -1 tV. t e
r . -:d Vv
l.L'r 1
L e..
cci .'.;! .
i i:ClL
i. O-e f. e
pa t'.ca. . :
. " o ..i j on
i-.i tho :..a i
U ait, i.ii ;..., I
i . iy 'j .v a U . .on
bil:, dem.ind a
i i.iCD deia ; nd
.it h
I my
-..-tion, ii
1 fro; "I
The A. O. V. W. Hall.
Ilrvey II olio way, the contractor,
has ihe new A. O. U. W. hall raised,
re. dy for the root and with a force of
go; d carpenters he is pushing it along
at a apid rate. The boys will be ele
gantly housed in their new quarters
before cold weather. The hall is two
stories high, and occupies tbe corner
opposite diagonally from Richey'a
lumber office.
( )
d : . ..
Prompt Work,
Ch-s. Davis, the state adjusting
agen' for tho Nebraska Mutual Insur
ance corn pan', was in town today from
Lincoln for the purpose of adjusting
' ho los c u-ed hy the recent fire in
iTenry tleroid's new residence. Mr.
Davis j jt nephew of S. A. Davis of
s e ly. a..::- is nee of the best young
nr., :,e i on in t lie s:
A p: ( '.
i-.-r,t t i c-
i f Si is ( IT-.-red for 20
1S77 ;id 1S78; that of
. v
c .
i ; i ! ;(.):-. ;- : . .
e-H '.'. : ' e -
of tw ;e ii ; ;J ; ; v ;
There v.- tv - v a v. ;
the stHte i xhi? ii. 'i i.c
tur -.I society was also a w i d
medal fur its display ma h i i--.v t
ber. Colorado fared next. lie
ing a total of forty raid ils, of wi, i
five were gold and twenty
Medals were distributed among all of
the states exhibiting, but Superin
tendent Younger is particularly grati
fied over the award to the exhibit
which represents his efforts, the grand
sweep3takes, emblem of excellence.
Nebraska did not compare with many
of the exhibitors in the size and
novelty of her fruits, but she made a
wonderful display and maintained it
throughout the exposition, doing
credit to the state and her fruit
growers. Nebraska City News.
Of Interest to Taxpayers.
According to the report of the coun
ty treasurer, backed by the cus:om of
the office, aDd fjrther backed by the
written opinion of Attorney Hj ron
Clark who quoted a section of the
statutes squarely in point, the correct
amount due the Post-Journal for
printing the tax list was $3S3. In the
face of all this, however, Commis
sioner Falter and Commissioner
Young, over the protest of Chairman
Hayes of the county board, allowed
the Post-Journal $-50 for tbe work.
Comment is unnecessary at this time.
Foit Rent Fruit f irm of eight y. Honeynian.
acres; apples, grapes, ra-pberries, , v A Chafer.
blackberries, etc. Also rther tracts:
of land near tovn. R. I Windham, j
ail the
sua advo
f the re-
v i - -
U . I . W - : I li . t. .
i.: .j. i v .
-'Li -a : g-ostin-- th- t I
c it. i it the pruci jies
pjbiic :n 5 o ty as a wiourced and set
fo;th in i's piatforui t:nd ; refer to con
tinue to tio so rather thau to speed my
time in discussing- what you maj"
choose to s..y these principles are, I
remain, Y'ours llespectfully,
. I, Surielliiii? to Know.
. . . It may be worth som;-thir.g to know
.I the veiy best me icine for res-
in-.r the tired cut nervous system to
Vl Vt t,. he ithy vigor is Electric Dittc-rs.
uu . : TLio meuicine is purely vegetable,
;'ie i..j- -'.e :"-ts hy giving tone to the nerve cen
pcmu i". : s ; ter in the ttomacb, gently stimulates
:;crs 1. " I ! the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these
o vea'-s a"o '. "gnn in throwing off impurities in
' : -. . ii 1 : . t: . : i j;
s V."ei'o I -L!t! oiuou. liiBuuiu jjiLLtjrs ei.ius ui-
restion, and is pronounced by those
who have tried it as the very best
blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try
it. Sold for 50c or $1.00 per bottle at
F. G. Fricke's drug store. 2
Notice to CrcJi'.crb
hi C.i i.i i
1 1 ,i.n. s.
ll. 1
Statu or Xkiikaska, .
L as i count . . ('"-"'
In thu matter ol the e-4.tte ol J..i,n W;i
Notice is liei t'l v ni mi thai the
said deceased will meet tin-a . m i
estate, betore me. County juilili.- ot '.. - i
Nebraska, at the county c.uil r io .: i i
mouth in saiil county, un the :il a ila ol !
1)., lS'.li. at U o'clock A.M., Lr tin; i-ur
presenting their claims (or examination.
inent and allowance, rsix iiio.iili ir' ..... .
lor the creditors ot vaul tlcceas:cii t iii.--.--u t).e:i
claims from tl.eMJ.h (lay ol 1 seccm i-i .
Witness my hand and seal ol said .onnty
court at Piattsmouth. Nebia-ka, this, i t day of
November. A. IJ. ts'j.s.
(jiiOKia-: M. Si-i ki oi k,
(Seal) Canity Jiuiije.
Sherifl"s Sale.
By virtue of an execution issued by .'ie'ire I-.
Houseworth, clerk of di-trict court within anil lor
t'ass county Nebraska, and to me directed, 1 will
on the Uth day of November A. I). I KM at one
o'clock p. m. of said day at the south door of the
court house in the city of i'lattsmuuth, in said
county, sell at public auction, to tiie highest bid
der (jr cash, the (ollowinn real e-tate to-wit:
The northwest quarter .m- l ol section nine
teen (IV) township eleven (11) range nine (!h an I
the west half uv'it of the northeast quarter uie'i)
of section nineteen ( l'.ij tow uship eleven (111 range
nine (t) east of the'iih P. M. al! in Cass county,
Nebraska, togetlier w ith the priviii ges aud;-.T)
purtenances thereunto belonging or iu anywise
appertainiii,'. 'J iie same being levied upon ana
taken as the property of U. Amiersou, ilefenihint,
to satisfy a judgment of said court recintrcl Ijv
Koi)ei t Gull ion, plaint i It . again -t said defendant .
Piattsmouth, Nebraska, U. t- .", A. I.. Is is.
SV. 1). Win i l l k.
Sheriff, "ass county, Nebraska.
C. S. Polk, atfy for Robert Ouiliun.
Hero is ono of thoBO
who are either sso prej
udiced ogainst all ad
vertised remedies, or
havo become discour
aged at tho failuro of
other medicines to help
them, and who will
succumb to tho grim
destroyer without
knowing of tho won
derful value of Foley'3
Honey and Tar for all
Throat and Lung troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
MicrilF's Sale.
By virtue of an execution issue 1 bv fJeoree
Houseworth, clerk of district couit, within ai. i
Cass county, Nebraska, and to me directcJ.
will on tiie 'iiith dav ol November A. 1) ik s
one o'clock p. m. of said day at tl. j soutii d-i.r
the couri house in the city ol Piattsmouth. in -.
county, sell at public auction, to the highest b
der tor cash, ttie toliowing reai estate to-wit:
I he northwest quarter .mv'ii of stc' nin
t en (19) town eleven ill) range nine !i and t ne
west half (w'.i) of the northeast quarter (n.-'i .
east of the tith P. M., al! in Cass comity. Ne
braska, together v. itii the pi ivileges and appur
tenances thereunto bclongurr or in anywise ap
pertaining. 'Ihe same being levied upon ;iii
taken as the property at C Ai.dersen deien J nit
to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by
Nebraska Moiine Plow Co. plaintnf against s.-.M
Piattsmouth, Nebraska, Oct ., A- I)., l;-l'-.
. I ).,
irherilf. Cass county, Nebrar k.i,
C S. Polk.
Att'y for Nebra: k -. Moiine Plow Co.
m r w it ' , 11 r JK 11 M
i:,, t in On itii I!--t In t'lalilr.
For 20 Yesrs lh$ Led al! Worm Eiemsiles.
it'rriiarca iy
i r. E
- ' Mm
- t- ; I -a.t r
- -il.rf.vrt Ki
In the Couiitv (..'
In the matter of
Par.konin, decease i.
All pers .ns inter. -.
notilied ihat on t. . -
Herman K. Panlcoiun.
tate, til d a pe: itiou i.i
his final ad.iu;iitrar.
allowed and 1 .
trust. I! ou f .i! fi
the lO.ii . f .v.v-!..-. :r
p. m.. to i o..i . i .: '
grant ri i r t -.:
. t'.er a::' i v rt rn r .r .
as to this c-urt 51 - .
lna-1 r r: ... i .4 i ..
se:f e-: r.i 1 i.e -jrn.
V itiies- 11 i a
1 "m 1 1 S 1 1 . o T. . i . e - j I 1 ; - .
Picbv.. Notice.
i . Ca -s oiin ' -,
rue estate oi
turc for .-til.
; jr r ii, Hit highest gradrf at fiir, lio:i'-: t ;
r i- ;:::;tii in. "We s:'y tli'-sf v.TC the ;iit't '
Cupboards, Shelvoj,
Bath Tubs,
Farm Tooh, ETs.
A paint for each putA
pose, not one tl.'ij-olaih wit
a kttow
cy :;) loo ;-. :r y, ; . r.,eU tr.cRi.
i IK:
,.tt r of
t, p.m
h: set
t:,.'i f
. at.
.1 r, 1-.
lo.'il ;
C . . r '
) Li'
.1 . 1
NEWS does
Oct. A. 1 I-
ty Ju -.
. a -
. V. it V
L.d Over.
The claim of the Cass County Agri
cultural Sdcioty for -5750 against the
county was laid oyer to the next meeting-
of the board.
Court Adjourned.
District court h.-is beeu adjouned by
Judrre R:irasoy to November 1 , at one
p m.
There's io better fiour made than
Uf-i.-ei's "Fiansifter," macufactnred
in tli is city. Ask your grocer for it,
rh'1 thereby get the bet and sup
port ,i Louie industry at tie same time,
vvaieh V-uilds uji the town.
List of Letttrs.
Iiemaininr uricalled for at the post
o'lico at I'lattsmouth. Nov. 3, 1898:
Mrs Fena CJirirtniaa. J I- Green.
ijeo Hart,
Miss ITi-.t'.e N'anceat.
- .-Y.T 3iiy of tl.e above
-..- -d ve.-tisr- ;!
A cheap coat doesn't necessarially
mike.a cheap man, but it mikes him
feel that way at times.
The man why bought Ilesser's big
century p'ant and a lot of the finest
palms and decorative plants at the
exposition has also bought the Min
nesota building, the splendid log
structure on the bluff tract. He is a
wealthy manufacturer of Chicago who
is building a large factory and palatial
home and reserve at Walker, near
Chicago, and he huys these things for
the ornamentation of his place. His
name is Austin.
n ';i
l-1 :
Thirty-four s
Enquire cf Mr
west of Plattsrr - .
-1 ( t-s
7. ti.-t .
P't C.
Wood wanted in.
News oSice.
.-(.iiption ul t,ti3
i- o" -a :
an r
i i;
-t '
i ' to
' vy
li'..t: li'.fe
The emperor of Germany has had a
great yisit to Jerusalem, and is now
on his way home. The idea of a pil
grimage to the holy city by the Ger
man fcovereign seems rather odd, but
the emperor is given to eccentricities
Lictnwe Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I will
apply at the next regular meeting of
the b'-ard of county commissioners, in
'and for Cass cuunty for a license to
j s-11 vinous malt nnd spirituous liquors
jin tije village of Cedar Creek, Cass
r-io.ntv. Nebraska, fo-- the period of
D .: d tiii- IS h dav of October, ISUS.
In die Iliitrict Co.;n i .-. foa-.ty .
Lujlla K. l'oik, i'laiii'lu,
T. J. Tatme. Maa'ie A. T.-itr e
atid Al. McClintic, dele.. I .i.ts.
The defendants T. J. 'l air ,e, Mas rie A. Tutro.
and Al. McClintic .ll take i. it t-.- tli..i o i :h. .t:,
day of July, l'-. Lueua K. i'o.k. the pla.!.
hied her petition in the Ii--trict iJuiiri of C.i- .
county, Neoraska, airaiust X. J. i a.roe. M-iKie
A. Tatroe and Al. Mc-.iatic, tir.-t ai.d real nan.e
unknown, the object and pray, r of which .ire ;.
foreclose a certain nior'ae executed by the de
fendants, T. J. 1 atroe, Maggie A, Tatro ; to lv.
win Jeary, aud by him assigned to the piainti;!
upon lots twenty-one CJii and twenty-t..o tJi.
village of Greenwood, Cass county. Nebraska, to
secure the payment of two piomissory notes tor
$35,00 and jyU.-Ja. dated December 1-t. 1M. am
due January 1st ly.i. and September lt Imio;
that there is now due and unpaid on said notes
and mortgage the um of 71."J" and interest from
the first day of December. lf:i, at the rate !
eight per cent per annum, for which sum and in
terest the plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclos
ure and sale of said premises. Vou are required
to answer said petition on or before the 14th day
of November, 19S.
Dated this 4th day of October
I. u ella E. Polk.
By C. S. Polk, her attorney.
They bullish pain
and rrolon life.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. F.
Houseworth, clerk of the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 5th day of November, A. I).
IsyS, at It o'clock a. m. of said day at the south
door of the courthouse in the city of Piattsmouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following real estate
The west half Cj) of the northwest quarter
(?-i of section twenty-six (Utii and the east
half Oi) of the northea-t quarter (1 of section
twenty-seven CiTiali in township twelve 'llii range
nine (0i east of t5 P. M. in Cass county, Nebraska,
together with the privileges and ai purtena ces
thereunto belonging or iu anywise appertaining.
The same being levied upon and taken as the
property of Thomas Keece et a! defendants to
satisfy a judgement of said court recovered by
Lydia C. Sterling, plaintift against said defend
ants. Piattsmouth. Nebraska, Sept. 30, A. D., ISM.
W.M. li. Wiieelek,
Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska.
C. S. Polk, attorney for plaintin'.
ha. ncsj. Call at Inlws office.
The b y with nude-over
tker after his father.
Legal Notice.
II. M. Bricker, first and real name unknown
and Francis C. Faulkner a-s-.gnee of the Con
necticut River Savings Bank w: : take notice that
the plaintiff. Francis N. Gib- on. has begun an
action iu the District court cf Cass c.iuntv.
Nebraska, entitled, Fr.v.cis N. ( bson v I,c. b
Hur-h et a!. deiend?nts. in v' tl. oe
namsd parties are marie i.-ieiH.mts and tti?t ti e
object of prayer in said pet!
m.rrtzaire on the west hn t
tor "t section lfi, town 10. r
P M. ai ! niortpi.tre r.-.
said lac -b Hur-h to Bei.i
for genera! relief and wu are r ;ju re i t sn-v.'cr .
said p.-tition on or before the "tii .lav of N".-. i
Der, istf.s. rKA.Mis . vjiu
E. H. Woolev. Attorney,
batvtf kvyttmrawr T, !.
hi, is to I.rec;o-e ?
; .: ii-1 1 ; '.v.v ? ui'xr-
L-a-t of the i.-h
i i i. x i r- .
t: j
mom ImgJvA q i .$o
ti i-w-i Am ii
Ko matter what the matter is, one will do you
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
A nw tTlp packet vir.txi r.i sr rr F.rr v! r-Brr.EH In a xnnr t.j i '., m ylw; tj. .ow r mi
t xmn- .;r..i.- &tr ro-: rm: cr : I. ' i-.v--i.i- . m,.-t : : .. 1 r ..,:. .-. .... .ZT
.ii- "i it t-.-ji-. - r ' ..m ..-f ) fn rv: Dia 1.1 in ..1 :. v m-ii. 1 1 1.. . I, v ...... , ..
'..-i.iauifc: Dull.) in .1 r.v .u.i!i..-f.rtT ,.llfj,t,ritB U
;; ft,-rv:. V- r ...r , rr .rt.Jn lU i
Liciii tv, r lu'ie ft.ace wji-I 1 w... . r -nT.-iI. I
T','-m 'r1. i"nyy
; i. jiwi
i U- '1
! Dern
:nen b ::.
( i.b-on as. 1 I
' -- -i-ti -- - i - i- i-i -yTlTl '- '' -nit,.
jx, Planit.ii.
Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. The
surest and the best. Sold by drugist3 on a positive guarantee. Trice 50 cents
yer box. Sample pent free on mention of this publication. i
1UL UlL Wiiili-JLILL ILVIlLLNk go , South Bund, IadlaiUb