AL STORE THE LEAD PECIAL We have a Line of... Shoes S3 Ladies', Hisses', Children's and Men's Worth $1.25, $1.39, $1.50 and $1.75 and will close the lot at SI.OO One lot CHILDREN'S SHOES at 25c. DRY GOODS SPedal Salefora Short Time. A nice li ne of Plaids at 2c, suitable for comfortables. 36-inch Percales, dark styles, at 5c, to close out. We have Just Received a Large IMPORTATION of oo Fine DMESS GOO JJS e WE CAN SHOW THE HANDSOMEST LINE IN THE COUNTY. Special Sale on Underwear ft a ALL THIS WEEK. GOOD GOODS AS LOW AS 25c A GARMENT. DEPA R M N Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. China ware rc OWN PORTATION. The Nicest Line Ever Shown in Plattsmouth. t t 1 LSrvi:iNEI:INE Fancy Lamps I i 6 4 e 4 6 A 4 4 Every Taste May Be Suited.. ..At Astonishingly Low Prices. AT ASttER GUM' i First Door East of the Court House, 1 Plattsmouth, Nebraska. j 9 9 9 f f 9 ....Also a Complete Line of.... t STAPLE GROCERIES FANY YOU Are Esoeciallv Invited to Call. ? 0 ' f V Any Kind of Dress.. . IS PASSABLE, IP A LADY WEARS A XJTo HANDSOME It is therefore Important to Know where tke HANDSOMEST LINE OF MILLINERT may be found .... tyLts. HJ. p:. Street Certainly deserves the palm, for 'tis there you will find the most elegant line of Pattern Hats, Velvet Trimmings, Plumes, Ribbons and Orna ments ever shown in Cass county. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE And suited to the most exacting- tastes. Prices are Right. Come and See. MRS. M. A. STREET, 411 Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska BRIEFLY TOLD. i i ' C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Mrs. Joo Hawksworth. is reported quite eick. Foil Salh A gfood bedroom suit. Call at this odice. F. T. Davis Co. pay cash for good butter and fresh eggs. Union Block. F. K. Guthman is putting in a new sidowftik in front of the Perkins House today. The only original Cole fe Cole air tight heating stoves at Ebinger Hard ware company. The weather bureau nays rain turn ing to scow, but we hopo the bureau is wrong as usual. A positive guatMntee with every sack of Elk Him and La Cream flour. F. T. Davis Co., Uiou Block. A big cloak sale at our store Satur day, iSovenahei- 12. Wl'BL &: OFFET. A good eight rein house to rent wita barn and city water in Sucorid ward, near business portion of city Enquire of JoiIX WATERMAN Mr. and Mrs. Crraher of Union have a new girl, and Grandpa Stought euborough accepts the honors as though he had neen a grandpa all his life. The dancing club will give their first bad of the season next 'lhursd; y evening. The Mandolin Club is bet tar than ever, :;nu will furnish the music. James Sepals' little girl complained that BVank Kaloscek's son, Joe, th-ew stones at her, and the matter was hav ing an airing in police court thia after noon. F. S. White is getting in a car of the finest potatoes ever brought to this market. They are the same va riety, and from the same place as last year. The Woman's Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Byron Clark, Thursday November 3, at 7:30 o'clock. Program furnished by the Child's Study De partment. In many seemingly hopeless cases, comsumption has been averted in stopping a hacking cough, by the use of Dr. Sawyer's Wild Cherry and Tar. A. W. Atwood. November 23 is the day when George Spurlock will have important business to attend to in Missouri. He ought to be able to enj jy a royal Thanksgiving dinner on the 114th. The Mozart Club will meet at the home of Mis G ss, corner of Eleventh and Marble streets, Tuesday evening November, 1st. Those having chorus books pleasa bring them. You will never know how quickly yju can be cured of consumption, dyspepsia or liver comp'aint, until you have tried Dr. Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Pills. A. W. Atwood. We tall only .what we positively know when we say "Dr. Sawyer's Ar nica nnd Witch Ilnzel Salvo will rad ically cure akin diseases, cczcma,pilcs. burns, scalds, cuts or floh wounds. ' A. W. Atwood. We do not tell any second baud bods, springs, mattresses or pillows, or any ! other second hand ftock. I. l'KAKDUN, l'lattsrnouth, L -ading Furniture and Stove Dealer. Eil. Fitzgerald doveloped great ta.vill as a marksman out west, and is lid to have killed several antelope on tho wing. Wo don't buliave, how ever, that h killed anything, a we have receivod no proof of it. WAN'TEP. Local or traveling sales man to aell our Oils, Creates and P. - trolatum on commission exclusively, or hi a side line. Goods guaranteed and prices low. Penn Petrolatum Co., Coraopolis, Pa. Oil Refiners. The great exposition closed at mid night last night with an attendance for the day of fi 1,000 people. From what some of the boys say who were there the midway was a hot place after twelve o'clock, and hundreds of people were there until two or three o'clock this morning. Let the Journal produce the records about Judge Newell's $1.25 a day stato ment. The charge is absolutely falso in every particular, and we defy thein to furnish the proof which they say they can do. The public will soon see who has lied, if they do not come for ward with the promised record. Contractor Sawtelle has twenty te ims at work on the bridge fill across tho river a lot more teams arrived today, so that his force will soon be doubled. The work will doubtless bo linished this winter. Tho last of the work will be performed by a dirt train which will be loaded on this side by a steam shovel. The county commissioners are in sossion and will probably conclude w net her to pay thel'ost-Journal tax Hat claim in full or not, and will decide what to do about the $700 claim of the Cass County Agricultural Society. One thing is certain, ono member on tho board, in the person o J. C. Hayes, will stand up for taxpayers and ugaint tax eaters. W. II. Newell pays bettor wages in his quarry than is paid either at No hawka, or in Sarpy county, we are in formed by a man who works for Mr. Newell, and every man who ever worked for him is his most stalwart supporter. Two democrats now em ployed here in the B. & M. shops, who used to wark for Newell, make no se cret of their support of him for the senate. AH Til KY COMK AN I) UO. II. N. Dovcy was in Omaha this morning. Dr. J. V. Foster, of (Jrornwood, was in town today. It. D. Windham was attending to business in tho metropolis today. Elder Dungan and wife wont to Lin coln tliis morning to attend a dintrict church convention. John Burne and wife were in from Center precinct today doing anine trading and visiting old friends. Miss Edith Pattersos returned homo thia morning from an extended viait with friend at Chicago and Evauaton. Mra. W. H. Daring did not return to Norfolk aa etated in laat eveninga NeT3, but ia in the city for a further visit with her many friends here. Jared Core was in town from Center precinct today and made the NEWS a pleasant call. He reports the republi cans out his way very much alive. Jake Breckenfeld went out to Have lock this morning, and expects to lo cate there in the sweet subsequently if he can get a position in the shops which suits him. L. J. Mayfield, editor and proprietor of the Louisville Courier, waa in tho city today on business. Uo reports his precinct in good shape for tho entire republican ticket. Mrs. F. It. Guthman and Mrs. Jos. Droega returned last evening from a pleasant visit with relatives and frieuds in Western C iss and EisUrn Lancaster counties. Dr. Cherry and wife, oi Okiah ina, aro here on a visit with James Walker and family, of Murray, Mrs. Cherry being a cousin of Mrs. Walker. The doctor is a prominent cattleman of that territory and brought a hunch of cattle to Kansas City last week. Try Umiii-O! Try (iritin-O! Ask j'our grocer today to show you a package of GKAlN-o, tho new food drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in jury as well as tho adult. All who try it, like it. ORAIN-O has that rich seal brown of MocOa and J;;va, but it is made from puro grains, and tho most de'icate stomach receives it without distress. One-fourth the price of coffee, loc and 25 ds per package. Sold bv all grocers. v w wf www w w ?v yr 'f a w r w w w w y w yr J l.l Mi lx yi l rx hi & hf ltutkleu's Arnica 8alve. The best salve in the world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monoy refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke Uncle Dave McCaig is growing young again, and wo advise the gay "widders" to look out for him. He rod over from Wabash to Ashland on his bicycle and came to l'lattsrnouth on the B. & M. train as gay and chipper as a boy of fourteen. He is all right every way except a clouded imagination when it comes to matters political. You Can't Afford to Chance It. A heavy cold may load to pneumonia or consumption. Foley's Honey and Tar taken in time afiords perfect se curity from serious results. F. G. Frioke & Co. To the Far mers. For the farmers, and townspeople, too, Schi ipp case will serve a first class oyster stew on Saturday and Sunday for 15 cents per dish firt class in every particular. Those wishing hair chains or hair wc:-k of any kina done, will please leave their orders with Miss Adams at Dovey'a store. Mrs. A. H. Knee. Superintendent Line, of the Ne braska Telephone company, was in the city this Biorning looking after the local office which has been greatly im proved. The central has been removed to the south sample room at the Kiley, and Miss Nettie Morgan has been se cured as operator. A new switch board has been put in large enough for one hundred subscribers to take the place of the old one that only car ried fifty. The central starts out today with fifty-two phones in operation, and Mr. Lane informs us that thirty more have been contracted for and will be put in at once. The company expects to have one hundred cubcr ibers before tho first of Janua-y. Delays are Dangerous. Many ot your friends, or people whom you know cf have contracted consumption, pneumonia or other fatal diseases by neglect of a simple cold or cough Foley's Honey and Tar, a safe. sure and pleasant cough medicine, would have saved them. It is guaran teed. F. G. Fricke & Co. A full line of Lisk's anti-rust tin ware, warranted for five years, at Eb inger Hardware Co. Furnished or uufurnfshed n oms for rent. Enquire at 1006 Main street. Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ) In County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Walter Haines, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, betore me, county judge oi uass coum Nebraska, at the county court room in r'atts month in said county, on the 31st day of May A, 1 iKoa ut On'rlnrV A. M.. for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjust ment ana allowance, six inon us aic muwea for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims from the 30'h day of December, ls'JS. Witness my hand and seal ot said county court at Flattsmoutn. iseDraiita, mis, isi aay oi November, A. D. George M. Spurlock, (Seal) County Judge. IE OILY A PEW WOEDS. THE MORE YOU SAY, THE LESS PEOPLE REMEMBER. 1 JOE & FRANK, The People's Clothiers, Will sell Overcoats, Suits, Underwear, Shirts, Ties, Hats and Caps at Prices that no other house in America can beat. Please step in and take a look at our Stock and Prices before you buy. Have you seen our 50c All Wool Fleece-Lined Underwear? JOB & FRANK, Waterman block, - Plattsmouth, Neb ra m S3 m m Have You a Whim 1 About the Kind of Undcrwcsir You Wcur? Have You a Reason Why a Certain Kind is Not Co:n forttsble? We can Kralify your Whim or Cater to Ya:ir Com fort, Exactly. S3 3 COTTON -FLEECED -For thoso who find it uncomfortable to wear Woolens, at 50c, 75c and $1.00 a garment. Also Balbriggri11 ribbed at 50c. Brown and Ecru. CAMEL'S HAIR -The burn? a e removed from the garments by a patent process, and they will not irritate the s!in. They aro 0c, 7f;:, $1.00 and SI. 50 a garment. NATURAL WOOL Here wo have the widest and finest vario'y we ever had to offer our patrons. The prices run from 50c to $2.00. UNION SUITS - Maybe you have never worn this kind. Well, you'll be like the othnr fellow "Wouldn't have any other kind" if you will just put on one suit. Prices with in reach of all $1.25 to $2.50. G. E. II i ul uUll ViXtrxm m r. yst m r.i rtx n r. :tt r.i ? rti j r.t r.-i f, t t ii S rV rv r Sr. v fr r -. t i Business. Jkro You in Need ? Of anything in the line of Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silver Goods, Silverware, Sterling Silver Novelties, Cut Glass, etc. If so, save money by calling on us. we do the nraur kixd of EEIIIJUXG. ?JLSQ. JNO. T. COLEMAN, Second Door South of Po.stoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb. 4i 4? 4tf ? ? 4i t 4? ? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? t 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 49 4? 4? 4? 4? 43 4? 4? 4? t? 4? 4? 4? ew Millie Stors The Finest Line in the Cit-, Everything- Bright and New, Direct from the Centers of Fashion. ..Under the Management of . . MISS n NINA m TUCKER THERE HAS BEEN OPENED TO THE PUBLIC A Pine Line of Millinery, IN THE UNION BLOCK, Next door to F. G. Fricke's, which it will pay you to visit .... MISS EVANS, a lad- of experience, from the east, will have charge of the Trimming de partment .... The public invited to call.... MRS. L. J. RANKIN, PROPRIETOR, Union block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska E3 In Y-i VI r.i r.i m a n m tn r. U V.i r-i. r.'. ilk v. YX & Kt m & r in r.t lb i I I I i l i i ih I lh t th i t i i I ? i ?! ifr i h i l i J d l i I i I