CITY AND COUNTY. KATUKDA V. John Croup nnd wli, from near Louiavillc, wair in town trading to dav. Charley Clifford, of Louisville, and T. E. William, of (fiendale, woro in tod ay . 'I'h' pr aiduut has proclaimed No Ti-niher 24 in a day of national Thanks iwniy dollars to oik; m tuo way they lift on Mcrenr u;uiiiftt Ilitahoock in Omaha. Aaron Lodr and wife have pono to Colfiix, Springs, In., to ho treated for rbeum ; lisin. Dr. (jilmoro, of Murray, was in town todiynbakino- with a fow of hid many friends. A. Criimtsr, ouo of the solid farmers of South MlijiI pr'cinct, was In tne eity today. Col. Champion S. Chaso is lyinp very low at his heme in Omaha, wiih uo hope for liis i -co very. H ..if. 1 inner and family have moved in from V ob-tcr county nnd will ro-iJ- ilciwn near Kook HlulT. J oil n .Sutton has the foundation un der way f r his new farm remdoiico, that 1 1 in inr.- to ho a nice one. C . lirjian was repor! -d muen better jcbicron.s, Ilia ailmmit is pronounced a liyir fo in of 1$ phoid fi-vor. '1 he ulili r trust may have to cume down f.niu i- h h perch as another rubber : ru-L hi ii.;.' fo mod to fitful it. lloleom' no A. en will p ak in L uipvill -xt i t ii, b'it :iio- wili in ik-1 i;o eon i p : ii: '. i : i t k n people of tloi 1 . v t.n j ;;' j Clarence I1 .el . -1 , utnl Mis- K'li:.. Tim, a'-ai ritfr.toe-., I- ill of tnis eity, lb . o h;- ler;'..t! Pay-, Were in:, r ml i- O -cili . en 1'liursiiay. The po-.tolliC- s f at. Vaiptaiso w b blown c ji.m, oy jiiiv'.i! List niyht, but the inner ;ors t r . v i : d a robbery The only lo.-s v.-a i;i tlio to the safe. Joseph Wildiaud wife was at Omaha attending the ex position during the last two days and stopped over in I'lattsmouth List niyht on his way home to Cedar Creek. Gooriro Sheldon, tho Vermont capitalist, and Soabury L. Sears, of Ashland, and Mr. Z tar, of South Bend, arc here today for tho purpose of buying the Holbrooke farm. Wilt S. Smith, after a pleasant visit horo for a fjw days, departed this morning for his homo at Ong in Clay county. II is wife will remain a few days longer with her parents, Mr. and Mru. Arehio Ilolmos. Lawrence, a son of M. Ii. C. True, of Tecamneh, was murdered for hi3 money at Cincinnati tho first of the wflek, where ho was working as proof reader on the Commercial. District court, Judo Ramsey in forms us, will not open for business November 7 as advertised, but will convene on November 10th, as no one could transact any lejral business tho day, or day before election. The steel and iron trade is reported booming as tint ther indication of the realization of MeKinley times. The orders already in are for work that mont hs will be required to complete, and orders aro still rolling: iu. L. J. Hall has purchased the M. G. McQuin farm over east of Union. Mr. McQuin will move up near Sioux City in tho spring-, if lie is successful in purchasing the farm that ho has been expecting to secure. Nehawka Regis ter. Lieut. Al Doirington, late of com pany H, Second Nobra-ka volunteers, hailing from Chadron, has receivedta commission as first lieutenant in the Secoi d Uuited States volunteers dow stationeo i t Santiago, and will report at that point as soon as lie is ordered to the front. The Jou na1 oITil-c printed the posters for the Meikiej'ihn m.-eting to be held here Novcuib 'f 4. Just why a demo cratic rewsp 'p'- should do republican campaign worl may i.oi be clear to outsiders, atid it r fl. c s i o credit on the managers cf t he camp i." :, unless they li.ivv: b' en im;ce-i upoc. V. I. Walker-, of Cm ha, wno has a large cattle tneh on th.- Winnebago reservation, tw 1-. mias north of Bancroft, lost, l h rty-t wo lics.d of cattle in the stoi m of Monday and Tuesday. At the beginning of the storm the herd numbering pome GO head, was driven with the storm to the south until a creek was encountered, where by a jam thirty-two head were crowded into the stream nnd trodden under foot, Torminga bridge for the remander of the herd to cross on. Mr. Walker estimates his loss at upwards of 31,000. MONDAY. Burris was down from Omahi is attending probate Danl tiday. Phil Hueer court today. August Reins went to the exposition this morning. John Bauer of Eimwood precinct was in town today. Jim Holmes and J. C. Marten were exposition visitors today. V. II. Stout of the Saline county Independent made the News a pleas ant call this mornin-r. John Murray has sent bis son, Alva, t school down at Osborn, Kansas, where his grand parents reside. Mrs. W. II. Dearing after a pleasant Trisit here returned to Norfolk today. Mrs. Hasse accompanied her as far as O jaaha. The funeral of Miss Pitz, who died of diphtheria, occurred yesterday nnd lru largely attended. Such Utile precaution is taken that it's a wonder this malady has not been more preva lent than it is. W. II. Stout, editor of the Saline county Independent, nnd wifo Sun dayed with their brother-in-law George K. Staats. I'ennett Chriswoiser took another look at tho ex posi lion today. Ho may bring no mo of tho midway attraction home with him. Tho fusion managers aro said to have declarod a dividend last Satur evening, and business was lively iu certain quarter. Mohers. l'ollard. Hoot and Spurlock had a fine meeting at Cedar Creek Saturday ovening, a good crowd being out to hear them. Ton coaches would not have carried tho i'lattmnouth crowd which went to Omaha today to bid faiewc:! to tho beautiful exposition, Tom Whitehead, well known in this city, is reported to have married au Omaha girl and taken up a permanent residence in the metropolis. I Manahan has be n sued n thj fed eral court. It seems ho not only swal lowed '.ho pops, but war, caught in the act of swallowing tho Fi'.gorald estate. I). S. Guild chief of the R. & M. bupply department arrived home 3'c terday from 1'ittt.bu gh i'a. nnd other ca&tcm points where he had been i n company business. This is a Queer couutr. According to the Journal W. H. N wel. was t o clean and nioial a man t bo roelectett Mayor, hut be is I- bad a in;:?' 1. Sen .tor. 'i he Jotirn I is Iu I - l prunes. George l)ove d iv. a.! ter a i iric- .ii I Mi e e O'le. i. i o; mi i r-. . f.v.i w - It ii. i .1) ;j . disa'.f:-eoab!';. 1 he. Ii rst u r 1 before US. I: r: k- - e i; i-. apiiOarariCe a re propriotors u.v. lure. It vviil ! ( li'rlt hijcI Jul(ri uf i;i- tln. The following is a Hal of the clerks and judges of election, as appointed by the co inty judge, for Plattsmouth city and precinct: MUST W A It L. Judges Kd., Harvey Hollo wny, Baxter Smith, Fred Black, C. W. Sherman. Clerks Kernard Wurl, Wm. Solimi ltmann. II CON D WAIIU. Judge J. V. Johnson, Rob't Don nelly, J. N. Wise, Adam Kurt. R. Kinkead. Gierke J. C. Jtfansen, Y. L. Street. THIKD "WARD. Judges Chas. McKnteo, J. V. Kgou- bergcr, A. B. Todd, Geo. Hawkins, I'hil Sauter. Clerks John Moisinger, John I. Kobbitis. roL'KTI! WAhD. Judges Louis Dojo, V. C. Bonfer, I'eii v llanralian, Wm. I tail an ce, F. A. Bates. Cierks W. N. Uaird, Goo. Ii. Le'uiihofT. FIFTH WAKD. Judges J. T. Lloyd, James Iligley, S. I). Hill, Hurry Johnson, Frank Mai ler. Clerk I). T. Sampson, J. W. 1 Jar wick . 1'LA'I T.--.M U TII I'lJKClNCT. Ju i.' reo WehrSein, m. Gil- moui-, I! ti 'lo in.r C!ti:s T. Frank Wiies, Kn 'l II nek A CRITICAL TIME During the Battle of Santiago. SICK OR WIZLTv, A RUSH NIGHT AND DAY. Oui I tic Vol. ikTlie tield it. wl,i . f .rve.-t' i i I i x Co ! yi.'.-'i l ti ay "It on'y 1 ull t', I. - i O gH ' U'. t'l the ill'- ' ' i lid IK 'W I . t- p i-i y.! r. ,,.). f ; V. vol .-.! ' ' d i o i) j , t i r i o - with ctr i- I t c K n't : I I il a republican -.-man H ain- r " ins for re r v-.t.j. 'i'hat's oi(.t are A I the i hero i'.u M '. s- iii . iieir in . e Hide pen den I i n ties and asks .o odds of any pa. t . A. L. Timbiin who has buia up . onviaole reputation as a lawyer i i . this county has concluded to rumov f -ion who n III i l: Ii il s . n v c; n : is M'or.i v;.r '.lie 'j tJ-ey .State Tim I'luirn at tlo Uattle uf aanllag-o 1 Cubit witchII HrroM, Their Hvrola Kt fort Iu Octtliifc AniBiunltlon and Kutloim to the Front Vavrd the Day. P. K. Butler, of pack-train No. 3, writing from Santiago do Cuba, on July L'J, says: "Wo all had diarrhoea in more less violent form, and when we landed wo had no time tw see a doctor, for it wan a case of rush and rush night and day to keep tho troops supplied with amunition nnd rations, but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we were able to keep at work and keep our health; in fact, I sincerly believe that at one critical time this medicine was tbe indirect Bavior of our army, for if tho packers had been unable to work there would have been no way of getting supplies to the front. There were no roads that a wagon train could use. My comrade and myself Imd t he good fortune to lay in h sup- i ,y et trns medicine lor our pack-train b fore vo 'eft Tampa, and I know in four cases it absolutely saved life." The ahoy tetter was written to the manufacturers of this medicine, the Ci.ambcrluin Medicine Co., Des M.-i.iS, Iow-i. Fornalo by all druggists. Thai ! in (Mth tic Alerting. The f"s ist-i failed to get out much of crov (1 t heir meeting Saturday ii v jiiini, . th.u n Oeih nn, the Kear ii. v jo:cr, 10. . svi.i'h, th'- high-roller. I KNOW I I.OVK MY I.OVK. A IK "Mt'CtiliK ol the Wjtcris 1 As I walked through tlip, lici;oft 1 had teen. Hut now. without my love, I wun.lcrril unsn-ti. FoiKet-nic-noti for mo he lnol. I toiiM see. For 1 know that 1 love my love, ami I kmr.v he loves inc. As I walked through the ha'.is ol the j;rcat nnd the Kay, Fair belles all around me had sonu-thi:in to say: Hat I hedej theui nut. and in v luve'K Willi me. For I know that 1 love my !u, and I know lie loves ins. Wherever I travel, they all seoui to say: "ihe appears quite happy, contented ar I ihj." Hut they know not how happy with my lovci I L Fur I know that I lovo my love, and I know l. loves me. V are now happily joined, with the pioud mar ried crowd. And we Imp to remain so till the day of our shroud. I know I feel huppy, and he so with me. For I know that I love my love, and I know ho loves me. The A.ncm .i r. a noorj to iri a rj : : i aw .jLmJi CORE Card of l litinkx. Wo desire to express our h in cure thanks to tho neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our son and brother. Wo wish especially to thank the firemen and momb rs of tho C. M Society of tho Christian church who showed such thoughtful attention and care. CLAUrt IlOKTKI, AMI I'AMILY. A Ncv Discovery for Xz Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CUJ1ES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Dottlizs, CO Cents. imz F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 3!3 Berth Main Street, ST. LOUIS, KO. F. G. FRICKE &i CO. Miss Catharine t't .irtotio Cutsche and Theodore liu i Uob.-ris i re to ii" married at the lom if .hob.ido in this city Novem" I! in to Nebraska City in a few weeks and enter tho practice of law thero. We regret very much to loso Mr. Timbiin from this county, as ho is an Al citizen. Will., who almost died with typhoid fever is homo looking more like a ghost than his former self. The govern ment sent, a nurse all the way from tho hospital in Florida to looii after him. He will return to his company as soon as he is well enough . Judge llayward is making the clean est, clearest set of campaign speeches ever heard in this state. These who listened to him at Superior during the reunion know just what they are. Ilis campaigu is as clean as Crounse's term as governor was. Hardy Herald. Uncle Herman Hester is in town to day. Ho hns entirely recovered from his fright over the awful things that would happen when the gold standard was adopted. The McCreary bill since George Fred Williams was here, how ever, is causing him much worry, and he again sees the country on a tobag- gan slide headed toward perdition. If he will keep cool until after the election everything will pan out all right. Thorn pkins, the fledgeling lawyer who is running for float representative on the fusion ticket, seems to bo in hot water. He is reported to have written letters to several ministers in this county, telling them what a good tem perance man he wis, and the letters leaked out and he then had to go to the Nebraska City saloons and get a certificate that he w.'s r.ot a prohibi tionist. He only gets out cf one bole to 6tumble into a worse one, nr.d by election day he will find he is badly done up. If John Hart mumbles his words a little bit mysteriously this week ju-t accept it as a temporary imptdemenr. He will get over it. L ist Monday be was taking honey fr.m ibe hives, and having a sweet t'-oth he tio a bite of honey, but did'.'t nt'ce the little bee cu ud up in u. I di .'t. take him long, how. ve . to r iastic t ly aptri-ed f p the way Unco Jonn e.p 'lawed for that be-, win h business '?nd : t w . k iu i e e his mouth, out-rival- it t!i- g,;s a political barktr. K ni'.vood V.. 1). Jones' p-'ll baarer wagon hud a rr.t. ol xpenenee Sun lay that was now. at to that sort of vehicle Otto Met.ka, Joe Oshenbringer, Frank Burion with a woman and iivo child ren occupied the wagon, and the men being hilarious from too much beer, th-'y went down Main street yelling like Indians, and the team was going a 2:1) clip. The outlook for a serious siru'.shup wrs imminent, and Police man .vlurray got into a spring wagon with Young Mirspeaker, and away thev went aiter them, Uiey over hauled tbe lively crowd out near ISach'e store, and a battle royal en sued. Link Huffer came, along just in time to save the oflieers from getting hurt, and the men wore landed in jail after raucli d! tTbjulfj". Todny tlu.y ji;jpe--ired before Judge Archer, who assessed tho following linos, .toe Oshenhringer, $2.60; Otto Metki, 'J.-:0; FranK Burion, $1.00; all of which were either paid or secured. War on the lluils. From Saturday :s Daily. E. M. Barilctte, an Omaha attorney, with his Chicago client swooped down on Julius Pepoerherg yesterday and demanded that he turn over 400 worth of lithograped Bu i labels that he had purchased. They claimed that he had bought Ihem of a houo which had in fringed oa thoir copyright. Julius re fueu to be biuife.d and they then got out a writ f replevin, but the sheriff couid not find xKc- coveted property, and the Oiu.;h-.i -iwye.- returned home in company w lii his e ient, prom's: ng t ) renew the b-..tti r.ext week or get tho I i l Ii -gr i phi's. Mr. Pepperberg St-c jred i-.n at;o;-no- a-: l proposes to give, th"? ' f Jtr'ne.-a'' a 1 tho light they want an.' more too. nt- u- ve, and oraetl nd h d s What do the Children Drink? Don't g: ve t hem UaorcotFeu. Have you tried ih nt w fool d ink called CllAlN-oV It i- d lie;ous and m urish in j and t.i e- tne .' ; ee ' f c- if . he mo e (iriiin t ou tve tht- chilare-i the vi v iualth you dis ibute t ! u h lijir Mstem-. G ain-o is ir g a i.s, and hn rirop-.-!: -.i ast. - like t"e choice f i- if-.- but co-t- abou one- i ' u . Ai g oi-e s Si-il it. 'i'reasurer !'. e re were thedraw c;ids. .-5 tilh mr.d.j his usual - v Hp ect;, ai'.l reiterated his s oris about the Ebrighi proso o , which have boi n proven ab:0- V f"i-f. O '!ri".i is a U.lko;- from t.-ilkville an 1 .Iways has something to say. If M.-s-erve is no hotter oflicer than he is a M)eiike.-, he couldn't be elected con stable down in Hock Bluffs. The meeting was a flat affair. POCTOR Trescribe them becausa they never vary from one itandard of medicinal quality the highest and doctors are careful folks. You trust your family doctor of Course. Ak bint. WHISKIES la seto! bttle Jt UrugjiiU. vTar- J Hero ie one of thoao who &lT9 oithor so prej udiced against all ad vrtisod remodios, or hav becomo discour aged at tho failure of other medicines to help them, and who will succumb to tho grim doatroyer without knowing of tho won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troubles. F G. Fricke & Co. w m mm t r- TRADE SUPFL1ED EY RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA, NEB. ( CREAM VERraiFUGEB LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS lie win Vote. Sheriff's Sale. CAXTON, O.. Oct. 28. An affidavit I By virtue of an execution issueJ l;y George I or registration has been receive from Cass county Nebraska, and to me lii reeled. I wi President MeKinley by the city board " i1"bt" day N"vem'),'rr 'V V; at, V"u j j v "J I o'clock n. in. of nan! dav at the south door of tne Ol elections. I court house in the city ot I'lattsmoiitli, m saiu , . t . . . . . ., , I county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid Tho president swears It 19 impossible Jer tar cash, the following real eriate to-wit: 1 he northwest quarter (nw'-.l ) ot section nine teen ( 1 i township eleven (11) range nine (9i and the west half (wis) of the northeast quarter ine'.i ) of section nineteen ( 19 township eleven (111 raiijre nine (9) east of P. M. all 111 Uass county Nebraska, together witli tlie pmuefjes ami ap for him to bo iu Canton on any regis tration day. I.icfimc Notice. Notice is hereby given that I will apply at the next regular meeting of taken as the property of C. Anderson, defendant the board of county commissioners, in Durtenances tnereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and and for Cass county for a license to sell vinous malt and spirituous liquors in the village cf Cedar Creek, Cass county, Nebraska, for tbe period of one year. ANDKEAV ANDERSON. Dated this 18th day of October, 1898. to satisfy a judgment of said court recovered by iooeri ouiiiou, planum, aiiinsi shiu ucienoaiu Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Oct. St, A- I).. IKik. W. II. Wlll l.LKH, Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. O. S. Polk, att'y fur Robert Gullion. Sheriff's Sale. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know- that tho very best me icine for res- By virtue of an execution issued by George K Houseworth, clerk of district court, within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me directed will on the iltith day of November A. ll.lxW at one o clock p. 111. ot said day at the south d'ior of the court house in the city of IMattsniouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the highest bid der for cash, the following real estate to-wit: 'm. .1 . i ... .: . ling IDO lireu OUI nervous system to t. en (19 town eleven 11) range nine -it) and the a ViaaltVur i rrrwr. ia T71..;,. west halt (w',4) ot the northeast quarter (ne-i) ..X ..MO. east of j M a jn Cass COURty Ne. 1111S meuicine 13 purely vegetable, I uraska. together with the privileges and appur- "v-la "j e1" luud lijc uoi o i,cu- I pertaining. ihe same being levied upon and ters in the stomach, gently stimulates ake"a(5 the. PJ"Pr'y at c, Andersen defend.-. m ' I tn afi;fv a nirtr-mi'i-.f rif s.nil court rfrftvrnrl hv the Liver and Kidneys, and aids the36 I Nebraska Moline i'low Co. plaintiff against said aeienaant. organs in throwing off impurities in tbe blood. Electric Bitters aids di. gestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50c or SI. 00 per bottle at F. G. Fricke's drug store. 2 l'lattsmouth, Nebraska, Oct. iS, A. D.. lb!3. W. 1J. U HEEI.HR, Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska, C S. Polk, Att'y for Nebraska Moline Plow Co. Probate Notice. For Sale Cheap A set of double harness. Call at News office. Uurliugtou I tin Six blocks from exposition. In the County Court. Cass county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of A. Pankonin, deceased. All persons interested in said matter are hereby- notified that on the 2oth day of October, lf-9o. Herman rankomn, administrator ol saiu es tate, til-d a petition in said court, praying that his final administration account be settled and allowed and that he be discharged from his trust. If vou fail to appear before said court on the lttth of November A. D- lti'JH at one o'clock ir 1 u. in., iu (.uumi SdlU LrCtllllfll, IIIC tUUIl Hid V mwupj, 1 grant tne prayer 01 saia petition ana maice A. D. Touzalin, manager; E. 13. clerk. Rooms $1.00 per dav special other and further orders, allowances and decrees I as to mis court may seem proper, 10 me ena mac rates by week or month. Everything j all matters pertaing to this estate may be finally scmeu auu ucicnuiucu. Witness mv hand and the seal of said court at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, thi ., the 'l day of OCt. A. L). 1S98. OEOKGE M. SPURLOCK, SEAL County Judge fi-st class. Take Dodge Btreet car. from Union depot to 20th and Burdette troets. Write u3 for particulars. A Short Sad Story. A Cold. Neglect. Pneumonia. Grief. in d c e 1... i'Vill; our f v . I 1 1 I Legal Notice. In che District Court of Cass County Nebraska, Luella E. Polk. Plaintiff. rs. T.J. Tatroe, Maggie A.Tatroe and Al. .McUlintic, delendauts. The defendants T. J. Tatroe, Maggie A. Tatroe rr. A T.-I,. ' . IT J rr . I li n..ucues uouey sdu iar oeen and Al McClmtic wii ,ake u,Jticc lhat oll tht; 7l!l u.d, tui-i t-toy would have had a hap pier ending. F G. Fr eke & Co. u re 1 1 vi Wtlllanift-II j th. From Tuesday's Daily. I.N. Wiiliams of Sherman, Ilnri,.n county, Nebraska., was married to Mi-s Rose Hyers at hr home in this citv at nine o'clock this morning by Rev. J. T. Baird, and at9:4J the bride and groom departed for Kansas City, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Joy who stood up with them. The groom travels with Mr. Joy for a collection agency, and is highly spoken of -.? a man of ability and good habits. Mrs Williams will travel with her husband for a time when thov expect to settle in Colorado. The wedding was inform al, and only relatives and immediate friend were present. The New Telephone. The Plattsmouth company received a car load of poles today and will put a force of men to work at once erect ing 200 of them to carry their lines. In a few days the new company expects to be ready for business. Tho central olice has been fixed up and the cable put in to connect with the outside wires. Died of Diphtheria. Miss A'ma, the fifteen - year - old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gut Pitz, died last Saturday cf diphtheria. The funeral took p:ace from the fam ily residence, south of town, at three o'clock Sunday afternoon. 1 c -m "Uiiil" . ijjur. h vv i-k n i;Hie"' cigar, man uf e u u by J; iu - l'eppero--rg, o iug 10 . '. g to u'-out h-j label, will be -o.d u ti r "Ihe Uos." label until fm th- v tietiei. Ti e .toek is of the same h .-b g; ado t'nd-'T the new name, as it is the. genuit.e "Cuds," sold from another box. White Croam Vermifuge is perfect ly hariiie.-.-i and will remove every worm. Itisaisoa tooic, and by its strengthening properties will restore to p:ile cheeks the rosy hue of health. Price 2o eei.ts. F. G. Fi-b-ke. J. I. Unruh hus j :st made a pur chas i of lf:0 iron bedsteads with wo ven wire pprintr mattresses, mttresses and ;i!:owi which he will effer at the low price of $0 00 each. The entire outfit for tiie price hi-.s never before been offered at such a low price. A complete bed can be seen in his store window. All who are needing any thing in this line can save money by seeing these barca'ns before you buy. You may bridle the appetite, tut you ean"ot bribj the liver to do its work w.-!l. You mu.-t be honest with it, help it alon a little now and then with ad ise of llerhine, the best liver Tourist Pnmphletfl, De.-eriptive of Yellowrton National l 1 k ;.nd tlie summer resorts of Colo rs ti :nd containing, besides maps and illustrations, a great deal of informa tion of interest to eight-seers and day of July. lfeW-, Lueila E, I'oik. the plainiitf meet her petition in tne District tot:rt ot L.ass county, Nebraska, against T.J. 1 a;roc, Maggie A. Tatroe and Al. McClintic, first and real names unknown, the object and piau r ol w Inch are to forec ose a certain mortgage executed ir.y the de fendants. i.J. i atroe, Maggie A, Tatroe to Ed win Jeary, and by him assigned to the plaintiii upon lots tweniy-one ili and twenty-two village of .reeuwiiod. Cass county. . braska, to secure the Davnient of two proiniss-ir notes lor fio.OU and $(6.-J5. dated Uecerr.ber 1 t. ls;i:j. and due January 1st lMo. and ttpieinber 1st Ihyo: that there is now due and t.npaiu on said notes Prepared nft) . I In Cjr.RfiUlf. l!-t In Qunlltf. s?j ail mm Hens&cs. aujuws X3 It UOCIM'X'ia. JAMES F. BALLARD, St. Loule.J F. G. FRICKE & CO. THE does IT JL .. THE LEADERS .. PI IHLUilUULIU UMWId R ------ AKE - - WBOKBACH & CO. "TH carry the birge.-t and most complete lino in Ca.!j county. I'very 4 tiling fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their cu-ito r.ors the fid-.-antage of special discounts. A complete line t i ca.inod goods d ways in sloe!:. The only p!ac2 in the city where you can jft nl! kinds of 'i-sh Oheesc. CJa.ll and see us. m V 4 H & Waterman Blk. TOU-istS. C:in be had by addressing J. I and mortgage the ;uni of j-71 z p.nd intei est from :.- j 1 13 . . I the first day of JJecemDer. 1XJ,. at the rare ol i'urlington Koute, Omaha, Neb. Never Say Die. desperate ca-es of kidney disr,-5Ee3 pronounced incurable have been ured by Foley's Kidney Cure. Many physicians use "it. F. G, Fricke & (.'0. 1 ,it;en0er Aeni, I ejght per cent per annum. I r which sum and in terest tne piaintm prays lor a uecree ot loreclos ure and sale of sail premises. Vou are reo ui red to answer said petition on or before the l-ltii day of November, l-i.-i. Dated this 4th uay of October IS . I.l klla E. Polk. By C. S. Polk, i:er attorney. Sheriff's Sale. The advertising columns of the News show who the live merchants By virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. F. Houseworth, cleric of the district court, vvuhin and for Cass county, Nebraska, and t j me di rected, I will on the Llh day of November, A. I). 189N, at 11 o'clock a. m. of said day at the south door of the court house ia the city of Plattsmouth are anrl where to crn tn o-ot Viaro-nina m saia county, sen at puDiic auction, to tne are. ana wnere to SO to get Dargains highest bidder for cash, the following real estate in everything needed for the f.tmilv. It to-w-t: ... , Ihe west half ( 4) of the northwest quarter vwii pu jou in n.-au mem anu trauo (141 of section twenty-six 1U and the eat nt homo 1 na" 01 lne "ortneasr quarter c.ii 01 section Foh Kent Fruit firm acres; apples, grape This Space Belongs to the Firm of Jewelers and Opticians, Boeck Block. r. ... -r- . . vj''..JTii.' The S;iznwn- W::.uams C of eight twenty-seven - lan m townsnip twelve (J.; range nine (U.i east o! o f. .M. in Lass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances raspberries, I thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. b.,,. . 1 lie adiue ucmtj icvieu upuu diiu uncu as n.e ackberries, etc. Also Other tracts property of Thomas Reece et al defendants to saiisiy a juagement 01 sa:a court recoverea d Lydia C. Sterling, plaintiff against said defend ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Sept. 30, A. D.. 18&8. Wm. I). Wheeler, Sheriff, Cass county, Nebraska. C. S. Polk, attorney for plaintiif. R. B. Windham. of land near town Dr. Sawyer's Arnica and Witch Hazel Salve naturally stands in such esteem with the public in the curiDg of skin dUeases, eczema, piles, burns. scales, cuts or flesh wounds, that argu ment 10 prove lcs wortn seems quite unnecessary. A. W. At wood. Legal Notice. H. M.Bricker. first and real name unknown and Francis C. Faulkner assignee of the Con necticut River Savings Bank will take notice that the plaintiff, p'rancis N. Gib-on, has begun an action ia the District court of Cass county. Nebraska, entitled, rrancis N. Gibson vs. lacob ! Hursh et al. defendants, in which th. iove ' named parties are made defendants and tht the Coal! Coal! Hard coal delivered to any part of the city for 87.50 per tOT, and the un- I object of prayor in said petition, is to foreclose a . j ir j . , , . . , , 1 mortgage on tne west iiai 01 tne nortnv.t rivaled Mendota coal de.ivered lor wnfrtmnin t,mn iu i.,if regulator. friCe 00 eerils. t . C I i4.25 per ton JOHV WaTZPMa lp. m- aid mortgng-e having been given by Fricke, i m J-''i-- v-v5v ft I To. low r.', bnt liihest gra rv- ::trt i ' -; s-v tr.e' PAINT for Hciues, Barns Ficon, Furoltsri, Calk Tubs, Baggies, Farra Tcsl:, Etc. A fecial paint for each pur pose, net on; slap-dash mix ture for T'i V .. " 11') :.r i'.v fair, honer : !-:;iow Vcu'U F. G. FRICKE & CO. Wood wanted on subscription at the Nkws cttco. ilyi-ters! Ojgterh! By the the can, or served in any ber. i?9s style at biappacasga's. said Jacob Hursh to lier.jimu A. Gibson aii'l for general reue; and vou ate requ:re 1 to answer said petition on or before the 7th day ol Novem- 1-rancis N. Gibson, Flaintirf. E. H. Wooley, Attorney. mm Jl. kN. UwU6 U UCUjU 13 I en by the : ' 'ii wii i r iar i f riiiir iTnr.i Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. Tha purest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cents ir box. Sample sent free on mentioo of this publication. i TU WIUTBHALL ILvIKlutNil CO . South Bond, I4ia 1 mi