Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 01, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly fiews-Hcrald
. . . HY TIIR . . .
' !
m. d. roLK., editor..
One Year, in advan:i, . . . .
Six Months
One Wuek,
Jbinle Copiei
One Year, in ndrance, . . .
dix Months
Of any Case County Paper.
For Governor,
For L.ieut .-Governor.
For Secretary ol State,
For Auditor,
For Treasurer.
ForJState Superintendent,
For Attorney General.
For Com. Public Lands and Uuildiiitf
For Congressman, First district
For Senator
For Representatives
For Float Representative
For County Attorney
For Commissioner, Third district
Patterson makes
labor pny inter-
Has Newell
furnished la';or any
NEWELL gives labor employment
that it may bo able to pay Patterson
IN tho language of the immortal
Gladstone, time is on our side. You
cannot firht against tho future. Vote
down the butterino fusionists. Ex.
What has become of our old friends
HelloYeiser and D. Clem Deaver they
are greatly missed in political circles.
Fusion will not fuse without the
warm presence of the two statesmen.
The original apotted cow called
speck, made famous by Lfolcomb when
ho was a chattel mortgage shark,
should bo hunted up and purchased
for Poyntor as a consolation prize after
the election.
The republican ticket in this county
is certain of a triumphant electiou
November 8. It has everything to
recommend it, cleai men representing
principles that have been testod and
found correct and of material benefit
to every good citizen.
Jesse Root is making friends
wherever he goes. If every voter
knew how able and conscientious a
lawyer ho really is, his majority in
the county would be over 2,000. He is
the leader among the younger men at
the bar in this county, and if the peo
ple want a strong, fearless prosecutor
they will vote for Mr. Root.
Wheat has been behaving badly for
some time. With no famine abroad,
it has been gradually increasing in
price right on the eve of olection. The
fusion farmers have about concluded
not to raise anymore of the hated stuff
since it got a divorce from silver and
made them so much trouble. Wheat
ia certainly no friend of the fusion
The crime of '73 has been ecliosed
by the McCreary banking bill accord
ing to the popocrats, ana drouths, cy
clones and grasshoppers are dwarfed
into insignificance in comparison
with this lately discovered monster of
iniquity. Mr. Williams of "Bosting,
the discoverer, is still at large, and
may find something else before tne
campaign closes if he remains in N
Mb. Dittmar, the candidate for
float representative for Cass aud Otoe
counties, is a business man in Nebraska
C.ty where he stands high as a man of
business integrity and good judgment
He possesses all the qualification
necessary to make a good representa
tive. Don't fail to place an X after
Mrj Dittmar's name. By so doing you
will have voted for a good capable
man. Weeeping Water Republican.
EVEUY vote in favor of the fusion
ticket is a vote against McKinley and
the administration, which has re
stored confidence and set the wheels
of industry running. If the people
appreciate bettered conditions and
want them continued they will vote
for the republican candidates, if they
don't want good times of course they
can vote for silver agitation and
financial uncertainty by supporting
the fusionists.
Who howled prize lightr Who was
time keeper in the Ilobbins-Liinsey
nrite flight? Who was it that loaned
his namo to guarantoo the receipts
and who struck J. M. Patterson, is the
question that aeem to be agitating the
local democracy these balmy days?
The prize fight 6cheme is like a good
many others things that are fooled
with. It was not supposed to be
loaded but
cins boys.
it was. Take your
The f itinera in llio Missouri valley
when tljcy borrowed money, between
tho yours 1H"1 and H72, on a farm
mortao, paid invarianly an much ns
12 to IS per cent interest and some-
'5:ii'-H hh much in 40 per cent or
ium. Hut in this isar.o of the Con
i. va'-e money to loan at f pi.-r cent per
m ii it m on farm mortaes is adver
lOjtwod Md anxious to ho employed.
fiiHow ibo "apprcei itinp" dollar, the
ins.-'.tiHte "to13 btandard" and "plut
1 CO J toe racy "r do crush, pulverize and
60 l annihilate th "plain jjeople!" In the
W 40 p-.r unt and in the We 12 to
IS pr cent and in the 70's 10 to YA per
uent Hud in lb'jS 6 per cent for monty
loaned on Nebraska farms! The Con
servative. The. Journal makes a labored effort
to smirch Judj; Itewell in the Dorgan
stone contract deal because it appears
that Dorgan paid loo much for some
of tho atone ho purchased. The facts
lira that ho refused to accept anything
but a certain l. dge of uniform thick
ness which was covered by over 15
leet of othor stone and earth, and
Newell & Atwood did not get even a
fair price for the stone. Their trans
action was fair and honorable in every
way, and a partisan board of investi
gation failed to convict them of a sin
gle indication of dishonesty. If Newell
was not honest with his dealings with
the state, he hhs been with erery
ona e'ie, then the pop officials who
ware investigating were less honora
ble in failing to prosecute. It is all a
dirty attempt, fathered by .lohn Da-
vies and his side partner, in an effort
to defeat the republican ticket, but
tiiev will lack a "rood manv votes of
Till", fusionits are happy, for they
have found a new lme It is an un-
suntf song, an tincn-'C'ed enactment,
nnh;tehed chicle, an unborn child
of tho republican par'y. and they
brandishing their tongues at a won
dei ful rate and a o trying to sc;ue
the voters in to conniption tits. J hev
have hung out danger signals, they
are shouting through megaphones,
they are beating their tomtoms and
sounding their hewgags. Something
awful is about to be doee and the waj
to prevent it is to elect a democratic
congress. The roar which the "for
lorn hope" is making about this bill
will turn out liko the bov who cried
"wolf" so often whon there were no
wolves that no one heeded his cries.
Democratic mare s nests are too com-
mon, and the intelligent voter will
not be scared by prophesies from
prophets who have proven false so
oftea. Ex.
WniLE we thought the silver ls.ue
ou?ht to be dead, vet we raver be
lieved it was really defunct until re
cently. The popocrats have concluded
to add it to their extensive cemetery
of de A issues and buried hopes, and
from this time on the McCleary bank
ing bill is to bo held up as the hide
ous nicrhtmaro that would ruin the
countrv. The fusionists are in hard
pnes to find somothing really worth
ickiujr about, but every cross roads
yelpar has received instructions, and
s out gunning for the banking bill,
which is no more a republican meas
ure than it is democratic, as not a sin
gle convention has endorsed it.
All commercial authorities point to
a much greater demand in Europe for
American food products. Nearly all
Europe wants our wheat, when a very
slight prospect for war was present.
England became almost spasmotic in
her effort to ensure her food supply. It
is not enough that we have the wheat.
we should be in a position that we
would ba enabled to carrv that wheat
across the mill pond, as our silver
tongued orator would say, without the
aid or consent of any nation on earth
We, as a nation, are large enough to
have a merchant marine adequate to
carry the commerce which we do with
all oountries.
JUDGE INEWELu never uttered a
word against labor while he was may
or, ana the talK 01 that sort irom the
Journal, which says it can prove it by
the records, is absolutely fl?e. Trot
out your records you know you havn't
anv. The rept eentati vo of this pa-
i er attended every council meeting
during Mayor Newull's teini, and nev
er heaiaa word Irom him that whs
uufrietidly to the laboring man. In
tact X'lr. jNi-weil is a laooring man
himself He is not a banker or coupon
clipper, and htis no interests in com
mon with (to use a pop phrase) the
man who grind down the poor.
Epoar Howard has been grossly
imposed upon by being too confiding,
He accepted the statement a3 true,
made by the fusion, state officers, that
no butterine had been purchased for
state institutions sinoe they oume into
oltlce. Vouchers on file in the audi
tor's office show they liad to the extent
of many tons when they said that, be
sides misleading Edgar Howard, chair'
man of the democratic state conven
tion and editor of the Papillion Times.
Whither are we drifting? Fremont
Billy Bryan used to have much to
sav about God hating a coward, but
when he was invited two week ago to
appear before the war investigation
commission he flunked and refused to
give uv tettimony. This would have
thrown the World-Herald into a spasm
if a republican officer of prominence
had declined to tell what he knew,
tho man would have been branded
as tho biggest coward of the age.
With Bryan its d fferent, you know.
'It is never too late to mend," says
OaM nrarh Tt ia a" cnod lirovfirh
in its place, but we don't want con
yrens to cling too blindly to it and do
!;iy any longe tho niictmei.t of such
laws as will restore American shipping
to its oid pluej. It may nevr bo too
ate to do it, but it isquite late enough
now to begin. Only a traction of our
ocean c;irryinir trade is done in
A met lean VfH.-nlH, and every ye;ir will
sou t hat fraction approach nearer to
the zero point unless something is
done to prevent. The eouotry looks
to congrfces to do that something and
to do it soon. American Econotnent.
Tuk prize fiyht has stirred up the
animals. It now appears that soma
one else b;.d a bund in the prize light
at which Fletcher Ilobbins was killed.
The fusion caudidata for state senator
iigured rather conspicuously in tho
matter, and the deputy slate treasurer
was time keopor. Frank J. Moreran
went to John ltobbin and begged him
to help get the matter settled, saying
thtt no one was responsible for the
articlo which appeared regarding the
prize tight and that they (tho demo
crats) had enough of it and wanted it
ehut off.
Does 1 'a iter bom ever
give anyone
work except a son?
The fact remains that if we sro to
find and retain foreign markets after
thy have been found, a restoration of
our merchant marine is ol paramount
importance. "Coir.mercia 1 13 u lie tin.'-
It requiied .i pani;:, a;d the lots of
millions of tiol. ai s in property as the
result of that p:ii'i.-, to o'jU 'i'.lo the
country agaitir-t 1' n-,'3- i r;iU-i!ii, but
tho ics:-oii has tu-n thoroughly
lo irned. IJ ppilv, the sene of
tlie people lias boitied the silver
qu--!-Uijii bcioio it ceuiu plunge the
country m o . i.oinr ; aitic. Anland!
A u:t national cx i'f,.v:i-r is an-,
nroa.uuinr lm- ennui y. ls v;o anu
nit pint ii' ..liili.n tci.l il.- i.i.rt n t H I
JIJlSViJ i-i'tl4UlriI JIV li 1 II 'Oil lilt,
success of the liepubiicaii partv, and
that success ui'p-mits upon iis success
in every stte. The iesues of the state
campaign have horizons as board as
the national issues. Republicanism
in its broadest sense is i ri iat-uo. San
Franscisco ' Call."
At the present rate of progress it is
not unlikely that tho time is near at
hand when, the United States will sup
ply tne mai Kets 01 toe worm wun tin
plate of such excellence and at so low
a price that other conntries cannot
successfully compete with us. And
vet it is only eight years ago that
Democratic orators were saying that
it was impos-abla to manufacture tin
plate successfully in this country, be
cause we had no tin. E.v.
To-day we have a Tariff more than a
year old. isusiness men know whut it
means, Whether a man prefers high
or low duties, he is aware what the
duties are.
The trade of the country
in its regular channels.
is flowing
Nobody is wailing to kuow how the
Tariff will be adjusted or growling
over new schedules of doubiul moan
ing. No leading industry is paralyzed
by uncertainty. It appears to us that
a general review of the Tariff history
of the last thirty ye;;rs will show that
the present law is more generally
approved than the war Thrill or the
Tariff of 1883. Surely the present
campaign is very different from that
of 1890 or 1S84. Camden "Telegram."
George Tred Williams, a sort of
masculine goose from Massachusetts,
came to Nebraska to help along the
fusion cause, and has succeeded in
makinsr it and himself ridiculous.
Even the pops are humiliated by the
silly remarks he made at Lincoln, and
the republicans are smiling largely.
Beatrice Express.
This office would iiko to have a few
of the democratic enmpaign banners
of '96. They would form good obieot
leesons for some people who neglect
to reason or think intelligently.
A few dmoc ;stic banners carried
in iho the cam) ai;;n 1 1 l:ft.i taken on
subscription ;tt tills oliice.
A vote foi- tho populist; ticket is a
vote in lavor of Led tug the wards of
the stat : A mom 's pork g ea-e in
stead of prime Nebraska butter. C -zad
Bixby, of the State Journal, is un
doubtedly the me;itest man in the
United Slates. His way of telling pop
secret.- and harrowing up the feelings
of the s ta to house ring is little shor t
of brutal.
lie should he impeached or
counted out.
Mannahan spoke at South Bend
recently but his reput ition for rapac
ity preceded him. ot a pop was out
to hear him except Uncle W. D. Hill
who was too big to be swallowed. The
audience was chiefly republican, but
no converts were made by his cheap
Notice of feettK-iBeiit
All parties indebted to the firm of
W. W. Coatee & Co. are requested to
call and settle with their successors,
tho Ebbinger Hardware Company.
A new back for an oid one by u-ong
Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine for kidney ail
ments. A. W. Atwood
Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. Tho genuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
Thirty-four soring Bho its for sale
I Ennuire Ol JUTS. LaJZaDeia troouwin
- 1 west of Plat tsmeuth.
1 N
ew Hardware Store
Having returned to Plattsmouth, I will be rlad
to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones,
aud show tbeua a select liue of Staves, Hardware,
Tinware and anything- usually carried in a first-class
hardware store.
Be sure aud call, as I have some prices that will
interest you.
Rockwood Block, PLATTSMOUTH
Continue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Cnrner of Sixth and Pear! Streets. - - - Pialtsmouth. Neb
1 Org TIiinQ and Anoilisr 1
Continued suece-s can crae alone
from merit. Dr. Sawyer's Wi.d
Cherry and Tar is steadily increasir g
I in sues because it is tho o-st coutrn
remedy on tho market. A. W
Take the Missouri Pacifie trains if
you wir-h to go to t he exposition, as
they have the only depot on the
grounds. You can save street car fare
and avoid the crowded thoroughfares.
As an external liniment of most won
derful penetrative :uid curative power
Ballard's Snow Lineament is not
equalled by any other in tho world.
Price 2-5 and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke.
There's no better flour made than
IToisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at tho name time,
which builds up the town.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment re
lieves the intense itching. It soothes,
heals and cures chronic cases where
surgeons fail. It is no experiment;
its sales increase . through its cures.
Every bottle guaranteed. Price 50
eents in bottles, tubes 75 cents. F. G.
Free Homes in Western FlorPl.
There are about 1,000,000 acres of
government land in Northwest Flor
ida subject to homestead entry, and
about half as much again of railroad
lands for sale at very low rates. These
lands are on or near the line of the
Louisville & Nashville railroad, and
Mr. R. J. Wemyss, General Land
Crmmissioner, Pensecola, will be glad
to write you all about them. If you
wish to go down and and look at them
the Louisville & Nashville railroad
provides the way and tho opportunity
on tho first and third Tuesday of each
month, with excursions at only $2 over
one fair, for round trip tickets. Write
Mr. C. P. Atmore, General Passenger
Agent, Louisville, Ky., for partic
ulars. It May Sve Your Life.
A dose or two of Foley's Honey and
Tar will prevent an attack of pneu
monia, grip or severe cold if taken in
time. Cures coughs, colds, croups,
L iGrippe, hoarseness, difficult breath
ing, whooping cough, incipient con
sumption, asthma or bronchitis. Gives
positive relief in advanced stages of
consumption, asthma or bronchitis.
Guaranteed. F. G. Fricke & Co.
They Are at It Now.
The City Steam Laundry is now in
running order, having been eewly re
fitted and repaired, is now in shape to
do the best of work, and every atten
tion will be given to all work given
them. Mr. Frank MUchke, the su
perintendent, is an experienced laun
dryman and willl give the business his
undivided attention.
It Hits the Spot.
When suffering from a severe cold
and your throat and lungs feel
sore, take a dose of Foley's Hon
ey and Tar, whenthesore
ness will be at or-ce relieved,
a warm grate- ful feeling and
healing of the parts affected
will be experienced and you will say:
"It feels so good, it hits the spot."
It is guaranteed. Fricke & Co.
The new millinery store in the
Union block, under Miss Tucker's
management, is up to date. Don't
fail to call.
Tho Pearl Steam Laundry is cen
trally located, and, while we have not
imported any experts from the Philip
pines, yet we will warrant all work
first class. Give the Pearl, under the
new inaungement, a trial and you will
be pleased with the result.
Geo. K. Staats, Manager.
The News office is the beat equipped
job office in Cass county. First class
work done on short notice.
A diseased liver declares Itself br
moroseness, m?ntal depression, lack
of energy, restlessness, melancholy
and constipation. Herbine will re
store the liver to a healthy condition.
Price il cents. F. G. Fricke.
Tim lrnlett Keni' dy
Mr. it. B. Greevo, merchant, of
Chilhowie, Va., certifies that he had
cr-.nsum ptior;, wus given up to die,
sought all medicinal treatment that
money could procure, tried all cough
re medics he could hear of, but got no
relief; spent many nights sitting up
in a chair; was induced to try Dr.
I King's New Discovery, and was cured
by use of two bottles. For past three
years has been attending to business,
aud says Dr. King's New Discovery is
the greatest remedy ever made, as it
has done so much for him and also for
others in his community. Dr. Kings's
New Discovery is guaranteed for
Coughs, Colds and Consumption. It
don't fail. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Fricko's drug store. 2
To Subxrribet-H.
We are carrying over a thousand
accounts on our books, many of them
email but in the aggregate it amounts
to a neat sum which would help us out
if paid in. If you can't pay all you
owe send us a dollar and we will send
receipt by return mail with a card of
thanks thrown in.
lltlivf lit S.x liourc..
Pistreseing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved ia six hours by '"THE
Great Sovtu American Kidne
Cure." It is a jjreat eurp: u-e on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in blaaicr, kidneys and
back, in male or- female. Relieves
retention almoet immediately, if you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Gering & Co.. Drug
gist, Plattf mouth. Neb.
K25 per week. Either sex,
You can make
K25 per week. Either sex. I'll start vou
in the Mall Order Business, day or evening'. No
Peddling. M. Young, 363 Henry iSt. . Brooklyn,
N. Y.
- " ; .- r -nv- t
Clixai and hr&utilicj the hair, t
troinom hiSu;inl growth. I
STertT TxOo to Bestcr-v Gryf
jSa-.r to i' Toothrol Color. I
Cera -p hir tadiag. I
to housekeepers
Extract of Beef
telling how to prepare many deli
cate and delicious dishes.
AdSVss. Liebiff C., T. 9. Bs 2718, New Yerk
Go to the Drug Store of
(Successor to Smith & Parme'.c)
for Puro Drugs, Patent Medicines,
Stationery and Cigars,
Paints, Oils, Varnish.;-.-, Dyes,
Paint, Hair and To"ti Brushes,
Toilet Articles, Peifuraery, Soaps,
Sponges, and ail Varieties of
Druggists' Sundries.
Window Glass and Wall l-'aper,
Humphrey's, Lutie's aud Munion's
Homoeopathic Keme.Jies,
Pure California Wines and Liquors
for Medicinal uses.
In fact, everything '.iur.i'.v kept for
Sale in first-elas? Drug Stores.
Carefully Compounded.
South Si.le Main Street,
FiuiUsmoiitb, Neb.
Reading Rooms and Dispensary,
Drew lSuildiog, PlaUsmoulli, eb.
Open IroirJlO a. ra. to 5 p. m. andj to 9 p.
Missouri Coal, (ieunme Canon City Coal
Li?aTo orderj at F. S. White's Store.
dler Ihm
..and Stoves..
The three floors of his old Stor.-j Room
are packed U:W. rn;' is New Huil;' 'n . near
by is also full 10 ov r iovjng. Th beauty
about Pearlman's '. "hat
r 5TT y f 1
His Gold Coin Stoves can't b surpassed,
His Steel Ranges and Gasoline Stovos
rank higher than any ether.
His stock of Furniture is Lagar than car
ried by any two other dealers in the county
Every taste can be suited and when it
comes to Low Prices,
Pearlman is King.
He won't be undersold and only asks you
to call and see his goods for proof of what he
Store room on Lower Main street, nearly
opposite the Court House.
Is our constant aiin, and with that idea in view we have
laid in a nice, well selected line of Dry Goods suitable for
Ftill Wear.
Special Low Prices on Blankets.
Our Grocery Department
Is complete in every detail, vrith the best the wholesale
market affords, and trices are LOWICR than ever.
Prompt Deli v
'v to
Is what you a!! muy depend u -;u.! i at
H-i. 13. 2 -L,Ccr if! x ' 1:3 fei:.. v ' i- 1L '
Opposite the Court House. Plattsr-ioul , X- hrn
u OO
Stove for Early Autumn,
As well as winter, Weather. It's Cheap and does
the work. A full line of all kinds of Stoves and
Tin Work and Hoofing a Specialty.
Our Low Prices have built up a rood trade, which
we will maintain by continuing- the same. Remember
the place ....
..Practical Tinsmiths..
South Sixth Strest, - - Plattsmouth, Nobv
n Ever
1J LJr 'L
V i
Treatment and