Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 25, 1898, Image 3

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Hod. L. v iiifnton in expected homo
from South America next rnuiilh.
Air. (;'i)i(,M' ). i vii ii r cl littlo -.'iris
am hi'ro mi it visit from Ivtutcrn lowu.
Mtttin Flaiisbor-r and others hold
lot 11 mid VI, block 14!, city, to Chus
u in in i rt yrhliiiiliiy for
Mrs Invid Miliar leturod home
thU Mm: ni'i Hfti-r iin extruded
with I'tdtitivKH in Now Voi k.
Col. L. J. M.ivtl.itd of tl.; Louisville
Courier was in the city today ind
made th News h p ouwutit cull.
S. A. Il-irkerwiis in town tod'ty
from S.'waid roiiniy. Ho think of
c mil);,' b ick to old (Jos-i n' ni-xt
Fred Ost witos nil tho w.iy fr in
Stockton, California, lo havo the
N'i:VK continue- n- a edlcr at his
'1 tin I'olilii'Kl -iimiiai;rn is wnrmiti"r
U and pr-' tn Im hot I'hOUL'ti to
Hiiil iho in- i-t fa- idiou-. I y tin las. of
next wool:.
.Jaroo Lemon, otic of H i- hj ct'i ti t-i I
rt'Hidto.'s of Sal t ( 'ro-'k prrri t.ct, was
in U-e cit lo.hiy and i u . . the Nkws
a pleasant tv 11-
Tho bo 8 M.iy ll'-'- 'o -l b:irh is
very much o-.po-id to an n.- b i .
burioii fao' d w. II - th una n mil
barouri, iisi: him a.d sire li t In- siv.
Th daughter of Queen Lit i- jo nj
to mu ry a II oido l-iaml e b. 're
name of Ailmiix. The amhili iiso ihe
fraternity nro r-o-uut h i n jr innei ur
uhle. Mrs. 1. Crabilt of I. llarpo. Ill ,
aunt of J. . Ci abi 1 1, i n c. m pan v vv .lh
Mr-. Kmtit.i Hi ad, aro vihitiijj with
the ( r.ibi.l family ami seeing sights
at the ox pisilii n .
Mrs. John ('rat. ill, of Li liaryu, 111.,
and Mrs. Anna II'-ad, of Se'ota, III.,
and Mrs. KI izab.-t h Crowuer, of
Wichita, Kns., nro v i i l i 1 1 if fi lends in
(Jh'iivvo kI this morning.
IV ter IV.-ry, after a years, resid-m.'.:
in Lincoln, has concluded to coin';
back to the farm aain and live in
Cass county. We thought lie couldn't
stay very Ion; vvh.'fi he moved away
At the special meetistr of tho li'e
department last niyht a few of the
members volunteered to g( and sit up
with Jake lietd and caro for him.
He is in tho last siae of consumption
iind is very weak.
Frank Edson brought in a bunch of
horses, which were sold at auction to
day up near tho corner of Seventh
and Main. They certainly sold cheap
enough, though purchaser and owner
both seenivd satisfied.
Judg-o Archer tried a c so today
agaiDst Ilewett & Holly of the shops,
whore North Dako'u parties sought to
recover on some notes, the defense
being failure of considei ation. The
matter will come up for argtnrcnt on
Mrs. J. V. Kgenoorger jr. writes
from Salt Lake City this we-k renew
ing sub -cription to the News, and a
sube-iiier in New York City pot forms
a similar act, which goes to show that
abroad as well as nearer home the
Semi-Wkkki.y is a household neces
sity. Cards are out announcing tho mar
riage of Miss Susie Shryock of Louis
ville to Mr. Fiddock, the B. & M.
agent at Eiyria. Tiie wedding occurs
Wednesday, October i. Miss Shry
ock was a former Piatt smoutb girl
and has a large circle of friends who
offer C" gratulations ir. advance.
Suvent- en hearty looking colored
men passed though on th" IJ. & M.
from Lt-x n-;ton, Ki-ntucky. las! even
ing bound for Denver wiie e they go
to enlist in tt.e regul ir army. If they
areas good liglite s as tne ciored
Clival ' y gime"i th--i friends will
have DCvVision to no ;:iou 1 of i' em.
The mar i g- of Mis- Tor y to
Frank Coiey St nr of Nt-w.-ji k, N. J.,
took p ace ;it .lu 'ge S'r wnV tpsi-
denoe, in Om ha, on th- lit b inst.,
and :s said to h..e b en a ly wed
ding. The pa lors were exquisitlv
decorated by Jj. A. Mni re i f tiiis city,
who is an arti-t in that line, and an
iegir:t tvp-frt was served aft-.-r the
ceremony. Those in attendance from
this city were Mrs. T. 1'. Livingston,
Miss I lia Clark. Mis. George Dovey
and Mr. L. A. Moore.
John Sutton and Geo. Shrader of
Hock Bluffs are doing business in the
city today.
George Steele and m. Lought ege
of Murray a; e in town doing busness
with our merchants.
E. W. I!i ark went down to Lee All
ison's this afternoon, where he ex
pects to pack 3(!0 barrels of apples for
Mr. Wm. Sutton of Koek B uffs we
are sorry t ) learn has ben confined
to his bed fo- some time vith
Bright s disease.
E. A. Oliver wiii open up a meat
market in the building form'.ev oc
cupied by the Tucker bisters uoout the
first of the m nth.
Porter Marks departed f.r Mem
phis, Nebraska, on the Schuyler to
day where he going to farm next sum
mer. He is putiiug in 2o acres of fall
S. L. Willis and wife of Kaw'.ins,
Wyoming, and brother-in-law of Mrs.
Goodwin, who h:is been visiting with
their sister, and seeing tho exposition
went home today.
Fred Gorder is in town today with a
loal of rails fixing his fences. Fred is
a good boy but he will have to build
a high fence to keep Earnest Pollard
and Trim Young from vulting it.
George W. Vallery and wife of Den
ver, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Newkirk of the same city, cams io ;
ynHterday for a brief visit with tho
former'n patents anil other relative-.
Kay Waterman, who n-ed to buy
grain hero, is now traveling for the
Economy (ins Lamp Co of Km-as
City, i In town shaking hands with
his many friendn. Hay is making the
gas lamp a win nor.
Mrs. S. F. lluleiiifcuri who ban been
here for tho past two weeks gelling
tho George Huchel estate in t-hap to
file and rcord, and for a final settle
ment for her brother, Fn d Huchel.
Having finished her work uho leaves
today for her bonus in Holdridgo, little
Sam Stewaid accompanying her.
'loiiiy' Market.
Chicago, October 1. Tho war
news have b'-en a bull influence on the
grain market for some time, and that
in conjunction with other factors lias
sent wheat soaring hgain. Wheat,
which koiiio few weeks ag sold as low
as bOi for December delivery was "Oi
(ti 708 at tho close of too ay 8 session of
tho board. Corn In. a kept pace as
well, and oats has maiie some surpris
ing ad van ces. AUcio-iiiL' Very strong.
Th- May option in co n 'si g at : 1a,
and tho saui" in oats at
Toe ligi:t receipts of wheat, th-
small p.-r-e it ige which gr ib d, th
wel weather I tho N rthwe-t P be
ing report- d mat M " i n1' had s.i -
fer da I., s . f lie, (0 (Mil bus tiy
rot ing, ' i 0 tie- IlUe lhoi-u o a war
beiueen Eng ni aid Franc' t.a
in id. wle ;t a Very d - -i b e cemae .l
ity. 1) in-- i u i or '-as ,t a so fat
tie- ii is b s i a co a i i . t i o Ne
York capita-Nl- wh have I re
long sid-5 'f Ihe Wiiea hi iri t i I i
hav ing L-.ter tn.-im-er in - ii A
few put c ed nee in Ihe r io-- . I'll
ot tiers do not. Si.oul.: U O
case wo IliaV I'X rt (i S e Co . r
wheat in the near fm.uie j
Tlif ii hikI N'.iw.
For way s that are dark, and tricks
that are vain, the average democrat
vorilv doth excel. Everything seems
loveiv now in the folds ot the
: ... ..
camp, l he democrat p t
his 1 .M :
brother on the buck and tells bin. he
is a royal good fellow, whiio in tiu'.h
ho only wants his vole, then he. (the
pop) can go to io several dili'o;ei-t
Wo wou:d a-k the populist voters
to turn back in the history of Hie ci! j
politics to March if), wh.-n th"
dem'Cr:.ts had a city convention of
which the Journal bea-s reccM-c. in its i
issue of March 1, IS'.KS, as follows:
C. Hansen moved that the can
A il:i1 a ho reejn. steil io in'-
cept no nomination fiom any other
party, or by petition. ihe mouon
w:is unani'iUMisly carnal."
Thej- did not want ntiy hoio from
the pops, and wont so far in their at
tempt toswallow tho p"pi that li" y
went around and get the pop candi
dates to have their name-, not aipe -.r
upon the ticket. The public is aware
of the result. Mora! populists, y.u
havettied the uomoci a'.s a- d kno.v
the t esult.
Woman' -t'liib Jltrtins,
From Saturday's Daily.
The second m-eting of the '.Vema ;i "s
club was held last evening at the home
of Mrs. S. A. Davis.
An important business
held, in which Mrs. Atwood gave her
report of the state fed- ration of Wo
men's clubs, and several oth- r ladies
who were in attendance gave sh.urt
Mrs. Davi.i, as IcaJer of the p wlia
mentiary driil aer.artinent, opened the
program with a talk on "The Origin
of Parliaments.7'
Interesting papeis w - re read by Miss
Gass on the "Congress f too United
States;1' Mrs. Ilerold, Parliament of
England;" Mrs. Chu-man, -Pani. -meat
of Switzerland;"' Mr-. Neweil,
"Government ef Mexico." Mrs. 1'tl
lows turn loon cha ge of the ''t'.uni iit
M s S;r i. ht gave- a cotj'p i t-v re
view (if th.- D e f s - :..-e and ii's.
escott rpo..t: of i he ' ii n
"ommissien."' Mrs. F ave an
inie'tsiMij ccou ! of the Illinois State
F deiaii i. f t uieti's Clu ot t.: i
cau'o. .All turrent topics . f l.n or ' ne
were disvus-f-u.
i he AiozHi t ci uh iu. n bed ; he mu - ;e
for the evening and v.vie tepr. sented
by the Mis-'S C gney, Ei-o'i, Haj ck
and BooKinevrr
l)ites of K- iul;lie in Mwtiiig.
The republican ineet.i.g iu Ca.-s
county have bee.i a - ranged as fo low-:
Pollard and lvoo-
Taylor's schoo: htiuse, October
De Sola school house, October -.
ManUy, October ol.
Pollard aud SlroJe
Eagle, October 26.
Pollard Murd. ck, Oct. her 27
Poilard and Teft't
Alvo, October 2S.
ldla'd and Sparl.-ck
Ctd ir Creek-, October '29.
Avoca, November 2.
Pol. a d and Ch ;s. Graves
Victoria sehooi house, Novemb ;r ;
Pollard and Windham
Murray, November 4.
Pollard and Bjrke'.i
Greenwojd, afternoon, Novembor 6.
You may briuie tne ajpetite, but
you cannot bribe the liver to do its
work well. You must be honest with
it, help it along a little now and the;;
with a dose of Herbine, the best lives
regulator. Prico 60 cents. F. G.
For Sale Cheap A set of double
hainess. Call at News oilice.
The most dol.cate constitution can
safely use Iiallard's Ilorc hound Syrup.
It is a sure and pieasoat remeJy for
coughs, loss of voice, and all thtoat
and lung trouble. Price 2-j and 50
WANTED lieliable and experienced
salesman to h indie a good liuo of lub
ricating oils uliI greases oa comuiis
sioQ. Address The Cioton Oil Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio.
lolui I . -lk In I iiKi h ( arlx.lic Arlil Mi.l
ih D. iiil Two ,'Miiiul- I li-r-irt-r,
l-miii M.ini;i 's I'aily.
John !'. Vol k we in -nine lothiHcity
over a year ago from Geneva and soon
proved himself to be ii fine musiciun
: n '1 sueco.s-f ul teacher. Ho was hired
by the band and taught them for sev
eral mouths, and had pupils on tho pia
no, violin and other instruments. While
he show, d exceptional proficiency in
j music, yet ho was not popular on ac-
, count of a qu irrelsomo arbitrary dipo
oilit'ii and of lale he had given up
most of his musical work and was
working in ihe H. Sc M. sliops.
He was born in Germany and claimed
to have a divorced wif-; theie. Twelve
jears agi ho married al Ge: eva, this
stale, the widowed sister of J. K.
oer.s whose hu-.l ard was kil.ed in a
('aiiadian railroad nccident, and with
whom ; ho deceased had been living nil
to ihe time of his death. Voiknein,
though bu' 4 1 years of age, look -d to
tie iii-ii.rr tilt on acci u . t of h s di-i p . t d
habits. He had b-.-n mor.- quart el-
.- ine Hi II usU 1 of ! ill- .-.lid W .s ii.-
s ni-ly j ah u- of hi- wif- . thoo who
ki o.v sa v , wn hou tin- s in h test cau-e.
Il oil- ii t iked of con. m 1 1 '. ing suni-le
in: t . 1 . : y s . -sii i evl lii- if.-, wh in he
ail.-u .o iie, thai sh- wouhl hmo tn
lO li si On mo eveni: gs ol .ast
w. ok sh.- a o e hi- pi-e is anil
o. a ti ' o si V ll'iiri h efrc in
I'll 1
t -v.-
v t 1 . W .
w i - ich Sli I h e W u
) lur.i.ii i i. 1,1 .vlr-. Vol -tin
a ne u a si lrs, iv. s
w ii im i. v in r ti s i
W;.l C'l lb 1
a b o no sa d - i -
. i.j. to wes a ; e hi
l h ii ii ui i- u y .ii ul
II eh l- I i.i
i. ;: - t-..'. to - i I i. g'a a
. Sh
n ted in
s m he had a
. a d n .I i e-
i.e ra i on i
at ti-,. Mo r, i hen ilo u slabs aid
round (he following) back to her room
nijHfv hen in sh- locked her dforsand
reins ii h m .- d m 1 1 la nee. T.;e fiigiit
i ned woiiiaii p .sst;-.! a ho. rihie night,
I t h -lig !) Ii e soon'il t:. his'ii.
ii. lav rnorniiig ho : inn-ared ;t!l-
rigtit. but dropped the s i 1 1 1 1 li -an t. rt -mark
that if any l h i n iiapj.-ne.i to
him h" vv;i iit"d Ei ic- Ddngan, of the
Ciiiis'i.oi church to ortrach his
funeral. 1 he wife tried to a.-suie him
t i: t r.ot h i ng would h;.pp.-n ami the
ma't- r was passed ove". The same
ove:ii; g, however-, (which w,-.s last
night) at a quarter to eight he pulled
a t'.vo ounce vial from his pocket and
idratiii the contents before his wife
Icouid ge.t to 111 i.i. She called for help
Ti-... :n:in -a-. . s tl .j u'l tvill.ii. lw- min-
j w .-. aft
r he tvaliowud the f -tal dose,
,vLu.h ..ovt.a to be carbolic
;.cid he
mi Co'y.
! !-:u!
j. .
i " ! V '" V A '
tiurii g t'.e; day.
Tne f uiiei al will occur at JJ p. m.
Tuesday O.-tob -r o frotn the Chris
tian church, E'der D-.tiig ui, officiating.
The dece.-.sed leaves no children nnd
no imiTi diate relatives in this eountrv.
ii :ilh of II. O. Sp.-DC-t-r.
I ioiii ratuiday's l.-.ily.
H. G. Spencer, ;. resid ?r,r of this city
many yors.
dleu ill .CUP O ClOCtf
s ni'jrning of par ilv'sls.
Jle was a
I veteran of the Mexican war and leaves
;-. widow and nm. small child, and t wo
seas and two daughters grown. The
;::,'!,;u''nents for the fu.mrat were
r.oc i)?ifected in lime, to give the par
liculars. His i-ou, El, is hvre but his
other son, Ch tries, is with Ihe Third
regiment iu Florid
i;ouiil Over to t'tturt.
From Saturday's I.'aily.
The ere 1: mmary hearing in the case
v-. E'igrno Walb'idge took place in
Ju ige rehe "s court thia afternoon.
The feiiow m ule no defense and why
h.e did nt waive a pre iminary could
only be guesse'1. The iomji!a:naiit,
Mi s O: l E. Pitm n, o.d the u-ml
st.;-y (-f to-- mi chci: fid. i C' and man's
pettily. Juige Areio- hound the
yoeng man over to ihe i! :s' 'det i ourl
in the' sum f $l.lliii and his i el. lives
b -g?n hu-';i-isr Io'- a bond, which- uo
to three o'e'ock 'hey h-ia not yet -e-cered.
T'.sur.' in
P..,- Ehing.-
the Ge-m n Aiuriean.
. A '-"t.
Tht- Ilnrst- I'ull.l lite ..
rt 'be-' Paito toge'her with his
brut e in- w J. S. W lk r. of D r-lini-t
n. i s'-uri. t k trip to Grant
i'y in a buggy, and on returning
ev v- t-ie it. ding a horse belli- d
which j.-vkrd backward, just this side
of Sin riean. Mi-souri, dislocating Mr.'on'- i f'umb which was caught by
the baiter ..tid back of the seat.
!;urliii(;to.i Inn.
Six block-from exposition. A. D.
Touza'.'n, mir.ager; E. i. Mooney,
clerk. Jlo ins $1.0D per day special
rat-s by week or month. Everything
fist class. Take Dodge street car.
from Uoion depot to 2-lth and Tiardette
t.'jots. Write us for p -irticulars.
For Sa lk A tine residence prop
erty for sale chi-ap for cash. An
eight r-.-om house, with cistern and
city wi;ter. P;ca:-aijtiy located. En
quire; at. premise-, 517 North Sixth
nr s.alf.
A nice burs'? and buggy very c'ueap.
Eaquu e at residence of J. V. Malm on
North Eighth street, near Hickory
at XhWs o.'lice.
Notu-f t Ice Coii.i: iners.
Our ice b.ok; are oO cts. per 100 lbs.
C'lsi. fi-.-ni and after this date. Cah
jtily. F. S. White,
IT. C. McMake.v & Sox. Notice.
Or. account tf the exposition the M.
P. will make a round trip r;uo of fifty
en ! on Octohwr 21, 2-5 and 2S
Fdli SACK A thorou-rhbred Short
hoi n ui.i'.e calf and another one or two.
For particuiarsi nquire :it this otiieo
Ajjen'.s wanted to represent ore rf
the best houses in their line. Salary
payable weekly. Apply to
II. C. GiUiiiLS, PlatUcuouth, Neb.
11 V 1 II K f Ol N rv St'l-IRIN I I M.IM .
Of the one-hundre.l und fifty
tenchei-- now employed in Caea
county, one-hundred and fifteen are
feriKiles ar.d thirty-live males.
Married women in tho work, ten;
married men, lifleen.
Nineteen teachers are teaching
their first term. Several of these
beginners hav had Normal training.
Tho next rt gul ir county Institute
will be held the last week in March.
With the exception of perhaps eight
or ten, the teachers of the county
teach tho vertio .1 system of pun
m tiiship. We could scarcely mention
a City whefo the old blant sstom is
School Directors seldom buy any
other kind of black-board than stone-
slate. It is tho best and in tho end,
much the cheapest.
There, is to io a local teachers'
meeting at Plattsmouth, Oct. 122, one
at Elm wood, Nov. 5, and ones al Weep
ing Water, Nov. 12.
Si-mo farmers lake caro of their
in chineiy, others leave it out in the
sun and ram to rot; tho Mime
ditl'eiei.ce is noticable in the care of
school dlsti ict property. In most
instances j. g. o 1 bookcase is provided
f.r il.o I oi U of iheuistiict, but too
..f . n they thrown into a ci acker
or- a p box, pi led upon a extra desk
or on ih.- lh. r in one cm tier of the
ri om. If the bo U bll for the year
is a i.i.t In ge it is all on account of
lie: f i -text- b k law.
1'lie a, einlai eo this fail is h.rger
and M.oro tegular than Usu:;l.
V aba-ii his given its sohoolhouse
a i.i-w of paint, also papered and
pamlei the ii'terior. Tho room has
o en made a very pica-aril place.
i te schoolroom should not be
swept ia the li.oining, sind thus
compel pupils to Ore uho the dust
raised. The duster is Ihe tiling for
LnuiBViile has found l's necessary to
buiid ;t i addition to their sehoo; house
and eiiij Itiy another teacher.
About, lifty more pupils have been
enrolled in the city schools of Platts
mouth tlu.n any previous yer.r in its
history, at ihi- time of the seh.iol
year. Tho s. vcnth and eight grades of
the Weeping Water schools are so
full that the schoo! board has had to
request non-resident pupils to attend
else where.
Th.; Weep' tig Water academy has a
strong corps of teachers ar.d the
largi tt fall attendance in the liis'.ory
if tiie iti-iit utioii.
Tuition. Persons who live outside
rfatcliool district, but who rent a.
iion-o in town in t'uu fall, ibuvd tba
faintly in every Monday until Friday
of eMeh week, for the purpose of at
tending school, are not considered
rcs: ierits; and the board would have
a perfect right to charge them
Expelling Pupils. Tho power to
expel pap. Is Irom tne sciiool rests
with the board alone, but in cause it
of ems absolutely necessary to the
welfare of tiie school, the teacher may
suspend the pupil from the privileges
ot : be school and report his action
aud his reasons therefor immediately
to the board.
Employment ( f tho Teacher. It is
the duty of tho director to contract
with the te cher when so authorized
by the rater and treasurer, but
should he refuse to make such contract
then it would be within the authority
of the moderator ai d treasurer to
make the contract.
J he voters at the finnunl meeting
m iy r. commed that the board employ
ae-erta.n person, but such action is
o. ly a-Jvis rv; and the board i-s not
bound to f. llo.v -ueh instruction.
Note of th Di-trict. If the board
pu chase supplies or furniture and
giv.. n note tiiercf r, signed by the
board, soi.i note becomes tho in-ditidu-1
note oi ihe members of the
board, at:d the disti ict is not obliged
to p .y
liu. ko-ii'- Vrnim salve.
The t-'Oet e-.iVo in tne orid for cut-f,
' r.ia. soes, uicet, salt rheum, fe--o!
os, tetter, chapped hands, chil
. it. -is, corns, ard till skin eruptions,
.1 -si ti vely cures piles, or no Day
r. -., uii.-d. D. is guaranteed to give
)e: '.jl satis-Iactiou or mouey refunded.
(-: co -2'-- eLitB pur box. For :ile by
P. G. bricke
Billy Wood ard who is chief shiner
at the Hotel Delone, Omaha, was in
town over right visiting- his wife. He
said he had a g--od position rei'.r Chi
cago, which he wo..ld nccepj as toon
tis lae ex j-o.-i ; ion ciosed.
Iiet l.iii :f Stoves on I":rth.
Iv- unct Oak. and Ridient Home ba-e
burners. Quick Meal stud Buck Steel
rar ge--, iinii C'o'e's air tight stoves at,
You will live to toll tho tale how
y..-u wft-i entirely cured of constipation,
dyspepsia, biliousness and liver
troubles, by takingr Dr. Sa'.vyer's
Lltt'e Wide Awake Pills. A W.
At wood.
The John Roddy farm out rear
E. in wood was sold under foreclosure
t.roceedir.rjs, aud the money left over
h .s been attached by creditors at Elm-w--od
in the hands of the sheriff.
Those wish.nrr hair chains or hair
wc-k of any kind done, wiii please
leave their ordtts with
at Dovey?s store.
Mas. A. II. Knee
Thoso haviijtr ;efl work at the Cily
Sream Laundry which has not yet
been delivered, Wiii plense call for it I
at the f'eiiri Steixin Laundry on
it :
i street Geo. K. iTAATS, Managrer.
The NEWSoi;;ce is the beit equipped
job office in Cass county. First ciasa
work done on bhort notice.
Flow f,f .ull tn lirrki-.l.
New Vouk, O. t. j K. G. Du i ,v
Co's. weekiv review of i -.ul.) will sr.
With a growing foreign ui lii ni'.l f..r
A inor ica n products exchange is in
lluenccd m.iin'y by pdiliei! une.-r-
I liutics abroad. WhiltJ Europe wai:
for the i uteoiii J betve.-n ihig'al.u i'l.d
France al'tiut Ihe u pi ier is i ; e, 1 1, . !i u a n -
ciers of a'l Lu rope a n ci uiu t : o s t c t ; y
. -
lug to force upon eac ti ot ,':e r the do -
den of providing cash fdr ! he eiioi moo-
demands of the consumer.-. Eng. an.)
has so managed ;-s to n, - I'r a. e an i
(jermany t-end inns! of the gold and tin-
resulting .tar t, f exchange-, belwe-u:
fotelgn ti.ati.wis cheei.s fer li-o luo.-aen t
the iii'Vemei.t of go tl this v a . ' I
these and all other c iu -.. s d . i . I . o !ai
hinder business as to pr.-venL an e x
cess over the nast in o.-in i on- tar-
The o-.tgo of stagg.o-,
prophets of tlisastet.
but while I
price has advanced thtee ( i;ts al the
west, the rise would h ,ve been much
greater but, for the- f that the
enormous 'oreign lt man i m,i
last. '1 b. Its is en aiiv..nce in si
good and pros no- 1- d ti Ir Iter
mai.d limy no' la-i
n t
1.I4-. Ila N..I lf--.
Notice is hert by g i von t ti III I
W 1 1 1
,. of
lo :
applj at tNe lit . I 'I: .ill .' n.eeto
the board or conn v e n in sio-n.--
and for 1 'ass c u tv f..r liio s
11 v i nous ma 1 1. . , ii -1 sp i t u us i-iinn h
iu the villag- ol' t'ei.i f-t.ii, (Ja.-s
county, Neiia-K . f. : l-.e- n.-riod if;v Whkiimiv.
Dil- tl ti.i-, 1 M h Hay ! )et..l. r, IS'.iS.
As a good thing or.jd.t to 1 i.i 1 .ttl,-s.
And scale.! laeiiici.-ially j r : i ! rip"
with n:,:!--r.aJ i:i..-l!ov. ( u r i. ,:a..-
in.'xt over t::.j coil.. th
1 i crr
it protects your interests
Weil t: oui.;.
X.-rrr in he-Ik. Dt J rii-.'i;.fs.
Grocers, I.;c-juluJ JJcIrs, w -, tiyv. here.
O 11
i.xeciiuir s Mil
In the District Cunt of 'a -s i
In tliu iiihi ter ... t !:
hr. .ilk. iicCL;'..-cd .
I ndcr atiti Ijy irt:n- nf an
sell the real estate l.cii'l.'Ilor
the abuvi; t-!iliti.-.i L..nst- 1 i i
jii.ltje. (in the :;ii;:i ('ay .1 j
Z'.r.h day oi .'ctotcr. A. I). V .'.. tiu; south doni oi ;::i: i...
month. Ca.5S county. Nc-ia ;.:.r a.
northwest quarter ol se;i i.ui l c , i v-t ii r.-r, ai. l J
tae aorliicast ( ..t :-ct: :i l cr. I , - l! . ! . -. I
and the cast hilt ol the r; rt.'ica i j:.t t.-r ao-l ti,.. I
Ho it lb v, e'.;t quarter oi the !'.;':::.;. .st r.:.i!M oi I
section tw cut y-two an :-K . ur .
twelve, rai.iie tea c---t li i.i. :-. I
c -.. 't
'1 ): -
Nebraska, c. m: aoi . a.....-.-4 410 v.'its.
tracts o: land wi:: be ! .-:-.o .;!..::!
order ltientioned su -jeci lo a ie:i.- e wh.ofi
March 1st. l'.K!!l. 'Ihe !: ii:- oi ;.a:-i sale a
or one nail cash, payable at tt.e tiir.c of .i!c :i:rl
the rcniuiiKlur in iiiree eq-ial atiatKii p.i;, a.ei:!-. ia j
one, two and thi ee veais v. itii i.i'eiot at noi a---. !
than six coot at ti.e t; .n 1 U.'j e.e uo.r oi !
sa;d esoile o. ;i::.!'.c: A. i i.i " -k . de .o..--. d. l I
it siiould be found i .r tho i;-.-st iiitcie-l oi ':; ?t ;
tate the executor. :iiav- r...: .l.e d-tj -A '-'! y t.'r. J
terms herein set iorih. lar a?, lie .:.; i'r .ar -i
ranted under l;;e coii-hi.oiK ri ti,-..- order .i
court on tile 1:1 tins pi jcec'iira'. A ;, d .--e i j
sutticieut deed be made t-i ti.e a, i-cr j-.: ;
the payment of tiie purchase price :.nd c i ; i j
tion ot sale. The riat is reserve I to rciu--: any :
and all bids. William I.. I.owi.ll,
Executor ul the estate ol .-anaiei A. I i. ., i,i . .ok. d.- j
ceased. j
liyK. b. Wjm.iia m. his a:t ut:c-y.
Dated this -nh day o'i jber lJ-.
Legai .Voi ice.
In die District Comi of ( ass County Nebraska.
Luella E. Polk. I'ia ntiii
T. J. Tatroe. Mae-ie A. I a i e
ar.d Al. McC.intiC. de!
The defendants T. j l a: r c, M.ii.'ie A. Tatr e
and Al. McCiaitic wiii tace u.nic..- i!i.:t ou the 7di
day ot July, 1st.-, i,ue.ia i'i. ti.e piaaciti,
hied her petition in the iMstrict - ort ..1 Ca.-s
county, Nebraska, ajjaiu-t T.J. 1 a. roe. Maggie
A. Tatroe and A I. McCnntic, lir.-t a;.d real names
unknown, the object and p;ay r ot which are to
forec.ose a certain monne executed by the de
ieadauts, 1 . J. Tatroe, Nia'ijie A. i.nruj to i-.d-win
Jeary, and by hir.i as.-.yed to ti e piaiot it
upon lots twetiiy-otie '-ii and t.vent-t -o i -J).
vniae of .reeuwood, Cass countv. .S . or.. -iKa. to
secure the pa y meiit of two pi.einssory notes lor
;i5,tJ and dated 1 etcmber 1 t, s..:i. ar.d
due January l.-t 1(..". and .September 1-t is.r;
tliat there is now cue and in; aid ,.s said notes
and mortKaae ttie urn of i71 - ..nd mteie-t from
the hrst day of December. Is...., at tiie rate .1
eistit per Cent per annum, fur sum and in
terest the ilaint!tl prays lor a decree of t.aeci s
ure and sale of sat. 1 premises Vou are required
to answer said petition on r before the i-ita ciay
of November. -M
Hated tliio -Itli day of Octo er !;..
I t'Ki.LA K. 1 Ot.K.
By C. b. l oLK, ner attorney.
Nlieriff's Sale.
By virtue of an o.der or saie issued by Oc . F.
Ilouseworth. cierk ol tiie d:r.:r.ct c-.r-rt, within
and tor Cass county, Nebraska, and to ire di
rected. I wiii on the alii day of Xoveiob.-r. A. D.
1S9, at 11 o'ciock a. m. of sari oa. at the south
door of tiie court hot:-;e i:i . he c:ty of i'.att - mouth
in said county, sell at pubi'.c :-.!; ti-.j-j. to the
highest bidder for casii, tiie lAi;Vinz real e--tale
The west half Ci) of the northwest quarter
04i of section tweiity-six iie au.l tl.-i ea-l
half ) of the northea-t quarter " 1 of se :ti-.n
twent-sevt-u i-Tlaii in t-.wiish : t'.vece i'- rarie
nine Ch east of P. ii. in Ca: s c.)-.;nty. .".ciira-o-.a.
together with the pr.viiege.-. at-i a..r ;:r:..-i... c..-s
thereunto belonarins -r in anyw.-e ajj p. r aiui
The same be'i;? lev:ad upon and tarfeii as tre
property of I liomas Ree-e et ai .i.-fo:;-irmts t-.
satisfy a judgement of s.;:d curt recovered l.v
Lydia C. bterdiii'. p-aitif. against said df..t.d
auts. F.attsmouth, Nebraska, F-ent. A. D.. 1
Wm. I). Vi!f-;:;i.i-.K.
Si'.erilt, Ca: -' corny, .c-rr.-.5.-:a.
C. S. Polk, attorney for plain:!::.
Legal 'oico.
State of Nebraska, i w
Cass County, '
In Cour.ty Court
In the matter of tiie a i .p'r"! -lia
Palmer, a minor ch:. J oi J.
rd.-in l-rur.V-C3
11 . ar.d Mat
tie C I'ainier.
To lames H. Pairnr r.r.d o-.i -.r p--rs .
terested, n .-tice is hercl- Riven that
Palmer has tii d ia said or-urt f.r rei-tit;
of said nuiior. t j ti.e en i ti.'.: i.e may oe ad
bv Kdvvin A. and "d.irv K. Sndth. '-,u ar
Ki I -
ther notiiied I.,i,n A. and Mary i.. :!.-;;
on the -Jolh day o! t:!ed ii: sn'
co.irt ttie'.r petit ,..n I'-r tiie ad.-.:i : :.: i :i.:
1 nor. and that if you faii to appear .n said con r
j on the 1st day of November. A i , 1 ,.t r.::i
o CioCK a. m., to c. tiie pra;. er ct s-.. : ; e:;
ti on. the Court mav grant the praer ot sid pe
tit ion and
mas:e sucn otir-:i ar
ir;.:cr oi .
and decrees as to ti.e curt may . ee-.n pr-.per, t
the end that s-aid min jr may be a i jt-tcd by the
said Echiu A. and Mary f i .s '...h.
Witness my hand a 'id ti.e seal .t s:iii curt at
Piattsmoutn. Nebra-.ka. this liin o-iv oi (;cto
ber A i. ltS. Ct.ovO M M-liSLOCK.
SfcAi.2 UamiiT 3"d:;e.
Legal Notice.
ti. ..l . IJricter, r.r-t and rt?.l r.'n-.e unxnowr.
..1. IJriCter, hr-t and rcsl r.'n-.e
and Francu C. Fstubcner of ti e i. -jti-
necticut Kiver ?av;i:ifs Bar.k trice n.itie j
the plaintiff. Fraucis . lite -ou. ha- oeuun an.
action in ti.e District court of Cass county, I
Nebraska, entitled. Franc a i. (j i.soi. . laCob ',
Hursh et al. detendant. ia v h:c'i thw jove 1
.n.,..l n.l-.. Q r.. r.,.!n'i' .1.. 1 ...1, ;.... I lir.f :i ...
object of prayer in -a:d is to loie-lo.-e a :
mjrtpa'.e on tne west n.-i.i ... tiie u ,rt!.vT; t qu.-.r-
t , . ; ,. ..Ail 1,1 r .:-'.:.- r.f ti,.. Ii" h
ter ot section 1'b t l.l. r..:.' -'.- t-n-: of the r.'h ?.
P M. ai.l'rm' !.av.iir' Le i. riven cv lb.-
iven by the
said Jacob Harsh to Benjamin A i,.b-.,nat.d
j iorpentiai rei.ef and you are req.i rei t ar.-uei ,
said p-titioa on or befjre the it-i dav ot ov.-rn-
ber. lsy. Franc-is N. C:us..n, Plaint.rf. .
fcat"d sSwuS:'' j
Hi i
oipy N-! i.e !::..
estate D! ::-:-v.i:i ... .-!- I ? ' ' " -- t i. '. j x-. r k if.. M
...1.-- I'-.l'l-- j
Itur ',,,- a!v ! in t
I tZ . . ' . I '1. .1 -
i i i . - - i "t t
Ci P rj I n;t I,. '- TT r-i
, Ol CO i , y - 1 -. 'i-J ,7.1 w
C V? CO .: .,. -..; .. j -Vr
h' zw D.'hicGvery foi lite Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
e?:ternal piles, without pain.
Tjoe-3, nY Mail, 75 cents; Dottles, ro Cents,
,.uj j.mLS F. BALUP.D, PikliU -
J.. - .
F. G. Fricke & Co.
x . O rT -S
( .y- v JL V... J
... -u
1 1
if I
j i;. I v
1 t S
t . H. $ T
. - . I s '
ii V-;
f i
i n . ;i . e
ti!-. .;.- t
0 i Sjiriri-!
:;; co'n-
1 '."!.- r
f or,
- i-.r
i- now.
: .- : n
ti ' ti
:c i'l I", ilt
ei.r :e.i "ll.ack
.: V'-.i'.c: y.'ry.k
i;i u
'-.t" r;;
rt ;
v .o::!'.
; ; i .
- ('
? J
r cr
t i .
t.-cI, hui hi-hevt gradv? at
i. 1 y l'.f-:;e are t::c
t? q j n
. -i. jc - . . ... . - . .
1 ( Pm-impi-.I i.v- w -nv
. .......
C0 j F. G. FRICKE oi CO.
1 T ; j - ,:. rr a n PR9
r'-.rr.v.nuntW fnrn.1 bi ncinrr TiH WHITEHALL'S T5IIEITM AT HM 'III1K. The
,.. " . , , . f,,,, ,Z
-joi' l auu iuo uv.u. euiu "'"Ww " i""""'; f-..... .
'.tijr box. Samnle Font frPP on mention of this publication. i
TIiii WHITEHALL iLiEmiNK CO . fJoBtL Lend, Indian
:i h" v PI
- SIJ Nuiiii fr'al'i Street, ST. LOUIS, MQ.
f ' vr p p m p
ft s
In Oiiiilllr.
i j v. -xt o ' . sr. f j 'Jr a
e'en '..-, . line io f :outity. ICvery-:-.!;
for our goodr and give their cunto
1 .-.. A piete line of canned food 4
. i - v. aero you em get al! kind. of
Wokrrnan BIk. ly V.Ti
;(;! ill
igri. ve;
i"es, a i i f 1 1 we a -, i; ni tk g
the in--- ean :.. i- ne- in
it's Mid have e-. .hi shed a
at inc..
PoHiiible Prices.
i . ,. -- C - "
Floors, i
Bath Tubs,
Farm Tcoh, E!c.
A cpectal paint for each pur
pose, net I'M .slap-dash mix
ture for v.V..
fair, ho1"
best p.Tt"
"". ... l
! p Rr
:5TO rninriinfw. I'rifA rtrt rontM