-1 iV -4 n " em re l I . A. I l ALWAYS IN v3 1 USL LEAD r Li 4 M ma Si 2? II r-3 U lb lit ftia-' V 1 A Big Line to Select From UNHEARD-OF PRICES... Clothing Nkws tikes pleasure in extending In arty and bst wishes in atlvanco of tbn happy event tht will uuite tbora fur life. The M. W. A. band went to Omaha this uiornt' g with the workmen and treated the crowd to Home good music while they waited for the imin ai iho stilt ion. The weather was o bud toduy that the hops did not shut down but Steim kets department was aiojed for the auy, m oil of the men going to Omaha. Don't forget the ball to be given by at Suits up to 8 yr size, $1.00. Suits up io 18 yr size, $3.50. Suits up to 12 yr size, $1.50. A nobby up-to-date suit, S2.50, li'sually $oh?for $4.00. raor V.V Special Sale for a Short Time. A nice lino of Plaids at 2'c, suitable for comfortables. 36-inch Percales, dark styles, at 5c, to close out. Oct. 24, will be a gala day at the Eoinger Hardware Co.'s atore. The little misses are making elaborate preparations for the biscuit baking contest. October 24, i the date of tha bis cuit baking contest at Eblnger Hard ware Co'a. store by the little girls. See their ad in thi9 paper for full par ticulars. There is but one Ottumwa quartette and it will be here Monday ovening, October 24. Admission 60 and 35 cents. Reserved seats now on sale at Lehnhoffs. Remember the next congressmen from this district, Hon. E. J. Burkett, will speak at Waterman's Hall Wed nesday evening October 10. Every body invited to attend. Assistant Secretary of War Meilcle- v T " TT "IT T. T T" l-vi 3 M & IV. j U RY DEPARTMENT The Nicest as Weil as the Largest Line of '1 ft M & v e r Shown in Cass County. y r 01 Sailors and VJalkin 3lS. i. www we can suit D O everybody 3 s ir A i I in Style and 1 O Price. Li V y Ik-rc H fa Ti SI Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. The Ottumwa quartette. 4 1 3 K U : is iUlv Oil Id t 'W "' w w . 11 X s X In learning liow to Cool:, offer a. Full Nickel "Plated BUCK'S Junior R, we I o 1 1 i e r v 1 1 V- yv hi, under 14 years of ;:.t:"e, who can make the best pan of Biscuits, to be baked in our si ore. on a Back's STEEL, Kaxgk. On October 24. We will furnish all the ma terial free of charge. A com mittee of ladies will manage the contest and decide which yw ol biscuits is the best. JCach contestant will be given a number. The committee will not know until after the pme is awarded the name victor. of the All Giris Under Fourteen Years Are invited to compete for the Prize a Buck's JUNIOR RANGE--which is now on exhibition at our store. All are in vited to call and see it and to register their names as contest ants. Mothers are earnestly requested to be present at the contest to see how their little girls can operate a regular full sized BUCK'S STEEL RANGE And to partake of the Lunch which we will serve in connection with the contest. la 13 parpwarg HPS FRED EBINGER, Manager. .. THE LEADERS .. N THE GROCERY TRADE, A. R E A. H. WBOKBACH & CO. THEY carry the largest and most complete line in CrH county. Every thing fresh an l new. They pay cash for our jroods and give their custo aiora the dvantao of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in stock. The only pl;.ce in ih city where you can get all kinda of 9sh Cheese. Call and see u. L H. VJECKBACH & (S. Waterman Blk. The M. P. pay car will be here at 7 p. mi. on the 20th. The Ottumwa. quartette at Prcsby- tei inn church, October 24 The morning II 3c Al. train from the we-t was two houts late today. fnrniht 0 or unfurn fshed rroitis fer cnt. Enquire :it 1(;'() Miiin etrert. A. II. liuid of Co. II, Fir.-t Nebra-s dice at Manila . recently rf typhoid fever. The Gut I.Ieii continues to head the list r- a tine 5-ceni ciyar. Ask for no ithvr. Anion J anda, sr., will ba married next vvcclc to the Widow Kumhal, of l iii ciiy. Ask your doners for th "White Sailor" : . ni;u;iifyctu!ed by Frank Ncimafi. The only original Coin &. Cole air 'igiit heutiujr ftove-- at Ebtnger liard- A'iire company. Ii um rant to -moke tne best try Wu -I liroi. G:it llcil. Tiia fin4t-5 oni cigar roac'c. A fail line f Eirk's nnti-rust tin ware, warrant d f r live years, at Eb injer Hardware Co. A new bacK for an old on by uing Dr. Savvyer:s Ukaiine for kidney ail tnonts. A. W. At wood. It you don t tee trie Gut Ueil cigar call Utc it, jind get tha best 5 cent ci- g ir in the market. A musical treat at Pre?byteriaa cliui ch, Monday e veuiDg, October 24 O.tumwa quartette. It was so stormy yesterday that only a half days session of the publio choo!s was wisely held. The Wor.d's best o cent cigar, Wurl Bros. Gut Hail, Bttictly Uuion made. Ery dealer bandies them. The Mozart club meets at the home of Ui.-s Beulah Eisou October 18. A fu.l atieiidance is desired at 7:30 p. m. The coal men have been hurd pushed even with the aid of extra team to dll iheir orders yesterday and .oday. Fivd Mo reran contin ues to viait Ne- f'lMska City every Sunday, and they 6ay a wedding down that way is not fr off. A. H. Weckbach & Co. will re ceive Thursdny three cars of potatoes, three cars of hard coal and five oars of soft coal. The school children of Chicago, on Saturday last contkibuted $ 10,(00 to the LaFayette monument fund, which is rapidly growing. Edwin NT Couch of Lenox, Iow, and Flora Alice Russell of Princeton, Minnesota, were united in rcartijjga today by Judge Spurlock. Philip Born and Grace Anna Fight received a legal permit to wed today. They are representative of two of Ca cauRtv'i it faHilifi, tk Jadff Mltrhrll Qulta Ilrynn. I OTTUMWA, Iowa, Oct lo. Joseph 1 C. Mitchell, nppointed to ti e judicial bench of the Boron d dUtrict by Gov ernor Holes, one of Southern lowu'i leading attorneys and a life-long dem ocrat, tonight mid a publio a letter in which hm ropudiatea "free-Bilvc risni, Weaverism and tho anti-territorial expansion pulley" as favored by tho Mursballt wn demucratio state con tention. Judg MitohU lumped the district for Bryan Id ISirti in good flih, but to quote hit words, "in th liht of ttu the Turners at their hill Saturday developments of the pan two tears evening of this vreeK. The best of and tho utter failure of realizaliou of music will be a feature of the evening, j all the doleful prophesies on the rflect of continuing tha gold standard I Lave changed my mlad in the matter." He condemns the pledge of the Jowa democrats to Bryan in 1900 and laakea a strong plea for tho holding of the territory which the fortunes of war have thrown upon this country. Re does not outlino his future course, but expresses belief that the democratic party "will yet bo rescued from pop ulism. " Vlolnutly Iitrtttne. Mary Matchillat, the young lady, mention of whose insanity was made in the last issue of the Nkws hs being the result of a fright from a boy with a megi phone, grew worse and had to be removed last evening to the poor farm for safety and special care. To day tho commission of insanity are out there investigating the case, and no douht tliov will find hnr a lit. Kiibimrt. j hn will discuss the issues of tho cam- I - . . , , 1 . ifor the asylum at Lincoln, fsho hiu p .u-n at U bite's opera in tins city on . u..lpklll kt r;Hf,P(,0 ,vn,H nd theoveniner of November 4. He will ba greeted by a crowded house. James Skoumal and Miss Funnio Slavicek were married yesterday by Uev. Father Dorr. Last evening thoy gavo a ball which was attended by the friends of the bride and groom, aud a pleaantirae was had. Col. Hubner, the bachelor editor of tha Nebiaska City Newssaya: "When ever a girl tells a young man that her dress is made out of material that doesn't crumple, that ought to be suf- llcient. " It probably is. Johu Fitzpatrick could not stand the heavy work of truckman at the stoi e house nd he is now working for Mr. McGnire on the tectioo. Johnny ii not the sort of a fellow to sit on the corner and wait for a good job to come to him, he goes to woclc at the firot opportunity. The Ottumwa quartette which al ways draws crowded houses will be here at the Presbyterian church on the evening of October 24. Don't fail to hear the best quartette now travel ing if you caro for a musical treat. Every member is a star and too mueh cau not to said in praise of the Ot- tura was. The Modern Woodmen lodge in this city is enjoying a Mclviniey wave oi prosperity just now. Soventy-threo applications for membership have been acted npon favorably, and that num ber will be initiated at their first rog ular meeting night. We doubt if a lodge in the state can make a better showing of rapid growth. The attendance at the exposition yesterday reached the surprising fig ures of 14,922. The weather was beastly and the visitors were nearly all from a distance. Today being A. O. U. W. day and the weather less in clement, there will be more people from Nebraska than yesterday. A large crowd is in attendance from this city today. there was apparently nothing the matter until tho suffered the fright, but it is s-iid that she was in an asylum in Wisconsin once before, and was discharged aa cured. We did not learn if she had any relatives in this city. The Sokol Fair. The T. J. Sonol Fair closed Satur day night and a most enjoyable time is reported. Tho society cleared over $150 and distributed numerous prizes The voting contest as to who was the meet popular young lady in the city awakened considerable interest. The chief contestants were Mrs. An tone Bookmeyer and Miss Anna Clyde, the latter by a close marein proving successful. The Snow Htorui. Telegraphic advices say the snow tur ned to a cold rain east of Des Moines and that rain and snow fell only a short distance west of Lincoln. The snow, however, extended quite a ways south into Missouri and Kansas, caus ing much suffering to sheep and cattle. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Worthing ton, Indiana, Sun, writes: "You have a valuable prescription in electric bit ters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for constipation and sick headache, and as a general system tonic it has notqual." Mrn. Annie Stehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Avenue. Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her and felt tired and weary, but six bottles f electric bitters restored her health and renewed her strength. Price oi) cents and 1 03 Get a bottle a F. J. Fricke's drug 6tore. (5 AS THEY COM IS ANO GO. Fred Hawksworth returned to his studies at the -university this after noon. Mrs. Schroeder of Danbury, Iowa, is in the city, visiting her son, Henry Scbluntz. V. V. Leonard is home from an ex tended visit to his old home in Penn sylvania. Billy Wyetf, Ed. Martin and Jack Britton and wife wore Omaha visitors this aftornoou. F. J. Morgan and H. R.Gering, who are way up officers in the A. O. U. W., went to Omaha this morning. C. D. Tapper was in town today on legal business. Mr. Tapper is one of the early settlers of Louisville. Joseph Ozbun and wife, of Sales, Iowa, are in the city visiting their daughter, Mrs. M. S. Briggs, in com pany with A. N. Ozbun and wife, of Waukee, Iowa. Fred Todd and wife returned to their home in New York state today after a pleasant visit at the exposition and with relatives here where thoy used to reside. P. F. Huber is in the city today on business. He lately returned from an extended outing in Colorado and Wyo ming, and expects to open a store in Louisville aga'n. Ilarkett Tomorrow Night. Hon. E. J. Burkett, the republican candidate for congress, will speak at Waterman's hall in this city tomor row, (Wednesday) evening. The fa mous colored quartette will be her?, and a big meeting is assured. The ladies and all others are specially in vited to attend. The B. & M. bridge across the Platte at Oreapolis is 1,700 feet long, while the ona at Central City was 4,000 feet long until it was filled in by the com pany last week nearly half the dis tance. A diseased liver declares lt3olf bv moroseness, mental depression, lack of energy, restlessness, melancholy and constipation. Heroine will re store the liver to a healthy condition. Price 50 cents. F. G. Fricke. Foil SAXE A thoroughbred Short horn male calf and another one or two. j Fer particular enquire at this ettee (irnrral Kegjstratiou Nuticw. The electors of the city f Platts mouth. CaaS touniy, Nebn.sUa, aie hereby nutitied that the bo.it ds of reg istration for tho several war. Is will sit in their several offices for tho regis tration of votes for the general elec tion to be held November 8, 1898. First 6es-ion of said board will be held Thursday, October 20th. Second session Friday. October 2Sth. Third and last session Saturday, November 5th, and remain in session from 6 o'clock a. m., till 0 o'clock p. m. of each day at places sjocified below: First ward Perkins hotel block, Main street. Second ward Turner hall, Wash ington avenue. Third ward W. I). Joneo livery barn. Main street Feurth ward Poiioo Judge's offic, Main street. Fifth Ward liach'a grocery store, Lincoln avenue. First ward is cuuipotoJ of that part of the city lyir.ff north of Main 6treet and east of Seventh street Second war-d is composed of that part of the city lying north of Main street and west of Seventh street. Third ward i couapestu of that part of the city lying south of Main 6treet and west of Sixth cud north vt north line of Fifth ward. Fourth ward 1 composed of that part of the city lying -outh of Main street, e st of SitUi and north of north line of Fifth ward. Fifth ward is composed of that part of the city lying north of Palmer's addition and including fractional lot 7 of section 19. towrulnp 12, range 14, and all of tht portion of city lying west of Lincoln i. venue and south of the north lines of s?cii.n 19, township 12, range 14, at;d M-ction 24, township 12, range 13. Voters will govern themse'ves ac cordingly. B. C. Kkuii, City Clerk. To the Far mrn For th j farm, is and townspeople too Schiipp'esssf will servo a first class oyster u w on Saturday and Sunday for 1 cents per dib first class in ev-ry pu-ticular. yetTt Ojrntrrst By the the cm, or served in aay style at 3cieeie"s. For Sale. A 4S-acre fruit frm very cheap. Enquire at NEWS office. The roost delicate constitution cm safely use Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It is a sure and pleasont remedy for coughs, loss of voice, and all throat and lung trouble. Price 2 and 50 ceatg. Good Tliinos! hi nwtmTmnnTmnnwnnTTTTTTnnnmmr'nTfWTTffytTfrffTTTTtTfvfrTWTTTfww iiiiiiinLiiiiliiioiiiiiiiioiiUiiaiiii..iiiiiinii in.ii i.ii ii iiiiAi'iiii.iiiiiii & n a mA b Km W if El )r 1'! nnnTTTmTTnwnnTTnnTTnTTnnnnTTnTfTTTTTTTfm?TTTfTYTTT7TT wjnwrmrTfW fiuiifnnirrrniiiiiiiiiiuiUiu WE'VE BEEN TELLING YOU a lot of good things about our Men's Suits for FALL and WINTER Wear. Now, we don't expect you to take our word for it. There is an easy way to settle it for yourself Call and ask to see what we adver tise. If we can't do better for you than others can, you can have... m m n m m m in m r m PI m m m m m 13 Your Money Back. Lki.LkkLLikLLkkkikiLLUkkkikkLlkkkkU.klULkilAkkkkkkkikkkikiiUkkkLikikUikkkLkikklikkk HM j on Si One Price and no Monkpy Business. tL4tM D m m We Can Serve You ...Well when you want anything in the line of Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, etc. We rightfully claim to have the cleanest Jewelry stock in the county. We defy any one to compete with our prices in the same line of goods. We PLATE your old Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc., cheap. We do first-class Watch, Clock and Jewelry REPAIRING, and warrant all re pairs and every kind of goodswe sell. ( CALL IN and rrivc us a chance in PROVIC i these assertions Jno. T. COLEHAN, Jeweler, Second Door South o Postoffice, Plattsmouth. 4? 4? 4? 47 47 4? 47 47 47 47 47 4? 47 47 47 4? 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 4? 47 47 4? 4? 4? 47 47 47 4? 47 4? C? 47 47 47 5 New Millinery Store The Finest Line in the City, Kverythin Bright and New, Direct from the Centers of Fashion, ..Under the Management of.. MISS m NINA a TUCKER' THERE HAS BEEN OPENED TO THE PUBLIC A Fine Line of Millinery, IN THE UNION ELOCK, Next door to F. G. Fricke's, which it will pay you to visit. . . . MISS EVANS, a ladj' of experience, from the east, will have charge of the Trimming de partment. .. .The public invited to call...- MRS. L. J. RANKIN, PROPRIETOR, Union block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Ih I I i IS l I I th l h I I l l t I I Ih t IP i I I th t th H Ih I I fc I I l ih IP tP bP tP ih IP