T -' V 1 it i v .i t. j : : I I ! I - r : i v t : i H Li - ! it IP hi ill (Tl' AM) COL NT V. KATUKDA V. Tliin ni"i ninf' " Uu.o'i D.'jio1. ('n. bi'lNin t lull' L' f ' the UMti) i !'! which vil! In limit it Omit li i. Mr I'uiily .mil Ijfi- iii i ". Mi a Wilkin-mi. a tl M. V iiU n mi, r: Onwihu visitors Imliiy. C A!. rtr au(i fiiiuliv Ortu. Ii n ii d a v. tJiim iuv cm but h- cuti '.' nli llnj lit-i. Mrs. M. C Swi i,hv, of V. k lVuit, S. D., who h is l--n viiiin, w'lh Mrs. McCi nkoy, d parlei! yi-HM.Tihiy Icr hor homu. I'Yud IJ.-itc amo rinnv t: ot 1 1 11 r killed by a f ill out nl M i .. Wiles' m-vv Jkhiho Weil no-day, 'fid ii in ln-d mi ninj !.i-i bruise, no b i:c b:;iii' tipuki-n. (jr.mt H'ick,ubM-j- xvi nt l Omaliii to spiind Sunday. Ilot'i'jiv inner li 1 1 in;,' of ku n.-tantiiils in :i j.' i. Kvi dently ho don't intind to sta- vo. About ten o'eiuck thit fui i-noou Judyre Kparlnck united John M. Me Cullouyh and lis Kati.- Oa --u li a n hoii in inn i riar.'. Tho i-1 -s iv'o about four miU-s -outh of t.ixvi. Mini Kulm- n a"d Mr. I'.. f I of Stuari, N b: sk -., a o tin vi-i 1 1. their hi.ie , MifH M r Mulm n. i Ii v took in tho t Xp' i-ii ion today J ib. -rnfo . wlio wit cm- ti X io man on thy 1$. & M Iiim-o -t-vo i turn ao, hut who is now located at Hi m boidt, is in tuo etiv visiting with It J. Iti'y noldrt. Ernest nnd M ii-s IJi rn U'iy enlio.n, aft'.ir t-pi-1: ii i n the bniiiini-r in Kukhh-, stopped iivi r in re with b G Fi ck and fami-y on tlieir nv home, Tn. y hud !i del in h i lul rip bu' wtveg-la- to pet ack liome iiii. Cla cn' Po i y iiini iwo .-.i.-ter-, -f Onnawa, Iowa, p wse-t ' riMiuh li iu tod y for I'ai fio Junction to visii ilu.ir mint fi ieiidri a:, ih-it p...ce. lie will bo temt'inlibt'eJ as .i form r csidt-'nl of this city where ho was fofine.lv employed. I'.attrtmouih la i)"VDr biv n infi eied to itiy eat ext -nt by pcity ihi-ve-i. bit several small thefts h vn been mentioned lately. h- olh er ev- iiini' Pnil Tnetr-cli lost a b anke a d whip irom his wiyon ne ir at rm i i s lumher ollire. Harry N r-h"nt c imo U'i i"uesday evening1 from Neb a-ka City to remain over Sunday in ihi- city, wtiieh ho says is trie h.althie-t town in the United States. Harry woms to enjoy l'lattr-nu utl) sofiet a iid we should not. be Hurprised to have him I: ke up hi. DOimaneat abode here. V. F. Piimley, 'i musici'ii in the Third Nehraska rifjinieni, s in the city for a sho t visit wit fri i ds. II s home is at Stuart, Nehrask , ;-imi is considered to be one of the most i x pert cornet players the state i-JT- rd-. As ho was lonjr associated in tht m ws paper 1 usinets, ho natuially enough oronnod in (or a few minut- s chat wiih with his old ii iend. Will L. Wilhcrow, and the rest of the News force. Uiu-le ll. G. Suencerwho was strick en with paralysis 3 enterday, as rioted in the Nkws, is still in a critical con dition, and little hope is entertained for his recovery", though about one o'clock today he seemed unu-uilly strong considering his advanced :h. The paralysis seems compieie as to his right sid-i and ho lays in a semi conscious state not i econ i v.ing his friends, liis son, l,awin, who i soldier at Ft. Omaha, of the t- i-concl Nebraska, eol pei mission to c ur.t down and see him and is now at his father's bedside. We hope the old gentlemen may s ,on recover. t hat ' r, ice : n ' In i I Ve r t h . t ; ' tie c u il osrt on 1 he ice, A. i M. ioini i I I i ! . it -. r the M,.-iirr n i-i-it .vm-.ii i i ui( ii- n Mi ii r-t low -.ijii 1 v. s on J.'t oiiif 2', so ; hrlilne In 'm;tlit Imli'lil iy, t .ii lie sine., f I. ot today while n.-t , , ,m i,.,i., s I j.i ' . lh W :u st. is .ii , I M.c en rl !- I . J E'l;r-i,c Wi. i hroi v a Vuul,,' man of Too i d i ' or of the .'l.V. iiitl tin; ! n iri'jlo n e.iiv, who live ..eross tie p! i-ni e i.f ui etiii;,' 1 y. u I : i n a t ,.'-lt-' li lie i n O' oe i-ou i ty. i i- t-a.i'1 , h eo:ti oi I )f;-ni wo-il , w h- w is a e. em her of i -e of in 1 1 i ia e i coiapii.i tci tht; ruin Col. Grijf-by'n roiijfh riuer-. He wuh of .M i t'ti ni.in wL r. .-.- d -? iu the e in : in the city i --- Su( '. Ha-.vk-wo?-tl. li iHf.- j lie m y- 1 hu hiiii un .e.i of Inf Hw ;v spoken of in the ye!iov 'o-.-!-io. - did not ( i n;o miliar ol.s- rc - lion, I li 1 1 1 1 henid see p'er.tV of f i-i. nri! tint the lioy- did not know how to properly cook what wa- )f i v i n them. TAYLOR DOTTLED LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Conti n u d nn-cu-t can c mi alone from imvi', !r. Sawyer's Wi d Choriy and Tar h -ladiiy i i crea-.i i t in Miles heerti.-e i: i tiio b l conyh reixi'-dv on the inarKol. A. At wood. .m -1 1 r.i 1 1 1 t'.iniiiitr Honi". London', Oi-t l- li. Darwin Mellwralth and Mrs. Mtl wraith, tl e ( hicajjo h eye'ists u ho r-ei-iitly eoni ;eled a tour f the worl ', cove-in :!H.)i (I tiiie s. embark) d fo In mo today on hoard ' he steamer Pen n Ian d, alter a ahsi: O of I In-. an-l a h ilf yi ars. ' Tle-y ar -lni'h in the best of health and s f i l i 1 s a mi a . . : p a I en Liy n ne the win-.-'.1 fo ihe ha-iiships which they endured. T; o a tier :i c ud . T)i. Mi 1 1 w rai t h "s n in pti 1 ton in j t - wife's loi'S, which wre f osUut'en .vhi o cros-injr Pei sia . It is b;i:(! that t!n entire d,xii t' e;r tr p wa- $:;d,()(ii), and il. is claimed that they rode through ut. on the ni'iel-ines which the.v had wnen they left, Cni cair , i ml I'm II v, it i hssi i tcl, they u ed niv three set- f ti c-. fMiii;LiH Slaiim lietiirnu. Douglas Sninn and (i. W Linden who wor-- m: ven up .s d-j nl, liave re- turne.i t lif.- a.- il wit-. Srinn ar- rived p. loAuSiiurd y ev- nii and j iepo is Liniion v.-ry sick vtith malar ial fever, t Si L.uis, and that, i.o is just reci vifitie- from lo'ij,' siogo of it. His wife is at Neb-ask. i City, fully lul .ovintr th-.t her huriomd is dt ad, he not ha.via"; widtten hor The boys have in en on the riwr sineo they left I 'lattsinouth until l'he.v wer-j tak'en down Wllh the f VV . It Was sitpp..-;,ed ny many thai their atiiiJim; pi :ce was a secret of the isiisouri rice;- tii-h j would not he iolded u p, hut Seirw.'s appear ance disorjls a.ny sueh :.i!'.eion. j ij e i h leu 1 1 1 1. 1 of .s'ehawka. i'o i hi i Lims..;if of i ny reponsibiii;y r.-j tn- j li-te.l With the Second Nebraska ami j w enl to Jii h kalJia u'li. On his n-lui n inU Imu-'j with his company he w.i vvaiu-d oi by friemis oi tiie jotin; lady and refused to marry Ler. A Com plaint was li.ed in Jedj.'c Archer's court and a warrant was issued for Walhi iux.es arrest, but he yotafu--hiii-h and skipjied out. ShcnlT W heeli r mat.' numerous t-:ps to his home and to Omaha in fco.ucli of the fugitive hut with no nu'-i-cm. liu linaily viaitod a si-terin -North Umaha thinking the fellow mirht btheie but ho did no t. find him, and the sist' r said that he was in J iiis s and would bo in Oin-iha on trie haih. The sherilY iheu c une home and o:i Salui-tl-iy ii went to Om lia and found his man ju-i closing up hi- all' iirs with the govo; n ment preparatory to skippilijr out aain ai.d he Very ijirekly luiinti him a prisoner. He was ni ought here and land, d in j iil wh -ro ho will probably remain, unie-w hi-.i brother seeul'es a bo iid for hi- a p; "arnnce at the next tea in of c(-u t. He w -nt down to Union today to try to get a bond. As Mi.--Pitman's hah is e -s than a we ko!d she is not ah. o to coino here now. so the preliminary hearin-a will not b. had for u l?w day-. Tins afternoon Wnlbridge was ar raigi.ed si d Judge Atelier fixed his haul at i l'U )l i and set the pre in! iini n a. y h".-.ci:g fo- i.ext Sa.'Uiiiay morsiing. SOLD I U U tllJZi DUL'GGISTS, GROCERS AND HOTELS :il IT, fa EIVIZPi? supplied except In beaieci Uottlos, bearing proprie tors firm nem Slgneturo thu3 t-1. !. l.!l-r. t', Matin, i p. M urn a...i-a.i TRADE SUPPLIED BY RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA, NEB. October Up t i tho tun to nr. r s no ho - u s l ad f aid ': 1 b -1 I a-. va-, i K"' 'ig ii-eii furnisheii -.-..".ndp'l to jail . M :t! ri nio.i in I. A qti'ct we-.l-.iiiig w.i-. s iii?;i;tiiv. "d it; this cily Sunday afte'-noon at f(iur o'cloclc at tiio home tf Mr. at'5 Mrs. D. C, ilui-aii, coi ner of Soventh and (ira u i to sa-t ls, where Mi.-s (ieorei- anna Oil v. r was married to .ir. ehr.-'cii. laii- ot Ctii.ihn Aoln ;:: gan a. A !s(nrl Siol Sinry. A Cold. Negi. ct Pneuiiion hi. Or ief. Had Foley's Hom-y and Tar I n us.-d, tni- sio y wo-ild ii iv h: -.1 a 'nap pier eiidinj- F (1. p.- ('-- A C s'li r O'.'. ntieu (ley hy t i.o .el.tive- -f the family, iueindiiig a -ister, ?.Ii-s. Ay i -.vo. th (! K.ansas City, Missouii, and M r. Mu--el while i f Lincuin, N?.-;ia-k:i. llt;v. J)r. JJairJ of t ho Pre nyterian clin en perforrainjr the cere moi;v in his inip;a ssive ni.-'iitier. 'i lie bride I-.tif. ; iver, k ii.).-. nil: t hi here for a liUlileti" o' a !aon Lr the ;-o iei v i! a d-i tighter of Mi-, d ;s well and f a. vv a 1 1 i v ciiy. ha ine- resided yea? S and wns ii-g .V"U!-g j?eo- C'iikh County f or iturfc-tt. Iii..MU()i), N b., Oct. 14 Hon. H 1. IJ'iikett, republic in nominee for congiess from the First distiict, ad dressed one of tho largest political meetings ever held at tho Hobos opera hou-o list night. Every seat was lilioil and many people stood up, over four hundred being present. Bo-ides Mr. Bui kett there were on the stage T. T. Younjr and H. M. Pollard, can didates for slates representatives, 11. A. Di tt Ji n r, nominee for lloat repre sentative, and Turner Zink, nominee for con n ty com mi.-sioru r. Mr. Pollard spoke for haif an hour in an laterest ing a id convincing- manner. Chuii man N. Iv. Hobbs. amid the rousing cheers of hundreds, then introduced Mr. llurkett, who held tho rapt attention of tho entire audience for an hojr and : bfif, and wiion lie was thrtue' sj.u iking no (ne had any doubt as to wh.-re he stood. Enthusiasm was at a hih pitch and Mr. Bui kett was con tinually interrupted by applause. Tin; n eeting was a great contrast to the ne that was to have been held at thi- p'.nee one wcok ago last night by Mr. M..nahan, when not a person could he got out to hear him speak, and tho lights were put out a ! out ! o'cloek, after -.v iit ng in vain for a crowd. Mr. Burnett will receive a spiendid vote in tliis n:;rt of his district, one that he need not he ashamed ot when he goes to Vi!sliitiLrio!i. Ltv.ol TIaticr. I a el"i ! i a . . so :;. Mi . ).,!, Stall, t:...ii..- . -.' - i 'ti.a . h.nl la nil 11. ."!i.ii..'i, Mm. I ,i t e - i ;t .. i - -. !',!.: ii. m i.ao.i-; y ' .-l..a ! -ill-l ll n M.iiec 1...U 4 ,a .i i- I -a iii i-.il'!U :-ll.!t. ft id: "ii I 1 -o-'h a I ii..i i.i.- In-n-in ti-etit-. t!iHl .a il.t- I o. n.iv at Si-.tiaih.ci. A. i . Aii- i-I- 11'' ' .- ael h . ..in linn. .- J ;il :ii I mil il) tiiu ch ira 1 ..ii-ii .a , ,i k c . i -1 1 1 1 , .Ni-ln ,. k.i. ii ua in-. I mi , I .! iilj .in.i j i a i a ui M'iia. Ii mic l ),.n.. le-e a iri l:i ;a a .a h! i'.-. uu-.l -ri , iicliiii-l t i-Ln iiai . . 1 . I - - .. i. Imiii 1'. -u e. in.uci .j.c uwaic ,.l ' i J i". 'ac, tt:iJ oa l':si.ii.lfJt.'i qtitei tl it... ! lieu t ,o i - i, i.'iri 1 1.0 11 a I a n.iii ui li)e SOUthwcit I pi an r ul --c ii ni tiu tlie west I'.-ol nt 1 111- 11. ! . lU.ib. II I i r "i - .-I i ...ii l VI U I ' I. Mtlii Lie ! 1 ihi .ii ii.i.i oi li u ii" i ! niaa, n.--. ei tuc ...utlj- . . ..e.i-i 11 s... ui. ii i .). -, a: I IU ta-.MI.Ii'j) na.ic n., : . ,e . u.c.l 1 . 1, in O.l- . .. jiii i .c. a. . ...a. -.e-; iii ui.i iicai In hi. JH . men . el a i.e c i -n ''. : e u .ic on i-c.ii.i.iiv La. l.-!-.i. iiiM , -.r; la jcr Lent, ai IciulI ii, .hi as J, lutic I-. i. uo on said ii,)lu .In.- ' mi n ui i ..i : i ... ri p. . I . ii. i.-v.. iimi it I .ii.ilii'C ili-.ciiu.i.ii i.uci i.. a: said laud in- I litl i.ir :..i .old ll.lc. H.l la -;.nl ninit ;.r;c Uu.il anil I ,i 'a 1'n.i mi.'I mi .. .i i. liic j.aiiiu. 'I'ln; l.ir i.e. ii.;i. iniii r.i e m ii.i.i pel i . i'n im Ii Iiii;- I "se ii n li.nd t'onu ao. il eiile Anul I. 1 :.. ui a!, ,n, a p. i i,l a-i iiauiH int iiiiinui.-n.-. uii.c .., ui M l.ii.ii . r, ,ni, i.i ui'.. ai: Inn li-l. r.ini; i.au ii-i-'i 1 ! I, u t':i s coun.y. Ni-lu.a.-.k.i. I, aie -, ,, lic i .. It v,,lN ,j i,u. j ?1. i in! ii. ad, in-, i i i,. it li ilt.tt fi.si I ol . a nt hi mi I tie i-.i-t .-ulc oi . ,-i iii ii ; i i n v... ly inj; n n ill west id tlic- ' u I vci t mi .in; in n- iit hi in Mr llie :..iu,i 'dial hi I, an, i.oiiiiinly uc:tin)".l.i 1 1 ol.' Il i: a 'in nrc.n:-.: .a ,i- ,o" pii I en s . 1 1 1 J l.i.l.! In d.iv l he Man o. " .. jnni ,',,eil hnul is ,iki:d to In: ;illlia. .ii.- ne. I'l.en, in tl.ini.s to own :i II llie ril,i ', I'Hi'i y rci I and iiersntial ol :.ad t lo:oioie '.i!'.t..'. y i'd lu :e culilleil to loie- oo-.e.li oiui 1 - i ,i-e,l lliiii u.ii Ii laii iiii ol inei. I ii s i.i sii.il iittiou iit- ad-jiui-el lo i.avi- i o ' icie-t in any jiail ol said l.ai i,i in M.'a, jtt iu s;i.J .norliixe and toii- tra- '. on aie n-'i'i-r n ,n ..! ,.,er . ; ci n: i . io'i nil or ic-i.a c- .l.'i..i., . Im ' . iiv ul i iiloec . A . 1 ). l.'-"..oi yoiii iii i, in. . '. iie i-ii.cacl ami liul-- ''- .1 cntL-n d ,il im,'";,1 ii;;.i!iisi oil iina .inl I. '' Anm vo 1. Sm. i e. iv ii - it! in nevs. A BOOy TO EGA"" DB-TABLETS WJOIVZYE -iJ i ST i T lr7- 5i3"4il. 5s5T, S h f "e rS'fj-J w v.' n ' ?r t Fil E JIJ B3 CURE Z!"tti A N2W Discovery for the Curiam Cure ot ii -JTHRNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHQH T IAIN. CURES WHZRE ALL OTHEv.r. IUWJ'1 FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; Boi ti-lo, lo Cents. JAMES F. BALURO, Sole Proprietor, - - 313 VsM Ufa Sirctt, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. FRICKH & CO. -v'lii ui.M.:fiO''U as : Aall.tw "'ii u'cn: h iluc mi - a:i con 1 1 n t aI icKwei D.i'.td tl. A i i i v I.i . i ami le ): I.. Ki ll ill day oi f-cim-iiiijei , A. 1 I ": , in i'fi iu in in. ion t-r.1 tro'cf 'iit;. Pl.AJ'T.-MUL-TH, Neb., Oft. 4, l!o ;:-(l moL -uftu tt.t to adjoui nment, iVtit nt, J. C llayo-), (leo V. Yuuny ai.il ,1. 1'. J ailier, eounly eomniissiion er.j, .James Hobcr idou, county clerk Minutes of i.'i-evious se.-sion i e n! arid ai)pi'ove(, wlieii the following hui- ne-;s was tran-iiCteJ in regular fo.-tn. f.T.AIMS AI.I.DWKl) ON OF.NKKAL KI'NI) pie l1 .ihjtbiy I e iat'e o-t. )-. ;u:'i . in Mills curt tv is th-it owned ! .". i ;i -d v J. C 1 hi O r.i is tlfij; IP, U- !):. yo-j n ir , ;i-ul Las of Ua-li Wi Oh llj is eifl el.: hl!.s:'i-t. 1 and has uiiw inl of 2.1)t() tree.-, ail i seed Line-;; ai.ij eeiPP' lt'.'I seidL' ter I varieties. be'n;r m- sli.y th:e : and h ill yea-.s old. Mr. D.tviutui hei iev: s iu plutitinir cio-a tt'eth'-r at,d liis trees are set on ati ave'-ayn oi ; a li b ijii1 ill- j 111 1 1) o! e o;id l!i e j hi en fo:- soe'O ime ja.-t, v m ployed on . th-- 0,.i;:.a 1 P oiii i-.al) -"I u liiit-otvpe. . i;c j nun? i-ii.ji!" exp el lo mru-re i, i. i.. .... v, i i . . ... 1 iiieir i.i.' iie ill uiii-.i..! un i ue n fM.ii i a:.d will bo i rd with tho bi-iuc'b aicth i ler ut 131 Stuitli I'olli street. Tb.cir tea-en for bavlnsr the core Mnony jiorlufini d Ii-',.:-. w.is tluit they feet a part-ma kino live or six hundred j w,; a m.uriea htih" pf to the acre. i i;u.- ins entire p-'ju'h j mijjiit las rairnerl t.y tho minister tie; b .-idu's orchivi d oc uo'Ci a space i.f between !r-. I). Moi ran and M.-s. four and liv into fil'i he, ae:es and when il come? t ea s. I). Kade wrio rosi here. in if as 1 Wl;i s;l: I J-II' 7. !:.. 1.1 V."IU l.HHI I. Illl II". LS 1.1 it.y. l-i ! friends ia thiseiiv extends coi. -i a " u In thi. rn.tsl. i ii'i id ne: i -e. idt-'.. nf im-iinil ' . . 1 ' . 1: t lo::3 a nu host. IP the slate ol joua. Mr Davi isoa MONDAY. Tl. II. Keitzei and brothei oi As u I' ll IS liO peaches this an o!T yeir with hi in. ion. : isnes. ...... .II It l,. .1 ... die, .voci o-ii, - A CRITICAL T I M E i It Mny Suva- Your lafw A iki-e ii- two of Foley'- Honey and T.-.r will prevent a t ii'iaik of pneit- Durinf? the Battle of Santiago. mo'iia, ri ti)or .-evere cold if taken in 1 time. Cures cO't;; h, e.eld-, eroun-, ; Li .G i ppe, hoata-ene-s, I'iiMc .It bmith- I iu0;. whooiiinjr eotiyli. incipient con-) u motion, a-tlnna m hr. hiti. . (.1 V.r positive re:k-f in nuva-'c;"! s r: n s- h 1 1 :t or nrnai-iiill -It. 1? leko !v Lu. ! SICK OR WELL, A RUSH XIGKT AND DAY. iiiin rnijf.ia: Gu -. r.. ntei ii. Th:- Minmiui 1'ai'iU)' lias U 1-Oi.lftl t.r'p i.'tt of SIX'V live cents to ' jnaha, ee.od t ve y d ay uu. insr the exp t-itioii i-xoeoi when a low er i-:.!'.; is llKide. A!' trains .-top t t. tho exposition ;:at ivine e:;eeoi!Oi -:l iaci lilies for the. i-ci; . e. - jnce f O.ttl'oiis win) save e.ar i .re ai d unpleas ut ti-iin-fers. Take the o'd re'iible a!, i'. train ior Orieaha. -it I I1 . oid tho rxpr- J,,,'r', were able to keep at work and keep Manv desue-to ca--es f kidne , -, , c . T i i - v our health; m fact, I since-r!y beiieva M'ares protiouaird ineurnble have ,,,, , , - ,, ... - ' .. di-ease b en t ur. a by Foiey Many phy sici . ns u Frick e lV Co. Jl dl.ev dock, were in the city over Sunday. VVvanabor is down In m Alliance, today visiting fi. C Me M 'ikon and family. The snow sto: m is f - r f cm pleasant today, ! ut then its the triakin- of the fall whe it. Will Keithley, wife and f unity 1 aim Kansas City, sn-nt Su Klay with rela tive's in this ciy. George Fred Vv'illi..ms, the free sil ver apostle, will tpt ak in this city Thursday nitrht. It is said tho Second Net rasua regi ment will be mu-dered out nil i n d olf Thursday of this wet k. Snow fe I in t hie go and Northern Indiana for over an hour, on October 13, the earliest snow laii in thirty years. The G'.euwool Canainy C . has erected a bi anple evapi rutor wtiich has made a good market ov r there for windf alls and cutis Contractor Harvey Hollow ay has the piling in and l- ie:.dy to bc'in work ou the A. O U. W. hall across the street boulhwe&t f KicLey's lum ber office. The veneraoie Susan li. Anthony nd her co lahorer, Mr-. Carrie C.'t, will be in Council Bluffs, Tbuisd.y and F id ay of 1 1 - i wetk to tak- part in a big suffrage meei.ng. L. C. Gibberson of Wee pi -i;.' Water, one of the earliest resi -ents of this count, died at his homo Friday of old age. He leaves an aged wife and many friend to mourn his demise. Hon. 'John F. l'oik of Greenwood will accompany his nephews. J.eph "Woods and wife, m il Jotiu Hudson and wife, back to Indian . tomorrow, where he intends to sj e' d the winter with relatives. .Viss Minnie W stfall, eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mis. W. H. We-.tf .ll, of Weeping Water, died at her home last Saturday of quick e.i Lmption. The funeral Wris held from the M. E. church at that place yesterday. Thirlv-six vears hsro the iMt'i dav of feubscrite for The Nkws the best w r- -r I October, a b.izztra struck Nebraska i FPr in h wiiy j iliv f.u k.e.-s at ih- Hattl; nf &!i.-.ti.s;o tie j Culm wereull H-roes, Tl-.c ir Id-rum I-.f- fort- in i?-!fw:K A ii.ne.i'il inn and Katioiin j to tt:t i riint San-ii the Day. j l 11. Kut-.er, of pack-train No. 3, '.vri ling f i om Saiitii'eo de Culia, on i . . . ... ... - . . uiy o, says: aic nil u.:a ui-ii-rtiucn in more less violent form, and when we lauded ve had no titue to see a doctor, for it 't is a c ise of rush and rush night and day io keep tue trcops supplied with amunitiou and nations, but, thanks to Chamberlain's Coiic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, we l Sub-t-ribi r. We a. e carry ing over a tbcu-and accounts on our bowks, m :iiy of them small but in the agt rt jjale it i inount to a in at sum which -ouid ue' j lis cut if pai-.! ie. If ou can't pay :.li you owe -end us a dollar and we will send 11 hat at one critical time this medicine V n. t . j v..ls 'Lrie i , direct savior of our army. VJ if. ,,. :-..-. u ..a i. .... .. lui i. i:ij .;xf.ui r 11,14 ihmjii Ulir". Uit: to work thtre ucjld have been no way of getting supoiits to the front. There were no roaJs lh.it a -watrou train c.iid u.-e. My c srura.ie and myself h.-.d i be go-id fortune to 1 .y in a sup ! ly of i;. i ii: -dicine for our pack-train bcfiiro we left Tainps, and I know ir. receipt by retu.ii ma'ii witi thanks t h ro w n in. a card of TO CUKK A KILO IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Uri-mo Qu eine '1 ablets. All druggists refund toe money if it fails to curt;. iic. The gcr.uino ha? L. B. Q. on h tablet. Chet Mancue-l-r ii. s ;.n interestinr photograph of tim B. it M. wreck at Indianui:. S-.e;i c trs and two en gines which woind ordinarily occupy over 30 feet t.f Pp..u- on the track are piled up in a -y.ee ie- th m To feet in length. Eignteeu bundrtd he .d of sh. ep were loaoeu in ihv. sevtn double deck cars am: Wt of" tiiem were k.l cd in the wrick. George Freer, the ex pressman, ht.d a f.o-i. cit.l but esc iued injury by j.:n:p.ng from his car. As an external liuiu-eni. of mot won derful ,euelr eve i.d lU.-.aive power B..ll d. o. L.:..,ni-n. i- not equalled Ly any tub r .u t n- orid. Price '2 .ui.i 60 cents. F. G. Frice. J C Haves, sal and exp . 4'J HO fjeo W Vniiy, same ;. lia J I' I iiiti.-r, siin.e J.s Knbi-i tson s,i! ana pt pay cntax list... :!.'!! fx) lie) 1. I-arloy, sal clc ln2 O'l ii I I h:tr,i el. sat ."0 (U I. To-Iii. snine ao Hi K I' Iii. ton. plaiting : etc 1'i 4D Mreislit Streitiht. cnllius far paupers 25 Mi Vv I licelcr, sriKi.-.l l.n! 1- (KJ J II Mciii ; ie, boiiid prisoners il -J.i I ):;ial!.a I'i anting I'd, records la 00 Carpenter Paper Co, incise to ca , H 50 S A Davis, nil to co 1 :.M rCbIne,er Hardware Co, niJse to poor t:n... ." 7" C " Hay, envelopes Is CO C II s-mith, same 41 on Davis & t'auajill, rtprs on ct house 21 !7 J C Smith, care of poor Ill lid Mss K Voder, same. C ; S F (iiraidet, nide to poor 10 W R I-' Dean, c n to poor farm Vo (10 Jos SUera, liu'.ie to poor a 00 O J Axtel, same :; Ca Eseu'acrsr & l roap, wouJ to co 2 00 s H Siiamaker. reprs at poor farm -I () I-, I) Cummin . M I), mud ser l!i) O'J Jacob Iluechler. wood to poor farm HO 00 I" i Hoitabuum, sawing word '. 1 -J. Mrs Dora l-'iesliman, care of poor Is On (' C hucknell, mdse to poor fi 00 L !i EgenbergiT, sain1; ".'t 00 Aslier Clark, same.., J M Zuckwcilcr & Lutz, same Pi 00 M'S 1J I McUonald. same !) 00 Win Herold & Sou, same 2 00 Aug Iiach, same ,S 00 Week bach ATVo. same l'J I J hwohuda, same 6 00 Vurl ec Coiiey, same 8 00 Frank Kauble. same 2 (KJ A I Graves, sal llrd cir ."! 9j State Journal Co, supplies 24 W IZOAD DISTllICT FL"NI. L Neitzel. mdse dist 23 $ 2 50 Ridley & Dickson, him dist 62....' 17 50 same dist 22.. ..; 25 00 ' same dist 5) 30 10 ' " same dist ! 12 55 Frank Fetzer, reprs dist 10 3 (io E Stulfzeiiesvier, nails dist 9 '. 55 Frank it Kidjreway, 'urn and til dist 40 39 Co 60.... 12 50 D Smith & Co, mdse dist 5;i 2 2S " same dist 5J .. 1 25 Jno Bcrgmarm, piling etc dist I I 3 00 NVeepkig Water Lbr Co, mdse dist 45 19 70 same dist 35 13 10 F G Kendall, work dist 40 15 (X) tcrXTY KOAD FUNDS. Frank & Kitlgeway. lumber .f 17 t7 IHtlDGE FI ND. J K Shecley & Co. Lids bridges !S23 28 l -tn d adjourned to meet Octobi;r is, ib'.'H. James Robektsox, Couutv Clerk. Executor's Siilc. In tin- I :-tr! 1 I'otirt ol 'a ,s count v Ni ln a..V in llie inallia nl Hie tsiaie ol .--ainiiel A. Hoi la nok. deceased t ndi.-r and hy a Oa: nf an ea h-r nl l:cen-e lo .1 t . e re. u c:,late I'ei mailer nes aal.e.l m.i.Ji- the nlinv! -i.t't!-d '-ins.: l lem. ll.i'ilS N'nin ml a.-, en llie :;0.li d.-v.-! iei I-: -. J -,.,11 on I I -"In aai i.. ',)ci. a. i ). - ,,c Ml n a im k A lt en; -.ol-lii (J.). I ! I .. l. .Mi In 11 - l: ill I'laits iiiom1- t..i coiimv. .Nei.ia-,;.i. laier I' r salelli no-. ira a i .;.i n o: m- :i,:i i a u ii ; y ill :ee, an oil- no. oi,-. -i (i.iain-i o! -i-.aa.n l.veniv- lio-e ;'i-il -n: e."- -1 1 1 a - a I in- !.- n I n -a - ( ipiai le, Mini the s.o,i , .i ,iL-si ijj.ima i,l Ine no.tln..1 naaiter of .a: .on e. e n i v-i .. ah -'t'lfded hi ownsliip iieie. i.eij.e leu c.i i r. 1 . .n. in L;i-s county ieoiasK.a. . i ana ai nig mini:! -illl acres. J lies l.a- .-. nl land wiM le oi eied separately, in til oiui-i nii-n.i.aieil siiujeci in a lease winch expires .!.M. n i -i. i: ii. i !ii.-u: ins oi saul -.ale are cash or one nalt ca li, payable at the time of sale and ihe remainder in tlm.-c cnii.il aniiinii iiavmeuts in nae, two and thii-.; ears with imerest at not le.-s iliau six per cent at the option ol the executor o a; au es an-ol .-ainuel A. Hoibrook, de. eased. If H s-ioiilu he t..i:r.d for llie b::st iut-.-ri'.-1 uf the es .a.e me esecuior, mav on ihe day ot sale vary the ici-us ni ieni set l.n it. s . laras lie may be war liei-cu undi r Ihe aindnaais ot the order n ami, on nle in ;ii s proceeding. A good and ai!ii .ic-ut dee 1 xv II iie made to the puieh.-eer on i -e pax iinni oi liiepin iiasennce ,.nd Conln ma i ca nl sale. 1'he i ;lil is reserved lo refuse any ..laii oil-. v. II.I.I AM l.. I.OXVKI.I., E -ecuior ot the esla.e ot .Samuel A. Hoibrook, de ceased. F'.vK H. W'imiham, his attorney. Dated this ith (iyy of October 1 T. J. 'l'a.i..e. M ,r and A I. Mc i:n. I p;il .oticc. In die Distiict ( oait of Ca--Citii.ty Nebraska I. nulla E . l'oik. l'la an :i , vs. ' . I a! i oe !.:!c'.iuanls. 1 iie di te::dauib 1 . J . Fat roe, Maggie A. latroe mi A!. MclJiii.tic xiii! take notice that oa tin: ith day nl Itnv, IKi-. I.M.'ii.i K. i'o'k. the nlainoll iia-u ne; pernio:! m l.,e iistiict l.oint nt I. ass County, .eaia.-k i. ai'.nust J . i. iatioe, Mauuie A. J atroe ;-.nd .VI. io. lintic, hrst and real names unxnown, the ouject and prayer ol winch are to e a Ceit.eii niong.igc e.-iecuted i,v the ili- lendants, i . J. i all oe, .XI ai!j;ie A . J'tt to Ed xxin Jeary, and i haa asr-igned to ihe piaintill 0 p :i lots tx.eiity-i a.e '21; and tv.ei:; v-t'.xo 12-). al:.igeol ireenwoo I, ( ,'a.es county. jN.inaska. to ecui e t he ta y men i i I two niomisson- notes lot ami i!j.-.'... l.;ted i lecelilber 1-t. !:::!. and due January I.-t 1 -;... and .'September ist Ii.i.i: that there is now tine and unpaid on said notes nd mortgnco 'he ii mi nf 71.2a and interest r,,in the Inst day ol December. IH-Jit. at the rate nl eight per cent per aiiiiuin, tor which sum and in terest the nlahitnl pray.- lor a decree ol foreclos ure and sale of sai i i. remises. You are ri-nuired to answer said p.-ti:t:ii on or before the 1 ith dsv ol .Novciiilu r, is.is. Dated this ith-day u! October liis. I .n i.i.A K. I'oi.K. liy C. S. 1'olk, her attorney. Siicriil's Sale. Uy viriue of rri nr-!;-- f sale issued by Ceo. F. d t ae district com t, w ltfiin four ct; ses it absolutely sived life." Tho nivn-o letter was written to the manufacturers of this medicine, the Cntiinb-rhiia Meiicine Co., Des M'-itiS. Ioxv-i. -r '': hy o 1 1 drusrg'ists. Th- r !ir: th i- no ri-afr-r "Pl.-in-if-n "it. Ask . -. iy oe ' ' ' .;;:;.-- I I ' t; . i::ir IK HOC '" lll;.i:Uf:iC 1 -.-roi;. . I 1"-! alii tb".U tur:.d or it, i -:(-I'l e. 'C:-Vi'.t r"s liucke ve IMe Ointuii-nt l e liev s i no ii.t- ii c itchir-2". It soo.Les, iie;t'.s ai.d cur -s chronic c i-- where suraeou- f ii. It i-- no exp ritnent; its .-nle- incre-.i-e throiijrh Us cures. Ev ry bottlo jrua ran t- e 1. I, ice Touribt I'iniipllt, D.-'scri pti ve of Yeliow-ton National Pc rk t-no t':f -urnmer re.-ors of Colo-r."-do a-'.l ;i : :i t .j ' i . g1, besides tn tpsand il; !i.-t' iLL.or.rii H yredt dunl r f informa tion t.f interact io s: .mi-seers and lu: i-i.s, e.,n le bad by add i c.-f-ing J. Fr.itiei-i, (ier.e-al Pnsseng'er As'ent, L'urlinton Route, Omaha. Neb. Jtest Line of Stoves ou Kartli. iiou id Oak, and Rjuieut Homy base burners, Ouicli "xieal and Puck Steel ra: 2'.'-, :;t:' Cu e's nir tipht stoves at EBINER HARITV'AnE Co. Ilouseworth, clei k anil lor Cabs ciaiutv. rected. I v. iii on t .',. . a l"-'.'-, at 11 o'cio k a. a: door of the court h . , in said county. a highest bidder'-. i e. i to-xvit: The west !..ef .. . of Section ui. . . half Cj) of the icr twenty-Seven '.' ; a i nine !i east nt ', i'. i i together xxith the in. v i thereunto belouin- or The same bemjj levied .lenrasKa. and to mi; di iav of November, A. I). of said da. at the south a I he city of Plattsm-iutli public auction, to the : lolloxviug real estate Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Recnw: Ihey carry an immense stock, buy for carJi and sell at low prices. Everything ood to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Li'J Corner of Sixth and Pesrl Streets. - - - Pi ftlsiiiniifh. Neb " Vii Ji. ivffS-J.yr. , feaWr::' A OF THE FAMILY. FOLEY'S h"Oi'EY and TAR IS THE GREAT THROAT and LUfiC REMEDY. F. G. Fricke &, Co. ORIvISi VERMIFUGE!, Ihf '. In ti.aii''x-. )! I In yimllly. For 20 Years Has Led all Worm RmhiWlSiW 0 0130 jLS TC AIiIj C '.. U CV C-1 H T" M . Prepared, l.y .!AWE'-. ft A I I A tif Cf li.tn F. G. FRICKrrTcor li e nortlixvest quarter i i : CM. and tiie east a t qa rier ('.il of section i To-,.. .:.-h,p tweivc llj; ran" i : ' a - county. Nebraska x-i.. ai d ;:c purtenai ces a anxx'-ise appertainiii upon .iiel taken as t property of J homas Ki ecc et a! n-.-teudants to satisty a j'.idKcir.ent ol sa-. J court r- cvrred by I.t.lii I t..r:..,- !.:,;n ;. . I .! t .. i u.w.ai. .-11,11111, pirtilllill clUl.l.-l. SilIU Uei'JIKl ants. J'lattsmouth, Nebraska, S..-pt. HO. A. D., lfiK. V. ::. I). Whi-.klkk. Sheriff. Cass county, Nebraska. C. S. Folk, attorney for piainti!!. A iiusinibf Tutor's SuJe. In the matter of the Kstste of Charles Uutier. aeceased. Notice is hereov iiiven that in mirsnance of an order oi isasn Kamsev. ludcre ol the Uistrict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on ihe ii.th aay ot August, lv tor the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there wiii be sold at the south door ot the Court House, in the city of I'lsttsmouth. in said countv. on the fcih rtav ol xciooer, isi-c, at it o ciocK. A. -.1 , at public ven ,i... .... i. i. ...i-,i . . .. , .. line iu me iniinesi uiciuer ior casn. t.'ie loiiowmo- -t . . . .... . .... . n uescnueu leai esiaie, io-xv;t: l.'ie southwest quarter (s w- '.j) of section eight (b;, township tun iiu;, muc uuii: im, uis county, .eurasKa. aia saie to remain open one hour. JJated this llith day ot September, 1:.'8. M.r;arkt 5 Ultlfr. Administratrix of the estate of Charles butler, deceased, C S. Polk, Attorney for Estate Cot: Sai.k A g-iu.ii bdioniii Ce.l ;-t tins t liiCc. fedit. Ailininistratcr's sap. In the matter of the Estate of John Cusacfc. de- co.asea. Notice is hereby "iven that in pursuance of an order of JJasil S. Ramsey. Judtje of the District Court of C ss countv. Nebraska, made oa tiie iird day of September. Is!'", fur the saie of the real e tale hereinafte r described, theie wail be sold at tlie south door of t he Com t House, in the citv of Piattsinouth, in said countv. on the th day of O tober. h:'. at 11 o'clock. A M.. at uubiic ven due, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate. to-vu: The vv.st half (.xxlji. of the soiuhxxest (s w e i, of section six ), town ship e'evea ill), range nine ('.:, Ca.;.s countv, Nebraska. Said sale to remain open one hour. JJated this lUtii day ol September, ISOS. N. H. MttKF-K. Administrator, with will annexed, of the estate of John C'usack. doc -ae i. C, S, i'OLK, Attorney lor litate. .... r . ' J .' ; ''"'iA til;'-: H V?it 4J . V sue. 'jr,f!'('ir- fa 1 .. . r.i IMS t PAIT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves Furniture, Bath Tubs Buggies, Farm Tool, Etc. A special paint for each pur pose, not one -lap rlash mi. ture for a;l. :-:)? 7uv priced, but highest grade at fair, honest f,ri -. Von know our repurntion. We say these are the best paint.-; v. c K , . i.i. You'll :-o too after you li.a.ve used them. F. G. FRICKE & CO. f They banish pain '-7: OKI J i i : r ; ? uiiu nruiuii" inc. 1 t.' GIVES RELIEF. Legal Notice. Ia County Court. h'?a! .Notice. state of Ncbrasa. diss Couiity, j In the m.ittt-r of the a j -ption of Ed.vin Frank lin Pa.in.tr. a minor ci.iid of James If. and Mat tie C . Pahner. To Imiie i Palmer aad all other persons in terested, notice is hereby given that MattieC. 50 Pannnr has tiled in said court lier reiinquishnier.t i nl i;:ii! irerior. to t;-.-' :i--l tlit hi- mav t-.f a.l.mt.-l I'i'tits ill lv.lUeg, lul":a 75 Cent . V. G. j by Kdv. in A. and Mary li. f-hiitii. 'Von are fur- i.. ., I tner n ir.ed that Ed xv in A . and Mary E. Smith, ri vkt"' j on the Jntij day ot September. 1 !-&. hied in said """" r....r r i)-.;iriiiQ iiir the adontloli nl said ml- ) ii... r. a. a laat if you fail to appear in said couri ,v r ' on the 1st day of November, A. 1)., l9.i. at nine cii .-.p. ,"ci jcl: a. r.i., to contest tiie prayer ol said peti tion, the court- mav grant the prayer of said pe To Lama Ann Mills. John F. C. Mills. Wesley M. Wi i ams ana wi!e. Mis. Wesley M. Will iams, xjuve A . x -iiianis ana Sidney i. Will iams, ii' n-re: ider.l c!eia vlvai": ou, and ech ' yon. are horcby noe.:ed il-at on the Kh dav ot reoe.-anr.r. 1 ". !' ... i:oi:i."i Lod.;e No. Ancient Order of La.-.-ti Voiuniea, c.':;:nenced an acou a ;ain . yoi .ne d s, .. t coai t of C'as c aiiiii y. Neora-La, . ie oois'i and prayer oi which ate lo tjjiei i'.'ic in n'a'aert and akraiii't sai l ae:cn. lanes iu ane ia ijt one ( . in bick two (), iu ti-. city of f'!a.. jou;l. Cass caat.ty. Net'raska. ard lo l.ai ar t enjer'n w'd de fendants from having oi scriuitr fy .'..'e lo or Ciaiai in said n;t or a ny nari ne: eo,'. ?du lor equitable rencf. Von s-.e rm ii-ec' . xver aij Ip titiou on or bel.ne ".loiiuy, v ie :'.l. l clav of October. 1-S. 1'LATTSMOt TH Lcin-,E No, 8. ANCIENT OnliilR OI-' I'NIlKIl ffotKXIlN, Hy their attorney, Jese I.. Koot. .- 4S-ncri- fruit farm vctj ELiiuirc :it Nkws idfie.-. Legal Noiice. II. M . Ilricker. rir.-t and real name unknown and 1 rancis C. FauP-ner asjni:ee 0f the Con necticut Kiver savn gs iianK. xxi.i take notice that the piaiutin. FraucU N. (jib-on, lias begun an actii u in the District court of Cass countv, Nebraska, entitled, Francis N. ti.bson v. lacob Ilur.h et al, deiend.-.nts. iu xih'.ch tf. wve named parties are ma ie defendant.-, and that the object ol prayer in sau! petitiou. is t a foreclose a IP I m f?Z$Pk f&M&S& z'sJ- -' s?9?. mm m mw A h?M tet-fj hA I 6&rii ZjU Z Z 51 d. Li No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you .can get ten for five cents. A new rtrl Mdrel onijin new fi:rivjF:i.- in . , ... . at Bomedruir iw.-o:t .vc . 7'S h . l .n- V t .VTiiti- , a w , T" cd. uu rfoen. f thc-ll.e-.-w.t --.r...r. ( .1-, tihil: ?c.-m i, i Jii ty i V ,,-- to tho Kin .Hiai..-i. (X.n-nir. s,. uTi7r 2. iH.'-Mi-"l HJ.-1 f .'-Vht f eft UBCUJI Hill Ik lull (,T Itvn n i.ti tirf ii " 'V!-""'." ' ' I ,r Ciiuu (IU Vve I-, v. m ei - ti; nr, uud at teu i i' on j'liy to roofi p. h-.-u all kin cla ot tin w.ak Ehinoeu Hahdware Co. IliurTr-re en tit:- '.Vi--I 1 ui tii li.ntr.ni.t ntisr. Lienii txiiA nirtAc nuui vj.uci txLiKi luiiner uiui.15 xer oi section I'1, toxin ia, ran ii east ol the bin and decrees as to tlie court may teem proper, to P M. aid nmrtgae hriv.r.u been pneu by the the end that snid nnuor maybe adopted by the said Jacob liur-h to Tieiij.im.ii A. liibsou and said Kdxvia A. and Mary E rmith. . for general reiiel and vo-.i are required to answer Witness raj hand and the seal of said court at said p a.dioa on or bet .re the Tin day of Novem Plattsraouth. Nebra-ka. this Ilth dav cf Octo- ber. t- k a.ncIs N. CliisoN. i'laintin. ber A L). 1 !. dWRds M Splrlqcv, j V.. H. Woolly. Attorney. LSAt uty Jug. i Uaud September 7, UVs. li f?, xS n h iA w fl k At' f ermanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CUKE. The 'jurcst aud the best. Sold by drut?pn5t3 on a positive guarantee, Price 50 cents ',?r box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. - THE OIL WHITE -ULL M.tfiRIMLNE CO . South Bend. Indiana