The fctmi-U'ctkly bCKS-lituld "UHLISHEO ON TUESCAYS AND FRIDAYS . . . HV T1IK . . . NfKVVS I'lJltMSIIINU COMPANY, M. D. I'OMt, KDITOK. DAILY KIMTION. One Y-!tr, in wlvance, 9't "0 Six Mouths 2 0 Orj- Week 10 ytujrlc Copies, 5 SEMI WF.RRI.y Kl11l')N, On. Six Yctr, in Mutitln, . !i1 vanefl, $1 t;0 '',F LARGEST CIRCULATION ot Any Cass County PpT. i; L i i r.i.ic.vN tii iii:r. r..r c; .run:. M. I.. IIA VWA KD. iur Uutit.-tiovcrnur. (,l ()ia..K A. iVL'KI'llKV or Sci of Mate. C. Dl'KAS. I or Auditor, T. I.. MATIt KWS. r Tie;r urcr. 1'1-M'KK MOR I i:.V, Kir Stale Siitjcritituiulcnt, J. J SAYI.uK. lor Attorney Ouiii.nil, K. I). JACKSON. For Com. Public Lands ami I'uili! (j. K. WII.UAMS. Ill" s 'C'i)KrMHliul. I"(r ( 'oi.f'.rcrinaii, l iit district K. J. r.l'KKKTT. I'outity, II. NI.WKl.I. For Si.iiiiU.r WM For Representatives t. t. yoi;m;, I'OI.i.akh. For F!uat Representative K. A. DITMAK. 1'nr County Attornev JKSSE L ROOT. I'u I'onimissioner, Tiiird district TURN ICR ZINK. Gknkkal Jon iiKKLKii's opinion of tho conduct of tho war is worth more than that of all the ntay at home fault finder of tho Hitchcock calibre. Oi:K(iON has elected a United Stntcs senator who believes in a stable cur rency. This is one of tho fruits of the sweeping republican victory in that state. TllK Indiana democrats have ip poaled to the courts in their effort to disfranchise 2,000 soldiers. Yet it is the democratic party that as the champion of the troops. Tnu Iowa and Oregon sailed the other day with sealed orders, not. to be opened until they were out at f-ea. Theso Icvithnns may drop in to make a social call on the Dons at Madrid. WllF.X the counties pay taxes and school money to the Ptnte in Jfe'O amounting to J,ub, . .w.b. ( uo you wonder that tho school apportion ment for the same vear amounts to $730,001.1. 5 V V. D. llYNlM is stutnpinp- Iowa for the republican ticket making unan swerable arguments to immense crowds. As a lifelong democrat be eives eood reasons for his refusal to support the party of repudiation. E. M. rOLLAHD and T. T. Youn are curtain to receive more than the republican vote. They are both farm ers and will see that the producing class is well represented at Lincoln alontr with the other interests of the state. Liuekia, the African republic, has a representative here who says his country warts to come in uuder the prolefSn of the American flag. Un cle Sam would soon have his hands full if he listened to all the people who need help. THIS paper has cot found it neces sary to make personal attacks on the popocratic candidates to help its own ticket into office. No such extremity is needed, though it would be perfect ly justifiable in response to the course of the Journal. The campaign will last just three weeks longer and every republican should see to it that hi.-, democratic neighbor compares tho men on his ticket with those on the republican ticket. In a fair comparison the re publicans would win out with ease. McKixley told the republicans at Lincoln three jears ago what would occur if a repul liean president were elected, and every promise ho made has been already fulfilled. When he faced a Nebraska audience Wednes day and spoke of the better times he might have said "I told you so.' Evex poor, bigoted and ignorant old Spain has learned something" and ttie threatensd issue of 2,500, 000, 0U0 peset is by the Bank of Spain has been by the people who threaten to revolt at Madrid. Too much money of the paper variety is not looked upon as a cure for all jtiiments, but an evil worse than pestilence or war. The peace commissioners sitting at Paris should claim tho heights of San Jaun as a ground for a rational ceme tery. 1 ho stars and stripes should be planted there forever 10 wave over the graves of our fallen heroes An ap propriation should be voted at the session of con irress ample in 1 mount to clear up und beautify t hat bloody bat tle ground, and moruments snould be erected to the mtu ory of our brave soldier lads who 1 -id d.u their lives that Cuba ini-iht bii free. JksIE Tj. Hoot :s no stranger te the people of Cass c o mty. He has long resided at Flattsmoth and is admitted to I 0 Olio ft;;, h; pi j.ti'i ii - in 'lie eta e. rur-iul. m i-ciciii i ir and t)i r-'o'li . r..n iiimCc a record l-r li e wo I. i hat eiunuirtid. him tocV'iy voter in ';n-9 county ii torea c cl in .- .- Ii 1 - i work oi tho iouniy nun- cu-n i t a st'icil.v bu in'in-lMo in .'o.i-r. 1 i the leetiot ol Mr. K n l tii. , v id ct'CUi o the fervic.s o! an utioi ney wi o ;s cupiiLlc of rleuuiii jii miriii'in ft luw hefc re any iit iinul in tin- jito. Kiin wood Leader1 I V ho. Tilt: vel'ow journal and the journal istic cum fioiii New Yorif to Nebraska won lit lead one to believe tt at from tb'S southland uiiiiie is there mmuiue patriotism !.li- -c- later N'u f. l o- hood ii tro v ile for thos-; carrion ven ders to circulate, so h n a.- it ma) de tract I rum the inifjlily i.nd pure lion parli .n rlT.irls oi the administration to close up the war with Spain with honor to too country and in tho proper difcchaifjo of ih duties of this govern ment lo hum nity and civilization. While tbo iiiis-rablo traitors who .preside-over t he de.itiny of popocracy foam and hark with tiit.ii' inoculated rallies, the n publicans in Ceneral Wheoler's district refuse to nominate a candidate a gain. st the enliant oldicr, and that too in tho face of the f ct that Wheo ler is ineligible for the oflice ho will be- electi d to :;nJ will CI:. No repub lican in all this broad land is so small and partisan as lo stand between Wheeler and the seat he desires to again fill, when he feh.ill have dis charged his duties to the government in tho capacity of a soldier. The jaundiced papers and their treason able editors do not represent the citi zens of their several communities, do not represent the loyal populists or democrats, and it is a bright and happy p.ife 'n thy history of th: republican p:rty thut such outCts do not even voice tin.; sentiments of tho mugwumps. A UTK'I.K two of the protocol between this country and Spain signed with tho president's app oval August 12, lSu.S, provides: '"Spain will cede to th'3 United Stn'es the island of 1'orto Kieo and tho oilier islands which are at present under the soverignty of Spain in the Antilles, as well ns an island iu too Lad rone. Archipelago, to bo chosen bv the United States." Arti cle three provides: "Tho United Suites wiil retain n;:d occupy the city and btv of M 'iiii i, ponding a con el u- stO'i of a treaty of pe n'o. v. h;ch si a:i of pe ieo. da'ermin-- th--1 i'ui:!.- 1 s; n:. eminent of ti"-' I'hi'ii oi lorui oi . Anicle first says: '" -p i:: -. " I Claim to :;li -(.- 'ii-i -!. 'y her ri -j h t in t h is w .t o is a bri'-f um mir-y ;! ' accotupii-ucd by the .': -r. mablo results to Arrei icu ing" out tr thes-j a! (u -i; administei ed ' v a ! v-i,u'''l eco'.i'n-e al ovc r an.! :!! C'ib.-..? 'i'h-s . 1 '- 1 1 .' beer. Tii" i r.esti 'n labor v,)w icns will be Ic.'U hous" of reprasen ta; i ve il du; y at 1 h" iv 11-;. tl voters co their Why did Lieut. Gov. Harris at the last ses-ion of the !ejri.-la ue r. lei the bill inlr due -d fo the reuiai ion of charfros at tho steck-y nds to the com mute 1 Oil agriculture, rather than to Tho desperate effort ot Frank li:nsom, paid attorney for Fax 'on, and tho boss of tho free silver republican-;, to have the bill olaced in custody of the last named committee, was a matter of gen eral comment a few months since. The farmers hpve tot forgotten the at tempt of the popocratic organization to smother tin bill, nor that it took the united efforts of all parties not dominated by the fusion organization to place the bill ujjon the statute books. Rkiti'.i.icaxs in this county never had less excuse to scratch a ticket than they have this fall Every man from senator down is the superior of his opponent so far as ability goes, and their integrity as good citizens is not questioned. We already have 300 majority over fusion in this county and ita the splendid ticket nominated this iead ouyht to be increased to oOO. S -nator Allen is still flopping around criticising the administration, yet favoring the same wa- poiici' that McKinley has favored, lis too bad he cannot find some issue beside the de id silver isue to go before the peo ple with. There is not one good reas on why Allen shouid le returned to tho United States senate. Tl'KXEK ZlXK is an educated man and a thorough rccounlsnt. He is fully competent to check up the books of the country ollicials without the aid of an expert. Acting in this capacity alopr; lie can to the count enough money to pay his salary. The wi-e taxpayer will vote for Mr. Zink. Weening Water 11m -ublican. IXKlKMAlloN' AXU OI'IMOX. A lot of American brer has been shipped to M aiila. When the froth is on the schooner and ihi- peboener'a on the lar iLiiu v-'k out for lively doings by the distant Yankee tar. Ex. The fact that mauj- hor-e are being sto'en ia Nebraska is cert iin evidence that times are improving. Two years aao it was impossible lo hire n man to bteal a horse, for the horses v. ere not worth as much a- ti.e price of the baiters on them Vj.t Mason. The Nebraska City News tries to ra ike a point ey s ying that I5ud Ivnisey nominated Burkett when it was a notorious f:-ct t'i'at Lindsey did all he could again-t Burkett. When people get h-n d uo ior campv'gn ma-teri-il they get desperate. The worst thing tho Nobrnfcku City organ of pop- ocracy cm r-ny aaint-t Ilurkctt is that some mo whom . uijcmi"- dislik i- a u port.-r I in-! i xi :ongri"--fiuan. Tro-i--ur Me-.-rv law i mower ove t i - tho heat. f i ' ' i "i " t' III'' Up II ' I ' i 'S;. I i p.-i r,. t,co. ii.. i.inl ht thr? oje .iii:r ef t hi bn . i th.j v.- v. ti 1 : .1 si'iije of t he re nob' h ain't I he Into edition all -iir. NmhiniJ- lak . -hould run a whiskers hoforo a i ii ca us'M them I is poppy ti p- o; ec-( h deli Vc-red earn paigu hwd to rrcroJ it' d ! f ter , us y ol af or hi m. is a very lnui" i-s tin' wind out of a balloon like a big puncture. Those unable fir d uty in tho First,: Second and Thii d regiments will bo i di-c inrgod and the resi taken into the I Firs', and Third lejjiments for garri-j son duly in tho Philippines and at IJ.ivana. Col. lJryao'd r.-gimeut will uoi he so large but it. will net bj nius tered out. In a speech tho other evening Mart IIowo said that when tho last .olden bowl had been broken, and the last silver cord had beta loo-ed, i;nd all gocd men stoo reiuly to go to tho land of promise, there would be no populists around to jostle republic' ns away from tho ticket wagon, i his leaves no doubt that Mart's redemption is on tho square. Nebraska has not raised enough potatoes in five years to supply tho home market. It looks a6 though a little irrigation even in the rain belt would not be a bad tiling. An exchange says that "Buffalo Jones of Red Cloud, hns returned from Alaska, where he went to secure some musk oxen whieli are nearly extinct. If he had devoted his time to musk rats and musk melons in Nebraska he would teas well ofl'." - T. II. Tibbies, the squ nv man, is the chief source of political information for the calamity p pocrat crowd, his articles in thp Lincoln pop paper taj- ing sent to all pa"ts ox the state. His articles are chic , My cotienbie for his utter disregard of the truth and ghtr- tng nns; ill n ts. Tho moit d flicaco ei nsi i i,u : ion saicjly use llalla; d s llort honvl Syrup, i i, i- a sure and pleasont rtmedy for coughs, loss of voice, ami ail tin on? aal long troti Me. i 'i ice '- and 1 t-- ri 1 s. clearly The per vers;! lie wsi 1 r, i ho : 01 m . n i r c'vds w: I 1; is , cl s the i..ct. trv'e i.s innny men i de;;.'! :. t!; r. ,2 :-.rni in t.mes of j poticu tif in ! 1 j j .- ii ivur. M ;n"s prime j vol st -ite vas v. a:-, and all ti.e civiiix.a- 1 lion o: ci ni tin. s can not. en tiroiv erase i the ancie it. iiic!iii";on-. V"it will Jive 10 teil the tale how you w;i-- entirely cured of constipation, cl i, spepsi n , bi Li'H'tnr.--s ;.ii i I'Ver troubles, by t a i; I n a Dt . S : wyer's Little Wide AwaKo Fibs. A. W At wood. I :iiin l;t;:t. I h:: ve gone to a g- at u-;,l of i x- I p-:nse to set a machine fca- silver p a'.- ln i", mill am now re idj' to do p'-.'.ting of all kinds of table ware at the folio w injr prices for a week only t ) intro duce work: Kir-vcs and Forks (twelve pieces).. ..1 51) Tea Spoons T."i Table Spoons 1 IX 1 All other ware in proportion. I warrant plate for five years everyday usage. Jno. T. Coleman, Je weior. Buckleu's Am Salve. The best salve in too world for cu;,-, burns, sores, olceis, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tet ter, ehaped hands, ch'l blains, corns, p.rdai1 s' l't eruptions, and positively cures piies, or no p-iy required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or rnone refunded. Price 2-5 cents per box. For sale by F. G. Fricke Kree Homes in V-stT!i I'iirlJ-. There are about l.OOO.cOu acres of government land in Northwest Flor ida subject to homestead entry, and about half as much again or railroad lands for s;ilo at very low rates. These lands are on or near rhe l;ne of the Louisviilo & Nashville railroad, and Mr. TL. J. Wemy.-s, General Land Crmmissioner, Fenseeoia, will be glad to write you all about them. If you wish to go down and and look at them the Louisville & Nashville railroad provides the wa3r and the opportunity on the tfrst and third Tuesday of each month, with excursions at only $2 over one fair, for round trip tickets. Write Mr. C. 1'. Atraore, Gene-al Passenger Agent, Louisville, Ky., f;:r partic ulars. TO CUiJK A tOLI) IH O.SK DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A il druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. 11. Q. on each tablet iirt al. Morning's bread hereafte- m;i3r be obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona than HattV, Dov. v s ae l r.air store. A diseased liver declares itself bv moros nes.-. rn-i'tai ( c m s-ion, lack of f!ti3i gy, resnfssiiess, melancholy and constipation, i.tfoine will re store thf 1 i ver to .1 b -aitny er. .1 Ltion. F. t.:. Fricke. F(u .vr.i-; A thoriughere-2 Short horn mahj ca'f and another one or two. For particuiai-s . nquire at this oCice Foit Sali. Two i-t d larni wagons. I E..cjuire ol J. W. Holmes, Hocii Bluffs. Y hi ra bridie i-.c appetite, but you cannot hrib- th" liv-sr ti d its ! work we'l, Y u mj-t be hi nsrt with ! it, help st nlon j si ii -;e an l then I with a cl se of Her t ic l e 1 ver rogulator. lriou tent?. F. G. ! Frik, Any Kind IS PASSAHLIC, IF A LADY WKARS HANDSOME It is therefore Iuiportiiut tm Kuotv where tke HANDSOMEST LINE OF MILLINERY may be found .... IIrs. IF). Street Certainly deserves the palm, for 'tis there yo will iind the most elegant line of Pattern Hats, Velvet Trimmings, Plumes, Ribbons and Orna ments ever shown in Cass countv. EVERYTHING And suited to the most are Riht. MRS. M. 411 Main Street i o I New Hardware Stiors Having returned to Plattsmouth, I wil? be ylad to welcome all my eld customers, as well a new ones, and show them a select line f Stoves, Hardware, Tinware and anything USIK1II3 carried in a first-class h a r 1 wa re store. Be sure and call, as I have some prices that will interest vnu. S3 ? ? I j 4 ?:' RocIvVood Block, 1 - C C" r it Hit- On: s-J-.'it. When saiic-ring from a severe, cold j and vnu!" tbront and luns feel! -ore, take a oor-o of Pol-'v's lion iOjoc ami V-.,r. hen ihesere ;o .ce I'vileved. iful feelintr and 'parti a fleeted ! lie-.,- v. i ll hf at ! :: wa m ;.' te I !. :il : is of the 0 W'U ho experienced a id you will say I '.els so LrKu. 3T Iiii s the SI'UT litis gna"."i 11 toed . F "i:e &. Co. Jit ?'!' 1 St'! . ' t I4t C-ll t All j a ; ie - iodebt :d o ; h-i lien of W. W. Coat iS: Co. n-e re quested lo call and settle with llse'.r soocessors, the !'li)iinger Hard iva-e Comp tny. Dr. S.Mvyer's Arnica and " H--zel Saive naturally stands in such esteem wth the i ubbc in the curing of ki'i ciisease?. eczema, piles, burns. scalns. ents or fb-sh wounds. Hint. arrii- ment to prove its worth seems quit' J unnecessary. A. W. At wood. Tiie Kiglit Train. The S:58 morning train on the Mis souri Pac'fic is too only train that ought to suit everybody who wishes to attend t he ex .-' 1 10':. It stops at tho north g te ( t the ennosition and you c m return homo at 7 A0 or JO:- 3 in the evening. For further pa eeii-la-rs inc. ui re of C. F. STOUTEXnOKOUGII, Agt. The advertising coiuraus of the NiiW.s show who the live merchr-.nis are, and where to go to get ba-gains in everything needed for the f .imily. J 1 will pay you to read them and trade it home. For Sale Cheap A set of double harness. Call at, News Oaice. Klirf s.-i S.x Honrs Pistresstijg kidney and bladder dis ease relieved in si:: hours try '"'tut Gkeat South American Kidxki Cure." It is a surprise on account.- of i,s exceeding promptness in relieving pain in blaader, kidneys and back, in male or female. Rd'eve retention almost immediately. 1? you. want quick relief and cure, this is the remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug gist, Plattsmouth. Nen. 't-lr::ska iay. The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets to Omaha on 'the lTlh.lSth and l.)th of October for : on account of Nebraska dav. White Crenm Yermifuge is perfect ly harmle-s !-. nd will re -x ove every worm. It is also a to: ie, and by its strengthening properties will restore to p'tle cheeks the rosy hue of, health. Price 2j cents. F. G. Fricke.' M r. ?t 4 l ! iJi lili AT HOME. on can make " per v.etk. Fittier ?a. I'li st.-irt von in tho Mail Dnler rL;s'tii?-. (Uv oi cvetiine. No JetTuag. M. Young, at3 Henry St.. Ilrouklvu . - - .GAM 4 - ? ft ; I'm," . :l5 ia-.amn; n-.r. I : ".i 3 1; 1 -j Yc.i v.-e C-rayS ; Co. jr. i mm ff . 2?J tJ. SENT FREE to housekeepers LicbiQ COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK tellin- bow to p epare manj' deli it te ar d d -lie i mo disha-1. Address. Licb g Co., P. O. Box 2 718, New York of Dress.. v Ilei t UP-TO-DATE exacting tastes Prices Come and See. A. STREET, Plattsmouth, Nebraska l I l 1 I t PLATTSMOUTH S fj,, )o tne jy..v s ore of i A. : 2 ! f (Successor to Smiih t I'arraelo) ifor I'ure Drn ;s. Patent Medicines, Stationery ar d C'gars, , Paint-, Oils, Y;;i uishe-, Dys, Paint, Pair and Too. h Brushes, if Toilet. Ai t;cies, l.V.l'uinery, Soaps, t Srioi'iges, and all Yatietios of Druggists' Sundries. Window G. ass and Wall Paper, Humphrey's, Lutie's and Munion's Homoe'-pathic Ilemeuies, 1 L Pore California Winer- and Liquors 5 lot Medicinal u-e. In f: c. evei-ything usuai ,'." U'p". for Sale in lb Ireg Sioies. i 'r esc i ni ions Carei'u 1 v Ccratio u nded . 1 ! I South Side Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rotary Notion and Ball Bearings. ."tiissonri ( n, I-chh iic iric CifyFoal ...FOR CASH Leave order.- it F. s. -Vb't' W tl . . . . Sb rw. fiif k 'T7'-ii-u---r ANCM09 V. IRE FENCE Slrnn el fenca n n Ua ' mnri.1' I. 11 no r Ir-c II v nf. and a 11 effectual barrier s i-R .BstR.i ior-j-.siofvlock Ji-.a 'c of No. H calvanicd c-rost wires rc-(rly cltmped. Iae. r-.-i.-t.u. hriie for cut- o;-..-i.c. M ut. this piper ; 1 - .D TVi.i A'.IA bT r.E. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reading Rocms and Dispensary, DrPTT i; ni Idi Mir, I'laUsinonlh, Xeh. Opem from 10 a. v.. to 5 r. ns. anrf 7 to p. George S.iwtell la crippled up with a sprained ankle bo that he walks with groat difficulty. sf,-' iSfe V.-av Hi;:! best fetlTrl EVER Ife PALL gj I p .Stc-I wire 5 ! -4 A REFrERS TO THE ENORMOUS ASSORTMENT OF ft FURNITURE o ..oncl "Stoves . . jT- V. " A T Pij'AitLMAN The three floors of his old Store Room are packed full, and his New Building near by is also full 10 overflowing. The beauty about Pearlman's line is that He Larries His Gold Coin Stoves can't be surpassed, His Steel Ranker, and Gasoline SLoves rank higher !hai: any other. His stock O: Furniture is Lager than car ried by any two olher dealers in the county combined. Every taste can be suited and when it ccmes to Low Prices, I He won't undersold and oniy asks you to cail anc see his oods for proof of what he says. Store room on Lower Main street, nearly opposite the Court House. TO PLEASE Is our constant aim. and with that idea in view yyc have laid in a nice, well selected line of Dry Goods sritaMe for JF&II Wear. Special Low Prices on Blankets, Our Grocery Department Is co"ipiete in everv detail, with the best the wholesale market a fronds, 9n prices a "e LOW1CI? than ever. Prompt Dslivery, Fair GOOD GOODS Is what you ail may depend upon at L. B. EGENEflRGER'S Oppose the CoiTt Iloiwe, IMaitsinotn, Nebraska. o- Oo- ..HAVE THE ONLY.. tove As well as winter, Weather. Jt's Cina the work. Hard are. A it II line ot Tin Work mi Roofing A Specim'ty., Our Low Prices have built up a jjfood trade, which we w-!l maintain by continuinj;- die same. Kcniemlur the place .... S. E. HALL a SON, ..Practical Tinsmiths.. Cuth Srxth Street. - - Plattsmouth. Neb. XT c c N H Sver 3 THE PUBLIC! Treatment and -CJOO J UOO "5- Best. h p il 1ALL&SON Barly Autumn r 'd df.i Ic . net - 01 atn'i" ani