Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 11, 1898, Image 3

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    1 EV-S"IC-fr3 ' jf-rf-ir j
cm and coi r
A C K I T I C A L T I M l
I i.
sati: A V
('. K. II Itn-W ; In i-ii
IIhi tin w '..
Timothy I it f K cum.
VV'iwii' Wh't I'rtiiV.
Wil ' ii "
l.i u Hvi I ila i ' I
Juiutl Kc-Uil r.c--iv 0 ...
t.rouiu fort) fur no la bis wrf-ru f y
H. C. Smith, un old rcvJ. r.t ur thi
clty, carno in elcil:iy mi u fj r ic-f visit
hero and ut tho c.t pu.-i l ion.
N. H. Mo'-kor, J). M. Q.KicUn'.biJsii
and Mr. Axiuukcr f (Jin-iiw.'iiii wr
in tho city toilny on .1 bnlf s--.
MPri. riUf) T.itm n( Aliiuncn rim.', jr.
this morning for u wit i r liti v
and cHpcciiiily to sri i '( i 1 ; i l Mc
Klnlcj' m xt VVnlm m! si y.
I'hilip 1 1 iiIxT ii rul .siloi--1. M's C. I.
Tap por aiul Jlrn. Chi in. Duirr, woic
in town today, atton'iinr Iho hc-ule-inent
of tho citato of thuir father, th;
Into Fred II uber.
Mth V K Whit.) ntcil in d the
"Knllie Klutch" aini a p ii ty of fi i - in J -i
this afternoon in hoi:or of li.-r -I -irr,
Mrn. II ig-pejiHon. Mrs C. M A'-ad
and M Ih J i-nlin, nf (.lnciii.
(luorpe I). Sax ton of ('.'in i on, ) no,
a brother of tho wife of I'r.snirnt
McKinloy, wsm nhol and killed yenti-r-day,
prcHiimably by a woman h li:id
been diyorerd by her nu-liand on S ix
ton account.
The soldiers 1 id not lo-o their "Ma
con" in Minnesota yesterday at the
Indian battle, but. Macon hut som f
his soldier?), and Une e S in Iot hi-v-eral
of hi.-, wards; but the lait. r will
not bo missed.
Tho Frauen verrifi mot with M i s.
W in. Ilasler this week ami spent, a
pleasant afternoon. Kiejjant refresh
ments we ro served and Mrs. Hosier
proved herself a superioi" host' .-s,
makintr everyone -l;.d to have been
F. Harmon who resides near Spo
kane, Washington, is in town visiii ix
relatives and friends, lie was a resi
dent of th is county ill teen years ajo,
but he thinks Washington superior to
all other states, and aflta a r.-siih-nre
there of fifteen years he ouyht to
Isaac Pollard it Son ttS'ed their new
engine, for their cider and vineir r
works, last Monday and it yavo veiy
good satisfaction. We don't know
whether Ernest can run a political
engine or not, but ho certainly
handle thia on- a".l riyhi. Xohawka
Dilly Delesdernier was down from
Elm wood today. He s-ays that M.ina
han was advertised to spe k up there
recently, and a crowd larjre enough
to talk to could not be gotten together,
consequently Mr. Manahan ciiii not.
speak. He probably -xpross-d him
self forcibly after he g' t out of town
on his way home.
The steamer, Jacob Uiehtnr. n,
which went up the rivers vera I weeks
ago, was on its way down lart evening
when it ran afoul a sand bar at the
mouth of the Platte, and the quick
sand soon drifted in around the or ft
until it was anchored firm .s a ri k,
and much trouble and i xpe se was in
curred be ore the bi at wa- put all .at
again thi morning.
Mayor Richey has a new hog dis
ease up at his piaco that puzz es the
veterinarians, and seems likely to ki'-l
all his shoats. The syrnpt'-ms are
nothing like cholera. 1 he pig cets
dumpy, then in a few hours it holds
it9 head to one side, and soon has a
sort of convulsion it sometimes has
several, but death soon follow. The
hogs are clean and healthy in appear
ance, but the new disease makes quick
work of them.
The school board met last night to
take action on the rcsiprnation of Mis
Hemple who was recently elect d sec
retary of tho Grand Ijodtre D. of H.
which position will take all of her
time. Af 1 or aecepi : nee f her resig
nation Miss Amelia Vallery w-i-eelrcted
to tike her p ac-j as p-ineipil
of the Columbian school, ;.nd Mi-.
Sally Thomas was elected to til! Mi
Vallery'a place as teacher in the Sec
ond ward school. Alter t ilkintr over
school matters tho bond adjourned.
Someooe sent Men E sou a pluruti
locking expre-s package from Lincoln
this morning and Hen though, ii was
from his son, Myr n, who is attending
the state university. Ho put up the
Cfty cent charges wi-h a Mtiile. but
when he opened the package an 1 found
it coitained nothing hut uemopop
Campaign literature, be was t he m. d
dest m m in town. Men isn't that kind
of c it and the ch..nces a e that the
nice silver argument, printed in Ger
man, will make a bonfire tonight
Henry Hempei is said to bo ih- fellow
who sent Ben the grist and if he val
ues his health he wid keep out of
Plattsmouth for a few wt eks, until the
clouds roll by.
Judge Ramsey is on ihe sick list to
day. George S'eele of Murri.v, visited
the xposiiiou tody.
Will Hicks and wife, of Cullom,
were in the city today.
Li. W. DrisL-oll, of L-'uiville, i- doing
business in our city today.
Col. Charles G ave-, of the Union
Ledger, was in own today.
Judge Field, of Lincoln, speaks at
Union S itur lay night of thi- w. ek.
inis is iMayors uay at ine exposition
and Mayor Richey i,t this city is in
Charles Siever, of Haraiiton county,
pent Sunday here with h;s father,
JDcei S.t Vwr.
Bert Glasgow of campaDy C, con1
Ncbra-ka, pen' -un 'a in tie c ty at
M r. .Vi in el Ki ii . r d -on V
A I-- -ii r . r, way Rltii El. ''odd
e - i r , , i i : 1 1 i w i h o ' 1. 1 i i ; 1 1 l
I. el. t e ii ii i i ij i . i j i 't
E.l ni l l. o Hi.- I'M' h M --(imi i
1 1 1 1 . I ' i . i ii - ! - hi- i i . i ii i
i u ' i (I III. .V" I I ' a '
J 1
a . 'i t it, ix w r o a l,
ho more war
t j i.i v. w
V. t, e n
t. V " I
J'l'.Vii nei lino;.
IJo'e-l. Iloline-, (,' N v. Tori., -i
CiiU-li'l ef A. M. Union S, IS vi-ii. ng
hole. They a rj in a I 1 e i: 1 1 It 1 Co a' the
!X J'O-I t : oil toil a .
'I'h! li i s "Ml ai furl ir.'h hehir'if.g
lo lie ."-i eoad . -l.r i-Ua have In I - I'l
at int Oil' ilia innn iTinv. I'M. Sp n-
r.-r went, up I h i - af
i I n; n i n y ea ' o d
M i -. I ' in' . - r w ho i i
was hur ii d Sal i: rda .
other casi sin the cil
-i iticnl I'uiiil i i ion .
.lake Moeiel i-, ii-u
S'-venth st eet very i
i i 1 1 . i 1 1 i -i 1 1 . 1 1 i x : i
. o n .
e of
I of
. i r alt'.
I'hihi ia
i li re mm
; m . . 1 1 i I o 1 1
i II
at ins iiwiie! on
W!,! c i a i mo
il 1 1 v i iii 1 1 v
d i.v:. II -i p ri'ii won il he . ad i
hilVi' lils flM'lid-i call a i l se hi ll
S . v 1 1 I 1-. I Iii! eraoe i tra lel-,
'opi ii in four cif in ils of g r din
i 111 p.. inent - yes e day, .. nd w 1. l"-gi
work again th s w.-eken t h i hi g hr id j V.
li I across the river for the M ' M.
Ilen y Winslow and sifter, of Hust
ings nephew and niece of Mrs. S. A.
Davis, who have, h-en vis. ting for
some t ine wi'h the Davis family and
seeing I he expo-ition, depart- d for
h. 'ine t his morn i r g.
Iti' i v d'-i'mi 'I - si-'ied tl;if. tho
Mi-Kiliioy sii' ron-isting of five
I'ul ni m- and a private eir will re eh
Omaha over the Nort h vv--ti..rn Tues
day evening. The special carrying
Genera s Miles, Sh after, Gierlev ami
their al lenda its wil. also a i rive, over
the Cliicago & Northwestern.
d ip. V' ung is iot a humorist, and
when a hov hit. him in the. pit of the
stomach thi- moining with a potato,
he refu-eit lo e)"sider it as a joke, and
c tiling th ci'y hiarshal to his assist
ance, he liad four or live boys called
on the carpet, but they showed i-ajch a
perverse disposition to hang togei her
that they were dhehur. ( d a::d the itn
knowa i.'udtyone t h us esea ped ) u a ish -me
The President and Mrs.
reached Canton yesterday, will attend
the funeral of Mr. Saxton at one
o'clock today and the p o-idenl will
leave at nino o.oek tonight for
Omaha, it is thought M s. McKiniey
will rot ceompiny him, though io
m iv do so. The dm ill i club h:i- lit ted
up an elabor iio suite of rooms for the
president and will entertain him vhi e
in the citv.
Letter from i 'onip'i ny I.
J. hn II rainier wrile- the Ni-:'s
that he has rce'jived iin honor., hlo
disidi ige from tho Thira regiment,
and acci jited a position with the l'liik
erloil de'eetivt! ag lu'y at o I per
dy and traveling expenses. Only
on.- -vrgeant in the coinpaiy Is able
for duty, and that is Charley Spencer.
The mi l ber in company 15, out on
fu' ough, nun ; numher di-cl.aigcd,
four; muni) i' -ick in quart- rs, six. as
f. 1 oa : fiank .U(J vv, Will II. C;.r
m c , a d K Wright, Eii.e-y
Ui-an:. A oert N. Swanso i, and George
11. Maiu.ei s.
Sick mi ho.-pital twelve, as follows:
Sco t D Iio p. U.:r:-y (J. Howell, Jas
M. Keane. G A. K estier. Ui .s. b
. .rvi-. Ulyss-s (I. l'oweil, H mer VI.
WooiiruH', IJomer Kee-1. Henry
Corliss, C'i. tries 10 XcwniU'i, K I.
M.etts and Jo.-ejih I'eden.
iItir! I liievry
Horace Smith, who resides in the
Second ward, lo-t a set of single har-nes-
from h'.s stable Wednesday night
and so far has obtained no clue to the
thief. The next night Juiiu- Pei-per-herjr's
son was vi-i;ing at Judge K m-sey':-
and tied his horse to the
When he came out of the house to
mount iiis horse Mini' o e h d sle. ei
the saddle 11' the animal's b ek
The e must he a roueuing up of rnc ks
pretty S' o , or p.-ciph will have to put
evt rything under ! ek and l ey.
White Cream Vermifuge is perfect
ly ha-u.le-s. :. nd will remove evcy
worm. It isaisoa to ic, anil by its
strengthen it'g prooi r'ti- will restore
to p ih- checks 1 ii- r sy hue id h-.allii.
Price '2 ce t-. V G. i- rui e.
f'Hptlllll SlK-lfhttl 1 Wi'll.
The oi ld-llei a.d, which has a re
putat.on for lak.-s, has bum telling
ahout so many l-eing sick :n the Tnird
egitr.cnt, and among He 'e' it rays
that Cap'. Sheldon is sick at his bone
i'i thi- counly. l lie facts are that
C pi. Sheldon is wit h his regiment a t
J ickson vi I ie, and his friends U le
graphed y.-sterday to learn if lie was
sick there, and we are glad to know
tnat thy le-ima C'apt. She. don was
well and on duty. The father of fakes
had beite;' U li its stt vies farther fr in
Relief in -Six Ilourti
Pistre-sing kianey and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by "Int.
Great South Amekican KiDNi:
CuitK." It is a great surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in-hlau ier, kidneys and
back, in m le or fi-m 'le. R. lieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want quick re.ief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Goring & Co., Drt g
gist, Platlsmouth. Nen.
Wheat closed IJ cent higher in Chi-
carr , ,ou IV. an j , u :,nd - at went up
und close sti - .
j TO CCKK v . . . I.N ONE DAY
Take Laxative liromo Quit ine Tablets,
All druggists refund tne money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has
I'L. B. Q. tin .en inhmt.
Mir :..ii M ill n S. rUiuly In juri-cl IVnllt
'hikniK ) lflv".
! ' .III n'v I i.i i! v.
M n n i'- - W'is i ut. riding !a-t
i vee'iij wnh a y un.' lady, whom he
look on iiImmiI. nia o'e oe . He
; le ': -! ''ill I OH i li ! . i s! . . M h i , 1
f . I o , li ; I. g M' ho . be
ll .. it;.- ! W.. It. J one-, w hien has
u v. . i n - d I in U quiet 1 1 a u " u i u
he de-i;eU. The next, known ol VY-it-I"?'
I wi- found m a i- tLo f--ot 1 f W i u -mi
in rn u::i or: cioiii condi
; t on and lie horse, a 1 1 ic hed to thy
' bu ".'.V, which h id both front whet Is
I e:, til-. !y --lie i-hi d, wa- xvuiiil)g toward
'lee lain Waters was sliil uncon-'-i;..ii.s
at la t ai 'O'in s unit it was
! i boo n ! iha: )i..-.-ku)l was f iciered.
j S lie ihi-k h" v as rl : .' gcd. nd ot h
! .- i iia' ho fi .1 nt of U:o buggy while
'I.i- i.ii re was illMlil'.g dowi the hill.
I Uater.s rondltioil Is cou.-un l'ril qulie
ci i : u: d, fmo pliyr ician say i ng t hat he
thought he could not iifiivcv The
i.nfortun ite victim of the !iccid'-nl is
a h-.ii t 1 h i ry-li ve years of age, is un
mori'd and works in Steimker'
ilo :'. tm'it nf Ih It. V M. shops.
, !'- tiliitr Oi-i.ih.
Fi'an M "ii. i 's Daily.
K y J.iliitsen, toe e j ii t- ea r old son
f in rcciion man. .. I). Job isoii, at
I'nion, died vcty suddenly at noon yes
terday. The boy was placing with an
empty cartridge in his mouth, suddenly
he exciainied lo his mother "I cannot
get that out" and within ten iiiiiiu e.i
ho had choked to death. Doctors
Wallace and Walker were called but
tho hoy was dead befuro they got
there. They opened the trachao to
day and lotind the cause of death to
hav - been the lodgement of the cart
ilage in the windpipe. i he ru(Terings
ol ttio little fellow are de.-. ri bed us
llUJCt't l Itlll'lltr.
I'oli- e C)llii-er George Thomas last
evening, with the asistanee of several
ot er ollico s, made quite a mat cap
ture, being no le-h than th( burglar
w ho robbed fj. i . Kropp's store at
Wyoming on iast Monday i.ight. The
man was stopping at the Weaver
house and his offer to trade pistols aud
cutlery arou-cd su-p.cioii.
T..e prisoner wa taken lo th coun
ty jail, wheiv Ileputy Sherili' .lack
I''ai ,ey soon had the young man's nume
and a det iied account of how tho bur
glary was committed and where Hie
booty that had not been disposed of
had been pi tilted. He went out and
wnh the aid of the police s.-on secured
most of the goods.
The youi g uimii gave his n:uno as
Daniel K'elly. and claimed to be from
Chicago. lie cut the pane: of Kropo's
store door out with a pocket knife and
did the robbery alone.
Kelly is only nineteen years old, and
says for some time was em ployed in a
biacks'vitn shop in the v. estorn part
of t he city.
Mr. Kropp was in the city today and
identified the goods recovered. The
prisoner wiil be arraigned this even
ing for trial. Nebraska City News.
It .'Iiy Save Your Life
A uo-e o- two of I'oley's Honey and
Tar will prevent an attack of pneu
monia, grip or severe cold if taken in
time. Cures coughs, colds, croups,
L. Grippe, hoarseness, diflicult breath
ing, whooping cough, incipient con
sumption, asthma or bronchitis. Gives
positive re.ief in advanced stages of
consumption, asthma or bronchitis.
Guaranteed. F. (J. Fricke .cc Co.
Di t-iiliil for itie Church.
The ca.-e of the M. K. church vs
Airs. Buckles was tried to a jury of
three men Saturday. The object of
the suit was to gain posses-ion of the
old parsonage which Mis Itucs'los oc
cupied. The jurors were Jap. Young,
Hob Black and charley Cook. After a
brief deliberation tho jury brought in
a verii et in favor of the plaintiff, and
Mrs. ltuelcles wiil have to seek other
qu:-: rlers.
'fabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment re
lie v. s the ir.ten-e itching. It soothes,
heals and cures chronic ctses where
surgeons f .it. It is no exp 'riment;
it- sale- increase through its cures.
Ev. ry bottle guarant ed. Price 50
cents in bottlcrj, tubes .75 cent it. F. G.
last of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post
office at Piattsmouth. Oct. G. 18!!S:
Allen. Miss Alice Bessor, YV T
I'lynn. Joint Keller. Miss Maud
Miller, .Mr I.u YV Schafler Miss Kebecka
M ers, Mai tin E I.yritenstull Miss Mary
I.anden or Handen, Hiinich
When calling ior any ol the above
letters please say '"advertised."
A Slioit Sad Story.
A Cold.
Had Foley's Honey and Tar been
used, this sioty would h ive had a hap
pier ending. F G. Fricke v Co.
Char ey Pinlpot wns in town today
with some apples of the dimes'
Golden variety which were better than
pe iches.
Continued suece-s can c- me alone
from merit. Dr. Sawyer's Wild
Cherry and Tar is steadily increasing
i ! s iles because it is the b -st cough
remedy on the market. A. W
At wood.
Cade Rogers experts to leave in a
few days for southern California to
spend the winter -iih relatives. Cade
is an old land mat k here, having been
here and at Glenwood long before the
indiaiis were crowoed out.
As an extoi nal liniment of ino-Jlwon
deri ul 1 eut ti-1 1 i ve and curative power
IJ 11. dV Slow Line;: un-u t is not
equalled Ay ati oili. r in tbe world.
Price 2o m l .r.i cer.ts. F. G. Fricwe.
FOR SALE A t notour bored Short
horn maie caif atid another one or two.
For j-ai ticular tiiquir at thi office.
During Iho Battle of
Tht- PH'.ki-r m Ihc ftnrrl if ntl.tTo ih
Cnfi i wtre ill lli-pnen, I lo ir Hemic t
ftft In Gttti:ic .A mtriuiitf imi ail fCttlon
to the hront !HVfil I lie Day.
P. hi. Butter, of pHek-t" a in No. a.
writing from Santiago do ( una. on
Ju:y '-ay-1: "W'e ail h iu dia." hc a
in mo: 0 b s violent form, and wl-.p
wc landed .'e ha I no tin.e to -"ec
dlc tor. for it was a c iso of ru-a
ru-h night and day to k- . p t ne oo
su ppli d w i ; 1 1 a tnu ii i i ion t nd r I on .
bur th:it!lvs to Chamb'-rl 'Hi's Co!
l b' ! rn and Diarrhoea R inedv, wi
were able to Keep at work and kee;
our health; in fact, I sincerly beiievt
;hat at one critical time this medicine
was the indirect savior of our army,
for ii tiie packers had heeil unable li
work there would h 'Ve been no way
ofgettiug supplies to iho front. The t
vci'c no roads that a wagon trap
o'dd u -e. My comraito and mysei
ii d the good fortune to lay in a" sup
ply of tnis medicine for our pack-train
before we left Tain pa, and 1 know in
four cafes it absolutely saved life."
The above letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, the
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des
Moins, Towa. For sale by all druggists.
A ItiiKKy Stolen.
Front Saturday's Daily.
Win. Holschuh who resides north
west of town had a buggy stolen from
his barnyard last night. Ho placed
the matter in the hands of the sherili
today, and a vigorous effort will be
made to capture tho thief and secure
the stolen property.
Something1 to let nil On
Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm
of Jones it Son, Cowden. 111., in speak
ing of Dr. King's New Discovery, says
that last winter h's wife was attacked
with la grippe, and her case grow so
serious that physicians atCowden and
Pana could do nothing for her. It
seemed to develop into hasty con
sumption. Having Dr. King's New
Discovery in store, and selling lots of
it, he took a botte home, and to the
surprise of all she began to get better
from first dose, and half dozen dollar
bottles cured her sound and well. Dr.
Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption. Coughs and Colds is guaran
teed to do this good work. Try it.
Free trial bottles nt F. G. Frieke's
drug store. -
Wednesday night thieves entered
several stables at Cook, Nebraska, and
stoio a lot of harness. The Beatrice
blood hounds were sent for and put on
the trail of the supposed thief. They
followed tho trail from Cook, to this
city, across the bridge and to Ham
burg, where they went into camp and
picked out an o d man, and then the
dogs refused to go any further. The
harness could not be found, so no
urrests were mado. Nebraska City
News. Old People.
Old people who req uiro medicine to
regulate the bowels and kidneys will
find the true remedy in Electric Bit
ters. This medicine does not stimu
late and contains no whiksey nor
other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic
and alterative. It. acts mildly on the
stomach and bowels, adding strength
and giving tone to the organs, thereby
aiding nature in the performance of
the functions. Electric Bitters is an
excellent appetizer and aids digestion.
Old people find it just exactly what
they need. Price. 50 cents and $1 per
bottle at F. G. Frieke's drug store. 5
S. E Hall &, Son are putting one of
their famous home made heaters in to
day for Dr. Cummins and will put one
in for Dr. Cook. They are very econo
mical and being located in the cellar,
leave no dirt or dust, about the living
For Salk Cheat A set of double
harness. Cull at News office.
Never Sny Die.
Many desperate cas-es of kidney
diseases pronounced incurable have
been cured by Foley's Kidney Cure.
Many physicians use it. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Legal Notice.
To John Frederick Stull, Mrs. John Frederick
.Stall, diaries 'ande enter, Charles Miller.
William H. Shafer. Mrs. Matilda ('. harp.
Mr. Myra H. scott, M . lilakeiy sharp, Macon
('. liarp and Mrs Mattie Lou furse, implead
ed with Agatha Stull, ct al;
ou and each ot you are hereby notified that
on the lath day of September, A. 1). Ansel
mo IJ. Smith commenced an action in the district
court of Cass county, Nebraska, against you, the
object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed on the 4th of February.
A. IJ. lt..", by John F. Stull. under the name of
J. F. Stull. and on the northwest quarter of sec
tion two i.2 J, and the north half of the southwest
quarter of section two -, and the west half of
the northeast quarter of section two -J, and the
north half of the northwest quarter ol the south
east quarter of section two 121. all in township
twelve I l-J. range thirteen in Cass county.
Nebraska. Said mortgage being to secure the
payment of a note for due on or before
February 1th, 1SW.", and bearing 10 per cent, in
terest troni its date: there is due on said note the
s ii ni of iti.iVa to Sept. 13th. and it is asked
that the defendadt's interests in said land be
held junior and inferior to said mortae claim
and the said land sold to satisfy the same. Tiie
further object and prayer of said petition is to
I areclose a certa n '.and contract of date April I.
l-.7, on all that part ot government lot numbered
three 1 3 1, of section six r5J, ui township twelve
ll'.'j. range fourteen fl4, in Cass county, Ne
braska, lying west of the right of way ot the B. &
M. railroad, together with that part of said lot on
the east side ot said riiht ot way lying northwest
of the culvert on the curve at or near the sand
r''int or biut commonly described as waliow
lliil.'" It is claimed there is due onsaid contract
an l because of taxes paid on said land to this
day the sum of faiti. and sa'd land is asked to be
sold to pay the same. Fiaintirt claims to own ail
the rights, property real and peisonal of said
I )renpoiis Company and to be entitled to lore
close said coutr ct. it is further asked that each
and all of the defendants in sa-.d action be ad-
judged to have no interest in any part of said j
land, exc pt subject to said mortgage and con-i
tract. j
You are required to answer said petition on or
beiore .Monday, the -Itn day ot Uctcber, A. U.
lfl1", or your delau.t will be entered and judg
ment entered accordingly against you and said
land. ANSLt.MO 11. Smith,
Liy his attorneys.
Allen Beeson and Jesse l. Root.
Dated this 14th day of September, A.. I. 1PP.
5 T
M '
1 1
V '
- I. 1
.. -r
This was
a resident of
I : --'- ,
WERE PURE, he found within a very brief period, of time that
what seemed a simple remedy was really a sovereign one. A few
montlis' use of what cannot be set down, as a medicitic effected a
radical cure.
Send to us for business and professional commendations. )
Ilxecn'or's Sale.
In I lie Disttti t fault ol Cass o;i!it clii al a .
hi the aiattc-r nt tile i--.taU- ,,t .uiau-l A. 11. il
ia cm il-. ilia i-a-.r I
l ii'k-i and le, witiii- nl an order nl liicnre In
sr!l t a i ';:! r ! at e la-: asaltL' r tlusi i iliei! made in
t lie ah- 1 1 id h II mi, I lasil S. Kaiii.-1-y
J l.lee. mi tin: 11 da "IJnl s'.', I w on t h e
'.".'III dav nl (X tnlu r, A. 1). is'.is, at 111 , A. tin- -niilli ilam ( the eiuiil lioust; in l'lalls
niiai t li , I "a-s c Hint y . Nclnaska, tier Inr sale tin
inn tlo'.r' t ijiiai :er ut :.crtioii twenty three, and
the inn the. i: t 'laailer nf seLtinn i u eii I y-1 h i ae.
and thi; cast halt nl the iionheal tptaitt-r and the
sail I liwe-t (jiiaitei nl the llirj-a iiiailer nt
section ltnt-tM ail situated in township
t .Ml e, i .niM'- ten t:.i-t til'. M. in ('as count v,
Neln.i'ka, e. aita ai in ,i!"ut lo acos. 1 lier.e
tracts ol land ui.l he olleied separately, in the
onii-i ineifl i"iii-d s!.i'i"i.t to a le-a-i: which expiier
Match 1 - t. I'.iiki The te ins ol said sale are cash,
or one nail cash, paalile al the time nt sale and
the iciiiaiiidci ia ihice capiat aniiuai painentri in
one, two and tlnee e us witli interest al not less
than six per cent at t he option ol the executor ol
said i-s'ate ol s.anii'.el A. Ilnilirook, de; eased. II
it should be toiital lor the l-st interest ol the es
tate the eeciit'.r, may on the day ol sale ary the
terms he-rein i-t l"i I h, si.'aras he may liewai
ranted under the conduains nl tne nrdi.:r ol
court on liie in ihi proceeding. A eood and
sullic lent i leei I v 1 1 1 I 'e made to t he pin Iih-it on
tiie ('.! m en t of the )in chase price and con hi illa
tion of sale. I iiei:l.t isie-a-ied toiefuseany
and all ii i t.wi I .. l.nwi l I.,
Kxecut r ol t he c" late ol s,.un uel A . I lolbi ook , de
Ceased. I'.y K II. V.'imoi m, li is ait.iinev.
Dated this lih ilnv "t (Ii loher 1S'.'S.
l.ciral Noliie.
In ihe Dtsliiit C'aint ol ('as-Cmait y Nt
l.nelia l'.. I'nlk. I'lainiill
'1'. I. '1 atroe. M icie Al atme
and Al. .Mi 'i ; nt :c, del. aidant:-.
'J in- defendants J . I. J'atrne, M;i,:i;r V. "J'atroe
and A i. Met 'i'.ntic will take no I ire t hat cai the Tt ti
day nl July. Is'.'s, I .ue.'ia K. 1'olk, the plaint : 11,
hied her liititi'.ei in the Di-tikt Cniiit of (.'ass
cmint y. T etn aska, aaiii:.t 1'. I. '1 a true, Mactie
A. 1 at roe a nd Al. M i L I ait a , lu a and reai names
unknnwn, thenhiect aiid i'i aer ol which are to
lorec.ose a certain ni'iil!;yc exe uled hy the ie
lendants, 1.1. I at roe, Majju ie A . Tatroe to l-.d-wii!
eai y. and hy hi in as-i;;ned to the plaintill
upon lois twenl y-.uie i'JIi anil l went y-t wo i'.') .
v.ilaijeof .reeii'.voo'i, 'a- s cr-.titv. N hr.t.-kil, t
serui e t he pa. . nie'it 'I two promissory notes '.or
.'.., i! i and .;'.;i '. dale.! Dere'iiiK-r i-t.' I and
due januaiy 1-t l-'.'. and .seplemher 1st IMi."i:
tnat there is now due anil unpaid on -aid notes
anil mi.'i'tjrajic ihe - '.oa "I .iTl.". a and interest from
the liist dav id Decem'oer. at the rate ol
eil't pel cent i er annum, for which sum and in
t el est tiie pia.iitill pi.ivs I'l a decree ol foreclos
ure and sale o! ' j I pi .an on air reaiiiied
to answer said petition on or before tiie 1-U'i dav
ol November. I v.'.s.
Dated tins !ti: day of ( Icto'oer s;S.
I .1 1. 1.1. A I i. I'l U.K.
liy C. S. 1'iii.k, her attorney.
Shcrill's Sale.
Hy virtue of an order of sale issued by Geo. I-'.
I lousew urt h. clerk of the district court, within
and lor (ass county, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the. "Mil day ol November, A. D.
ls:is. at 11 o Clock a. in. nl said u;n at the soutii
door of the Court liousu in ; he city of l'lattsinoii tls
said c luntv. see at public auction, t'j the
highest bidder hn e;.sh, the following real estate
The wt.-t ha'l i'.l of the northwest quarter
(i.ii ot section tw -ut six I .tii and the east
naif of the .rd.ea t quarter ('. ul section
t wen t -se'. en i:.'i ' a, . t .w nsliip t wei ve ' 1 - rane
nine I'.h east -A ti I', ii. a. i ass county, Nebraska,
together uh the pt a . and a, pta teiia
thereunto be! m'un a in anywise appertaining.
The same Oeir.i; ie n-d uo ei and taken as the
property of i aomas KivCc i t al deteudants to
atlsly a lu'ieaieni a! -an c Hil l recovereii uy
Lydia (J. stei'iinjj. pl.iiiitil' a i; .mist said deteud
l'lattsitiouth, Nebraska, Set t. :, A. I)., lsi.
YV:.:. I . Win tlkk,
Sheriff. Cass count, Nei.raski.
O. S. Polk, attorney for plaintiti.
Aini:nitra1or's Sale.
In the matter of the Estate of Charles Butler.,
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of n
order ot IJasii K Kamsey. Judge of tie District
Court ol Cass conntv, Ncura-ka. n.ade oi the
7 1 1 1 dav of August. toi the sale of the real
estate iit'ieinaitcr described, there will b-,- sold at
the south door of tiie Court House, in. t he City of
I'iattsmoutti. in said county, on the Mil day ol
October. l-Sn. ;.t 11 o U. c'k. A. M . at public ven
due to the highest bid lor t-jr "a.-iii. tiie i.j.luwiug
described reai estate, tu-vit: Tiie southwest
quarter is v. 4; oi section eight IS', township
ten (Hi), range nine . Cass county. .Nettiasta
Said saie to remain open one honi .
Dated tins Kith day if September. !'8.
MARi.AC.F.r S llirn int.
Administratrix ..4 the estate ot Clurie Uv&er.
C. S. Ijim.k, Attorney far F.ktate
Administrator's Salo.
In tiie matter of tiie Fst:
of John Ctis::fc.
Notice is hereby given that
iii 'aoiiance of an
order of Basal S. Ka.nsey. Jadge ot tiie Distriut
Court ot t" ss count v. Neora-Ka. risade on lliij.Jid
day ot September, !ur the sale of the real
e-tate hereinafte r de-crib d. there wili be soid
at ihe south daar ot the Court ikrase, in the city
of I'lattsin.juth, in said county, on the Kth day of
O tober. 1 ;", at 11 o'clock. A. M , at public ven
due, to the holiest bidder far cash, the follown.g
described r -ai et?.te. tu-wtt : The wst half m
of the sni::iivve-t is w ' t i. of -ection sin d'e, town
ship eleven ill.i. ranye nine ii', Casi county. Ne
braska. Said sale to ictnain open one hour.
Dated :h.s IStli iav ot .-eptembcr. l".
N, II. Mi l ki-.k,
Adminiitriityr. with will annext'i. of the est a4
of John C'usack. deceased.
C. S. 1'oi K , Attorney fur lv-tate.
Legal Notice.
To Laura Ana Mills. John 1". C. Mills. V.--,'.ty
M. i.'a'.ias an i wife, Mrs. Wesley M. Wili
iams. (l:e A. i.liams and Sidney S.
in n-;t sident defendants:
You, and, erch oi y"U. are hereby notified that
on the -th dav of September. I'lattrrMjuth
Lodge No. s. Ancient Order of C'nited Workmen,
commenced an action Against you in the district
court of Cass county, Nebra-ka. the object and
prayer of which are to quiet title in plaintirr and
against saii defendants in and t j I.-t one I . in
block two r.'i, in the city ui I'iattsmouth, Cass
county, Nelraska. and to bar and enjoin said de
fendants from having or asserting any title to or
claim :n sai l .ot or any part thereof, and for
equitable relief. Yrai are required to answer said
p tif.on on '.r beh'ic .Mor.'iay, the :51st day ot
October, l-'.is.
Pr.A i tsv( i i h I.oih.f No. K Ancient
Or' !-.! OF WoKKMKN,
liy t.TCtr attorney, Jesse L. Kojt.
L-egal Noiice.
H. M. Lrickcr, l ist and reai name unkuonn
and Francis C. Faul-ner a-sifrnec of the Con
necticut River Savings Hank take notice that
the plaintir;. l N. (iiii-un, has begun an
action iu the !):tr:ct c.'f.rt of Cass county,
Nebraska, euttt'.e-j. t-raucis N. (j:l:sou vs. lacob
Hursh et a'., eicfeiidants. in uhich tl.v. jove
named narties ate made defendants and tliat tiie
object ot ptavtr in said pet.i'.on. is to foreclose a
mortgage on tne west na l ol tne rioiinwest quar
ter ! sectiaii t'i. town lo. ratme east cd the ii".h
V M. .-a: 1 niortg i. e hn iiiij been given by the
said Jac d) Har-h to lijr.jamin . (iibson and
lor genera! an i vou are t .-quire i to answer
nid p-tition o:i or before the "tn day of Novem
ber. 1st" i-KANCis N. OihSuN. 1 iaintirl.
K. H. Woi.t.KV. Attorney.
Dated 5e. teni ber -7.
tsubscrite ior Ihe News the best
paper in thecny.
"Warm Milk From the Cow and
My Life More Than
ihe statement made in our ojjiee within a-few months by
that putt of Boston called the Bright on. district. In
quiring into the reason for the statement,
leho gave the information, was 7() up.uvs
was said to leave that dread disease, eon sumption. Warm new milk
anawnish-eij was recommeuaea, una knowing his cow and believing
in our representations that
m m 3 . . I'll e a ry g 1 n i . . V 14 1 . m mr. I'll
rn rri
A New Discovery for ihe Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, !JO Cr.r;Ts.
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Ai (
mm r i in
i-or iu rears K2S Lea 21
noT.r xx t,t.
Prepared by JAMES F. EALLAHD, t. Louis
si 0I -
ture ior ...
Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honeM tt
our reputation. We say these are the best jainr. -say
so too after you hrve used them.
PHEY carry the lar;'e-t an l most complete lin-j in C-iss entity. Every-
thing 'rerfh and new. They pay cash for our rnod and c-ivu their cut
"nors the rtdvantaffo of special discounts'. A compete !in of canned good
lUc-Hy in rtoeii. The only placj in thi city where ym cart r'i-L al I kinds f
'sh Ch'-ese. Gall and fee vis.
4 1 H. WECKBACH & . Waterman Blk.
Permanentlv cnrerl by usinjr DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC fUKE. The
ourpt and the best. Sold by drupi?t3 on a positive fruarantee, I'rice 50 cents
ier box. Sample pent free on mention of this publication.
THE R. WHITEHALL K-tfJIilMlNE JO . &uth Bend. Indian
G. 0. Taylor YLliey f
20 Years Ago."
ivd learned that the purson
nf L5e nnA Hint m H hn
A N ? PJ 0 1
,t?e SefPWf?
llOiin. and
13 THE
I -- r-t ir i n a n It
V.-.X hi i.-.iv
.r. ii-'i'r ri'OTTi;
$&mvmzzviVz ou.x .aijtiu
tit jtSiLtinf ;:- ;-, ;;.i.l!?n-j irl
tVi A
C'jpbsards, Shelves,
Bath Tubs,
Farm Tool, Etc.
A rpccial paint f-ir each pur
pose, not (iiic s. 'ji-dr.h rn'vK-
f know
K !'