Dm ARTMENT STORE ALWAYS IN THE LEAD Rare 9 A Big" Line to Select From at UNHEARD-OF PRICES... Clothing Suits up to 8 yr sizo, $1.00. Suits up io 18 yr sizo, $3.50. Suits up to 12 yr size, $1.50. A nobby up-to-date suit, S2.50, l?sitalh sold for $4.00. Din G0( )DS Special Sale for a Short Time. A nice line of Plaids at 2'c, suitable for comfortables. 36-inch Percales, dark styles, at 5c, to close out. NEW MILLINERY DEPARTMENT The N i co s c as Weil as the Largest Line of Ever Shown in Cass County k Pull Line of Sailors and Walking Hats. We can suit everybody in Style and Price. DON'T FAIL TO CALL KH 1 MbN I 33 S UK Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. jmmwmmmimmm? m w romm wmm?mmmmmm CIAIj SALE 3 g ON FALL DRESS GOODS ! 1 We have placed on our counters a big lot of Pall and Winter Dress Goods Below Cost to Close Out Outck. Here are a Few of our Prices: fee is ALL WOOL NOVELTIES FORMER PRICE 8;C NOW 19c. ALL V. OOL NOVELTIES FORMER PRICE GOC NOW 39c. ALL WOOL NOVELTIES FORMER PRICE 5)C NOW 35c. all wool novelties former prick -ioo NOW 29c. i'AXCV WOOL NOVELTY DRESS GOODS FOR 15c. -" 'C' cK' -- This is the Greatest Opportunity you have this Season to buy a good Fall or Winter Dress at a Remarkable Low Price on account of the big Advance in all Woolen Goods. We have on Displa- b- far the Finest Line of Dress Goods Ever brought to the City, comprising all the Newest Novelties in BLACK CREPOXS, from 50c to SI. 98 per yard, SATIN BERBERS, HENRIETTAS, SERGES, BRILLIANTINES, POPLINS, VENE TIANS, SUITINGS. COVERTS AND BROAD CLOTHS. NEW Plaids, Latest Designs. All the latest designs in Colored Dress Goods at the Lowest Prices . We call special aUention to our elegant line of Silks and Dress Trimmings. New Braids from 5c Ier up. Parasols, we oiV-r Special Hargiiu.s at SI. 00. $1.33, 1 50, $1.75, $1.85, $2.00 and $2 50 g1- to close. New Line of Outing Flannels 5e. Ronnie Doon Flanneh (the new material for Dressing 2 , Saeqnes. .itc.,) 10c. Flannels for Wrappers. Te. Best Quality of Prints, including SIMPSON'S at 5c -m S ALL DEPARTMENTS NOW COMPLETE 3 CARFE TS On Oct. 4 we will have our new line of Carpets ready for inspection. Oa account of our large business in this depart mc-nt last spring we have put in a still larger stock this fall and will comprise an elcgmt line of Moquetts, Axniiusters, Velvets, Brussels and Ingrains at very Low m Prices. SUOH DEFT. Free Tablets and Fencils with all Schoel Shoes. We are having a special sale of Ladies' Slippers at 50c and 7oc. Our new line of the celebrated Budd Hand Sewed Childrens -.m Shoes just reeoivj l. Wil.VL'FEIiS The largest line in the city. New styles in Flannelettes, Per- 5 cales, Calicos, &e. Visit our Grocery Department, inspect the Finest Display of Lamps we hare ever shown in the city at prices from 1. .'!." to $10. Try 5 toe News' E3 E3 4c Per Month, D Any Kind of Dress.. IS PASSABLE, IF A LADY WEARS HANDSOME A Ha t It is therefore Important to Know where the HANDSOMEST LINE OF MILLINERY may be found .... tyLrs. ilj. fl. Street Certainly deserves the palm, for 'tis there you will find the most elegant line of Pattern Hats, Velvet Trimmings, Plumes, Ribbons and Orna ments ever shown in Cass county. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE And suited to the most exacting tastes. Prices are Right. Come and S.'e. MRS. M. A. STREET, 411 Main Street Plattsmouth, Nebraska BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Four weeks from next Tuesday is election day. Kou SALE A good bedroom suit. Call at this office. The B. & M. pay car is bulletined to arrive Monday. Foil SALE Two good farm wagons. Enquire of J. W. Holmes, Hock UlulTs. AH Til KY COMlC AM) JO. Aujjust Bach was buying goods in Omaha today. J. L. I'olk was in the city a t-hrrt time this morn in v. S. Euzzell and wife wen; Omaha vis itors this morning. Win. Koval. sr., made his first visit to the exposition today. T. II. Pollock und wif j were exj.osi- tion visitors this afterr.oon. The Gut Ileii continues to head tho list as a fine 5-cerit ciffar. Ask for no' Mrs. Shrvoek and d-tughter are 1)tner j visiting friends in Omaha tolay. Aek your dealers for the "White DMont Streignt took the civil service Sailor"cigar. manufactuied by Frank ! examination in Oa aha yesterday. Neimau. ! Mrs. Harry Dickinson made her first A cood UDrieht boiler and engine ! visit to the exposition tins morning Enquire of J. II. for sale cheap. Thrasher. Hon. E. J. Burkett speaks at Berlin ! A. W. White was attending to busi ness in the metropolis this afternoon. Sheriff , Wheeler, Robert Probst and tomorrow afternoon and at Dunbar in Robert Vass were Omaha visitors to- evening. St. Marv'a Guild is making prepa- day. Col. Tourtelotte did business in to eastern Iowa. Charles Howe returned home this rations for another doll carnival to be j Omaha this morning, returning on the held soon. noon train. Quinces, Dears, peaches, sweet Chas. Vroman and family came in apples and New York crapes at Ben- ,' this morning from a two weeks' visit nett & Tutt's. The only original Cole A' Cole air tight heating ctoves at Ebinger Hard- i ware company. If vou van t. smoke the best t-y Wutl Bros. Gut Heil. Trie finest 5 cent cigar mae. We h;id seven kinds of weather be fore noon today and what may follow would puzzle III Hicks. If you don't ee the Gut TJeil cigar call for it, and get the best 5 cent ci gar in the market. Cah puid for hind picked apples at F. T. Davis C-. Union B ock, Tlatts- mouth, Nebraska. A full line cf Lisk's anti-ruet tin ware, warranted fcr five years, at Eb inger Hardware Co. Anew back for an old one by using Dr. Sawyer?s Ukatine for kidney ail ments. A. W. Atwood. Tho Wor d's best o cent cigar, Wurl Bro. Gut Heil, strictly Union made. Every dealer hand-os them Andy Broback is moving in the rooms recently occupied by C. W. Sherman over the Ebengcr Hardware Co. J. II. Thrasher, tho rustling real estate merchant, has just had a beauti ful pair of back steps tilted to his of fice. Tho Cass county jail is empty, and except for an occasional city prisoner it has not had an inmate for several weeks. Tho Department store,for fenr there will be another fljod, has had tho lot in the rear o" the store filled in so as to keep out water. The live stock show now on at the exposition is said to be the best ever nude in the United States. Every far mer should attend. Elmer Woodruff and Homer Reed of company B, Third Nebraska, are reported quite sick in the h' spkal at their camp in Florida. Chief of Police Morrissoy suc ceeded in raising $7.30 for Mrs. Enright this morning, and transpor tation to Nebraska City. A! Marshall of Weeping Water is going buck to his first love, Avoca, to run a drug store. Al. is a first class druggist acd will make it win. Chas. Marten has accepted the agency for Plattsmouth for the United States laundry, of Omaba, which does the best of work, and at reasonable prices. The frionds of George II. Crosby in this city will be grieved to. learn of the death of his son, Paul, who was a member of a Minnesota regiment at Manila. j You will live to tell the tale how vou was entirely cured of constipation, j dyspepsia, biliousness and liver troubles, by taking Dr. Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Pills. A W. Atwood. E. M. Weil, supreme organizer fcr United Moderns, is in the city today morning from a hasty business visit to Aurora, Illinois. Mrs. Carrie Code of Ogden, Uiah, is visiting her cousin, Mis. Phil liar rison in this city. Will Porter, late of Council Bluff?, now rosiding at Mynard. was in tho city on business today. Mr. and Mrs Birber of Lincoln are visiting over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kemps ter. W. G. Curtis is here f om Wyoming on a visit to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Milly Curtis, and family. Mrs. Wm. Eikenbarryof Union, and Mrs. Snedeker of Benkleman, are guests of Mrs. L. D. Bennett. Charles Banning and wife of Ne- hawka were in town yesterday visit ing Mrs. Banning's parents. Mrs. C. Ripple came down today from Louisville for a vi-it with her daughter, Mrs. Oswald Guthman tap. uarnes, wno nas been down with typhoid fever fo twelve weeks, is now able to be up and around again Dr. J. A. Hassameier and H. E Pankonin, of Louisville, are doing business at the county's big house tc day. Albert Egenberger. who has been working at his trade in Omaha for the past two months, returned home this morning. Dr. Milton Morrow rf Memphis re turned home this morning, attor a vijit with his. pa eats, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Morrow. R. R. Steele :ind O. F Sut herland, who have been visiting the latter's Hunt, Mrs. LaFol'ott, and family, de parted today for their home, n--ar In dianapolis, Ind. John Wesley Barnes, one of the early day residtn'a of Piattsinoutb, was in town todav looking no older than he did twontv ye irs ago. He is now a resident of Lincoln. Hon. E. J. Burketf, the next con gressman, Hon. E. M. Pollard and A L. Dittmar were in :he city today and made the NEWS a pleasant call. They are making a winning c irapaign. Insure in the German American. EVwA Ebi?er, Ajfent. m m S3 m w SSI m TheS Here 8 eason us AND SO ARE THE! GOODS. While the nipping frosts of winter may not have nipped you yet, and the weather is slightly backward, prices here are so interesting and the bene fit of early selection is so obvious as to make it quite proper to begin to do yourbuying early. Count upon find ing it just as we tell it. You are bound to save money on everything Mpn's Suits you buy here" We j vl havo always held and OverCOatS. the front rank in our lines and our present stock sur passes anything that we have ever before had to offer. The skill of the tailor has been put to its severest test, the markets of the world have been sought for the best productions of cloths, the art of the designer has been drawn to its fullest extent and variety. Freshness, goodness and desirability are combined in the high est possible degree, but ti e most at tractive feature of all is the price upon them. SUITS AT ST.50 That would ordinarily lrinf SHUN). SUITS AT SIO.OO That, have Never lefore Been OfTered at Less Than SI 5. ...IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADK llKRK... WHKTIIKK YOU BUY AT $5.00, $10.00 or $15.00. GO SON. TTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT JTTTTTT1TTTTT7rTTT7TTTTTrTTTrfTT7TTTTTTTrTTTTTTT One Price and no Monkfy Business. Ed. Lutz h is i double in town in the person of W. L. "With row who is ac costed in Germ m everv day and he is a little lame ou thi.t l.irguage, ard ob jects to being caller Ed. : nd talked to in that way, as he ferns the parties might bo nit.king fuu of him and he wouldn't krow it. 1 he boys had better get together nd have an understand ing. It tnigh ssvc i hem some bad mistakes. The Odd Fellow of V l ific Junction will dedicate their new hall a week from tonight. ;t wi.icii place they ex pect to have h big time. Many of the members of the order from heie will attend. The goat has been well fed land tome fine bucking is expected If 'hen Marc zlntojij so id : "Friends, Romans, Countrymen, -Lend Me Your Ears ! " Thcij prohablii did ,so. Wli ask like indulgence on the part of the people thr out Cass county. This request is for your jood. a- as our own. people through- In the new .... . ..ORDER OK KXKRCISKS. . . Wft 1KI)SF0 TO UK More Afo-ressive, More Progressive. To Hit Harder, Bore Deeper, Build Higher, Stone Ballast the Roadbed, Broaden the Gauge, Use Heavier Rails, Improve the Equipment, All of which leads up to what we wish you to do, vi. ---to -A Watch Us for Watches. Jno. T. COLEHAN, Jeweler, Second Door South of Postoflice, Pksttsmouth. when his eoat.hip placed upon the ot. Mnrrav with twenty raemberr". I which 6tarts out under favorable truck. auspices. Joseph Smith was in the Opinion office Monday and states that he killed a large gray eagle southwest of Pacific Junction last Saturday and that it measured six feet from tip to tip: It was sent to Plattsmouth where it will be mounted in fiue shape. Gleenwood Opinion. The T. J. Sok;l Fair to be held at their hall October 14, and 15, will be the best ever held here. The com mittee having th matter in cha.rge have been quite bu?y spcuting prizes, and arranging details. Don't forget the dates, October 14, and 15. Wood wanted on subscription at the News office. 4i 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? I? 4? 4? 4?; 3 New lllineru Store The Finest Line in the City, Everything- Bright and New, Direct from the Centers of Fashion, ..Under the Management of . MISS m NINA m TUCKER THKRF HAS BEICX OPENED TO THE PUBLIC A Fine Line of Millinery, IN THE UNION BLOCK, Next door to F. G. Fricke's, which it will pay you to visit .... MISS EVANS, a lady of experience, from the east, will have charge of the Trimming de partment .... The public invited to call.... MRS. L. J. RANKIN, PROPRIETOR, Union block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska o. c. (y o r- c c c- ry C" c " r" Cf 2 3 n m m I m m m m ' 5 well i i IP 1 I t i I UP i t th i i I l lh 1 t IP IP- IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP IP bp ii . n ii ... It I II 1l v