Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 07, 1898, Image 3

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Will Cla-gnoi-ii was down fi mil I ,iim
vlllo today
Alfl7.i Todd mid vvifn wine rxp' si
tion vinitor lliis mi.i ii inc.
I Ivy Torn 11 mi 1 ). A. 1). it. '
Kill) M() d, urn Hi ill'! ily tuilny j
Con id I - iri or H t et rt;u I w Li ;
fcionj' tit. liiu('0(i t :i 1 ii f i emu -jr.
l. li. wnson, oi mil, way in-
tendlnc; to 1 viral business in the: -ity
'A. H Todd's bi'Olhor from Juin'
lown, Now York, nc c.-oiiip:inj. d ly hi
wife ai rived tlii- to t lie in
tho exposition and vi-li rc-lali vc-s.
.Jolmn liied ic.-h (Jiippa cl Mis-. Mur
ttnetlia Hoi th . Johatin k'r un'. in ik
out n wtilJiiiy pcji mi l today liotli i!
Hldo at Ncluiwk.i.
Mr. and Mth. StrM-t mnvi d t -t .y in
to thoir own p- op;i ty ,lul ly pun h i-, d
in t lie. MH-oixl w rd. Wo aio jjl.-id to
nctte tlietr tiv.dc-ni pripurity.
Mick i, tho li.dio'nian, uln bin t ..t
A buy, in VVt-si. fluti-miut h iomiay
will i-o cxaimrii-ii y llui insuiiiy
board, as lio in (-ininidc.-ri il
Wo chronicled an ;iriivn i-.t .lolin
Sc-huiotT'n yc-nlorday, and Hiiid it v.a
tho (irnt, which was a iiii-iuki it wa
tho bocond, tut it is ilio linn.-,! riil in
town, juht the H;.ine.
W.J, Hi-.sser'rt tcvim hi'ili.-.I in a
post uot fiactioui in cl in Hiinii w. y
OVol'turiit'tl tho wiyn.i I., vvliirn : In- ,
were ntt.iclied. Tli-. clid rue !'
away and the daui icj ilm wia-siilit.
'I ho board "f county c mm -ioi.i i -,
County ierk Itoli.-i t.-o mm J J . i i -.
Conti-'ictor .Shec-lc-y i.f!li, w nl
to Omaha lasi n'hl in n ii ill pn-ui.-,
Htid rcmaiiii cl ovor until this mm-iiinir.
Mrs ll. iiry 'I'artc:h h. r f icind.i
i;ood-byo t diiy and d p r c:d for I j i
fuluro homo at M. Co. k, whejn- lie r
husbii cl ha b; ri for somi- tini" in
the clothing business witli K .1. Mor
gan & L'o.
Karnost Hay.-s, of I'llmwooJ, .son of
Commiraioncr .1. C Hayes, had tho
misfortune to loe thoi r bai, nyc-d two
months, from crysipt-lns. liev Camp
hell was wired to come and pi each tho
funeral which t:ikes places tomorrow.
A. II. Wookback and Mr. Soimi ii ic-li-scn
went to Omaha l.iht o v c n i 1 1 o , and
on invitation of a friend, they dined
at Kd. Maurer's when; a royal rep ist
was served. Tho 1-os still look as if
they had been founder, d, but they
would ho willing to accept;- in
vitation and run chancen on recovery
from it.
Last Monday evening Mrs -'c I ;;t,
her pleasant homo, '"I iose.d a' -ii-tertained
a jolly crowd for Mrs. SLip
man and her sisie , Miss (Jre.-i c.., b -fore
l hoy departe d for N'ew V-. k A
nice program w;is c.n i ie l out. int r
fcpersed with line m isii.-. At i i it..- '
hour delicious c. lTeo and c:ik- wis.
served. After a mu.-t enjoyable . v - :
in jr was passed liiinv hearty h .e.l
shakes and yocd wiring for iheii- .-.ifo
jJurnoy and speedy iv urn were iven.
The party had a del is: lit ful i id. ): tne
bv moonlijjht.
TIirKSl) Y.
IIenr3- Cooper is reported si"k
Adam FornolT, front O dar Creek, i.s
exposition visitor today.
The 15. & M. depot at IJennott, j ol
easter county, wa robbed S iturd.iy
nifjht, presumably by tramps.
John liauer and family c me to
town this morning and biw-ded tlie
early train for the exposition
The 31st annual conventi n c f Ne
braska UaptL-ts is now in s s-iou :ct
Lincoln with a lare atli'iidam e.
James Robertson and wife, and his
sister. Mis. Douglas, of I'leasai ton,
Kansas, were visiiiu the exposiiion
Morgsin Waj b iht trot, in :t lire
furnace this niornii to heat his row
rosidencd opposite Mrs Li riiiL-.-tipn'.-on
Sixth street.
D. K. IJarr w;is out on the street to
day with a p-ir of or ut hess f r Hi.
first time in fou - week-, lie is .-urlo. -ing
from rhi uniHtitm.
Hon. E. M. Pollard, of X h;iak ,
was in the city a few hou s o 1 his w-tv
to Louisvi U-, whore he speaks with 12.
J. Bu kett, the ext cony t essm a n, t -night.
The ti st frost of the s ason w;i- nti
ticed here th-s inorni- y, but muci:
vegetation was uninjured. As 1 s
warmer this a'i.-in oa furtlp' fiostr
arj not expected until I tor.
The telegraph disp tche t day
iaim that a eompwiy of soldiers have
been massacred b Indians up near
Leech Ij ike, in .Northern Minn sola,
heie they were ambushed.
.Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Mary returned
home yesterday from a wedding tour
which included sight seeing at N iagnva
P. ills. They wi 1 be at home at lii; 1
Locust street. S-t ;te Journal.
Judtre Coehran ye.-te.ilay married
Elmer Hill and Mi. Cera M. Mi-Fad-den
el EWuuoid. The c e c niony oc
curred at the office of t'n-eoan:- judge
in the court nouse. St t-.e Journal.
VW are in receipt of a wedding in
vitat ion from Mi-.- Lnlu Li-sl w !
-will be married OsiotJ r -', at Mil--waukee,
to Mr. Byron H. Joy. They
will be at home after Xuv.-mb-M- Jo, at
Atimount FI ice, Li .lu-it i, C "lo-ado.
Miss Teres-a Hem pie of this city
was electod errand recorder at the
.grand lodg- met tir.g yesterday in
Lincoln of the Decree of II ..lor, A. O.
U. W. This is quite un honor, n is
p sit ion Miss Hemp. '1 wi 1 ii 1 with
credit to herse.f and fr iends.
Among the f erul; i
uois i ay s .v x M.I lose, for
many ye i s a jeu"c 1. w r t.t Pi -t'-.
tnsutn and Om.hs. He ii low locatl
n( Di'c.iiur, 111 , iiikI irtd 'lur well. IIu
returned t visit Otriilii jn-t oiylit
yi ii r h t 1 1 if d.i y f 1 1 r li clop i r lure
15.'. .
'I ho iiw IK- cmmi armi did r i t t.hiiik
Mulin .1 lit. slilij )' f..r the slate, Im--
j pi' I, and Ik- wan -el at 1 j - - t Iv. H'
; i - oct t 1 1 ii i v iii a hid fiau," i.f mimi.
J.i' li ll) - l c at ive- cin'iliil fff ti it, t ! I : 1 1
ties i ii ui .. I ii i a wu i Iju ei oi n re hi id rf.
i ' itt'il at an v ti iiie to K il 1 liotii-.-
i in e.
H . ha- b'-en growing worn'! for
' ,,m,.
a-d if nut
nrly limine
, ((W ),.. t-,M r iin' - will !? ore !.ri r
.T in Sl.-vers w is uriloadiilLT a load of
-traw I .Ht evening in the ull.-y back of
I'lv.' Umm-iiV wli-a his letim
f r i j hi tjnoii and ran away. I lo:y M-at-icr
d straw and i arts of the; vvn-.m
nv.!r I loii p . rt of to w a, and at. last ne-
-oiints v. ere headed for I . m is v 1 1 1 e,
whir.- il..y li.d lormculy been h p t ,
n il linles- 'lii" o.:e s'op.s lin-lll on tin-
io d, they will probal ly t-r ba k to
Pi.-ii pi cf" No one wa h o t but tho
wii'Min w.i s had I v scattered.
I'.X .k! I .N a. I n III t-p.
The sec;o- d so-c al which leaves
a-.iiiii-ioh on in xt Monday morning
a in entry to Noli, a ka a mont chstin
ui hc:d p rlv It wi I ine mlo (o-n-ei-
1 Milc-s and hi- sail', M s Mil. is
and lis- Mi s, n.ial a. d M . s. A
v' . (il-.-eley of l'o- M'eual MTVICU, lull
er.l and M rr (I. V. iliimhrey, Cmii
iioilnre A. N'. l'niliips of the navy,
l)r Me i Aits I laker. Dr. and Mrs.
i lor, s ii . 'C-r vi-i n e- asc'iitect, l'rof.
II . ri i- o1 i lie ill-par 111. lit of education
lid dl I . n u sled I'i'lii ;-. n I a I i ves of
I I i mi .inn I lc nn'iS, loyelaiei Willi
p-oiiie of lio- lea.liii nuAspit i- men of
the c ; it ; i .
(ii II i :: Ji'O V Heeler, ill ai ililel-
v c:w .'.itli W. X. Ilah.-ocii '- is ryi-n-iij,',
.li'ri cil In rn lo Dm iliii lor I 'r.;--i.J.
ni". d-.y. Army and Navy day, and
Civil I ' v. "Mil n t. day. It avine llunts-
vi In, Alabama, about, the loth. II"
will le aecom p in i .-d by hi- f n r
daughters and i'"ino via the Iron
.Mountain and Mi-oari I'a.'ili.-. (o n
eial Sii ifUji- and aid-, it is unci, r t u il,
will ". from tiovtji inn island lo
Omaha via the New York CVnt al and
North western, joiniuir tin- -. ;,, I at
Cli icf.if;o
'I'likt H it 1'f.ll f IC' i itn-ii I .
.1 ackson vi M.n, l':a., Oct. "i Col.
W. .1. Jiryao, iiccfompunieo by his if.'
ariived lar-L iiilit. The colonel was
busy today Icmkin after hi-r 'imi i --t.
IK; polled it today up n the Cjiie-tion
of u'oii.j; to Cuba, and it is stal -d thai
about S7 pcf- cen . of t!i" nn-n x pr c-ss -d
iidtsirt: to r-1ui"i bono, th-- c tlici'i-.s
bei u;r ab. ai t, i ij a 1 1 i y nivild, ti any of
them not Vfilii;. ; hi- action was ta
k i n, it is said, in i c'spor.s.' to a r que-t
f om t he e:i el il i- e
Wto til ha:- lice: ie, 1
v. h nil Neb a -.: . 1 -.-
ma- tei-fd i-t.l-il : .
' 1 -. 11 as
is tO
IVavi . i.
. i '. 1 .' i , A i 1) c ' : '. i '
l .i r. 'e v . ;t i s i'
fi! Ot A. ii. F ;
i.g.ii u las' i. ti .
-it OOll 111' J.ilm . i
g'y bCeaus in;;,
liquor. ' ; :i a
ta r; evi I. dr.. w h
w;is to. cj . ;c k 'or
i :i i i ;ii i c c .V ;u.
. . vt.. o Wave
' .ill two o;
' - a Hi ii pt to
- h- a al from
. e ...jit into t he
.- d i'l.'i.'iiiae' f.n-
li ! .-' 11 hi m
i :!.- .t he
s piste
; tor him and eaUi.- ht his
wrisi la-fore he got tlie icvoiver en
t.rel'. on . At er a violent struggle
Moser oveic.ame iiitii and look Hie
pistol away.
Cha.Tes Ma. tin and Mi?s Co; ;t I'rs e
were married 1 uesUay evening ;it the
home of the b ide in the Second ward,
Kev. Do rig;m i f t he ( hrislian ctiurch
o.'Tieiai: ng. After li e ei'femon.v, v. nich
occtiried at eijlil o'clock, Mr. and
Mrs Martin re aired to their rooms
in tlie Mar in ! ock, which had 1 en
niatl fu ni.-heel by ihe g!-oor.i. 'ihe
biiueis the amiable daughter t f Mr.
nd Mis. Anel i w Frye, and the croom
is yoip g m si cf co- o habits, indus-t'lou-
and n . ul if. Ihe .'l-.vs e:
lends cot grand tiers.
.siorr itiirvriariTa-il.
Tlie t;ei,eral mei eliandise store of L.
A Kropp, at v yc tuin', was again
v.sitea bv b irg! irs last night. They
gained an entrance by cutting tui ;i
p:.ile). i f tile hack door and Cifiied otT
a o: sidera i le .u. of cutlery, a pir of
hi). .-, underwear, gloves, cigars and
tobacco. Ii is li.em'hl te have been
the o' k of a hi -y . This is the fourth
or iiith l Pie that this st.-re lias been
i" i i ii i a its many v-. ut Xet'faska
Cli y Xev. s. t
Th- Mereh n
in h le s Ii .1
Cai niViil to be h id j
i ihi- city on Men-j
d iv in J ! ae-d i v , (Ctehe: 10, and 11
p anii to i" i ne f the m -t e.abo-
rate ami success! ui a-- I
ever giv. ti in V a its mouth. Ail-f the j I usii es- tirms f t;M- city will
ne i e i r sen ! ed ty chai m. ng yoi:-.;
tidies. ihe t-!-i)r;im i cotisi-t f
iine cost iiino dri.i-. m.irehes. v e il ai
iiisirumental iau.-ie. i ..eiiati as, col
ored lights, ta')'.e.iux, e e. Ovv lao
peopie take p.tit iii t!i" "Xe:;ises.
Pveiybo ay should
Adtnirsi.n -
' n:
-Viiiit-t to ,-: j it
From Wednesday" n.iili-.
il. v. iVri-iii -and O. A.
Deitz, tl
club ro.- m mm f r.. m E;mwood, were
in tov.u i oil ay io le up
the wni-ky pro-ecu Liuo, tut
and c : e
the mat-
la r had i'e. n rout ta the district Court. I
it-'.i as e urt was not in
liement c'u d be made.
n no
t- i
Tlie most tle-i.c-.te coiiatitu' ion e .n
saieiv use liai lard's tior- houuo tyrup.
It, i- a suie a d pieaoal remedy for
coughs. Ins- of voice, ana a., thr oat
and lung trouhle. i'liee - :'.!!.! .511
cen 's.
SI. le.iuis Hlni 1 i-s. nri ll.ty,
K t' to O n h . it i el urn, -. ccou n i
ol be.-ve ca lo -. i,t 15 eia r. u'.e
will i." titiy c. els r iouii.1 tiip
Ticket- will b; o October ! mJ f ;r
in m in y ti ains Octeiht: 10.
W. L. fjraK.1T, Agt.
Tin Y S tircrcil Iii K'.lihlne; h t I olillty
1 Mrmcr of :(.
lli uiy ScliicMiti-r, who resides with
hi- f.iinilj mil in'.ir MuiiiiirU on a nico
I. ii in w tu.-li In' iw ii -," vv iii ;i nan n t v ie
tun nf i iiu 1 i' htii rod .-hark-, who
Diiln In h.; sent to the n' n i i cni.i i-i on
H..-....-ia 1 prtin-i pi..-.
Fiji.- :u-l - u tuu I the mttor, a-, n.-ar
j v c juM j-'ltun the m,!u e ui follu'r?:
A wel. drccrbc-d man drove up to
.-c i.eulct r's p.ucu, ostenaioly to buy
some muled for the fjovernment, but
! farmer hud no Uiules and ttie dm
I Veiaaliou dulled onto t he su hject of
lirhlniii rods to p. otuct tee substan
tial I uiidins whi. h Mr. S. had
ere:;:e.l. '1 ho t-trancer said if Mr. S.
wou:J civj dim ii I'uiilrin:. ho would
have hi- house rodded and lake it uui
in h:.iid, and erjlimated tho conl at
i ll..j . Tho farmer bit like it fe'ud
.am and sicnod tho contract. J he
n. ;;t tl.iv two j i- thio.i men drove up
ami rod-led tho house, b.irnai d every
tiling else on the l.iee except the
livestock, an-1 then called on Mr.
laiiiier toheltlif. Accoidili lo ihe
term- i f the contittel- they hjureU out
his bin at ifcl-Vi. 'J'hc: farmer nearly
f. 11 do. d, the boys and the mother
ri'it il lor mo cy. Tin-.seen cl.els were
inexorable and t-aal if it w;is not paid
tiny would tike tiio farm. Filially,
afl. i- iiiiii Ii talk', th y Sluiced to take
!lii( ! n oil's of $ 1 -o, ilO'l a ml to be:
paid 1:1 one, two and three etus, to
n'-it.oj t!io matter and the frightened
f niner bil atraiu and signed llio notes,
.aitor ho had exam inc. d them more
i if eluliy tiiau lie examined the
c-on tract,. The next day another
strani r came and enquired of the
farmer if he liad signed the notes
a I o v u iie-eii bed and he mu-torod up
eoufiiue em 114I1 to s;iy he had, fearing
that Min.a more cieveiopenieiils v.ajrc
to I'e made and feU reiievi'U .'.In n the
slraner s;iid he had houlit the notes,
anil mi y wanted to know if ihe sina-
tu'i- was e-enuii'tf. Now Mr. Sciileii
ti r has .2 worth of rods and $175
vv u th of ciXP' i-iene.' to his credit for
cnv'iiy done bu-incss with ;t .-tinnier.
II .d he been a reader of the XkWS
1 ! Ki; A 1. 1) he would hae k;.o'.vn tlie
trick was an old one. r.tid the tc-pe-.tcd
war. i y;s v.e have printed about sij,'n-
i i ii: ;ii - vthii'! for s 1 1 a 11 e ii'.- 111 1 tru 1 nave
i s;i vi d hi m the lo-s of the obU v.hich
J he will now have lo pay at ten pee cent
j inter. -.-t C i.-s county farmers v. ho
I read Live papers 1 1 e Ve r jj I ea u ' h t by
) tiicse scoiimi I-..' Iv sharpers.
Hay I'liint'il by a Trump., Tut sdi.y Clias llanning who
I i vi s near Nehawka, suli.-red Ilia loss
i f il l tons of hay which burned in the
stack valued aWrlOO. J t, is supposed
thai the lire was caused by a tramp
s! e i t g in the l'tiy ;.t,d smoking, who
iii ow aw y a lighted match ecteliirg
in tin; hay.
It f t c its that no one is iccuio from
t he. depredation of thes'i public pau
pers. The trarjip n u i sauce should he
; bated. There, is no excuse for iiny
oiie h-.-iug can of work these times. If
ti;e vagrancy laws were; thoroughly
exerted much work ;.ud money could
1 'j s;ived the community.
!'u-k!t-iift Ariiira ?'.
i'he l est salve in tiie world for cuts,
bure-3. seres, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver son's, tette:', chapped bauds, chil
t:laii. corns, atil ail skin eruptions,
atpt ;..e itively cures plies, or no pay
required. It is sfuaranteed to give
pc-rleet satisfaction er money refunded.
Price 'i cents pet box. For nle by
P. Cr. Pricko
Il.irry stevt'iis Warili-il.
hj' overs, t he man who worked for
the 15. ;!. here until recentiy, is
wanted ;ii. Paciiie .lurctio'i where he
forged two cheeks, one for ?;v5ancf one
f-r th'. When the oliieers came liere
for him he had llown, and it is
t ii'-cight he is in irding at Lincoln.
The vor.- g man al way's conducted
him -el i i tr a u orderly way here, and
had th" c oi.lidci cf of his empiovet.
As an exte; nai liniment of most won
derful a.Mietrati vo anel curative power
lialhwd's Snow Lineament is not
equalled by any ctb-T in tho vorld.
Pric" 2 j anil o0 cents. P. (i. Pricke.
Cards are c nt iiiir.ounc-itig that on
tho ISt.h of this month, at "lioseobel,"
the liomt of Mr. and Mrs. llobert
I. or tor-, the ir dau-jhter, Miss Ilita, will
! united i;i mi. fringe to Mr. Albert
P., of New York City. The
I nappy Cv-up:e wi,i ie?.ve ine next uay
for the cast where they will make
their future home. Tne wedding will
ha the event cf the sc-n-on Nebraska
City Xe vs.
Tiie Iligtit Traiu.
The SioS morning train ejn the Mis
souri Paeiiie is the only train that
ought to s.ili everybody who wishes
to attend tho ex position. It stops at
the north g.- teef the exposition and
you can return home at 7.b') or 1D:4M
in ! lie , - ii ; n - p. ij- fu t jiarf ieu
1.. - it a ai; e cf
C. P. Stc It'TKN Ri K t' i H, Ai!t.
to i a;u a in om: dav
ki iatx-itive Ilrerui Q a - n i :e l'a . t
1 'T'.:g,.t5tj ft fund the ino- ey if it
;'-". - c : e-. L'.'.e. TiiO sninii l-ap
.:. O -a '- o-h la oief
! ''i:-.- s, v. ho w;is i' have spoken
Satuivay pight. w i I r:e; come,
st-it-- oe ntral committee having
! h
t n
- '
e.'ice..ed tne appointment f r the
ire sea t.
While Cre iid Vermifuge is p.t feet
iy ha t- le'-s. and will rem eve evety
worm. I: isiiisoa tee ie, ;-ncl by its
st: e'! hen i ng rro;.ori:es will restore
to p :! cheeks t'.i" rosy hue of in alth.
; Pric- i- ce- is. - G. t--,.;, Vm
i-Cli: S.M.i: t'UKAP A S t of double
ha ne?s. Call .,' X.-w- oihee.
l.; t Me'Eivv;t:n lltlj soaie; more; ao'.d
watch' s to givo .iwiiy, if 3-tiu doa't l.t-
'litve it e.ll and t his prices.
i: .1 l!urktt.
12. .1. Ilurkett, republican cand idab '
for c. in fjross In the First district, wni
born in Mills county, Iowa, in lsf,7,and
is the oldest of nino children. His
paron it , wre (''nil 111, a - t !: 0 11 iii" i 11
dieatc s. N'oan alien toil lie
common fCliools. bniahin ttie course
ill thc''t.c-u of M-vet.teen. His j ,u 1 1-de-ireu
toojvo ticolie-o educa
tion, and the family income beine- loo
small ut thut time to' too in-
ere-ased ex uen e. he worked his way
, . , , ., ,.
through la or college, acUny as a s
sist.'iut j.wiiioi- and doing other odd
jobs to pay hi- way. He gradual-d
with honors in Ib'J'K hiving also won
tw i lirnt piizes In oralorieal coatesin
Ho eain.) to Xebr.iska in ISHl as jirin
cipal of the Leigh High school, and in
lS'.n' entered the law course i f the
slate university. In H'.y.i he received
the deji-ooof L. L. 1!., ami in lVU the
degree cf L. L M. In lW-i he was
sificcted by Tabor col. ego to deliver
tip. alumnal addre-ss, iiud was also
charted to the bond of trustees ol the
college. Acting in that capacity In
drafted the new constitution for the
school. I ri the meantime he had
g incd a large law practice in Lin
coln, and iti the summer of lh'.Hi was
nominated to the legislature. He
made a brilliant canvass nt.d led the
ticket at tho election. lathe legis
lature he was tho most forceful and
eloquent speaker on the lloor, quick
arid com bat i ve in debate, yet tvluin
ing the respect, of hts oppoie-nts. lie
did particularly good service in t ho
advancement of cd neat icmnl hills. He
was ii strnner presiding oflicer, ami oc
cupied the cdpiir during the two days'
stormy debate on the Trans-Mississippi
educational bill. The ability and per
sonal character c f Mr. Ilurkett com
mend him to the sutTrages of the
roio of tiie First district.
Tlie 1 rmf ICc-mi-ily.
W. M. Il'pine, editor 'I iskilwa, 111.,
"Chief r says,1' s.a.v s: "We won't keep
house without Dr. Ivinir's Xjw Di-cov
erv lor i.onsumpi.oii, Congo timi
t,o;u. i-xperi m.nti'ii witli many
others, but nc-veft- got ho true- remedy
until we used Dr. King's Xew Dis
covery. No other remedy en u take
its place- in our home, as m it we have
ac-erla'ti and sure cure for Coughs
Coids, Whooping Cough, etc" It i
tu'e to e-xper inn-ii!, witn otlp-r reni"-
uies even it iney are tirge t oa vott tts
jti-t as good as Dr. King's X'-w Dis
covery. They ir..- not rs food, becau-e
this remedy has a record of e-utvs and
besides is guaranteed. It never fails
tosati.-fv. Trials bottles free at F. C
Pricke';-d rug store. 4
lie v. Sti in, the Lineeun minister,
w.".s too clean and honest to become a
member of the c ity council c.f that
town. He- was appointed lo a vacancy
tiy tne inaviu" out enougii members
vo:ed iig.ainst his confirmation to p; e
vc nt his taking a seat with that odor
iferous crow d. Dr. Stein has our congratulation-
for his escape from un
congenial associates and unplon'int
It -May Snv Your Life.
A d(e-e or two of Foley's Honey and
T;;r wiil prevent an attack of pneu
monia, grip or severe cold if taken in
time?. Cures coughs, colds, croups,
LaCnppe, hoarseness, difficult breath
ing, whooping cough, incipient con
sumption, asthma or brtmchitis. Gives
positive relief in advauced stages o!
consumption, asthma or bronchitis.
Guaranteed. P. G. Pricke & Co.
Vic have a. first, class timer, ;ind at
tend promptly to roofing, anel all
kinds of tin work.
FlilNGKU IlARiY.!:i-; Co.
T.abler's JJuckeyo l'ile Ointment re
liev'. s the intense itching. It soothes,
heals and cures chremie cases where
surgeons fail. It is no experiment;
its sales increase through its cures.
Pvery bottle guaranteed. Pi ice HO
cents in bottles, tubes 7- cents. P. G.
I or Sale.
A nico horse and buggy very cheap
Enquire at residence of J. V. Malm on
Xeuth Eighth street, near Hickory
or at News ofitce.
Continued succc.-s can c'-ma alone
from merit. Dr. Sawyer's Wild
Cheriy and Tar is steadily increasing
in sales because it is tho b?st couh
remedy on the market. A. W
At wood.
POK SALE A thoroughbred Short
hoi n male ca If tind another one or two.
For particulars enquire at th?s office.
Wheeler & Wilson
Sewing Machine.
f '
-e .
y -C- - " -. , - Tit-
Rotary Motion and
Ball Bearings.
Am ??r
M -. J t -
Ay? THE E ?v
-V .ft ever Ifef EAa yi
I' --iiti(r"s ;ilc.
In (!,. I i
I .. 1 '.II 1 1
. I tl,.' '
I.I ''
I , I I '
A. II,.
In i li c i . i .
! ! ..;;. . .,
I : I, i ;u.. i
i.f! m..lw-l in -I 1 in., -it: in
I . .ins.- I II ... I -..iii I S I! ,1111 ,t-
I. 'I o .1 is is. I ;l
" 1. A . I . I .1 in 1 ii k A
i I .t l ',.' . -,. 1 I !...: ., iii I'l.ills.
,. I
, 1 1 1 .1 1 "i;iu, N. ..... 1. 1. ..i!.-l t-.l -..i .- Hi-
I. '. 1 1 " ' ; -.1 ' I 'I ' I ' -!: I I I; I .1 II I
I'..- 11 .It in; , I i.i.i-Ii-i '! .-.!: 111!i
mid tl.t- c 1 t ii..:i '.a tntr ti rtli.-st quner aui tin
; .t.'iv. ; ,1 'i-.jM'r , : 11. r iicii'ie.t u-rtr ol
i-. ti-jli!' y-l .'. 1 ;li: 1:1 tuwimli!)
t-A.-lv.-, raii'. tci - it HI'. M. ii C.i s c"
1 .N. iju Hi. l'h.i.i ij.i :.: j .i 1 o acr-'s. 'J ti-se
- j t. ...t . ,' !.m l wui t.L- oVi-r. J sq ur.c. iv, in th.
11 u.-r incit i - .in- 1 '. t 1 1 t :.. .-. ,i- 1 v-, ;.a it cv pairs
Mia. i-t. !'. i ':'hi ic in-. , !
er ijnc in. a ... !i. j .i,.i' , ;o ta
t . i a i e 1 1 ni' ! ei ,n l a o e e. j a .1 i ;i
ia-, t,, 11 1 n ! il.iee ,. ,1 . u,Mi
lie. 11 - . ( l 1 ( it I l ie e;,l . ai
s 0 1 ti i.ti- ni -..a.i..r! A. IP, a
-.a.,1 -.p. arc e Ii,
laae el j.i .c - ia!
ilia .1 , p.- ni(.-I. - Hi
. ai. 1 . .-. L .e a t
nt -tiu .-.M-,.i:t..i nt
- (i- i-.i it
ll -ii" In.- i ,,,i. I t!i
I ito l!.e . ,' .11 , . lle-.v 11
Prill-- lli'I ,e 11 a. I t ,1 ii , s
t a.
. 1 1 1 1
.1 -.
I - I.e., ll,' 'A..
I P.. ,,l I 1 '
A IT i 11!,
11' p .1 1 il.l 1 I 1
1 .11 i . ... i ii ia in l!,.' . . ,,. e - : , 1. .
I 1" 1 t .111 Iii'" 1 - lie- J ,1 I 11
ullia, alilirl i;ia,i: in .1, p
I.,e J... , an 1,1 1.! Ii- ;e.n I. ,-.e j,i .
Ia. a ..I -nl.- 1 la- 1, -in a, n -.a
.111,1 111 I I. a i .. W l I 1 I 1
tin 1 a'Cii I'la-
I I 1 I at 11 a .1 1.
I I OU I I I .
i.s..a 1, 1,, 1
c e'.l-.c, 1.
,t tin:
ll.' Ill
n k b. uv,i! 01, 1.
Iti. ,i;: nl C a P. ni 1 PI
l e gal Ned ice.
1.. t C.iail nt Co. Can
I'!., aea.
I l.-ltr I l!
la .lie I e
I. in
1. I. I
M inn,' .T..ii..,r
.n.d A I. M , 1
I.e. 1 1 e 1 1 1 n : . 1 1 1 e-.
I.uils 1.1 I 111 Sl.n-n- A. I .aim
an I .1 1 . Ma nun
v. : ! i t :i 1. e 11 . -1 1, 1' t Lit , .11 tin- ill
I .111" l.l I'.. ll,K. ll,.- pi. 1. Ill ill
i.iy nl J.. Iv. P'.
II ,.- I n.-i e. I : : 1. ,1. : :i on- I 1 , I 1 . 1 . ' .1 I ;i
ColllitV . .H'i-I,i: k.l, .i.'.:lli-t I . I 1 ecu . M..)jy-.,
A 1 ,ili 1 ic ., in I M . Mi e I . ,1 ; ie. In t ,,n, 1 1,11 1 nana-
till : ai iv. :i. Illu uli..-i I ;na 1 ,,u, 1 . .1 Hie, li ;i 1 c u
I l t a, m e- a n-ll.iai ll a. .1 1 a 1 -1' ,' - il liai i y tin 1 i.
lei.d.auis, 1 . I. 1 i.lia..-. AI.iki:)!- A. I .ai,.,- Pi l-.l
win leal v. .in,l 1, 1 1 .th io--.a-ne 1 p, tin' p ! : 1 1 1 1 11
ii;i-'ii i"is pAi-ii.v-i'iie '-li .11. -I t -nt -, -1 a, 1 1
V 1 a.-.i;i.- ,.l 1 i-enw - , , I, I '.i- - l u'.nt v. X 1)1 .Isli.l. t
a 1 1. 1 v t lie- 1 .1 11 1 an t , a l 1 pi aie a i v In it is lm
.T--1I.VI.I .iii.i .-.''....'. .l.-t.-. I li 1 iiii I u-r I t, .s mi, I
una J.ii, l -l I '.'. mi l Si-pli. 1-1 I
tlatt luelir is l.nv. .lue lilal 1:11 iial i.u satil Inttes
.'ilia 1111 11 1- .i-e l inr - u 111 n! ill : , ;i n t in teres I h - iln
tin- to - I 1l.1v oi I ),.-, un.lii i. 1 .:. tlie ml,.- el
e if. ii 1 p.a i.i-at par .inniiiii. I n ,!n ti -anil and ia
telia-t lac Pl.iiiiial pi.o.s ,1 1 lee 1 . ( ,, ,,iei Ins
lire nil'! nl a.e 1 pieiin-.. s. ,111 ii 1 ,- 1 en ,1 1 1 a-1
t,i inisu el snaJ pet :'. -ill mi 1.1 t .-, 1 . - tin- I ltd 1l.1v
nl .Niiveli.l.el , I -US.
i Piie.i He, 1th d.iv nl ' 1 t, iial I sa-v
i 1 I I I I . . I ' I I . .
I'.V ('. S. 1'iii K, llll lit t.,1 lli-y.
Nhi'lifl's Sale.
!! v 11 luc ni an nrjer ia' .aile isiiel !i- I le-n. I-".
1 1 1 aiaev. , ul Ii, cliaknl the ila.tint a,n 1 1, wil h 111
iiiiil tni C as-, cni'iity, Nr'ai ,e kii. ;uni In aie ih-
leclel. I uiil 1 m t he .itli (i.i y .,! .Niiveinlier, A. I).
ls'.s, at II n'l.lnek a. la. nl snal d.iv ill Ihe smith
do, n- nt the- 1. ,m 1 1 1, 1 1 use in 1 iii 1 lty nf I'lat tumuli III
ia :-na) ei.iuiv. sell a! panht- : 1 1 1 I ; , 1 1 : . to tlie
I I i j.; It e s t hai'lei a 1.1- i 1 , tin. I . ! I o w i 0 f; lea! oil .t to
t v; t :
'I lio v..'.t IiiMi' , ,i the 11 .1 ' ie.i e.t . ii. liter
(Po nt a. -iti. .11 I Want 1, 1 v i.'.n iiri'l Iln; i-asl
iiilli ( ' .. ) nt 1 he 11 ' l I iicii I ,.i.iii-i t',1 nt ae.'.tl'iil
t went v -Sevan illei,!; in ton - i : j livuivc 1 Ui 1 .iii(.;i.'
nine- ('., nt ll I'. .M. in (,'n-s eniiii'.v, Neln ;i-ka,
tia-e't iier u 11 Ii tiie pi i Vilii-s .ind iinpui tt'li.i i:es
llie-oauit'i lit-i,iiii;,ia': m" la iin v. 1--0 aiineiaahiin;;.
1'lie- Siiiiie- I .i-1 u 1; ievie-J iipi'ii an. I t.ilieii as tlie
pr, ,li.'l t V el I H.iMi.e ii.-,., e 1 t ill ili li Uil.llitS tn
-al'-lv a jii'iLii-iii. iil nt Mia! i, nut reC'iYi'ie 1 bv
by.iiii e'. m, i . in-,-, j, !, 1 in i , it .'1-41,11. t s.ii'l .let . ml
I'.iiitsmnntli, i-i,ra-k.-i, Sept. ::n. A. I .. l'l'S.
M. I . Willi l.l K,
Slie'iiil. ("iiss ci,iinl. .e-iii.iska.
C. S. l'.,lk, ati.irin-y Inr pi in, till.
Acliiiittisl ralor's S.-'!'.
III tlie mat'er ,ii tho l.-u-ti- I 1 I o, 1 i es Ilatier.
Not ire l-i liai eh V f: ' von t Init in put --aaii' i- nl an
ordci nf ba-ii S. Kainsey. .lud-enl the D'stnrt
l oiii't nl C':i-s C'liintv, .i'iiiai.-Ka. ma, to on the
Jitli day nl a iiKiiat. I sas. p.r I In - aie (.1 tlie real
estate hcreinaltei' ileSLi,!a',i. t!.i-ie '.iiii l snl 1 at
the smith ilmtr nl the Cum 1 I liaise', ill the oil y nt
Piat t.mmut 11 . in :-ai.i i ntiiit -. . 1 n tin.- sth day ol
ei-inher. I'.is, jo 11 ci 1 k. . . M . at pui-lic ven
due in ihe liluh-st i.iil i -r tnl .-.isii. tiie Pi.invvitif;
ie.-rriheil leai e-uapj, tn-'.:t: i lie Snii ! Ir,' est
fjtiiii ti-r is w 'tl ol scrta, 11 ci';ht i.m, tnun-.'iip
lea (In). f.ii't;e nine . (.La -s eniinty, .Vehi ak a .
Said sale P 1 ennii a ..pen ime- Imu r.
luted this litii .lay nf Se,:eiiil)cr, Is H.
M A K..AI-I L I llu I I i n.
Vlitii ni -t ia! ii t ! the e'.itc nt c'harle Unth-r,
('. .S. bo! K, Attiii'-iey f, r I'.ftat..
Adiiiinistraf (ir's Sale.
In tlie aiatter nf the Kstaie cf Jul. n ('nsaefc. de
coased. Xolu'e is hereby j;iien tlait in pursuance ul an
order uf lianl.S. Ramsey, JuHku of tlie Oistrict
Cura t of c.l ja-' count v. .Nebraska, made on the lird
day ol -September, IVJ-1, fm ihe saie ol tlie real
e-tate heieinatte I' (li'serilie,!, there wall be sold
at tiie souiii d ioi ol ii,eC,,iiit ilou-.e, in the city
of riattsnmutli. in said county. 011 tiie Kth day ol
I) toher. isas, at u o'ei iek, A. M .-, at public ven
due, t 1 tlie hi;:iii--t la hi ;r f,n cash, tlie foil.jwii.j
described r al estate, ta-vvit: 'I'.'ie :a iiaif l.v ' ti.
of the snutliwest I s v 1 1, of section sir. i'ii, tovvn
sliip eleven il I ), i.uii;e nine I'.", Ca-s county. Ne
braska. .said sale to reaiaia (.pan one hour,
Dated this Pita davoi Septembei. l-ys.
N. II. MiaUviiK,
Administrator. itli will annexed, of the estate
ol John ("ii.-ack. decease. 1.
C. , 1'oi.K, Attorney lor I'.-tatc.
Legal Notice.
To John I-'re.lerick Stuil, Mrs. John Frederick
Stud, Vntidevcntei . Charles .vliller.
William 11. whaler, Mrs. .Matnibt C. Sharp.
Mrs. M ra 1 1. Scott. M . Illakely s harp, Macon
V. Sliarii and Mrs Mattie Lou 1'uiae-, implead
ed with Anatha Muii. et al:
You and each ol you are hereby notified that
on the 1 lh day ol September, A. I). I huh, Ansel-
mo t. Santa eoamieaced an action tn the district
court of Cass County, .Nebraska, i list you, the
object and prayer ol which are lo loieclose a cer
tain'e executed on the Itii of February.
V. D. Is i, by oim 1-. Stun, under the name ol I
J. F. Stuil. and nn the nonir.vcst quarter ol sec-
Hon two L-l. iu'd the north nail ol tne southwest
quarter ol section two - I, and tiie v . st hail ol
the northeast quarter ol section two - . and tiie
north had ol tlie northwest quarter ni the south
east quarter of section two 1 2 1, ail in township.
t iveive L1'-ah ra.ijje iiniteeti L ' I. ai ass county,
.Nebraska. Said moitgae ben.jj t'j secure tlie
payment of a note tor .sli.ii-l Tn due on or before
February -lih. ls-i. ana DearnifT in per Cent, in
terest Irom its elate; there is due on said note the
sum of ii.ii'J.i to Supt. lUih, 1 -lis, an i it i- asked
that he detendadt s interest- in said land be
held junior and inferior to said mortgage claim
and tlie said laud sola tosatisly ttie samo. The
lurther ooject and prayer ot said petition is lo
foreclose a certa n land contract of date April 1.
ls.7. ou all that part ot qr ivermueiit lot nuinoered
three L:l. ot section six nj, in township twelve
1-!. rane louiteen fllj, in Cass county, Ne
braska, lying west ol ti.e rini oi way oi tug li. ,v
M. raiiroad. together with mat part of said lot on
the east side ot said rulit e,' v. ay iyi:;e niirtiiwest
of the culvert oa tiie curve at er near the sand i
point or bturi comaioniy described as swahow
Hill. it is Claimed there is u'.ie on said contract
and because 'it taxes paid on ?a;d land to this
day tiie sum of dn",i. and said land is asked to be
soid to pay tiie same. 1'iaint.rl claims to own all
the rights', property real and perianal of said
Oreopoiis Company ana to be entitled to fore
close said conn ct. I: is r.nher asr.ed tnat each
and ail of tlie delenaaias m sa.d action Pe ad
judged to have no mieiest in any part of said
ind. except subject lo sai.i maiif-ae ana ton-
You are required to .answer sa: 1 petition on or
before Moil-lav . tlie V-ith 'lay of October. A. D.
I.h-is. er ye-ur d'.'auit wiii Le eniercd and judg-
neat eineie : aacoieiiif.'-.y acaaist you ana s.n.i
and. ANsi.i m'i li. f-MiTlt,
ilv 1, a- attorney s.
Al.l.KN P.i.Ls! iX AM. .ll.s-K I.. Kaoi.
Ia-e i tiii.- l;l. d.iv "t Sentf! nber, A. U l-l'-.
Lsgal Notice.
To Lr.r.ra Ann Mill?. John F. C. ..ii.i.. c- ey aa : wite. airs. v eslev M. Win-'
lams, i -'iive A. c. i.iitiris raid MJney S. v'ni
iaa.s. n- n-resiiier.t detentiants:
V ou, and e--ch of ynu, are hereby notified that
n the :h dav et -ei.-'aii.e' r. Flait-n-iourh
Lodee N-.i -. An i-.'-i Coder , e nitcu '.V or .men.
commence 1 an nct ou ai:ist y ai ;u the oistnet
cuurt of (.'as.- c-Kitc.v. N-;b-a-k?. tne object and
pi aver nt iiicii are tn qiiiet 'Li'.le in p.aiatin and
rteaiast sa. ie e.. iaal- :u aa.d t i,jt one (1 . ia
i,i.ick tivo i.,, iii cay ei r..itt-:nontn. ts .Neb-ras ..a. and to na.r an : er.j r.n sa:c 'le- ;
ie: d.ints ti oa.i
f iai i n in sa.d
itvii.s or a---erti..z hay t:t,e to or
ut or any part thereof, ani fa-r
eqiiitHa.e re
-i are r to ureuei said
p tttii.n on or eel re
n, day. l.lst cav at
Octoln.-r. lst-S.
' !'unsy;ari!i I .-r-oi: No. . Axuf.xr
OnriF.KOl- L Nil kli V.'OHKMFN.
by tiieir attorney. Jese L. Knot.
. 1-egal Nalice. j
H. Vi . brick, r. l.r-t aa'3 real name v.nKnown,
and Fraeris (.
,.1 .
ner a-:;'ii'.'(;
of ti.e con-
! 11 -cti' nt K.ver
i the paii'ipe. 1
tv.i.s iiaioi '.in take notice tnat
aacis N. (t.a-on. has begun an
! aTK-n in il.e i 'air ,.t
.Nebraska, etitit'ed. F ra
; 1 1 at - ii e" a . . o-t a : .a
laa in li p , 11 .e - at c a rt'.e ..t 1 .ass county,
s .V , 1 -11 vo Iacb
!!) ah. - ti
-o.d U'.at tiie
! reaia-e a
ari q
t ( ' The Iv h
1 -.I'll i.-y 1 ti e
I .'-on and
. to answer
laeC". ' d p a v r . - a t P,; ':'.:
a- -ritce Ha- v.c-l e.ol -! la .
;, I ..t s.;.;:: a: p.. t..- '1 111 r HIS'.- '
P ai- s..i i i.i iri.ii n i . aai
.aid Jac.l. i!-r-h t-a Uai j .mm
,01 penera leiief and ecu it q.i
sai l p -tmon on or lit'i.T. t
he'i.T:; the T-.- .!.i" ot Novem-
ber. lw
1-KA.VC15 N. till.- .N. I'ia.ntiit.
fC. II. W'OOLEY. Altorauv.
ll-ttd Septamcer .1, .
To Encoura
All Girls Under Fourteen Years
Are invitril tn ecun pet e Inr the l'ri.e a Upck's
IvAXClO wliie'li is, now on exhibition at our s.toiv. All
vilccl to call att'l se-e il ami to reijiler their nam,-'. a-
.Mothers are earnest Iv reiue.teil lo le preeiil al thr
contest to see how their little j'irls ean operate a regular fill I -sized
And to partake ol the Lunch whieh we will serve in i ninrct i
with the contest.
V7T trt
er hardware I
s M 1 i
Por S;tlo bv SMITLf &, PA
IHI tt tr i bp- jt ys. y s" t x -v- irv irs, p-v tr-
1 v. B34 R K ft S ft K t .1 . P n ? I M S 1
HEY carry U.5 larii.-st :ei 1 most
thing 'i-csh anil new. They p:iy
iii)rs the advant;ire of spocitil discounts. A comploto limj A cn.nnoi (rood
ilvw-ty-; in sioclc. Tlir; only p!;i-n in Vt city wli'vo y' g ' ' '
- sh Ch'-o.-ii. 'il and son us.
k, !!. WECKBACH&
I The)- banish pain
2nd prolong life.
vvri'rv -
m V $m u-4 A v-i v a
i'ti v-ii Xi--A j. s,, lxxr
No matter what the matter is, one will do you
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
cal. a coifo of tfie nve tou; rv-ri ( iv ?i.'-iii
to th Rir&sn Che0':al f-zrs:
t-j , .1
Permanently cured by usinff DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE,
r.nrpst. and the best. Sold bv drusiri?t3 on a positive guarantee. Pnce oO
".rbox. Sample sent free on mention of this publication.
i THE DR, WHTTE3ALL iLC.BIMKsE CO . South Bend. Indian
lit J 1 . 1 1 " 1 1 i n Ibiw Id (JooK, vr
..llVr y Fu ScUr PUted
J unior' Range
Tn llu i.'irl, iiinler 1-1 car (nf
rit:"-, wlni r.i:i make- the lc-t
).ni of Pii cuiu, to ,. baked in
our -stoic , ..11 a Hivk's Stp,P.i
K'a m ; p..
On October 21.
Yc- will Itiitii-.Ii all (In ma
terial live ol e liaise. A e'oill
mittce nl l.t'lie-s will iii.'ina'T
1 lie e ullte-.t atbl deeide wliie'li
pin '.I lii-auits i-, tlie Ikn1.
I'.uli e a .nl e-sl a uf will he '.iveii
a miinlier. T he e". mi mi 1 1 ec wil 1
i : I kiniw iinii! after tlie )ri7.r
w a w arden
lcl lib- name of tlir
vk" tor.
are in
contrst -
HOT4EY and
Il.M PL P. ml I "it J ' LCi; X CO
! 1 1; o in
utity. Pvry-
i;:ih!i fur our is'itxl an'i ijivo their cult
-s' ". .'--- r'- - ..
v -.-i -s y i
- - :.;vN' - s -
.f i'- ;.Vi -' S
..-A r. -V
t2 V- -tii'i
vti r. .-t : ir.-s.-ii.. r r '-v
. r- . ..;- 1 ..f Arm
11 ne. r -j - 1