Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 07, 1898, Image 2

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    The Srmi-Weckljf News-Hcra'd
. . . II V T1IK . .
si:u- im'IU,isiiin; homi-ann,
One Ye:ir, in advance, .
yix Mont Iih
t r i Week
Ni (I .' '-V' - I , . . .
. . . . r no
. . . . 2 ro
. . . . io
. . . . 5
F. vi ! l.K M. till Til .N .
One Year, in i'I v:inij, . ... SI
Si M.-ntlix r.o
fit any Cass County Paper.
I'.l I I IM.H A N Tl( Ii K I .
S I it t f
-'.- I i. Ill l .
M I . II A V W A K I '
I i.l l.ii'Ul. iui;i li-il .
1 .1 i JK'.K A Ml !: I'll I
I',. I Sri icliiiy ..I M;iti-.
( ' . 1 1 1 ' K A S
An. lit.. i,
i i. m vi
I . I I l.-JMUrl .
I'l l J-.K M K II. N I .
ii Miilc Siipri int fin f i'ii i .
J I-'. SA V I
lor Attmm-y iiiiiia!.
N l. JA( i.N.
F i inn. I'tililic I ;iinl-i 1 : 1 1 i I . i 1 1 1:
C'imri-HMlii; lt
Fur 'i.nn sMiuin. I iist ileti i l-
F. J i;i:kki:tt.
For St-iiiitor -
v.i. ii. m:vi:ll.
Fur Kimc-si-iilatives
r. t. vih'm;,
l-.KNl-.VI' I'OI.LAKI).
I'or Final lcMisiiit:itivL'
Fur Onuiity Attiuiicy
I'or ('oiiiniissiuiier, 'I'h in! ilistrict
Till-: l:its Thomas A. IJiiynrd, whom
democrats have delighted to honor
for half a century, was an anion t sound
raonoy man who looked upon the l(i to
1 theory as nothing miin) lhaii out
right rcpudial ion.
Ai tki: all the ti k aMout li-aliny an
empty ti'easu.y, Mr. lUesor-ve comes
out with a statement to the elTeet that
ho received $M l,l'.(2.1o from Hartly.
Had Govornor Holeomb done his plain
duty ho vould have received half a
million dollars more.
I'll it- AltMOl'K has signified liis
purposes to invest another cool mil
lion at South Omaha, which is a burn
ing shame. These bloated plutocrat."
should b3 kept out of XcbrasKa. They
queer our populist candidates for
jrovernor and thus nullify the eiVorts
of the great common people to ret
the oflices. Fremont Tribune.
No KKl'l'liLlCAX in this county can
atTord to cast a voto in favor of busi
ness distru.-t ai,d hard times, which is
what has always followed the silver
threat. Allen's selection forthe sen
ate moms keeping alive the silver
issue, his defeat means destruction of
a menace to our prosperity Ti en
vote the republican legislative ticket-.
(iLXEKAI, J OK WlllIKI.Ki;, a d-.MBO-crat
of democrats, gives the yollo
journals a hard i low in his tcs: imony
before the comiuis.-ion of ii. vestigation.
Lie showed how thft mistakes might
have occurred which we:-e un fo:-e-een.
and he also shews how the statements
of gross mismanagement made by the
yellow j: urra's were false.
Holcomu, up to the ti:;;eof going
to press, had not stitTeno.i his spinal
column sultieienty to let Ur an
tho Third regiii;e:it cut of the service.
W. V. Allen, whose chanc -s to muvcccI
himself ar r..pidlv vani-'ning into
thin air. v. ill give t in- gov- rr.or ;
"bracer,"' and with t r fing-.-rs ;1
4i,Ioh;i I towers" his i x.-eli .ney max h
able to bring Liryan homo to he'j. the
failing civ.ise.
THE World-IK raid denied the out
terine story too .-o n. A statement is
out now giving t he date and nu-n . t
of the vouchets which s .y on their
face that they were in piymeut of but
terine for tho insane hospital. What
elegant reformer s to feed axle gre is
to tii e poor helpless insane, who ate
their wards, and then prate about
honest3- and economy.
It is said that II i waii will be gov
erned the same as the District of Co
lumbia, and not as a territory. Thi
will deprive the islanders of a chance
to vote for president, or to elect their
chief officers, but all minor officers
will be elected by a vote of tho people.
The plan is thought to be a good one,
for as soon as their ability to manage
for themselves is shown, statehood or
territorial government can be granted.
John F. Coknkll, the "pass master
reformer" of the state auditors office,
is not riding in a private car furnished
him by the corporations since the cam
paign opened. Ho is engaged now in
fooling tho voters by talking reform.
His junket tours, however, to the
Black Hills and tho Pacific coast, in
private cars furnished him by the rail
ways, will not be forgotten. He must
have rendered them a valuable service
to receive so much consideration Ht
their hands.
Hitchcock's campaign speeches
are said to be a monologue on the con
duct of the war. If the intelligent
voters can extract any reason from that
theory why tho people of the Second
district should send him to congress,
they are welcome to do so. Kxtract
ingtunheams fiom green cucumbers
ii more rensonable than the sending
of Hitchcock to congress because
some colonel cr other officer failed to
i'o 1 1 1 1 y i-i tJi I t' r. I'"mo
. (i uiifuv liiitti r, - i i. t'l tli
bines ill ii n i ivi rauo in n lee' ran
imi. e 1 11 1 t- 1 1 ' l
In' IS'.)") I i slatui as-tvl la
in the n ('! st of tii f irmc's and
d a i i mc n , iri k I - nL inn r' 1 1 I -'ii
tra i d T..o irr iinc iiiduntry f
thest'it - is :i.ri i in jxir t an t one, d e A i ncd
t Ii:iV u v..Jri ful vi.wth in lhi
i in iii-.U -,i l .-. " li : i u il 'ii.fiiv J.'il-rd
an t u"ji'MH!"i!"l. Trie o'.:i i i-y Ui.-n ar.,1
bull v.r uuikers f llie st-tts are aiu-i.ivd
yo 1 1 1 -- :ue lighting mad that
tii'- iiKu-try fb-Mild thus he, right in
i t-i i i. f .i ncy . u'nori'd, iutrajd and de
f r . ii 1 1 d I v 1 1. s., inn, w ho ha ve a! way 4
proTc I tn )ni its ino-t n t li usias! ic
fri -il ls. ) uii.g the paut fourteen
mo- th 11,5'U pounds of this vile stulT
ha-l'ij"ii .iir-h.i-eii for tho Hastings
a - y i ii'n for t ho inni a! ilo i ns i ne, wii ii-h
I'm1. : '1, 1 H..'5'l as tin; Vouchers show.
At that rate per e.ipiti the total
amount, of oieo nivdeil for all tho state
i n i mi ' io- f t a period of fourteen
mouth- v. ii i ii :: pounds, which
c )- 1 '.in- - I bo 1 1 U , 1 ,.! . pi-ov i led
Mill tii : .--.'.i - lo.v gr:d' s v--o pur
chasi I in iiii:: '..on! ail the i n -M t a t ions,
whicli !l.'-e I . ': ic iso'i Io linn!)!.
( )v r VH o.ii) a . ii !'t ha vt b -eu t he sum
io .in i i'.i v i- int tiio poo'.vcts of
N'- liras'.a outt.-r in ikeis, if tho hypo
cri :cil p p er.itic s'ate board hoi
pat onized lioioe irdusiries, iuste id
o!' Ariiiou.-V urea-e f ctory dovMi in
Kuiisa ('iiy aid the poo unfortu.i ites
now it the lue cy of these un natur :1
M ings wi!h h ar'sof adami'il. would
have rec.;;vt;l an artioio of hutter
'fi'ial iu (jui'ily l th-' ki".d use I on
tho tables of these "ninstnij re
form rs."
Til K 1( S-.. s by (iealh if th-- Altjeri
c .ii army in the w .r wit'n Spain have
been ollie illy t'lte,d up to August 31.
A I I'i'I'Ui Kil'o three wero kMlel and
forty uourde'i; in Manila, fifteen
nilied and and ninety-eight wounded;
iu (Juba ll(Ii) Killed and 1,431 wounded.
These represent a total of 27S killed
i'.kI l,o(i!) wounded in battle. Io these
re to bo added ninety-one who have
died from wounds received, thirty by
accident and ,t!2 by disease, o- a
total of deaths to August 31 of 2,024 in
an army of -05,000 men, or a little less
than 1 per cent. These figures will be
somewhat increased by deaths from
disease sinco August 31, but even then
'he total will be less than 3,000. The
remarkablo feature of this showing is
theimuuity of tho navy, which has
destroyed two Spanish tieets with the
loss ot only four or live men. Chicago
JruoK Nkwkms friends a'l over
the county recognizing his fitness for
the oilice tire doing good woork in his
behalf. Tho majority over fusion iu
this county is about 300, but we have
heard many well posted men place
Judge Neweli's majority at live hun
dred, and it may reach a higher lig
ui'e. Tin.' e'e-tion of Pollard and
Young h. ts been conceded from the
si -rt. They ai e experienced and not
a wo ril can be urged against them as
clean capable men. 11. A. Dittmar,
the republican candidate for float rep
resentative, is iu every way the supe
rior of his jnck leg lawyer apponent,
and l.e is making a winning campaign.
Till-: shipbuilding firm of Cramps,
Philadelphia, have purchased a big
paper mill ;.t Itockford, III., and begun
wo k making paper and card board
from corn st dks. They claim to make
a b ! ter a rt icle than wood pulp and
pr.-mise to revolutionize the paper in-
d; stry. A. (!. V inter is the chemist
who discovered and patented the pro-ee.-s
wiiicli will made a profitable de-
rn-u.d for her.-tofore worthless corn
s,ii;'s. Xet'raska farmers and corn
i g , .'vers, g; n. rally, will bu glad, of ;i
j:n !:;:. fo.: an aitieie which hns ii.ui
! -:o ihi v. ii :-.t Y :r
i : v n v . i , i a n j oi i.'m v .
" h e! ; i - -, i - ?H-t f ; :- . If w a r u
t'n !a : I a . o; ' ! e i ui cue ,s ire t
ever;, -.v, e
If llle.ei.ei iiiu- e .- t! win out of
the s rv,ce ;t n;i I'.eii ie: Sjaj-a-ta lieM'.
of ;t, wa wiii io u t hreak out
ag iir. w th all its a;L. i: iant ho- in:s
if he do-.'t g- t ll.yui lorn.?, thei
Ail n is sun; of d.fc .t. Thus it wii
i . .-eeu tho wt ight of resp- uisi hi ; it
on ' he governor'- .- Ij-uileers is ataue.
thing elephantine.
A h g :,ho t'ge i i the apoie crop ol
Murope is re purled, winch Will rt quni
large consignments f.-om this country.
Uui l'lun .tely the Nebraak-t crop i
also short and a big demand will do us
no good
When the republicans of New York
noininatid Colonel Ilooseveit for gov
ernor, the New York Journal sud
denly discovered that its previous es
timate of the g nt'eman's character
and ability was subject to revision. It
now concludes that the colonel is not
o many. Ex.
Ex-Cong ressraan Hainer, speaking
of politics in the Fourth district, 6ays
E. II. Ilin-haw will defeat St irk, and
that ho is a bettor man in every wy
th in his pop opponent, even thouah
there were no great political principle-
at stake.
C- plain A. II. Lee, I itish military
atta.he, describing in Scribner's th e
ass iuit and capture of El C mey, re
lates that in the height of the excite
ment of victory, ''Private Abel, of tho
J Twilfth infantry, scrambled up on the
roof of the fort with the colors of his
regiment and waved it amidst a wiid
burst i f cbcerii g and tnihusia-m. Hi
captain w is admiringly drawing my
attenti.-n to this aet when a couple of
hu if ts cl p .1 tn. i iu i-n uud r i
m.iti'ri f t, an i i a t i l u r I . . le 11
h'- II t mi 1 - f c l b is unr-
Ilea i wii elTec -id -ueha clouu-of
ell . IT . ll io li:l ii eil , Hi! Lie tleit
the i llcl- 'el it le . ll i to lli feet
g i in, I r. w ( ) .i (J ii' y wio o ii c
hn c.e. an . iiv tl ll ileli iili until
(lereii to . -riior ) n i.nd n i , t ex hikc
himself furtlo-r. May h- long live to
WW I r the ricibil of hoie r thtt will
ilruli't.:.- tir hia raW-.i.'I '.
The Cook County 1) umri' icy and
Marchiug c'.uh, whoso terrible ap
proach to this town is still rem .'in
hered here, has inv ded Omah i. and
exhibited itself at the exposition. It
was n day of triumph for Cook county
and of surprise for Om iix. The mem
bers of the club "rallied to the num
ber of 40 , attln cl in becoming biark
suits and wearing histoiie shiny silk
hiits and handsome new badge- of
blue velvet, with iroid mountings."
The truin consisted pincipa'.ly of
buir-)t cars, anil the "haggige cars
foretold ik I n;'; of materi .1 to make
the trip a joious ore." The Hon.
Nihil Powers, the Hon. Path House
lohn, and tho llo.i. Hinkey Dink
shouo in that r .diaut galaxy of st t -s-m
ii. The pr.iiri'-s are still on lire.
New Yoi k Sun.
The internal revenue collections in
Nebraska for tnc last q u ' iter lack ed
but little of reaching one in llion dol
lars. Few states of ihe same popula
tion did so well.
T. H. Tibbl -s, whose chief notoriety
rests in the fact that ho m;rried
Pright Eyes, tho Indian woman, is
writ ing editorials for t ho E-nenlri In
dep dent. Tibbie.- is troubled with a
sour stomach and a d. -ranged :iver;
which makes him see things in a dis- ;
t.( rted sort of way so that he makes an j
bleal demopop . dit'-r.
Tiie arrest of Mat. Qn:ty by his po
litical enemies in an elTort to connect
him with a bank failure iu Pennsyl
vania, we trust, wiil bo iven a thor
ough investigation and the men who
were engHged in it get the punish
ment deserved, but we very much
doubt if Matthew Quay is the man.
The arrest looks like the work of po
litical enemies.
T. J. Pickett of Saunders county,
brother of W. E., the P.. &. M, agent
hero, was nominated for tho st::te
senate yesterday by tho Saunders
c.f u n t v re nubl ica ns.
Kre l'ills.
Send your address to IJ. E. Uueklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Eife Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of
constipation and Sick Headache. For
Malaria and Liver troubles they have
been proved invaluable. They are
guaranteed to be perfectly free from
every deleterious subsianco and to be.
purely vegetable. They do not wea ken
by their action, but by giving tone to
stomach and bowels greatly invigor
ate the system. Regular size "V, per
box. Sold by F. G. Fricke, druggist. 4
Kxcursion to Oinali Oct. IO, 11, 12 ami 13.
An unt qualed opportunity of visit
ing the Trans-Mississippi exposition
is afforded by the Eurlington route
excursion to Omaha, October 10, 11,
12 and 13. The rate will be exceed
ingly low, only 03 cents for the round
trip from Plattsmouth, Neb.
If you have not yet seen the Great
Fair, do not fail to take advantage of
these excursions. A visit to the Trans
Mississippi Exposition is a privilege
which no western man or woman
should forego. It. is an education of
tho best kind. Nowhere else xo
wiiEUK in the world at the present
: Sine can ore s e so much in to short a
'irae isuu at so small an expense.
i i:u wi ek begin n i g October 10
pit mi-es t surpass a 1 others since
ilie- exposition rpend. In a; diti'-n to
the exi-iMts of the in .in and s a'.e
uildi; g; i be sham bittles a d dance
w.iich daily att-act thousands to Hit
Pu ai i-ucampraeiit; the MicJWiV wish
its coin. tlc&s curiesit-es and stmige
people ; the famous jim s' band: the
live storK exhili t, etc. Visitors wiil
have an opportunity of taking pari in
the Peace Ju' il- e, in which President
MoKinloj f-nd his. ca in t, the go r
nors of the irans-M ssissipni states,
the mu voi's of the principal eia-n
eitie- and t epresent tives of the army
i 'i-i liavv wlii pa ti'-ipa'e. Fo" tickets
n.i fuli inform itlon apply 'o the nv-ar-st.
Ii. & M. ll. ll. agent.
To Sub-criberi.
Wo are carrying over a thousand
accounts on our books, many f th m
-mall but iu the j'girreiiate it amount
io a neat sum which would hel,j us out
if paid in. If you can't pay all you
owe send us a dollar and we will send
receipt by return mail with a card ol
thr.nks thrown in.
It Hits the Spot..
When suffering from a severe cold
ind your tbroat ami luuis feel
sore, take a dose or roiey s iion-
ey una
Tar.l i when thosore-
ucss wiil be t
a warm g-rato-healing
of the
jonce relieved,
jful feelino; ami
parts a fleeted
will b experienced ana you will say:
it feels so good, it hits the spot.
It is guaranteed. Fricke & Co.
Morning's bread hcreafle- may be
obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona
than ITiitPs, Povey's and Fair store.
Dr. Sawyer's Arnica tind Wiich
Hazel Salve naturally, stands in such
esteem with the publ c iir the curing
of skin diseases, eczema, piles, burns,
scales, cuts or flesh wounds, th :t argu
ment to prove its worth seems quite
iinnoees-arv. A. V. At wood.
O.vxt'Ts! )ytt-r!
By ti e the can, or served in any
style at Schinpp icns.
A CKi I'lCAL T I M l
Z Battle of
an i at; o.
I I'lHk.nalllk tla . Vlc of .lit lugu il
I nbH ntn Kll llenirn, T)i-lr Ht-roic i:r
f.irt Iii (ji llli; ArrjDiuiiltioii and Itnlloii
fi I hf 1 Unit Savi-il the liy.
P. E. Hut'er, of pack-tiain No. 3,
writing from Santiago do Cula, on
duly Lo, sny-: "We all hud diarrhoea
in more b ss violent form, und when
we landed 'e hal no time to see a
doctor, for it, was a c iso of runh and
rush night and day to keep the troops
supplied with amanition and rations,
but thanks to Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedy, we
were able to keep at work and keep
our he.-iith; in fact, I sincerly believe
that : t one cri lical time th is medicine
was tho ii. direct savior of our army,
for i! the . ackers had been unable to
wi.i-n t'tier uouid have been no way
iifgi ttoej su oil' it s t o ! ho front, 'i hero
. re no :'in h that a v.'iij.mi train
io. Id u-e. iy and myself
i. d i Im eo -,ii io-tune to 1 y in a sup
! ; i f i- is ire ilitone for our puck-train
b 'f.-re v.e :f- Tampa, and 1 know in
four (vises it absolutely saved life."
The abev.- letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, the
C am b-- rlain
M-i-!, low... For saie by all druggists.
An Auburn lamer missed cloven
tu ke; s one i.eorninjj last week and he
ha-tened to to.' n in lime to find them
loaded l( r shi plliel;'. I I e made u, h lint
for theih.ef ai d found him with a
cov ri d wagon, i o j s, eic lie was
evidently a prt.fe-sional thief anil gave
his name as Keller, and residence at
Fiith. He eot ;. tire of 1!0. which ho
wiil lay out in jaii, and a ser of stolen
lriTiess which a farmer recognized as
his, w iil sei d him to the jug for the
balance of tho winter. If a few of
these professionals vero sent to the
oen it would be a o u thing for the
Ki III t III Si.1 Hour kiuney and bladder dis
ease relieved i i six hours by " (Ht.
Cl Ui'.'' It is a great snrp ise on ac
count of i's e-ei etjin; promptness in
re!!"vi''g pai-i in e!:n ier. Iclueys and
ba ).;, in male or P iu 1'. iodievoi
retciiiiviis i'lmf iiEtiM'-dinti. ly. If you
wHtit ooieii- p. - i. ar.d cure, this is the
remedy. So:d be Gerii'g & Co., Drt
o-;t, I'l lMsruoUlb. Neb.
1 ill .11) ll-tii's Iiy .".Ii mil l l';n'i:5'
To St. 1. u s. Mo , on of St-
I jotib
l air, O..U f ir - f.e- round trip.
Dales ef .le- Oetooor 'J. to 7. inclusive,
wii.'i lire. I lieiii to :'. ii.,..r 10.
For paitici:!:!'? e.-nr-i:-:- of ('. I
;-'ii.u'fti)i !To,Th, Age'1.
i'i- Ssy !.
Manv d"speri:te cases of kidney
di-oase-; i-ro:-ou need incurable have
been eui-i-d ly I-Vb y"s Kidney Cure
Manv pVi vsiri-. us use it. F. G.
F rick e & o.
Worth tioin n TlionsaiMl Miles to See
the parades of the Knights of Ak-Sar-
I5en at. Omaha. October 4, 0 and 7. Ex
traordinary I 'v rales via Burlington
reuie. OnlvO-i cents for the round
tr.pfrom Piattmouth. Get pa-tici
lars from the local are,it.
XoIicBof Set I It m:i t
All part'es i.ulebt 'd o tho firm of
V. V. Coates & (.. are requested to
ca'l and settl" with their successors,
tho Ebtnngcr I lard wa e Company.
Votl on riib-cri plion at ihe
N t:vs oRice.
licscribe them because they never vary
from one standard of medicinal quality
the highest and doctors are careful folks.
You trust your family doctor of
course. Ask him.
Ia sealed bottles only,
C Druggiits.
ja I AKCHOP WIPR frnce...
Sii-onaest fence on tTio
I n:srkc;, i perfectly snfa
j and a!i effectual harrier
I n-.aiiisi a'S ior-.T3S of stock.
-, jA:a!s oi r.o. N ;ialvai5;rcd
;stcei wiro. Cross sires
' ;fectirclv ciamncd. Isct.
(r--it. 'oriie for cnt
e!ei;ne. .V. s n i . I h is pa per
Jl.issiuiri Coal. (Jfittriic Catif ii City Coal
... .-CR CASH
r.rder' at P.
Whit-".- St-
,) Y - ninii
Cursskidnsy and liver diseases
Reading Rooms and Dispensary,
IMc.T IJuihiini,-, I'iattsinoiitb, 'eb.
Open Irnni tO . in. t 5 p. m. and 9p.
m: eiviee parh 5unJiv
You ran make
!ex. I II Mail vnu
in Itn- Mail rlrr liusincsH. day or evening. No
l't-.tllitiK. M. Vouiik. lU-iiry M. Ilrooklvn.
N. V.
i. V.vV yMpranu4ca :uuf.iit irruwth.
r--? A' M Vouvuful Color.
to hotisfeker.pera--
Extract of Beef
telling how to prepare many deli
cate and delicious dishes.
Address. I.icliiR Co.. 1. . Hux 2 7 IX, New Yuri.
Cio to the Drug Store of
(Successor to Smith & Tartm-le)
for 1'iro Drujrfi, I'atent Medicines,
Stationery and Cigars,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye?,
Paint, Hair and Tooth,
Toilet Articles, Pei f umei-3'. Soaps,
Sponge-, and all Varieties f
DrtisryiHts' Sundrioi.
Window (J lass and Wall Paper,
ITumphre-"H, Lutio's and Mcnion'i
Ilomoo -D it hie Ilciucitioi,
Pure California Wines and Liquors
for Medicinal use-.
In f.iC', everylh'ny usually keut for
Saie in Iru; Stores.
Presc iptions
Careful ly Coin pounded.
South Side Main Street,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
The Casino Saloon
Headquarters for tho
Best Boer On Earth
As Proved By the
Greatest Medical Ex
perts in this Country,
and is Giving Special
Attention this Year
to the Bkst Brands
You Can Alva3's Find a Full
Supply of
And Other Brands Which Will
Be Sold Very Cheap By the
Case. The Public Has
Shown Its Appreciation of
Budweisek by the Fact that
Five Hundred Million Bot
tles Were Consumed Last
delivered to Any Part of tle City.
I. I' rVfi"T!t. NEB.
0:f-ji ike very best (.ici'Iticr- tor t tit;
ptnmpt trau:'.rtCti:n: i.l
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS, bonds, .'old. L-ovvrncicnt :inrt uii n',
securities oouht iiuil sold. Deouslu re
ceived and Interest uiiowod on the cerlB
eatea. Drafts ar.-inn, avil!;iD'.e la aoj
part of the U. . :mJ till the- ;;r!!ri'.
towns of Europe. Collt ol-n n-. arc ar.d
promptly remitted Highest market
price paid for county warrants. 9tae
imi county bonds.
H. N. Dovcy, P. Hawksworth. p. Waugh
F. E. White, G. E. Iluvcv-
Gco. E. Dovcy. Pre., Waugh, Cashier.
H. N. I)i v-v. Asst. (.'Rshjcr
Has new stock, now ritr and
is prepared hotter t,h:r. ever
to take care of
fl General Livery Business.
Quick trips made to 11 prt- r-f 1h.e
county. Low prioo- und eoun
eous treatment .iy-u .i.
; jm ii . j : s?
i i
Leading Liveryman.
Til! tost -! ri'.'s lnrnii.'ied at al! Iio-sr anj
rncc re aiways reBSnnbie. '1 ht no.: f
convunicit hoHrdiast e I.Tiar- j
niers !n the citv
etter T
and Stows . .
The three floors of his old Store Room
are packed full, and his New Building near
by is also full to overflowing. The beauty
about Pearlman's line is that
His Gold Coin Stoves can't be surpassed.
His Steel Ranges and Gasoline Stoves
rank higher than any
His stock of Furniture is Lager than car
ried by any two other dealers in the county
Every taste can be suited and when it
comes to Low Prices,
Pearlman is King-
He won't be undersoi ! and only asks you
to call and see his goods for proof of what he
Store room on Lower Main street, nearly
opposite the Court Hou
Is our constant aim, and with that idea in view we have
laid in a nice, well selected line of Drv (loods suitable for
Fall Wear.
Special Low Prices on Blankets.
Our Grocery Department
Is complete in every detail, with the best the wholesale
market affords, and prices are LOWMK than ever.
Prompt Delivery,
Fair Treatment and
GOOD Goons
Is what you all may depend upon at
Opposite the Court House, Plattsmout, Nebraska.
SOXZ liY ALIj 30 H. XT 3- Gr X S V S -
Prepared by- JAMES F. RALLAKD. :. Louis.
my1 iigt:rgr-e-TreT-i
n 33
New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 3!0 North Main Street, ST. LOU'S, MO.
hao oer
Than Ever
3- t In O'i.-.d;.".-.
lit" l In Cji.-alitr.
izz- r- .r v
vvy CURE