Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 04, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly Nnws-Hcrald
. . . I1V TICK . . .
One Y:ar, iu advance, . . . .
Six Month. .
One Wwelc
toingle Copitta,
One Year, in advance, . . .
Six Month
J5 00
2 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
lti:i'l'liM;.VN Tl( KtT.
l-'or ( iuvcriioi ,
M. I.. If.W WAKU.
For LiUiul .-( i(iverii'r.
l.l'.OKOK A. Ml Ki'liKY.
I'"or Sci rclary of Stale,
Km Adilitm,
T. I.. MA 11 II VS.
I'ur Tr c.ini ia .
l-'or State Siipirl inteinlt'lit,
J. I. SA V l. K.
I or Att'irnry Oeni ral,
Fui iiii. I'uliiic Lamls aii'l lliiil.iiia;.
;ni r Hitona I.
Fur 'nnnicssiiiaii, First tli.-tiii I
K. J. HUKkl'l I .
I'm Senator
l or Kfiiicsfiilativt";
T. T. Vol NO,
I'ur l!.)Ht Kfpreseiitative
K. A. OH M K.
l'"or Cuiinty Attorney
I'ur t 'oiini'.is.simiiT. Tliinl dis'iiet
TlIK determination of the ropub .
cans of New York to make Moo.-evclt
governor on" lit to bo a hint to the
democrats of Alabama to m Uo l,ieu
tenant Ilohson governor. Kx.
Jkssk Ij. HkT is one of the bright
est lawyers in tho county. If e.ectt d
county attorney ho will make an al e
and faithful llicial. Vote fo;- Mi.
Hoot. Weepinir Water Itepa'
THK voids do not echo with any
challotiffos from I'oyntor to llayw:.rd
to outer into joint di b .t( b. fiiro the
electors of Nebraska this fill. On ihe
other hand, Juile Hay ward continues
his yontlemanly, straihtforwaid and
afjfrressivo campaign.
TlIK iix o grease r.-foi iners of tin
statu house ate not talking about cur
porations yi vinij out passes, or about
regulatintr the South Omaha sto-ik
yards this year. Tiiey orefci to ti;:ht
the war all over asr iin and kocp the
public mind, as far fi-otn local in itters
as possible. Great heat's thisj pro
fessional reformers have.
IIolcomb squirms painfully at hav
ing been put on tho rack by tho presi
dent with reference to which regiment
ho will have mustered out. lie hesi
tates, but there is no question ahout
what he will do. The seeming delib
oration is for public consumption. Col,
Bryan's regiment is tho one thit v. ill
mustered out.
V. A. PoYXTLU talks a yreat deal
about his super ior honesty ana the
wonderful honesty of his party, lie
was fearfully alarmed at tlui encroach
ments of corporations, but ho said
nothing about his connection with the
South Omaha stock yards, or ab.:ut
tho railway passes which he cir.led
as a foe of railroads and friend of the
common people
Xlyv ViiiiK republicans who will
follow Col. Ted Iloosevclt to victory,
will doit on a platform stou'ly declar
ing for the retention of the Philip
pines nnd every fool f conquered ter
ritory. This do'.'s not evidence undue
conservatism arid if they are not go
ing to got seared at ""ex ; inioii itwn
around the money center.- what may
ba expected out here in the fti.o r.nd
boundless wost? VAil Mr. Ui yat:?. Ex.
The Now Yolk oeino'-nus noui:
nated a gold-bug f vr governor, 1 lie
silver wing of the paity then nomi
nated Ilenry George, jr. and an effort
will be made to keep tho white nn t A
issue alive. Mr. Georgo does not w. nt
the nomination, and it is said the
friends of the gold bug candidate 111-13-securo
his resignation. In that ev nt
a man of less influence will get the
place. Itoesevelt's majority is certain
to a largn one anyway.
"Remembek Joe Uart ey" screech s
the democratic orator. Yes, and re
member IIolcomb at the same time,
who is clearly an aoeessoiy. Had
Holcomb have done his f ml dutj-, anvi
not accepted a bond that no ju-tice of
the peace would have taken, this rtate
would not have lost a di liar. The
thief, by tho grace of a republican
county attorney and republic m court,
is in tho penitentia' y, but the man
who made the thievery po-sible is
still governor of Nebraska, and rtands
next to Allen at the hetd of the s-tate
house combine
HITCHCOCK is running for congiess
up in the Second district on his war
record which consists of a continuous
criticism from the safe distance of 2,
000 miles from the scene of action
Plattsmouth News. How much nearer
to the scene of war was iho distin
guished eentleman who has been rep
resenting that district? Is Dave Mer
cer any braver soldier than Hitch
cock? Wo rather think not, Hcd we
are confident that Bert will make- a
better representati ve th-m Dive.
Nebraska City News. Our obtue
friend full t( Hftstl'O point Mercer
Is not elaimine t h- ti.o hi ro of San
tiago and whatii more important, he
in not tryiui.r to tind fault with hoiiio
Miinj.' o ilier In- tor 1 1 iu;ii: c.k Know
n ti vt li i :tt mi I.. Tne war khk i.roio-iMit.-d
to a (ini-l) with masterly nkill,
and if in i i-i i i l - vvt rn innae it wuh not
Urn fault nf Inn nd 1 1 1 1 it i -1 1 ati u, and
llii) Toilow who tries to tide inlooBico
ou that iort of a huhby will m :et the
dainfait) that Mc(Jllliu did whwu be
run (.'' in-) t Abraham L,ineoln for tiie
Ltruside ney .
. i . . 1
'J'hu calamity orators, following
their ru-toir.i;ir5r course, in an eflort to
utccivo tne voter- talk frantically
ah ml the r.-publk-nn party increa-d n;,'
tin: ht-:lj di-Lt nearly a million do'lara,
and how the; pep-erata are reducing
it. The faet.s aii', tho debt was
iii:rua(d by the erection of needed
public huii.iintfs. Hartley turned
morn than $( , 0:) over to his succes
sor, Mi'scru', ;nd with the better
tinus that havii prevailed and the in-
reae in 1 1 1 r payment of taxes, what
:l-e cin'd ihi) iu-dou tiea-surer do but
I : t - t he eini iijrairi.iL the state if he
i.jh:1i:iI an extension of political life.
Wclind that lowa'ri debt two years
.i-o r. ached over a million and a
naif dollar, and ti day it has all been
pa iii but. .;()(,( .01) and Iowa has had i o
"reform" r-tato others either. Xe
iiraska, arti-e ali, h is not dono to well
as her sdsler i-taU' across the tiver.
.Nil:, ii. A. DiTTMAii, tao republican
11: min -e for float representative, was
a .iea ant caLer at tho .Journal olliee
tiii ivicii. Wt- want to say to tnoi-e
who do not know Mr. Di-tmar, that no
'oticii- m 11 lor the place could be
fi'Utid in the 1 wo o 'Unties. lie is a
in ignt, wi e awake I ti.-iness man wlio
w i . 1 L oi f or 1 be i 11 ri s of I In - peo
I Id no 1 cpre-fin s. lie will bo an
honor to the st to, WO king witli in
telligence and ability f.r tuo good of
tin: 1 cop. 0, not lee too or jumping
jack of the polilica. 1 ricu -tei c I) mo
ci . ts. pcpuii.-ts and a I others should
make it a point to meet Mr. Dit m 1
for if you put a-ide jour political pre
judice as you would in a business mat
ter, after once knowing iiiiu you will
givo h i 111 your heai ty s-upi o t. Syra
cuse J',
; IILNS are coinine to a pretty p ss.
In lS;Ki J, o ilai ey and li s whole hit of
d in. orals were .-Louii g with id
f. c sln.:t theie was too lit b gold
with which to tr. in act tho i,u ines
of the count ry. Now we iiave it on
tin- autho iiyofa no los distinguished
d: uii cratic 01 acle than Joe 15ai.ey
hiinsilf tnat there is ei ouh g id in
Hie ti ea.-ui y above 4lno,i:(J0.U()O n erv
to pay oft the expense ol wnipping
S'piin. For this yod reason Mr.
Hailey is now- hurfing one-pound pro
jectiles at I're.-ident McKinley for
llie ci inio of issuing bonds to raise
war 1 e venues. It seems, after all,
thai there is rcaiiy too much gold in
the country t suit the finicky finan
ciers of the Iailt3' ilk. Fremont
Wjiluk was Manahan when ihe
liiit went out? He was a.lver'dsed
for I'lattsmouth and more than one
half t f Poynttr's audience can:o to see
tiie nan "who swallowed the pops."
This vory remark ib'.e man, now before
the people, oiiijht not to keep his light
under a bushel. These who have not
seen Mananau do not understand how
a man could make a solemn pledge to by the vo:u of his convention
upon the ballot about to be taken,
when the pledge was given and theu,
within twenty minutes, ignore that
promise, and proceed to take into his
c'i p.scious maw the separate and dis
tinct entities of the democrats, pops
and free .-iivor republicans. One
glance at the man will furnish till in
form:! lien desired. Trot him out
Mr. Til ets, trot him out.
THK active, venomous warfare waed
l the Dee against .John E. Webster is
entirely out of i; ice r.i ihi- date, and
can have b.:l er.e : ffeC, that is, to em
harrass tho successful jn osecutiou of
: 11 : icpuDLicti
ublicnr! catnnaigu in Douglas
ciarnty this ?
With 1 reuublican
ie lslat i:ri
e i-teu, ;..--n senatorial
-s wi:i ) y.r
, 1 n ici.-m.
hi of fediy
t e- snl j cts for
Ju-t new i: is
iu repell the
1-gi 1 1 m a
the in i;
I. ielidl v
aid of
iny gir d republican
may hope to pre. fit
just because
Irnm the election of a republican legis
lature, 'i In- impud . nee of the Omaha
editor in assuming1 that repu ')lic ;ns
ou.sii.lo of Omaha wou.d permit, Omaha
to have both sc-i-'tor1, is just as sub
lime as
the seat
John L Webster
!im to
Tin: report of Judge Hayw 1 d's
spee h es it appears in m ny ptipers of
tne state contains a typ1 graphic 1 er
ror. Judge Hayward said that
"Dougl is ci unt pays one-eighth of
the taxes of ih state," and some of
the ri p rts have him say orie-l aif."
The st.ite treasurer i kes issue with
Judge Hayward on tl e statemen of
t he am unt of money lui-di d ovi r bj
Dartley. Mr. Mi seive savs the amouni
that was available Januaij 7, lt9,
m d 1 ot 'ted uii in suspended banks,
wa- $SG4 t(2. K. Ihe - ublicans ol
the slate are willing 10 i ccei-t this
sta emu)' as co red. ii b -ii g the first
tune anv popocratic fii - til lo s admil
te 1 th .1 P. ii lley icfi ai y me nry in the
it :he slat- in -nts if the News and
Courier a re correct, Mr. Young has
very indiscreetly plaved into the
hands of the enemy, nnd by his vote
furnishes tho Journal' with money to
carry on its lying mud slinging cam
paign. Wo are surprised and disap
pointed to think that Mr. Young
would allow h:m-tlf t 1 be h j arty to a
transaction of this kind. It is safe to
ay that if ho w.-re m-rv tj h Jltvt
term with a dfdr" to icce ve a H-cmid
numlii'iiion in- wnu d noi have done
this. Ah for th i l'tmt, it tOiown up in
no e.iviah o po.-itioii as n democrat
aide-how. Weeping Water liepub
lican. INHlini.V I I ,N SI OI'IMON.
In Senator Alum'- uudiisnri
Wcik irre f' hih wLo in lS7Slivd.
In QugOUi WUti dill lOOli llDd bare -
floors, whose furniture was made Of!
rongri boards und beds of said i rig poles,
who theu lived on corn b' ead, sow. i to tbc l'ront Snrrd iu Uny,
belly, sortrhum and rye coffee und were 1 P. E. Hut'er, of i.iaek-tiain No. 3,
mighty glad to get that; who came in j writing f : om S intiaeo de Cuba, on
town in a rattlwtiap wagou behind aj.luly l;U, siy: "We all had diarrhoea
yoke of oxen or a span of plug horses, j in more I. ss violent form, and when
Now these same men have line frame ; we landed e ha 1 no time to sue a
hou-.e and bar na, t'ood implements to j ,1(M tor. for it w is a i:h.) of rush and
work- with, tine furniture, carpets on
the floor and an organ or pi, mo for
tho kids to play on, and come to town
in line lop buggies behind spanking
teams and aro surrounded
by all tho
omfortsof life any reasonable man
ought to expect. They would never
know what a terrible crime w is per
petrated on them in their 1 S7;j dugout
days if such fellows as Alien and his
ilk did not tell tnem. With such
illustrations iu front of him it is no
wonder Al.en's talk was disti ppoi tiling
to friends and "foes alike. The demo
cratic party has ifuthing to gain by
tho dissemination of such "rot.''
Wiiber Democrat.
New York democrats cheered Bry
an's name, but ignored the Chicago
platform and turned their hacks upon
li s free silver hor by, ou which be
hopes to ride into the presidential
campaign 1 f i'J (I. Altogether Dry n
gits no mo o solace than in Ihe New
York municipal campaign v. iu n Tatn
uianyites not only slaughtered Hem v
George, the free silver cai.didate, Inn
lefu-cdlo let Jr.ati put in even a
word for his friend.
The Van Yj,ck family seems to be
pretty well soldered onto pu l.c oliice.
With one in other on the nench and
anotlie; in tin- ill .y. r'a chair, witn
still others holding minor lucrative
ollices, they onybt to be willing
draw the line 011 tho t' O vei iuu-su i p tf
th- Emire s.ate Onaha Dee.
It wit he coiiifor ti tig
of tlo' Un 1 1 ei S: a t s to
quart s ; f the Aii:r e
ii.e p op
w t!,a ti.e
"e ic '. om
mission in P.iri open tipo . li; e view
of Kue de IJivo i ai.a li.o royal n -den-.
Hal the roeni- ol th - u-'
-Oinm: SSletl- lmn looked OO'.VII letO -I ill
P iris an b ck a ly, ihe p o -pee h .-in
; r y iijiet mcni 0:1 terms :o r
odi d in Ihe. linal ! r-.-. 1 y f
miyht bo serio is'y jeopard z d.
The Indiaaapolis
Joureal n
v h i c h w
enqu 1 ry
like to se answered. It says that tie
l'olt Inoiiina tegiin nt is b c ited near
the Second Nebraska, aid while Ih
latter has 141 sick men the Indiana
eiment has but fi ve. The Indianap
olis paper says strict discipline is en
forced in the horsier camp and tin
men are looked after by th.; officers
who are not politicians. This may
have something to do wih it.
M. P. Healey, of Port I)oi-e. one of
the democratic leaders in Iowa for
ye:!t-s, has resigned from thoi sta'e
central committee' because he can't
stand the latcs
brand of demo : acv.
The country is full of honest m.n. who
have been identified with the di uio
cratic pa1 ty, th -t arc coming into t'ne
progrtssivo rank-of tho lepubliean
party where they will be nccoidcd
royal we'eome. It's thai c as of men
who help to keep the integrity 1 f a
party above pa r. We have scmo of
the same right here in Cuss county,
and their fearless devotion to princi
ple and refusal to lonper work with ;i
party which faiis to carry out theii
convictions, is deserving' of u stinted
The True iEenn-Uy.
PI pine, editor '! i-kilw;,
Y. M.
"Chief" says." says: "We won't keen
heu-e without Dr. King's N'jiv Di-cov-ery
for Consumption, Ci ugh tin:
Cold-. Experimented with man. a
others, but never go! the true reined
until we used Dr. Ivi ig's New Dis
co very. No other remedy can take
its place in our home, as in it we have
accr a:n and sure cure for Coughs,
Colds, Whooping Cough, etc " It i
idie to exp 'rim- nt wuh other reme
dies, . ven if the3' are urge 1 on you as
just 1- good as D . King's New D s
covery. They are not : 3 good,
this remedy has a rec r! of cures an.i
besides is guaranteed. It never fairs
to satisfy. T i is fr o tit F. (i
Fricke's d rug storo. 4
Dr. Marsh dl's addit on to his ne- t
re-idence, on E m street, is ne iring
completion and will soon be ready for
the p 1 i 1 1 r'.
Hrtri! ami Soft Coal
John Wut-iman is ! aee- 1 fin
he famous Metidoi so t coal. Ais
arries the b.o-t grades of hard cor 1.
wood, lumber, laths, shingle-, lime,
ement, etc. If you re g- ing ti
uild, it will paj you tosee Watu--aan.
Oflice at the rear of Wator
nan block on lifth -treet.
Bert MayEeid is putting 11 a cylin
der press and ngli.e .1 Elinwood, . nd
promises ' run a id hot republican
nawspai er i ut ' h- . Be t i- a ' t. ome
in the newsinper fieli', aid predict
will make his new v- nture a wino r,
as Eimwol is one i f the bii towns
in the count.y.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to euro. 2oc. The ger.uine has
L. H. Q. on tr..i h mtiitt
A C i IT I C A I T I M l
Durim- tho Battle of
:. antiat'O.
I fta- J .k. r ut it:: IJaillc of laniluk'u tlr
Onbn vnrc nil IlirncH, TJiftr Heroic Kf
' furu In nHtlci; Amuinnltlou anil Ratlonii
1 1 us 11 li : 11 I. 1 1 1 ' I 1 1 . . V I. it l ee jl I lie tl UUII3
. , I . ;.,l,i ... 1 .1 1. .... . 4 :
supplied wit h ainuniiioii and rations,
iiut thanks to Chamberlain's Colic,
l.'h dera and Diarrhoea Kemcdv, we
1 were able to keep at work and keen
j our health; in fact, I sineerly believe
that at one critical time this medicine
was tho 1:. direct savior of our army,
for if tho packers had been unable to :
work there would h ive been no way 1
of getting supplies to the front. There !
were no roads that a wagou train
eo ild u.-e. My comrade .and myself
b d tho good for tune to lay in a sup
lily of tiiis medicine for our puck-train
before we- left Ta.npa, and I know in
four' eases it absolutely saved life."
The above letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, tho
" rla i n
I o v 1 .
' ! Cl In'
l or sail' l.y all druggists.
'! o Su l- -r i!ti' 1-.
We a re ea i-rv i ng- over a thousand
:i''i'nii:it on bank-, in :ny of them
small bi.t. in tie" ; .ggreg ate it amounts
to a tieat sum wl.ii ii ivoiitd Pel,) us out
if paid in. If vou can't 1'"V all you
.! 1 1 r-
.mi v. o will send
! with a c ttd o
reeei pi Ii, n tu 11 lii.'i
tb.-.nk- tin-
n in.
NVh!e Cr
!y ha n ie-.-worm.
It i
in Vermifuge is perfect
and i 1 1 l'Niiove every
! -o a I ii . i c. and by i L-
strengthening proper' :-s will
to p ill' cheuliri tie- lo-y h'Je of
Price -2 cent-.
Vii;id w- n'e
N KWS olhce.
rn lie.
i pi ion a t the
Trescribe them because they never vary
from one standard of medicinal quality
the highest r.nd doctors nre careful folks.
You trust your family doctor-of
course. Ask him.
In rfi'efJ bottles or.!y.
U Druggists.
Wheeler" &. Wilson
Sewing Machine.
1 1 Wt.ii
Rotary Motion and
Ball Bearings.
Reading Rooms Dispensary,
tM"evr liiiiiuit's:
Opn fr 'T: 10 a.
laflsnian!), Neh.
r irii! 11'
' 1 "i V-
...... .
THE ( vSfeSv
No Cheap Goods
'Special L'iw P
Pi 1 tt !-trion t h f li
re pit a! ion for. .
-t Goods
"a:' !!1 tl
1 v.-e i)i
;-n i: a
! .rir
1 li
. nr
J ;
m '
ti. ia
no -f
' till!
r t:
i- 1 le.i --ii
v n e ' .Si in-U
w i 1 :
"f-'-V rtDVf,RTIS&MENT&.
CTFnv iwrnuF at home..
lUIliy IMVJVIIU V(11 make
v Wirt jn-r week. Kitlier ncx. I'll utait ymi
in llie Mail Order liusitirxn. day or evening No
IV !dhn. M. VouiiK. Henry St. Urooklvn.
N. V.
. -i'-V- licrlpiiii. ant Ih-i
Mfeil'roiiioUi a :'
;?LT- Never I'iuIb to
1 tMuuiil-' the hair.
mint rruwin.
Uttmtarm Oral
'- nir to n Youthtol Color.
'lit Ini'.Ti
to housekeepers-
Extract of fSccf
telling now to prepare many deli
cate and delicious dishe.
A.l.lros. I icbig Co., I. O. . 5871K. New Voik
Co to tho Drug Store of
(Successor to Smith & i'arntclu)
for l'uro Drugs, I'atent Medicines,
Stationery and Cigars,
Faints, Oils, Varnishes, Dyes,
Faint, Iluir and Tooth Brushes,
Toilet Articles, Feifumery, Soaps,
Sponges, and ail Variotio-i of
Druggists' Sundries.
Window (i;iisi and Wall I'm pur,
Humphrey's, Lutie's and Mr.nion's
Ilomr-e'ip iihie Kemeuies,
I'ure California Wines and Eiquors
for Medicinal u-es.
In fac, evorylh : ng usually kept for
Sale in Drug Stores.
I'rcse- ititions
Carefully Compounded.
South Side Main Street,
I'lattsmouth, Neb.
Casino Saloon
Headquarters for the
Best Beer On Earth
As Prove By the
Crea'e-a Medical Ex
ports mi 11 isCountry.
and i-Giving Special
AH rition I fits Year
to the Hi;:,T Bi ANIj.S
You Can Ahva3's Find a Full
Supply of
And Other Brands Which Will
Be Sold Very Cheap By the
Case. The" Public lias
Shown Its Appreciation of
Budweiser by the Fa.ct that
Five Hundred Trillion Bot
tles Were Consumed Last
'jclivered to Any Part of the City.
PHIL THIEROLF. Proprietor,
Offers the vcrj best facilities fo- the irsresctiiiii of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS. ontls, .-old. .01 rnno'rit .-in? ! :i
seen r; ties nnu Ii t a nr! soli! . I e lui' ? - re
ceived iiad In tercst n! lowed oa t hp cert h
catee. Drafts flr.-rai;, .ivalLinle Id anj
part of the 1. ?. :m3 all t he prlrrc'ek
towns of Europe. 'Jol If cti r-inrro n r-d
promptly remitted Highest neirkei
price paid for ccanty w.-trraots. stnte
and county bond.
P. Haws? worth. 5. Waugh
N". Dovey,
F. F. V,
rite. G. E. i'Juvcy.
Ceo. E. D'jvcy, Pre?.
S. W'aujfh, Cashier
II. N". Povev. Asst. Cashier
Xo shoddy wares, whii-'.; we
are markini?
. We n ive heen in the mercantile 'tni-ines in
na-c t .ve ity-eiht years n i have e.-t ni shed a
at the..
Possible IV
Triple Knee
.. and Storos . .
The three floors of his old Store Room
are packed full, and his New Building near
by is also full to overflowing. The beauty
about Pearlman's line is that
ie Carries
His Gold Coin Stoves can't be surpassed,
His Steel Ranges and Gasoline Stoves
rank higher than any other.
His stock of Furniture is Lager than car
ried by any two-other dealers in the county
Every taste can
comes to Low Prices,
eariman is
He won't be undersold and only asks you
to call and see his goods for proof of what he
Store room on Lower Main street, nearly
opposite the Court House.
Is our constant aim, and with that idea in view we
laid in a nice, well selected line of Dry (ioods suitable for
Foil Wear.
Special Low Prices on Blankets.
Our Grocery Department
Is complete in every detail, with the best the wholesale
market affords, and prices are LOWICR than ever.
Prompt Delivery,
Fair Treatment and
Is what you all may depend upon at .
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Corner of Sixth and Pear Street. - - - Pidttsmouth, rVeb
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