A SAD DEATH. Oliver Young rornnr I'lnt I onion I li Hoy M urilTrl itl '- 4-I I nil, Oregon. Mi.ny '.i.r.u in this oiiy worn pur- KOIIIlll ili'lj li.llll Kilt wit I j J.lllll V Uf' mikI wif-.i who n nicivi 1 ii fow yoiu.t ny. to I 'on ud Ion, -i;on, wlnjrt) Mr. Ynllll;: li-id tl i O -pOi.mljU ponillOi witli ttio ( ni.n lull way uuil Nu lui Ion couip-ttiy, Jt'itl of lulu their jrounjfest eon, Oliver C. li. Youri, Imsfe-jri cur m c un Unit for th:it company ut IV-ri-dollon. Jt bee ins from un uxtentied no tico of tho trnondy printed in tho East Orc-Konian, mnl kindly ii;iit the editor ol ttio News by Mr. Vou up, thitt uinun named t uiniin'huui who hud Imun in u light with a man niinx-d V illia al thu town .f Milton, t'.iiiH) to l't nd-ltori to u warrant lor Willi!' lrrcni.Dui iny tho al let noon ho walked to tho di;jot win it Olivor Vouny wiih it uridine hihi vi it liout wtiini ni ho drew a rovolvi-i nid hhot tho young man through the 1 1 it i t, killing him almost iimlutilly. Tho ningc-d man th"i turned on a woman injur hy and shot her in the hack, and ciuptii-d his revolver al ar, ot her lady w hom ho chased into u saloon, whero ho also tried to kill the hyhtaiideis. Tho inati had never Be-on any of his victims lfui o and no motive can he iisndj.riii-d, other than that he took Young for Willis and was er.iz d with alitor. Ho was urrceted with dinicully and taken to jail and a lynching was narrowly averted. Tin- entire city of l'endelton was in mourning over the death of tho you lit; in in and his funeral w;,s largo'y m ti ndeil, the tloixl tributes being mini m ous ;. rid ex eu r-i ve. 'I ho deceits d was a iianie.-ako of Oliver Dovey of thi.-.city and was horn hero Oc.ioher .', I87i. He was a most exern pleiiiar young man the pride of his parents who have tho deepest sympathy of l.lieir mariy friends hero in th ir Hid be eavt iue.it. Th'ir miii v'aller :s a resident of Superior, Neb., and tho other two bovs reside in inn tliern California. CominlHHloiit-ra' 1'rot-et-Uliiirn. 11. A TTs mouth. Neb., Sent. 20, 18!)8. 15o id met pursu int to adjournment. Present, J C Hayes, Geo XV. Young arid J. J. Falter, county commission ers, .lames I Cohort son, county cletk. Mimiiis .f previous sossion ie id Hnd improved, when tho following bu?-i-noss was transacted in regular fo-m. CLAIMS ALLOWED ON UENEItAL KUND. J C Mays, sal and exp 3 ) (lco W Young, same 38 25 J P Falter, same 38 75 Jas Robertson. K K fare pd tor pau 10 70 Ci II l-Ongeiihagen, labor at ct bouse 14 71 Christ Wolilfarth. same 25 75 J M Nceley. M 1). Salary 14 90 I) Thouv, nal, cobs to pau 1 50 15 & M R R Co. mat for ct house 1 35 tickets' for paupers 2U 48 Kate Oliver, taxes refunded "8 City ot riattsmouth. gas IX 00 I) Woodard asg'd to J C Hayes team fd.. 75 John Fttpatrick, rent for pau 1 50 John Knpia, mdse to pau 5 CO F L Cook, lees Cass co vs. Hurt co 1! f5 V A IVterson, board mem Co M 0 it Cost Hill. State vs. Wallace 51 30 V O Wheeler, expenses .0 15 IIOAU DISTKlCT KL'NI) C A I.aMwiti. rep jn t mis dist 13 $ 1 (Kl Henry Horn, pd rep on tools dist 13 2 85 CCl'NTY LOAD FL'NIS. F L l'.urdhk, work $ fi 00 J P Holmes, same 5 25 John Lawrence, same 5 25 Maria K. McDonald, road damages 12 50 Petition for a public road signed by T. IJeim and others, through sections 12 and 11 v; s refused. Petition of G. A. K. l&t. No 45, was laid on the table. St .iteaiciii of u citim-d wit es fee- in tile count judge's ollie- up Au-ui .11. 1S'.)S. w..- jtnpi ov u. 15 aiii aiijou mil to uei-i -el 1) r 4, 18.)8. James I.'ouektson', County Clerk. lluri.eH 1 luefn hi Work, Situruay alter noon Samuel Rich aidson noticed two suspicious looking men hauling around in his neighbor hood and thinking that they might be looking for something to steal h-3 kept watch of them. They s-hortiy left, and Mr. K. thought no more about th-i matter, lul in the latter part of the night, or at three o'clock Sund y morning, the dog'barked and awoke Mr. K., who thought nothing was wrong, and again went to sleep. In the morning upon entering the barn he found that a set of harness had been stolen, which is described as being a double set having wrought iron hames and equare blinds. Kd. Lati and Ilia Hello. When Ed. Lutz returned home from the exposition tho other oveniri, he noticed his new telephone had beeD put in. he supposed of course it had been connected, he endeavored to ring up central. He rang tho bell and took down the ear-phone, said hell-o-oo! and waittd. No answer! Th- n he hell O ed to the thing a Sittle(?) louder! No answer. Another ring and hell-o-oO, and stil no answer, when Henry Zuck weiler, his pirtner, asked what he wanted, and explained to him that the 'phone had n-'t been connected with the line. The crowd gave Ed. the horsse laukih, and nothing hut the cigars could settle the matter. A Morning Special. The Missouri Pacific railway which has a s-tatinn on the exDOsition grounds hao been forced by the immense travel to put on a new train which will pass this city going north at 8:68 a.m. every morning until the close of the exposition, and returning will leave Omaha at 6:0;r in the afternoon and will reach Piattsmouth at 7:00 p. m. This gives the best of service and will add to the travel on that road owing to its convenience at the exposition. Thursday a forty-five cent round trip rate has been made and a big crowd is expected. We have a first class tinner, and at tend pomptly to roofirg, and all kinds of tin work. Ebinqer Hardware Co. (JITY AND COUNTY. HATITRPAY. Mrs. Jos. Gray arrived homo this morning, aftor a pleasant visit to her old homo In Iowa. T. J. Oliver, reprei-en ti rig tho Mid land Mutual Instance compmy, was in tho city yei-t'-jrdii.v. Mien Ifattie SneJeker and Mis D.ii-y Cox are visiting at John Tutt'a and Capt Bennett's. Art Pribhlo of Louibvillo was in town Siturday and homewhat in the way of "how como you ho." Tom Allen and Judge Tibbetts are in town from Lincoln today on leg..l business, but will probably mix a lit tle mi dicino bef re thoy return home. llarvoy Sayo, jr., who has boon helping paint the 11. & M bridgo at Kulo. is home haying completed tho work. Kemember tho new train on th" M. I, leaves here at 8:.",8 in the morning and loaves Omaha at 0:00 in the after noon for Piattsmouth. Tho report that Adolph Khode had diphtheria is haid by his phy-icians to ho untrue. Tim family have b id nothing of ti e kind. Crant and Sch..yler Hacki-nhu g have returned homo from North kntH, whero thoy have bo"n at wo. k in tho big wheat harvest. Mrs. Minnie Hooih, formerly Miss Cuthma-Ms in tho city acco . pamed ov ner nusoaii.. vi-'ting no- uru.;.-. i 11 Cuthm.iun, and family. Dr. C W. S'anshury ami Mrs. Car- rieCro-sley tf Wtsto n (College, Iowa, arrived in the city today to visit their niece, Mrs. IjuI u I fu m ph rev. J II. Curyoa of Crceritr. ood, has shipped in 12 SO head of s' eop which ho will feed this fall and winter. Weeping Water Iiepublican II. C. Mc Malcen sent tivo bushe's of choice apples to the exposition today. Four hushels were furnished by Mr?, Hattie Allison tind ono bushel by Joe Shera. Mrs Lriura McGrath if Casper. Vry omirig, is in the city, the guest of the family of Judge Ii. S liamsoy. Mrs. McGrath will bo remembered ;:s Miss Laura Stroud, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ji shua Stroud, who lived near Old Mt. Pleasant, north of Nehavvka A commission man from Omiih i was in town this morning who had r,bbod Wiley Black and Andy Taylor in an apple deal. Andy cot into a conver sation with the follow and wound it up by brushing the seat of his trousers with his (Andy's) boot toe, to the sat is faction of the croud w ho heard his ira pndence. K"V, T. K. Sin f ie.; has been given the charge at O; tei ; ciri and will de pirl ilie last of thi.-. week or the first of n xt to his i. .. b ii Mr. Surface li as ben here f r t vnrs nml has m.iiiy warm fri ti N wbo would have liked very mucii in'V- him remain. He and his :amii iak w,th them the ooid wi.-his if i".i iy o; c in th:s vicinity. N l;a k lieistev. Plaltsme-.th will h-.il the c'.i?c of the exposition with deiight. If it lasts much longer there won't lie change enough left in town to buy a stick of gem. Every line of business has suffered tremendi iusl' from the oonst int drain of money, and m my people have teen i- ri;e purchasers in the Omaha -toivs. alihugh they could do 'et er a home W e -aw one ma- who oaiii ?3 fo a pair i.f t outers! .ii d it.i.ug,. h had a ha y- the sun" w hi re reulaily at 2 2 1. JIOXDAY. Geo. Dovey undo a business tiip lo the metropolis this morning. W. L. Pickett made a brie f. business trip to Om .ba this morning. Jesse Shafer reiurned e.-terdny fioma pleasant visit out at Denver. II. C Palmer, county jude of Clay county, spent Sunday with his sisu-r, Mrs. Tohff. S II. Atwood left on a business trip to western Kansas. He will be absent three or four days. Albert Stottler went to Omaha this mornii.g where he expects to make his home for some time. Willie Schlater accompanied his father and uncle Joseph Schlater to the exposition today. John D. McBride has a bad rye, caused by a bug flying into it while he was out driving last night. Mrs. J ane Dunn and son of Kans is Ciiy. Kansas, are visiting with the fo mer's sister, Mrs. A. C. Pry. Mrs. John A. Gutsehe and daughter, in company with Miss Allen, are vis iting a. the exposition today. Mayor Venner of Mytiaid was ia t wn for a few minutes this mo- nitig O'l business in his official capac ty. George Hawkins and wife returned home this moruing f:om a pleasant vi?it with relatives at Creitou. W. H . Newell and D. S. Guild have gone out into the western part of the state where they expect to bag a few prairie chickens. Geo. "Weidtnan, 'who does duty as watchman at the exposition cime down today to see that Piattsmouth was getting all along allright. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Griggs, of Com ing. Ia., were guests of A. E. Gass and wife over Sunday and visited the ex position today. Miss Alma Coats of Hillsdale. Iowa, made a short visit to her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Thrasher, returning home this morning. Johnathan Carr is 71 years old and he and W. H. Worden were school mates in the east together when they wr boyi. William I.illio and wife of Albion, Piootio county, roturnod homo this morning after mi agreeable visit with tlieir old neighbor, Tom Wilkonson. Ceo. Ketiner, of Preston, S. 1)., is in tho city visiting his sister, Mrs. Coo. Kroehler and her rnothor, whom he hits not met for ovur V y'irn. J ho citizens of Nehawkti have raised a purs of ilUU lor tLu purpcriu of teud-inu- iU a school children of that place to too exposition next Friday. M.s. Hull, wife of lUr. Hull of Murray and children departed for Partlett, I i., this morning where they will v.sit with relatives for some time. Mr Joseph Stokels of Raymond, South Dakota, who has been visiting tho ex position anu his o.d friend, VV. T. M el vin, depart, d this morning for home. Mrs. II. J. Helps, who has been quite sick lor several days, w.:3 taken to Omaha yesterday for the purpo.se of receiving tho bunelii of expert med ical treatment at tho hi spit il. '1 ho next governor, M L. Haywaid, passed thttuoh I h its city yesierea Oo his hou;o from out ill the ttalc ! w hero he h.m bet u mingling with the peop.o Me-srs. P.irmi-le and Pollock are hav ing n c ndU't put through the wall of the r'i'.oarald block for the cable o: tin; new ttdephono company where t he central ofih o will he located M s. Ceo. Keislinir and a ladv fi ieml ,n ,, urlillfflon Ilwil who have , , ,..... Vl 1hrt (,,,.,1,- X posi- ! tion stoi .'cd oft to see Mrs. J C. l'eti-r- ! cen today. C. W. (ireen and wife teturned this morning from a delightful visit to the National C. A. 11. reunion at Cincin nati and with relatives at their old homo in Ohio Ed. Seevcrs and wife of IJrown county, who has been visiting relatives and friends hero for tome time went out to Louisville today to visit with Mrs Seever'd parents. John Bukouieek, John Jivoushecek and Cyral Janda went to Omaha this morning 1o attend tho conference of tho Ilohemian Catholic church w hich is in session there this week. Addison Kiser, of Eight Mile Grove, is building himself a new residence in this year of prosperity. A. L. Cox, of Mynard, has tho contract. The house is to l.o 30x32 front in tho main part with a Kitchen 10x20 feet. P. M. Booth and wife had their lit tle babe christened at St. John's yes terday and this morning they depart ed for their homo near Lincoln after a pleasant visit with their uncle, F. It. Guthman and family. Emil Ptak, the cigar manufactur er, departs for Asmour, South Dakota, this morning to visit for a couple of weeks with his brother at that place. He took his gun along and expects to b ig a few chickens while there. Mrs Laura MtGiath, formerly Miss L'nira Stroud, who has been visiting the families of Judge Ramsey, V. S. Jones, and other friends, took the morning B & M. train for her home at Casper, Wyoming. A I'ieulc Irry. From Saturday's Daily. Miss Amelia Vallery entertnined a company of friend by giving them a pic nic party at Patterson's park last evening in honor of her guest. Miss An-a Hayes of Washington, D" C Tie-;, k i n i out in carriage's, a d int' e i-ii ii- a SUrnD'U us d nnec was S cad I al u " ii VIoi k. which ii-! orts say w -!-ai ii. lid. ' in s" in tt ndanee no men Mi n. i . t iVf were the .Misses .Mi i an 1J -i-bara Ger-ing. thei guet Miss Kynn, I) ira Piicke, Edna Adn'ns. M itihla Vallory, M s T IV Livings n il, ;u d Messrs. J. G McHugh, Geo. Farley, Will Streight, G M Spur lot'k, Ciif Wesco'.t, Carl P: icke and H. K. Gering. AlHskit i-iiitiiugrt In a letter recently received bv J. C. Peter.-en from his partner in Alaska, the s atement was made that in sir k it g a prospering shaft on the Tansini ivoi a tributary to he Copper that at the depth of fifty-five feet they struck fnllen timber, a layer of moss, and under it a few feet a thick glacier, then grave!; apparently an old river b"d. He writes that the timbe: was well preserved; in fact, as fresh as if just covered up recently, yet the tim ber on the surface was no less than a hundred feet tall, and vegetation gen erally showed that the volcanic erup tion occurred perhaps centuries ago. Family Keuulon. Johnathan Carr and son of Mound City, Mo , Thomas and William Carr of Iora and James Carr of Kans is, brothers of Mrs. J. H. McKinn?y, are here visiting with their sister, and yesterday together with other rela tives had a family reunion at the Mc Kiuney home. Among others present was two sisters from near Union, Max Carr editor of the Falls City Journal, and Itev. R. M. Dunean and wife, and W. II. Worden and family. Keceiied Good News. From Saturday's Daily. Ei. Oliver and J. C. Peterson re ceived good news this morning from one of their partners in the Klondike. He writes that rich strikes have been discovered at the hend of the Copper river and they are going there to get in on the ground floor. Peterson and Oliver already have claims in that vicinity. We hope they may yet se cure a competence, after what they have gone through with. Appointees. Yesterday It. A. Dittraar, the re publican nominee for float representa tive appointed E. A. Browa of the Nebraska City Press as chairman and M. D. Polk of the Piattsmouth News as secretary of the central committee from the 8lh district. Nebraska City PlM. lOOl.f.ll. I met a y.mnn riuature, il m.illi-is And I met with a fall, too, in mo ui. Foi I fell quite in Io e ;m I jmi ..;! ! me. If this beaut did r ;tui i- y n ' v Her eyes they wenr like th- ' quite; No mortal con! 1 see t!n i:i :m. !!!-, lie I I: I..t b! I could only observe their im And tlieir Color about tin.' in il.I.el t Ii: - r.ej .i:; l v. ! 1 1- Hcr mouth, nh'-n lau. tliiuv.ii wide. With white pearls y!c;iiir ;n;: Ik in-idc. When she sang 'twere a i -.hit - ,n i While lier tongue. i,., i within. For bhtness. her toot va . !;!. '!---t ! a I.ia.b: For whiteness, her hand in k;!ii li:oe i- ,i:.e I i: palm. And kind was the heart t!.:.t I ept ! -. .: -.: !.;'... To keep it-ell !iim in 1 u "1 - e. . Fscortin m-y iiaii:n: I I.;, '. Ii i : s. .-u A put ple-la'.ed Kelitleinati. still in the ..p., I said to my-ell, "I'll h:ie 1j: ib lie," As snugly she seated I. nn i In e to l lie l i e. 'Introduce inc." said I. "to y-cir v. !., ' I :ie "That siect ar I..-. I I'eiit : :n .in in t to ;l.e I.e.-." She i epbed. w . t U - 11 1 j,i :-e :u i n: . -. t : i .- s l' 'i e "That old eiille:i:ii;i l.'ieie : n,'. i,;i b.inl," she. Tin- I 1 las' . I'll" 'fi i -1 i lig .! t h i ! a ! .- ' i I -, 't warded to th t i - nt ', There v s no; h i ;r u r " ' -t ha . tho I 'on i as ii. c. i ,.. -. i. , . on hi lean pa pe r. . '. ) r--.- . Y u . Palter volo-l for t , i ' -Hayes for t!.o N !.v.-.. Mr. V ,: dutiht r h..ua hi I i-e . .'. .. 1 111 aile t.ia 1 1 . i : . ; . : i i j, . . i . this h.- iv:t- misiai ' . !: ;h" ;V : sliO.v:: that il is not .. i .-: u K per, by dividing 1 :i v. v. I Jourral. Tl e : -. b -in ; - t ii latter oliice. Some of t i - i on i pois are seer rig ( ir . ri i i r Y uumereifuliy f-:r his ;.ia .i: ti ter, but we arc of the o-.i- i-.n Li: t sure should bo j lai e.i i, -. i l, - etiiloi alone and imi on Mr. Y-.inv . Weejiing Water- ii p ii::i. a. The 1 topubiictii is v.-roog cs j.-resumption that Young .iii i !i...w the work was lo be o ' viil.-i! i'li a deraocraiic paper as In; s; ct:' ti l i'l ter's vote only on th. il cor.KitioM, f.ir the matter wns discus -ed on the st-'i.-et for a week hefofo Y-ir g c n ied through his ilea!. IVriiiiory Niile Sii'l ia. WAslIlNGTdX, Sep:. 'SI A v.-r-y p.-!- emptory message of instrueii :i lias been sent to tho Cu'-i in military c iiu- mission and by the in made th" basis of a note to the Spanish commi-.-ioiiers. The authorities in Washington will not make its terms public, but ii is thought the general tenor ir, fa it th" United Stales will not be .-atisiied with any further delay in tho w-eun tioa . f Cuba. It is to the eiVee! thai, th" terms of the p-otoeol called for the immediate evacuation and t!i I S- -lii- ish sovereignty must be relinquished. Tho American commi-ionc-rs have been informed that tho evacuation of Cuba cannot bo delayed. New- Jool Arriving. The liitest and b -st in all gi ades of men's underwear at Klein's, sui'.abio to this kind ol" weather. Our i i 1 1 of gloves and tuck wear was nevi.r sur passed in this county. The new -1 and latest stj-'.es. He sur ; ia.i s.-e them. Light ovei C'-at -, : r. 1 fui'abu; suits just from the factory at Klein'-. Remember th" pla ?. e- ; i he court house, and ea.l. m and -t n i ces before goiuir ti 0:ti th i, or - where. V e c.-tn be --' ' --t.-r on low pric- s. !I rlauiilli's ! ' i! . A si r i. i-r si e i ;n-U iii i i V . : :: I alls j m i y st" " e n c--.y in and a ke : ' :! " v- ( i; ht; want i 1" : ui-.-i a-e. ! I i t ! bow (1 ti i m one vairtii ..s t-o vii icii Si-ema-u to bint, n : m lie -t. : i a to the U"o as if g imr t.. spit. rl,r.-:i lit out. IL wen chas"d '-: im-.u as fur as the park, b it he w-s a g .(! runner ind got awav. ( i;a e: e. oo i It- - - i-ti . A Cli:iii(-f III Sn- Vour lliini'i- It imiv Sept- ill bo r --. vvi I o '.'a- i n e,-;i:;- ty (Illinois) day al t ho O- .iiii t :-. : o.-,-tioii. Si-pti mli r v; : ' 1 i- M'.-i.v-iii- oguh coti-.ty dav. V. ; . l-.-v. ai- - ;"r.;-:i Illini-is wil; b-- ia oiTt-c ; iviii:!, -. ;.!.! n immeibc attend tt i - !- o::, - ; '. W ai. Not Irui-. 'I he lele";i-a)hic . e;iort li.a'. . b:- in- pecior g-noia! i f t! Ui army bad )kii,i uin-ul li e ia.tr. p a! Jacksonville h Wu-g in :ui u:,o ear. condition turn-out to be uali-'te. i be inspeclor made no siicli r.-port ;-. d v. e regret that &uch a state meat fou;.-d r, place in our ddurai s. Ask your dealers for the ''V-.' hitc Sailor" cigar, manufactured i y fYn:.!--Neimau. MADE BOTTLED SOLD DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND HOTELS SELL IT. N EVER supplied except In Sealed Bottles, bearing proprie tors firm name Signature thusj TRADE SUPPLIED BY RICHARDSON DRUG CO. OMAHA, NEC. LEGAL. ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice. II. M Bricker, fir-t and real name unknawn and Francis C. FauUner assignee of the loii necticut kiver Savings banic wia take n ,tice that the plaintiff. Francis N. G:u-on, has be'un an action in the District court of Cass c.-utm. Nebraska, entitled, Francis -V G bsmi s. i.:c'b Hursh et al. defendants, in which tl ave named parties are made defendants aa.l that the object of prayer in said petition, is t i f : -recluse a mortgage on the west hail of the nort!r.e-t quar ter ot section 15. town VJ. range '.' ea-t of theii'h . M. Said mortgage having been given by the said Jacob llursh to Benjamin A. tiibron ar.d for genera! relief and you are rerju re l to answer 3aid petition oa or before the Ttii day ol Novem ber. 19. Francis N. tjii sN, Floint.n. E. H. WoOLEY. Attorney. Dated Septerr.ber 27, llv GO TAYLOK IB ir Ailrniiiist rutorN Sale. In ti e matter of the Fiitate ol Charles Ittitkr. N' 'Re Is heti-bv ivcn tliat In puru.inrr o( nu hi ,er oi iirfsu .- rtauetey. JihIkc ol lite Distort i 'int nl as countv. .Nebraska, made on tlie 'l.'i day ol AiikusI. IMlH, for the hrtle of the real e-i.i.e l.eirui.ilter described, there will b. sol.l ut :f e .u!li ilooi ol the Court House. Ill the city ot I .1! ii, .i In. iii said county, on the Hth day ol i ' i iSer. I'll-, at II o'clock. A. M , at public ven- : . i i trie .MfieM iiniMer lor casli, tlie loilowinu ii tslaic, to-nf l lie southwest . i' i - u ot M-ction eijjl't (kl, township i. ; . . i n'e nine isn. l.a-is county, INcbiaska .- 1 v.i.e l i teiiiaiu open one hour. I ijtc J tliu Uih day ol September, lk.'i. 1 .i:n:-fr.itr;x ot the estate ol Charle butler. ii.-'i-.i-i-.l. i .-. I'ui K. Attorney for Estate A d in 1 n ist rater's Sale In t! e matter ol the I state ol John Cusack. de- i'imtiI Ni.lu e i l.oreby Kiven that ill pursuance of an i i i i I i.asii m. Kainsey. Juili;e ol the District t rat i't : s con nt y, Nebraska, made on the Jrd : . .-eptemlier. Ius. tor the sale of the real i . : l.ei. In.ille r desrribc-d, there will be sold :i o e s . , : 1 1 1 i loo i ol the t on 1 1 Mouse, la the lit y I I'.ati-uioiitli, in said County, on the Hlh day ol ' ' IS..S, al 1 1 o clock. A. M . at nub ic veil t . the leuhest biddor for cash, tlie toiliwii. I libe.l ! al clate. to-wit: '1 he West hall Vii, ' ii. e soiitiiuest is w '.il, ot section six Int. town !i i eleven til), rane nine (tt), Cass county, Ne ar a :.a. .i.,l sale to remain open one hour. I i.iled this hltli day ol tSeptember, lsy.S. N. II. Mi l KKK A'iaiinistralor. with will annexed, ol tlie estate ol olin ( unack. deceased l'oi k. Attorney lor Kstate. Legal Notice. i ! 1 n I reikiiek Stull, Mrs. John Frederick - ,i.i, li.ii.es aiiUcventer, Charles Miller. '.' : i..ai il. .Shak-r, Mrs. Matilda O. Sharp. No ..Hi.. II. .-si ott. M. Ulakely Sharp. Macon 1 i .- I. a i p and Mis Mattie hou I'ursv. implead- , i i . i n, , ha Mull, et al: j . -ii ...1.1 cicli ill ou are hereby notified that . ' - I day ot e leinber. A. 1). Ansei- i b .-until comment ed an action in the district . . al ! a-s county, Nebraska, ni;aiust you, the ! ' i .aid piayei nl which are to loreclose a Cer- i .o ai l, 'a.',ai;e eet uted on the -1th ot l'ebiuary, ii l hy John I-. Mull, under the name ol ! .- .i. iia i on the northwest quarter ol sec- : i . o 1 , and t he nort h hall ol the southw est ; .-ii i-i Miction two ! . and the west halt ol a, ' i lie. isi ((iiarter ol section two 21, and the s ' 1 1 1. h.i.l ol the northwest quarter of the south i 'i .. u lei ol ,-ecliou I wo 2. all in township . e I J , raiitfe thirteen I 1:1 1, in Cass county. . . i.i-k a. .Saul moitgae beui(j to secure the i i. ai ol a note lor J.'t,ti:M 70 due on or lielore 0 i M,,nv lih, 1s'.i.-j, and bearing 10 per cent, in j i ' i ao.ii us date; there is due on said note the -j . ! i. .ii.io to .Sept. l.'lth, lsiis, and it is asked ! . .i lie lieiendadt s interests in said land be - j ! i un i. i and interior to said murtgaf;e claim j.' ;! ii. e said land sold to satisfy the same. The j ' i i ijci:t and prayer ol said petition is to - j : -e a ceitam land contract ol date April 1. j i - .. on all that part ol government lot numbered 1 ! : : e Kl i. ol Section six IB I. in townshin twelve ji:,, lanne louiteen ll, in Cass county, Ne i .1 ka. I inn west ol the rijjht ol way ol the 11. &. ' ". i ., a i oad. loether w itli that part of said lot on ., ,r t Mile ol said riht ol way lying northwest a :,e cuivet t on the curve at or near the sand ; a:.i or blult commonly described as "swallow Iii" it is claimed there is due on said contract .mi.' localise ol taxes paid on said land to this :,.y the sum of $abti. and said land is asked to be . i i to pay the same. I'laintilf claims to own all tae lights, property real and personal of said 1'icoj, oil-. Company and to be entitled to lore- .use :-aid contract. It is lurther asked that each aa I all ot the defendants iu said action be ad judged to have no interest in any part of said laud, except subject to said mortgage and con liaet. on are required to answer said petition on or behuc .Monday, the 21th day ol October, A. D. Isa , cir your default will be entered and jud aicat euieied accordingly againsi you and said land. Anslkmo B. Smith, liy his attorneys, Ali.en Beeson and Jesse h. Root, Dated this Dili day of tseptember, A. li lH'JH. Notice to Creditors. State ok Nebraska, , r. . - . Cass county. ss- In County Court In the matter of the estate of John Johnson, de ceased . Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, couuty judge of Cass county. Nei aasi:a. at the county court room in I'latts lauutli in said county, on the third day ol March, A. I) Is'.rS', at nine o'clock a. ni., lor the purpose nf presenting their claims for examination, ad j.istmeiit and allowance. Six months are allowed tar the creditors ol said deceased to present their claims and one year for the administrator to set lie said estate, from the third day ol September, Witness my hand and the seal of said county iipiitjit Court at Piattsmouth. Nebraska, this i;si ai. Mh day of August, 1H!8. jit George M.Shurlock, County Judge. Notice to Creditors St a i k of Nebraska i ass County, ss. In County Court. In the matter of the estate of A. Juliaette Wright, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executors of said es tate, belore me, county judge ot Cass county, Nebraska, at the countv court room in Flatts aumtii in said county, on the -nd day of April A. i' . l:i'., at li'o'clock A. M., for the purpose of pre- n:ing their claims for examination, adjust aient ami allowance. Six mouths are allowed ! n the creditors of said deceased to present their li'as lo settle said estate, from the 1st day of U.a ! er. is .s. j tuess my hand and seal ol said court at i ' i.-.tt-aiautli. Nebraska, this, 3rd day of Septem ! -i . A. I ). l-!l-.. George M . Sri r lock, ! i Seal i County Judge. I Notice to Creditors. .- i '-. i : o! . i.iaiASKA. . C i-s Countv. P5, In County Court. ii u e m a'er ot the estate of Henry Martens, eee.V-ed . "atice i hereby niven that the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate, belore me. county judge of Cass county, Ne iir.iskii. at trie county court room in Piattsmouth ia ::i; county, on the 2nd day of April, A. L). at S o'c.ock A M. for the purpose of pre seiitint; their ciaims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors ol said deceased to present theirclaims, troin the 1st day of October, liy8 itne.-s my hand and seal of said county court at Piattsmouth, Nebraska, this 6th day of Sep-teii-ber, 1 '.'. George M. Spurlock, f-eai) County Judge. Probate Notice. .he County Court, Cass county, Nebraska, tae matter of the estate of John Walter 1! r.ne.-', deceased. i aaaa Haines, Uecky Haines, Walter Haines. :.a i ia.ne ; and b rancis Haines, minors, and ; a ;.er pcis jus interested in said matter, are svi'V notined that on the 3rd day of September, i'-, J -h:i J. Swoboda. jr., and J . l-alter tiled a . n in said court, alleging among other .a';-, t!,at John Walter iiaines died on the 31st iav et Augu-t, iMIs, ieaving no last wnl and ,e i.auent, and possessed of real estate in said a ..at and state, and that the above named con--i: :;:e ail the persons interested in the estate of :-il deceased, and praying for administration ci ei eot. Vou are hereby notihed that if you fail oa;-pear before said court on. the 2th day of S-laeaiber A. D. l.-ys.at4 o'clock . M., and con .et aid petition, the court will appoint John J. ;.u.lu.!;i, jr., or some other suitaole person, ad :ia'.:iraiar, and proceed to a settlement of said c'-t.:te. Itness my hand and the seal of said court at I' aiiT-iuoiitli." Nebraska, this ISrd day of Septem ber li. l-'.". George M Spurlock, k alJ County Judge. Probate Notice. In the County Court of Cass county, Nebrask a !a he matter of the estate of Albina Fhilinda I j, anas, deceased. I homas. J. Thomas, George Washington Tie -mas. Susan Viola Thomas. Elizzie Galena i r . Unas, and Victor I.aKue Thomas. Zella Thomas and Sylvia '1 homas. minors.anJ all other p- r-;ons interested in said matter, are hereby notihed that on the first day of September 1b&, 1 nomas J. Thomas tiled a petition in said court. ;a ,ca,ring among other things, that Albina Phil lai.i I homus died on the eighteenth day of April ! ii-. leaving no last wid aud testament, and pos---e-sed of real estate in said county and state, and that the above named constiiute all the per si us interested in the estate of said deceased, and prayiag for administration thereof. Vou are Hereby notified that if you fail to appear at said eour; on the twenty-sixth day of September A. I). at 'J o'clock A. M.. and contest said peti tion, the court wiil appoint Thomas J. Thomas, or some otiier suitable person, administrator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal of said court at I'l.ittsniouth. Nebraska, this, the 3rd day of Sept. A. 1J. l-i's. George M. Spurlock. SEAL.J County Judge. Legal Notice. T - Laura Ann Mills, John F. C. Mills. Wesley M.Wi.liams and wife. Mrs. Wesley M. Will iams. Olive A. Williams and Sidney S. Will iams, non-resident defendants: Vou, and ench of you. are hereby notified that on the Kh dav of September, IK. Piattsmouth Lodge No. f. Ancient Order of United Workmen, commenced an action against you in the district court of Cas county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to quiet title in plaintiff and against said defendants in and to lot one (I1, in biock two (2i, in the city of I'lattsmouth. Cass county. Nebraska, and to bar and enjoin said de lend. ints from having or asserting any title to or claim m said lot or any part thereof, and for equitable relief. Vou are required to answer said p tuiou on or before Monday, the 31st day of October. ls'.-S. plattsmouth lodge no. p. ancient Order of United Workmen, By their attorney, Jesse L, Root. I hey banish pain aiui pro one i ' - tfr-Tj Kiiy iX 1 1 , i iQi J - Li-;- No matter what the matter is, one will good, and you can get ten for five ct A nw piyl" poi-Ui t runtuli'lnir tpm mrvii riii'i.i In n ivfiner ei. i r. ,n It- iOi.ni (a ... at Hi-.uvM.r-ur iin-f i ee i n k - s is. lliii,.wi n I .i i ,,,i.ii,i a r : i, i . -al. 111 ilo..-a i.f llin 11 n eenl ei.rom iju Mini. i cmii li ul l.y mml I., n , to lo On. I.1I 4MS l.'HKjtK-At. CinriM. Nn. 1) Sl.,-1,,-. IIIimi, -. V .it . ) tt 1AI1UI.MI win in i.i. rr nvu ..inn. i.,m nis This Space Belongs to Firm of Jewelers and Optician Boeck Block. THE LEADERS N THE GROCERY a k i : A. H. VBCKBACH 'T'HEY curry the htro-t and most comp'.oto lino io tl -.- i thing' frcbh and new. Thoy pay cash for our jjooiU ai.d c jiors the advantage of special discounts. A compioto lin- lvayo in stock. The only place in tho 'j-jh Chnesc. Call and see us. 4, H. WECKBACH & Permanently cured by usinfj DR. WHITEHALL'S KIIKUMATK; i VWY.. Ti, ourest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantou, I'i i -, V) c::. Jier box. Sample sent fre on mention of this publication. THE J)R WUITEJULL AijC'iBIMlNE JO . South IJend, Ii.-J: . ,,:: TIME TABLE PLATTSMOUTH. NEB. Lincoln Omaha Helena Portland San Francisco All points west. I Chicago St. Joseph Kansas City St. Louis and all points East and South. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: No 1. Denver ex prm.s .. J1:H pm No 'i. Ornaim to .-t. Lou.s -":'C pm No fi. ChiciwuBXurinS 12:40 an: No 20. Local express, oaily, St Joe, Kiinsati, r-t Louis, :ill points south 0:40 am No 4. Loeai exp, dally, Burlington Chicago, all points east 10:24 am No 14. Local ex p. u ally except Sun No. 10 Omaha to Cleston, ioeai... l?:Haiu aay 10.4 j am No 92. Local exp. daily except sun day, Pauitiu Junction pin No30, Freight, daily except funday Pacific Junction No 2. Vefetibuled exp, daily. Bur lington, Chicago and all points east No 13 stub from Junction to Plat.ts luoutri, ' No 12. Local txp, aaily. St Joe. Kan sas City. :-t Louis. Cblcaito all points east and south .. 5:.'10 pui 6:15 pru No 13. Local exp, uaiiy.omana, Lin coln, Leu ver aud interme diate stations 7:34 r.m No '27. Creston toOaiaba Looal 11::J3 pm No y. Local .t. Lou tu umalia :. am .NO&5. Local freliint, daily. Oiuatia. 7 ."5 am No i'J. Local fr-liflit. uany, ex Sun day, Cedar Cree. l.oum vliie, south lienci No 7. Fast mail, caliy, Omaba and Lincoln No 3, Vestiouied exp, dally, Den ver aud all points in Colo rado, Utah and California, orand Island, Black Hills. Montana and Pacdfiu N. W No 13. Local exp, dailyexeept Sun day. Louisville. Ashland, Wanoo, scbuyler No 11. Local exp, dally exceptSun day, Omaha aud Lincoln.. 7MS am 2:22 pru 38 pm 4.-00 pm 5-00 pm No 17. Local express. Sunday only, .o.s2 East Douml Freint. connects at Pacific Junction with No. 1 the Denver Kxpress. which uocd not stop at Piattsmouth 10:05 pm Sleeping. dinin' and recliniuir chair cars (Seats free) cn through trains. Tickets sold atid baiz?a-fc checked to :.ny point in the United states or Canad a. For Information, time tables, maps and tickets call or write to vV. L. PICKETT. Airent, Piattsmouth. Neb. J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass Ait.. Omaha. Neb. i. f. II.UK CAKli. TRAINS OOIXO SOHTH, No. l No. 9 No. 121, local frelsht 4: VI a. tn . 1LM a.m . 4.(4 p.m TRAINS OOISO 60CTH. Xo. 2 - 10:43 p m No! i:2. iocal freight 7:35 a m No. 10 '44 d m e. cri vfzrtl H W v 4 ) r -9 1 1 1 Ur do lira.o i-v. r ,i,vl ,,n, , u,,-,.. ,,i I i , . the r CI city vvln-n; you m E. Water r.". WHITEEF:-t f, i COAL v u LINCOLN i;. A : M Itlll.l. s'l - , 11. 51. sL.vn i;-;j :. : I sir si' Supply : liHST (illM)l HARD COA u including tl.e Fa:i.;i "- M i.-rtouri. ! : i i t Jackson Hi!', nt. Canon City a. : Always on han! A; clitsDer firades of NUT ' I. keep on hand ail k; ..-! - ders promptly deiivefe 1 I.- at grocery -,rc of A . i 1. V.'c .. 1. IIHp U anli l SfI.ICITOKS WAN TKI)-!. ! tlernen, f ir our com: l'- Looks for the hol.davs Kin.:. - ' graded for littie orii.- t i irr .n book charming, dcUfthii:: . ; ranre from ! cents t ? '. ' -. 1 . 1 overflowing with happy 1. '.- i---. dous seller. Notf.ir.g i f -- t-.. -. golden harvest fur esiijrs t: , given. Freight paid. I ' Outfit with sample-- of all 1 . .r i, . twelve 2 cen' stamp- i -r pavi.i; . postage alone, i r ip a.i ir. month with our .-sci i-. - I . -. TIONAI. lilJUK COM I.K.s. DEPT.. chk;ai.o. : i . .- ' .Mil. TRANS - MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION home ComtliK Siiccul ami 1 atnr of ihc IS t; ""li'iu-. SI.1'1 KM 54. Commercial Tracl..-r- ay 27. German Mo!- --.a dav 2M, Swedi?h-Amci.'-:i:i -i.iv O "I V !, I K 1, Chicago day 5. Penns ivania il.iv- , P. L. O. .-oc.et day New York day 7. Knox l.'oiifBe dav . Twin City day. 1 St. I and M irmea-i .' s.t 13,"Knight cd Pvti-.ias d.iv 17. I. O. O. F. day 1H, l ennesee day Ancient Order o! Ciiitj 1 Wit' 20, Denver dav Other special days t 1 be ;m.:i ;. Gorgeous electrical ilium. nan Court. Unrivaled show features on t! i Reduced tates on all railroads. ..1 i.-t li e in. t 1 . , ay. ' 1 i'J ') 1 r ) -'I