fern DEPARTMENT STORE ALWAYS IN THE LEAD. Rare Bargains in Boys' Clothin; A Big Line to Select From at UNHEARD-OF PRICES... Suits up to 8 yr size, $1.00. Suits up to 12 yr size, $1.50. Suits up to 18 yr size, $3.50. A nobby up-to-date suit, $2.50, Usually sold for 4.00. DRY GOODS Special Sale for a Short Time. A nice line of Plaids at 2lc, suitable for comfortables. 36-inch Percales, dark styles, at 5c, to close out. NEW MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The Nicest as Well as the Largest Line of t Pattern Hat Ever Shown in Cass County. A Full Line of Sailors and Walking Hats. We can suit everybody in Style and Price. DON'T FAIL TO CALL. DEPARTMENT STORE, Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. For Lalk A nice dining room table. Enquire at the Nkats of a. The Gut Heil continues to head the list as a fine 5-cent cigar. Ask for no other. FOR Sale. First class steam laun dry at a bargain. Call on J. II. Thrasher. The secretary of the Mystic Legion will be at Sherwood's Friday evening of this week. The only original Cole & Cole air tight heating stoves at Ebinger Hard ware company. If you vant to smoke the best try Wurl Bros. Gut Heil. The finest 5 cent cigar matfe. If you don't see the Gut Heil cigpsr call for it, and get the best 5 cent ci gar in the market. A full line of Lisk's anti-rust tin ware, warranted for five years, at Eb inger Hardware Co. The lady who is putting a millinery store under the Bank of Cast" county is from near Glenwood. Ottnat, the artist, has just com pleted two neat window signs for the Ebinger Hardware Co. Wanted 1,000 stoves and carpets to clean. ChargeB right. Telfer & SnEPPARD, 616 Vine St. To Teachers For rent; two nicly furnished rooms, with privilege of kitchen and dining room. Mrs. J. N. Wise. The new millinery store in the Union block, under Miss Tucker's management, is up to date. Don't fail to call. The material for a thirty-two foot bridge, one mile east of Murray, was sent out from here by the county com missioners today. Workmen are busy putting in a cis tern and making some other needed improvements about the residence of Dr. Hall this week. Another case of diphtheria was re ported last evening. It was at D. B. Ebersole's, and this makes the third case in that neighborhood. Right now is an awful good time to buy a good gum coat or umbrella. Joe Klein has them in every grade to suit the most exacting purchaser. St. Mary's Guild will give a social and hop at the Hotel Riley Monday evening, September 19. Admission 10 cents. You are invited to attend. Nails which have been in the flood for sale by the pound or keg, at prices below wholesale at the factory. Ebikoer Hardware Co. Ralph Buckle enlisted from Leaven worth In the Twenty-Second Kansas regiment. His regiment was in camp in Virginia for a time bat it is sow stationed at Fort Leavenworth, and he is here on a furlough. The weather clerk has been threat ening us all day with another rain but up to this writing (4:30 p. m.) there has been no perceptable precipitation. The band concert on the streot last evening was greeted by quite a large crow of listeners, and the musio was up to the usual high standard of ex cellence. Straight & Strei gilt's furniture van made a trip to Cedar Creek this morn ing loaded to the hilt with household effects, sold to parties at that place yesterday. The German Presbyterian folks are beautifying tho appearance of their church on High school hill very much,by the erection of a nice belfry tower s..nd epire. The dry goods department of Zuck weiler & Lutz's popular store at the corner of Sixth and Pearl streets is now creditably pree!ded over by Miss Gertrude Fletcher. The city's mammoth road roller is doing good service at pettling Chicago avenue and other streets that are in need of a good "mashing" to make them more passable. Dr. Skipman's residence to rent. Large garden, fruits, etc. Call at house, 1411 Locust street, near the M. P. depot. Household furniture, fruit and vegetables for sale. Rev. S. R. Dillem will preach at the South Park Baptist church at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. next Sunday, the 18th. Come out everybody and hear him, you will be heartily welcomed. The rate to Omaha on both roads next .Tuesday is 45 cents tor round trip. The band goes up that day with the Modern Woodmen and a big crowd will no doubt be in attendance. As an external liniment of most won derful penetrative and curative power Ballard's Snow Lineament is not equalled by any other in the world. Price 2-5 and 60 cents. F. G. Fricke. Those wishing hair chains or hair wok ef any kind done, will please leave their orders with Miss Adams at Dovey's store. Mrs. A. H. Knee. The subject for the next Sunday evening sermon at the Christian church is: "The Kingdom of Heaven; What is it; Where is it; and When was it Established." Everybody is invited. A diseased liver declares itself bv moroscness, mental depression, lack of energy, restlessness, melancholy and constipation. Herbine will re store the liver to a healthy condition. Price 50 cents. F. G. Fricke. Curt Martin, of Pacific Junction, Iowa, representing the Union Pacific Tea Co., of Council Bluffs, has located with his family. He was a pleasant &ller at these thought works today and had his name enrolled on our books as a regular subscriber to the old reliable daily of Plattsmouth, TnE News, The B. & M. wilt sell tickets to Kan sas City and return the 17, to 24, on account of the horse show for one fare. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, October 10, to 14, for one fare for round trip. W. L. Picket, Agent. A deal was consumated yesterday whereby Sol Osborn became the owner of the J. R Johnson lot on Chicago avenue, J. H. Thrasher making the tranfer. We understand Mr. Osborn will erect a carpenter shop thereon at once. The president of the official board of the Christian church, George Haw kins, desires to urge all members to be present next Sunday, especially at the morning service, as matters of unusual importance are to be con sidered. Mrs Jessie Brown Dorward, reader and impersonator, is the leader of the oratory department of the Omaha Woman's Club. She will be with the St. Cecelia Concert Company at the Presbyterian church, Friday evening, September 23. The most elegant line of lamps in ail the latest designs have just been received at Bennett & Tutt's so cheap as to be really surprising. They also have a fine line of bed room sets in beautiful patterns. It will pay you to call and see them and get prices. The work of putting in the granite blocks in the old street car tracks along our main thoroughfare was com pleted today and the city officials have the most grateful thanks of all who are obliged to drive thereon for this needed improvement. One very noticeable and highly ac ceptable advantage obtained by the recent rains is the way is which they have helped out Plattsmouth 's butter supply. The pastures are taking on a new lease of life and consequently the cows are doing much better than for weeks past. Furniture Dealer J. I. Unruh com pleted the deiiwry today of a fine entire new equipment of house fur nishing goods for John Barley, an em ploye of the B. & M. sDops, who with his young bride will soon take up their residence on Gr.inite street, near Kelly Fox's home. A. O. U. W. No. 8, is probably one of the strongest and wealthiest lodges in the state in that order. It U iow engaged in building a large hall and will have better facilities and con veniences when completed than are enjoyed by any lodge in the metro polis. No. 8 is a seven day winner. S. H. Shoemaker shipped a buggy today to his on, Claud, at May wood, Neb., where he and Mrs. S. have been for some weeks on a visit, they hav iaff ffte overlafd. The carriage thM -tv 1 wiili thorn fouid a ready pun h Hi-r u' tlwre, hence 'ho reo s ity of 8"iding out tho one above s (token of George Tourtelotto's department store put on two new flal-rpniplo this morning. Hie, first is J C. Peterson who has been identified with l'laits mouth business cin-les for years and who hs but recently returned from the Klondike. He will labor Is the gruery dp i rt incut, while the other. Miss Foote, of Kansas City, will as-;?at on the dry good eide. Thi store is meeting with a deservedly large pat ronage.. AS THEY tO.UH AND UU. Re. Hull, of Murray, is in the city. George L. Copeland returned home this morning. Edwin Bates und wifo are visitors at the exposition today. Geo. W. Thomas, jr., made a Hying trip to Omaha this afternoon. George Corrall, from Murray, is in town today transacting business. Dr. Gilmoro of Murray is doing business in the county seat today. Fireman John Buttery is in town today renewing old acquaintances. J. L. Hoot, the next county attorney, was a passenger to Lincoln this morn ing. A. W. Likewise and Herman Hol schuh were Omiha visitors ihis morn ing. George Shorman, of Louisville, is in the city doing business with our citi zens. Miss Grace Kenneday of Chicago is in the city, the guest of Mrs. M. L. White. Clause Breckontelcl, tho Cedar Creek miller, is doing business in the city today. Dr. and Mrs. Shipinan and daugh ter, Grace, took in tho exposition yes terday. Ed. Murphy and wife and Foerty and wife, of Alliance, are visiting in the city. Mrs. Spurlooic came in yesterday from York for a bi jef visit with her son, Georr e. A. TI Wechbaek returned today from an extended vis.it to tho ISlack Hills country. Miss Anderson, of Chicago, i- here. She is and expert trimmer and will be with Mrs. Street. Elias B. Ilodly left his herd today aid went to see the great things of the exposition. Mayor Tom Parmele of Louisville, and his noiseless carriage were in ev idence on our streets today. Mrs. Keituley and Mrs. Corlev, of Weeping Water, are enjoying ttie hospitility of Mrs. M. A. Street this week. Messrs. n. D. Reed and H. B. Sac kett, two enterprising citizens of WcoDing Water, were here on busi ness today. James Knowles, who has been at tending to business in the city for the past two days, departed for his home in Red Oak, Iowa this afternoon. F. Wolfe, of "The Fair" store, and his new bride are expected home this evening from Omaha, where they have been for two days last pa9t taking in the bier show. Gust. Rhode left this morning for Leavenworth, Kas., for a weeks' visit with his brother, Charley, who has been living there for over a year en gaged in a printery. B. F. Wiles, George Edon and Al bert Churchill made up a party who are taking in the sights on the mid way today. They expect to shoot the chutes before returning. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Purdy and family, of Alliance, came in last nighc to attend the funeral of W. S. Purdy, but on account of the distance vvero unable to get here in time. H. R. Gering went to Omaha today to be in attendance at the meeting of the joint board of the A. O. U. W. to make arrangements for A. O. U. W. day at the Trans-Mississippi. Mrs. J. D. Allender, after spending a pleasant week with her sisters, Mrs. J. M. Dove and Mrs. G. C. Covalt, has gone to Omaha to attend tbe exposi tion, from there she will return to her home at Clay City, Hi. Sam Smith of Rock Bluffs has been attending the exposition for the past few days returned home today. He is working for the Deny, r Mutual Life insurance comppny on the road. The company has offered him the Denver office which he thinks of accepting. .E. A. Smith, who went to Missouri and entered the ser vice as a member of the Fifth Missiouri volunteers,came in this morning frcin Lexington, Ky., looking hale and hearty. Mr. Smith was located at Chiekam sug i Park for a while but was transferred to Lexing ton a short time ago. Willis Babbot', of Cedar Rapids, who came down to the expo-ition last Wednesday and has been visiting with his wife's father, L. H. Vestal, since, returned home this morning. Mrs. Babbott and childi en, who have been visiting at the home of her father for some two weeks, returned with them. Geo. L. Berger, a prominent farmer from beyond Louisville, is in town to day doing business at the reurt house and consulting Dr. Livingston regard ing his wife who fell some twe months ago, sustaining a severe bruise upon her right fide, which has caused an absess, and wnich will have to be re moved by a surgical operation which they expect to perform tomorrow. Insure in the German American. Fred Eeinger, Aeent. HE WANTED TO PREACH. Rerrembr the Evening News is &11 home print. Hut Wan Aljugrl tun.tntt and l'liif-il Under Kent rttlnf. Auguit Schuode, nged 22, who ti.is been working on the Rock Inland out in the went end f the county, and boarding in Alvo, win taken violently insane yestcaay morning. Schuode was loaning with another mau who was working with uim, and at thrj o'ulock in tiie morniug, hi room fu-t was uwukased by a s'l from S'-liuule, and thinking ih.it he had a nit? lit uisre, tried to pacify him, wbereup 'U Young Schuode tiez'du piece of I'urniture and huiled it at his partner, uiising him but knocking out a window th cuili which I e forced his room mtn and compelled him to stay outside in his night clothes until HjOt!vj. When it was liyht Constable Waugh and a posse of fu- m.oii were requited to f-ubduo him. Ho u ic;l t convince them he was preaching, and had a bible iu his band and kept t aking 1o his he irers all the tiino teiln.g them to repent and llee from tho wrath to comj. His home is at Grand Island, and his brother, who had been trie graphed for caino and look him homo last night. Ho seemed pacified to some extent when ho saw his brother. Xt ix xt ruUUUL a Kick of tlie Third. The sick reports from t!:o Third regiment continue to show thai tho men with Colonel Bryan are in a sick ly condition. Yesterday a tei"gtarn was received stating th it, on Wednes day 101 men were sick in tho hospital and eighty-four tick in quarters. Twenty-one woro reporting to tho hos pital for medicine. Before th,- tele gram wis dispatched, nm -te-'n addi tional sick h:id been t-ent to the hospi tal, milking a total of 120. Colonel Uryati repoits that there liavo ln-en fewer new cases of sickness since mov ing to Pablo beach, lie is preparing to send more sick home. I ri response to a telegram asking Chief Surgeon GitTen how many sick of the S-cond in tbe Sternberg hospi tal would be ready to be transported north, the reply came that none couid bo moved at present. Adjutan t-C-n-eral Barry at nice made inqui'-ies as to when they wou'd be ready to move, with the intention of bri'.gin th in north at the earliest po.-si'tre rncii en'. Card of Thmikn. We, members of the family of the lato W. S. Purdy, take this public manner of expressing our gratitude io many friends for their untiring solic itude for our loved oao during his long illness, and sympathy and heip during the funeial services. We, ex tend thanks especially to the G A. 11., of which he was an honored member, for their part in the funeral an.i time ly assistance during his long sicknors, also the A F. & A. M. fo their Kind attention during the sickness of oar husband and father. MllS. F. A. f UKDY, Son and Daughdzu. D ptberia cards were posted on the ht.u-e of Joe. Sans, D-ive Ebersoio m.d Dan Hide, between Seventh m.d Eighth on Gold street this w k. Next to Mr. Hyde'? h..uo lives Henry Steinauer, who has a little boy af flicted with tonsilili-", and it may do veloo into diphtheria. However, all the little ones are doing nicely, and we are gld to state that a great deal of precaution is being exercised to prevent any further spread of tho rat lady in that vicinity. Mrs. M. A. Street's old reliable mil linery emporium is at the front again as usual with an elegant line of the neatest and newest things in up to date millinery. She had the advan tage o: a tour through the east east and visits at eastern markets which was of great ndvantngo in selecting a stock for her Plattsmouth trade. A bTg i r.v ice (f goods have just arrived and will soon y ready for in?pt ct ion. You may bridle tno appetite, but you canrot bribe the liver to do its work we'l. You must be honest with it, help it ai m a little now and then with a dos) of Herbine, the be-;' liver regulator. Price o) rent. F. G. Fricke, SlOO Kewarrt Siou. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreatled disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional d s eae, requires a constitutional treatment, ilaii's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patirnt strength by build ing up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative poweis thut they uiier One Hundred Dollars for any case tiiat it tails to cure. Send for list of tetim.:tia!s. Adrfress. F.J. HfcNEV Ci Co.. Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists 7."ic ISoth 'lake Notice. Depot ground- ate not public prop erty aud any boys trespas-ing by lo.-if-ing around the B.AM, freight or passenger v. ep t whi b - ;irrert"d. Ttie nuisance w U not b" t lrnted any longer. M M i:kissey, Chi'tf of Police. XX r.i vx & VX XX ;$ m V"; & XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX X74 X$ XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX misers - AS A RULE. Trousers boat the Coat and Vest to a finish by sev eral months. That's what make this Extra-Trousers .season. It's con sidered quite the thing, too. Coat and Vest alike, Trousers different. A NEW PAIR OF TROUS ERS, with that old Coat and Vest, which are yet 1oo good to throw away, would make the whole look almost like a new Suit. An extra pair of Trousers is a good thing to have around the house, for Trousers need rest as well as a man; and then, do you ever think what would happen if the pair in usu should get lostbr stolen? We sell the DUTCHESS TROUSERS that fit and hang well, and never lose their identity; $1.50, $2.00 and up to $3.00, and the best trousers you over saw for the money. Most everybody wants DUTCH ESS TROUSERS because they are warranted. We pay money for Buttons that don't stick and for Seams that rip. We are on the threshold of a new season. Goods are arriving. Shall be pi d to show you the new styles. 6. t. mmil & Son. Uni t crs, . h o rein s U crs. K V Jti is SvS MS srS AS A ArA Awi Art SrS 4 i 4? ? i V 8? 4? 4? i 9 4? 4 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4? 4 4i 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? s f ni u m mwnm The Fiiu-st Li:: in the City, lCvcrlliii:- lirijrht and New, Direct from the Centers of Fashion, Under the MaiKiLfeinent of . . MISS m NINA m TUCKER A BEAUTIFUL LIXIv OF MILLINERY ..WILL HE OPENED-. .. Thursday Morning, Sept. 15 IsM THE UNiOM BLOCK, Next door to F. O. Friche's. which it will pay you tr visit .... MISS LANS, a lady of experience, from the east, will have charge of the Trimming de partment .... The puhlic incited to call.-.T MRS. L. J. RANKIN, PROPRIETOR, Union block, Plattsmouth. Nebraska 4? 4? 4? u EL XX xx XX XX & p XX XX. rx m XX rx XX IX p m XX XX XX B Xa xz XX XX XX XX XX XX) rx) xx S Si JhKk S ft I 1 K 1IV ill 1 li L'JtlWI 3 W l it k A - I r- r-m ' -j r Jm r r- . v v v v s ? v t G l is; 5r irirr?: ii I xr-. om e th in o- iVe i . 1 At Frk'ke fc C.."- iru' store, a mar-velou-euro f.'r ali UnlrR-v complsiints, nervous exh;iUrlion i(rJ femalo weak ness It I-'iiiovVs K dn v Cure. USlSJ?ZJf TOO- Our own direct rporr.ri ion from Autriu The Finest i ' , Lme of . . . l ii i n awa re iu- Many Novelties, t-kmvf.ntrs, etc., with Pictures of the Ca-3 County Court House IIrvi.t 1 h Mkivlnff . September 17, S8, n.J 0 at the Salvation Army f::t;i. Any s.i'eable "Tift thankfully M-ieived b3' Ca; tain Hodge. Wo have a firr.c;-v ti nrr, and at tend p omptiy to rood- y, and -ail kinds of tin w rk. Ebixgei: Hardware lo. Don't lie lniponrl On. Alwaya insist on y'ttintr Foley's Honej' and Tar, rs it is positively, ab solutely and unqualifiedly tho best couph mediirino. Accept no substi tute. Fricke & Co. Money to loan. A. W. At wood, the druggist. Placed under the Glaze, town. Come and see u . ASHER First Door East of Court House Nothing like our line in OLARK f PLATTSMOUTH, NEB BOOK AGENTS WANTED. The Real Bismarck an 1 The Fall of Santiago. Both handsomely Illustr-.ted. R. F. Ffnno & Co., II K 16th St., New Vork. Of - ,vW; '- PAF2 K.ER'3 HAIR BALSAM Cleanm and butii'ie the hair. Promit4 luxuriant prowth. Never Fail to Bes.re Gray Hair to it Youthful Color. Cima aealp d.raaea A aair - '". yc.and tl mat lnr7.a JAMES W. SAGE. THE 1 Leading Liveryman. The best of rigs furnished at ail hour and hi prices are always reasonable. Thenioit t, convenient boarding stable for far- 1 men la th citv. 1 PLATTSMOUTH NEB f XX 8SJ J 23 mi 2 ml ii i