0 DEPARTMENT ALWAYS IN THE WE NEED ROOM FOB OUR MAMMOTH STOCK OF FALL GOODS SPECIAL SALE TO MAKE ROOM..... fecial on SttOeS.. $1.75, $1.50 and $1.25 Shoes go at $1.00 Organdies, Lawns and Dimities.. ...That were I5c, 125c, lOc and 8ic, go at 5c Organdies, Lawns and Dimities.. ...That were 6c, 5c, 3Sc, go at 2.1c NEW MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. The Nicest Pattern Hat Ever Shown in Cass : We can suit everybody in Style and Price. DEPARTMENT STOR Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Money to loan. A. W. At wood, the druggist. Wood wanted on subscription at the Nem'k office. Joe Klein is suffering from a sever, boil on his hand. The weather bureau smiled ou ua today, but none too eoon. The Gut Heil continues to head the list as a fine 5-cent cigar. Ask for no other. If you rant to sinoke the 'best try Wurl Bros. Gut Heil. The finest 5 cent cigar made. Four choice farm for rent a few rail. s from town. Enquire of J. II. Tar&sh.r, ag.at. If you don't see the Gut Heil cigsr call for it, and get the bast 5 cent ci gar in the market. The gauge at the Burlington depot showed a fall of 2.42 inches of water in the last 24 hours. Remember the new millinery store opening in Union block, next door to F. G. Fricke's, Thursday morning. Wanted 1,000 6toves and carpets to clean. Charges right. Telfer & SnEPPARD, 616 Vine St. To Teachep.s For rent; two nicly furnished rooms, with privilege of kitchen and dining room. Mrs. J. N. Wis.. The B. A; M. borrowed a yard en gine of the Q yesterday t be used here, it is No. 1,477 and came from Creston. The new millinery store in th. Union block, under Miss Tucker's management, is up to date. Don't fail to call. Right now is an awful good time to buy a good gum coat or umbrella. Joe Klein has them in every grade to suit the most exacting purchaser. Seven special trains will take Shriners into Omaha Thursday ani a South Omaha magnate has agreed to entertain the entire party at luncheon. Nails which have been in the flood for sale by the pound or keg, at prices below wholesale at the factory. Ebixoer Hardware Co. E. J. Burkett has a personal record so clean no one can ssy ought against him, and his majority in the district will be over 5,000 remember the pre diction. Frank Morgan met with the demo cratic state central committee in Omaha yesterday he being a member- He thinks Gaffin a first class organizer. As an external liniment of most won derful penetrative and curative power ullr.1', Snow Lineament is not equalled bv any other in the world. Price 25 and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke. The postoftic. ! b.injr fixd up o Mil mil ill as Well as the Largest Line of DON'T FAIL TO CALL. swell that Chet Smith i going to wear a silk hat for neglige and Mont. Streight will wear his mustac. curled. The paper is a sweet shade of blue. We have a first class tinner, and at tend promptly to roofing, and all ki.ds of tin work. Ebinger Hardware Co. H. G. Robine, home on a SO-day's furlough, is seriously troubled with sleeplessness. He has not slept but a few hours in over a monh, and he be gins to loovc emaciated and careworn. Thoie wishing hair chains or hair vo:k of any kind done, will please l.ave their orders with Miss Adams at Doveyrs store. Mrs. A. H. Knee. Lost A certificate of deposit in the Bank of Cass County with memoran dum book. The finder will be duly rewarded by leaving atPhilThierolf's, opposite the court bouse. The fur suit and sleeping bag which J. C. Peterson used while up in the Klondike country attracts quite a good deal of attention in Joe Klein's win dow, where they are mounted in good shape. "I think De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is th. finest preparation on the market f.r pil.s." So writes John C. Duan, of Wheeling, Ya. Try it and y.u will thiak th. sansi. It als.eure. eczema aud all skin diseases. F. G. Fricke. The most delicate constitution can safely use Ballard's Horehound Syrup. It is a sure and pleasont remedy for coughs, lo93 of voice, and all throat and lung trouble. Pi-ice 25 and 50 cents. F. G. Fricke's picture adorns the pages of the Omaha Commercial Ex hibit as the chief officer of the State Pharmaceutical Association. Its a good picture, and is a credit to the city of Plattsmouth where he resides. A diseased liver declares itself bv morosen -ss, mental depression, lack of energy, restlessness, melancholy and constipation. Herbine will re store the liver to a hoalthy condition. Price 50 cents. F. G. Frioke. The most elegant line of lamps in all the latest designs have just been received at Bennett A, Tutt's so cheap as to be really surprising. Thsy also have a fine line of bed room sets in beautiful patterns. It will pay you to call and see them and get prices. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment re lieves the intense itchlog. It soothes, heals and cures chronic eases where surgeons full." It is no experiment; its Bales increase through its cures. Every bottle guaranteed. Price 50 conts in bottles, tubes 75 cents. F. G. Prieke. The News observes that the Ote. county agricultural society is adver tising the county fair in such papers as have not condemned the taxing of th. peopl. to help rustaia th. fair. STORE LEAD. County The News is opposed to giving a bo nus to any fair, and particularly when they are no better than the ones of Nemaha, Otoe and Cass counties. Nebraska City News. The Plattsmouth Journal, the only democratic pap.sr in the county, is getting out the tax list. The board of commissioners is supposed to consist of one democrat and two republicans but it doesn't. George Young is re sponsible for the Journal doing the work, and the republican papers and republican voters of his district will take care of him when the time comes, and don't you forget it. The university bulletins issued by the agricultural experiment station in connection with the state universi ty are of great value, being the most practical dissertation on the subjects treated we have ever seen in print. They cover a wide sphere, from bug- ology to tree planting, and if you want one send to the U. S. Experiment Station, Lincoln, Nebraska. Judge B. S. Ramsey arrived at noon and this afternoon convened court. He ha as yet not decided whether he will adjourn court or not. but most likely he will as ten of the leading at torneys have petitioned for an ad journment and the county attorney is confined to his bed by illness so that no criminal cases can be tried until he is up again. Nebraska City News. Coincident with the presence in M.w York of a lineal descendent of Baron Munchausen, the New York Times gets off the following without fracturing a rib: "Seven years ago a calf tore a nan's vest from a back yard fence, where it was hanging, chewed up the garment and swallowed a gold watch that was in the pocket. A few weeks ago the calf, now a full grown animal, was slaughtered for beef, and the wtoh was found in such a position between the lungs that the process of respiration, closing and fill ing the lungs, had kept the stem winder wound up and the watch had lost only four minutes in seven years." Coacert Postponed. The concert to have been given Fri day evening of this week for the ben efit of the Plattsmouth publlo library by the St. Cecilia Concert Co. has been postponed to Friday evening of next week on account of the bad weather. Rep.blicaa CammitU Meeting;. There will be a meeting of the re publican county central committee of Cass County at Weeping Water, Sat urday September 17, at one p. m. All members of the committee and repub lican candidates are expected to be present. M. M. Bctler, Chairman. At Mnrray. The Ladies' Aid society of the Christian church, Murry, will give a social at th. home of Noah Clemmons. Saturday evening, September 17. All ar lavit.d. to attend. H T11KT OM' AM) 1C. Htrt hhrvnek is homo from Louis- ville. A. B. Smith departed this afternoon for Denver. Mrs, Fred Krehler was a pacngcr to Havelock this morning. Jake n-eketiQold Is home from n brief visit down at Chicago. Adam Cuecr. of St. Louis, if in the ttity on a visit with hia brother, Hwurv. Miss Josephine Tourtelotte de parted this afternooD for her horns in Lincoln. Miles Stindish nd Dave Young, solid farmers of Murray viciuity. were in town today. Chas. Hassman of VVaverly, who has been visiting here since Saturciiy, returned home this morning. A party consisting of Thomas Short and wife, Mrs. Sampson and Mrs. Jones were visitors to the exposition todav. Mrs. F. li. Pine, wife of J. S. Pine the switchman from Dorsey, Las been visiting friends in the city, departed for home this morning. Misses Minnie and Etta Elson left yesterday for their home in Meridian, Miss., after a pleasant visit with thir cousin, ti. bason anu lamuy. A. H. Weckbach and wife departed Sunday for Hot Springs, South Dako ta, -and from there they go to Yellow stone Park for a tour of that wonder land. Willis Horton of Wabash was in town today, no still wears an ancient crop of whiskers and we suspect votes the popocratic ticket every time he gets a chance. Willis i old enough to know better. Letter Wheat Deal Clonrft. Chicago, III , Sept. 8. Joseph Leitor is now free from all debts grow ing out of his big wheat deal. The banks who H-ssisted him have been re- ; Imburstid, aud too 14.000,000 bushels of wheat the young piungor heid at the ; time f his collapse h ive b-jeii d;-- ! poed of. i "The last settlement has just ueeti made and I am out of tho thing cut re ly." said Joseph Leite;- today. '"All my whent is sold. Mr. Armour and Mr. Peavey were chiefl y instrumental in disposing of my casa wheat in this country. Neatly ad the wheat 1 h:rd in the United States was sold hero, and tho wheat stocks in Europe we.-e disposed of there. 'As to the outcome, it would not be in touch with the facts to say that I was fortunate. V hen I realized that the oampaign could not be continued I made up my mind to give all my j time to satisfying the cluims of my j creditors. My father came t'J my aid, ! and has borne the burden with nv?. The banks have been p lid, and all other creditors have been satisfied. It is my intention to see that my father does not have to sacrifice anything bo cause of my wheat venture. I am de voting all my efforts to paying him for what he has done. "The statement made some time ago that the wheat sold to the people in France was thrown back on my hands is not true. No wheat was returned to me except what they bought." Mr. Leiter will not tell what his losses amounted to, but the general estimate is around $10,000,000. Educational Notes. The number of children enrolled in the public schools of Chicago is 200, 000. Germany maintains thirteen textile schools and forty commercial schools as an aid to its manufacturing inter ests. Bridget Riley, cf Iron Bjlt. Wis , is only 14 years old, but she has been en gaged as a school teacher there. She -on a third-class certificate a year ago. Twenty thousand children are una ble to secure accommodation in the schools of New York City. The city seems unable to build schools f ist enough for the rising generation. President Harper has announced that Mrs. Emmons Blaine's gift of $250,000 to tho University of Chicago, to establish a college for teachers, will be put to use at once and the new department will be opened October 1. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa., says DeWilt's Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever used in his family during forty years of house keeping. They cire constipation, sick heidache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in results. F. G. Fricke. The Miwsoiiri l'acitic Has a round trip rate of a fire and a third to Omaha, good every day dur ing the exposition exceot when a low er rate is made. All trains stop at the exposition gat, givins exception al facilities for the convenience of patrons who save car fare and unpleas ant transfers. Take the old reliable M. P. train for Omaha and the expo sition. Arrival and Drprtar of.Htilt. ARRIVAL. 7:00 a. ra. Omaha and North, South on M P. 7-34 ' West. E it and Soujh on liurlinst on. 7 40 " Omaha. Wet on U. 1. 10:2fl " Lincoln and local to Omaha. 10:45 ' Schuyler, East on N. V. 11:55 " St. Lou;s, South on M. P. 2:20 p. m East on B. & M.. North on St. Paul 3c S. C. 4-04 Omaha, East on C. M. St. Paul and K. I., also West on K. I. g:09 Omaha. West and South on B. & M. DEPARTURE. 7:10 a. m Omaha. West on R. I. and Burlington. 8:20 ' South on Burlington. 10:05 " East on Burlington. 11:30 " Omaha. North on M. P.. West on Elkhorn. North on St. P. M. & O. 2:00 p. m Omaha. West on B. & M. and U. P.. North on St. P. & S. O.. East on K. I.. N. W , aud C. M. & St. P.. South on Wabash. S SO " South on M. P. 3:40 West on Burlington. South on sub branch M. P. Schuyler. 4:38 ' Omaha. East on Burlington, West on R. I. , 8 .-OS " South on M. P., West M. P. to Lin coln. North on M. P. via Louisville. ! Omaha, East and South on Bur lingten, W'est on Burlington west I of Hastings. k Cheap KaW-a by MUaourl I'urlAc I To Atchison, K'"Mi- on nut-nun t of Com Cnrnlval, umi fn for tho toum! jlrip. D.itn of hnl. So;t rnor 2., i-e- turn S-i"ernber 23. To St. Louis, Mo., on acrou.it of St. Loul.s I'.iir, oim faro for round nip. Daus f Mtlo O toboi- 2 to 7, iiu-lusive, with tin 1 limit- to fVtobor H. ToOm;lia, oi :r--unt "f ( omrmr eiul 'J it vcllors I ) v . ouo f.-iiv for roumj trio. Date of ?nle, S'.-pt. 2-1; re turn limit, SfepL 2i' I'V-r particulars ei.qu'n? of ( '. i-'. Surjit ti borough, Agent. Try Allcit'M lout-Kimi. A p'jwiler to be shaken in tbo sIhioj. At lhi.3 :eiison your feet feet swollen, nervous and hot, nr.d trc! tired i ly. If you have sm-wting ft ot, or ti'bt shoes, i ry Allen's b'ooi.- Iviu. It cools the feet and m..kes w..lki:iiT e.-isy. CUIX'H nWOlleil ni t V.venly fl ot. b'i-t r- and c illous spo's. II' 'ievc oo. n a-.ul bunions of all pain ami yives rust :md comfort. Try it to day. S..l;l by i ll il:-u--;its and t-h'-o s'o- i- lor 2";i Trial p u-k:igo l'llhK. Addus- Allen S. O tinted, L Hoy, N. Y. Ntili- ti) Wiiter-Tiiki-m. Tho u-o of water for sprinkling lawns or gardens ii)u-.t be confined b.'jtwcoa the hours from 0 to 8 o'clock in tho morning or C to S I'rio'.:'.. ia tho evening, two hours per day only boing allowed for sprinkling. Anyone using! water outside of these hours for above ' purposes (except consumers taking i water through meter, and they mu: t not use water after K o'clock p. in.)' will be- shut oil and the Mini of 2.r0 must be paid before water will bo turned on again . 1 iespecifnli y, Plattsmouth Watici: Co. T. II. Pollock, Supt. it Hits I lie Sjiot. When suffering from a seven and vmir throat ami I u 1 1 t.r s ! COM feci lion- i sore, take n cioe of Fol-.-v's ey an (J Tar, I iwhi'ii thc-:-i r'- ness will be at !o ce i'i 'lie v (1 , ;fu: fcelintr and H warm grate-1 neaiing oi met .1' part a lketed will unexperienced ami you will a v : 'It feels so good. It is guaranteed . it hits the Frici: it Co. roT I,en TIihii Half Itiites 1 Oina'. l September o, and 9, tiio liu r i ato n Houte will sell round trip tieke'-- to Om dia at 50 cents. This rem u liable reduction is made, on account, of the ; tounn;iment of tne National Firemen's Association, September 5 to 7, an l Woodmen of the Wo Id Day. Septem ber 9, at tho Trans-Mississippi expo sition. Other reduced rates, almost as low a- ttiose named above, at e in effect uai!-. Ask about them. W. L. PlCKKTT, Agent. Itur-klen'M Aruica naive. The best salve in the world for cuis, burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by P. G. Fricke Harii and Soft CorI Johr; Waterman is sole agent for tho famous Mendota soft coal. Also carries the best grades of hard coal, wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime, moment, etc. If you .re going to build, it will pay you to see Water man. Office at the rear of Water man block on Fifth street,. Don't He linposul On. Always insist on getting Foley's Honey and Tar, as it is positively, ab solutely and unqualifiedly the best cough medicine. Accent no substi tute. Fricke & Co. liread. Morninsr's bread hereafte may be obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona than Hatt's and Dovey's. SETTLES NERVOUS BANKRUPTCY. Investigation shows that men who succeed are men of brains trong nerves great will-pwcr. Jf iarv food cannot supply tho vil.u f.-.-ces which people with a'-tiv ins and bodies lequiro. Eicola PHSs fo d the nerves make tho raind bright, mus cles strong make llesh and blood and yrive perfect, health to Men and Wo men. Tiik Tukxicks ok Phila delphia make Bfcola Pil!s J E Buckey. chief clerk National IK,:oi. Wash ington, D C. testifies that he was all ri: :i ! -wn was a shadow cf his former self I5i-ola 1'itls gave him wonderful re icf-he gained over twenty pounds after using them. Setting Ajrent for ll:ttmout h aud Cat County, F. i. FRICKE & CO. Turners,' Little Liver Turners A small pill. Turn vour livor. t'urij f -'--ache Bi'.ioufnss Ind:crcstiar. very l:ead- Ice Cretm cn the Lawn, i or served on the; piazza, i-i t!" prom r caper just n-.w, when i! c fam ly :n e; inaultrin.r in iem i-, cr-qnt. trolf r j other'he iltiiy -! o. ts. Tikot is nth- : inff to equal our deMHous ice cre un as a cooline, refroshintr ami nouti.-li-j inir ppfrpshmP'il. Wo -f'd it to your order in 'ny iu i'iiity df sired. holloway, The Baker. Fitzjrer tld Block. HAKD CO A I.. Missouri Coa!, U nirno Caacu Cil j Coal FOR CASH Leavo orderj at F. S. White's SU re W. J WHITE. XX x-x XX XX ; XX XX x$ lit XI . xt V -. XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX - r.t x v. 3 M 1 : iro AS A RULE, Trousers beat the Coat and Vest to a finish by sev eral months. That's what makes this Extra-Trousers season. It's con sidered quite the thing, too. Coat and Vest alike, Trousers different. A NEW PAIR OF TROUS ERS, with that old Coat and Vest, which are yet too ood to throw away, would make the whole look almost like a new Suit. An extra pair of Trousers is a good thing to have around the house, for Trousers need rest as well as a man ; and then, do you ever think what would happen if the pair in use should get lost or stoien? We sell the DUTCHESS TROUSERS that fit and hang well, and never lose their, identity; $1.50, $2.00 and up to $3.00, and the best trousers you ever saw for the money. Most everybody wants DUTCH ESS TROUSERS warranted. . I-'- XX XX doi tick and for We are on 1 new season. uoods are arriving. Shall be pleased styles. UK XX XX r.i ; XX XX XX xi XX 5 er- wesoou Hatters, I In JjcrcJn sli crs. v vsf s s ys v yj K S 'As KV 'ti. ' , y.A -S Ar t tlf. A A A '? 1 5 V 4? 4? 4? 4? t S? ? ? S? 4? ? f 4; ' v ? 4? 4v 4 V Si l 4? 4? 4 4? 49 49 4? i ? 4 49 New iiliinepy The Finest Line in the City, Kverythin- !-i-!it and New, . Direct from the Centers of Fashion, . .Uivler tlie ?vianao'enient of . . MISS m NINA m TUCKER a pi;ai;tjful link of .millinkry .. . . will uk opfxfd.. Thursdc av Aext (l;or to I von to visit . . . . .MISS ICVAaS. a lady of experience, from the east, will have charge of the Trimming de partment .... The public invited to call.... MRS. L. J. RANKIN, PROPRIETOR, Union blocl 49 Something .Our own direct Importation from Austria ... The Line am ci -Ve ttrcs. Pictures of 1 3 Placed under the Glaze. Nothing like our line in town. Coaie and see us.. .. ASHER CLARK, J-Vst Door East of Court TIou.se PLATTSMOUTH, NEB DOOK AGENTS WANTED. The Real Bismarck and The Fall of Santiago". " Both handsomely Illustrated, j R. F. Frnno & Co , 11 K ltith St., v Vork PACKER'S iA-ir'hZi HAIR tAI I -t 3Crnrt ami baat:i HAIR BALSAM , -VV. " ---j Hair to it Youthful Color. users 03 a m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m because they are pay money for Buttons that Seams that rip. the threshold of a to show you the new &Son. v-j y yv JJt 3 ff Jf AV S ii JhtS A 2 V th t h hh I th f 4 th th th th th th th th th Uh th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th th store Morning, Sept. 15 UNiON. BLOCK, . lrieke's. which it will pay Plattsmouth, Nebraska Mow usnmiL. tog aware .thec Souvenirs, etc., with 3 County Court House JAMES W. SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman. The best of rigs furnished at all hour and hia prices are always reasonable. Themoit convenient boarding stable for far mer In the city. PLATTSMOUTH