Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 13, 1898, Image 3

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Ezra llornlnjr is in from McCool
Junction for a vluit with Citts county
Mlrfa AfifneH G obe and Fred Drukor
w-ro ra .rriod tod iy in tho ehy by
U.-v. F. II. F.eund.
F. VV. Uiberidife is -n town tod-ty
from Orawuod visiting rlt'.Tet and
attending to bunineai.
'Mlsi Emma Etheridge Is down from j
Greenwood for a Tibit over Sunday
with her couin, Mis Jennie McEl
wain. Toe Turner' plcn c to have been
held at Nick Halmes' grove tomorrow
hati been pnntponed to .Sunday, Sept.
18, if weather Is favorable.
II. It Neltzoi, the Murdock banker
who hifl bocn on tbo sick I i Ht for a f -w
d"yi, ih in tbecity loday on u-ine-",
and may co clud - to remain omr - un
d IV.
Knglneei- Frank Moure ha t iken a
lay off f'om tho Schuyler run and
John Buttery t iking his plaoe. It
loo like old timea to ue John about
town again.
J. G Peterson and Ed. Oiivor were
eating water melon at tho oxponition
yortterday. They agreed that it wa-
nicer than climbing a glacior in the
Klondike country.
Tho scholars this year will bo sup
plied with all books free of cost. The
only supplies they will be required to
buy are pencils, slates, tablets, ink,
etc., which will bo found in endleus
quantities at IjehnhofT Hros.
Watermelon day is highly spoken of
by those who attended the exposition
yesterday and the Co orado melons are
voted the best in the world. The
weather was far from nu-piciu yet
over 17, '()() admiuon4 were recorded.
J. Sterling Morton's paper. The ''on
narrative, 1 one of iho boat periodi
cals which ciiraes to thi office. It de
servos a olaca among the best f the
magazine eliiB, though it makes no
pretensions as a magazino and calls
Itself a newspaper.
Hiram Robine came in this after
noon from Florida looking better than
his friendrt expected The only other
members of company B, to arrive was
George Clizbe, Francisco and Jack
Ellis. O. Dinwiddie came as far as
Chariton, Iowa, when he got so bad
he was taken from the train to a city
J. L. Young, the Murray merchant
who had his right hand injured a few
weeks, ago, carried an accident policy
in the Woodmen Accident Association
and on yesterday Dr. Goorge V. Allen
received a draft for the full amount of
his claim against the association,
.which shows a remarkable degree of
promptness that is deserving of much
Jim Sage has taken possession of bis
Dew horse palace and moved in. It
a model of convenience and will h-'ri
a whole regiment of horses. He ha- ;i
patent hay fork which picks up a load
of hay and takes it b ck in the mow
by the aid of a horse hitched to a rope.
The hay shutes, down. to each stall ara
neatly arranged and in fact the barn
is all right from top to bottom, and he
is readv to take care of all tbe busi
ness which coms his way.
E. J. Burkett, the republican nomi
nee for congress in this district, and
Chairman Ed. Siz-r of the congress committee, were in the city
today Tisiting friends and forming
new acquaintances. They called on
the News and gave encouraging re
ports about the condition of affairs in
the aistrict, which will, no doubt give
a rousing republican majority this
fall. Mr. Burkett went over to Glen
wood, to spend Sunday with hia father
and mother.
We met Col Olson of Fort Crook
this morning on his way home from
Santiago. He was very entertaining
in his account of what transpired in
Cuba. Among other things mentioned
he said he thought Roosevelt and his
regiment had about the elosest call of
anyone that ever missed a massacre.
A misucderstai.ding among the Span
iards is all that prevented their clos
ing in on him with superior numbers
One of the peculiar facts he men
tioned was, that tests p-ove that the
point of a Mauser bullet never touch
s the flesh as the air impacted at the
head of the bullet is what tears tho
way which the bullet follows:
Mrs. J. P. Falter, wife of the county
commissioner, is very sick.
Chri. Wolfarth is happy today. He
walks on air. This time it is a little
girl which has come to 6tay.
T. J. Thomas is buying hoes nowa
days and nil who have anything in that
line will do well to see him before sell
ing. Don At wood has reached New York
and will prohably be dlschatged soon.
This, of course, will ba good news for
the Journal .
Miss Tesora Strong, of Nehawkn,
who has been visiting Deputy Sheriff
J. D. McBride departed for her home
last evening.
Misfc Anna Eikenbery cime down
from Terry, South Dakota. Saturday
and will make her home here with
ber mother for the present.
Dexter Quackenbnsh, of Greenwood,
spent Sunday with Deputy County
Treasurer A. I. Munger and family,
returning home this morning.
John Lorson who has been visiting
-with J. C. Peterson and family de
partad for Omaha where he will take.
in the exposition and visit friends.
The Burlington folks are making
some substantial redairs upon the the
shops, putting a roof upon the plain
leg mill b4 tckhop. Tb ear
pontors did not get out of tho way
of tho rain and tbo boys in that de
partment are having a puftenap.
J. G. Wordon, of Nehnwka.andj John
Wordon, of Choctaw, Indian Territory,
who has been vixitinij with Deputy
Sheriff McIJrido departed for homo
The Platte City Axfns, si pop paper,
change hands this week, J L. Pn.--hal,
the (orm.-r editor, huvir.g uur
chused the telegram at C-dumV-u-. C.
A. Brindly t ikes bis place. Tho pol
itics remain unchanged.
The tipple crop is short thl- year
and those who have apph-s in iy expect
good p-ices for them. Secretary V. n
Ilouten of the Iowa Siute Agricultural
Society estimates thociop in Iowa to
be only Gf'.v eijjht per cent of th
average crop.
Mr and Mis May, ) rents of Mrs.
Ceo. A. H iy, w II dep-v t this evening
f their home in Poor .. I li'ioi, af r
a vi-i1 of .. -ii!o f wveekV with
their dau liter and oih-r ie:tivt8
and friend in the city and county.
Dr. Frank IIol land a nd his brother
H -mer, of Lennox. Iowa, who hvo
been visiting with the Eiketi tc-ryV,
loft this morning for Om h i where
they wi t ti:o exposition. Homer
will return home to Iowa and Frank
will go to Suatle, Wash , whore ho
will locate and practice at his profes
sion. Tho much talked of beet su:;ar fac
tory which was to be located at Graf
ton, and for which tiie fanners of that
vicinity have been raising beets, turns
out to bo a lizzie and will not, ho built.
This is rather hard experience for the
farmers and will have a tendency to
make them very careful with whom
the con t; act to raise boots in the
.Snitilrn Dentil ut Mltm liflln Stoplic-r.
Mi-s li lie Stophor of Elm woo i, eld-
e-t daughter of E A St. p!ier. presi
dent of tho American Exch iiige b-tnk.
lied very suddenly Saturday after
noon. She was bookkeeper at the
bank, and about 5 o'clock, while work
ing at her desk, suddenly exclaimed:
"I feal deathly sick," and dropped
over unconscious, leuieai am was
summoned at once, but when tiie phy
sician arrived she was dead, d;ath
having been instantaneous, tho physi
cians pronouncing tho cause paralsis
of the heart.
Miss Stopher had held the position
of bookkeeper at the bank for several
years and was considared in the best
of health, although sho had been
slightly ailing the past few days. Her
death has cast a gloom over the whole
town, as sho was well k nown'and quite
a worker in church rire'es.
Worknon t lfav-a Home,
II irvey M. Ito'lo-vay gets the con
tract for bui Hirer i ) A. O. U. W.
hall at Sevee'h '"! Pearl streets,
the same boim : v-,i l-d lst Saturday
night, the pric . ni over
2,!i00. The hail
the upper one :
The lower s'o
at present.
The hali wlv. n
'? two stories,
t or be ti n ished
1 v. ill make
an elegant ho:i;e for iliu wer'-meu of
this citj-. f which there are are four
lodges, numbers 8. SI, 84 and -U7 of the
Workmen proper, -md two ledges De
gree of Honor, Star Lodge No. 4 and
Ivy L3af Lodge No 13, and the total
membership is about 500 in round
The building of the ball will greatly
benefit that portion of the city.
BurglarH ut Warping Wattr.
Burglars entered tho store of
Sacitett Bros., at Weeping Water,
Satu; day, and carried off a quan
tity of knives and revolvers to
gether with other small articles. No
money had been ieft in the store. The
money drawer had been ransacked and
papers scattered on the floor. Noth
sng is known as to who it might have
been, but local talent is suspected.
LoHt Two Cows.
U. G. Smith, father of O.-rin Smith,
lost two of his best cows last Friday
and has been unable to find them any
where. They have been in the herd
on the river bottoms in front of the
depot and it is thought that they have
been stolen and driven to South
Omaha. Orrin Smith went up there
this morning to investigate the mat
ter. Cervera Goes Home.
Admiral Cervera and his fellow cap
tives sailed fom Portsmouth. New
Hampshire, yeterday on the City of
Home for Spain. They go dire ct to
Santander. In all there were l.GSS
men. They were high'.y p eased with
the manner in which they were treat
ed by Uncle Sam, when they were
captured they were mere skeletons
but now they are fat and sleek.
!()() He ward (jlOO.
The readers of this paper will be p'.ensed to
learn that there is at least oue dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in al! its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
istheoniy positive cure knonu to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional d s
ease. requires a constitutional treatment. Hail's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actin-j directly
upon the blood and mucous sin faces oi the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address. F.J. heney &Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists 75c
TourlMt Pamphlets,
Descriptive of Yellowston National
Park and the summer resorts of Colo
rado and containing, besides maps and
illustrations, a great deal rf informa
tion of interest to sight-seers and
tourists, can be had by addressing J.
Francis, General Passenger Atreut,
Burlingtdn Route, Omaha, Neb.
White Cream Vermifus?e is perfect
ly harmless, and will remove every
worm. It is also a toaic, and by its
strengthening properties will restore
to pale cheeks tho rosy hue of health.
Price 25 cents. F. G. Fricke.
Dr. Elster dentist, Waterman Block
I'olltlrwl I'otpoorl.
Tho war has proven conclusively
thiit McKlnley was tho biggest man
in tho entire push, with a hoad as
level as any that has jet appeared
above tho m face.
And now Judge I) road y has refused
to act as chair-man of Maunahan's con
gressional committee. It is said ho i
tho third man to whom this doubtful
h ji.or haa been tendered. Very lew
men like to go down with a sinking
ship, either as commanler or boats
wain. "Manna" ought to como down
io Cans county for a chairman. We
coil d give him a daisy who will tict m
chorister, pall bower and undertake!
for cue price.
Kver oince Mannah in swallowed th.
pops, he has not felt wcl.J we euspect
cd a-i mueh.
The st.tte hou-e ring uuder com
maud of W. V. Alien is said to Ot
ove j i ed at the nomination of Hon
J. M. Patterson of this city for the
aenaio. Ttiey wi.l change their smile
when they sco what kind of a vole
getter v. 11. Newell is.
Jim House will Le "nix cutni-r-ou-i"
when the votes are counted in
November. Jim was bitter against
fusion utililayear ago when he saw
the strange light, which he mistook
for a call to olliee, and ho has been
ready to be swallowed by the demo
crats ever since. I hey say out in tne
west end of the county he will hardly
know he is a candidate when the re
turns avo in.
Trim Young and Harnest Pollard
are practical men wuo will support a
protective tariff, sound money sena
tor. If you are for prosperity, and
iig.iinst depression and panics, you
wiL vote for the principles which
to ought pr osperity to the land.
Senator Gray, the d' mocratic states
man from Maryland, was appointed a
member of the pesico commission by
too president yesterdiy. McKiuley
has shown no narrow partisanship, in
stror g contrast to the llolcomb brand
cf statesmen.
Charles K. llarrU, Who Was Killed in Col
iho Denver News gives the follow
ing particulars about Charles E. Har
ris, who was killed in the political riot
at Colorado Springs on Wednesday
Mr. Harris, ten years ago, married
Miss Lizzie Leesley of Plattsmouth,
Neb., and the couple have five child
ren, the eldest a boy of nine, and the
youngest a boy baby two months old.
He h is three girls. Deceased was the
first of nine children to meet death,
and the shock attendant upon tho
killing of oue of the family of grown
up sons and daughters has prostrated
the aged parents. Deceased leaves a
widow, six sisters and two brothers.
His widow and children live at 1S56
South Washington street, while the
parents reside close by, at 1959 South
Pearl street.
Mrs. Dora Ilerrick, one of the sis
ters, sa id :
"Charles told me Tuesday afternoon
that he intended going to the Springs
and for mo to tll Lizzie not to worry.
I did not see Mrs. Harris until after
she had heard the fearful news."
Affection for the deceased is not
limited to his own household. The
expressed sentiments of his friends
.-md companions make it manifest that
he enjoyed general popularity. Many
of ttiem called at his late home yester
day and they met a widow whose eyes
were red with weeping, and five fath
er! ess children, who did not quite un
derstand, but who eried just the same.
Harris had been earning a precarious
livelihood bv doing carpenter work
and ho had hoped, by taking part in
the fall campaign as an active district
worker, to secure a permanent posi
tion, thereby improving his condition.
A Mr. Newcomb of Lincoln, a stool
pigeon for a fellow by the name of
Manahan, would-be congressman, was
iu town today trying to convince the
demo-pop9 that Matthew Gering was
not hoodwinked out of the nomination
at the recent congressional conven
tion in this city. The democrats in
this city did not give the stool pigeon
a very warm reception and it is said
that some of them even hinted that
this fellow Manahan had best remain
away from Plattsmouth during the
campaign as he would not be warmly
received. This resident of Minnesota,
who wants to represent Nebraska in
congress, will not get enough votes in
Piallsmouth next November to re
mind him that he was a candidate.
Helen Gould ought to become an
old maid. The men who are good
enough to be her husband are scarce.
She has by her kindly interest shown
to the soldiers and her donations for
their comfort earned a name thai will
outlive that of her father.
Commander- in-Chief.
Col, James A. Sexton, of Chicago,
was elected commander-in-chief of the
G. A. K. Friday at Cincinnati. The
next reuuion will bo held at Philadel
phia. To Subscribers.
We are carrying over a thousand
accouuts on our books, man-of them
small but in the aggregate it amounts
to a neat sum which would help us out
if paid in. If you can't pay all you
owe send us a dollar and we will send
receipt by return mail with a card of
thanks thrown in.
Siek headache, biliousness, consti
pation aiid all liver and stomach troub
les can bo quickly cured by using those
famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early liisers. They are pleas
ant to take and never gripe. F. G.
Subscribe for The Nbwi-tie tit
papr in th city.
During the Battle of
Tbr I'Mcki-rnNl Ihi- I5n!il- of suit mi; . li
t'ulm win:HH Ili ri.c-B, Tin Ir II rii - h f
f rt in ti-1 1 iiiK A in ui ii ni I Ion hi ii 1: i ' :)
In the I rout N v t ih- !.-
P. 11. Muter, if p:u; I ain No .;
writing fioui Sinthiuo ih- i: ;i. i :
J u y LU, -ay-: " e a 1 1 h it u ft i- in-:
in more It ts violent fm in. iinl w i.. .
we landed wo ha I no tiieo to -i:
d di tor, for it w.:.s a ci.v of rusii i .
ru.h night and day to !;. ; I re- t m .
supplied w i ! h a id i n i i ion - n I rit nu .
but thanks to (.Jiiiinli-il ihV t'oili
L'holi-ia and D tll": h 'i' i K n.iiL, i- e
wei e able to Keep at. wor and lie
our health; in I- cV, I sinei r!y be i v.
that ii t one cri t ietil ti mo this nied ni r e
whs tho indirect savior of our army,
for if tho packers had been ii'i ib'e to
work there would h:ivc hern no m
of getting supplies to tho ir.ait. 'I ho- c
vere no roads a Wilson train
could use. My cvmrnuo and tnyscit
had the good for tune to 1 iy in a sup
ply of tnis meUieine for our p;ick-t- ain
before we left Tampa, and I know in
four cases it absolutely saved life."
Tho above letter whs written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, tho
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Do
Moins, Iowa. For sale by all druggists.
Imprt-HHloim of a Visiou in Om ilia I.ithor
Lovely girl, i-artlf s fairest maiden.
Thou to me art treasure dear;
And for thee my heart is laden
With a world of love sincere.
I.ove so constant surely never
Gushed from cleft of Cupid's dart;
Like a strer ni it Hows forever
From tile clelt within my heart.
Through each thought the current jroeth.
O'er each act it fondly strays;
And to thy fair bosom tiuweth,
Where its kindred current plays.
Angels through their fairest glances,
'Round thy form unknown to guile;
Truth itself meets thy advances,
With the reflex of thy sniiie
Constantly thy thoughts pursue me.
Where thou art behold them near;
Even thus they whisper to thee.
Thou to me art treasure dear.
Tin-: Asciii s r.
The le Kxeursion.
The Omaha Heo will gave an excur
sion from this place on Sept. 21, which
is known as Omaha Beo day. They
are trying to outdo tho World-H or.tld
great time. A rate has been made
at the Dellone of $2.00 and at the
Arcade of $1.50 for the day.
Tho rate for the Bee excursion will
be $1.80 for round trip, which includes
admission to tho exposition sights
with also an admission to ten of the
attractions upon Midway which are as
follows: -Privilege of check room t
Pabst garden, Palaco of Mysteries,
privilege of shooting the chute, Bom
bardment of Matanzas, Chinese Vil
lage and 'Iheatre, German Village,
Hagenback's Wild Animal Show, ride
upon the Scenic Railway, Liiirnbai d
mentof Manilla, Flyintr Ca:ly, Streets
of Cairo and Theatre. Those tickets
are for sale tit Lehnhoff Bros, and are
for subscribers of the Bee onl-.
The OrmnW'Ht l ni ly
Mr. K. B. Greeve, merchant, of
Chilhowie, Va., certifies that he
consumption, was given up to die,
sought all medicinal treatment that
money could procure, tried all cough
remedies he could hear of, but got no
relief; spent many nights sitting- up
in a chair; was induced to try Dr.
King's New Discovery, and was cured
by use of two bottles. For past three
years has been attending to business,
and says Dr. King's New Discovery is
the greatest remedy ever mane, as it
has done so much for him and also for
others in his community. Dr. Kings's
New Discovery is guaranteed for
Coughs, Colds and Consumption. It
don't fail. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Fricke'e drug store. 2
Died in Denver.
Mrs. Isaac Cummins died recently
in Denver, of typhoid fever, at the
age of 43 years after a brief illnes-.
Beside her husband she leaves three
children, Minnie, Irene and Walter,
the eldest aged 22 and the youngest
18 years of age, The funeral took
place at Denver.
Wheat Higher.
Chicago, Sept. 12. The crowd had
gone over Sunday on the short side,
and as a matter of course prices all
along the line were lower. Wheat
opening up at a loss of cent. While
corn had about the same decline. The
government and state reports put crop
above last year, and it started dull
and hardly any business was done in
that line. Higher cables from Liver
pool, Paris and Antwerp give
strength to wheat and it advanced
over a cent, but a little reaction oc
curred, closing very stron-r.
Mr3. Smith and Mis. Jone?, the
lady socialistic lecturers, who have
been dispensing the gospel of social
democracy for the l.-ist i-i de
parted yesterday for Union and Ne
braska City, having the sunny lands
of Kansas as their objective point
where they expect to as-ist in the
popocratic cempaign of the Sunflower
The -MlKSOuri Pacific
Has a round trip rate of a fare and a
third to Omaha, good every day dur
ing the exposition exceot when a low
er rate is made. All trains fctop at
the exposition gate, giving exception
al facilities for the convenience of
patrons who save car fare and unpleas
ant transfers. Take the old reliable
M. P. train for Omaha and the expo
sition. For Kent.
Store room in Fitzgareld's block.
Enquire of T. II. Pollock, Agent,
9 m
Bocnnffii ,
A stimulant for use in the sick room, such as the G. O. Taylor brand,
which is sold by more family druggists and prescribed by physicians more
than any other brand of whiskey sold in competition with it, is safe to stand by.
An old distiller caught adulterating his rum from the pump, by way of
an apology said: "Water never hurt anybody." His statement was not
wholly true, for much disease, suffering and lingering illness has been
traced to the use of impure water.
Physicians prescribe "G. O. T." for lung and throat troubles, as a flesh
producer, with eggs and milk, after lingering sicknesses. Licensed dealers
everywhere will sell you G. O. Taylor Whiskey if you insist on having it.
It is not sold in bulk. Look for our firm name signature over the cork
u 1 ..1 i
c l--r;
L,; t;al Notice.
In the District ('cunt of Ca.-s ('utility. Nobi;isk;t
luttio initti-r ol the- a uau! !i ii ul i
I In) . ( ' K in rkc, Anna I.. U Kuurku
'. I r 1 . ' I ' I I r !'..
I !...- I 1.. . , t i: . ... . ..1! .1 '
. I i 1 1, i n:iu i' t ii ui. i'i . i; ni ii intj i u.i i
estate I'l.-ieiiiatter ilex.'i ;hel in tliu abuve en-
tit inl c:ii.:-o tiv I loll. Iail haniM'V, jmle, on
the flii il iv t.f Iu:, A. 1). IM'.-. I u iii nu tne lirj
ilav ol t.-j!e!ii!or, A. 1) 1 at l'l o'clock a. in.,
at t hi-M in! Ii floor of theioint h.Hi'-e, in I'iatls
nioutli. t 'a fount y, Netn.i'.k . ol'ei tortile ol
ore li'i il' !i i-' i anil t hiee in tin- noi I heaM ( i a 1 1 it
oi the southwe-t quarter, iot one handle. 1 airi
lour in tin: northwest qaaiter ol the south
east quarter. ami lot eijhleen iu the
south'.w-st quarter of the sou heaM quarter ainl
the southeast quai ter ol tin- sou i h w esi qnai tei ,
all in section nineteen, in tov.nsiiqi Ueie, lioith
of ranue fourteen, in Cass couniv, Nebraska.
I .ots n;ne anil ten in block t vent y-si., 1 iuke'.s ad
dition, lots ttu, eleven ami tweive in block one.
.Stad'lehnan's addition and lot ten in Mock
ninety-live, all in tiie city t I'latt smou i h. ;
county, Nebraska, to the holiest bidder for cash.
S lid miiiois owning an u.idr.ided tlueedoiulii.s
t ;'i ) id -aid lam I, .'md a dee-1 uiii be made to the
purchaser upon the pa in en I o! the pro lata siiai e
ol :he pure base pi ice o! the remaining undivided
one-loin th ('4. Ni l i n: M. I) Kui'kki:,
as (iuai tiau and for beiself.
f J V her atturnevs, liyroii (Jiaik ainl C A. Kawls.
Aui'usl '.), i;'s.
SlicrilV's Sale.
Ii y virtue of an execution, issued by Cum.
Housewoi th, clerk ol the district court, within
and for Cass county, Nebraska, and to ine di
rected, 1 ill on the day ol Sepi ember, A. I .
at :.' o'clock u. in. ol said da-, at the s ::th
door of the court house in ' it." city ol I'latisinoutii
in said county, sell at public auction, to the
liitihest bidder for ca-h. the f 'ilowin real estate
l.otfour (It in b'o k : vventv-one (-1) in the
yi'.laue ot Kl'nwond, in Co s county, Nebraska,
together with the pri -. i and apimrtenances
thereunto beioti -inn oi hi .i-i wise appuruiiti!::ji
The same beinii h-.icl I'jion and taken ,-liie
propel iy of A. A. Da. is .leiendant, to satisfy .
lutliiiiieiit of s o ! niMi n oveied by the 1-arin
el s 1 lank ol M :r !
i.i nt.:!, against
i J
fiattsuioutli, N
sk:t. IS. A. IV, 1V..K.
i. . hi i:i.i-k,
Siieriit". Ca-s county. Nebraska,
i.v J. i . Icl'.ride, Deputy.
('. S. l'olk, attorney lur pianuitt.
Notice to C reditors.
''s c-ur"-' ' County Court
la the matter ot the slat,- .- f John Johnson, de
ceased .
Notice is her by given tb:.-. th ; cre '. t ns of
sail dece.-i.d iii meet ti.e ! ::i , n i r-t i a I . ir -d said
estate, betofe oh-, county jtsilire oi 'a-s c juntv .
Nebraska, at the count y eoui i room in I'latts
noiuih in snid county, on tie; third d iv of Maich,
A. D l-'.1'.', at t:::h' o'clock a. m., h.r the pi.ipose
of prese:itin;i i i ei r claims loi ea!niiiati.jn, ad
jasimeiiL a:i-S ' !. .-. an. e. '. o aiiiis are allowed
tor the creditor- .f -aid i .cca- 1 to ine-en: ihe'r
Claims and one ear f.'i" tin- a bnoiistiau t to .-et-
! tie s:,:d estaie. n mi the li.l.-d day ol s-:pit-!iil!er.
Witness :iv ban'' and tbe s a' of fii.l Cour.ty
iiiili'tiH im-: a: r;.-.tist!outii. Neoi.ita. mis
51i-.Al..j; Mil ds v f A'ii -t, l-:.
JJttitiili tiboKUB j-'l-ritl.OCK.
(Joiin t y J ud e.
Noiice to trcciic-.s
St.VI K O!' N'l.IiRASKA. . j, (J ,,,,
ass count;. . S '
In the matter oi tiie e-tate of A. Jub;
Vo ice is I crci. .' ti . en tha' tiie
t3 C
cri.-litors of
sai 1 deceased m et the executors of sa; i es
tate, beiore me. county j-adje ol Cass cot.iitv,
Nebraska, at the county Court room in I latts
mouth in said Count v, on t he -nd day of A pi il A .
IV, !;!, at Hlo'ciock A. !., l .r the purpose of
presenting tlieir claims for examination, adjust
ment and abowauce. Six in m.hs are al!oied
tor the creditors of said deceased to present their
claims to seme said estate, fr mi tiie 1st day ol
October, is. .
Witness my hand and seal of said court at
Plattsmouth, Nebra ka, this, ;!rd day ol Septem
ber, A. D. Dis.
Gl:ORGK M. Sl'l RL'lCK,
(Seal) County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
SIATF. OF NKItRASKA. ) j Count Court.
Uass County. ) '
In the matter ol the estate of Henry Martens,
deceased .
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said
deceased will :net t.'ie executrix of said estate,
before me, comity judge of Cass county, Ne
braska, at the county omit room in lJiattsniouth
in sai ; county, on the -rid day of April, A. I).
1W, at L o'c ock A M. for the pttrpuse of pre
senting tiie. r c amis tor examination, adjustment
andaliov S.x ne mt !is are allowed for the
creditors of sai : rieeea-e 1 to pre-ent their claims,
fiom the 1st day of October, l-'.'-
Witness iny hand and sea! of said county cntirt
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, thisiith day of Sep
tember, ls:.
I. Splrlock,
County udge.
Probate Notice.
In the County Court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of tiie estate ot John Waiter
Haines, deceased.
Emma Haines, Kecky Haines, Walter Haines.
Joimy Haines and b rancis Haines, minors, and
all other persons interested iu said matter, are
hereby notiiie 1 that on the 3rd day of September,
ls'.i-., John .1. Swoboda, jr., an ! J P. Palter nlcd a
petition in said court, alleging among other
things, that John Walter Haines died on the lilst
day of August, .si's, leaving no last wid and
testament, and possessed of real estate in said
county and state, and that the aluvs named con
stitute ail the persons interested in the e.-tate of
said deceased, and praying f it adm-.nbtrati.m
tliereot. You are hereby notined that if you fail
to appear before said court on the J'.th day ol
September A. D. l-l1. at 4 o'clock P. M., and con
test said petition, tiie court wiii appoint John J.
Swoboda, jr., or some other suitable person, ad
ministrator, aud proceed t j a settlement of said
Witness my hand and tbe seal of said court at
Plattsnioutii," Nebraska, this 3rd day of Septem
ber A D. Ii'.'?. UKOKGE M Sl'LKLOCK,
shalJ County Judge.
Probate Notice.
In the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Aiuiua Piiidnca
Thomas, decease 1.
Thomas J. Thomas, George Washington
Thomas, Sttaa Viola Thomas, I-";i.;e ja:ena
Thomas, and Victor l.aKuc 'i nomas. Xciia
Thomas and Sylvia 1 ho:t.a 5, minors, and all other
persons interested in said matter, are hereby
notilied that on tiie Mrst cay r-f September
Thomas j. Thomas tiled a petition in said court,
alleging among other ' hings. that Albina Ph:l
iuda i humus died on the'.eenth day of April
leaving no ia-: w; i ai. 1 to lament, and pos
sessed of real estate -.n SKid county and state,
and that the above named cons i-ue ad the per
sons interested in tiie estate ot a;d deceased, and
praying lor administration tiiereof. V ou are
hereby notified tiaat if you fab to appear at said
court on the twenty-sixth day of feptcmber A.
li. it, at y o'ciock A. !., and cotitest said peti
tion, the court vvi.i apno.nt Miomas I. Thomas,
j cr some other sur.aoie person, a lmiuistrator,
I and proceed to a settlement o! said estate.
Witness my hand and tiie sea! of said court at
I Plattsmouth. Nebraska, tnis. tiie 3rd day of
, Sept. A. 1). I?'.?. Cit. 'Kofc M. Sfcrlock.
IM.ALJ county jnape.
Foil Lalk A uice dining room
table. Enquire at tho Nors office.
m -
1. J. ... C1....J ) ) )
I'M VI ilfl II V t' I 1 X Mill (II I III' IVI IAMA
i i'Ui.Miiuiiiii!, ii uiiir'.MJd , niiiiiiw)ii iuiu.
77ie (Jraita-it, (ranrevsf mul Host of
Honorably Conducted, Honestly
Advertised, Lofty in Concep
tion, Regal in Equipment.
lhe Purest, Cleanest, Mightiest and Most Magnificent Amuse
ment Institution of the 10th Century,
ircus, Museum,
Royal Roman
.'h-eo Ilins, Half Mile Tlico Track, 1,00') Poature-i, 100 I'iienoin in al Acts, 2"
Clown?, HO Ilurrican llacen, 4 Trains, 10 Acres Garvas--, 10,000 Hefitsi, 1,."00
Kmploycs, 0 Hands, 50 Carres, A Drove of C.itnc-Is, 1-5 Open Dene, A Herd
of Elephants, 81,000.00 Daily Expenses.
CAPIT AL $3,000,00O.
The Greatest Performers of the Known World are with the Ore-it Wallace
Shows this Season, in-jlttdin
k'4 N n -s
fhe Aitgelcs, Aerialists. The Seven Siriks--Bicycle
aitd Skating Experts. Tlic 10 Delia
meads, -Statuary Artists.
Miile. Norda French Myster
ious Globe.
i'h 3 Petits, Aerial Bar Extraordinary, Leon and Sinin
Mule "Trilby." The Sisters Vortex Triple
Revolving- Trapeze.
Jrand Spectacular Ballet, 19 Cer-phees, led y 3 Sisters,
Maccari, Premier Danseuses.
At 10 a. ra. Daily, is the finest ever put on the streets. A sunburst of splendor
A triumph of art, money and good taste, with laui9h luxury of epec
tocular effect, with Greatest Professional Features Conceivable.
ig Tented Entertainment.
Menagerie and
1 pLf