Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 13, 1898, Image 2

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    Ti, C.:UrL1., rVWrc.Horslrl 1
I 111 kJUUl I.CLI.1J ULKJ l,ll,u,uuiT..irn(
... BY TIIK . . .
Our Yeur, in utlvum-e, . . . .
Six Months
One Week
birijrle Go pin
One Year, in ttiJvyiiew, . . .
Six Months
to OH
2 r,o
f l oo
Of any Cass County Iapr.
For (i'lverimr,
M . I.. II WU'AKD.
I-'ur L.ieut.-( .i.vernor.
.i.oi;k a. mlkimii- y.
I'nr Secretary of Mali:.
C. I)t HAS.
1-or Auilitur,
I'or Trcasiucr.
i i : i I : i M okt I. n h !: N.
l-'or Statu Siipi-tiiitciulciit,
J 1'. SAY 1. OK.
l-'or Attorney ( icni-ral.
For Coin. I'ublic Lands ami Kuil.liiiijs,
For Congressman. First district
For Senator
For Representatives
For Float Representative
For County Attorney
For Commissioner, Third district
Coin IIakvky is still alive but the
Bale of hi financial fictions has cons -1.
The people tire interested in prosper
ity now rather than calamity and Mr.
Harvey can only llourish on the latter.
Within the patt two years Ameri
can farmers have paid olT $100,()0(),0:
of morttrae.-; they have more money
in hank than in 1S!), and can borrow
at a lower rate of interest. This is
part of the ruin already wrought by
the grold st nid ird. Sioux City Jour
nal. It is cheering to note that the pub
lie debt was decreased during- the
month of August by the handsome
sum of thirty-four million?, in round
numbers, which reminds us that the
public debt was never decreased, ex
cept under a republican administra
tion. Ex.
EVHRY competent "observer pro
nounces the agricultural exhibit at
the Omaha exposition superior to any
thin"; of the kind that has ever been
produced anywhere. The traiismis
sissippi region is the garden spot of
the world and its choicest products
are displayed at the exposition.
Missouri democrats who have con
trol of the state government shows
their love for the populists by refusing-
even to let them file their uckets
for places on the official ballots. In
other states, however, where the dem
ocratic ascendency is not so marked,
the populists are good enough to serve
as allies to help the democrats into
the otticcs.
TllK Second Nebraska is not the
only regiment that is being given a
thirty-day furlough to rest up before
taking the final physical examination
preperatory to mustering out. On the
contrary, the same practice is being
pursued with with a number of regi
ments in other states, so that the Sec
ond Nebraska is only one of those
thus specifically favored.
From inside reports it looks as
though Col. IJryan had bitten off more
than he can chew, or in other words
hai secured a job tie can't get rid of
gracefully. He wants to come home
and help out bis friend Allen very
badly, but the government refuses to
muster out his regiment. He must
show the white fl -g and resign or go
to Cuba and let the silver baby perish
from inanition.
The demagogy and hypocrisy
evolved in the present campaign in
this state by the self styled reformers
are becoming more distrusting every
dav. Crocodile tears ate shed over
imaginary maltreatment of the sol
diers for political capital and candi
dates for office intermeddle with the
care and custody of invalids return
ing from the military camps who are
being properly attended by the medi
cal and commissary departments of the
WniLE we are carrying on about the
heroes of the war let us. not forget the
army mule. He may not be as kissa
ble as Uobson, but we owe him just as
much recognition. General hafter
says he could not have supplied his
army at all if it hi d not been for the
mute, and General Blanco knew what
he was about when he rushed to the
cable office and telegraphed to Madr id
how the Americans had killed that
mule at Matanzas. Louisville Cour
ier Journal.
Nerraska is highly honored by the
invitation extended by President Mc-
Kinlev to General Mander6on to fill
one of the places on the proposed com
mission to investigate the conduct of
the quartermaster, commissary and
medical staffs in the war. General
Manderson's qualifications for the po
sition are unquestioned, his experi
nce in the war of 1S61 and subso-
q"tly on th o committee on military
of the Jnltod Mates Bonato fit
ting him pecu'llHrly for ;hj work.
Whatever report and conclusions he
might bring in ould be sure to com
mand tho roHpoet and confidence of
all Hoe.
This new trf will produce sixteen
bushels of fruit where one is grown
now. Bui the new Hppl4 will be o
much inferior to th standard virie
tiee, HUe the Jonathan, Wivneaap.
IJotim ll.Miuty aim Howies' Genet, that
it will r-quir twice as many of them
to make a pie or n b:iri-el of ci'ler, or
the t far.s-endefit "euonomy" practiced
by the n. embers of the et:tte house
I'rom tho scho 1 lands deal of "Un-
ele Jake" W'o! fe to tho "unrelenting !
watchfulness" of Cnnstan tino J. Smyth j
tin-re seems to have been something j
t'oing on all the time not exactly com- J
orehtMided in the constitution. One
by one lh- t b il oons of reform will
be punctured, and Mr. Smyth is not
the last on tli-j li-t. State Journ il.
Tiik bright, gladsome davs of fusion-ist-t
are gliding swiftiy by and nobody
in in clo.-er lou.jh with the stern re
ality than they. In speaking of fu
biooists, wo i ef-r more specifh; illy to
the party bossis, and present state offi
cials whose deepest interest and con
cern in fu-do-i politics lie in their re
election. Tii'-se a;o the ones who
"view with alarm" tho p.-esent situa
tion and ent- r the campaign with very
little heart or hope for the future.
They hive numerous hoMdquarleis
and as a further convincing argument
that they keenly appreciate the grav
ity of t he occa-ioii, have selected two
chairmen of the state central commit
tee. They are receiving wagon loads
of literature frank' d through from
Washington, D . C , ;md Mill witli all
iliis, there h:is gath. r-d order the
rtato house dome an ominous pall of
gloom. Things are not as they once
were before "Willie died." Fusion
is uo longer that perfect beatitude of
times passed and gone. A prominent
democratic politician, whose ability to
hold his present job at the state house
depends wholly upon the result of the
coming election, hopes that fusion can
be made effective just one more time,
hut expresses a sincere doubt upon
t'.ie subject. He is certain the begin
ning of the end is here, and that the
fcheme of a triple aliance of conTtsion
cannot possibly survive another year.
Tiik west is in it now and from the
indications for all time to come, and
we expect to hear the popocrats claim
til the glory of the prosperity. The
commercial circles of the east is re-
re ceiving a severe body blow by the
construction of the Port Arthur route
and the figure it is cutting in the busi
ness of the country. A vast amount
of business has aleady been diverted
fiom its former course over the trans
continental lines, traversing many
miles over land and over many routes
and carrying the products which the
west has to sell causing them to be
sold at homo at a lower price, that
prices made by foreign markets
m ght not be cut. The differ
ence between the cost of getting what
is produced in the west to the market
by the way of the New York and that
of the Gulf routes has been clearly
demonstrated and as a consequence
the commercial center of the far east
has been shaken. It is ouly a matter
of competition in rates and not of pop
ulistic legislation. It is gratifying to
the rt publicans of the west that the
prosperity to our broad praries should
come under McKinley and Mark Han
na. The way Jakie Wolfe has evicted
tho occupants of school lands and
raked in rents in the last two years is
a caution. It is all owing to pop
biains and nothing to good crops and
good prices. In ninety-six Uncle
Jakie and Bill Greene cried give us
Bryan and chenp money or the liplain
people" will perish and the whole
country wiil go to the tow-wows.
We've got McKinley, the same old
money and the "plain people" have
gotten three times the democratic
P' ice of wh at in n nety-six. If the
pops hadn't collected move tuotcy in
the flu-b times of icrubiictn crops
and prices than anybody cou.d when
the B;yan democrats were in power
in the country they would be the big
gest chumps that ever lived. When
these pops undertake to nich cam
paign thunder from providence they
will find it very h.ird sledding.
The war ended entirely too soon to
suit the New York inventor who has
just completed a new gun which tires
nitro-glycerit.e shells with almost the
rapidity of a magazine rifle. It is
used like an ordinary breech loading
gun. The shells have power enough
to te ir down a brick wall at a distance
of two miles. A gun of this eort needs
a brave man to pull the trigger, for
if by any sort of accident the charge
exploded before it leaves the rifle
barrel the subsequent proceedings
will be of no interest to the gunner
The republicans could not have se
lected a more satisfactory ticket for
opposition had they been consulted.
The intention is very evident to
slaughter the innocent Mr. Rouse and
elect a senator, but there are no re
publicans this fall foolish enough to
help out on such a deal, aDd without
their help such a thing is impossible.
IoNATirs Donnelly presents hi9
compiiments to Chairman Butler of
the national populist committee and
says the populists have been shame
lessly betrayed to the democrats by
the men at the head of their party or
ganizition. Another lengthy letter
of explanation may be 6oon expected
from Senator Butler. "Ex.
The populictrt and other crtnriun ita
teach hatred of wealth is a cardiual
virtue. To acquire, to rccumulato
and conserve capital is an atrocity.
It is plutocracy plundering the poor,
whenever a citizen creates by inctun
try, Mobrieiy. good infringement nnd
t-oi f-den ial. o ough capital to hi
mind and luusc.o to wo k for h.m.
TLi.:q it id that be bt-i.aaj u tarpt
nod in deuouncsd ui tt tyrant. Then
it is that he i lashed by the tamgues
of thoan fe vid lovers of tho "plain
people" who p; anon up and down the
country proclaiming the greed and
wickedness of the capitalistic classes,
and are also collecting money from
wage-earners with which to pay them
selves for making an economic diftur
Pancc. They hate money, but get it
by any and every device except that
of honest efforts to earn monoy. Each
one f them denounces capital and
capitalists, and e;;ch one of them is
ambitious to get capital and become a
capitalibt. Thev tell how hard the
times are, and how close money is,
and b -ag of getting five hundred dol
lard for a single speoch full of froth
and f illacy. They talk of the limited
liberties of the plain people and boast
of ales, amounting to hundreds of
thous mds of dollars, for books like
Coin Harvey's School for Idiots, or
that bigger volume of bigger bosh
"I he Kirst B.ittle." Th-sy denounce
monopoly and then seek the monopoly
of the guli bility of all the emotional,
ignorant people in the country for the
purpose of doing them out of their
ballots and their dollars.
Recall the campaign of 189(5! Ite
retid the p.-ophecies of Bryan and the
other calamity forecasters as to the
evils w hich the di feat of 1G to 1 and
Us ticket and the success of the gold
standard wo-.dd inexorably precipitate
upoti t he Am .'i ican peon e.
Did they not tell you that wheat
prices and silver priees were indissol
ubiy and forever married and that no
Dowt-r on earth could ever divorce
these commercial nftiniiie.-? Did they
not even declare 16 to 1 a God insti
tuted tatioand did not Senator Mono
logue Morgan of Alabama preach to
the senate by the day upon the hea
venly origin of the 1G to 1 ratio and
And what financial prediction
among them ali has been TerifiedV
What prophecy c f evil to agriculture,
commerce and manufacture made Dy
those oracles remains unimpoached?
Sparkling oratory, pleasing meta
phor and even skillful elocution are as
delicious as soft, soda-pop, fizzing
drinks at drug stores in summer. But
the intellect starves without some log
ic and the 60ul sickens without some
trut'a just as tue body would on no
other sustenance than soft summer
drinks. Conservative.
When republican ideas prevail at
the nation's capit il, the treasury con
tains $219,000,000 in gold and there is
more business everywhere. The
wheels of industry hum on this side
instead of on the other side of the
Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria is
a singularly unfortunate monarch.
His house has met with repeated re
versesin politics and the tragic death
of the empress is but the culmination
of a long series of disasters to his im
mediate family. Ruling as he does
over a dual nation composed of a dozen
warriDg racial and political elements
he has enough to sober and sadden
him without these family afflictions.
The fortitude with which he has borne
his past troubles has contributed to
make him one cf the most popular of
European sovereigns. In this great
trial he will have not only the official
sympathy of the rulers of the world,
but the heartfelt sympathy of all the
elements of his curiously divided peo
ple. We believe the nomination made by
the middle-of-the-road populists is to
be submitted to the party at large, referendum-fashion.
There is no occa
sion for hasty and ill-timed action in
the matter, but it is safe enough to
wager a quarter section of land that
neither of the grizz ed patriots named
will appear on the printed ballots as
submitted to the voters in 1900. The
party must w;iit till it hears from Sen
ator Wiiliam Vincent A.len. Ex.
Holland a'so has a Guiteau, but he
failed in his aim when he shot a re
volver tit Queen Wilhelmina and was
promptly arrested.
Because he dared to raise his voice
and r-wing his only arm f;r living is
sues, enunciated by the people's pa-ty
when it was young and pure, the he
roic and hign-rolling Marsh Elder was
consigned to political oblivion, and
from a position of well-earned distinc
tion and large responsibility he lu.s
been ruthlessly relegated to the close
picked pasture lands of unmerited ob
scurity. It bodes no good to the peo
ple of Nebraska that the policy of pop
ulism, since it gained power through
fusion, has been to oru&h and humili
ate those who fought its battles when
il had the appearance of waging a
warfare for principles when it advo
cated ideas with a show of sincerity.
We 6ee the offices now filled with men
who have been place-hunters all their
lives; men who, while claiming alle
giance to other parties, were looked
upon with distrust and considered un
fit to be placed in the way of tempt i
tioo. It wouldn't be right to say that
all now holding office under this etat.s
administration belong to that class,
but a large majority answer to the or
der of "chronics" who are always a
menace to popular government and
require to be watched continually. As
a.o videnca thatthia is true, not how
tho one drawing f it h t aries hi v de
generated into a hungry nio of howl
ing parts-g abbers. Bixby.
I.nrgw H iIhik'h tu Our ivor.
Wasimnoton. Sept. IK The fact
that Britixh import- into the United
St ten Ii.-ivk fallo'i olT groa'y in the
pns'ye-ir. while Atne lean export to
G-ea' Bri n 1 ave e t!y iip-tvi-ed,
has been announced from titne to time
during tho veur, tut the full vear's
figures, ju:t prented y thi trea- I
ury bureau of t-iti-t ie, bring- to the
surface some interesting details not
heretofore published. Thee show
that while tho exports from the Uni- 1
ted States to the United Kingdom !
have increased 12 per cent, the im.j
ports from the United Kingdom have
fallen oil .'-r per cent. The export'
from tho United St;:tes to tho United
Kingdom during the pa-t year were
in round number livo timos as much
I as the imports from tho United King
i dom, the figures of tho bureau of sta
tistics being: Imports from the United
Kingdom, $10!, 1:58, .().): exports to the
United Kingdom. $540,800,152.
Thouands of persons have been
Cured of piles by using DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It hauls promptly and
cures eczema and all skin diseases. It
givei imra- diatf rrlief. F. G. Fiieke.
lltl MiiilrHii in Mind,
Nevt York, Sept. 1) According to
the Washington correspondent of the
Times, ex-Senator Manderson has been
offered the fifth place on the peace
commission declined by Justice White
and Senator Gray. It. was said late
iast night that ex-Senator M-mderson
would accept,. Tnere is not much time
left to find a suitable democrat, and
Mr. Manderson 'Joes not wish to em
barrass further the action of the pres
ident. Win your b lt:es .-g-i i n.-t di ease, by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cutv; i)r; du immediate s;
wnen tanen e , rty it, prevents cor.sum p-
non. ttnij in pii rsi-ges n turnisnes
prompt relief. F. G. Kr eke.
Iturline;toii Inn
Six blocks from exposition. A. 1).
Touzalin, ra inaerer; E. li. Mooney,
clerk. Ro 'tns $1.00 per day special
rates by week or month. Everything
first class. Take Dodge street car.
from Union depot to 2(th and Hurdette
streets. Write us for particulars.
M. L. Yoeum, Cameron, Fa., says "I
was a sufferer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, lut without
success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
was reccommend to me. I usee) one
box. It has effected a permanent
cure." A a permanent cure for piles
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Last Notice.
Boys using riflds or fire arm.,- of mis
description within the city limits, or
nigger shooters, will be arrested and
sent to jail if it is not stopped at once.
Chiif of Polio.-.
(oiiig: I Jo w ii Hill.
from Kid
ney Diseases
feel a gradual
but steady loss of
strength and vital
ity. They should
lose no time in trying
Foley's Kidney Cure, a
Guaranteed Prepiraiion. Fricke fc
Free Homes in Western Fi(ril .
There are about 1,000,000 acres of
government land in Northwest Flor
ida subject to homestead entry, and
about half us much again of railroad
lands for sale at very low rates. These
lands are on or near the line of tho
Liuisville & Nashville railroad, and
Mr. R. J. Wemyss, General Land
Crmmissioner, Pensecola. will be glad
to write you all about them. If you
wish to go down and and look at them
the Louisville & Nashville railroad
provides the way and the opportunity
on the first and third Tuesday of each
month, with excursions at only $2 over
one fair, for round trip tickets. Write
Mr. C. I'. Atmore, General Passenger
Aijent, Louisville, Ky., for partic
ulars. Kelief In Six Honrs.
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours ry "I'hk
Great South American- Kidxe
Cure." It is a yreat surpr ise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving nain 10 bladuer, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want ciuicl .-.ief and cure, this is the
remedv. Sid by Geriny & Co., Drug
gist, Plattsmouth. Nfi.
October 12 is the d ite cf :he Peace
Jubilee at the exposition when Pres
ident McKinley wt I he the-e with a
great many other not ibles. Arrange
merits have been mde t. entertain
7-5,000 people on that day, rind if the
weather is fine even a er crowd
may be present
Ask your dealers for the "White
Sailor" cigar, manufactured ty Frank
Take Laxative Bromo QuinliieTabu ts.
All drueri?ist refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2-:Sc. The genuine h- s
L. B. Q on e-ich ta'i'et
Jiolio- of Srttlrint-iit
All parties i idebt J' to the firm of
W. W. Coates &. Co. re requested to
call and settle with their successors,
the Eboiuger Hardwar e Cnrup my.
Old prfrs for 3Tlf t tt oSiw
tor Sale.
A nice horse and buggy very cheap.
Enqui'eat residence of J. V. M;lm on
North Eighth street, Hickory
or at News office.
Irlvte Sule.
At Dr. Shipman'g residence; all
kinds of houshold goods. Flowers and
potted plants to sell and five away.
New process gasoline 6toves at al
most your own prices at Fred Ebinger
Hardware Co's.
Tlr KxiMlt Ion.
Everybody is visiilng th" oxposition
and Booing tne eighth. E. E. Bixtor,
of Mui ray, has this to say r garding
the big chow:
Took a trip the otlior clay,
Omaha Kc position.
Kvrr j thii.K is under way.
lii.nMiili i.i tine ton litini.
Fl jwcr- bloomii jj e . d m Iiimc.
!uds iire in the tree.
l.oii of sunshine in the a i,
Likewise honey bec.
ll yuar life I had suiul fun.
Had to. fur you know
el ) ui.e that had the "inuii "
V.i iiavni; fun also.
'1VI1 you w here to see the rjee,
I town upon Midway.
Men from almost evcr iue.
Ladies that are n;'V-
Theie yon see the Wild W t : how,
M reels of Kveiy Nut;o:i.
Also Streets ot Cario
And ;i fiegio pl;i:tati :i.
St.irted in to see it all.
Saw it bet your boot-;.
Rode up -n the U'it See-S .w.
Also shot the ihute
Took in foity-seven shows,
1' ich one cost a dime.
Miht have seen the rest you know,
I I I'd had thu time.
Saw thehoochie koochie dance,
That was lots of fun.
To see tiie frisky maidens prance
Really took the bun,
Cioing back one of these das.
Once more to take it in.
Just as soon as I can raise
The necessary tin.
SoilM't flill to Ivtiow.
It may be worth something to know
that tho ve.y host medicine for res
ting the tired out nervous system to (
a healthy vigor is Electric Uittors.
This medicine is purely vegetable, '
acts by giving tone to the norvo cen
ters in the stomach, gently stimulates
tin; Eivor and Kidneys, and aids these I
org. ins in throwing oil i in purities it
tne blood. Electric Hitters aids di
gestion, and i pronounced by those '
wiio have tried it as the verv best i
j blo(Jli utjfH.r all(, e. vo tonic
i IV
it. Sold fo' 00c or $1 00 per
F. G. Erioke's drug store. U
bo! t it
X-w (jouiN Arriving
The h. tost and b st in ail grades of
men's underwear at Klein's, suitable
to this kind of weather. Our- iim of
gloves and neckwear was never sur
passed in this county. The newest
tuid latest styles. Ue sure and see
them. Light overcoats, and suitable
suits just from tha factory at Klein'.-.
Uemember tho place, opposite the
court house, and call in and get pri
ces before going to Omaha, or else
where. We can beat the heater on
low prices.
Ni.tue of IliMulutioii.
Tli.. i'n.ii'ipt.riPibin h ere 1 1 if . il h rv-
. .. , ' it r t : i- . i
lsuug oeiween ll. o. oireignv
John I. Satiier under the firm name
if -;i .mi r li t X' c;:ttler 14 ttiij (i.iv rlis-
v. - - j ,
, i-..,i u,. ,,,..,..l Aii ,il,;j
( ' J V . 4 f J IliULUaL Vj'llJ.uir. Ill J v. I y 1. 1
owing by said lirm w;ll hu paid by 11.
J. Streighl and ail notes and accounts
due or to become duo to said lirm to bo
oaid to Streiuht.
The furniture and
undertaking "business heretofore con-
- , , .. , . o . . ... -i i
duced by Mreight & will bo
continued at tho old stand oy li. .) . .V
W. J. Streijj-ht.
Henry J. STRi-:mnT,
John 1'. Sattlkr.
Aug. 24, 1H9S.
ihe editor of the Evans City, Fa.,
Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough
Cure is rightly named. It cured my
chiidron iifier all other remedies
failed." It cures coutrbs, colds tinn
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Vocal Instructions.
ThJ? wishing lessons in vocal mu
sic may see me at residence of F. S.
White on Tuesday, Wedne.-day or
Friday of o ich weeR. Terms are,
three half-hour lessons per week, $2 o0:
two half-hour lessons $2.00; one throe-quarter-hour
lesson $1 2.5
C. F. Tucker.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Aii druireists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2"c Tiie eor.uir. lias
L. B. Q. ot. f.;irb tablet.
r," to Ice Consumer
Our ice bi'ok - are ."0 cts. p 101 i'"'8.
Cash from and after th. cute. Cah
Dnlv. F. S. White.
O . C. MCMAKKX & Sox.
CJo to tho Drug Store t f
(Successor to Sinitli I'ai'aielc)
f J Druur-, i'-'.tont Vi-'ciiic:,
Stationery ltd Cigos,
Paint-, O;:., V.nn Dyes,
Paint, Hair r-.n I To ;"i D u-h. -.
To. let Artie e- I v-i f y. So
Sponge ui.d . V"... of
Druggists' Sun
Window (I a-s siml v " : 1 1 i "a per.
Hum ohrey's. Lutie'-j an d ; I .: ti i'.ta
Homre pi'l'. i-j i.temeci"
Pure Calif ni "'ii-.i .- iiel riquors:
for Mediciti'il u .
In f-.cT, everyth n -s usnai y kepi fiir
Sa!e in li--t cb ss ;rug S ore--
Pieso iptions
Carefully iOm .. n
Soo'b Si lo " '- in S:r't,
PI :t tf!r. nitit. Neb.
OK IM, VT ; ,L Tie NF.B.
O tiers the v?rv best lac . it;-.':; for ttie
piutnpi .ia:.:.'i iii ol
Legitimate Banking Business
STOCKS, bo a da, - olo. i. o - rn .: , i 5'i ..
securities nought una no'm. )Ci.h:.i-i
celved and luter'?it allowed oc .ur i-s: -:
cntes. Dr-ifty nr-twa. :vr.!l.i 's. - i .
part of the C. S. an . ai thf ijr.-t.
towns of Enrolls. :.'ot:
promptly reniiin-l tii. in-?-t -.-.-'jc- -price
paid for irr:i:.iiv
and county lm'ii .
H. N. Dovey, D. Haw.-5v.0rtH. FiVs:
F. K. W hite-. (1. K. llovpt
Ges.E. Dovey. Pres.. S. V. ath. Cashiec.
H. N. Dovev. Asst. Caa'aicr.
They banish pain
and prolong life.
v -
"V 1
No matter what tiie matter is, one will do you
good, nnd you can ;-;vt ten for five cents.
A nrtw j'H r ''i t,'i ',i
at Hciinn iiru" s".ir f '. i :
to tfi- Cipans 'Hir.f Y.I. i
TAltC L,tw vi;i Lhi a. iit (r 11
:.;t ;rc
fr3 Jtl
rermanently cured by using Dit. WlirmiAf.JS ) T.M ATK! CIJKK. Tim
surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a posslive ..tttirantco. i'ri e GO cents
Ver box. Sample sent free on mention of t his tuUie:iioii.
Orp.ah a
San Francisco
CI i icuK
St. Jo-----pit
Kansas C'ty
St. Louis are
poi n ts t a -i t
. ali
r- riM
; All points west
j Xo l. Iiunvor oxprir-.s II
'-'') 'i. Oruili : to.-t. I. ml s
' l.'l.l
i l. !u .1 n:
No l. 'II .CM-'O !. nress
,Xo-M. hoem txpi-ws, ..any. St I.-:,
. Knutwa, st Lnuis. a.i iJ;j.o,
south ':'.
Locai exij. ditiiy, hoi lintni,
( 'h ic;ii-'0. m!I 'joints if;'.s; .... ID:'.'
iXnii. Loeai oxjj. i -iiy .; m .-u;i-
'' u-yy to Li-wiim, n;u..
' ,.,- i oe-i eVruailvJ"xeVtt's'v:
H.Aj iv, i
l.y. I'a.-i lie .luneti
N:i. r-".. lany e.xt.:it.Min:iv
l'jieiln; ,1 ii nel Kin
N Vostiimieci .up. d.iii.y. Bur-
lllllon, Jiii;:ijo lillii
Din ii fi esisi
No l;i still) fr ir.i Juiii-tion to I'hiiLi
r.Oiitll No l:;. LuiMi e.f p. daily. St j or, '. ;.n
a;is City. St Louis. JI. ie . '.ru
al i poi n i s t:ist . li il ..ou i r. . .
Ni. I.i. Jjdcio ex p. iai!y.Oi;ii.l.ii. Li'i-
11 !., I !!. Ve.- :j :n! Ml i ' ' n -
' i :i ii' -ii i. .ii
No -. rest i in i o O ii :. i. a I.o. ;i i
N i. i s-t . Lou .s to 'in:: ii
,.., i.i. i. .. . ire; ur r , i:i .: y . . ) . n . ..
No '. . ' . frci.i,;. uity. e.".
1 ediir ' .-i'l"... '..:
fi .,
:r::tll. lill.V. On ; '
. 1i-oili
. -s ; i : I e 1 -y. ;,. .1 .-. i . '. , i it -
: . 1 i ji.e r. I ? . ii i'n -
r.-o.e. t'taii .oo: (.':.:.: .. :..
I i r '.!:. ll'! . 1.1:: 1. 11 ' ! .
i !i '. II ii rnl i-, li 4 . ' .
' al 'XII. ii l iV ; v i - .i
No !!
;ty. IjO.i lV! ' i. A-ii ;
v v i . . i -o. ii ' . ' i ' i
No 11. l.o i: i-S(, l:.iiy c..-;t .-.(
d..y, 'Ul.ttl.l it lid I I U nil...
No 17. LlllM i f. p.-.".-. -i '..I IV .1. , V .
No.S-Easl io.ini l-'roi ii t, ... .-i.r ; .
a ! I'.i j fi I ii iii -l on
;' e. 1 I he i 1 n ver K
w ii irh iiiii-i not ti i
I 'iii 1 1 s 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 h
Sleepin:-. U in ; i: :..:'t M -I
iseiits fi?o: nr tiirn.i.-li tr iins
and tiiiiiTii.. I'neck.'.: . i:
United Stu'.es or ( 'iiii io.i
For Ir.forn. : t ;on, t ; -ii . .!.'
tickotH culi er 'Hi'c ro
r li
:i I
. I
r .i .
W. 1
i 1" i-'i . A
:: il It.
J. FRANC1. I., n. V
Ml,'ll::i. N'.?
N il.
No. t
No. l i
1 rrei jrii :
A ri iv id iti.'i !-p "f .'j
7:Mi a. in. ' '.iii.l.a ai.-l oriii, r'-.i..i:. i
T il " -Wo.-l. Ivi-" nr, i ii!: ...i i
7 !'i " Omaha. W.-t r.n I'. I'.
1 1 ):''' " I.iiiC i!:i a::'i :ii;:.i: to !!;!,:
10:47 - sc'n ii Icr. V.
1I:V . l.oies. .-.
Z:l p. in - 1 "a-t nil I! .
on N. W.
4-:,t Oiniiiri. t-":t-: on (' .'I r-
K. !.. ais' .-:-'. K I
5:(H) " Onii'.ha. 't-t ani! -.i.ifi
i;. .-v
iji- par ! i k;:.
7:10 a. in Omaim. W'-I en !:. I. a:i ! I;.,r
jt.-jD nr.iii on I in r li iiifinii.
r 111. ii: Kn-:! :ni I i : r ; : 1 1 ij ? . . 1 1
I 11;::0 " Om-iiiH. N'ortr mi M P . '-'
l-.ikli..'rn. Nor:,1: i.:i i
yi. m ( lniiiha. i.-rr on li. M.
I .V
iFor Ratsff Mice, Roaches,
After eating, all vermin seek water and tbe open air.
Hence this killer is the most cleanly on earth.
For Sale by all Druggists. Price, 1 5 Cents.
95 William Street, New York.
The EVENINO NEWS oniv ten cents
P9r weelt, you can't ufford to do with-
I r
J out it,
, O" .1 ' ' : . 1. . V . -. ' -'11 i
!.. N . . ! y. C- r !.. - . :i
w . ,,.., best ilMl
,a iia j EVER V&J V-'ll
(Ti eed I
MW&s&T Other
... o,;k
i r . ;
' 1 1
; . .
1 1 ' .
r A
: U '
,-. :':
... . ' . f
r now f-tr m!
. .' -uti-.j r.-r I"
I -I V IIIHl) Il i ' f
! ' urn til-- w '
! f'.fi (Tie
Jfc CoSi.HO SalOOn
I i :. i -i r Ion for tho
Be-,! Beer On Karth.
A- I v."- id By tho
( ; reato.-l Medical Et-f:-rts
in this Country,
;.r.d is CJiving Sjx.-ci:,!
A 1 ton lion this Year
to the Ukt Brand-
!' BoTTLIiD llKKIt.
- ?.
You Can Always Find 'a Full
Supply of
Other Brands Which Will
li.r Sol 1 Vrrv Ch.-aji liy the
(::: The" Public Has
Shown lis Appreciation of
i ii;i;v. i:isr.K hv the- Fact that
Five Huniirrri Million Hot
tit -s Were Coii--.umed Last
V. ar.
. I i v - I r Any ;'nrt f the City.
"!iL THISOLP, Proprietor.
ti- fi, jJtctn
winf? Machine
Rotary Motion and
Ball Bearings.
! E.XCClsior Meat Market
nnsT of i:vi;kything
' n ?he m ''rit ', e tan e n at m. l
Jor;uscu e fo meil y Petera's
Alain, Between ThFrd and Fourth St.
Evt-rythini; Frmh and of the Heat
OiiHliiy. larful Attention to
ti Trfl nd the Moat ltea
uuakle l'ricfit.
-1 ' i n5:n
. ' v. 'i if