Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 06, 1898, Image 2

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The Scim-Wcckly rkws-krfci
PdV.llShf.U ON TtltUAVi HU V 1
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NKWS l'UI'.l.llUNC CO.vlP.W. "
M. I) I" l.K , Kll I
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Al'itio1 m f'.l & I ;j ir.
I -A,, ,':W3.;iSSt;'Pi LXPOSITION
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One Y.-ar, .' '
Six Months
On; Week
Single Copies
a y. y, i i i : i.v i. ' i n.
Oik- Ya", ii' i ' i v !!..
Six Months
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J I' S. . I.. i .'.) V.
I'll ( '.Mll'll IS -i - iPl'l , If I i I I i 1 ' S u ( -
Till'; army stMiiiIais .- lnalaiiily 1 1 1 i i -tioiii.Mi
by tho ii:uiiiiT;i!.ic i.i; vv - i:.-:
ir! bi'in pimvturi-.l, ami that Ion, !y
dt'iniHTatic ollififs in tin; army. The
entire talif about misMia naroin-'ii t
will do fount! absolutely cnti u
1 UK outlook for republican su'ress,
or rathor for tho defeat of tho fusion
scramble for (itlice this f ill, is certain
ly bright. The republican organiza
tion is the best ever had, and the fu
ses are jangling among themselves.
Wiikx tho Omaha congressional
campaign get3 f.iirly opened, the tiles
of the World-Herald will furnish Have
Mercer all tho campaign ammunition
ho will want. Hitcheoc'iv usi d to bo a
gold bug and a red-hot tighter against
the pops.
Tut: State Agricultural Society has
enough nlf respect to no', attempt to
hold a fair this year, and were it not
e . . i .vr ,i i.
ior inn iiiioii- i .iKeon i f Dm in.; p. C;v- i
ets of the tax pivcs, ' r' f- w e un
tit;s i n tins s "a ' e won '. d at '. em pi to ho e j
any fair this f .11 i n ;hvmu;h of the -x
posit iot:.
Ol'U irimes ;: l .,'ii! :i-!ii ('it
Calls it part i.-a f: si. i .) i,, it to tla
columr.s of f . 1 - ! e o i wi. i-. I.i!..-
daily prinlei h ;
i , e ran; a - d 1 1
so c tiled m ism i na fi
ticratit" pane s. x'.'t
favor of a the:- .-: . h in v
the punishm n t ( la
been c u il i f
i v- y r
.-it ioa i '
v. h h . v
lie .,
makiaj- .Jei:.e,-;i' ie :- ; : . i
suc'n m i - fori ti n -. s i - I
peoj Ii' to i.Mii, .-r in, . i: i .
stock i't that s rt o' ii v p..
poli i :cal po;r, rL.;:.
The t';euec:::t i::ae!.e ii -Ul)
t lie a-' -i; w hie': w: I .- -iv ; t ;..
pops at Wee i .i : W l '':;e- i
Si i ppery Sin'- ; . a ,, ,
IlOUse, aft ,i! :-. c ..... . .. !. - . .-
turne 1 devii:.-: .1. . ' ,
be. noniinate.j fa- the . r !
should conelu 'e to ; y ; . .'
M. I'afe so:-, n... .:.;,..:. ...
dist :ifle ui ii. i;, .
pops, a - ii - i ' . i , . , : !
eland c'.oser t t :: . t ;
fctreCl II: II to ' :. i ;: : : 1
fiat li as io ii o ; a a d :. . t - e .
take t he mea . ei u.'.'.ca i- n.ix- :-i '
them down n a ia i'l , t-.a -:;.,.
wheth'-r i iew I i -ie it - i- ia .
kSOIl Ill'ist he n e;.e l f.r -.a t
theeui 't i rem t ne b -s a . i;.
the s goes ... 1 : r :,.- I .e c v- i. i
is coi:ce n -d. F. e ::. , o e
ing Water, i- ;o oe lie ii i:,. e a. . ;
mem '.-! of tae i: ei-e ,t.ti i . O. i ) . , j
to he the ftisioa ea n; ht e t. t co-.e :
attorney, :i A! it ii r.:'
pushes want him to take the j..p ,.;
cretting licked n xt Novernhc''. i he I
present plan as given us ly p:ut u- on
the inside show one pop on the fu.-ioti
ticket to three democrats and no while
metal republicans. The three ringed
fak- with a reform bant er meets at
Weeping Water next, Tuesday.
Rose Iles-ol was sentenced from
York county yesterday to twelve
months in the penitentiary for "noise
One of the sons of Coh Tom Majors,
who is a member of the Sjcond Ne
braska volunteers, was taken tick a
hort time since at Ckickamauga, and
whan found by Mrs. Colby, wifo of
General Colby, she at once took him
In company with tho son of a captain
of one of the other companies of the
Nebraska boys to tho top of Lookout
mountain, where she is nursing them
berBelf back to health. The bos both
have typhoid f-vor but are gettiiiir
alone nicely as the daily wire report j
,1 , t t i - .
receiv-d by Colonel Maj rs .snow-,.
. . !
Nebraska (Jity New
Tho fond father who wants his .son
to refrain from evil habit sliould.take
:;:!,-: I . i .I y '.'ft
; : ; i : : e r : .! u a . i . .is a i . 1 I it :.e
mate.-, "f a po.-i' In.-.!.-' at 'a.; -;: .
Since the. War c'om'.I, the re.
1 ;.r . i r; r-1 ( "ol tl Hi ?!! for ll V!(ig I -CO1.
el-ed ,iil'''iea i- siieii that I.i- de-e -n
ilMitsare not like y to rcc ie a. ;.
.sni ii i imi.v.
Kntraneo x; in i na t iai s ami i cg:
rat ion for ti e state uii i v.-- i t y w i '; !
ie;-iii Tuim1.iv, Sept iiilje.r 1:5. Oa i
Satuivlay, Sejitembcr 17, eias-es wi i
organize and tie as-iiriieil worl: for
Momiay. On Monday, September l'.
t he rcyalar cl i.-s wo k v. il. beg i n.
I'lie univer.-ity of Nobri!;a will open
with tiie expeetatioa i f :it iea-t li.oi o
-tudeat-during the yetr. The regi
tration last year was 1,'.U", uml it is
nop.ul that the number will be swelled
:o the anticipated enrollment.
Additiona! s-paee will he ha i in li.
sr;: rv t'.dv 4.,-m. by the ft rsitg eu
. I . e U W e - .Ii-
' v -"i'a o
if! . :C fl-C, .-!(. I
) I s .i ii e ; ; ; - .1
I c:
1 :
: a t. -a.
h r .it .::i i
tv, .lake ; Iwolura . ea.'i i .
tilling l,,va M il
liTeri n g
1 1 otn Kid
ney Disetises
feel a gl ati ual
but, steady loss ef
strength and vital
ity. They should
los no time in tryirg
t'oiey 's Kidney Cure, a
(juarantced 1'ri i ration. Kricke iV
C ..
Ask your dealers for the "White
Sailor" cigar, maim facta ed ty Frank
Nei man.
HurliiiKtoit lIin
Six blocks 10111 e.x noit ion. A. I
Touzalin, manager; Ik 11. Mtmnoy,
clerk. Ko 1:1s fl.dll day .specia
rates by week or month. 1 ive 1 hi n u
t' . ... 4. t T- 1 .
u -L y- i:,K'J
f ' (I'll L IllUa le 1 . .
5 r- ' as. V.'l fC i.s .'
u'-si c.ass. 1:1 ne ivoje-e Mieci ci;-
1. an i 1 '' t.
10 ! -ja-i r.s.
I-' a I , ; . I I .111 - -il r
ill . i'- i out ' o .-. i: . .: i ; i :
Tii ra- to- r, ag- -at.
.in-' at
- : I :. . : i : i. ;;):..- ,
. : .;, e; . y . e , .
. : i e : :. :. ; u; i ii, i. l e. 1- '
!i a m ol-; titer ; t- ;.! h, !
::u i.i . ' 'ii:at, 1 t hi;:::, j
, , , ,.
!; -,. will) '! :.;,:! to uie opu.m uuLU.
;, .. ! , - r
;j.ii::u ' . e i: i a : l : .-h l..
! an: ial' view ol t tie v .il- !
ilii.i' . i'i?i Cia;.t V:ir:l N;i!;.ii;i;.
"Tiicre ii' v( -r a jiircher in thi-
cotiiitry v.iio couM t :c a 1 c t 1 .'ine.iiy
Cia.lviii in ca.fcliijiL' base runners iK'.p-
pi?i:, " said .lack Orooks. "I reiiiember
seeing the old fellow e;tte!i the foxiest
base runners in tho cep.nti y ;ish in oil
the Lags with the quickest kind of a
motion. Tlx re was one occasion when
'Oavie played a btar trick of this kind
on Johnny Ward. The Pittsburgs were
playing the New Yorks, and the score
was very close, in i'aver of the former
The New Yorks had two men on La.-es.
aU'l a, !bo.!,ut' X CUt-
iiaivm .ii;ii;;ieii to iicorgo Aiiiiei ro step
ti cno f-ide t.f the plate a;id tkdiberately f.-nr I ;:Jls to Ward. Johimv tiot-
tt-1 t- l.r.-r, aii.l the i:rxl instant Cialvin
r hi::: napping, i ig 'Jcckley bJock
iv. otv. if was a put up job, and
ilioa'l oo a ti-'ii'g tt Lawyer
! i.: I.; .: :!: a! him ail the way to
:. !:. I ;; ui:h;-r in the oH
( i' V ', 1 ;: ; !..: t till.O Wa-J
;i bit an.
( -Mtni-y VV; j
; a:; t:. ' uiga: j
ii !:i. hotirs j., ti-;-.
I !.' !::.!!
ti :
V M I:
W . ; t 1 . , a i . . : I ' 1
i ' ll- 1:1 I 1 p. l: till a i'.. 111. W.-t (
li'i- . he r.-tast ii"t )a ;h-'t his duty.
Lot: ie.i (.lot e.
Th- re i - a ct'.rior.s little Il-illaud vil
la::" ia Wi.-e -n.-i.-i nana tl Littl-j Chtitc
whose chit f manufacture is wooiien
the. s. The people tia re areas tkor
ctigh'y Dutch ;is their jirogt ltirors. The
town stiinds cn the ground where 1'tre
Marijiiette had his winter quarters, and
where the Dutch priests instructed thi
M. L. Yiii'im, Cameron, Da., says "I
wa- a sulTerer for ten years, trvinu
all kinds of pile remcties, l-ut without
suec ss. DeWittV Witch Hazel Salvo
was lectami mend to me. I ust1'! one
box. It litis elTected ji perrotinent
cure." A a permanent cure for piles
e Witt "s Witch Hazel Stilvt;- has no
etjtml. F. (1. I'Vieke - ("o.
I'rivKt- Saif,
At D". Shipman's reidenei': til.
i kinds t.f liou-ho.u gr.otls. f lowers and I
po;ted piants to -ell and fivo av.tiy. I
,.i v.' proce-s e.i-oii ih s:ovp at a - l I
mot your own p.-he-; at Li ed i-'jine- r
I Ia. d A.ire Co'
.1.. i'.".
: . ; 1 , II, , U. .1. I ;l ! Ill' t ' I .11,' i
!-..!irt- ..ii I'.t .M; !.:.v. ;
. i . .-. : I .1 . I . i.:' !
;' .;:;: :: i! . k! Ii. lit' .1 y I
i .' i . . 'o, 1 1 1 ic ii ;i n ! , of
. V .. .v,- : I'm--; thi! hf il ill '
;.. v. :..- i " Ii II ) id (I it.1, :
. i . . i 1 1, i . i ) ;i 1 I t I i i L
r - I i- . 1. 1" I ; i ;: 1 1 coir r 1 1
' u !. t.f, i' ! ot lio
: i.i iv i.i:- i i i r-i i I i n;; u p
. .'o!n. i ii t- try lr. ;
i ); v ry , -ai a.-, cur. !
. : i I . 1 'o." a -L 1 ii ret; !
t I lal ! ' !o m-.,
. !
! . i ''i:;i' Xr'.V IH-coVcl'V i.s
; . . : t s i - i-vi-r ,'iiain'. a- it
U i I hi:il .lllil :i i --o foi" .
.- i-. ; !- . ii;... Li .. i ty. Ir. Kinnr. V
!'..-'.. i-y :. Uiiriiii'.ocil for
i. ' o.d- a:.ii i o 1 1 h i : ! i i i ) I i o 1 1 . It
i i.. i' l -i b.iltl'j.- fi'i'u at l- (j.
iV .: : I I : t.):'.j. -
... L
( -
IS l fill
c. .1.
! s tint t i:--on i mm;
.;!',. a. i liii'.'.iiiiiiiniiil :il t imiii
-at i, loo.
I he lu '-.iiigl..n and I'ennsylvania :
ra;i:o.a.i- have been ile-ign.i tea the of
lieia: !-oui.e from O.naha to Cincinnati
i to t la; l.V, IS . . t.oaal LncUIUptllCUl Ol
: .
jliielj c i e ; alio a nd ot hers w ho
atcnd i--iticg C incii.nati at the time
of l a i s e '.e. in piie-n I sbouicl MiU tc it
in it iiieii- tienets read over the above
r litoiuo. ( ,'oui' a-.e- will rei.dovous :
at 4:il;; u. in. Atouday. September o, at
t e 1ji iingttiii s a.ion, Omaha. At
-j:h'.l p m. itiey will leave Om..ha on ai
.-) Cial Irani via the iu lington route,
a: riving at Chicago at 8 o'cIock next
ir.oi ni- g and at Cincinnati at Ii p. IU
the Miu-i; day. i h rough sUepeis, ,
) -i a ha tn t ;i nci n na ti
1 )eja - t men i t. omnia nder '1. -I. M - (
j i s .nd sf;, iYt the president of the V.
iv. C and stall and p i-t commaiiders j
ni I travel on the official train. A j
eo dial invitation to aceompmy them .
is exteticed to all veteran as web as:
lli'1 general public. Sleeping car ac- j
com mod :. t ions on the. special train
i-houd le reserved at onck. Fori
tickets, beri hs or f u ; t her inform tion
. ll l' t ! .:!--
in lorm mon
IJ. l lieke ,
app o anv i x, .u i . i t iickci
fnt or a-id oss .1. l-Yancis. Oeneral j
l tsstvger agent, )m;ih;i. Xe'o. i
li.-ii.-f ii six Hours.
,,.- i I,.,,..,. ,ra1 i,i.
-! i-i-.-
: ' l- ve.l in six nours, t,y in
1 l- a are ! farsrise on ai
s , -. ,al a- praenp niss if,
n M ,.. ...... xn'nevs and
ie i.-m-t
ill. lie e tli
I lev e.
iv. 1 1 cm
, , : . : '.u
in;. vV J r
' c, to -e ; here .'
-I i: .: one . W h a
..1 v' 1 1 c 1 t ' 1 e
i. a - v ii- pro-
- .f . V " a 1, .:
! ; v . 1 s v-
:. t: 1 .- s i ; ' "ei i i n j
' an. -a I is'ac r v
e. ii 4jt;....tio - w . J I h
; !; 1 . i ' -. " K ; . -r
a r s i : ' 1 1
- s 1 . .! ; 1 a
-,l I'- . :i, of
: . !l ! y:,,: . ! at
t a i. ..." . rice- , ir -eel
ten's i . s- .-.;:. ti- v
. ' I - . . e . ! ii' e-i. e' p
v. . 1
. i, ,-'iyr-,,.. i'-d
a - ;v h has f. u : a
. 1 v ! : -e .' s to 1 ie
: : ' e . "i f v t h. m
a! .
Per Rats, Mice, Roaches,
..- and
A r::r f ititie. n!! vt-rtriin sect: watrr and the open tar.
I ic,-. c this kiiler i.s the cleanly on earth
Tor Sale by alJ Drusrists. Price, IS Cents.
C5 William Street, New York. t
- .. . : I
j (; to ti.e 1) ng Sturc- of
j A. V. AT WOOD,
1 (Successor ta Isnsith 4t I'araicle)
! - . i t . l.... 4. tt...i:,.: 1
ie: i ire irue-, i aienii 'luuiuiiitT, ?
St-tiioncry ai d C-gars,
Paints, Varnishes, Dyes,
Paint, Hair and II-usIp s,
Toilet Artie es, Pei fumery. Soaps,
Sponges, and all Varieties of
Driii.rgi-ts' Sumi ri'.'S.
Window CI ass and Wall Paper,
Humphrey's, Lutie's and Munioti 's 3
Ilomoe pathie Hemecies,
Pure California Wices and Liqu rs
for Medicinal uses.
In fact, everything usually kepi for
Sale in ti r-t-class Drug S'.ores.
i'l-psc- i pi ions
Carefu ly ( 'om pou r ded .
South Side Main fi't't-'-i,
Plattsmouth, Svb.
i... i.-i, .,.;, w-. t,i !T!"
th. . ..
11 th o X, o
It Is the Only Seven-Column Daily in the City.
Larger Than Any Other Locai Daily.
A Superior News Service.
If You Don't See It in THE NEWS,
It Never Happened.
Vnciil 1 nst r.: l oiiis. t
rhtise wiriiing lessons in vo a! ir.u-
-ic may .e. n- at residence .. I-. S . 1
! "-Vhite on Tuc.-dav. W.-dnesdav m
Fi iiiav of -h week. Terms are.
: three lial f-hour les-ons pe weei,2 oO:
two haif-hou- les-ons .ia; one i h re
; '! '-mrter-hou r les-on 1 12a
i ('- 1 'I"''-
,, , r , , , , . I,axal i'e 1,10:1.0 (v)u! lrte 1 nine!.-
1 I o 1 1 1 . ' 1 -1 s : e : 1 : i 1 1 1 e n ; 1 1 e V
- -
1 . - t ' cu r. . -.". he 'j . :; a ; 1: .
; f.. f :. Q. ' n -;.-h Mbha.
NotM' 4 f-4- ' 11 4:stt 111 -s
)ar ice f-eoi: (;- 1 1 It o
- h f : - "U a I ft . ' 'a - 1 : a :
;.iV. ia S. We ITK.
II '. Mt'"-: A K KV "N.
I or iirnl.
a..e-e in Fi ! . J' ' " d - bio
it .ja'r" of I . l! I'-c-oei.. ."1a1i.
TTcscribe thorn because they never vary
from one standard of medicinal quality
the highest and doctors arc careful folks.
You trust your family doctor of
course. Ask him.
Ia scaled bottles on.'y.
per na n ; t ' a t -i
1 ional
J run.-- d isi
pat ati I t
i . p 1 - 1 ! 1 . 1 .
xnv' oi'KN. 4'u- NOV- ut'
, , '. . . ,
F x.- ty Tribes of Nor. n .m rj-ati lni-
.-iris H s. n
Unique Ell niii.'-.'ir i K.bibit.
"Rtire opportunity '" ' - ti.e vtiritius
types of Amerieai i .diaus in their
native Costumes i l l Ha i .: lions.
Nearly a Thousand Indians on the
Encampment Grounds, in the
Exposition Enclosure.
I'nJer the .hrectim ef t'upt. V. A. Mercer.
V S A., thes-e Imiian tribes participate in their
spectacular Ilan es nearly every eveninii-
The War Dance.
The Medicine Dance,
The Ghost Dance.
The Snake Dance,
The Suit Dance.
, j
And other I r.. ! tiana. Kite- ef the Red M wa
are I' 1 t-v t.'iosi- Indians.
This great F.thn.iio:;ca! Kxhtl'if. in aid t(
hich the United states c air-si-s .tppropria -U:-! :
I llli.(Xl, will C'i:tanic t i the e:i i of tin Jixpasi-.l
i.t.-nT-een inn i!iili nTi';
l'iui a'.i Points now in lrcc.
c n 1 iVe s . .
has been Reduced in
Con is
h rt , ri
i t
3 s
t. AlTStt Cil m i,
L. incel . 1
'. it.--.:;l-a
- -. ; i 4 ; a
' f: r laiui
r .-. . '. :' a I :
AI p-..:ils-x
trains l-:av :: fvji.i
N-1 I. i ieti .-ft ie-.
o ... t al ' 11 o 1 a 1 .1 1 a - .
1 1 . t 11 c.4 ' n ' - s .-..11..
N , n. I.e. ... t.-. .I . 1
K . l.s.isi. s 1 .. , ,. , 1.; ,
- -1 i 1 1 '
N , i.... a .- 11 a:, ay, . . n : . . a .: ' a.
t I 1 ... .1 .. I a a 1 - - -' ! : " I I "
..,:;. I . ..-ii- itMi. "-iilv xvi!' -;vj.
.) ) a Hi. 1 to t.--P'!l. t : i '.
a . , 1 1 . i - v
x.. l-.M-a. c.ji. -i.i iv i-. (' -..a
illy, i ' . e 1 1 i . .1 1 J : t r I a 1 . , .... 1 ' a Iiei ii t. .at. i.v i-. '-.;! - aei a
I -,i In- .1 u a.-l a: . -:."i , -i
... i-t-li iai ..iti 4-xp. e ii.y, H ir
. i j 1 1 . 1 1 , t ' 1 1 . - i ' i . t ii 1 1 i .
-a ..His vail ':' lai
Na :: st'la fr "111 JUtll-tlOtl '" l'lHtt-
t j ' ! : a
n 1..'. l.n.ail 4tA p. .Jul. v . M j . i, k !lii--,,.
City. .t hums, t'le.t t--e
. 1 1 pei n I s .ei-; tel si in h . ;
:. i.t.-iai e x (.. a :i , iy.t ' aaih a., hae
i-iini, I leu vc r :i n.l Intt rn.. -
.1 eu si a s a ais :
'S . r s ion 1 1 I a. th ;i I .u.-.i 1 1 1 :( na
N.. . Jaaail .t . l.uu s to in . Ii . . . . - : .; a n.
t-i :i i.iicin Ire.-'nl, il i.l. ' -in i ' .- . .",." .
No.:.-., a., .f I'ht. 'i:ii4. ;. Sut,
fl ny.- 'cti ir ireii-. l,'"i -
Vine, ."uuill il.-IL. ,! a
N-,i 7. F.I St III illi. nail . I e..i:i:i :i '
:i- VV ' ll7:SiI',.
I rm. i .' .t'u. ' n .:
; or.i .. .at.. I. Ml... i
j . i i i i -i
No 13. l.'J A' :. a . ..y x . - i-i
uy. Lou s i i. A .Ii an ..
Wul.o;. -'-Iniv '--r e ;
No JI. L4Kait eip, O.t.... . a.-, jii iii-
U ay , ' tiiiih h itiKi Ian eai.. ') ,
Ni 17. f.oi'i' e.x pr--s. -H'el-v en, v.
iNn.Nl Kast IxiiiU'i 1'rtM J lit. c lancets
at fact lie .In net on t n
o. 1 Ibe ).-uver Kxprc--.
which noes mil ulna at
l'laitsmoulh 1'': ." ri
.sinepinv-'. U.nln - and n-i'l Din: '-tii : r car- .
ifats free) oti throuiih trains. Tit-M-ls -."! !
nd hat-na-'e ehedii'.l to an ueitu Intl.-;
lfieplnv-'. u.niii - and rei-l n.n..- . - ii i : r car
tinlted stutesiirl'tiiiii'lii
Voc lnfortmitinn, time tables, rntips un-
.ickots ua.ll or write to
V. L. I'ICKKTT. Airent.
PlullMtneu t Ii. Ni-ii
I. KKANCES. Gen. PasB At..
Omaha. Neb.
.. I'. I I il I. A ti 1"
t. 4:.-iii a. in
: n... ti
j No. 121, local freight
thains ooino socth.
ll.'il :l-
4. HI . r.
No. J
No. 1 S. ioe tl freight .
. ai: 4.1 p in
. 7:il i I in
4 ail u in
No. 10...
The EVKXIXI Nkws oniv ten fent-
. nor -eeK. you can't afford to dj with-
' out it.
1 . ..:.
Price to..
nor Wook
! f. r .
- 4' I.
, 1 - I a .'AMI.
:!!! j ; I ! i. i.u.
You Can .hv;iv r itid a I-' till
Supply of
And ( )t ht-i- I J:-:-::-:- Which Will
W Sold Very Ch.ap 1 iy the
Case Tin I'uldic Has
Shown Its, A p; in-ciat ion of
!fDWJ:irsi;K Ijv the J-'act that
Five Hundred Million Hot-ties-.
Were Cons-unied L:is.t
i t :. r.
D-Iivere:! to A ti y Pirt of t Jit; City.
, r.,,-nl ,
r fi I I I TH !i . rfinriPt
'-' '- t "MUl-
Excelsior Meat Market
In the irn-tit i' e can found it M. !.
John-oi's fo merly I 'et.-r-ea's
A'ain. Between Third and Fourth St
Evi r v I Ii I ii t; I r4-h M4.1l of t P - Itcnt
o.inlov nr. fnl A 1 1 1-11I tixi lit
t ii.- 'rr:til ami 1h- Iit K.-11-Hiitiiitilt