Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 02, 1898, Image 3

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Tim .liiimiM (Irovi'H 'Mtiiti i bfiiij
Hfitli-il in tlis prolmtn enurt today.
.Inlin SiiMmi of Knelc HIiiITh in lining
I nisi numm with our iii'Tcliiinth toil;iy.
'li:ii. I iiliinr of ,'i'li;iwk:i win
iloiii' busiiiuTi at tlio county's bif
liou-n toduy.
Curiosity mid H Jrjire to iae Liuf
falo Hill took Uncle Andy Dill to
Omiiliu tli in afternoon.
Chris. II.'iihimi of (j rceii wood w in in
th'icity today on hid way to Gluri
tvooiI, I a. , on ijii-ii ih-sh.
Tliomin Murty, prt'iderit of tho
W'ccpinr V:it or hank, is in tho county
Heat today on bur-i ii:hj.
.1 aiiH-s J ' n k i n 4 a pnwiMTuii!) farmer
fiom Mil li t .M i lo ( i ro v; isdoin buni-
ncm in th; city today.
Wnvi-rly T. Allen of Ashland in
m i iil i nr with our poplc today and
rciKiwin old acquaintance.
Win. Ilallas Dcrnior, tho Klmwood
all orin-y, is in town today iittundiny
to mailers in .ludo Spurlock's court.
I 'o-tinabter l''red Odhmjp, of Murray,
it up to tho metropolis of Casg today
all oml inir In hiivunil husiiKiss matters.
Miss llurkett and Klla Hansen
of (i Inn wood returned homo last nijht,
after a pleasant day with Miss Minna
.las. Davis of Union is in the city to
day shaking hands with hid many
friends and doinjj liusinoss with our
l'l'od Ivuiismanii, a promi nun t
firmer, utiil Miko liys, tho Cedar
Creek blaekHiiiith, aro in tho city to
day on liu-ii uri.
Harry N'orthcult, Wallaco Carter,
doorjt: W'ilos. Misses Blanch an J
Uei tha K'enncdy and l''loronco Kiuh
ardson wi-ro ox position visitors today.
Mrs. I'.. K. (jnnihviii, who has boon
visiting at Uiwlins, Wyo., for some
time pa-it, returned homo today look
ing halo and hearty from her briof
vacat ion .
Mrs. Sol Dewey of Hay Springs is
here on a visit to her brother, Honry
Schlutitz, and other relatives. Sho
vi.sited the exposition today in compa
ny with her daughter.
A M"Cook editor saw a millions of
snake feeders llyin through tho air
at his town recently. IIo certainly
oue ht to take something ditToront from
what, ho has tieeu taking.
Ktnery S. Newlfind lias returned to
work' at tho B. &. M. paint shop after
a vacation of some time, during
which he was engaged in selling tho
imperial shaft holder up in Dodge
Mr. Thomas Mhsoii, a prominent
citizen of Nehawkn, with his f.imilv,
drove up to this city this morning and
took the early morning for Omihi.
where they will view the sights of tie-
ex position .
Cur bu-y heighbor on the south,
Murray , is enjoying a good degree of
prosperity these day, h vving .-hipped
five e u s of hog yesterday, and the
wagons hauling com t tho market is
al most ondless.
l'.ider Van Fleet who has been at
Tending the quarterly conference of
the M. K. church at this place, went
to Louisville today whero he will ba
in attendance at the quartorly confer
ence there tomorrow.
The commissioners have had the
railing around tho park in tha rear of
the court honso rebuilt and now p-e-nents
a neat appearance, much in con
trast with the condition that it has
been in for some time past.
Miss Myrta I'orter who has has been
''."aching school here departed today
ior Mt. Avista, Colorado where she
has accepted a position in tha schools.
In securing the services of Miss Porter
the schools of Mt. Avista obtaia a
-very able and competent instructor.
Augu.-t Bach expects to move his
grocery store from the Wetencamp
block to tho ro im recently vacated by
Thonrie & S. ti in the Fitzgerald block,
believing in Horace (ireeley's advice
"go west and grow up with the
Mrs. M. 8. Briggs and children de
parted on the early morning- train for
Saiem and other Iowa points, where
they will visit for some weeks. When
they return they will bring Mrs. B's
parents with them, who will visit the
Trans-M ississi ppi exposition unu ether
places of interest in the west.
The Corder Implement company,
who receivtil a carload of wagons
Monday, have soid seven since un
loading them, and c nnot put them up
as fast as they are wanted. Two sales
were lost on account of not being able
to get the wagons here soon enough.
"Verily ihe wave has come." The
triangle arty will please take notice
of the fact.
A new case of diphtheria is reported
in the second ward.
Ceorge Walradi, jr., was in the city
from Cedar Creek today.
Charley Warner and family enjoyed
seeing the exposition today.
Thos. Mason and family, of Ne
hawka, were exposition visitors today.
11 U. Dean got in 100 baskets of fine
peaches from Fair Haven, Michigan
this morning.
Sam Archer hurt his knee down at
the shops and will take an enforced
lay off for a few days.
John Ferguson, one of the early set
tlers out near Louisville, was in the
city today on business.
W. II. 1'itzer, of Byron Clark's of
fice, went to Omaha this morning to
look after the unfortunate death of his
sister, Mrs. Moore.
Dick Current, of Eimwood, who
finds I'iattemouth attraction hard to
equal, wiiH in town today n his way
honiM from tho ex po-d t ion.
!'-. M. Wei) went to Omana thi-
morning to make out his slate ie.ort
Ife will return at. noon and then go to
Union 'til Saturday night.
II Morris, wife. and son who have
been here several das from Te.xa-,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 15. Kl-on,
departed for horny this, morning.
'I ho little uuu of Viirdni'nter IJujh
i tt at the J unction , got a fal I la.-! even
ing which resulted in the fracture of
his shoulder blade, making a painful
Miss Mary Shafler and her mother.
Mrs. C. 11. Iii'inm, moved to Mi.-souri
Valley, today where her brother. K
T. Lemm, has secured a job with the.
North Wculern railway.
Mrs. Eva Hillier, a niece of Mrs. A.
J. Crabill, accompanied by her daugh
ter from La Harpe. Illinois, who have
been visiting here, went to Omaha to
see the exposition today.
W . I). Jones will take a four hor-e
load of people over to C leu wood in the
morning to attend the old soldier's re
union which begins there this a. in.
and will continue for two davs.
W. I). .Jones and Col. Thra-her
drove over to Xehawka today and
brought back soir.o !ine samples of
corn which they found on the way
that is noarly dry enough to shell.
.lames Ellington and his daughter,
Hettio, started for their homeye.-lor-
uay in Antelope county, after a three
weeks' visit with friends and relatives
near Murray, fiom where he lias been
absent for fifteen years.
The K. C. train at noon brought in
twol vo coaches of Kansas people who
went to Omaha to celebrate Kaunas
Day at tho exposition. One engine
pulled tho entire train, and it was
only a few minutes late.
If wo don't have rain soon summer
fruits and vegetable will he scarce
articles on tho market. I'aMurc-
have dried up until many are feeding
their cows and butter is scarce at
from twenty to twenty-livo cents per
McM.-iken's big ice wagon, with .loe
on tho inside, turned over today on
East Vine street. No damage was
done except Jno got his arm si i gh tl y
injured. If he had had a big load of
ice on it might have resulted seriously
for him.
IVof S. A. Morrison has secured
the prineipalshio of the Union schools,
md came in this morning on his way
to tnat town, J ne professor is one of
Cass county's most successful teachers
and Union people are very foitnr.ate
in their select ion.
Hob. Carries is h :"ioi;s South
Dakota where !
w i.t to he: p har
b ;ck he stoppi.-d
i : ; in I ! i r i e, hi n t y,
a line crop d
i n ti 1 is doing
'i i he t ;n ay set-
:.r.d his tnaiiv
:: d t k now that
'a eo i.l health
vest. On his v
wii h lioss M-o-r
ai.d he says I .
bet h corn si nit s':
w -11. Boss wa
llers in this
friends hero w '. i
ho is pros;. i -eii
"Barney" Mi ! r is ve - y (; i -eiiso'a to
over the !n .f bis t !so--ugb :-red St.
Bernard dog, "Lili Masi-oU. " w i.ich
departed this lit" Tuesday i.ight alter
an illness of ten days. Sho left Iwo
fine puppies about three months old to
mourn her. "Lill" was two years o'd
and was imported trom Germony at a
cost of $75 when but a puppy. Aside
from the loss in dollars, Mr. Miller
and family mourn the los of a faith
ful friend and household favorite.
llurulary at tri'ii wood .
From Wednesday's liaily
The mercantile establishment of
Gold & Son, of Green wood, wasentered
by burglars last night and a large
amount of goods take n and a very
little cash. Mr. Gold immediately
telegraphed to Lincoln for bio.iJ
hounds which came on the first train
this morning, and was immediately
put on tho trail. With what success
they are meeting in overtaking the
burglars we at this time do not know.
Though if the blaodhounds cost as
much as they did in the Alvo c :se,
unless tho criminals are soon over
taken the trail had better be aban
doned, or the services of the dogs will
amount to more than the loss sustained
by the robbery.
The Machine Hroke.
1'roni Wednesday's Dnily.
This afternoon while working in t' e
shops, Chas. Vroman employe 1
B. & M. shops received quite a severe
wound in his forehead. l! apoars
that tho machine upon which he was
working broke, ami a piece of i-en
struck him in the forehead cutting a
gash about two ami a half inches
long. Th wound has been d es-d
and while v -ry painfip u . permanent
injury is anticipated. Though it will
be some time hef -re he .n resume
his duties at the shops.
Win your bittles against di-e :se by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediate rrsuls;
when taken early it prevents consump
tion. And in later stages it furnishes
prompt relief. F. G. Frieke.
Jake Boetel who has been given up
by the doctors, he being a sufferer
from consumption, expects anew lease
of life by a trip to the mountains in a
few days.
Sick headache, biliousness, consti
paiion and all liver and stomach troub
les can be quickly cured by using those
famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Risers. They are pleas
ant to take and never gripe. F. G.
Take the Missouri Pacific trains if
you wish to go to the exposition, as
they have the only depot on the
grounds You can save street car fare
and avoid the crowded thoroughfares.
Ensign Powelson, who has been in
the hospital suffering from a broken
limb, was married yesterday at Phila
delphia to the young lady nurse who
wm caring- for him.
M r. Mourr l'uki'H 11 I'liuij;' Into th .! Irt
ttou rl lini-r l.f.iii'i it !.
I rein W" -d in -il ay's liaily
Mr. ('. A. 51 of Sliver City,
1 1 1 v, a . v i -i lei i ! I j e e : ii i t i i a in Oiuaha
e-teid y, a i .0 la-l evening went to
lie; Mi - i.'ii-i river baiiiv - at the f. lot
of Mej-ey -tri e', wh 11 1 1 , n vvri'iiig a
hurt mite, t"l!ii:e le-r name unj ie--
id'-ie; , I aviliL' her hat, ehoes,
gl;-,-.- and (iirt ol h-r clothes.,
p!'iti;" ii into tie: river and was bourne
to the g i ea I unknown.
Mr-. Moon- wa- the vvie of I-. O.
Moore, a prominent merchant of Sil
ver City, and a sister of Mr V. H.
I'it'-r, who is in Ihe law olVli -e of liv-
nui ('lark. She, was a young woman
i if about, twenty e us of a j o, and h d
not I e. n mar i i ed but a short time.
Hi in; of a deliea'o build, and not
very strong, the failure of her hus
band in no-re Ii a n 1 i le bu-iness a short
time ago i-. siip,o-i il cau-i'd her men
tal breakdown, ai d led to ler taking
her life. She was always a very hand
some jjirl, ami mueh thought ol by all
who knew her. Her brother and
Iriernl- hive, tlr: svnioathy of their
1 1 1 : 1 1 1 V f r i e I ! s .
i'i i 1 1 m lo-r
continued dry weather though
coining as late a- it h i-, has caused
corn to eo up. Tlr - corn i- neariy tint
tnied, and barrinir the iiot winds of
the la-i few week-, nil'- crojs in this
pa ft, of t he st a te W ould have been good
but now it is ripe.-.ii g too fast, and
will b cut short of w hat was expect
ed. Toe hot. wind reports caused the
shorts on ihe board of trade to cover,
sent corn up a notch or so, especially
in the May option. The continued
heavy receipts in the principal grain
center- has had a depres-ing inllueiice
ami but for the enormous amount that
has been going in the market the
price won Ki ha i
i! liiive bei ti serve 1 like
w hea
did under Loiter'.-- i 1. 1! ue n ce.
immense crop of wheat till over
I the country has lout a tendency to
kec that e-rain down, and lower price-
ma y be looked for nut w i 1 Ip ta ml i n g
the rt port of figure of the Russian
crops all over the Volga reeion.
itiuir Noti-s.
Dave Exlin . the e i- penter, is build
ing a barn for .lames ( 'hallin which is
a tiling of beauty and a joy forever.
D.ive is also looking al' er a few Sun
day scheo! picnics d-tring his odil tno-
lliei t s.
Tiie Campeil Bros, are cutting their
clever ihe second tunc tins summer.
(U-..1 will til res h this cut! ing for seed.
Wesley Burnett, who h is been on
gaged with I v White, during the sum
mer, expects to go west soon.
Joe Bayiesand Ceo. Carter of Bock
l:utl - were doing hn-tness at Konostia
ye-t erday.
"Wm. Ex.ine has severed his con
i!ic"ie; witii the "White I 'iatit ition"
and is uew a g nte'iii in of leisure.
( a), .siurad r an t Ligo lirown, who
have been on the sick li-t for some
time, a-e much improved and are able
!o attend to their duties on the farm.
Try -Mien's 1 'mil - l'.as;'.
A powder to be shaken in the shoes.
At this season your feet feel swollen,
hervous and hot, and get tired easily.
If you have smarting feet or tight
shoes, trv Allen's I'Vot-Ense. It cools
the feet and makes walking easy
Cures swollen and sweaty feet, blister
and callous -pots. Kelievos cot ns and
bullions of all pain and gives rest and
comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by all
druggists and shoo .-tores for 'Joe.
Trial naekage I'm- Address Allen
S. O nisti. d, Eel toy, X. Y.
s too n-w.iri ioo.
The readers uf this paper will be pleased to
leHPi ilait there is at least one uieaeeu disease
that science has been able tn cure in all its
j-taues. and that is Catarih. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the ni:iy p-i!;e cure known t the medical
fraternity. Catarrh belnjr -a cmistitutional dis
t.:r'., reipiires ;i c.m-titut.i.nai treatment. Hall's
Catorrli 1'iire is taken internally, actins; directly
i:;iiiu the and. aiucoiis surlaces of the sys
tem, thereby tlestn vinc the fnundation of the
disease, and gui'iH the patient strength by build-
mt; up the cmistanpiiti and as-istiutf nature in
clmrur its wi.rk. 1 ne proprietors have so much
faith 'ii its curative powers that they o:ter One
it;iT: io-.l i 'o.'ars l..r any ca.-e that it tans to cure
Send f a" li.-t of testia.onials.
dd.ess. F.J. iii-nkv & Co., Toledo. O.
b' Id by lrti .icisis 7ac
They Do tilt ISusiniss.
Tho Eui liiigton trallie is growing,
and they are keeping well in the lead
in tho passenger business.
Tuesday the trallie was so heavy
at Ashland that No. 1, tho through
passenger train, eou!u not accom
modate the business, so Conductor
Waldron of the Schuyler let his coach
be (Paced upon No 4, and he ran down
hero with only a baggage car. Thus
taking e.;ro of the people who wished
to v isit the exposition.
I ti'5ip IIhK'S !y Missouri Pacirio
To Atchison, Kansas on account of
Com Carai v;:l, one fire for the round
t rip. I e of sal
turn .September -''.
To St. E'.uis, Mo , om of St.
Eouis Fair, one fare' for round trip.
liattiS of sale October - to 7, inclusive,
with final limit to October lh
To Omaha, on account of Kansas
i.y, ooe for round trip. Date of sale
.sejit. 1st; return limit, Sept. 7
To Omaha, on account of Commer
cial Travellers'' I),a, one fare for
round trio. Date of sale, Sept. '24; re
tu fii limit, Sep' . lib.
Fee particulars enquire of C. F.
S'.euteiiborou , h, Agent.
Get "V:isli-a-Lone siii( at Zuck
"I'ilfr ec Etit,7..
Wioiiait'rs diil.
The executive board of the Wo
rn ati's Ciub are requested to meet at
Mrs. S. II. Atwooa's Saturday evening
Heptemb 'r o, at S o'clock. Business
of import anon.
There's no better Dour made than
'eisei's "I'lansifter." manufactured
in thi- citj. 'Ask yn'jr grocer for it,
and thereby get the best iinti sup
port a heme indu-try at tho same litre,
'..)!. h builds u t be tow n.
I'riv.tlf S ill',
At Dr. Shipman's residenci:; till
kinds of houshoid goods. Flowers aud
polted plauts to sell and give away.
Thill County ! h I r.
A screed bearing the name of L. ( '.
T dd a ml ( 'ha I les ( i mi III i n .: - ruunty
fair olliceis i- printed in an evening
paper hi !') as a pretended u e ,'e u -
of I he fa l r. Mr. Cummins, i-rtl e man
w ho wriitn t he art icie f
Ileal ol it to the N I.U
claiming most of tie;
been done here. Th"
h i in.
and .1
)r in ti
!eVo1 I
o i n :. !
. .
fact s are that;
e p.ihttng when j
the A'hWs only did
it bid oa the woi ii and was t h ; Iowa -t
bidder. This year, Mr, Cummin- who
actf d ;.s democratic god-lather m
taring another paper lore, did i
invite competition, lu' contract I
with his protege at any pi ice he -aw
lit to give. Every I.eWsp.lper in the
county has expo e.l the fraud vvhi. h
is annually being perp- I rated on the
tax p:ij rs of the county und-r t i.e
gu l ze of a cou n 1 y fair, bit Mr. Cum
mins ignores all ex ce pt the N I . W s and
J i mi in;1 1. He give- a list of tl.o - who
donated s-").li! f,r i i fe m mb-r-bip.
but like the rrst of the artic e i- mi
lead i ng-. as the E KM Ml - I . s w h i h
he carefully omitted was on of the
number, as his records will -how ,f he
has kept any record at all.
The men-bants of this city l ave a
right to be mulcted several dollars
h year by t!
in premium li.-t
if they want to be, but th tax piyeis
tif the county should not be robbed by
Mr. Cummins" side ,-ho.v, and we don't
believe they will be mil -ll longei ; tie'
iMieiily eomiiiissioin r- who are famil
iar with the facts, having given il out
that the .fsoil.oo county rake o:Y won id
not be paid this yea r.
The fair management has a li.'ht lo
get its printing done wherever it can
bt! had for the least, money, but it ha
il o light to show fa void t i - m a I tie - i -pen-e
of the tax pavers.
ros r oi i'ii j: uoihh:i.
Prol'i-ssioiuils i:io 4ien I lie Sail" hi
piiie W;il-r. Svoiri' 11 1 7. "S ami
I-iS-lll' Willii.llt lli'tirhnli.
fiom Thursday's Daily.
at. W i ehii,"' ater
Wi e pi ng'
was broken i nt o
i bo ; t m ill ii 1 li t la-t
night, and witii a charge of dynamite
the door of t he safe was hlowa open
and -ill 7. lis was stolen therefrom.
The safe was bully wrecked but po
f u rt her d a ma ge was ih n e. Two t rati e
men were seen loitering about town
about 11 o'oloek last ni" lit, ai.d t 'li'y
;. ro though t to ha ve been tip: bu : e ia'-s.
Everv effort i -i being male ;,p-
(irehend the thieves, but the chaia-e-ii
en -litn, as the work shows for itseif
to have been done by profosson.ils. It
is llu. light the men went jum-o.-s the
i'ounl y, so as to he 'p iuit of reach of
the teleg.-aph lilies, and otli -c: s. The
faet thtit no stamps were la'cen show
that the burglars we re pr: Te -si . u al s,
and it is more tha n 1 i Utdy t hat Oma h a
is their heaiiq uartet s; if siiotlirr towns
are liable lo suffer at any tun .
Charley Hay is the po-t m a-' or, ami
t he loss is on.
he will feel,
South Omaha stock Yards.
Kf.aunkv. N..-b.,Au'. i'.,
. J. C. iv'KNYtiN,
Gen 'I Mgr. Union Stock Yard:
South Omaha, Neb.:
1)KAK Silt: I was very stac,
this year. I jiurchased ' 'I head of
cattle which have all heen f itted and
sold at your maiket at very satisfac
tory prices, and am now feeding a pain.
Was very successful in getting all the
funds necessary. I was prevailed up
on to send one load of steers through
to Chicago, which were sol i at less
than was offered me in Omaha.
Yours truly,
T. .J. i'AKKIs-H.
I'appe- !I'iiii"!injs
Albert Tappe, :i wealthy firmer of
Kight Mile Grove precinct was muted
in marriage Thursday vvith Mrs. Ibse
Hennings. The ceremony took plat e
at the Hotel Kiev I 'a rlofs, I J -v. I ".
II. t'tcu'id officiating. The bride is
the widow of Henry Ilet.niiig, ;.n 1 is
highly spoken .f as a woman of many
graces. Mr. and Mrs. I'api.e left for
Omaha on the fast mail this afterrof.n
and will return to Cass eou'.tv tomor
row. Tho' will reside at Mr. I'.appe"
tine home near Kight Mile Grove.
The best wishes of the N cws are
ex ten lied.
In l.lli k
Tho Nkws and a host of o'her
friends of A. I. Munger extet.d e cn
grat il itions over his reported gooti
fortune, he having faiien 1p ir to soii,
(itit) by the. death of a r 1 itive in
Chicago. Mr. Munger is the second
deputy ir. the county treasurer's oHie--ti
rnl fully de-erves all the goo f f t
tune that comes his way.
Ilea.lli of .Jioiie IIaiit-s,
J. V. Haines, one of the early r i
dents (f this city, wi.o wa- p. dice
judge for a time, ;to,i ju-t'ee of tic
p"ace. died at t h o peer faiM.i Wednes
day night, win re hu i::.d i cii tawen
a few days 2o. lie ti-- ii to i.e o ;:!
well to uj hut io-t a. I hi- p',,( 'y, ::t:d
in old age he h:id neither moru-y n r
i e.atives to c it e for him. i
t'hiiiilje at t f l Store Hints:
George IJ. Guild has resigned Li-ilSf
place itt the store house to accept a j $.
more profitable one at Lincoln, and .V. ;
K. (iass has resigned his psition tit '
I'acilic Junc'ion to take the place ! V
made vacant bv Mr. Guild, ar.d will: i
move over with his family ;it entv.
Mr. and Mrs. Gass will be warmly!.;.
welcomed back to their ol 1 hotne. i
1 ...
Itny lirick nt II uik', ,
F. D. LehnhoiT has lieen put in ,
charge of the b. ick works ;ind will
sell and deliver brick to all parts of
thecitv. Those owing the ejmnanv
tnust pay uj). He will be found at the
varus all day, ana wo i.a oe gi ia to
have those owing cali at once.
I'm; SALE A rare bargain in a goo
home; ten rooms, ami a good barn;
we'll water; till kinds of fruit.
U ill be
sold cheap. Knquire at New-
Dr. Klster dentist. Waterman Iiloek,
To Suhsi rlln rn.
j We a r. carrying over a thousand
;i" iiili mi imii' Ininki, 111 a II V' of t hen I
small but in the ngirogiito it amounts
t i a neat -uui which would help Us out
j if paid in. If v on can I pay all
. ; i
. i
d u a dollar and we
by i a turn mail wit h
I h row ti in.
will send
a card of
Lt-fjal Notice.
I t i i ;.i 1 1
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K.mii-V. j u -1 e . on
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:.!!.. v. N.-I'i.i Iv.i. ullo I.U sile ml
.' ai li- ! .in ! t !.! hi tin- in a 1 lirait ipnirter
"! !! ,', ' ii..ntri. i.a "in; tiu tidied and
!:! '" l! ' in a I !i iv i-a iuaitir ..I the k.iulli-
a I ij...iiti-i .e.l i.l i j.; h t .-t-Il 111 tin-
i iiic.i I ij ;.ii..i n 'In- iuaitr mid
!ii -1 1 I In i 1 .j :. .i 1 1. i . 1 1 i hi- , ,u 1 1 1 wtst 4 mil tri ,
al in I. hi ii in n i n. ai lnwn- l.;p tmdvr, nmlli
' I i.m.'i- I oi i ' -. -1 1 . ai i'.i- i.iunlv. Nt-Ii.itka.
I nt ii an- .in I I a n I i.i . i I . i-nl v -n, I ink i- ad-
. 1 . ' n , i'il . 1 1 1 1 . i 1 1 - i ii a i ut lin iii- in )l It oh!-, --a; in a :. I: in an I Irn in him k
n In l to.-, 'ii ill lh.- l ut I'i.'tUsliiulllil. ('.I'i-.
,tii. Ni i.i. i i .i. 1 . th.- h .! t luihl.-i h.r i ash.
i 1 inn h ..'.vis. Hit mi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v : 1 1 -. 1 1 hoc (mil lh-,
't I ''I" !. an-! a 'h i- I wit; hi- made In the
n h.i r i i . .a I!..- pa an nt ..I ! he pi., lata -,hai
I in : i h i pi .i i- . 4 i he ri'iiiaainii: undivided
. I 1 h i i i. .N I I I I i M l Kol HKL,
a I 1 1; ai ! , an and I. a lni - a-1 1
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me -. , I . i . 1 1 i ai k and ( '. A . I ;m
Sin rill's Sale.
IP. . a ' r .t . M-i ul :. .li. I- l.i-.l l.y ( .en. 1
I - .. I!h. . . I k ! 1 he , I i.t I . 1 I . .11 I t, W It II III
I.-! la ( a- i 1 1 1. 1 . N.-t.i.i-.K.i. and P . me di
' t.-d. I v. hi "ii li I daV "! ph-iiil..-!. A. I I
-: at '.' " . .. .1 k . ii.. "1 a : I da at the s,.m Ii
."i "t thi- ' "it h :. a- :a th.-. ;t ul I'I. it t in. .u t li
i - a ! . . .i.iv. .-Il at .ii I : a am tinii. hi I he
:i'h. t 1 1 :!.! In . a h, the . ...viii; leal estate
t vv;t.
I .I I
a i I ' :,
I I I.IA",
V ! h 1 in-
I.:... k Ittentv niie ('.'I ) in tin
d, ai I 'ass c .unlv, Nebraska,
plil!iV,.- and appm lenatK e.s
lh. -l. mil . i..-i 'lii' ;
I i,,- -.,:n.- I,. ;n;'
p: .pm t A
"i ill auvuise appui laming
i .a l iii'in and laken as the
I i.o is deli li' , P. sat i-ly ;i
-I a: I
"I M:.i I
."'ill l e ... i-n-d h v t lie r ai in
' k. pl.enl;!!. against said tie
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. N . i ' i . r ka. A ta? '.'!. A. I .. s'..
M. I V II 11.11 I: ,
- h. i . it . ( a- . . hi ii t v. Nel .1 ask a.
I'.V I. I . .M. lill le. ). put.
1 1 1 .in. y I. i
Notice to Creditors.
si i i .a N i- c.i' .v s i, ,
i a- ' "lit ! Y.
I n t he mat t el "i t In: i -tat
lit County Cou 1 1.
I John Johnson, de
.'."tn.'i h.nliv .;,w.n that the cieddors of
-a:. I .!.- .-a . d vol I tin-i t the iidin aiistratoi of said
i In.'. I a -1 1 1 . !ii.-. i. unity iidi;e of ('ass county
.N . ; , i a r a. at t In- . ,;nt c.u 1 1 loom in I 'la I ts
in .tail ai -.i:d ..unt v . oti the I h 1 1 d day o( March
.. I I a I 1 1 an- o a l . k a. m , loi the iu i pose
"I i .-1. 1 ;u:' t he: i i la. ins tm examination, ad-
I-: lai -nt ;c. 1 ai.' .-. i mouths aie allowed
! i I ! . . - ' i . i t"i . .1 - a l i lei i-as.-d to 1 1 re en t their
i ....'ii- an 1 "I.'-' vear 1 a the ad m nil-1 raloi to set-
la- -a: I e-!.tie, h .ai the thud day ol eptembei
V an.
1 - I I
n: lian I and the seal of said county
i nit at I'.att , mouth. Nebiaska. this
'th day of August, I Hits.
I.I . .Ki.l. M . Sl'I'I't.UI K,
County J ude.
Legal Notice.
In the I ii-'. : i. t ('"Hit "I fa - County, Nil,i:e!i.-i.
In the matter "I the es- t
tale ol lohll ( U .1' k, r
. I. -.e.-eed. i
A p ' a at a m ol N'athau-e! II. Meeker, adminis
1 1 at"i . v, ii h v. il 1 annexed ol the estate of John
I a if. k, . h i eased, t o license to sell real estate
t " pay 1 1 . ! . t -, leai. ies and expenses ol adliiiu
; - 1 1 a' ion.
lh;-. .i;-e caine on hit healing ujion the peti
iaiiiol .Nathami'l II. M ee k e i a. 1 n 1 1 n i st i a tor of t he
isiii!.' ..I t'hii Cusark, deceased, with will an
nr in;t i; irn a i, t ense ta sell the west one
iia I i -a j i i .1 t lie soul h west quarter I sw .'4 i o( sec
i a n -; x i township eleven (111 rane nine (ih
( a - s i oi: nt v , N el a ak a or a su lluient amount of
the aa.e to pay ihe ro -1 ol ad m uiist rat ion, debt s
a';d i. '.t' a - ..I sa;d e late and its appearing to
l he mi lei ap.t d pidue ol the d.sti id ourt tfiat
'.hen: i- not siilln eat (leisonal property in the
hands ol -aid administrator to pay the debts,
le-ai ;..-s. . h ai u.-s and exptaises ot the adminis
tration "I e-tate, and it appearing to the
indue "I tills i on 1 1 that it is necessary to sell the
i . a. e- t ate dc-t a . b tl in said petition, ti led herein
for I ho pay ment -if said debts, legacies, charges
and exp.-iec- ol adai: ii istr.'tt ion.
It is tin ii-f ee "idered that all persons In
tel, sted in said estate appear betore me at the
oliueotthe ci.-ik "f the tiistri't court of Cass
e .unty, Net.ia.-ka, m the city of t'lattsniouth. on
the :: t day ot September, Is'.is. at two o'clock p
in. of s;c i day to show Ciin-e why a license
-h ai! 1 not be granted as prayed, to said adman-1
rat. jr t i sell tne above desenbed real es
tate or s i iiiiitdi theieot as may be necessary to
pay -ai l debts, lea.. ;es, i liaises and expenses.
I I is ti;, ! hei hi h i e t that a toiy of ttiis notice
i.e jiiioli he 1 f a four siacessjc- weeks, jirior to
theti'ne hed t..r said hearing, in the Scmi
We. kiv a lenal newspaper, pub
.ished i.i C'a-s county, Nebraska.
1 lated this day ,,1 Ju.y, 1-.,-.
I'.Asll.. s,. Kamskv, Judge.
i.ry. ?-;nr.1o.
& Wilson
Sewing Machine.
v - - I ti &
Rotary Motion and
Ball Bearings
II. ..I. M)i..VM( HSKN, .Manager.
I -irge Supply of till the
I nc! iid : r.(5 the Famous
Missouri. Illinois,
Jackson Hill and
Canon City Iump,
Al-.vrc, on ,an i Abo a quantity of
cheaper lira !es of NUT COAL. We also
Keep on datid all k irids of Wood. All or
ders t'r:aptly delivered. Leave orders
at grocery store of A. II. YYeckbach &: Co.
V T,H E f stiSgZs.
: ever vmf pa"-
EVERYBODY wants one, and so wo have
purchased anothersupply of
Kendall's Perfected Receipt Book
And will continue to ivo one as
a PREMIUM to those who pur
chase goods at our store amount
ing to $3.00.
Don't Wait This Time
Until they are all gone?, and then
"kick yourself" because you were
too late again.
REMEMBER, there never has b.-en a Re
ceipt Book published wrich has ,",iven
such universal satisfaction and contains
so many of the very best reccip- ; and so
few poor ones.
IT WILL SAVE $10 A YEAR in any lamily,
and many times will save life as well.
About the wonderful bargains they
get at the..
Great Combination
We are making a special effort to please
everybody and bring to your very door the
greatest bargains ever offered in Plaits
mouth. We want more trade and we are
bound to have it, if we can got an oppor
tunity to show vou the bargains wo oHer.
Remember the Premium. You will be
exceedingly sorry if you miss it this time.
We give n Coupon with cuch jsiile, which i ;m-c l n:ilil uu
have $..()() worth. If we fail to uivc yon ;i Cnu pmi
with your pure It use, just sisk for it.
I nev Danisn nam
anrl nrnlonr life.
i -
I mr f .
fc3 t32X .LrS
No matter what the matter is, one will do
good, and you can get ten for five cents.
.t rmmo iruc ator'ar-KoK r vk k. i h. Tin pr r
C&l. JA& 'ioQ of tho Uvo cent -itrt'ri ' .j tai,i"'i
TABULififtj wui Im But fur II to c-iiU. Jiat me lcu;
W4LZZlJ''ET?:VFmmMMrf-T W lW'C'lM l-WwyWl M i. lJW"f'jaT -"-, r j--m,w-jrTtrT.
Permanpntly cured by usinjf DR. WHITEHALL'S RHKI'.MATK ' ( 'III-:. 'J ,
Burfst and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive gnarmiU c, J'lif-i; r,i) cents
yer box. Sample spnt frpe on mention of this publication.
Orfers the very best facilities for the
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCK?, bonds, gold, government find loi
securities oouxht and sold. Oeposlta re
ceived and Interest allowed on the certfi
cates. Drafts drawn, avallaDle In any
part of the C i. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and county bonds.
H. N. Dovey, ID. Hawksnnrth, S. Wsugh.
F. E. White. G. E. Dovey.
Go. E. Dovey, Pres., S. Waugh, Cashiwr.
H. N. Dovev, Asit. Cikir.
: " ir"
1 j . l
0-r- - - ,
M'.- -
( iiVi
nr. ' '
K -i
rr$f&fZLi, -If' ; I i
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.v r x., .1: n -.. t. v
Ilir- n.w t-t'-fk, i, :' r'.- ,ui
is prep ir (1 t '.-'l'-r '.li'-.n cv.-r
to tuke '' i uf
fl General Livery Sasincss.
Quii.-k trips u..i): t : 1 p-.;:- '. if,.:
county. I . pt i ;tcO .-. j.-t-
eou It';; ri ' -::!.
STABLiiS MXIil Ai; I ',. S I SM
riatl-iiMiulli, .Nchra-ka.
Reading Rooms and f 'lsptnsary.
Drew RuibJii'ir, l'latl-imnilli, 'eb.
Open fr :n a. m. t p. au i ' t J p.
tti : rvirii f-f: -:i..i.,v
Old p ipxii for s tie at liii. Ouico.