' W " " 1 1 i . N S JHlKK, AJ EMI :ekly LJIA PLATTSMOUTI I, NLB., Aliil'ST .. IS5IS VOL. VI. NO. 77. TlfK NKWH, r.m.itil"iiii-il Nov. r.. inn!. TIIK HI.ICALI). J-Hliil-liHh.-.l April in. i W.I. ( (jKiiH'ilIiJitt-il Jjiii. 1. h;i:,. WE I j! j. ! I. I!' ! 1 :fc ft : 1 am if ft ill r This Space Belongs to the Firm of Jewelers and Opticians, Boeck Block. jTlie Semi-Weekly News-Herald . K.ll-: j;;';, h,::';;. PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... BY THE . . . jNKWS PL'I'.LISHLNG COMPANY, M. I). I'OLK, EDITOR. DAILY KIMTIUN. One Year, in vain e, .... Six Months One; Wi-i'k Single (topics, SK.MI I I- KLV !CI)I I HiN. fi (Id 2 ".) .ruin !.!' l ) iMiiiuvli lo warrant H f iit-t tm t- up. -ration and il may bo M'- a nary to lake u in oiai action soon to prevent ion serious eon.-cuuenc s. Thojudyoi-t in a i:u ,dit ion where he lloes not tal k with his friends, the exertion b-ing too tnu -Ii for h:s strength. Cap'. Eva lis. of th.- Iow;i i- r': with jd t vphoii) malaria. and X'tih-y 1,1 ' " ! bo ii . i n '!! u - y ill at hi- home in on- i !! Tin- nt with lie- s i mi: sort of ti-M-r. I One Year, in advance, . . . . ?1 " Six Month- "n t II - LARGEST CIRCULATION ot any Cass County Paper, iti.ri iii.k an Jinir: r. SlittlV No Cheap Goods No ihoddy wares, which wo arc marking "Special Low Prices." Wo have been in tho HiiTi'.'iiil ilr Itu-iiu'-s in I 'lattsmouth for tlio oast twenty-eight years and have established a reputation for. . . . The Best Goods at titc. ..Lowest Possible Prices. This is our motto, oar invariable rulo, and wo do not propose to depart from it now. Oar Spring slock is larger and moru com plete this year than ever. . i i. ,.. S'.i.. i , iiciini, We are sole agents in l'latts- moiith for tho i"eld)ratod "Black .j ,-v. Cat" hrand Triple Knee Stock- ',!'.. to i.. ' V iiiis. :ah,V v.- Come in .and see us and wo will treat you ritrht. ni- goods aitocjwiiis - ; The SHcnu;;;-WiLUAMS C make: PAINT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves, Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tools, Etc. A special paint for each pur pose, not one slap-dash mix ture for all. Not low priced, but highest graCcr at fair, honest i -. Ys't: know our reputation. We say these are the best paints v r. You'll say so too after you h :ve used them. SOLD BY F. G. FRICKE & CO. .. THE LEADERS .. IN THE GROCERY TRfl M. I . It WAKI). - "l Ij'.fU 1 . -I . r! II -I . (.1 ( K.I. A Ml Kl'lll. . I' i ii So I ct;tl i't Mali-, ( . HI i AS I ,.l Au.l:. l. I I. M VI III. S I ..I TtiM i:irt, I'l l I K Ml 'K I ! NH.V 1 ' . 1 1 M i; Sli ! lit fll' It-Ill . I I S AY l.i i. ! mi AIImi n,- ( ,i n,-l.il, I). J ( KM IN. I'. ii r..m. rnl.Jii I .aii.ls aii'l I'.uil'laiK-:. (i. K . WILLIAMS. 1m, C 'iir'SNioii:l, . - -aian. I- ii :,t (Ii-.! i a. t- i-.. j. i;i'KKi:i'i'. County. I Sciiali'i WM. II. NKWLI.L. i Ki-iu t'rutat i vi'- -T. T. i il'N'C. i:km.1' mi. lard. 1-1. .at Krju .-sent at ive K. A. I l I'M AK ! i a Canity A tt. a ue .il-SK L. K(H I f. I mi I 'miii in : - i .a.. T, 'I'd ii .1 t ist i ict 11KM.K .INK. TllANS - MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION . ii i ( iiiioi.t; Sxri.il I ):i ) ami I 'i-nlnri" of I In Hit; Mi.ih . AIM .-I. S i. .a I ilv Mas I 'aill.-l.i lall .1 a M iM,,.l I ...v lilciii I cttia S i ta. .lav M L I I.ML.LK Kaii-.'ii .lay I'.-a. I. .lav I ditMiv ,ay I ali..r .lav M mt ana .lay l'.ut Aithta .lav I- lain ual I la .a u( A na i a Ma v l.u a 1 1 ..a iin-n s ! a v U MM.lni.-n i.t tin: ..i!. .lay ( m!i,i.1m .lav K a k l-.n.l M. !..,, .lay in. New Mi-xi. .) .lay 1.1, im iiiimii .lay I), N'ati.nial r 1. 1 1 nci -' .lay I tali .lay la. I'.nlan.l .lay Hi. ( H.lah.mia day ( iiajie .lav I 17, Kain.ia.l .lay i an. j 111, M...l.an Wm.m!:ii;-ii .lavs L, St. Louis I 1 llltmu'i s .lav '.M an. i -1 . I .i .va ia v - I. C.in'i i in-1 . ial I i a t l.a - . !av LT. . icrinan llti'st.-in .Jav , Swc.lisleAiiici i. .in -lay ( h ' 1 ( 1 ; I . K. 1. Cliicai:.. ilay a. I'cnusv Kama .la V ii. I'. I4.. 1 1. Sin u-ty day New Yin k day 7. K mix 'dl ii-pc da v n, I win City . la . (M. l'aii! and M iinirajiKhs ) Knights of I'vtluas day 17,1.(1.(1. I-. day 1 1 i-nnessL'c d.iv Ancient ( inlcr ol I 'nitc.il W'.n knu-n day '.'il, I "i iivur .lav ( ) t tier spec ial .lays t i 1 .e ami. iiii e l later. ( o',uous electl n al ill uin mat i. .11 nl theOliind ( 'on i t. I'liiivalcd sliow ieiitines on the Midway. Reduced iates mi itli ra.ii'iads. ARE: A. H. WECKBACH & CO. THEY carry the largest and most eompleto line in Cass county. Every thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their eu?to mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods always in stock. The only place in the city where you can get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & GL Waterman Blk. GOING DOWN HILL. People suffering from Kidney Diseas es, feel a gradual but steady loss of strength and vitality. They should lose no time in trying Foley's Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. For Sale by SMITH & PARMELE and FKICKE & CO. PAPEIJS f ROM POfJTO RICO. The Ni;v received copies of I'orto Uican papers yoturday from some of tin- r-oolier hoys which are quite novel in p;ie trance. They are small in ri.-s and not well printed. One is called "La Estrella Solilatia," (the lone star,) the other "the 'Neuva Era," or rse.v Era. The editor is failed tho ui rector. A tnerican ,:ie found represented in the advur t i-ing columns. Tlie most interesting article was Liund in (u,' column of the paper wtiicii was printed in English, till else tie.ng Spanisii, which gees to prove tn.it i ur new hi others ai e all light a tal f ei pei fee-liy at home under the siiado.v ol the rtars and stripes. It seeiiis that General Miie- issued a proeiani.it ion on his arival at fence, (p; onounccd l'oiitha. ) anU t!ie "A'euva Era'' ;rinis the same with tiie follow ing respOiioe, in ve y itwkvvard En gli:sii, but commendable sentiment, w hlcli has not yet appeared in Amer ican new'? papers. Ii reads as follows: To Maj .rGcnei.il Nelson A. Miles. Cotiiinaiider-in-L'i:ict ol '.he t inted Stales Loices, 1'u.itc, i'lo.-Kico. Gknlkal: Vuur proclamation of listn uiiiiiio na prouueed sensaiioii ol uiugnl Lo mo iiiliabitati La of Hie Is land, anu vve, lu.-idcti s ol l'ome, in name el ihe unuieiiee majorily ol Mio eounlry, w lnen we tluu k we do, senu etltliUsl .stiC naititaliOll to the ieople ol the UniLeii suites who bring lo Us the real.. . lion of gr. .tefui ex(eeUi Lions maintained ty us during many years ol unju-t ilomination. The p -opleoi l'o to ICieo, respectful of law, peace! ul and law-am ding, s-loi-C.l in sutl'e itig, inoderale :l. ihei. joys . net uieaii.ing liberty, mei it mo e than any oilier the redempiion which you come to otTer us in ilie tiittno of that liherty and that ju-uce which in tliis liumitie conflict tiie grest Xorih Ameiiciiu people a.-e sus taitiingin defense of civilization and of humanity. You may rely. General, for our part, on the Warmest gratitude and abso lute coope .-ation of tho puertornq uu nois ami we uesire to make known through you to the President of that groat country, William McKinley, and through him to the great Ameri can Nation which we sincerely love because it is the symlvil of our redemp tion, and because we, men with free conscien ces but with bodies enslaved, anxiously desire that nationality where we shall find the dignity of citizenship concentrated by precepts On the morning of Feb. LM, IS'.l"), I was sieiv with rheumatism, and lay in bf d until May L'ist, w hen 1 got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain I Ial m. 'i hi; first app! ication of i t relieved me al most entire ly from the pain and the second afforded coil ploto relief. In a short time I was able to he up and about again. A. T. MoiiLAL'X, Luverne, Minn. Sold by all druggists. Cheap K;t' ly Mismiuri I'arilM- To Onuih i on account of Eohemi.an paent medicines j "''.v: one fare for round H id. Date I t . . i . .w .....1 li.it,..! t.. oi suae ivu'ui o iin.i iimiott io return August ."!(!. ToOmiha on account of National Dental Meeting-, one fare for tin round trip. August 2o, limit- d to re turn September o. To Atchison, Kansa- on account of Corn Carnival, one fire fur the round trii. Date of sab; September 11, re turn Septemher "j:. To St. Louis, Mo., en accou.it of St. Louis Fair, one fare for round in p. Dales of sale October '1 to 7, inclusive, with final limil toOetoner 10. To (Jnior., Neb, on account of Old Settler's 11' union, fare and a third for round trip. Dates of sale Augu-t L'li iind 27, limited to return August :I.s. To Omaha, on account of Kansas Day, o()c for round trio. Date of sale Sept 1st; return limit, Sept. 7 To Omaha, on accoict of Commer cial Travellers' Dav. one fare Tor round trip. Date of sale, Sept. LM; re tu' ii limit, Sep . lib. For naitieulais enfjuire (f C. (' Stouten borough, Aciit. .v man stands no chance of being jlected to the mayorsh: p of a city unless he enj 's t'ne con lid-nee and estia-m of his neighbor-. Geo. W Humphrey l tfie txipulai ni.iyor of Swan ton. Ohio, and under date of Jan. 17, 1Vm, he vvite- as follows: "This is to . e Mfy to one appreciation of (Jha m be rl i i n s Cough 'Kennedy My family -Mid neighbors h.ve tested it. and we knaw it is an exeebent remedy for c-ugbs and colds Gkoi:;i-: W Sold by till di uggists. If you would like a photog'-aph of Company II, Third regiment. Neh. U. S volunteers, or of Col. W.J Hyan and staff, see Mr Geo. J. I'.uek at Perkins house. They are ixty cents ea"h. These photographs were originally made for the Omaha W orld Hera'd. tor Kent. Store room in Fitzgareld's block. Enquire of T. II- Pollock, Agent. I)hiutous Omikinur Water. Death lurks in impure water. It breeds diseases often in epidemic form. The first symptom is looseness i of the bowel-!. these diseases arc of liberty, tho distribution of exact h,.(.ked bv tak i n g FoieV's Colic Cu- e justice, and the sincere fraternity , y. pn which makes all men member of one family. Ye desire to make a public mani festation of our feelings by extending to you a puMic reception at an early date. This wo do not only to honor you. but through you to honor that great Pre-idont, William McKinley. and the people of the United States cf America. Requesting that you will forward to the President this expression of our en t i men ts. We are. General, Your obedient servants. I'or Sale. A good residence property, four rooms, six lots, good well and ci-tern, south east of U. A: M lumber yards. Apply to James Itebal at broom fac tory. TO Cl'HK A 101.1) IN ONE D.IV Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2-V. The genuine has L. R. Q. on each tablet INTrOKMATION" AM) OPINIONS. Zuckweiler & Lutz Continueto doa leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets. - - - Plattsmouth, Neb Some of these days the record of W. A. t'oynler on stockyards legislation will be spread at iarge before the p: otiie and it is likely to make the 15 n:i. county man cu se the day that he was born. Fremont Tribune. The city of New York will raise 77, oiiiMH O by taxation to run that city. This is a greater sum than was re quired to run the general government at Washington before the civil war. The memorial sword wh ich congress voted to D.jwey is being engraved by Tiffany of New York, and promises to be a very eleg.u, t implement of war, tiie chief use of which will be for or nament. Judge C. L. Hall, who lias been a sufferer for several weeks frura necrosis of the bone of one of his limbs, is not improving as rapidly as his friends wish. The physicians in attendance! Go to the Drug Store of A. W. AT WOOD. (Successor t Santli A: Tannce. for Pure Drugs. Patent Medicines. Stationery and Cigar, Paints, Oils, Yaimshes. Dyes, Paint, Hair and To ith Ilrushes. Toilet Arlic.es, Peifumery, Soaps, Sponges, and ail Yarieties of Druggists Sundries. Window G ass and Wall Paper, Humphrey's, Lutie's and M union's Homoe ip'ithie Kemeciies, Pure California Wir.es and Liquors for Medicinal u-es. In fact, everything iisuaiiy kept for Sale in first-ch.ss Drug Stores. Presc iptions Carefully Compounded. South Side Main Street, Plattsmouth, Neb. Mmmmtmmtmmmtm m m mtmmmmmmmm G. DOVEY & -s f. f; M i "' f 1 a Q r. Commencing MONDAY, AUGUST 1st, . i continuing tor the next Thirty Day:;, wo v have a... CU T-PRIGE ON ALL SUMMER GOODS. Summer Wrappers From 69c up Shirt Waists at Lcsi, Fro in v : I v. v h w -'J (j in . wide, - 5r S Special Reduction on a .' , Dimitios and Organdi. Lawns, - - - lh: rV Scotch ( i ' m ' in s . jm (liiHjlianis, - 5c ,)t and "()(; , THE BEST SUMMER CORSET MADE, i'li in-. SHOE DEP'T All Tan and Chocolate Shoo.; a pers at very low prices, to close... Children's Tan Shoes, 0' to v. - S .V Children Tan Shoes, Sio . - .S7V Children Tan Shoes, 1ll:, - 1 .)) A few Colors in Carpet Warp, only about IPG lb: , are offering at 12'c per pound. C CARPET DEPT-.Vw U) do:cn l',russcl. Hms ,, !: . (jnette Rnijs, Make iotir selections ! rl , as the n il! las! a Jew dans. Xew Joaaette Carjicts ami nrams eeired. 'J'j dozen Window Shades, .1 Or kind, for '); extra foml While Enameled Curtain Poles and Ji.vtnrcs. all coinietc, or 'J-lc Jlave jott seen ihe JJewe washahe t'arict, or .'iJ'.r ? L. L. Muslin, 'JO'-in. wide, u n bleached !c; Inst ijiialiti. Best bleached Mislin, Jive, six and serai cents. This Sale is GENUINE. Enough said. or!, aim . E Y its ih i a . Q. DOV pfmuiUiuimmmmiiiiuuimuiiiiiiiiiimiuuiiiiiisaaiiU! ' -.I fsl P nai ley m IM IM m il li M m SLirrBRS, Strap Bow ScUiclalG. Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is bettor... We give you the CKEAM of the SHOE subject, from th" most reliable ma -i u f o-t i . . Slates, where nothing but skilled labor is empl'iyed and where dou'ollol Si ioe.-) are )' : and not permitted to p:iss to tho trade. We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Ca-e- of S I l.'l-'F t h at and then swell up arid advertise "the Largest Stock" of shoo-, to induce you to our p . then com oe I you to lo )k with chagrin and disgust on t he -in ill assortment a d ma . - , you did not w ;ut. Wo never have to re.-ort to such misleading sla'cmeu's, for v.. b i . I Replenished Our Stock to the Extent of S4,C So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to .stand and scra-e!. won fer what to do, for we have an UNLIMITED KESEKYE, and we : m - r " ' ' W - '' "" during the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and .'n -ke ou '. PKICES ON m m Latest Novelties in Hot Weather Footwe Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2"o to o's .j"e. Infan's" Chocolate, h .fori. '2'- Child's Choco ate strap bow Sandals, 4's to S's :. Infants" Dongoia button, -'- to ', - Child's Extra fine Choc, strap Sandals 8-c and !".. !r.f Child's Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, Sf to Infants' 11 l.dO to 41.15. Misse-i' Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 1li to l 2's $1.25 to $1.50. Misses Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's i0e to $1. C.'.i Job lot all solid Goat button, 8i to 11 75c to 5c. Ladies' Oxfords f 1.25, $1.50, 51.65. Jnil i oc. ! .:. t :i !i i e b '. o.a bu tor, ".. I"- V'js'.i'-g Top. extra. !! ,e to 41. M '- AriV'i: bo' '.o'll (.'hoe. la';. to ?.:;.";. Little Gent-.', pit. ba-.-k st-aj. w Everything Mentioned Is Solid Leather 'o Humhitcry. nEPA,RING' ROBT SHERWOOD iirarranairai FOOT ri i l l i . ii n i LtJ Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER 5 TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-STS. FURNITURE AND UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. HARVEY HOLLO WAY ' C2oiitritj or i liuildar. Ci : . t r ;i t - t;;- r:, : : t'-.c : -. ' i : . j inn.- ;ei ! :. '. ' :. v. . ... a v J.nrt of t:...- '. '.:.-... 'a . . : .1 . .: .... ! H.VKVKY IIOI.I.IMV.W, 1 l.U I -lie. ul I.. N. l Our stock is comulete In nl! iiri.-s an.l we Invite our friends to loo pndeavor to please you. Call :'.nJ see ue. the ferkins housh, F. R. GUT MM ANN, 1'rop. STREIGHT 0 SATTLER, (Euccessors to Ketry Boeck. j PLATTSMOUTH. - NFF Rates SI and Sl.50 Der Dnn Centrally Located ana Com fortably Furr isberi. P I .A TTS MOUTH, J F- P. II A K A I