Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 09, 1898, Image 4

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C. A. V.jrshJ'i, Dectist.
l),-CHM mail It.,.,, MlHS Ijillll'U. Twiss.
Union lt;ii'i.
'l'lin city sc.liiicli wiil Monday,
September .
lii'-um in llio German A u '-.ricar: .
l'Yncl Ki ng- , A, .'oiil.
Yi,o I 1 . A; M ; y c:ir i - o 1 ' ; '
ai'i ivn in llni city loin irnirt .
Hollow-ay's popular Hloa irnd hread
! mnde of Iluiie'.'s lreit Hour.
Fun SALE A good furn il v boric,
cheap. Enquire ol A. W. At wood.
New proi.'i-fj-j gasoline stoves at al
most your ow u prices ut Coutcs i: Co'e.
Ask your denier for the '"White
Sailor" cigar, manufactured by l-'rank
llolloway's bread, which has taken
the lead. Is made of H;is l's "I'lan
siflei " Hour.
If you don't ceo t be Gut Ueil cigar
cull for it, and jet the bust cent ci
gar ifi the market.
If it' quality you want in acinar,
not quantity, smoke tho "Exquisilo."
For Bale everywhere.
Tho Crestou local carried three full
coachou of passengers for Omaha this
morning bound for Omaha.
For the next sixty days I will Hell
cigar clipping for l0c per pound.
il. Si IKS.
There will bti preaching at tho
South I'urk Uaplist church every
evening this week. Kverybody is in
vited. Thu Fraternal Union will give a.
social at tho K. of 1. hall tho ovenimr
of August IB. Further particulate
Komorabor the lawn social at Thos.
Wiles on the evening of Auj;. lli. Ice
cream and cake, 10c. A nice time is
Yesterday must have been a busy
day at Greenwood, as ovon six real
estate transforra from that town wore
Eugeno Sago, an early resident of
this city, now living at Maywood, re
turned homo this morning after a few
hours visit in town.
Dr. J. 15. Hull's youngest child waa
buried yesterday at Cedar Creek. It
was but two years of ago and had novor
been very rugged.
Tho ladies of tho M. K. church will
servo ico cream, shorhert and cuke at
the church, Thursday evening of this
weok. Everybody invited.
G. M. Hitchcock, E. J. Uurkett, C.
W. Merge and Mat Goring aro billed
to speak at tho Old Settler's reunion
at Union, August 2(3 and 27.
Fifty cents for tho round trip to
Omaha tomorrow on Missouri 1'acifie,
account, of Kod Men's Day. All trains
stop at depot on exposition grounds.
Nails which have boon in tho Hood
for sale by the pound or keg, at prices
bolow wholesale at tho factory.
Ralph Barthold, who works at tho
shops, mot with an accident today,
which resulted in a lacerated hand,
which will lay him off for some time.
Don't forgot to leave magazines at
Wescott's store for the boys in com
pany 13. They aro anxious for them
and they will be promptly sent to
them at Jacksonville, Fia.
A passenger rate war is on and rates
to St. Louis are now quoted at $8 CO
from Omaha, and $!).26 to Chicago, in
stead of $12.7i, tho regular rata. It is
thought they will go lower.
Fred Robinson has boon installed as
bar tender at tho Hotel Uelone in
Omaha, where ho will make a full
team. His many friends here regret
to seo him locate elsewhere.
The 13. & M. and Missouri Pacific
railroads have granted a fair and a
third for nil delegates attending the
congressional convention at l'latts
mouth on next Thursday, tho 11th.
Thousands of persons have been
cured of piles by using Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and
cures eczema and all skin diseases. It
gives immediate relief. F. G. Fricke.
The Golden Reaper's Mission Band
of West Plattsmouth will give a lawn
social at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Wiles on Friday evening,
August 12. The public cj-dially in
vited to attend.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs
Steven Cecil died yesterday. The time
of tho funeral was not given, but will
probably be tomorrow. The sorrow
ing parents havo the sincere sympa
thy of their many friends in their
great bereavement.
Tho Endeavor Society of the Christ
ian church, assisted by tho ladies aid
society, will give an ice cream social
at the poor farm west of town Tues
day evening next, August 16. Ice
cream and cake 10 cents. Transpor
tation irom tne miey corner ueo. i
Boys, don't forget the three-ringed
circus next Thursday. The populists
will hold forth in Waterman Hail, the
democrats in White's Opera house,
and the free silver republicans well
there probably won't be 20 of them
hero, and they may not need a hall.
Superintendent of Motive Power, D.
Hawksworth of Plattsmouth, and
Master Mechanic J. P. Reardon in
special car 199 made a tour of the
division on an Inspection trip this
week. They were accompanied by
Mrs. Ilawksworth and Mrs. Reardon.
Alliance Grip.
John Fitzpatrick, after fourteen
yers on the police force, has not left
Plattsmouth as soon ns some one eu
perceeded him, but has gone to work
on the platform at the store house,
where he picks up car wheels and
drawbars and tosses them around as if
they were made of wood. Johnny
isn't very large but he weighs a ton
and is loyal to his town.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. Mokeaux, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
The cosy home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Kuhney on Pearl street was the scene
of a successful and well planned sur
prise in honor of Marie Karvanek's
twentieth birthday. Various games
were indulged in till a late hour. De
licious refreshments were served after
which the pnrty departed wishing Miss
Karvanek many happy returns. Those
present were: Misses Annie Clyde,
Herma Yanda, Marie Karvanek,
Fannie Yanda, Barbra Ptak, Annie
and Frances Yanda and Messrs. John
Swoboda, Otto Bookmeyer, Charles
Ohm, Earnest Reosner and Will Kor
iskey. When Von Take Your Vacation
The most necessary article to havo
with you (after your pocket book) is a
bottle of Foloy's Colic Cure. It is an
absolute prevention or cure of all de
rangements of tho bowels caused by a
chansre of wntfr. You are likely to
need it. Fricke & Co.
Old papers for ale at this office.
I h M-'l In Kt-gulur Bunion uul Trail -mit'l
home Hunllirxrt.
Ail the couiicilnicn responded when
th : e.ork calied their names Inst even
ing. Alter tho i ending and approval of
t;,.; H:ii:iiL:- of the lunl mooting acoiu
n. u: i;.tl mi. Iron, Al. Antliony win
r:;iu, iti w Mli i.e ii.ado ;i pi opi isi tin, .
to IL.OW Ll,e Wuj.:s .ilia gru-j.-j In tim
cemetery three time u year for
and the hay obtained therefrom.
Mubiwi smith Uiuvud that the proposi
tion t.-e uecepled, but the Luoliua whs
lust for wjf't ol a second.
A butch of claim against tho city
was referred to tho U nance committee.
The report of the police judge uml
city marshal were referred to the po
lice committee.
A report of the city's finances by tho
city treasurer was read und referred
to the li nance committee.
Mr. Whalen of the lire and light
ing committee reported that the boiler
inspector had examined the boilers at
the lighting plant and reported them
in good condition.
Tho city engineer reported that the
grading of Pearl street and tho lower
ing of sower between Fourth und Sixth
si roots, in ailey north of Main street,
could not, be done for lees than $300.
hito thought tho city's finances were
not in a condition to wurraut doing
tho work al present, and moved that
the report bo placeii on lile. Carried.
A committee from the lire depart
ment composed of Chief Murray, Phil
Ihiorolf and VV. C. Tippens were
present, and Mr. Murray acting as
spokesman, asked permission to ad
dress tho council, which waa granted.
Tho chief stated that there would bo
held the first part of next month, in
connection with tho Trans-Mississippi
Exposition, a national ll.-eman's tour
nament, and that the local department
desired very much to send a team to
competo for some of tho prizos offered.
Ho stated that September 0 had beon
set apart exclusively for Nebraska
volunteer fire departments, and, s
PlaUsmouthh had tho best racing cart
in tho stato, the boys ought to bo
able to boat some body, anyway. Mr.
Murray stated that tho team to bo
sent should havo new uniforms and, ns
tho department was a volunteer de
partment, f-erving without pay, tho
members would appreciate it if the
council were to assist them in tho way
of an appropriation. Tho mayor in
quired as to how much the depart
ment desired and tho chief replied
that tho team would be composed of
sixteen men, and the uniforms would
cost 85.00 each. Sattler moved that
tho council appropriate $80.00 to pur
chase now uniforms, and on tho roll
being oallea every member voted
"Aye." Chief Murray, on behnlf of
the department, thon thanked the
On motion of Whelan, a hole near
the old canning factory was ordered
A number of sidewalk resolutions
were then adopted.
Th school board had complained
that ditches near the Columbian
school were in bad condition and, on
motiou of Lutz, of the third ward, the
committee on streets, alleys and
bridges was instructed to look after
the matter.
Lutz (third) reported that the insur
ance on dwelling house leased by city
in connection with the gas works
would expire August 15 and moved
that same be reduced f rom $500 to$250
Bids for grading Chicago avenue
from Seventh street to south side of
Granite were thon read follows:
George Poisal, twelve ceuts ( or yard;
McMaken & Son, sixteen cents. The
clerk reported a bid which had been
filed after the hour specified in the
call for bids and tho council, by a
unanimous vote, decided to consider
tho same. Tho bid was from a man
named Harrington, who offered to do
the work, together with some other
grading on which no bids had been
solicited, for ten cents per yard. Tho
matter was referred to committee on
street?, alleys and bridges, with power
to award contract.
Tho clerk reported that but one
dealer, C. D. Cummins, had responded
to a call for bids for furnishing the
city with lumber for one year. Mayor
Richoy stated that ho did not think
it proper that he should enter into a
contract, but said he could ell lum
ber to the city, as in the past. He
would bo willing to see the patronage
divided between the different doalers
at a reasonable price. White and
Lutz (fifth) were of the opinion that
Mr. Cummins' bid was too high, being
about four dollars per 1,000 feet more
than the city had been paying for
lumber, and, on motion of Lutz (fifth)
the matter was referred to finance
The finance committee reported all
bills presented as correct and the clerk
was instructed to draw warrants for
The cwfew whistle now informed
the "dads" that the hour for retiring
had arrived and ihey accordingly ad
journed. Chicken Thieves Kouted.
Meek Davis went out to his farm
near Murray to help the boys witn
their harvesting, and Saturday even
ing the folks were awakened by a
noise amoDg tho chickens. The boy
thought he would tke a shot just for
luck, and he blazed away at a dark ob
ject near the barn. There was a com
motion at once, and a few seconds la
ter a hor6e hobbled off attached to a
spring wapon, while the occupants
were laying whip to the animal. The
folks then went out to the stable and
found 100 chickens crated that had
fallen off the wagon, and also their
own chickens tied up ready to be load
ed. Meek is 100 chickens ahead in
the deal, and is only out one load of
powder and shot. The most unfortu
nate thing about it is the fact that the
bold thieves escaped. If the boy had
winged one of them he would deserve
a chromo. Farmers should keep a
gun loaded for these scoundrels, and
when they come, shoot straight.
School Doard Meeting
The 6chool board held its regular
meeting at the court house last even
ing. Extended discussion was had
with reference to the purchase of
school books, but do conclusion was
reached. Miss Lansing, of Lincoln,
was hired to take Miss Wiles place b
teacher of latin. After the usual
routine of allowing bills the board ad
journed. Cheap Kate to Omaha.
The B. & M. will sell round trip
tickets to Omaha tomorrow. August
10, for trains arriving in Omaha in
the forenoon at a rate of fifty cents,
tinal limit for return August 13. Rate
to Lincoln will bo on sale tomorrow,
ono fare for the round trip.
W. L. Pickett, Agt
"I think DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve is the finest preparation on the
market for piles." So writes John C.
Dunn, of Wheeling, Va. Try it and
you will think the same. It alsocuros
eczema and all skin diseases. F. G.
A Itattln nt Manila.
Manila, July :si. (Via Hong
Kong.) Aug. 8. A heavy engage
ment took place tonight between tho
American and Spanish forces at Ma
lato. The Spanish made in attack,
attempting to turn our r,g:it. After
three hours' iighdng they wore re-pul-ed.
Tiie iroops engiiod v. ei I he.
Tenth Pennsylvania, First batiu'.lion,
Fit l California battallion. Third ar
tillery rejuluis and battery A, Utah.
Our loss was nine killed and forty
four wounded. The Spanish loss was
upward of 20 killed und lit JO wounded.
Our volunteers undo a glorious de
fense ugainst upward of .'i,000 of un
attacking force.
Tho war depHrtinent today received
the following cablegram fnom Hong
Adjutant Geuel il, Washington:
MacArthur'a troops arrived the Klst.
No epidemic sickness. Five deaths.
Lieutenant Korr, engineers, died of
spinal meningitis. Landing at camp
delayed on account of high surf. To
gain approach to city Green's outposts
were advanced to continue lino from
the Camino Real to beach on Sunday
night. Spanish attack sharply. Ar
tillery outposts behaved well and hold
position. Necesary to call out brig
ado. Spanish loss rumored heavy.
Miss Louise White was an Omalia visitor this
Will I look, of Oewilt, Mo., is here on a busi
ness visit.
Joe Sans and wife were attending the exposi
tion today.
J. G. and 1". M. Kicliey made a business trip
to Grand Island today.
Miss WiBginhorn, of Ashland, is the Kest of
her cousin. Miss Fricke.
Mrs. V. V. Leonard and children were visit
ing the exposition today.
Mrs. E. V. Cook went to Lincoln this after
noon to visit her husband.
George F. Haid, a cousin of Henry Weidinan,
is here on a visit from t. Louis.
Miss Dora Herold and neice. Miss Fern Haijer.
returned this morning from Holyoke, Colorado.
E. H. Heitzhausen and wife, of the Hotel I'iatts
mouth, are visiting relatives in Louisville today.
H. K. Gering went to Omaha this afternoon to
attend a meeting of the state board of pharmacy.
Reuben Hyers and Johnnie Davies were out
going passengers on the early train this morn
ing. Will Stadelmann is enjoying a vacation from
his work in Chicago by visiting his parents in
thfs city.
F. H. Wilson went to Lincoln this afternoon
to attend the state convention, which meets at
10 a. m. tomorrow.
John H. Becker, one of the delegates to the
state convention, left for Lincoln on the fast
mail this afternoon.
L. A. Moore is enjoying a visit from a lady
cousin who resides in Texas. They were expo
sition sight seers today.
Kay Waterman, after a ceaseless round of
pleasure lasting several days, departed this morn
in for his home in York.
Charles WeckbachJ of Crete, tirst a-sistant
cashier of the First National bank of that city, is
in town visiting relatives and friends.
Judge Archer went to Lincoln today to take
another bath for his rheumatism. He is think
ing of staying tip there all of next week.
Harvey Heaver was down from Eimwood today
and made the News a pleasant call. He says
his corn crop is all right, though slightly dam
aged by hail.
Col. D. C, West, of Nehawka, was in town to
day on business. He is the only simon pure
plutocrat editor in the county, having a bank to
back up his opinions. The colonel was offered
the keys to the town if lie would remain over, but
pressing business engagements called him home
this afternoon.
A "t-w Iiidiiin.
There ia a baby in the Indian vii
iage on the exposition grounds and
consequently there is much joy
throughout the camp. It is a bov and
is the offspring of Mr. and Mrs. Spot
ted Hack of the Omaha agency. It
arrived upon this mundane sphere ;t
3:30 o'clock yesterday morning and
four hours later the mother was up
preparing breakfast for the fauiuv
Little Spotted Back, fur that is what
his name wiu be until he is properly
christened, is the lirst Indian child
born in this vicinity and consequently
he is attracting much attention, io
much so that his proud parents are
exhibiting1 mm in tneir tepee at o
cents per exhibit. The father of the
youngster is about 35 years of age,
while tho mother, whose maiden name
was Miss T jrns-in-tho-Wind, is about
three years his junior. Bee.
Tragedy at liellevue.
Elmer E. Green, a resident of Gar
field, Colorado, was separated from
his wife. She was staying witn her
sister, Mrs. Cora Baker at Bellevue.
when he called last evening, and
drawing a revolver he sent a bullet
through tho lower part of her body.
He then shot himself through the
temple and died instantly. The wo
man still lingers and may recover.
I rauen vereln Lann Social.
The members of the German Pres
byterian Frauenverein will give a
lawn social at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Vallery in this city
Friday evening, August 12.
A delightful musical program has
been arranged, which will include
vocal and piano solos by the following
well knowu musical people of this city:
Misses Clara Street, Edith Patterson.
Matilda Vallery. Ettye E'.son, of Miss
sissippi, Buiah Elson and little Miss
Ida Pearlman.
No effort will be spared to make the
evening an enjoyable one. Ice cream
and cake ten cents. Everybody cor
dially invited.
Mrs. F. II. Steimkek,
Miss Anna Gokder,
Mhs. I. Peaklman,
Mrs. Ohm,
You Can Depend On It
that Foley's Colic Cure is an instant
relief for colic, summer complaint,
cholera morbus, diarrhoea, bloody
flux, chronic diarrhoea, cholera in
fantum, bilious colic, painter's colic
and all bowel complaints. Fricke &
For Kent.
Store room in Fitzgareld's block.
Enquire of T. II. Pollock, Agent.
The editor of the Evans City, Pa.,
Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough
Cure is rightly named. It cured my
children after all other remedies
failed." It cures coughs, colds and
all throat and lung troublee. F. G.
i One Thing and finotlier i
Don't forget tho Frauenvorin lawn
social at Mr. anJ Mrs. Jacob Vallery i
Friday evening, August 12.
Mrs. Herold wibhws ti announce
that for tho win voiiiencr of tho ujem
Lors (,f the Woman's Club, tho badges
h tvo oeen left for oaio witn Mr. James
Uei'olO, at the blorc.
A torpid livur robs you of ambition
und ruins your hwuith. DtaWitt' Lit
tle Esw ly Risers clean the livwr,
cure constipaiiou and all stomach and
liver troubles. F. G. Fricke Jfc Co.
There's no bettor Hour made thau
HeisePs "Plansiftor," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port.! home ind ustry at the same time,
vaich builds up tho town.
Win your battles against diabase by
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediate result;;
when takon early It prevents consump
tion. And in later utages it furnishes
prompt relief. P. G. Fricke.
Second hand typewriters as good as
new. Smith Promier and Remingtons
that will do perfect work, and can be
had for a fraction of tho price of a
now machine. Seo Thos. Whitehead
at Xeh'S ollice.
Sick headache, biliousness, consti
pation and all li ver and stomach troub
les can be quickly cured by using those
famous little pills known as DeWitt's
Little Early Kisors. They are pleas
ant to take and never gripo. F. G.
I desire to attest to tho morits of
Chamberlain's Cough llernody as one
of the most valuable and otllcient
preparations on the market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for
me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there
for. I desire to inform you that I will
never bo without it and you should feel
proud of the high esteem in which
your Remedies are held dy people in
general. It is tho one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. It.
Downky, Editor Domocrat, Albion,
Ind. For sale by all druggists.
Hummocks at Cont.
We will closo out the balance of our
hammocks at those prices :
75c Hammocks at 4Sc
JI.CO Hammocks at fi'Jc
I. 'St Hammocks at 7rc
l.W Hammocks at $1.00
i.r.n Hammocks at l.:s
:H" Hammocks at 1.75
4.5(1 Hammocks at 2.50
Lite buyers should avail themselves
of this opportunity to get a good ham
mock at a ver3' low price.
Leiinhokf Bnos.
Slmke Into Your .SIiocn
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing, nervous feet and instantly takes
the sting out of corns and bunions
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Allen's boot-Ease makes
tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure for sweating, callous and
hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today.
Sold by all druggists and shoe stores.
By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial pack
age I'tEE. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
I tread.
Morning's bread hereafter may be
obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, Jona
than Il.ttt's and Dovej's.
DmigrruuH Drinking1 Water.
Death lurks in impure water. It
breeds diseases often in epidemic
form. The lirst symptom is looseness
of the bowels. These diseases aro
checked by taking Foley's Colic Cure.
Fricke At Co.
Hard and Soft Coal.
John Waterman is solo agent for
the famous Mendota soft coal. Also
carries the ber-t grades of hard coal,
wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime,
cement, etc. If you are going to
build, it will pay you to seo Water-
nan. Ollice at the renr of Water
man block on Fifth street.
Ilucklen'B Arnica Salv.i.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
:ind positively cures piles, or no Day
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect 'satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv
F G. Fricke
Notice to Ice Consumer.
Our ice hcoks are 30 cts per 100 lbs.
Cash from and after this date. Cah
Duly. F. S. White,
II. C. McMakkx & Son.
Kelief in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by "THh
Ci heat South American Kidney
Cuke." It is a great surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Goring & Co., Drug
gist, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Vocal Instruction.
Those wishing lessons in vocal mu
sic may see me at residence of F. S .
White on Tuesday, Wednesday or
Friday of e ich week. Terms are,
three half-hour lessons per week, $2J 50;
two half-hour lessons $2.00; one three-quarter-hour
lesson $1 25
C. F. Tuck eh.
SHOO Kewartl 100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stapes, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh beins a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they otfer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F.J, heney &Co.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists 75c
Iluriingtou Inn
Six blocks from exposition. A. D.
Tou.alin, manager; E. 13. Mooney,
clerk. Rooms $1.00 per day special
rates by week or month. Everything
fist class. Take Dodge street car.
from Union depot to 20th and Burdette
streets. Write us for particulars.
Take the Missouri Pacific trains if
you wish to go to the exposition, as
they have the only depot on tne
grounds. You can save street car fare
and avoid the crowded thoroughfares.
The Mont Fatal Diftease.
It is not generally known that more
adults die of Kidney trouble than of
any other disease. When the first
symptoms of this disease appears, no
time should be lost in taking FolejT's
Kidney Cure; which is guaranteed or
money refunded. Fricke & Co.
If you vant to smoke the best trv
Wurl Bros. Gut Heil. The finest 5
cent cigar made.
Get Wash-a-Lone soap at Zuck
weiler & Lutz.
jhe Pep
Special on Shoes
Opposite Bank of Cass County,
One Bar Santa Claus Soap
On presenting this Coupon on
or bt-foro Aug. 11, and
making a purchase of
tO cents at the
Department Store
HouMtlioli (iodit.
Tho ancient Greeks believed that
the Penates wore tho gods who at
tended to tho welfare and prosperity
of the family. '1 hey were worship
ped as household gods. Tho house
hold god of today is Dr. Kit, g's
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds and for all atl Vc' ions of
tin oat, chest and lungs, it isinv.-ilu-nble.
It has b'en tr ied for a quarter
of a century and is guaranteed to cu-n
or money returned. No household
should be without this good angel. It
is pleasant to take and a s ifo and suro
remedy for old and young. Free trial
bottles at F. G. Fric ke & Go's. Regu
lar size 50c and $1.
Ilmlf Kates Kpwrtl LeHgim Aeml)ly
Lincoln, AugUHt 3-10.
For this occasion Burlington route
agents at stations within 160 miles of
Lincoln, will, on the 3rd, oth, Gth and
8th of August, sell round trio tickets
to Lincoln at the ono way rato.
Aueust and o, correspondingly low
rates will be in eiTect from points in
western Nebraska. Return limit
August 15. Attendants will havn
plenty of time to visit Omaha iiiU'i
the assembly is over and see the
Trans-Missisippi Exposition.
A man stands no chsince of being
sleeted to tne mayors hi t of a city unl -ss
he enjoys the confidence and esteem of
his neighbors. Geo. W Humphrey is
the popular mayor of Swan ton, Ohio,
and under date of Jan. 17, lStKi, he
writes as follows: "This is to certify
to our appreciation of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. My family snd
neighbors h;ive tested it, and we
know it is an excellent remedy for
coughs and colds. Geokuis W.
IIUJirilKEY," Sold by all druggists.
In New (Juarters.
Having removed to the Merges'
building, next to LehnhotPs, I will
continue to keep a selected stock of
tropical fruits, and wiil serve ice
cream and lemonnde :is former ly.
John Schiapecasse.
Tho Chief Burgess of Milesburg,
Pa., says DeWitt's Little Parly Tii.-eis
are the best pills he ever used in his
family during fortj' years of house
keeping. They cure constipation .
sick headache and stomach and liver
troubles. Sma-1 in size but great in
results. F. G. Fricke.
For Sf
A fresh milch cow. Knquire of Wm.
Wetenkamp. Mvnard.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine-Tablet?.
A'l rlrug&ists refund tin? u.jney if it
fils to euro. 2ic. The g 1: nine bns
L,. B Q. on esch labU t
The World's best o vrt ci:-' Wurf
Bros. Gut Heil, stiict'.y Union madr.
Every dealer hand.js them
Many people (gather thorns by Tail
ing to heed Ihf wirning set t -ut by
diseased kidneys coated tongue par
ched skin feverish liens dull achintr
pain general feeling of we iknoss i
sure evidence of kid ny and bladder
trouble. Take Utnh Kidney Hems at
once thev have cured thousands of
others. TheTukneks of PniL.ADi;r-
PHA make Utah Kidney lieans.
E. B. Samuels, County Clc-rk of Hickman
County, Clinton. Kentucky, testiiie?. that he
suffered for years with horritil pains in the back.
kidneys and bladder was treated by many physi
cians they gave him no relief he got so that he
could hardly stand alone Utah Kidney "-ians.
le says completely cure-i him. Ke g!ai'y rcc
.nmends them to all suifsters.
F. G. Fricke 8c Co.. Selling agents for Platts
mouth and Cass Co.
Turner's Little Liver Turners A very
small pill. Turn your liver. A true laxative.
An after-dinner pill.
riigX? - yl frM. r hot fT lh hilr
S.j'lia to It Youthful Color.
Cujm ten p d ifttM bur lJii;g.
to housekeepers
Extract of Beef
telling how to prepare m iny deli
cate and delicious dishes.
Address. Liebig Co.. P. O. Box 271?, New York;.
$1.75, $1.50 and $1.25 Shoes go at $1.00
IxiwiivS (ind
...That were I5c, !21c, 10c a:n.i O'c, -o al 5c
Organdies, Lawns and Dimities..
...That w.-re 6c, 5r, 31c, ;;o al 2'c
Ul U
Having reltu iietl to 1
8 V
to welcome all inv M oid'niiM", a-, well a-, new our
8? and show them a select
Tinware and an villi 11
1 1 -
hardware store.
4 V
4 V
4 V
He sure and call, a-. !
interest you.
Rock wood Block,
w e v w
Soii7 e th In 9:
....Our own direct I ni porlii '; lo:i from Annirin
The Finest A 1 . ,
Line of . . . j I i i I 1 i I t il r
IIany Novelties. Souvenir -. ! v. !i
Pictures of the Cass County Court House
Placed under the - laze. Not hi!,,'.1" I:! '- our line in
town. Come and see :i-
First Door East of Court ll'i-i-
vt i r x ., r'
f.v.T'. !f.
' ., .. M . i. 3 'i ' il,.
if "I i J:.:-. -
Ko.77. Surrey T7rnen. Trirt, 15.00.
As Roo-1 as for Latii.Of;ue ci ai! our
Ice Cream on the Lawn,
or served on the piazza, i-i i!"- fjr.'u r
caper just now, when the family :;r;
indulging l i tenuis, cri qu..-;, gr;!
other be iithy snorts. Tti';rcj is n 'f il
ing to equal our delici j'is ic-; cm :in
as a cooling, refreshing an d no'irih -ing
refreshment. We will icr.d it to
your order in any quar.tity d- sired.
holloway, The Baker.
Fitzgerald I'iIo:k.
31 llilJLt: !.,
If. 31. SOENNICIISEN, Maiiaig. r. ?
Large Supply of t:;;
Jucludinc the Famous
Missouri. Hi i ik,.
Jackson Hill and
Canon City Lump,
Always on hand Also a quantity of
cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We aT'o
keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or
ders promptly delivered. Leave criers
at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach : Co .
Afr itts
to the SroiiL
Din iliics.,
PlaKsmoii lh.
9 J
VV (Li i BJ ObUi
0 il
!at t-ii'oiit ii. I will We 14 1 . t 1 V,
linr ! Stove-,, I I in i ware,
1 el i I C
1 11 m m a li !"--! -c la-
ha ve voiu- prices that will
t .r f
k. J J ,
I l "
w v vt' v '2 '? w r w w
. ' '.i'.ii.
- - a - . l; i.
'I.' S.
y; V-'.S-.tti-'. I'l.
e ijij. La le. u,..-'ri un J ? cli r- , . An ''O i &i !!, for
CO. W. 1,. I'KATT. Xic't. r.LKBAKT. MU
...IS'-'!. " '
Finish Kim, Gid Boy !
j !i c S -ays lo bis
i !' --i ii : i li.ii-.h fi im,
j : iJ'i'i"!. in r. - i',:t- i r' , ,t ltl!i uii'T
j we wi.: i- '.. yi, i- j- . : : f i i r - putting
ja i,--:, :'.!!'-u ,. ir n .1. ( , i t n n J ry
j Wor k !s p .'(..!; t -f;; t t')
! this :u ;.-;irn--- r - i -. ',d-;rcd
i vi ; i ri Vf: l !( '-f. ;t. ';f,l
j :i- : t : Me : ic. . , 1 , rs ;t
so 1-1 h Sir 1 ii v t .
; a
. a r " r
-j V'v' JAUL,
SjLeaaing Liveryman.
r ... i. ! !
1 r (a:
'. TT.sMi .;! !!
i i A H LJ CO A L.
.Miv;i:ri ( ;il, i'.ouiui'.e ( ;i!n :i ( 'My ( oal
Lra" riir- :-.t 1 S. White's Store.
"A. J Wtir.-H
The KvK.MMi Nkws only ten CMits
er weeK, you can't atTord to do witli
out it.
5.. ijt r.