Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 05, 1898, Image 3

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Cnmmifhiorii-r Yoii'.jj'h f iit.h fjr Is re
ported ()"'" ill.
John (,'ri'y 11 now trirl nt his
house, which ho think i.f . tiling
Mihm (Jriirn liiiUnon of I'd m wmul
in iho eity, tho ui.-it of MiM (liira
Th boyd iti tliu Iii'ich i tji shop are
wt'll pleuseil Willi their uew foreman,
Joo Jlnwk worth.
I''ror.t is rcporits'l in northern Iowa
:iii1 M iiuii.'.iol a, it w -au't tiiui.o
oil' in N;t. ar-Ua ei: her.
Harry Colo wold his j d-aero fiiTii
near Mun-in' lo a Weeiiiio W utur
man tin; othe- (Jay for f,"jU().
Mm. I JritrjH.who has been (.juit.o biek
witii niihirinl fever for nuvoral dnyn,
was reported hoiiicj belter this iiiuiii-ii'K'-
(Jluirley Mevern'O shipped two ems
of line cattle to Oinahii yeH'.erdiiy for
whieh lie received .".::", the top of the
llill lliet.
leter 1 1 in ri ban was on the street
with a sickle, today, he looked like lie
mie;ht be practicing for a position us
father ti iii.
Wallace Thrasher lias necured a
(,'ood job on ;i .sheep riwii-h north of
'heyeiino, where ho k'ets por
inon t li and board.
Jim linker, of Itoek lUutTs, unload
ed a lino Westi n jhouso throHh-ny
engine at the M . depot toilay,
which he will use on his machine.
It was Win. Wetten kam p's barn
which burned down near Mascot, in
stead of li:wkei-s Hi loss was $-4 OH,
covered in part by a $12MH insurance
Meek Iavis purchased the J. M.
(Yaie; re.sidence, yest ,rii ny, on 1'earl
st reel for !;,( m m I c-ash. 1 1 is one of t he
nieiT-t homes in the city, and wo eon
f.rr;il ubite Mr. Iavis on his barjain.
The boys arrested for stoning the
Schuyler train were all d i se barged , as
there was no evidence of their guilt.
They had been li.-hing, and were on
their way homo when they were ar
rested. Will lieach has resigned his posi
tion with li. (J. Dovey & Son, to ac
cept a more lucrative one witli M. K.
Smith A: Co., at Omaha. Will is a
blight energetic young man, whoso
success in anything he undertakes is
The microscopic inspection of meats
f-r ex port at South Omaha, which was
called otT over a month ago, throwing
something like twenty young lady
m icro-copits temporarily out of em
ployment, will probably be resumed
next Monday.
Th? Iiurlington will soon havo two
now switch engines. One of them is
already in servieo in the yards, and
the other will soon come in from the
shops, lioth engines, N'os. Iti and 4S,
are class '"(i'' engines and were built
from the ground up at llavelock.
More home industry. State Journal.
The tire boys are thinking of con
testing for the big prizes at the ex
position tournament. We have the
best cart in the stute. Mid sime lively
boys who, with practice, might win
out. l'hey held a meetinir last even
ing to tall; the matter over, and the
sentiment was very much in fnvor of
making the trial.
The government exhibit of the expo
sition, whien is a ready superior to
any yet made by the United State-, 's
to be eu'-iched ny relics of the Span s
war, it.cludiiiir the tir-t Sptnis.ii I' ;t e
capTurcil in i uri i aim a eonocu ;
firearms and nth-"' we ip ns f vir o
land and sea, cinturt-d f .- m tbe
Spaniards at S nti io;).
At Inst act'.. unt-, ju-t before going
to press.. 'ol. l-Ve.) Kroehler haii cap
tured two of the mot populous wards
in Lincoln, and was marching toward
the bottoms singing Dixie, while
Mattoo Gering was acting as rear
sruard picking up the stragglers. Un
less the bottoms surrender a hot time
is expected in the old town tonight.
The coming of the Seventh artillery
bind from the City of Mexico is an as
sured fact. Last night Manager Lind
sey of the department of ways and
means received a telegram statinu
that the band vill start on August 4
and will reach here August 0. The
first concert will undoubtedly be given
on the afternoon of August 10. There
are forty-two members in the organ
ization. Uee.
Weeping Water claim- to be a pro
hibitioc town but we no longer tike
any stoc: in the claim. Jack Murray
drove a big nie team of horses to a
carriage to that place last Saturday
owned by J. W. Sage. Jack had what
he thought was the sime team hitched
up and urove home, to that he
had -a different team altogether. He
bad changed with Mayor Riehey so
the mistake made no trouble, but J ck
is kept busy trying to explain how it
R. A. McE'.yvain is repo -ted on the
sick list today.
Conductor Weeks has been laid up
with rheumatism for several days.
Tiie noo'e red rn-in still draws a
crowd, as is evidenced from the th rong
which went to Omaha this mo-ning.
Five hundred people from PI -tts-mouth
attended the exposition today,
the largest crowd since opening day.
Wa-h Yo.'.ng's O. I. C. Chester
White pigs are doing nicely. lie re
ceived their pedigree todiy and they
are out of the finest in the land.
John I. TJnruh is a member of the
republican cougressiona central com
mittee, and Clarence 'l'ett't was chair
man of the delegation at Lincoln.
F. J. Morgan is a member rf the
democratic state central committee
from Cass county, and Henry Ilemoel
holds a bke position from the pop
C row . .
Mrs. N. II. Isabel! was the purcha
ser of one of V. 1) Crawford's fine
pinnos today. A piano man informs
us thnt no less than 100 pi mos have
been sold in this county during the
last year.
The republic in congressional con
vention which convened in Lincoln
last evening at eight o'clock: was in
session but a few minutes. The Platis
mouth delegates returned home on
the midnight train.
The referee in Rankruptcy receives
a fees -10 per case, and as this county
wi.l pcob ibly have but two or three
case- per year the job is not worth
having for anyone who has other busi
ness to at ten d to.
Hon. I). T. Hayden, who is ppendirg
the summer with relatives ne:ir Ster
ling, arrived here last night to look
after some business, and will return
to his summer home tomorrow. Ne
braska City News.
Four coach lo-.ds of people went to
Omaha on the early train this morn
ing and a low estimate gives $500 as
the am aunt Plattsmouth people will
spend in Omaha today. The Omaha
advertising low rates of faro Ir.irU
IhiHcity in a bu-iness way very badly.
The moonlight dancing p u ty on the
high Hcliuui law n I ast n; . lit ;s r- j :-t -
d t o li:ivi' been a very p --i n t. a 11 ' t i r.
The evening Wis a ll '-I i ti 1 f I ! Mi;.'.
-pt th it it wa- a little t. o eind. Tie
refresh merit i were nice and tie- l.i'i':
dolin club mu-ie wa- -n'- ndi 1 a- -
p!n in tie- vicinity, who were t i-. r( ' . I
ton free inusica'e, c-m a buiidan ! v
Henry (Juthuiaii while out riding
on his wheel last evening was attack
ed by a dog belonging to 1'et. r Nord.
and was severely bitten on the -ide nf
his leg above fno ankle. He went to
a priysician and had the wound cau
terized and no ill effects a- e -xeetel .
The dog, liowever, i- in danger ns all
the boys swear dt-ath shall be it-1 por
tion on sight.
AS TIIKY (1eC A.M .)
w I iM - n. v.
Aii'ln-w I'ltiuan was in t...u t'.'l.iy.
t'.iurt 1 t-p-i t i-r N .rill, utt u..-. in t
sc.u r iiiK sen n- trail si r ij.ts In m:.i rii.r - - a t .
Hrnry I-iiliiTih.iry i in an.-ii'-i- al ti,.
KiosMenal c no cut inn m 1 i n . - in tl.. . ',:
As. Wills and si-u-r li-j.aite I ti.:; : i:..t:a
the 1J. .V M. f.r I )c-rivi-r, ti.-i-t.n t 1 ..i--ibout
a wci-k.
("lias. J'arrni:!.- lilt tin-, afti-ini. ,n f .r I)- :
wiod. 1 lo exjit-tts t i open his S.i .i;;: ! ..:.-.
Maiiday next.
Slit-r:lt Wliecli-r, atler an all n n'A r
tinned it ine iiein the ih-:iii.. iai;.- ; ta!:
tiHii this Mini ll.ii;.
J.ihn K. "nx and (cnily an- lu-o,
KhikIs aie ai I i iiik. mi tliat he will Mr-n i
new hardware side m shal'r fd l.u.n-- -.
J. 1'. I5e krr and wife, after a tw.i rvl
with Jim .-Mli-di and family, n lma. ii I
tidne at West bend, Iowa, tlo attei no. ai. Maliel t'nruh. wlj.. Ia- i.i-rn i
liealth fni some time, ilepait. d l.',; iie.ii
a. i
t a
a vi-it it h her ;r,indiin a her at I-. ri v. :o . K an - a .
Jcoi;c Jiiil 1 was an ( On alia . . -tor In !.. . I le
expects to le.i.e f,a the noi.tirv j.i -. .i a
si houl at 1 1 ihland 1'ark. Nivv ,..
Mis. A. W. ( 'i lies depai .-.i to lav I a i el h -a.e
at 'liadriu. Miss Jes-ie l-'mm-.l a . : i . ..- 1
ln-r in ordei to he tla-re t- l-i-ipi: ' i'1 ai
Seplemher .
Dr. Conk's rheiiniatit tie,:hie i. ;aia ! and I.
went baik to tlie at bin. a ;,t:i
nodi. He expects to he- hmiie a a eel: .
aiile to atend to husines s.
1'rof. Mclluh retiiine.l h eia- t!:.- in a-.a.
from a deliKhlful outai i . j in Ma. ne da. V I. -
away he in. ide a lniiine-s liip to Ni
He reports a k'ood time and v. i'.l . .. n
take up his ud U.
i a
: i
1 111 H.sfj.W .
Ii I). Keed of V. epiia: Wat a
on business.
Mrs- A. W. White i- i -.tin-Weeiing
Mrs. Sain l'attersdi is i-aai.
for a few days.
Comrade Herman llestm v..:s
today kt the exposition.
Chas, black, in chaise of (ie i
1 1 a.C. : -.
a .a. ; It. !
ai. i llaa'
::,'ai. b.d
visited the exposi t ion t .
Robert and Vallery h ite v. i i e !.
on the exposition grounds t-.-lav.
Martin Kuhy t mk Mait'n hi ! -t t
sit ion today to -dn r. ii::n 'i,,. li. 1 ,ia - .
Charley Forbes. I. -". i'.o -; r. , (.:
and Hr. -hipman w.-k- .
fast mail.
hi'lire Archer
nai: i -ai, wen', to 1
t iji
bath at the sani'a-
Mr. and Via !
? .Ia-' r II nr.. .in-.;
position this .i!-.e
County C'i 1 1; 1 .
an J their Kile -t. ''
were at the c.p s i
Miss El'Ilil li:l;.
visit of t . i week
will leniaia i.alii li. i s.aa.. ...... i
in eptemi ci .
Lester V h ian and w ife departed this v.
for their home at Alliance. 'J hey v-iil
exposition today, and spend one day wi
Scott in Lincoln.
Miss Olive Gas?. Miss Lucy Corbett. Mrs. Win
tersteen, Mrs. Frank Gayle and son and Mr-.
Wendell were chaperoned about t he ex p. s .! a ai
this morning by uncle 1'erry (dass.
Mrs. James C'iizbe and her daughter, IMith, .!
Weeping Water come in on the Missouri P.ic:ia'
at noon today. Mrs. had business in l! e
county court in reference to the c-tate of J.i:i.e
Clizbe. deceased.
Two of the most prominent residents of the
first ward, Cjl. Henri tiering an i li. .n
-purlock. boarded the fast ma ! f a i ti.i
afternoon, wfiere they are bnoked f a imp .riant
consultations with Chief lickiechobee of tie
Crow Indian tribe, and Lunn Waiiii i f the Ci :
nese village, who proptise to show there.aT. a
between the ancient Asiatics and the tir.-t set
tlers of America, centuries before the air:a:u!
Dakutu lirnt rii).
Conservative railway officials in lit
freight departineiit of tne So-ux I it;.
ailways estimate th it il.O'io tr .;ns i i
L'O ears eacti will be r quired to t:-i .11--port
this year's wheat from th" tie. its
of South DaKota souttieastern countii -to
the markets of the cas-t. No le-s
than HiO.ODO c irs wi I be r.eeaed p
c-trry b-u the grain of the -S.oux City
immediate temitory (jen "a' i:;a -gers
and general suoei intc u. nt- ic i
preparing their r- l vi.-.s to h . u
this grcas c!-ot. Kush o'lier- h v.
heen issued to have all 1 in t y fr.,:"e
ears ser.t to thi- : evci..i of t h c. .n a : v
Report s coin m in ii: fro:r. tip- - i:
eastern count i s of S a th I' !;.;!a.
eoroprising the com iiplh' a-
that l,il;o.0i'0 b is! e - of t i -..hoa'
will be produced from eh 01
of this will have to lv ham
about the same time. ::r.. i' is
to crowd the railroad- to ha n-.l
great output. Car rep 1 : r s
work trettingthe rollitig st '!:
various roads into shai e for- tl:
in bu-iness.
. I'
A I'.hiI A eiei.r.
Tom Crotnwcl, vl;o r-i-'es noar
Weepinc- Water, yvbii" li ii'i: some
thinp tibout a t h -ost. i ;i l' O' crine u iii .e
in motion, last Saturday. ir:.t ni- si eve
cauffht in some way :i:ul lir.d the b e ,-s
in his aim crushed from the sh "aider
to the wrist. At hist aeo--i;;;ti he w s
in n critical condition.
The Fusion Tickrt.
Governo- V. A. P - : 'i :
Lieutenant Governor A. E. (la1 art
Attorney (ieneral C. J. Saiv.i
S'ate Treasurer J. 15. -ei - -
State Auditor J. W. C rnei.
Secretary of state AV. F. I' -iter
Com Public Land- and Buiidinjs I. V. Wade
?upt Public Instruction Y. K. Jack-..::
WfHver for Con pres.
OsK.U.OliSA, III.. AllT. -. Ci C'icr; :il
James B. Weaver was r.oini n.ate J for
enncress in sotiarate conventions this
afternoon by the democrats, n-'p-jli-t-and
free silver renu'dicans of this con
gressional district of Iowa.
IiK-reasei. Wnjr' Northern I'aeifi" has raised t'.e
wajros of train empioves over th-- en
tire system, rcstorir.jr tliem to the
figure in vogue before the reduction
of 1594. Tlie increase amounts t
about 15 per cent.
W- Will IC I tin M nn 1 1 i
V a::im. 1 1, I). ( '., Aug. I: - It is
: :i d r-t o. .(1 that S cn-tary Hay ha- in-
o in. d a :n I" ui that the I ' 1 1 i I e d States
-.ill .i-ri'i:it..-iii 1 y r t a i n M a n i 1 ''. 'i t y,
. . i i I. a 1 ( . , I . I u . 1 i : g I 'a , i t , a lid
'.iii a:iov I he .- pan i-h t coop-- e va'ua t-
i:g ' u' -i, ., in: ; y 1 1 . e i i- -ide arm-,
..! - 'nr.' . can: pi op- rt v, etc., to
I ri
V- -
ei e .air- I :,' -e were the two
eipal ij a i r .i-il by Spain
da i .
t lianei for 1 1 a w.t i lit iin to l.nlmt
s. i d:. n ( i -I i ), Aug. o. tieneral
N'err.aiii, com :na i.n i n g the depart
ment nf 'ai i ! irn i -i, lias received the
fo ; i o w i n g d !-p'i tch Irum Adjutant
(;.a, 'al (.cl'iit: "The U.e.-itU. 't
die. el-, i!;a! if a i:y of the in i 1 1 i t a f'v
f'iri'i' if ih'- llawaii in i-'amis de-ii
',.i I ri'uii . a part of your volunteer
rtny that you are authorized to or-
gaiiie not to exi e.-d one battalion of
ir finUy, naming' the o'li ---rs and
au-ing the olac- rs and men to be
iiiu-t'-red into the service and havo
t i i e i ii to r ni; t to t 'ol i ai el 1 1 ir bou r for
A iir-l.
A- th" i n'. ro I in-- r .f the resolution
bef.ce the convention on Silutalay
! .-: f i v 1 1-1 n g lie- n om i a-it i. .ri of Mr. K.
II Windliani f.- -a rut id acy as con-gi-e-.-uian
in the I-'ir-t district, at th-
le-lieli to be li-'ld oil the second
Tue-day of .November next, the sub
- r 1 1 , (ie-ices ti inform tin- wiiini
t at'-d ."i-p'iblicans of the county that
it is ami!' er case of "didn't K now it
wa- loaded." Th'
p.-cfi c' 1 v ha: lii'.i-ss.
resolution was
"-o that lie who
i og as follows:
runs might r.-ai !
be -t I.- dx- i. Ihr.t :t : the , -pres-.-d of
- i a . .-at . a: :i, c. the Ltate- - elt- ted to at-
, ! t!..- r . .iti . ia' - . .-ia ! . di-. en I i di to
i , ! n t! v . .; v ..I I a,. ..In. Wednesday,
. a '. I-. -. 1 I. ''' ' i'-e ail hniMia'nle
,:. -. . -i -a i ! I:.- i. aial .. m . .f l 1! Vim I
a ! I 'a. i . .;.!'. a - a i ! hite lot Colore--
:a a. !l:
i le
i'i .. Ill i i
la 1 . !
bail s
: 1 l.llt
i i ; i ;; e r- of Mr. Wmd
n -i'l to throw the able
t.o.ard if -Ira'ejy of the republican
pa : t . o f t "a - canity i p. to con v ul.-io'is
v.'ii h '.Ins in l oceiit little missile, and
-I I ii-'.V i-'ji-.'.-. -.1 . i ill a fearful man-n-
c. 'Ida- heading no. uln-r of the
b'. ;i-'. who cari'ie- ,m advertisement
th-'t he i- the icily i n ! e i 1 1 g. n t r e p re -.-
n'a'iv.- o.' the county, enani -led on
e e y a -d porlioil of bi-CUtit'le,
ca v-'.-! i li g a!;. ait la,e cajd'al -i i y.reiul y
at a'l I ia;e- to deli
v e I
t he v d e of (.
u'y .' the up a
iti! i-m c. aa ' d
' r-e-polisiple hiibief,
tie p.a-sage of the
ca- ai:; ian u'..ti.u m i-.v.-iiain tneueie
j i'iwii fci.iii Ca-s pointy to the con-
:TtS-l"f!'ll C 't!Ve;iti.)i, til;Uing moil
is ey s of Ive- by naiiiiag -o aide
.ii-.d rl.'fii! a -'tji!'.!'-ina!i as Mr. Wind
i.a'i; for :"i lionnr..-. place in the council-
of tl.e p r'y. If the delegation
from i 'a--- co-;'T v v:- re ait so lavisiily
ij'ia llaai '.y e. ai ui''.' to make ail ex
hi'.tio'i of X h.'ins-'l yes as the S''eilt!e
m mi .'ho made tin., statement, it would
doubtless have been nec ssary for the
c ai ve n ! ion to p pi y a c ait of i iai n t in
'he shape of a a s 'ililioil de-cri tji r.g
v 1
i .
we were at to that portion of
the h'linan anatomy that t lie la men ted
Dn-win e .m-lad-ai mark-ai the parting
of tic ways between the human race
and the ia pnted a n ce-t ra 1 baboon.
The ides of November will demon
stra'e wiiethei- Mr. Windham w;is a
loc-ie 1 1 candidate or not, and whether
the boa ril of strategy made a wise
-eleetion for the common people the
r.-j'-u a h'an v- ders.
Fi.'ank II. Wilson.
Oi.ii Klin I aill- laverj 'wliorc
' laiiaoiid men were happy on
I u-.-sUav m 'riiiULT wh-'u tnev received
I- le a la pti ie report- of rain from all
p i rt - of ,e a - i,a. liven tile otlioi:;ls
whose f.-.iniiie- vc-r-; lo dt ive in the
l-';wer pirate-, while n.'irretting the
t;.cl that -oaie of tlie trai- and pretty
lowers iii i g tit iae made nanldv by the
;iiii,saiii it was of more i m porlance
:o have :. i-iJu iii-t would grow lowers
in the fo-m of c- -ru and wheat through
out tl - -'no-.
A' 1'nioi !";;ci!i..' iieadou irters the
rej.o -ts saowe.i that go d rains had
fallen on .Mo-day "itrht ,-md Tuesday
norninj all over brask a. The rain
xteudei aloriir the main line at an
.vcraje depth of ihree-fou th of an
inch, and on some of the b.-anch lines
;t feil in heavier ii u i-,ties.
Tiie I'. M. weather report at S
''. ek on Tu-f lay morninir showed
the gr al -st amouat of rain at the
foi a 1 w i p g jia.i t -:
I'ai'Mii ".ith. .:M inch.: Omaha, .:-2
ii cii; A-hland, ."" i' c'.; Schuy,"r. .40
in-'ir. A'.iio'-a. .'ii inch: (irn d Is' "nd,
s."i :n-'h; 1 'e :i t " 1 it y. .70 ii ch; 1' 1!
mer. CI ine'-,; (1 rcl-V Cti'i"-. !!:i
';,; llu-weii. 1 .:;o 1 i.ei,-; L- up C'ty.
1 ad,: (a-
t e
iT I
at nve t. :
Hoolre.iire. 1 j
Kearnev, T4 i
h: II st.,.,,. aa ii ch
h: l'u"t-. .10 iech;
h: Tlo'vok--. '.Is1 im
' Hi
h: Ch.-venn
H'.-iit. i
d I'lou'
To ine!-: Norton, reol; Orleans, jrood;
vi'.sonv'l o. .S"j i;ieh: A'-apMhoe, l.(l."i
in -lie-; Mei 'o.aU-. . e,s inch: li-nklem'-.n,
!." inch: Tm-i- i-ial, .till inch: Oxfo d,
li avy: Ivtiven ". heavy rain. Ii e.
i! oiks is I'minil.
I'anoy K.m oi - i f t'i.e w-'aithie-'.
' : I' it; i a- ill (bo- c.i'aiity. who i i Ji
!i 'e:i s V. fit. I'C r. S ll'll i.HS rietT.
ii-;-:. li.a i..d. v i s ii i -i-i ve ii'fi on a
.a f
in t lj,
1 1 r e -,h-
: i'.f r iiow ti
v. er - i. t iv-
U i o i n d i r,
,;ir I'el'd
ait a bank b- d fo ;nd i r, hi- ;ioek-'l
-ah::-l! d liis i I'-etcy. lie ieft an
-tat .- ;.f iLa.i-ii'i ;i-.d :i wife and six
clii dreii. .-.ll of ''ii"iii tua1 lthivii. It
is :i :t;ai,t ;,ti fell in t lio ri v?r ;uul yvt'.s
dr. ".v neil.
Ciiriipan y i,
Mrs, Wese.itt and other I'd.utsmouth
l-"ites would iiue to send same read
ine m-itter t 1 camDiiny 15, and no
ri-. titer biviir c 'U ai be si. own the boys,
who la; e; for something- to read, than
t- -ri,d them you.- old niao--i.ines. Any
'.a'.Mei s o- m ' left at Wescott's
-o-o will :i? nii.mptly fo-wardeit to
tieoti. 1'i-a-o r.-ir.e. nber them in
t -ad r lo'ieiy ca tr. ;i ! ife, and serid them
,1 a or n .. n r. izir.cs.
? - ei r I ry- N roe.
aiys I 1 1 i y
tu-rr. of tiiis city, was
t Mis- l-'iiiiiiio Nl-cc'. tit
the brid-'is ster. Mrs.
v. h. ;;. 1 iti '' .- ..'liaia?-
ieie in the a Ite. moon
r a v
.,: AT
t !
r da'.ive- at L'n-
-. iai w ' 1 1 t ien re-
!!!: titlil ti.ake t tieir le'e-vin i'latis-
m e:t h. Ti;-- Xjav i-xteiids con grata
! at ions and bo-t wishes.
: 1 1 1- H: rayed
?'Iyn-ird. on" r 11.11 steer, four
weight. 1.4 " or l,")1!', one
inayi-o lot'n are cm pp. d.
years oi a
ear and
Also ofp ict steef. with a few white
sects. an;e- bit on ri.-ht .-;. r, bnth de-!:,i-
r.i-d f .t. Th" t'n will he
p-.i'l f - his t-onVo- by notify'ng
owner at ?dyn irrl. N b.
'! , iti.r.Y B :vi:i:ac;i:.
Take Lax-.'iv-' lirorjo Qui'iino Tablets
All dr-t.'gi -ts i piu'id
e money if it'
fails to cure. 2ae. The eenuino has f
L. B. Q. on each tablet. '
Vho Alirnyn Mua n StiHrpr Solo t
Krl ll:l litlliM.
The f-'ign rvhi'-li catight .Mrs. Dawson
pye read: i: its .' I'. -ifively thff
'.st W- k K.-gul.i.r It-ice .;.....
M IS 1 l.iWa n ba i fin- , . I
1 1 V I' .ve
4ii' a b.icgar.i. iu.-t -:'; n sg
pints' car l;:r- t' r-uie ,.....
treasure f ;? was marked d.iv.n
f 1 to 'jh c iitfi j t-s r fur that day
nt 1 1
VU- in. .I.- than I'i'ir.n'ad that lau-.n. i
who Was v. l. ii her, did llet grow Utiiu-
Sla. t P.'.
U Peed ;t . I f , " : I.
Mrs. I law'-- ti " W
ir. t on., r it no,
and save o "
HaAy.-'ai was ( rt-ip the sell - i r. Id
f)! - as clii :ip ii"t yi .l.. bat 1 , l - v. I !' r
fi:-ed to move on and Ci'aL"" d tin- h li
'. 'S PlilM into til'' sli le, 'J l.e J.i.iile
clerk iis.-un d tie in tl ;.t ll sa- lie- bar
gnu of tin- e- iitury ai.d th..t tin., w
Wits pfi.sitivi ly the l,i t
With ineiital pin', -ts, but with oi.r
ward calm, li.iw -' !. lik" clay in the
hands of the jiotti-r, allowad bin. -elf ti
be iiie;i-uriil. Tii'U lie bit a ! pe-it
He Ciillefl in four (iivs iu)J t" k t.-
suit away.
'"J in re, " rrclaipif d ,Is. !):-.w.-i.n, in
triumph, v. hen h. r hi:-l and appeared
arrayed in his n w suit, "ym, ia a v
h;-d a bi tter tit pur a more I e ::
j.attirn. J i .-1 thinlc how laiah p'li.y
yourv.'ife -::ved i r y.iu y In ing i.n the
li x .l f"r b;rgaiii !"
Mr. Daws m jire rv d a iligniia 1 si
lence jiii'l waited putieptly b r h:s bet
ter half to gi t her h:it onsfraieht pre
paratory to acoo'npaii vi;:g li;.ni t the
.Mrs. IiavM.i! tnvaiteil ,i;h ii-pft-
tii Pee the ; lis-ill-; i d the si . ae i .' ro
fdio had saved iia-nvy for la r linsl iiiid
i'lie v.iilite.l to call hi- 1 1 a 1 1 . !! t.i the
fil' t I'Ui! ill t
it be P i a hi UI pi a .p
H'lv tliatikful
Wit ii all th fail h
Dawsnii wa- ciiviiie.
a wop:;;ii .irs.
I i.i.t I -ii'.-s
man v.;;.- telling tin- truth v.
!a l: I'.- aa
k of tiiu
.v. r. nil her
Ft'i i d hi r it . ;is t ia- la -l v, a
-J) sale.
."-'he h !a ii for t iie in.d. a.v
faitli was i' w ..1 di .-I It h.'i
lust Week J h- -i: fl li' W 1' i.
i ii ; lie
" Any
htiit lu
Tins u..;..w c'lo " 'hi: :;go
Aftir K;-;o 1-iiiK -Si) 1 iuj- fMially ICct!r
ir !'.r.i'r -tnniln r 0.--ii(i;vt,.a.
" Did V U ( VI I-la :: ice, '.-ail.'l V". filll
ton-' .1 ii;l ill', . Who Ilia! silo . '1 Ni w
Ilaveini s siece 1 S 7:;, p, a Xi w Iiay. ii
Ki gist-'-r ix,:.u, "th.a you only m a lew
old' bi'a h. ; '
"Why i- it?"
"There i-re a g l ia::'iy i ea.s-aps, ''
ftii.-'.y i d tiie vi ii liiii I : ; i i 1 1 1 ol the
bhide "I .- i i 1 ' 1 th" chi. f oi'e is that
a b;:i'b l-'s hand bee, a!:( s un.-t' ,idv ;ilt( r
he gets to b - rhot-.t -4o yi ;ii-s old and he
liiis to j.-ive r.p A od lmiiiy h;:rh. r.s
drink hiiiil, a, :il that makes tin ir nerves
ttnd baiiids unlit i'or service, and tlay
retire iii ii "ie 1 1 ley c tT t their CUSt
throats. Si ill, I will say that in all my
experience of ;;? years I ih v-.t saw a
man badly ( r.t by a 1 ai'la-r, Hat cyn by
ati aci'idept for v.hiclt the 1 .;;:; r wa.
tii it n sji-.p-ii de.
"What 1 i -conu-s of I1:" bar!
rhey ret ire 1-"
"Oh. some of tin-?:! go tot
house." ho r"p! it d, with a tw
his vf. "and .-'-me of th.-M.
:' ii:
siivi d t ie i:
live on thi
s. I uy li:;,- y .
l.e;aa;;,s rn-ining a
.-' ;.iid
Smif of th
Lii.'-iii' ss. j i
Collie ii'SUl;
I a rbi rs vvli.
I 'S I '.'
v.-i i . i : oi ii.". l
i 1 ;
i nts. I have ia i-.rd r,
ilVi' UV tiie l.-.-iiit-s i;;n:
. . . -.
he ;'.t:.e I llt.aa l s Thi -difl'i-rvuce
lV' in their
(vh;it lire you liit cin:'
-n t
U'al :t Vii ii-1-
s it lellit
: I
seem No, 1 c I - ii t ia- i::i that t!
to carve via id" or ;- a ii to skin
V h il-:.
ia ie iii
the barber business, 1 i t they h uru In iv
to bundle :i Ida skillt't lly t.-.d tli-.-y
make first class na-at ciitti rs. "
ripe Made nf a S I 's Tii'V.
A piye iiiede i.r.i i i a s' al's tm-k m-M?
M-eli at the Wriiw ol'iiee r; Ct lit ly The
stem is nearly a f . t ioii.a: ; i:d it
qtiaintlv il' usi rated wit'.i n press nta-
tloliS of ii
under th
;r.a i.' circle.
Indian, and ti
ia li !-: sla av t
i i'.'-i r - i!
Th" arti.'-i was
little sketches in
Very Well riLaalt ti
Then- !.-' a r. im
di r th-' -W oi ;:!'. ;- ; 'j
slede,- i !;;,-,.;.! i.y ! -'a- I'll tiie
a iis'ilillfT scene, V. k. !'. tile c;
tu iii;; bn't:.iit lo m:, iv i:i a t..
true to lii'-a
. !
ill a
.-iiiotht r':.:v;'i
aeti-r i- a pair oi v.alrti i .1 die i AI:
the li x anil whit
d; ilia-: also tin Jsl.e;:0
the kit tar
It is said that to ;a:d
overland trie, I in ti
t : a-
t "... !
!:..; m-
s. V ':
I ".! I i
.' l.Ii .!
o t;
-. yvii:
mom us lb i, r
i tei; driven J.v Iu..-.i.:i r ; I-
men. :iid j ;a l.:s el' r t.s v.
li'SU'L'i' ii i;it:.;i lor (. .-.
ii'il'ses iilld b it. !t ei' ;:: -,'.', i; 11-
Jri ri- 01. e e;u : a : la,.-- t.
(but!) in t Ii is in:.ii!f-r. tii"
liont'S sir tn nl.i:i- tne tnt'.-i;
Cliie;:re. Inter Oi-t .tu.
; lot. ill -I
s siiOV.".
I'siiKtty r-ils i Iiri ioiw iiim-r.
The young fellow who worries (.
ceedingly in fear ihat lie c;;::iioi fitid :
wife, or rather a ir! vl.' .iii he v. ants
to make hi.s wile, who is a gi"id ec-k,
is nsttally the one who aid: r the mar
riage Lais to i.rovrl the wife in the
case with anything to cook. Scram ol
A FretK-h!i:a.n vji convict'. 1 cf kill
ing his n:i 'tli' r-i:) law When ii-k- '1 if
he hail tinyth;!!.! to :-;;y t hi:-.. s.-lf be
fore trtking sent- !l' -. be ?: i'h 'rCr-th
ii.g. t-::c.';.-ti!ic 1 li vt tl with i.- r 2 1 year
and never did it bciore. "
The tei:'p- r;if lire of tlie c
a fh-L't-ee 1 1 iv that af til
timber is
ing ntn;osphere It is. tlnrol'o:
cur that the expre.-siou "cool
as a cu-
-ui-her" is sf.'i:itiUf-ifclij" correct.
The Missouri I'lii-SMie
II-is a round trip rate of a f .re and a
third to Omaha, yood evcy d iy dur
i ii g the exposition exeeot when a low
er rate is made. All t-a'ns stop at
the exposition 2"t?--. ir i v i ; i exception
al facilities for ti'ie e..n veuienee of
patrons who -ave i-ir f ta ai d unpleas
ant tran-fers. Tai;e the old re-ia'de
M. 1'. train fer imaha and the expo
sition. I'or Sale.
Tlie five aeres with r-s'tl-'r.C". . 'M-t
and an jo;r.iiig t. cc M . limine r yards.
-i act es in al falf a. IIerri'..
Cistern. Cellar.
we! s.
' ruljke.
it cost to get there ?
,.ow .-hould one go? What
otio take ? Where are the
lies? How- much have they pro-
iducai? Is work plentiful? What
w.-ig.-., are pa:d V Is I i y i r,.' c pen si ve?
i h it I ale on i .-i c I. an i e- i if ' m a U i n .r il
i . - I
-' i i -
c Pie
mi i
and satisfactory
lo the above oue-tions will b
l o'd in tie- I e i r 1 i n gt on rou te's" l I oii-fii.-ii
iivhe -'oliier," now ready fordistribu
M,,) linn. Sixteen pages of prutlchl infor-
mntion and an up-to-dnto map of
la-ka and the Kbndko. Free at
l'.uriirio'on route t icket ofMces or pent
'on receipt of four cents in stamps by
a . i i oie .s, -ien. i us. v b iu 1 1 ft ii,IJ
route, ' )inaha. Neb.
HirHii itml .Muli-ii,
Wai:t.-d, the best draft horses and
fancy chunk- 1 can get, weighing from
lo-i'ito Isi.o, fin- eastern and export
in irki t. Al-o knee actors and pacers,
the 1 1 1. ii o spec 1 the bettor. I will also
buy mules, from throe to oijrht years
old. All iiiu-t oe fat and well broken.
Uring in your big drafts and fancy
chunk-, I will buy them. Highest
iM-irK.-t price. Will tie at l'lattsinouth.
I Neb., Ti esday August 11, 'US. One day
mil V. I .. la. 1 'iin tl.L,
'1 o Suli rili-r.
We are carrying over a thou-and
a.-co'ints on our books, many of them
small but in the aggregate it amounts
to a neat -uin which would help us out
if paid in. If you can't pay all you
owe -end us a dollar and we will send
receipt, by return mail with a card of
thanks thrown in.
ltr-al.'s bread hereafter maybe
obtained at Xwekweiler it Lutz, Jona
than Il-ttt"s and Dovey's
Sherid's Sale.
Ie. -. al...- el ;ai iae iili.,n. issued by lieo. K.
II ... - v. .1 1 li. lIcik.. lla.- disliict cm t, w illun
.nil la I i. s i..ia,lv. Ni-ia.iska. rind tu rue di
i.ii.l.lual .ai tin; :i I d.iy nf Si-pti-inlii-r, A. 1 .
I--. s. at .r. I.n k p. in. "I said riav at the south
I a ..I I i e ii 1 1 li' i a si- ill I In - it y ill I'latt Mil nut li
;:.-....! i.'aiay, sell at public and inn, to ttie
l.a'.'.i-t lad lia l-.i a-li, the toIlnwiiiK leal estate
t . '.'. it :
I "t I a.r (Ii ai twenty one CM) in the
a:'. "I I a 1 : 1 1 -. I, ill t'ass i.ninly, Nebraska,
t ; .-r hi-1 -, ih tin- privilene- and appurtenances.
! I.n . i: ni 1 i'-l"iiip ii; nr in anywise appm taitiniK.
I in- siiin- b.-aa; leva-d i.poii and taken as the
J.i .peity "I A. A. I'avis deleii.ianl. In siithly a
1 a . 1 .: : 1 1 i . t ..I --.lid (.nut lenoered by the I'.irin
eis i..,::k "I .Mi:idn..k. jiiiiiiitiM, ai;aitist said do-
a i
i, Ncbi.-eka, Atiij. 'J.I. A. !.. ixys.
M. I). Will hLI K.
ln-iat, ("as-, riiiiiity, Nebraska,
by I. 1 ). Mi liride. I leputy.
at "iiiey l.a iiliiintiil.
l'rehafc Notice.
Ia t!..
In the 1
Hilt I' i mrt i if Cass run nt y. Nebi aska:
tei "! the t-st.ite id J.ihli li. lluiliies.
.1.- i-.i-ed. Ail p. isniis interested in said matter
an- hi-n-by i..a lie I that mi the "JTth day ot JuIt.
1 1-iani . M. nuiiis iili-d a petitmii in said
i ..a t. j ' i a y ina ihat h:s tiiial n, hinriistratinn ac
. ' .i't. Iae 1 herein, be -titit; I and allowed, and
Ih . i he be da i haiyeit Irani his trust as adininis
u . ; a a inid t l.'it it y.,u fail b ' a 1' bef. a i-said
i. a i t on the '.'- 1 day .d August. 1-Ss, at '.i o'clock
a. in., and -.litest said ietitM!. the court may
r.aiit the player "I s.-,.-l et:tn,n. am) make such
tla-i and till thei ..ideis, ail. luances and decrees
;. t' . this cuiiii may m-i ai ju i iper. to the em I that
a ' mi, t tei s' p. rt.i in aa; to said estate may be tmal
ly s-etta-d ;ai 1 ilelei ai.ned. Witness my hand
ai.d I'm1 sea. nt said imnl, tins L'd day of Aug-
li t. 1 -'.'.- lil '.K.,!- M Si t KIOCK,
i-i ai I County Jiiile.
Legal Notice.
In the I 'i-ti a t Court of Cass County, Nebraska.
1 1, the matter of the estate 1
of Ch,,i les butler, de- r
A i .. a at a ni of Margaret S. l'utler, adinini-tratrix
ol siial e-tate f"i .la'iifc tu sell real estate tu
laiv ilebts.
I ,a:s cause came on for hearing upon tlie
petition of Maiyaiet . IJatler adniintratrix of
Ihe e-tate i .f ( h.n ie Hatler, deceased, praying
I n a to seil the s Uithwest quarter isiv'il
d -ei :i n ea,d.t im townslcu (If; range nine ito.
i'ii" ' viiiil , Nil.rii'Lii. or a sUtlicient amount
H of the s.una ta : ay the um of i'.".'.'2.Ui in pay men t
J of debt-, charges and expenses of administration
ot sai l e-tate and :t appear. nj to the undersigned
ju :r ol the distr a t court tl at t here is not saitfi
i ... :a personal x 'pet ty in the- hands of said admin-i-tiati.x
In p;iv ' debts, charges and expenses
and i; tu: ther appearing that it is necessary to
sili the leal estate descr : br fl in saici petition
i ii. " ' i' ' li" I . 'I i luri . r an.1.
' ' '
It '.s ;h. retore ordere;! that all persons inter-e-ti-
1 ia sa.d e-tate appear before me at the office
d the clerk of t he d ist net court in Plattsmouth
ii nt i , Nel r : sKa on t lie I'Tth day of August,
A. I 1 s'.'s a; 'J o'elock I'. M . i if said day and show
c.vase uhy a laanse should nijt be granted as
ja.oedta siii ! a liiiinistrat rix to sell the above
ae - ci . : ed real est ate or so much t hereo I as may be
in- i--aiy to pay said debts, charges and ex-pea-,
It is further ordered that a copy of this notice
i.e patoisi, ed f .n tour successive weeks prior to
the tan.- I'M- i for said fiearai
Weekly Nnvys I Ii.k ai h." a legal
' iishe 1 iii l as- i oiintv. Nebraska,
j I ).,iul this l.'.th day of luiy A
ie I tor said hearing in the Semi-
:a! newspaper pub-
l.Vdi day of buy A D. lu.
HasIl .-s. Kamsky, judge.
Probate Notice.
In C .untv Co. at. Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Ai Juhaette Wright,
lei eased. o'-e Amelia Morrison. Juliet Amanda
i'.- e... Mar l...eti laaagiier. Frances h-velyn
;ai : ah other per.- . lis interested in a:d
'.a a ; e-a ii : j hei -a v ie it.r.e i that on the 1-th day
-! i a .-. . 1 .is. i r.-ai':e la. an laed a petition in
s ; i . ai. a na, ,; .ia; ,ua ot;.er 'fangs, that A
i a a ",e i . :a :: i ... the ..:h day 1 ju y . .K.
..a'..:.. ;-. i e t .'.... and tia-i. an a.;, an 1 po-ses-ed
; i. ., .a d p is an, i -mic and tint the aaove
a -: . : a i- i. . t aa . er s. .i. - a.tere tad in t he
-: .: d ai i. ii-e i. aa I praung b.r the pro-
.. .e . I .-.o i .'. . . a:, j 1 r .niiiiiiiistiarioii of -aid
. a.'t 1 nil leheieb. lot died ; fiat if you fai , to
aa; iaa at - a. i cot; it on the I'.t.'i da oi August, A.
i Is"', ;ii t e : i ' i t 1 , a k a . m . to cutest t ae pro
: ate .a' s.a;d ..., li.e court may a.loW and proaate wa.. and giiint ad maii'd rat i-a id said estate
to j.ime.- M I'. Clers hi and Robert ii. Windham,
er s unc ."her si'atab.e per-in, and prucee 1 to a
setia-n.ent tl. ureal
'v iti. ess r.
iai t - aa nail,
I '. I-'.e.
hand and seal of said court at
Nel.r.i I.H. this. 1 1 1 1 day f Jui
( ;. la.H M SI't'RI.i .OK, liiijt
. : C '.
. nt ic e
e il. adaiiais
e 1 ef tiie e titte of Joiiii
ii'-eiis-.' to slj real est.ate expeuscs ol a jniiu-
1 ;.: - a.-.' e craae ..a f a i.ear::: up in the peti
t; .': el N; liaiiie. i. M e.-riei administrator of tfie
e-rttt: of . 'Ka Cusack. deceased, with yvid au
i.eae i 1. iae. ii.r f a a license tj sell the west one
h...i v ' ji ..: i ae s nit ir.i est quarter 1 s-.i . of sec
t a -i s : x 1 ti'Mi-tap eleven (IP range nine (9i
'i,.'S county. Nehra-Ka or a sufficient amount of
: i" -nit, c M pay t he cu-t- of administration, debts
;.:.! ot sai-l e-tate and its appearing to
tl e r;i ler.-a;iied ju lj;e of the district court that
there is ii' a suttic eat personal property in the
' aa is i f - ii i adiiiinistr itar to piy the debts.
..-u-icies. cli-.itres ai. i expj:ises of tl.e adminis-tr.-i'.a
a "' s ii i e-tate. aa 1 :t appearing to the
i : !.e . court that it : nece--ary to sell the
K--.. de-cr;b d :a said petition, tiled herein
t r the pay meat . f sa:d deats, leijscies, charges
a:; i e.-.; en-e- ot ada: iti'.st rat : n.
it :- t'...-refoie ordered that ai! persons in
terested ;a sa. i e-tate appear before tne at the
:.: .; Iti.e clerk of the district court of Cass
.'....:. Ne'arssa. sn the city of Plattsmouth. on
tl.i :; i i.v.f September. Pi'-, at two o'clocit p
.a. t .-..: i .by t i si. ' M Criu-e why a l;cen-e
I. a' i not i'j i:r-.t:ted as prayed, to said a J
.:..:.' tra: -r t i se.i t e a': ue-cribed real es
t.i. - ..r - a '.ch thereof a- may be neces-arv to
a. : : --. lecacies. ctiarRe an 1 expenses.
- ; a:: r m ierej that a c py of this notice
L-ek-, prior to
V k v -N i- w s Hi HAf.l.. ?. i-yal i.ev. spaper. pub
i ;.'.''..-- ia.'.;at. NeVr.a-ka.
i '.ae-i ta :- 1 -t day of h..y. -.i-.
1 Ha'sil'. Kamskv, Judge.
Legal Notice.
Ir: the P.-trct Court of Ca-s County. Nebraska.
In the tiai'ter o! the cuariianship of i
J : n ii. 1 k ur-a-. Anna I.. U Kourke
an i .! '-ej !: !'. ( 'K'....i ke. )
' I drier aa i i.y ir ue oi a license to sell the
real e-tate heielaait'-r de-cribed entered in the
;.: ve ca i e ! v Ii ai. Iia:i S. Ramsey, judee. on
ti.e '.'th d iv of July. A. !. I will on tne Mh
.lay i f aeai.-t. A. 1 l'l". at la o'clock a. ni., at
ti." s ..tit:, i.-r of the court houe, in I'latts-
' :n atl". ' 'a-s c.i'.', Nebraska, otter for sale lot
e:.e i.tin Ire I and three in the northeast quarter
' f the s '-.thttest quarter, lot one hundred and
1 -ur m the n-.rth'Aest quarter of the south
'.i. -t quarter. and h..; eighteen in the
- :t!.we-t qaarter of the southeast quarter, and
ti e - aitrie ist q airier id the southwest quarter,
ai. :n se't: 'ii nan-teen, in township twelve, north
of ratiiie lo.irieeu. in Cass county, Nebraska, to
tiie highest bidder for cash .
Nlllil M. O Kourkf., Guardian.
! Ly her attorneys, liyrou Clark and C A. Kawls.
Bottom Dropped Ottt
..of Prices
On 1897-Grown ...
Garden and Field
Two Packages
Everything else
Now is the time to repair your Spouting
fore the rains lcf,rin
We Have Something" New
In a door lock that will last a lifY-timr ; Ii i
works better and costs h-ss niotn v .1
Call and see a Gravity door lock, at (In- ia .
store of . . . .
South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth. Nc.b.
The)' bauisli pain
and prf)loiis life.
17 ' 4
mr) i mm
lza izi 4
No matter what the matter is, one viil ci
good, and you can get ten fur five a:,t
A new mtjn parka (v-ntAtnlrHf Ttv nrr" runrr.ris In tir .-r : -t.,n
at loinfldriiif mutrrm-rnn kivk i ps, ; H. In., i .v.- t.i i -e.j nh! m , m'. ;i.i. -i I . i
tml. Oue doxa of tli fiv. crut eiirOins lat.iil.-ni ijlji i. imo ,v tn i l a
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