"V mum of im Convene at. Weeping Water :i ti 1 Nominate Strong Ticket. AN II .KMuNKhh CONVhMlOX "l iv 1 1 . Vouiiii, I oliartl, fw'oi Hint Zuih. Miikt- An liivln. IM' Ti'k-t 1 he Tii ! -Kim; .rr.iir 'I'll i 1 1: i i IV i. c t ti run von tion unit ;it Writ i u' Wii jr ) ttui'U;iy jiur.-uunt to cull. ' i t ; 1 1 ii Wilo.H wsia liM.-ti-d i ll ti l lii:in, (jcor-ii) Oiivn liml Wult.iT i'orry si-t ti: I ll: i 'm. WiOitilll :n:y Wllslr l.f lilliM III.) run veil lion )il- ((iilcd iicciM (I i Htf In tin) Ciill Lit iiiiiii-iii.-ilin of ii tn-ltot, the county iitloi -n-y iMiiiiiri lii-.il. I'IMlili II. Wii. -on ii :i iiiimI Alli'll ISi oon, !. M. S)nrix'k iiiimud A. J. Gr.in.M hiiiI II irvc;y Ilollovviiy inum-d .); s-i; I j. limit. An informal l;i;iot wis llmu tak. n, which ruult.tl us follow-: Hoot S.'4. irav.s 7S, I Jim boh . A foim;:l hillot w;n then Liken, which M siilti it iii no clioii;.-. An.ith 'i- hnl lot wan I. hi: ii hail, which juv: I tool !)S, !i:i.simi I Ii, (ii uviiH (M, ;u)l Knot w .n il'-cl.ii cil III.: iiom i n . o ol tho con veil -t ion. W. II. Nowoil win then nominated by ii.'eiainal ion for Hie Henate, and YounC and l'ollaid for tlu house. The con Volition then lool a i'i-cchm while the Third com in isMioner din t ricl oranieil, with K. F. Kvet olt ;i- eh.i l r man . l''orty-th ree ballots had to be take') l i fore a clioice wa- made, tne liiht bal lot resiiliiny a fullns: .1. W. I (ill I in. 2N; .1. ". Stevonson, ; Turne' ink, .Vi; resiillin in tho lut t.'r's nomination. To h".'in wilh the following i:andi tl'ilos weie voted fc: .lonalhil) Adams, ink, Stevenson, II. (J. Meards lee. ISulli and Melloid. The mat.iiM-of inst-uctiiiir a delega tion favorable to It 15. Windh in came up, :m did a re.sol ntion for Burkott. Hoth were tallied and the delegation secured in tlie usual wnj , was lift to vote as it saw lit. The delegates to the He veral con ven tions are as foliown: The delegates are. to the. state con veni ion O lendo TelTi, .1. 11. Hecker, (Jeoro I'ickwell, James Carey, C. L. (Iraves. Frank l.ekson,.l. II. I'.ilnier, John I'hilpoi, Mont Uol.b, li. l Dif fenbacher, .1 . Hall, H.C.Coleman, 1'. I-:. II. v, .I.E. Dmitri ass, T. F. Jame son, C"ipt.ain I Wiles, Frank II. Wil son, 1'. II. Steimkor, Will Cooled-ro, M. 1. lieal. To the co nr res- ion ill ton ven tion A . I j Tim hi in, C. E. TelVt, 1. N. Wood ford. T. E. Williams, W. II. Fool. C. E llur l.url, (jcorjro N Lnltuf. L.J. Mavlield, Kobe t Ca-e, E. ('.Todd. E. A. Burton. J. M. C.-'iitr, K. Wilkin son. T. T. Younr, A. Wright, Ceo. W. Chirk, John McKay, Charles An dru. Ileiu v Eikenbiirv, J 1 L'nruh, II. C. McMakin li (i. ('lib. F. A. Murphy, J. S. Fhoebu-. D- leirate at larjre, W. W. Ferry. To the lloat conve-it ion J. II. John son. A. W. Beaeh, II Schneider. II K Neit.el. If. II Wilson. C A. ii -e C. A. A shni'in, th M-l -s Ileha-r. Wil son (Jilmore. ( ! eorjre Stee' e. W. IT Kiiyil, John Adams. J. T. I'.vm . I). Kuntz. John M. MelToni. lelm Bad L' lev, .laine Ttv -a ' ih"l . Hunt, T. F. Wiles.C.eore M. Spin-lock, A. J Beesoii, Frank Kitchey, Iltmry Hoeck. J S. Fho bus, delegate at lare, E E. Day. Central committeemen. C D. Quin tnn, A. J nkins, T. E Williams. A. J. Tool. J C Steven-o", A H. Smith. C. E. Noves, D. C. West. J. W. Mnpnev, E. A. Burton, W. II. Koval, C. M. Beach, J. T. Evans, C. D. Cltpp, John Aaron. F F Everett. R S Wilkin son. J. M. Toeir!irden, S. (i Coirlizer. T. F. VViles. J. I Unruh. J L Root. F. A. Munihv. C. S Johnson, J. M. Younr; Dr. M. M. Butler, chairman. The I'opulist Couiiiy Convention Tho convention met in Llassemoier'a ha. i at 11:00 a. m., when a committee on credentials was appointed and an adjournment was taken until after dinner. The convention reconvened about one o'clock, when J. 1. llouio was elected chairman and li. F. Allen was made secretary, all the prectucts were represented except Liberty and Eight Mile Grove. Everything v.is harmonious until Henry Uempel stirred up the animals in an effort to soo tli.t Edmisten got a few votes, and a rag chewing match followed, which lasted for two hours. Heur.x appeared to have it in for Flattsmouth, ana considerable i.l feeling was stirred up which wiil find its way into the next convention The following is a list of delegates chosen to go t.i the state and congressional con ve ntions: T.J. Olivet, El Dorr. II. I). Bar, Robert McIIenry, L. W. Driscoll, J. W. Keasoner. G. S. Upton, H. C Madding, E. S Coolev, Jarue- Rouse, Hei.rv Uempel, E. C. Covault, A. M Russell, L. G. Todd, M. S. li-iors, Janvs Clark. J. M. Ca'ter, Wm. Bourke, M . W. Tii. mas, hris Ch-is-ten.-en. Dave Mi-' aig, John Ramsev. A. C. Hen-haw. B F. Allen. G. S. Uph-nn, P. H;inr:ih:in. J.imes Clark. I. W, Renso ier, Ho-aee Stick l nd. W Waiiirh. Am is Ki-er, J. M. Riser, Chris Christens-n, J.hn Ram sey, A. M. Russell, Dn Bourki. Ilrmnrratk' County 5'onveiitlon. Tn- u"ii"C a ic county envention met :-t 1 .o: i-vi i ( S iturday lor tie pur-,,-t. ,,i ieclii.i.' Ui-iegates t. the -t;i e n vl co ' l. i e --.o-ia ceil vent loiisi. J. N. - i-c V...S m ! chii m'n nd F E. G-'c-n . c el:i v "lb ap talk"' wa ! in is d i 'i ind M ' Ge-ing w s given ih. e 1 . 'In urh "Mii-h coveted h..ii.i "f eet .i the de egfttinn to the O' er : oil '.1 eollV- Iltlon. Tl C fullil v n.' S trie '.1st ef lb legates e eeted to ;ifeti.l r'e s'.lte convention wtl ch rm e ' - i ii L- m id n t oib y : E iw-ril C irr. T. J. W ilhuro. George A I owl -, I I Carlev, II. E l'.uik onin, D ':st r, M.G. Kime, R. B. W . bice. R.Mirv Anderson, Jitcob R. Valb-r-y. W" P. Hnchins" n, William i i i 1 i -1 1 . A. ' '. Kholen. E. I". 'orner. ' J ii . 'V i k II Sta d-T. Mathew : F- 1 K'- ehler. F. E (i-ccn, A e - . J (in L'ltz M'-. (ierine-v- t o h s d-'loiration un'il I' : rrm mi K-l.nr- Sold. i':. II r 'M-.ni' ,e-id..i at the n' !) .-t career i f Fifth and Oak stree's. was sold :t sheriff s sale at tri" co'i't hiu-e las' Saiu-'day, to sati-fy a mo tgitre held by the Liv n -1 n Loan --n-l Buiidinsr associa tion Th s n operty occupies a very tlesira)ib 'e-i lenee ite. and w:is pur chased bv II I Helns, the present occupant of he premises. The con sideration was $1,-08.45. CITY AX!) COUNTY. NA 1 lliliA Y. ' : as. I '.i line le e x rn els to have h i - le w r .ail k I II 1 11 11 II I ll Lr o: de - l e t Wi e ;; . i I he new i n ,t 1 1 'i I ion wiil he k n o .'. n Ihe Par mi I o S i v . n s ha n k . 'I he ii: ui,i i ii,. of Mr.-'. M ry Wieman, ' !..! Beavi-r, v. ho ilied of .lnii l a! mahi, were brought to this ci ly to .1I.13 lor interuuriil at O.iK llll.. Tl.e I fuller. il iici.'Ui red this alteration froin ! t he residence of August Gorder, lov. j H. B. Burgess ollichi li n g. Mrs. Wee I man was formerly a. resident oft - s-i i:ounty, living in tho vicinity of Cul- lom. Joe Knlashek, a I S do-m :a n w ho lives Hear ill" mi power ho i-e in tl.e west part of town, was arr. --lid y-s-teiday on romp aini of his fun Iv for erealinea ili-lii Imiri: :it the fami.v 1 1 1 en i i-1 1 e, and hild in j iii o.e r.i'li' When hid e se w i - i i led In fore .1 ud'e A rehe thi- ni'T'iing ,i e. en pr. . i, i - w is elleet' d lietw-e.-ii tlie p:irii, Wllicll reHlllle l in Joseph's release. I Freight bu-ino--' on Hie l. M. i llourisli I ng. Traill -i of einp.v .-'"iii ! CUrs HID lie.llg tilllpped we-, a- f-i-,t a- I tho cars come in. Ti e iIi-iii imI for cars on account of a ppr i ac Ii I n l' er.iin moving sea-oii, p nm.-e-.i.i h.- teavy. Tho home deuiara fo. ais. from .. on, will be exc piiorii. heavy, e-ne- .-i I i . e.i-t of I I..- 1is-.iio-i ive ders have liei n i . u I l i s i .ed re nl i n i I he. handling of fur. lLrn ears, when ' l.e roiiipnii l-short of it-, own. The Second Nehr.isUa ha- eut i's eloMie- at ! i-t and is now re .dy to lorhe war. Ilwou l appea r t li.it E nele Sam has learned the tactic- of the prudent parents when tin; son of the Iamny gels wna ways ami is not a ne -n-! ,,, alile to regular Ulsci pi inc, anil iiples1 his clothes to keep him in d u ri ng t he hours when his presence is wanted at home. The boys are not L'iv'en their lino uniforms and blue shirts until j they are really ne d -d at the fi onl. State Journal. The Nebraska City News s iy-: Wii- Ham liull, son oi tin; lat. i apt i.n Butt, arrived home last nirhl Ironi Dawson City, Alaska, wh re he. ha heeri for the past ear. lie has four claims there, from which lie expects to realize a good sum, and brought back with him several nneeei- lo'iM't'i show that there is goid in that. cnuri- ! try. As he is st long and h-aitiiv he e oxtioru-nced no ha d.-ni ps in mi king tho t rip, and on his return be c me. entirely by boat. lie said begot tired living on sowbelly and hardtack an l j Came home to enjoy some of mot her's j cooking. When lie gets thoroughly ! rested ho will return to Daw-on C.'ity. ! The "big muddy" is slowly but I suroiy changing Us channel in the vi cinity of the upper mo th of the Platte. The long, narrow point of land between the two rivers on the Sarpy side is being rapidly cut away, allowing the yellow waters of Ihe Mis souri entrance to the narrow channels cast of the water works pump I iv.ise. For the last ten years the Missouri channel hs been graduilly eastward, cutting off hundreds Ule Veil i f acres J of the Iowa bottom land, and renin r ... in:rthe expenditure of thousands of j 1 - i dollars on the part c M railroad to conli ie th their big b. .dge, hi: evidently concli.b-;; ! bi :ka and it . ' ' ' change will be ... fiVi-l-V'dlC. ha-:tie ll. cet u t n agai n. it ii t! e r : r has to Ne which we'con'ed bv L..:ii Ilei; ;.'-' i in umatie ' rou Corn in tho n v. ooJ wii: I; on account f d of t he county. TllK N i:i s, a 1; news wh t: t i -paper ir. t h c t v it with oi t roe ri li a. f .-lo,i :!:at ; :rt Saturd a y thai had a report of the roputiiic.tn convent:')!! at Weeping Water. The Schuyler train came in oao hour late this morning, on account of No. o from the east being nearly two hours late. We did not learn the cause, but it was not a snow drift. A pretty assessor light is on down in Ri ck Bluffs precinct between Win. Nye the democratic nominee and Dave Young the republican nominee. The ball has begun to roll alreaiv and by e ection day wo fear our neighbors will be out with p.tchfm-Ks in a iiea'ed comb it. The hmdsomest Ireight t-ain which ever passed throiiirh this city wa- a train of twentj'-six cars of MUburn wagons consign d to L'. ninger & Met calf, Omaha. ihe cars were all tieautlfully decorated and p ; s.-ed through hereon the 15. & M. at 2:15 this afternoon. Some complaint is being mad" about the 1-.HU per day for grading, being used on streets that are ai e eiy in g-.iod condition, win e o'h -r -tre is are still im passable. A wa-h.-utf-ur feet deep exists in the street in front of D. M. Jones' and the bridge near Ileisel's mill is in bad shape. We regret to note that the Louis ville creamery has not proved a suc cess, and is no longer uniting. The managers seemed to iackexperier.ee. and someone who understands the bu-:ness might lind a rare openir g at Louisvil e thai would well remy look ing after Trie rl ri ve over lo W. e-.i : o r1' a tor Satan ay was a most delightful one. The air was cool, the roa is perfect and th- corn.wh ch cr v led the road side everywhere, was a siirht to he-1 hold. The outlook for an immense crop was never uetti-r. Scam thresh ers were noticed threshing out the wheat from the shock, iidciii g life to the beautiful landscape Dr. J. M Birrow, of L'nco n, h;'s been in and a o'irid Lo'.ii-v time on the lookou f Mi for O'Tl iltl. n i daughter, Kittv. who was taken f om home at Col Ferguson's w ie i s:d. -nn d st.Pi't, in Lt'M'o'n some time g . He filially has located h-r a W;t;. Adams' who lives six mile- so'rhea-t of this city. The do -to;- el i ms s e has been kidnapped, and if she js o allowed to return to her h uno n- a,--ably an action at law will be had t gain possession of her. To iulserilers. We are carrying over a thousand accounts on our b ).)ks, many of thi- m small but in the aggregate it amounts to a neat sum which would hel-juso-.t if paid in. If von can't pay till you owe send us a dollar and we will send receipt bv return mail with a cud of thanks thrown in. Shake Into Your Slio -s All- n'- Foot-Fa e. a p .wder for the feet. It cures pai:ifn;, swollen, smart ing, nervous fo'-t and instant iy take the sting out of corns and b oiiocs. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Fise makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tt'rd, aching f"et. Try it TODAY. Sold by all drusgi-ts anil shoe stores. By mail for 2")C in stamps. Tria' track age FREE. Address, Allen S. Oim eted, Leiioy, N. Y. as 1 1 1 1 : Y toMiS m ;o. . I I I li.W . .ii. I .M en .. . I ,! l i . i. Hi. K i-iiin; J y w r i c t I j i i i I a.:,, , to,t. t . i: tr. V..t. :. ' t . I .v. i- r t .1 V. it 1 ai h.s 1 l.l:t l: 1 1 f .! I- t ,1 .-I 'I.L- I ..t I In: h ,r. ! I., in ..w II t I iv. '. K.iv. ..1 r.rtfi.iiiv, M . . n.-iuiti. d vi-niiiK ;iltT a siiuit . -: t v.-;th her two ll' I s. .11, I.I M U I I .1 . . l:i I i l:n;:;i,t.-r-. , Mi li ' Ii-lii-n I m l Mr ::i ..1,1 M ea. .1. I ,i-s" i-r V.-.i.tn :irr i r I la-.t rvri: .a. r, f ' .i a ;.il:w I., r tilt aiail i - it w st.:l .ii ll..: I'.atts.iiiuiitli i n iti,i,:,jSl-.1 .. l . nut of A Y..iu V : . 1 I -1 f. I.. h-. . 1 Mi- K. f ir ll,: :tv. an 1 J !m K ih I i i -1 I ). , .- -.:a 11. ,i l.,u rlav. if nr i ;i v, ! J...I 1. .11 h: !. I I W .III. u t .if.-. . at ti-iid s.:n !.. k :..: I ia .i. 1 1 t . I.I A la la:,.. K I wi . I '!. i li - in. - pent si: r.- t!i J... K.iai-.ey ami .l'" - y. K ll Y : : . li. .:a ai i : vi -1 I;. .11 . . . is. .lit ui.tiii' aai .1 th; Ii i.a nili', l k o III , a! n-r ; : ii rt In. I l-'r.it J i .In it ; li,.- st M .. .' . ; m. J M.eaa ami Mat (k-mi; went t i 1 in af t i-r m .. .ii t. in i a 1 . 11 'e tne. I ic inc lief, n e ( .11 ..-n t l' .ti in.-i-ts i . . i i i 1 1 1 . i w . j l'r ...k' I Ii i 1 1 1 t..il.i , . :iiau- 1 1 it'll Is u ii 1 l..- ia t- sce is heme aai.i greatly ini-.li- t.i atletiil li 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 e s s . an i. i. 1 new s.a er ai 'in ol in I In- e : i i .io V ol I n le .sam :i- ! u a- ai C. I'. K. Wiiliaai I .i .hi I I !a:i I, i. 'A ' !.-i.u : v i . - 1 1 u ..- i - 1 i. Sim la v. W. I I. K' .-ii. i :i:i : I ! in I. v. a- in t lu all .i:k Ii a i .---i h.-n t t r. a -i i it t ol I . si'.i.i ill ill i - city over 1 1 1 '. 1 1 e a t (1 'Miuiiat i l .lay 1 'i th In st 1 1 in.-, inwtri.l l..r tlie last uirM-ii i-ai -. I .o' tri ' i ian .i ml v. ii. - are 1 1. . w a 1 1 . .in A 11 Kir.i u i. li a i it v. .tl. ie!alic. ! -e-'tri' ha- heea lii in; i.n the 1 a. 1 t r awhile I .lit e. h- t t'i I'ar k t. tho i a ii ii till- fall, lie :-ays hi - lather i in n.nl health I. lit I isevc-inht is haill injured, am! he .ine il .v.n he.e h i treatincnt this to l-i II. A. I.cv. s ami v.ilj of .1 Mr. and Mrs. ii:ssrl v i lie, Oregon. I leitl.aiisen at the Were uresis Hotel I'lallsni ..uih uvi r Sunday. J'hey came all the way hoiii lieen t.) is:t me exposition, ainl aic tie.inlited with what they the c; position beiu tar ahead ol what they expet ted. Mrs. Lewis was hoin on the cast, and this washer lir-t trip ca t. They brought s-mie tmc fruit " lllt: "-e..u exliiba. in e . re N:i ined Judge Muuger has named nine of lie- twenty referees m bankruptcy lot N.-bi'..sKa. 'J'he referees, logeluer with liei counties ailolleU to them are: E. P. Wiatherny of Norfolk, Madison, .-Stanton, Pierce, Kno. aed Antelope counties; John A. D. ivies of l'l itts .... .. 1 1, i -.. . t ,. . i i i , eo'o'-11, i i i.iiiiii , ij. nioj i. i j.lui uiu of Columbus, Pialte, .Merrick, Nance, Boone, Coif i.-c and Uutier coun I les; w- Vaughun. of Fremont, Cuming, i i . . ...... . ... .... i .... . J loil go ti til Saunders Counties; ri-atiK ! i Ireland, of Nebraska City, C ue, NeiniLa and RiciiariLson counties; It 'litis. I'.. CI apt) and V. II. Ilerdmui ! of Orna ha. D.aiglas, S.irpy, Washing ! ten and 1 !u rt f u n t ier.; Irnest C. Ames j and K. 10. Spencer of Lincoln, Lan I caster, Jo'nnson, Saline and Seward coun I les. The referees are appointed by Judge .Mungcr fo-- a period of two years, but a re sit hject to reinovol in case the jude is not sa i-fie i with their work. A bomi of si!,-)!!') is required, and as soon as that is furnished they will lie ready to enter u pen their work. J nil ire Munirer says t hat ihe present allotment of referees is in a way ex perimental and that ho may lind it iiece.ssaryto group Cue counties dif ferently after he finds how heavy the work will be. N Kll i WK A XO I KS l-"i..ni the Register. 1. K. C'itchtield threshed his fall wheat Friday, which averaged o bushels per itcre and weighed out lllii On. per acre. Is ae l'oll srd has moved out of the hou.-e wiie-re he h.s lived sO many years ai;d is now comfortably domi c.l d in his new commodious brick . o-iilctu-e. Fi nest M. Poilard has moved int.) ihe house, his father va cated. F. G. O. Nelson's boy. Tiieodo e, wa- Hooked by a co w agains'. a barbed wire feme Snu day morning with such fore . that i i i -s oaek was badlv laeerated. .i rs. A. A. Da. is sewed it up, taking- several stitches, and the hoy is getting along as well as could he ex pi a t -d. The game ef hall at U"iO'i S iturday afternoon between the Union ano Rock limit's clubs, resulted in a vie'o-y far the la iter try a score of l(i to Charley Store went down to witness the urame and played with the Rock- Bluffs hoys, which probaniy accounts for the severe drubbing administered to Col. Graves' colts H.Vri'KMMiS AT KAliLK. Mrs. Conrad Rouse, living two and one-h If mi es north, was oit'en by a rattlesnake hist week. It is thought prompt action saved her life. A tine rain vi-ite 1 this place Thurs day afternoon It was accompanied by a severe hail storm that did no d;.irige a far as can he learned Porn loo ;s well, and s'ood the dry weather preceding the rain in good sh-i pe. A child of Gus Wulf. living in town w s punctured in the stomach with a needle having a thread atta -hed, th' needle going into t ho ab-fominal cavity and carrying two inches of the thread ahmg with it. Tile need e was not J:-e 'vero-i iii" a c un!e f days, the mother thinking tlie child suleoing from su.rtm.e com jl i i n t. A physician wn- culled, who removed the needle. d th el d .h s ;o S' m to be tn- en ien red bv it s ex pe. -ti'iics K piiMiea.i l ion! i. on v n t inn, iee-ga'e en; veil : i. ii of Ihe lepub- . 1 e 1 1 li Ve of C a I We o'cl: I ng com C' I a uis: 1 v t -1 c Li. li - n - e:)i"eseit i- r:ct oi JS i ora-ka. com oi bi i. i a-s a:..i O.ne i-out.lie-, will no heid '. coping -.. inci-, Ie;task;i, on i e-day, August 17, 1MI. at J i'k p in for the purp se of p.ac 1 ii nomination one candidate for e.-en t at i vo. and the transaction of otln-r iiu-.n ss that may properly before 't e t'onventio- . u-ities v-11 he entitled to repro- se'.tation as fo low-: O'o- ass It, is reeom ai-'tuled t'nat no proxies 'e a lowed, but that the delegate present c.-s- tne full vo'e of their i e spi cti v- eou ti ties. I V Tekual.dfn', Chairman . II. J. Fkkkm an, Secietarv. The Evhnini; Ni;vs eiiiv ten cents jier you can't afford to do with out it. WILLING EXILES. Tim Knellih nml Ainerli-nrH Are Itne.r tant Ni turn In 1'nrin Llfr. "On and after this date," .r- to Najioleoii I to Foueho, ",s. e that th English are lb il from Paris." Sueh an ftlict would :-eein a very larj-e order at the j.ies, tlt day, l ei it Was by no means: a small one in Na; lt oii's time. What would fho Paris !' today be without its Fngli.-di colony? From Sir Edmund Mmis.rt, uiir einbas nador, to tho pale boy who lib s th English journals at Neal's library in the IIuo t 'astiglione tho English are very imiiortant factors in Pari.-ian Lie. There has been an English o h ny in the 1-Veiicli capital for lii.niy n uliiii.-s, yet one might search in vi in for a .sifi ilar Fr inli colony in London. 'Ihe Leicester ami Soho square diM riefs, al though owning to a large French popu lation, possess hardly a trace of the llavor or mini that distinguishes t ho quarter the English frequent in Paris, and it is not a tilth the size. To speak broadly, Paris haswiihia its walled borders a little Loudon of many thousand persons not squilid and impoverished, hut b lasting splen did mansions, line simps, hotels, churches, hospitals and libraries, and all these to such an extent that it is difficult to believe one is not m lie British capital itself. The inhabitants of this colony mi'.ht roughly be catalogued as follows: Le- tiivd people and gentlefolk who have Keen, better days, those who desire to have their children educated in the lan guage, business people, authors, artists, fctudents, journalists and professional men, those wlio have the best of private rcasor.s for living out of England and cranks, whi h term includes certain in dividuals who for some cause or other have developed a feeling of hatred for the laud of their birth. INcarly ail arc exiles of their own accord. G:i Sunday Ihe elite of the English colony turns out to the Church of the Embassy in the line d'Agucs.seau. Here for a number of years Jr. Nayes, who was formerly a Leytonstono incumbent, has preached, and here a collection bag goes regularly round, and is as regular ly returned hi u condition of compara tive emptiness. For your Englishman of tho English colony is either in a con dition to help largely sujiport the church aud does or else gives nothing at all. One thing must l.e said about tho English and Americans who go to Paris. They support tho city. Without their patronage there is scarcely a big shop oil the boulevards that would not close its doors within a few months. L-wnlon Mail. SPAIN'S LOSING GAME. TliingK Which Have Slipix-il From Her (iraxp lu Three I'tniilred Years. Macaulay drew this picture of the power of Spain 'JUO years ago: The empire of Philip II was undoubt edly one of the most powerful and splendid that ever existed in tlie world. It is no exaggeration to say that during .several years his power over Europe was greater than even that of INapoleon. In America his dominions extended on both sides of tho equator into the tem perate zone. There is reason to believe that his annual revenues amounted, in the season of his greatest power, to a sum ton times as large as that which England yielded to Eli.alr th. He had a standing army of 50,000 troops when England did not have a single battalion in constant pay. He held, what no oth er i)r i nee in modern times has held, the dominion both of the land and the sea. During the greater part of his reign he was suxirenie on both dements. His sol diers marched up to the capital of France; his ships menaced the shores of England. Spain had what Napohon de sired in vain ships, colonies and com merce. She long monopolized tho trade of America anil of the Indian ocean. All the gold of the west and all the spices of the east were received and distribut ed by her. Even after the defeat of the armada English statesmen continued to look with great dread on tlie mari time power of Philip. Whoever wishes to be well acquainted with the morbid anatomy of governments, who ever wishes to know how great states may be made feeble and wretched, should study the history of Spain. Ex change. A Famous Apple Tree. The American Cultivator says that the original greening apple tree is still standing on the farm of Solon. on Drowue at Blount llygeia in North Foster, R. I. The tree was a very old one when the farm was sold in isoi. The seller informed the purchast r that it was a pity the old tree was "iing into decay, as it produced the best fruit of any tree in the orchard. The pur chaser determined to see how long he could keep it alive, and it still survives, after almost another century has been added to its venerable years. But it shows signs of final decay, and the par ent of all the famous Rhode Island greenings, which has set its grafts on the orchards of almost all the world, will soon he but a neighborhood memo ry. It is doubtful if there is a more fa mous apple tree to be found in all Po mona's groves from end to end of the earth. Kfene's Quarter Cigar. Tom Keene was a good story teller. "For ten years, " so went one cf his tales, "I bought all my theatrical cos tumes from one dealer, and as during much of that time I was playing many new parts in the old California theater stock company of San Fruncisco my trade was a matter of considerable im portance. Winn I was about to leave the slope and come east, I went to make a final order and bid my c-ostunu-r good by. 'I'm very sorry you're g .i:ig. ' he said. 'Here, .Take!' calling to a clerk. 'Run out and get Mr. Keene a good quarter of a dollar cigar. ' "As Jake started my costumer whis pered bfchind his hand, 'Two for a quar ter, Juke; two for a quarter.' " Tourist I'ani'.hlt t Descriptive of Yeilo.v-ton National Park and the summer resor's of Colo rado and containing, besides maps and illustrations, a triea' deal t f info liga tion of interest to r. ight--ees and tourists, can be had by .adores-ine- J. Francis, (Jeneral Passenger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. The editor of the Kvans City, Ta., Globe, writes: "One Minuto Couh Cure is rightly n.'iniod. It eured ray children after all other remedies failed." It cures coujrhs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke. loo Kt witril moo. Ihe ri'.i.li'rs nf tl.in arr will he plrnir'1 to !r:l 11 llial llirlr it ,il irieit nim ihl'.lllt'd iIihi-.hu tl.Ht si 1. li' i' li n l.rcll Jilile In t UK' ill llll ltH st.u'.'S, lit. I tli.it l I'.itiutli. "hill .1 ( lit. toll Clin? lstSfiaiiv i.isit;w inn- kn..Mi t-i tin iiifhi at 1 1 .e ri n 1 1 . (at. .oh lirinj; a i-ntist ili:l leiia I ip-e i-.r i-. IcJialfM a l " n '.t 1 1 1 1 1 1 m a I tti-llt'lirnt. M.tll'M I i - I i I t 1. 1 1- is I:ik i'ii in 1 1' r na. 1 . at t lilt 1 1 il ii tl v . ; .ai tl.r l.,...nl .iii-l nun mis siulai t-s t.f tlie m-h-' :i . ti.i u-l I Oi'NHir; tin- I. .inula t n ill i.l tlie i -. i ' I I'l'.aa: tlie .,itn-nl stirtiKtli I V lillllil ! O-.' i -ii t a "i t : .a aii'l assisiit.jr uatutc in - t '.oak. Iln- ii. .. .rt. it s have in lit.it ii t at e . . '....t.-..- p'.ris that tliry utic-r One I I ai 1 1 . .! I .! :.i i s I. a ,.ii i asf lli at it laiis t.t c uic. Srn l I.n le t i.l li-st an. anais. .!Ilr-s, I- ) . II h Nh V ti ."u . I uleJi'. O. S .: I tj 1 llliuirsl- (.'. Ir. Lister dentist, Waterman Mock, 1 at t s uiou : h . LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Lt-gal Notice. In tl.r I i -ai . t ('..nit ill Cass Cuimty. Ni-hra-ka. I n i l.e mat l.-l it lie' tatr ; i t i 1..U ,i , lail.ri. .It- - ... ...-.! S . i ...... I :. ai i .1 M ,i i i rt S. 1 1 u I !r i . a. I ai i ii . --I i at 1 1 ..I ,i:. r tatr li.i a. rlisr t.i srll lr.il rslalc tit I 1 ll. !.!-. II.:- i aiisr i aaif en lor lirannn ii.iui llir I i-i ;i...n i.l M.ii.iu t s. r,utlri ai liinm i at 1 1 x i .1 I !. ' !.ll- '.I I h.illrs r.ilt'rl, .lrirasnl, .altl ! a a I :. ri. ii- ! i r . I tin- s .u t lo i"-1 tnai In isiv',i nl f. : ! ai r 1. r i Si I. .u I. Ii .p I 111 I l a lli Ii 1 lit: II I , . a i ..in.t. Nrii.rLa, t.i u siiltn lent ani.anit ..t t !,.- iiii - I i a v i l.r - urn i.l i'.i'.'J.im in pa n i rut -! ilrlt , i 1 1 . 1 1 -s an.) ,-p tisrs ul aillll llilt l at lull . .( .til r-!.ili- ,iim1 1 1 a .pr. it lii to llir ini'li ts rii li. !;: ..Mlii.' iii-.; i a l i 1 1 1 1 .it tla-u- is not sutli i .ri.t pi a s. uial pr. .p. a t i n t lie li.nuls i il saul adin :u-i- ii.iti t.. .a -anl i i -1 t s. i liairs ami rxpensrs .ei'l :1 tor 1 1 . - ,. pp. -.ii ait; thai it li nrtrssaiv In ri. I lie na! r t . 1 1 . - il.-si a il.r. I in sanl priiln.ii 1; r -! I., u ai lul i he p.o 1 1 iriit el sai.l lit Lis, t. lian'CS ,,:.,! ,.,..-!, .,'s. It ;s 1 li.a i ) .1 1- ..i.l.ar l that all prisons inter- !e I in 1 r tatr ..pp. -at In-!. nr in.- at die ..Mice .I ; i..-( in k . .1 t l.r . 1 1-1 1 1. t .ai 1 1 in I'lat tsinuiil li t .i i . .iii.i , Nn.i ska mi tl.r lath .a ol August, . I . ls-...s ,,i J , k T. M . i.l said day anil sliuv i.iii r v.l.y a la in e '.h.-iil.l nt lit- iantr.1 as pi.i.i.l in s.ii-1 a-laniietiati i l.i t:ll tin: at. eve ii- i i i . a-1 1 i i-al r-aatr m s,( imu li l hr rrot as may lie ia i ':.-.u In pay sanl ilchts, rhaiycs unit cx-p.-n-i s. Ii :s liatliri in ' ha ril t hat a cnjiy n( th is nut ire l.r jt.!I. -I.e-i l.r Imu inirssur u treks tni'il to l r tune tir.l I n sanl l.i araiK'ln Ihe "Setni Wrrlu Nii'o 1 1 1 i A i 1 1. " a Ii al iicwspaper iuh !. h.-'lni .is i mail y. Nrluaska. 1 .i.-. I this ir.ih .lay ul Inly A 1. sls. I 1 A 1 1. S. K, MsbY, Jllillfe. Probate Nonce. I a i en n i , t uiiit, Cass county. Nehrask a. Ia the naatei i.l the estate ol John Ji.hllbi.ll, j... ra-r. I V ::'i.i'ii Ti.'iiivei (.. has' Ml. Kit hai l Johnson, An la I. 'h n . m. su-ir ('. Helper, Ainhew Jai k- -.11 I . .h ie. ii! , an. 1 a 1 i oi hei prisons interesle.l in s.i. -I ia ill. a, air heu-l.v noiilie.l that on the 1 1 1 1 1 i.o ol nh. I--.-S. Win. 1' lahiison uml A J. hilar mi Ire. I a p.-litiun in said eotiit. allenini;, . i in a. i it her t h an.;s, that lolin Johnson ihe'l on the .-di day ol Inly. IK leaving no last will and l. - l.iaieiit, and pi.s-e -e.l ol real and peisoiial e t. nr. and that tl.e aliuve-nained constiuite all llu- peisi.ns interested ill the estate of said tle . ea-e,, anil pi a iiii; lor ailin mist i at ion thereof. ,,n air heieln n. .titled that ll you fail to appeal t - a ; I i , 1 1 1 1 1 on the 1st ilav ol Atii'iist, A I ., Is'.is, at It o i lot k a. in , and ontest said petition, llu.- louit ulil appoint James M . I'attetson, or r 1 1 e other suital.le p. ison, ailministratoi", and I i .i ei-'l '.o a settlement of said e-tate. W iliii -s my hau l and the seal of said Court at !U::1 :,i rwitts:in.uth. Nebraska, this 1 1 th day ;:si. i. ol Ju.y. lsas. t...iii.K M. Sitki.ock. County JuiIkc Probate Notice. In 'ount Ci an t . ( 'ass ( 'oiinl y, Nebraska. In t :,e mat ter ul the estate of A . J u. laette Wi iy h t, dei-eased. (.hail, .tie Amelia Morrison. Juliet Amanda r.ae:!, Mary I. lien (ialialnrr. -ranees I'.velyn :se, and all other jiersoiis interested lrr s-11(J mat 'er. are hei eiiy notilie.l that on the hah day ,. hilv. s;is. i-ranre - I'.. Wise tiled a petition in s.tid (unit, alieuinri aai'jn otlu.-r things, that A. Ju.iaetle r:;:ht died on Ihe iilh day of Jiny. 1 !, It.'aMiiit a last v.ill and testament, and possessed d real and persona! estate, and that the above named t oie! mite ali the persons interested in the estate ol sai l deceased, and pray for the pro oa'.r ol sai.l iii and for administration ol -aid estate. h,u re herein untitled that if you fail to appear at said mutt on the nth day ol August, A. I hi", nl Irn i.'i i'ii k 11. in. to contest the pro bate ol said i ill, the court may allow and probate said will, and yrant administration of said estate to lame- M ratteisoit and Robert li. Windham, . a - s. une i it iier sii i table prison, and proceed to a sett laiient therenl. Witness ii i y hand and seal of said court at riatisinout Ii, Nebi a-ka, this, I'Jtti day of July A. 1. l-'.'s. (i:oKt;ii M . Si-ck lock, (Seal! County- J mine. Notice to Creditors. CaOaany'l-- In County Court. In tl.e matter of the estate of John 1' rederick Stall, deceased. "Notice is hereby foven that tlie Lie 1:1 Usui s.T.d deceased will meet the adminis trator ol said estate, before me, county jude of i ass county. Nebraska, at the county court room ;n 1 'lat tsinoii t h in s.nd county, on the 1st day of i ii ruber. A ) l-S's. on the 1st day of ilei ember. !--.:-, ai. I on the 1st day of February. Is'.m, at naic o'clock a. in., each day for the purpose of presenting their ciaiius for examination, adjust ment ai:d allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors ol said deceased ta present their claims and one year for the administrator to - ett ie said estate, from tlie 1st day of August, lsiis. II, is notice sfiall be published in the Semi Weckiy N I-. w s- 1 1 kka i.n for four weeks suc cessively, ptior to the lt day of August, IsliH. Witiic's- ni hand and seal of said county anal at I'iatisaiuuth, Nebraska, this d day of July, sie, (ihoKOK M. Si'Lki.ock. (Seal) County Judge. Leal Notice. In the County Court of Cass County. Nebraska. In the matter ol the estate ol I Addison 1'. Weston f To line heirs and legatees of Addison l Wes ton and ai other persons interested in the es tate of Addison V. Weston, deceased : Vuu are hereby untitled that Levi C. Pollard as executor of the last will and testament of A.aiisnu P. Weston, decea ed, lias li led his petition in this court for instruction and power to pay out mon:es on hand to the persons tinally eiitit.eil to the same under the provision of the wi i in said estate or for its investment or safe keeping if not paid out. .sa d cause on said petition is set for hearing on the - 1 dav of August, A. I) ls'js, at two o'clock j ni., at which lime you are required to appear and dcic-nd or 1 1 o v cause as to what order slmu.d be entered and at which time such order w ill be eiitei e i as directed by the provision of said will, and the law directs for proper conduct ot said estate. It is further ordered that this notice be pub lished in the Semi-Weekly N kws- 1 1 h KALD tor tui ee weeks prior ta the day of hearing. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of this court July :.'d. A. 1). li. (jl.ORC.K M. Si'l RLOCK, (Sea ) Caunty Judge. Legal Notice. In the I lisfict Court of Cass Count y, Nebraska. lu t ii e matter ot the es- tate of ui, a Cu:-ack, r d.-cea-ud. ) Application of Nathaniel II. Meeker, adminis trator, with will annexed of the e-tate of John Cusack. deceased, for license to sell real estate to pay debts, legacies and expenses ot admin i -1 ration. 1 his cause came on for hearing upon the peti tion of Nathaniel II. M ec ker administrator of the estate of John Cusack. deceased, with will an nexe i praui.g for a license tj sell the west one had (,w 1 . i ot the southwest quarter (sw','i of sec n. .n six (in township eleven (lit range nine tf) Ca-s county, Nebi aska or a suilicient amount of the same to pay the co-ts of administration, debts and legacies nf said estate and its appearing to t he iai. ler-igne 1 judge of the district court ihat there is not sult'ic er.t personal property in the hands ot said administrator to pay the debts, legacies, ch irges an l ep -rises of the adminis tration of said e-'tate, and it appearing to the judge nl th; court that it is nece-sary to sell the rea. e-tate de-crib d in said petition, hied herein !..r the payment of said debts, legacies, charges and expenses of administration. It is therefore ordered that all persons inn-rested in said estate appear before tne at the eit.ee of the Cierk of the district court of Cass ta uutv. Nebraska, in the city ol Flattsmouth. on ti.e '. i dav "1 -eptember, 1 at two o'clock p v.. et sail day to sho.v cause why a license i- ul 1 cot be granted as prayed, to sai 1 ad-a.ii.i-trat .r to seii tne above de-scribed reai es tatc oi s i much thereof as may be necessary to pay -aid debts, 'legacies, charges an i expenses. it is I .n.'.cr ordered that a copy of this notice i .- pub.ished for four successive Weeks, prior to t' ctime f.xed for said hearing, in tlie Semi-We.-k.v NhWs Hi-.KAl.li. a legal newspaper, pub ishe i i.l (.'-es county, Nebraska. I 'ate 1 ti.:- IM-t day of Ju.y, lsas. Basil, s. Ramsey. Judge. Legal Notice. In ti e Ihstnct Court of Cass County. Nebraska. In tne matter ot the guardianship of i i hii i. t i' 1 1 aurke. Anna F. ( Kourke a;, 1 Joseph 1'. i KourK...'. ) V: ier a,.d by ;r ue ot a license to sell the real e tale hereinafter described entered in the I'ln.if cau-e bv Hon. t.tsil . Kamsey, judge, on I ue i'lh d vV t f jui . A. !. Is". 1 w iii on the Mil day ..1 AugustA." I I-.". at lit o'clock a. m.. at the s iutii door of the court house, in Platts ::, out a . Ca-- county. Nebraska, otier for sale lot one hundred and three in the northeast quarter id ti.e southwest quarter, lot one hundred and f- '.ir 1:1 the northwest quarter of the south wert quarter. and lot eighteen in the southwest quarter of ihe southeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, ai. in se.t. ri nineteen, in township twelve, north ta tjnge fourteen, in Cass county, Nebraska, to the Highest bidder tor cash. Nti li k M. O'Kourke, Guardian. Uy her attorneys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls. Struck By a That's what's the matter with Hannnh and all other good housewives, who are compeiled to roast over a ho', kitchen stove on these torrid di.yh. Buy Your Wife a And thus save her much su fieri iu; and worry. It's cheaper than doctor bills and much better than a worn out companion. We give you the Insurance 55 66 Gasoline Stove and Lowest prices, with the assurance that you will be pleased with il. Th .. only stove in which provision is made to prevent the escape of -vaseline, should the burner be blown out or left open, ably the best gasoline and the price is always tho lowesl. My Stock of Furniture.. Is as full and complete as ever, and acknowledged everywhere to be thai largest in Cass county. I can please you in... ..Variety, Quality and Price. I. PEARLS THE BIG FURNITURE DEALER, Opposite Court House, Plattsmou h, Neb They banish pain nnn nrei nna Iiff MK-aBas. 11 toWnM MMlMs m . tei IS 11 lid m gk pM J h rm m) MA No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cc.its. A new mty 1 packet eontlninr ttcv aipw r -xBrr-EJi In h th.;t r rt'.n '!' b'. -i - x - f n;9 At BOU6 tiCklif flU-m ffOft IflVR i;fZS TH. Till i low pi J '; l tijf I . n i r ' ;ni j t r f h' ) . ... cl. one doxeo of Che five cent fHn,n ( Lati'W.- riut. h u y 11.- I Ir. h ' m tO the RlPAMS CHSMICaX. Colfl A ST. So. 10 Sm-JOf .-tlt.-:r. Srw ii ru f.r c - TAJtCiJ will b mtut for flre c-iiim. Bst mtKlicne Bottom Dropped Out ...of Prices On 1897-Grown ... Garden and Field Two Packages Everything else Now is the time to repair your Spouting atvl Tin 1'i.ofs, lie fore the rains bein We Have Something New In a door lock that will last a lifc-tinic ; ha- -sj,,-;nr, ; works better and costs less money than a -ju'ir.- lock. Call and see a Gravity door lock, at the reliable hardw.; re store of . . . . S. B. HALL & SON, South Sixth Street, - - Plattsmouth, Neb. n 061 j La Gasoline Move Oven at t! 10 very ncciclon tai iy nia('(.', 't, ON!;. (C- . : r. PS'.' .'.' -;5.r. V 'rJ ' t- r iu-i'J'j .n:v tw. wi 1 i a r M 4 Garden Seed, 5c. at bottom prices. :-:s p in:;!-. y V ( V4. V j (! J