Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 02, 1898, Image 2

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O .-AY'-, N . r
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One Year, in '.nt vum.-f, . . . .
Six Months
One Wenk
SJmbi .- 'vi' -i,
One. Y':ir, in i vanee, . . .
Six Month.
jl j ()(,
Of any Cass County Pai;r.
IlAViNU li her
Spain i now hi-ekine to -tho
lirht violinist.
llWI I U II i
-.Mi- will.
SINC'K preparation- for !i.o war with
.Spain bewail this uo vein iihmi i h.m i ur
chasod 17,0110 ho.ul of in. i s i.-r tin
tinny and 7,iitiO in -ai f hm-i .
l'KICIIAPS rihot-i.oe,ei-, of S in
thlgo tli; ( Julia thought In frighten I t - -American
trooji.s oi i-a ps i ng tii.teitj
by fiii !-i ii thi-. money s-r-t i ti.
It is p-ohably just as v.-ll for tin
merchants of Santiago thai, ('olonei
Hryan and tlie 'Silv-r r : ai.n l'
were not in town wlnn u.ey i 1" . i I to
taUo American silv.-r ilollar
face Millie.
Tllli ileiniK'ral.s of IjaiKviriie1
have eiuloi-Mjil James Man
( -mi I y
iini, a
bright ynuiif,' lawyer of Lincoln, for
congress, wliiie iho populists pet
mitled Uorjro to name his ! Hcilo.
It looks ;iS if tho hoys wen d have a
hard time reliin'r tore!ln r out then-.
TlIK e.xp -rini Mit of
.11' 1 1
; h.if
i ii m i -.-a
i 'i .- i-
pl'it'O 1 We'll l - li v'e rcn t s f. !
sion to tho Timhs-M ir-sis-i p pi
tion during the ev .eMn hours w
trieil on 'l'hursday, and resulted
greatly i ncreasi i, s the attei.diiu
and will probably he a reeular featu
horea fler.
TilK people of the nust cities of
Spain aro terribly frinhteneil by pros
pects of a visit from Commodore Wat
son's squadron. Thry have not only
heard heavy firing o!T the coast, hut
have seen three American causers
and two transports olT the pivt of i-'un
Sl'I'.A K I N'(J of demo-poi s, ISixby ;;:'.
if they are noinn- tn sleep under the
same cover why don't thev eet mar
ried and wear the s wne name. They
couldn't fool anyhoilv if Ihej- did that,
and the idea is to make iiuji. s of as
many voters as possible, a very honor
able position indeid for a p' -lit leal
party to take. The life i f sueh a com
bination in the nature ;f things i.
bound to be short.
Tin; first week in January next J.
C. Hayes will complete two full terms
of service as a loetub. r of the board of
commissioners of this county. lie can
point to the record he has made with
pride, and with tho self-con.-ciousiiess
of having opposed, every measure
which was not in favor of the best in
terest of our taxpayers. He has been
foarle-s in bis opposition to every
thing that looked to the increase of
taxation, and watched every ex pen i
ture of public money with as much
care as it it had been a personal mas
ter. Mr. Hayes was talked of as a
candidate for a third term, but there
being so many good men in the iklJ,
he concluded to withdraw his name,
and it was not formally presented ti
the convention.
One of the strongest tickets ever
nominated in this cm .ty was tho re
sult of the work f the republican
convent ion
e p in
W. II. Newell, the
senate, is wili
well suited to the wa
is one of the early se
: - iv. i e-' for t he
as a cat a' e man
k icq ar.-l. Ue
tier of the ci urn I v
fully conversant witn our needs, and
having served a term as county judge
he is better qualilied than nmst men
for the position id law maker. His
election by a big majority is as.-u ed.
Messrs. T. T. Young and Lamest
Pollard, nominees for the house, are
also old residents who need no intro
duction. They served the county
faithfully and well in the his!, legis
lature and have fully earned a re-election.
Jesse L. I'oot, the nominee for
county attorney, is one of the bright
est young lasvyers in southea-tern
Nebraska, lie stands well up tosvards
tho head of the Cass county bar, si
position ho has achieved by close ap
plication, coupkd with a clear concen
trating mind. He has hosts of friends
all over tho county who will see to it
that his majority is a large one.
Turner Zink, the nominee, for com
missioner iti the third district, is a
successful farmer, conservative and
careful in the transaction of his own
business he will bring the same quali
fications to look after county atTairs.
Mr. Zink is one of tho early settlers,
who ba9 been identified with the
growth of the county, and his standing
is 6uch that his majority will be a
large one.
American I Iconomist : The con-deiiM-d
record of the ysir, wh'c'n in
cludes eleven months of fair and
intelligent protection as contrasted
with tho preceding twelve months of
low tariff, Htands thus: (Jain in e.
..riy lh(t.:'.H.:iVJ. I'cr.a-e in im
port", I1K.!77,M.H. l ixc rs of
over Imports V lo.V.t.hli 1 . It
cord unparalleled in the
h'mtory of commerce.
:: pert
is a i t -woi
f ; :i v.-, or
ii i ! i ii 1 1 1 1 i ii iii' ii i-y
i 1 i I r . - ' ! ! I : ( ' I ' I 1 i , I n i if
, . 1 , I . . t ; I - . . 1
I i ! -a . . ! i 1 1 i , I ,
- I i i : . I . i nil - - 1 1 i ,iii ii i ii e ll.'
' lit I a ' i I .11 . if . i- .i e M . j : ' . ll .. I i', ill II -
t- Km ui ,i nitons f j r 1 1 . y
i. v j i . h' vv iii 1 1 1 v mil m-
I tilt, c of the nil ij'icreii ill war, hut
j this nvtior; b-i, revel- y l"! -ueh
con lit .on-. "i.i '.!...
'lit I - re I i ".ii
j for ) ii :v i ' 1 1 t 1 1; ; Hin h ojicy.
I I ,:i !-: i ii "f Spini-h yil unijid :nlii a
-orilin r j In ssi.nt is oi to v .v ijr :i ssar
i li t lie li t Hi" o
1 1; ma si ty ri :n! i i v; I
i .at em. I he i m i o-i
i ndi inn i 1 y in -a n ;.(! i .
' he Sua n i- Ii l op..
I ,o V I i :n 1 1 hy I i e
I he ! ', , 1 1 1 d S: .i a: e
l!, e i-o-t if I lie war.
lis- of i i a v : 1 1 x f reel I i.
pie from intolerable
' of a !l.i'lle
d I i al Ha fwi
a 1 1 ' i ii v i lu
ll i e peo j i! e o!
wi I lie" tn h. ar
The cou.-e ! i inn
i i ii ttiri i sr pi o
iii isi'u I e, ami oi
h iv. a th-d lh" cau-e of civilization,
is tie' iin-.i a valuable reward for
A meiica Us. W hat lho ilo ask is that
S;,a.n ie i.ii a.i claim to her co. oi ie
.-I the vve-1. r.i hemisphere, wlei-e in
ii. i hit ant.-- ;ooa !o the United Stales t...
free liioi.i Iroai opoi -n -.ion.
T:.i ait m i n i -1 ; a tion has prac! iealiy
inaue up ils mind what it sliall do in
! i ie : ca-e of ( ii i and I 'or I it 1 lico. 'i lie
i.-it'er i-iand will he taken in lion f
tin cash indemnity t ha t Sp i n can no:
pay, i.i (aiha the United Slates wil.
-imp: v
c. ) in pei lei
ll V
of events to assume military charge of
the go ve i ii men t until a safe and st a b!e
form can be s'l-urnl, It. is not the in
tent ion t annex Cub i not to . ssume a
permanent i ret (Morale over it. 1 Jut
tile i xee-ses that the Cubans have at-temt-ie-!
in iceeiit coi.que-ts demon
strat s ve y clearly tuat the lives and
property of foi eigners resident in
Cub. i, especially of Spaniards, will not
be safe unless s mo flroniT, restrain
ing hand is Kepi u ion them. In fact. i is likely to make this one of the
eoua it ions of her cession of the island.
if she e in. I lie future of Cub i is not
l.tlic.l! to p.-edici. The islar.d lit s
cios" to tin- Unit d States, her jreat
ii at a ' a 1 re.-ou r-
th fertil.t v of
her invite capital, ami wibi a
tianquii gov on: nil n t she will present
-u i i glitteriiig itiducuments to Amur
n a: s that in the next twenty or thirty
Sears it will no lound tii .t she h s
b.-en colonized from these Unit'io
Htat s, and hy that time her govorn
iiwii t and her li ranees wi I be under
the cenlrol of A meriear.s, ai d annex
ation will f il (iiv. Huch svas the his
tory of llasvaii, and it is safe to pre
dict thit it will be tho same with
Cuba, only the time will he much
sin .rte ii . d hecause of its neari ess te
mi s ho: es.
a amission ron colonel bryan.
Unless the services of tho Ti:ird Xe-hra-ka
vol usiteers are. absolutely nec-es-ary
to niiiitary operations else
'A iieie it svou'd seem that tin re is a
special tield of Useful ness open to then;
in Santiago de Cuba. The misin
formed merchants of that city refuse
to accept the silver dollar of the United
Slates except, at its intrinsic valu- as
they do the coins of other nations.
The trilling circumstance that this i i guaranteed by the United
Siat s government has failed to over
come their obj 'ftions. It would be a
graceful act on the part of I'-Osident
MeKinlcy to send iiis late rival for
presidency dosvn to Santiago at the
head of his regiment to argue with the
recalcitrants, i.ot with the persuasion
of ball an.: bayonet, but with the
stronger argument- f his eloquence
at: ! Ionic. Colonel IJryan'a "silver
i I .' i men t" from Nebraska i- evidentl y
tiie regiment needed for missionary
work annuig t;ie benighted Cub.i:
Sr.i'jtiigo. Nesv York
rejjrese:it:itiye for Cass and
ciuiaties, svas nominated for the sen
a'.e by the f .i-ie.;, ists of Octio county
Urida v.
;--!. n;N .- Nil oriNM)
Tim N w oi k jsut. make- a column
of fun ;.t the ex;iense ut our Colo;. el
Uryan, oeeau-e ne sa'i up in bis regi
mentals until three o'clock in the
mo iling, to sliinv hiuis j.f to the faith
ful in Cre-ton, Iowa, waon ho svas gc
ir.g to Jacksonville with his regiment
from Omaha, and because the heart
less engineer opened the throttle and
jerked the train out of the depot be
fore his speech was fairly begun. But
.ve are all bound to make allowances
for the force of habit. IJoth the
colonel and the engineer were aetirg,
as it were, automatically. State
llepubl lean courts and republic m
juries have convicted defaulters and
cleaned house very eil'ee'ually. The
great reform party did nothing bu
-it on the fence and taunt the party of
progress with the fact of two or three
o: its men having gone wrong.
Matthew (iering, if Platt-moulh,
was in the city last evening lookintr
up his eon ressional boem, but it is
feared that he met with anything but
a cheei leg -u jce-s. I lis fences i n this
county aro kroken in a number of
places. Nebra-ka City N svs
The Q :ee:i llegent troubles have
'ieen auded to by Alphonso taking the
measles. He should not pay with the
boy across u.e svay. W e suspected ail
the time something would happen.
Manilla had not fallen at last ac
counts, hut (reneral Merritt was thei-e
with 11, null soldieis and more wete
daily expected, so that the city is
liable to capture at any m ment.
When the Ilasvainn cable is ci m
p!eHd tiesvs from llor.ol ulu sill b"
served ut) daily, the same as from any
other state ..nd territory in Uncle
satn's great domain, i 'orto Rii o is
already connected, having two lines.
one to iew l urn anu one in ixey
West, ( 'lba being on both lines.
Joe Hartley is now working in t .
penitentiary laundry and is said to he
iiiiproving a I ea In y tin- task of
i.'tll hoi e keen ne Loiudry Work
u el a . pi d : " n is j a ' i ' y of
li i.o lit:. --- mi ej--"i he- n e ! -e-it
I i r- i ; fur h s in mi . II.- silken
W 1 1 s . H KIT" illl -ii .ted when he
wen: liltO I be Mist 'i n. ami tiny will
no get, into tin' Wi'l- eer. - fix.
':l.i'l III.H N .M.l lr, I IIMKMIIIV
Tin' - pub.i 'ai . , ci'-rs . I tie -late
if Neb
ii ijii -
ted to .-.aid
lie 1 e t e- f ! Olll lie!'- I' -I".-" t ye roilli
ti - i " r n i i ; . 1 1 . . at on in ', ' . e I v
of l.ine'.'i:. iei Wee- !:i'-, .i:; .-t Id,
IV'S, leu a. m , I"' r I tie pur-
li't--- of pla- iiig in n'Mii iiatioii c .n.h-
I 1 1 s lor tli" f . a. lo v. i i 'he -:
I . e - . e nor.
J.. Lie i 1.. m, ui . t go e i n or.
.'I S en t a i y i f -Iri'i'. !
I. A ml i t- r f pu b in ,e, ,) . n t s.
Trie.-urer. j
b. Sep 'fiut'-nilo. t oi puMic in-true- 1
7. A t torn, y-eet,.-. .!.
S. t 'oiiiiiiisioi'-r if public lands j
a : i d 1 1 1 1 i ! d i 1 1 s . j
A nd to t r . n.-aet s eh ! n
a- may prop, i L cun hi f ,ie the een-
Tile several counties are entilie: to
representation as follows: Tlieappor
tionilieiit beifg based upon tin- vote
ca-t for JI'Ui. Aliiert.J. I Ju : n h ,i in, for
prn-i' 1 en t i a I i':ecto.- in IMIti, giving
t ach co .nty one deh-gate at. large ami
one for i ach 1J vol..;.- ami a in .jor
fract ion thereof:
I OI N 1 I IS. 1.1.1.. (I.I Ml! I'll
1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 s 1 ."- h . i . : , - , . 1 1 i .'
A li I el" n: . K 1 1 1 1 1 - a i 1 -.'
baiino. kin ;
1 liaiiu; v k.irii.'V '.-
Pi.ii.i: I' Ist-a ii .
!t.) t:-;:tc :. k-.-a r.iiei ::
lin .1 i air :e to.
1 1 1 1 u 1 1 I I !.. 1 1 1 i i
I'.lltl.ll.l I'l I e-au !J
Hurt Ill .mil) -.'
Itiitxr 1 1 M. ui. -hi i-;
Cass. rrj : pin-, i
Cel. 11 1' V-. I.'CK 1.
Cha ii :t N.:i. .. '.
Ch. a iv r. Atniai.a l:t
C lii.' call. " in k , 1. 1.; in
( 'lav ! I l :c ri
Ci-lfax s ',..m.,.c i:;
Ciiin int: I 1 ; i 'I , . I ; s
' 'in ti'i l:; 1 'i-i -. ! a-
ii.ik.'ta ill'i.i.-.. '.
Dawa-s SjPi:nii, I-
1 laiv.ii.ii I" i'.ak :.'
I e;:el ::K,- i S's'i'.inw !
: 1 .i!l s: ' : !i..i , h. ..a I'.
Do i;;.- JhK... i- 1
I Oll e i . is li;iij.--.ii-p i
I inn,! v : i e 1 1 i . . r 1 -
Killni...-c I ll-.i n; l. rs P
KranHia - ..e V p.h.i! ::
l-'n i:t it-r 7' -'c .- a i 1 I ."
I' iirna-i In six i . la. a ."'
I iai'c :t: !sl;ri inan I
'i.uticM 'j'Si'.u :.
"-Per 1; -tarn ,:i
: ii ant 'J! ! ha ci" 1 :
hl-'ficV I I belli -S
i 'ail I !,u;-tiili :
i 1 an. ill ia I V e .vv '.
Mar aa a -li r, I .n 1
! 1 'i i 1 -: ... li a, in 1;
II aeli' .iek 1 V -:-tcr h
II .it : yi,c,:!rr -
!l ..ik.r 1 ens li
II i ward 7;
h-tlCISiI, li T:.tlll '.-i:
It is recommended thai, t-o jirox e
ho admitted to the eon veetion am.
that the del 'g ilio:; present ho aiitho
i .ed to ca-t t he i nt i e vote of t ' . e ih h
gatic.n of the coutity which lin y rep
It is riqueslid ll.a' tin- e.mnty (.:.
ven'ioii s ient th.-i r ( i mm i t.t e.nei n
and ii'ffect their i muiiy or ga: : i : i ioi
it the first en v ei tion eeu.i'ie- it
which I'.'.'u iam yen', ions ar-- in Id.
David li. Mi;hci:i:,
Ki). Ii. Sizioh.
Secreta ry.
Call for t'iiiKrssiiii it - oavt-iil 'il l I'.r.-i
Disl ri t .
The I'eop'ies 1 m;epeu ileut i'a' ty o:
he First ( oegression al .li -tro l o:
Xelna. ska mill meet tu deleir.-to cen
ventiou al ih att sue 'uth. Ca-s ion-its.
Nebraska, on the II in ii:n. of Angi.S'..
hS'hs, at 2 o'clock p. in., for tile pic
pose of p'.rcing in nomination a candi
date for c uigrers for said ili-tt ie't, am.
tot an-ae'.. sueh further business a
sha i come bef-n e the convention.
The basis of t c oi escn t.i' i-in i i thi
eonve.'ition i- the v- te ca-t, for iV- c
son II. Uroaiiy. in the Fir-t c ngres
amal district in 1 (. L :eh I'ou-it.
will be ent'tli'd to (.ne delegate f-n
each two I: utnl c- ; I vote.-, or ma jo;
fraction ih- rof f '.e i c i-t. U nler thl
apj.ortionntc-nl li e res'erai c. until s o
the district are eetitVi!, r -p ct i Ve! v .
' o t he fol losvi i'g- n u mb-v of d el eg.i ! c-.
to-svit: Cass. I'J; Jehnsoti. ; Laic s
'it. 'JT; Nemaha. !; Otoe, IS; Pawnee,
'i; ! l: -hards n, !.".
It is reei mmncied that alternate
be elected for all delegates, and th:r
the dtdegates present cast the fu!
vote of their rppeet;. ve counties;.
Fi:kd Siii'.rt'AKD. Ch-iirm v..
Imlaiii i)a lit Hie Ksp i-iti n .
If you want to see the st reiii:e.-:i .
most original a i.d most strt 1; itig fealui t
of the Tmiiib-M ississi ppi Uxpo.-it iei:.
spent next Thurs.'.ay (Auga-t 4) a
(Jniah'i. It will be Indian Day. i-'rom
sunrise until sunset, the aborig-n.-.vili
"own the 'own.'' li jpresea t i i ve
if nearly every tribe on the continent
.vill he prisent. Trieir dance--, re
iigious riti't. and sivnui; customs,
the.r games, so Cmti festivals ami
natural surroundings will be re
product d with absolute fidelity.
No sacli opportunity of studying the
red man just as he is has ever before
been offered. Nor sviil it, in al!
likelihood, ever occur again.
In order to secure the I ngest
possible at tendance for Indian Day.
the Burlington li'uite b -.s made a late
of fifty-cents round trip. For tickets
and information ;ibeut selling date--,
return limits etc. call at the Hurling
ton depot.
When You Take Your V tcnfmi!
The most, nscessary nrticii- to have
svit h you (after you -t e. t o k) s a
bottle of Foley's Colic '". ir.?. it ;s a.
ab-olu'e prevention or on e of a 1 de
rangements of the ho vels C : is .1 by -.
change of water. You aie ..hely to
need it. F: i;-ke A: Co.
I):uif;i'ro(is Drinkim; Water.
I tenth lurks in impure water. It
breeds diseases often in opid.-m e
fo' m. Tlu lirst symptom is looseness
of the bowels. These diseases are
cheeked by t aking 's Colic Cure.
Fricke tx: Co
lturliDi; tun !.ei
Six blocks from ex no -i tion. A. I'.
Teu.alin, ni ringer; H. Moonev.
cle-k. Ilo uns per d special
rates by week or month. F very t bin r
ti"st i'i;is-. Take Dodge street car.
from Union b-p it t i '1 nan LJjrdett
streets. Write us for p . r: .i nhirs.
Thousands of petso :s have he-n
cured of piles by u-ing I) Vitt"s Witch
Hazel Salve. It heals p -omp'ly and
cures eczema and all skin disease- It
gives ira mediate relief. F. C Fr.cke.
TO tl It K A 11)1.1) IN DM) I.Y
Take Liixtiti vo liromo Quinine Table i.-.
All druggists refund the money it it
fails to cure. c. The genuine has
Tj. B. Q. on each tablet.
Aa Arroont of Onn Tliat f'nloiifl Callli)i'
Knew In ftlork i 1 1 i'tnttT, Vt.
"SjMiihing of indulgent fathers," Kiid
Colonel Calliper, "reminds me of ay
old friiM'd of mine naniol Silas Zing
toeh", v. )io formerly lis i d in Storlivill
C't.tre, 't. Once when his little .-:)
ILufus want, d very much to fly a kite
at a time when In- was not well ein.ugh
to !n pi; mil tnd to go out Mr. Ziiigt'x lc
11 :;'.! on a collt ri V..nee whereby th
young.-!: -'s desire could he gratified in
the house. He .et iii a I'lower in the
bank parlor, belted it to an engine in
the cellar below, and when everything
was all ready he started the fan ami
n ml need a current of air that was
ample to float a kite.
"It was great fun for young Ruftis to
nit in the hack parlor and Hy his Into
in the front, and for a time everything
Went all light, but on an unfortunate
day Kui'y, not satisfied with the amount
of wind the fan was Mowing, undertook
to make it blow harder, which is some
thing that Mr. Zingtock had expressly
forbidden. It seems that the blower and
the boiler and machinery were all min i,
larger than wero needed to produce j.
bree.e sufficient to float a kite here, but
Mr. Zingtock, who, though rich, was
also thrifty, had had a chance to buy
this plant second hand cheaper than a
new plant of Hinalh r size would have
cost, and so ho took it and had it set
up, and every morning he used to adjust
it .so that it would not go above a cer
tain speed, and several times he had
caution d his son never to touch it.
"About one minute after liufu.s did
touch it on this morning when he want
ed it to blow harder tho big fun was go
ing at a gait that set up a hurricane in.
the parlors. It blew the late against one
of the windows and broke that the first
thing, and within a minute the pictures
w re olf tho walls and their glasses
smash 'd, tables wero upset, bric-a-brac
was knocked into flinders, and tho
whole parlor was a wreck, with the big
blower going at top speed and churning
everything there into fragments and
blowing the debris out of the windows.
"That ended the father's indulgence. "
New York Sun.
Eij;;it .VIcu XIlp a Stranger to Find
Iluurie ut ?ilit.
"I was given a good example of south
ern politeness the other night," said a
gentleman from the north. "I had gone j
to the Comas ball and had agreed to es- j
coit a lady home. Fhe was also a stran
ger in the city and was stopping with
some friends on IJourhoii street, about i
three blocks the other side of the opera
house. As it was only a short distance
we decided to walk. I was of course
totally unacquainted with the street
and when wo left the lights of the opera
house I felt very much at sea. Th
Louses were dark and I could not see
the numbers, ami it was only hy the
number that the lady could identify her
boarding place, as she had only been,
there once.
"Aln ad of me was a small man. I
asked 1dm if ho knew where the num
ber was. lie answered very politely
that he did not, hut was going that way
and would help me hunt. He told an
other man in front of him about it, and
that man told some of his friends. In a
few minutes the gentlemen had formed
; n advance guard in out interest. We
vaiked calmly behind while they went
in front, on cither side of the street,
striking matches and looking' for the
number. There were eight of them, and
their matches would go off one after the
other. It was a regular flambeau parade.
I was overcome. 'Here it is,' shouted
an advance scout.
" We approached the house rapidly
and found the eight gentlemen standing
before it. It was almost with emotion
that I raised my hat and thanked them,
for tlu-ir efforts. 'Nothing at all,' they
said politely, and the entire eight raised
their hats and walked into the dark
ness. New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Military Courage.
The question of the comparative pro
portion of really brave men in any army
will probably never ho determined.
tiivat olhcers en the continent keep
their knowledge on that subject rigor
ously as a professional secret and as
sume as a certainty that all soldiers are
brave. They know very well, however,
that they are not, and when confiden
tial will admit, as Marshal von Moltkc
once did in public, that with a great
number it takes discipline, and severe
discipline, too, to induce them to face
shells unshrinkingly. American officers
have been known to acknowledge that
of their men, who are as brave as any
in the world, 20 per cent would run
away if they could, and in every army,
even ours, which a man enters only of
frcei will, there is a certain proportion
who literally cannot overcome their
fears. They aro stricken with a sort of
paralysis. The proportion is probably
not high in any army, the majority, if
in health, being able to do their duty
and having intense motives to do it, bur
neither is tho proportion high of those
who literally feci no fear. London.
A Cyclists' l'aradise.
Cyclists in rural France are well ca
tered for in delightful little countrified
;afcs, with open air tables often set in
an arbor of evergreens. A franc and a
half or two will get you a perfection of
-ui omelet, a plate of stewed wild rah
cit, soft cheese, wine and black coffee,
tnd for an extra 4 sous or so the wait
ress, if the wheelman is ungalhmt
enough to let her do it, will inflate his
tires, the unrest "marchand de vins"
being nowadays the proud possessor of
a stain lard pump. Caterer.
Warships were originally distinguish
ed from merchantmen by their greater
size. Now this distinction does not ob
tain, and the war vessel is of a totally
different construction.
An elephant can curry about three
coi:s on its baek
We will pay a s .hiry of -. 1 " per
week and expenses for man with : ig
to in troduce our poultry Mixture- ami
insect Destroyer in t he country. lief,
required. Address with stamp, 1'Kb
KEe'TlON Mitt. Co.. Parsons, Kan.
'c'.i,l I iihI riit't ii'ii-.
Those svishing lessons in vo, ai mu
sic may see me at re-ide.-ie-j of F. S .
White on Tuesday, Wednesday or
Friday of each sve 'k. Terms nre.
three halt-hour le-sons per week,:! -"();
two halt-hour les-ons 2.oo; one ibrco-quarter-hour
lesson i -
C. F. TftKHK.
Old papers for sale at this office.
Xhf .Mniit'T Tlijr Pien1 Anuinrita .
(?,, ))( n
The iiti" nut of money opendi-d by
tourists in 1 In rope has, i f i ifl'mia 1 r r-'a
abroad are t i he aet epted as anthem e.
increased fiiormou-ly of lain year;.
There has been recently tl 1 1 with the
Swiss niini.-tiT of finance ;. nd ci..-1 u :.s
fit lJern a detailed stab m. nt of In ' I
receipts in that country, from whn li it
appear.- the gross in i ipts i : v :
hot Is r.i-e fi..rii ."i-.1 soo uoij Iran .- i,.
loso to 1 l-l .::::::. ooo m i. The . i - ,!
annual expt ll-esof the Swiss re; a' ,'
amount in a year to b-t sv en so. o ' n o
iml '.lO.Oi'O.ooii francs t he bad -. , .
this year is given at tlm hitter i,
and it would se"m, t her fore, very :: a
as if th hot Is of S, it ei land i oi
in a year more than the government n
6Clf lines.
The Swi s llgtires '-iro riot tlm
ones furnished in Ku.i ;.e ri p ; 1 . c
this point. A ia-i iicli re i on! .'hows lie ;
every y ar thin- are Llio.Ono foivi j.i
who pass from a f rtni"!it t a s !'
winter on the Riviera, ilverv per a i
Fupposed to pi n.l on an average 1 . )
francs, or . oo, in tin country. Iuote
er words, the for ign visitors spend in
tho country every winter the .-um oi
1 54, OOO.Ooi) The Unglish aro put down
as ci nt l ibut ing oue-1 bird of this auioun t ;
tho Fn neb themselves contribute anotli
er third; (Jermans, Ililgiat;--, Dubb.
Russians and Americans ci ,nt ri I 'ate t he
remainder. From being a poor e. un'iy
when it was annexed to France in 1m;p
Nice has become one of the richest de
partments of the republic.
Some figures recent ly com pi lol of the
revenues to hotels from tourists in l'ari:.
6hov the average number of fif'-iMi
visitors to be (in, 000. It is customary
to estimate at 10 francs, or it day
tho hotel bills of strangers in I'm:--.
Estimating at a day each the hotel
bills of 00. 000 tourists ami tit about as
much more t heir other outlays i! is to
be seen that tourists in Paris can be pm
down for an expenditure of nearly i".b".o, -000
a day.
Th; total sum expended by tourists
in Europe in a year is probably not very
far from ;)), 000, 000, and a very con
siderable portion of this comes from t la
pockets, the purses and the banker.;"
balances of Americans, who are pro
verbially the nuist liberal among travel
ers. Russians come second. Draziiiaua
third. Exchange.
Strange TloreT Men Do YVIiilo In n P-t tt
. niiiiiaiiiliul irin.
Readers .'.' I:..t eh inning worlr of my
lato friend V,"iil:ie ('..ilins, "The ."X'oon
Btenie, " will r member the sh ). ;:!':
ing feats of Mr. Franklin Idaho when
under tho influence of an opiate. What
the novelist ('.escribes as a piece of fic
tion may be paralleled from the sober
records of science.
McNish, in his classic volume on
"fcleep, " tells us i f a shepherd lad who,
wrapt in slumhi r, walked miles to tho
place where his flock was pastured,
waderl through a river and returned
home without waking. In another case
a lad in his sleep .sealed u precipitous
cliff' and brought home from it an
eagle's nest, which was found under his
bed in the morning.
Abercrombie's case cf the Scott : b
lawyer who, when worried over a per
plexing case, was seen by iiis wife to
rise from his bed in the night is mi
other illustration of the occasionally
purposive character of somnambulism,
when, directi-d by its private secretaries,
the sleeping ego is apparently roused
from its couch and made to act the part
of a pure automaton. This individual
went to a writing desk which stood in
his bedroom, sat down before the desk
and wrote for some time. Then, replac
ing the pr.per within the desk, he re
turned to he:L
In the morning lie told his wife of a
dream he had experienced, in which he
imagined he had given a satisfactory
opinion em the case which was trou
bling his mind. He expressed regret
that he could not repeal! the train of
thought represented in his dn am. On
his wife directing him to his writing
desk, he found therein the opinion ir
question clearly written cut and ia
svery respect satisfactory. Andrew
Wilson, M. D., in I larpcr's Maga.iue
Havo You Seen It?
Every big railroad in this country has
a freight car in its euipment bearing
tho number 12,'.j4, and yet I'll la.v
rcasouable odds that you may tram
this town over and you will not bo ahl
to find a man, I care not how much lc
has traveled, who has ever seen a oar
with that number. Among railroad
men it is known as the "sequence car"
or the "eitie-two-three-four-five car.'
Perhaps yeai never looked for it. I have.
For years in my travels I made it a
practice to get out whenever the train
stopped and take a look at the freight
cars in sight, and I have met drummers
who told me they did the same thing,
but never a glimpse did I get of that
car nor did I ever run across a man
who had been so fortunate. Try it. (Jo
up to the freightyards in this city (r
across the river. You will find hundreds
of cars, but it's $10 to a pint cf peanuts
that car 12,h'4." will not be among them.
St. Louis Republic.
Ancient Playing Cards.
The :nv K-ut Tarot packs were the eai
liest playing cards known to our forefa
thers, i'i iey consisted of T'-i, 77 or 7S
cards. These cards are still used in re
mote parts of Italy, France and
and are made in Florence, the de
signs being handed down from genera
tion to gem-ration.
Ostriches, which are supposed to flour
ish only in very warm climate.--, have
been raised successfully in sou; hem Hns
sia, the ft-::4 hers being of good quality
an 'I' the birds healthy.
To be perfectly prop- rtiopod a man
Stiould weigh 2ti pound-, for every lo t
of his height.
llnrvi's mill M ii 1 1 .
Wante i. the hes draft hor-i s .- nd
fvey chunks I cm get. we g h -ng fi on.
lOoil to ISOO. for ea-tei-n ami exp e".
market. Al-o knee actors and pace:.-,
the mrne sj eel the better. I will ais :
buv mub-s, from three to eight years
old. All mu-t be fat and wei! broken.
Uring" in your birr drafts ami f mcy
chunks, I will buy them. Ilighe t
market price. Wi 1 be at I'ia't-m-'U' h.
Neb., Tuesday August lh 'bS. One das
only. F. E. FowKi.i..
Ask your dealers for the "White
Sailor" cigar, manufactured by Frank
s,,, nil AiikiixI in I lit' llh ft. Illll-t
h. ir t t I I'd Snri igs There , on
( mi Iii-, r i . . i, , i . t . el u i o iii i . ii
t :. n . (I . i.i a il 1 i I n - ' i -i
! i a i t V ci n 1 1 I ' If e 1. 1 : ': b
-t 1 IT, i nr U 1 1 1 in S on 1 f ode oi l
S l.ll ,l t e I -Iilil.t'i w t I e . i .. . a I. s
oi h. r fi -ni: ft - ! i i. d . -.-.. a in- H t :i '
I lot ;s, n ii -.. a . ' I miter i.. m i !
Svl V n I , . e : i ii 1 1 - i . . Ii n re '
i in a ei in p. . i;i i i v -is -In It OI-
j lift S.rilil-.l : " 1 1 ' V ' ' I S ' ' e
--.,. ( e ,.,.( t I ) , . ,1 . . I !.
j S. Is ;. I.i!- - ' I ' I" I i I
. e-t -1 1 m 1 1 .' r ri -o i t in t i .e . i -
i 1 1 -1 i - . . 1 1 ii I ' i'i' . i i .. .i
I t hat I . II Iv- lining I e. e - ).. r i I c I
(lifetime. In- i- i- mi'Ihii ' i ' ' "
I v. -i r i I - e on tin g o e .
I'lililie ;n..-u-i. " '" !
rou'n will -in- f.v.,1 w rte ev... ,r.i ... :
it tithnPtb. tl.. .al."., ti-- .!
of ihat month 'I h-io 's w I be - .bl :.' i
ope f .,,... fu, tin round Ml- h If j
- . i --ar l will be good lo return. '
:- time within thirty day-. j
) guiiie :i part'. A r n;..- be;.
Vein bo'el IM'llll'NIllI'lt no : '
Sprines. Cety.ur tickets fr. ... 'i
i':!j"str..: -"i-e-i
niest it.. bibCiit sin.. Ml. 1 1 e-i tie
hilling Aneii-t. Il
continent. 1
K :..ini k t .
Whn , , , - j i 1,, . e ' i
When . : t i i . t ov s h o 1 1 . i i I . e ; '.' i . i 1 ' . j
shi.'iiii one ta i- ' V 'A' he i r t- -
mii es i Mow mui h b: v. th- i -
il il V I w.n k p b 1 1 1 i f 1 1 y An 1 1
W; j. e- ,i re l i i d v I - l - i . . . - -
h . -. t a : e on "s c I li li i e . t if ' "i n . ;
s'riKe?" Coniple'e an I -atis '. r ,
repli s to t In- above (jm-tio s sv : 1 1 be J
found in lb'' Jin i'l i ug lou r. m t e's ' b' b n-
dyke Foble r, I m w r. :v s ' fo r d I - l r I 1 1 1 j
tion. Sixteen pages of pra'iea! in'"- - I
malien ami an up-to-d'te ii;:,i, .-fj
la-la ami the Kl-n.!kr. Ft ,t :
I !u r 1 i i g t on route ticket olhct - t r -co
on receipt of four relit, in stamp Ie. j
.1. Francis. Oen. I "a--. Agt. Ibo-l
route, ( unaha. Neb. i
'ei: S.SI.i: A gii"d family 1 s.-.
i he -i p
FlKOiire i f A. W. - I v. enil
As a goo. I thing ought to be ia 1 ..til. ,.
And sealed rnetliciaiil'y june nr.. I ie I
with n;;i; and jindluw. )nr ii:.i'.e i . '
l:.b-l over the Co.k. Il's there l.-ei'i '
it pratci ts your interests r. ; vvi. il nun.
8 n TAYLOR ;
Njvit soM in Ijtilk. OI J nini-ist
CrfM-e-rs, J-ictuscd ltr. tiers, cvt:y v.!ierc.
Lincol n
San Francisco
l C I ! (
j St. JOS:tl.
I Kansas C.ty
St. Luuiii -tuci . I
! pointb liast mo.:
All poin ts west. ! South.
No l. I'nii ver e pre -.s
.o L. (Im.ihi to sr. lam s
No .'. ( li .ca-'o eMjresS
-..-'.i. L..ti':i.i t-xnit'ss. tiniiv. St Jn
II : I-
:'- mi
l :J : e i . i n
K::I1S:IS. St bull:-, nil o:li:s I
soutli ti: J'i ..: I
Nry i. Lot it- ex n. (1 ally , I', a r! ia 1 . m,
(Ii ic;t-i 1 1, '1.1 1 p. .i ii I s i ..... I ... . ir::.': r.n
No 14 i.oual i'xp, uiiilv i-mm-ii: Sun- :
No. .1. ( ' in : Ii a In Ci'i.-itiiu, l.teai.... i:'iiie.. j
mi' i' :
Nti'.'.i. I.e. -al e. p. 1 a l ly e-.i-upr -'.n-
ilay, l';n: lie .1 u in-l I-ni il :' I
NtOia. i'rt'i.: ti t, (l;ti i v t: xct-p. su mi -i'. !
Pacific J u net ion :.'.". i . I
No -J. VnsiihuleU cxp. daily. I: . i- i
liiiLTlim, Chira-O ami .O:
Dm n is east ." .; pa. j
No It s1 11 I) f r . in J Ulirl ,Jtl tn I'll: It s !
Il.l.llltl 1. ' I
No 1-. !.. al a p. ii ai ly . st Joe. i. at.- :
SUB laiy. St J.i.'i;!-. (a, ie t .e I
all poi nr s east a ml si.ain. sr.--. p.-. i
u I.i. I.i:C:i. ex p. u aiiy.i -u al. a. I.: a -coin,
I leu ver a inl initai.e
d l ii I s: :n n ins
N t) 7. ( ri'-iiin loli.:ili;i l.o.'.ii 1 i . :: pi,
Ne'.'. h'.eal .-t.bttn - t in all i In a,
.No ,". liti.'iii f rt.'l ! a I , (I a ii y . dm i -t a. 7 :
N u J'.. i icr : f rel is a I . n ai ly , u a S a i.
diiy, ('c.lar ( i.-o.. j-.m -
lilt!, s.j jl Ii la in. T :: '.. ,j j
No 7. !'n-:t liiiiil, oaily. On. at. ;i aaa
Li in.'in rj .': ;
No H. Yestibi.Seil i.'.v p, 1 1 :i i i y, I lea
ve r and ill poin i s i ii ( 'ui rt, L l ali a ml ( till i torn . a,
I i rand Island, black I i : i I -.
Moritiirei it ml I'uci ti l N . s :, r. m
No l:'.. Jtn -ai exp. aaiiyexei'pt s Jri.
u:iy. Louisville. Asiiiaud.
Wsttioo, t-cliuyliT i . pn.
Xo 11. Local t-xp, ilally 'X-ei;t Sun
day . Om ah a ami I.ill'nlli.. . :-.! ;;.
No 17. Loci express. ir.d.i v n.-i..
Nd.-'- Ila-t lit. nil I I 'rei r ii t. fitii me-: s
a i I'ae iii' .1 u in t on . I 'i
f ii. I tin; I. liver Kipre--. j
wlinli .Kits mil ,-iitp al ,
l iiii i sn.e: 1 1 n : ;i 'i: 1
Siecpin .. ibioii- and re-l rali.t- ::nr ear- i
(sats free; on tlirou-'h tr.iii-.-.. Ti .n i -, . .,
ana Ii:i.'l:i i: i'hf!'l:i -I to an. i, . ., ; ; j
Uniteii St a tes ' r l '.in L't .
I'nr 1 ii f .rn.;..t .ion, li.'.a; t.afii.'s, n.ap . ami
ticla-l cinl or '.i rili to
.V. I., i'le!; K I T. A .-.ei,
1'iiii t sue ui 1 ti. N -a
I. i kAVKs. fl.-n. I'a-s A--t..
'.'in ai i a. Neti.
... i . a ....:.. .
fti-iNs i,':.m; ;.'iuii.
No. i
Ne. u
No. Jl, ini-'ti'.at
TiAiNi soi tu.
No. '1
o. I f rfiiL'iit
Nil 1 i
I:rr- a. -
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I i-i !.
n: I.; j. ;,
i r
:! p i..
K , " t " til I. " i. fi i . V- i1. . 1 ' r .1 '
ft': i an.
TLht Smith premier Cypewriter.
M cbc
Omaha Branch OH;.
i Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CUKE. Tho
1 surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Price 50 cent3
; yer box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication.
..Good Joh lriii tliif
Wheeler & Wilson
ci.Vt"nf!; Machine.
.-.I- - -I'-' X- - ' i i
"'it-' i ,
1 '
.ley ZT! i r t
,! -. - r i, " J A'X&?
S--'iYM' 'U b
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Eli 1? ' Jl
I nrt.Mr'v
f C. "
-" '"
Pkft4-v ijlToftAI flft-"!
tvlu J i'iOllUll tllij
Ball Bearings.
- -
' V $ ?H'fi)i
--'- J t I
! ' . .- i,i.' rs lor I In'
I i t I : .a in Karl h,
i V v . ll I ly t he
... r-e ii. ... I'iv
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!,.i j ; i v 1 1 e -i e -ei .. I
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An.! ( ;!b'f i'r.uhls Wilis li Will
h So!.! '- i C!;. ;ij) !iy tin-C;i-e.
'lib- l'iilil'K- Hits
Shown II-- A j ,- i hi ol
I . j i : i i i . iv ilic tlbtt
Kivr Iltitbli.d MillioM Ut-
tl.s Were Con-!iir.el L.'ist
;-! lo Any lb;: t of : In: City.
PHIL IV.iEROLF. Pioprietor
r" p3T- - - -
i : AL.
j Jf'f?! , i ;.
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Lr;i-.- -.a'
W. rii.e
1 . lb
. ' ? 4
i : . . . u a a it
ft Gonnral CuMncss.
Q'lie.-; ri o- iaa b- t ,
eonr.'y. l.'.v ;r:e
ei.- n;
; -t rl - of th
i d i.-o'j r'.-
':;; s! : ii i s.t v. i ;
b. : t - n o. it h - a.
r - - " ' ' - - - - ,- - r r f - ? f m r
Btst Value CGriiin- Machine. m
f)a9 ail the Latest Xmprovcmcnto.
popular Eccauoc cf jMcrit. Sr
f-Jost Durable cypewriter (Made
premier Buyers do jVct experiment.
CQri'te for Sgv? Hrt Catalogue free.
Smith premier typewriter Co,
opratuoc, J. u. o. ,i.