3kmi Weekly News Heraid, TIIK NK-H. KhtntilBlic.l Nov.S. HtU. Tin: ii i ua m. i ui.1imIj.-c1 April n. PLATTSMOUTH, NKIi., ACCI ST L I8JIS. VOL. VI. NO. 7 J, I W.I. ( Ooiisiilliiiitci .Inn. 1, Is'io This Space Belongs to the Firm of SiY YD BR & CO., Jewelers and Opticians Boeck Block. ; The Semi-Weekly News-Herald i PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... I! Y TIIK . . . NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, M. I. I'wI.K, KUITOK. No Cheap Goods No shod iy wares, which wo ;iro marking "Spoeial Low I'riees." Wo lutvo been in the mercantile business in 1 'lattsniouth for tlio oust twenty-eight years an 1 have c-stab! ished a re pin ation for . . . . The Best Goods at tiic ..Lowest Possible Prices. This is our iimlto. our invariable rule, ;i 1 1 I wo do not propose to 1. pari fiom ii now Our Spring st.x-k is larger and inoro eom-pit-ln this ear tlian ever. Wo arc solo agents in Platts iii.nitli for tlio celebrated "IJiaek :a t" l)r.uid Triple Knee Stock ings. Come in and see us and we will treat you right. fiaZ Si4. jr:r-ZA. fcA.r.V- k Triple Knee "LFATHER 5T0CK1NG l4n03IIA Make 5! Dlackfaf Dranu g: The She Mm Y PAINT T - r IT. SZ-V FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelve Furniture, Bath Tu&s, Buggies, Farm Too!, Etc. A special pn'nt for each pur pose, rr ' :r-"vh mix ture for i i. c i . : '.v j..!c.!, but lighest grade at fair, i n -. ; rcj iit.itu.a. We s y t' cue .ire tlv; he - ;-.; v loci rtror ' us'.' J them. F. G. FRICKE & CO .. THE LEADERS N THE OROGERY TRADE, ARE A. H. WBCKBACH & CO. TUFA' carry the largest and most complete line in Cass 'county. D Every thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned gods always in siock. The only place in the city where you lean get all kinds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & GL Waterman Blk. GOING DOWN HILL. People suffering from Kidney Diseas es, feel a gradual but steady loss of strength and vitality. They should lose no time in trying Foley's Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. Fo- Pale bv SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO. DAILY KIMTION. One Year, in advance, . . . . Si x Mi nit In IW Week Single Copies, M..MI WKKKLV KIUTION. One Year, in advance, . . . Six Months ST, CO 2 f.O II! $1 IK) r-o T:,F LARGEST GIKGULflTION OI any Cass County Paper. . I'l.lNA I.Oii 1m confessed y far su perior to the other leaders of the Filipinos, and yel 1ho antics of Hei r Auinatdo, with hi- golden breast plate and L;n!d whi-tie. Lis pioeiama ti mi- ai d actions in general, ouht to con vinco even u sixteen to one pop editor that I 'nolo on liad bolter not, load up with eight million Manila boys. Tin: :i : t- ii i ! t lo give (jladstone place and reputation by tacking his name to that of Loo's and Hismarck as ono of the great trio is ridiculous. (Jlad-tone .vas ab ive ev.v. Ihi .g else- a trimtner, a poi i t i'-i . n and an ritor. lie never had t e t-ourage to hold Lis nation up to its ri'rnt i. or to fully comprehend its gie-.tne-s nor respon-i bi i i t ie-. P-:!cot!slie.d w; s i i:c. in pa rably a jre.-'.U.r tater!l,an than (.)'.ad.-tone. I I is lioin i ii a t ion s.li Ii i a !e e.viug tldbute to thu yo,i:ig:r i-.-nient of the r.'p jbl.cau piity,ttlin h iV'- in the (las! and will in the future take the labor ing oar in party battbs. Ill- eh-an, manly eanin ign h is p.-ovi k. d tL- ail nnralion of fi i. ;nd and foe and i.-. what the sentiment in the piriy at this time demands. His r!tn l;oi; will in sure a re pres -- lit . ti ve for this ii i -t rid ready and willing at all tini.;.- lo w. rk earnestly for ihe best ; n ' i-re-! - of the people. S' ate Journal. G. DOVEY & G. W i: may lo de for renewed activity from Kaiser l!;lly, now the dreaded liismarck Las given up the ghost. So long as tho old giant bicathed, his presence overshadowed and awed the eiiipeio-. Knowing hi- mtvisuies and statecraft would b- weigLe 1 in the balance of the i.e si. e n el r.i t i ng nrnd and liner. ) ng jmlgur.oit of all Europe, and his mist ikes laid bare to the sport Till: attempt to endorse Mr Wind ham for a coiigre--ion a 1 i.om, nation a! Weeping Wa'i-r, proved latcieil ex actly as wo said it would. More th n t h -ee foil lbs of the delegate- Wefe for Huikett, wLo already had enough votes p edged from other counties to noinin .to him. To a-k a-s eo n t y delegates to vole for r-o u one ju-! bo someone'.- else a mu.-e'uen 1 under- rui h conditions wa- unfair, anil lln-y won d not do it. Had Mr. Windham been present and noted the situation we arj sure be Would !.evc-i- have per mitted his nam.! to be used. Thi-pape;- has always been friendly and would o to any reasonable- length to a-.-istMr. Windham in a n t a i ng lo-de-bed. ;: n 1 would under eoeiieutn stance take! ad van I'ige of Lis absence iiikL r Ihe gui-e of f , uioi-h i . !o p'aoo him in a ril icuious or unfavorable posi tion. It is, or should In.', the highest aim :f every inerciiant to piease. his eu-lomer-; and that the wide-awake di ng lirm of Meyer- kV E.-hiein in, S'.-riiiii.'. 111., is doing so, is proven h ,' the pil lowing, fi om Mr. rjsh!e:na'i: 'Mi my sixteen year-, exp' o iere-e in tin; drug business I have never.-, en or sold or tried a mod iei :i t h a t g-ave as good sat isfaction as Chambe, labi - Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Sold by all druggist of the woi-, d III kept v ell within 'lie liii' -of propriety, and expended his energy in bunting down and prosecuting" every poor devil who had eoiumiite I le.-e inajeste. Now may the Lord preserve the continent. Tit i:i;i: is a rob .biiity that Russia. Cerinahv aid I'ra n.-e, who are all tm phn. tie :.lv opp. si d to the reter t:on of the- Phi: i p -i lis. s by the United States ui.l ; io riei .- with advi -e to Spain to re-ere tin; s. tt cnielit of that questien to ; c sotl.od by an l t el national c-'H-!'e r nee. '.i be president has ruied out such nits; ferene so far as the United Staies is conceri ed, by siipulating liiatthe commi-sion to consider the d :Sps-i t i o i of the Philippines shall consisted Americans and Spaniards only, and any attempt to involve us in a joint debate with other powers will doubtless put a suddee end to the negotia lions. St ile Journal. Half Kit-s Kpwortli I.iitsim- A-si inl.l y Lincoln, Anu.-I 11-111. I'or tl'is oeeasio-i Iluiingt in route aj ei.t-j at stations within i-,d miles of Lincoln, will, on I he- :;rd, ." h, Lth and .S'ii of August, soil round trip ticket, to Lincoln at the one way rate. Au-just :t ar,d corrc-po alingiy low rates wili be in elTecl from p int- in western Nebi aka. Ib'turn limit August lo. A'teini ul-; will have plenty of time to Vsit Omaha nit.ei the as-emb y is ovs r ; tid ss-e tin Tra ns-M issis-i p;i Ex ..-i t ion . M . L. Yoei m, 'am ci, , say i was a sulierer lor Ln yt;.:, trying all Uind-s of pile remedies, ' ul wit hout -uci'i-Sv I e Witt's W l"eh il a.e! Salve was rei-eomniend to me. i usee on bo.. It lias S fleeted a pel !lit,..!,t euro.'" A a p'-rmrme'i' cu'"(- f o- ; ins I)e' itt's WiP-h Haze! S siv h '- ro equal. F. (J. I'r: ke ,V Co. K.r S;i!.-. The five acres with l"es l.-fie -, east anil adjoining H. iV M. nunber y:.rils. 2i suites in alfalfa. R-.-rri- s. '2 wells. Cistern. Cellar. uckweiler Lotz Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb Till-: O nana correspondent of the Janciln Stale Journal writes that ti.cre is an agreement between Ren Raker and Ro.-ewater to the elTect that, in eon side-ration that Rosey shall support Rak, r for governor, Rosey shall have the short term as senator when Thurston res.'g-n-. Now, we do not credit RaKer with such reckless disregard for his own personal safety, as to believe he would make such an appointment. If he did the rank and iile of tho sialuart i epublieans would lynch Raker lirst, and pass upon his guilt or innocence afterwards. How ever, let us take no chances. Ilay waid will never elevate ihe little traitor, and Rayward will bo the next governor. TilK populists of Ca-s county are re ferred to the condition of their breth ren io Alabama and to the attitude of the dem or:;tic party ia the south to wards the pop voters generally. That there has not been civil war in Ala bam i years ago is bi c ;use of the fore bearance of lb s defr iuJej populists. Time and again by the grossest frau I and intimidation the pops have been keptl'iorn holding oliices to whien a mnjoi liy of the elect rs had chosen them. There could bo no cry of tho lis ce.-s ty of keeping white men in power it was simply tho determina tion t f democratic oilieo ho ders io hold onto the publ e offices and funds. Now, in Cass county, the democrats ju-t work a shed game on the pops get their support and give them the horse laugh for their pains. ! TJIK nomination of E. J. Burke: t for C3i givs- mar. ot the lirst dist iet is now a. coneed-d fact. liis candidacy has develi pt-d in the di-tr.ct the same st eeg'h and e n 1 1, us; a s m th t icsii.t-d m Lancaster. lie can ied this county by liis- strength of the country pre cincts, which always vote their own sen' ments. uncontrolled by the dicta tions 'jf iiillu'.'i.c s so often felt in poli tic-". So throughout the district the! nr K and file of the party have been i found on convention day solidly array ed in his interest. And in nearly every county in the district lie lias the as surance of their solid support. Ilis t'oinin ition will simply be a ratilii a t;on of this unanii o :s sentiment, a 'd Lis election will develop to a greater degree Lis popul irity with the com mon people. I hat he i, a vote getier his record in Lancaster will testify. And his vofe in this district will prove the assertion of his friends, that he is the stri'iige-t man for the place that could have possibly beea selected SETTLES NERVOUS BANKRUPTCY. Investigation shows that men who succeed are men of brains strong nerves great will-power. Ordinary food c-annot suppiy the vitai fores, s which people with active br; ins and bodies require. Cicola P:I!s fo -d the nerves make the mind bright, mus cles strong make llesh and blood and give pes feet health to Men and Wo men. Till-; Tl'itXKKS ci" Rjiif.A dki.phia make Bicola Pills J K IUickey, chief rierk National Hole!. Wash ington, D C. te.-aifa.'S that he v. as a!! run down was a shadow cf his former sef l!i-l:i I'itis pave him woiulerful reief he sained over twenty pounds after usin thi-ni. St-IlinKT A jf !it for 11. it t union t Ii ansl mhs County, F. O KillCi.K & . Turns-rn' I. itll Livt-r i'lirmrs small pill. Turn your liver, t'ure sick !a,a:i aclie Biliousness In'iiijestion Legal Notice. Notice is hereby Riven that I'cttibor;e .i 'ii on the -d day ot November, l--'.''., purchases) at public tax sale troni the treasurer ul I'as county. Nebraska, at the court iio'ise in I'latts HKjuth the tracts. lots and parcels ot land herein after described, and that m each case the time lor redemption from such sale wi'A expire No vember l. l-.'S. Northwc-t quarter of southeast (piarter, section is, in town 11. range 'J. sold l-.r tax I '..-., a-setsl in said year ts "1". M. I inkhani. Northeast quar ter ol southeast quarter, section Is, in toss nil. range H, assessed lor IS'...", in naine of C. A Bone, sold tor taxes ot said yeir. .Northeast quarter of southeast quarter, section m tossn lo. range ., assessed fur year 1-'.'.".. name of J. A. Bbsnchaid sold lor taxes s.j;, -;..uth half of southeast quar ter, section I iti town II. range a -sessed hr ls'.)."i in tne names id li. and B 1.. 1 inkham, sold for taxes i-y fractional lo; S'", in the west had of the northeast quarter seCiion P-'. in tossn 1J. range :i, assessed for I '.." ia name of W. li. liaier, sol 1 lor taxes lsir.. 1 racti ui.-si lot tl. in the northwest sp.iarter of s mtheast sj ;arv;r, s.jc tion '1. in town 1 ', range 11. a-se-se ! t r I :" in name of I-". N. (iib-m. s .;. lor taxes 1-:'.".. Northwest quarter of -outhen-t (juarter -ection .'to. in town U. range as.s-ol for I ''" in name of John l-'itger,:i i. soid lor t axes s ,,;li. Iiaii of the southeast sp.ar;. r secta.n s, in town 11. range'.', assessed f-r lv'.'."i in ii.ini.; of ( i. i-. Cutler, so;d for taxes 1 N-nth halt ot the iK.irthwcs quarter .section :;!. ia to a a 11, range lo. a-scsSed lor l-.csiu tie- name of M. (' .:bs-iii, sold for taxes l-'.c"). I'l.i in:. .Nh NiXoN. MieriiFs Sale. By virtue of an execution, issued bv fje . F. Houscvsortii. clerk of the distr.ct court, w :tti -n au.l tor Cass cotintv. N.-iirao-ia. and to me di rected. I will on the it i slay i .-v-ptemi tr, A. I '. l-.'s, at - o'clock p. m. of sa; ! da- at the so- th door id the court house in ' he c It y of 1 t - m- .u t h in said county, sell at j.tz '.-,:.; aurti-.n. to the highest Ladder I r ca.-h, the 1 l.owa.g real estate to-wit: i.ot four Id) in Mock twenty-.-. :.e i-'l i in the village ol K.mwoo.i. in I'ass c-.sa.tv. Ne'..ra-ka. together w ith the pre- ileg.s- and a; ; -urter. auc e thereuuto bel'-ngiiig or in anywi-e appur'ainoig 'I he same being levied up -n and tat.eti a- i;.t property ol A. A. Ilavis deteti iant. p sat:-ly a judgment of sai .1 court re- overed by tl.e Farm -ers Hank of Murdock. plaint:."!, aga:::-! said de fendant. i'laosmoulh. Nebraska, Aug. .!. A. I.. 1-1'-. W.M. I Wit 1. M-k. Sher.::. Cass c .ur.ty. Ntl r.i-Ka. By J. Ih M ilrl ie, Iieputy. C. S. Folk, attorney for plaint:;!. Pndiato Notice. In the County Court of Ca-s county. Nebraska: In the mai ter of the e-tate if John B H :.-. deceased. All persons mtercsie ! ::i sai 1 matter are hereby r.o":!ied that on the "jTth dav ol Ju,v. 1-ys, Francis M. Voung Tiled a petition in sa:.l court. pra mg that his tiuai a im in. -t ration ac count. Hie 1 herein, be settled an ! all. .we 1. and that he be discharged from his tru-t r.s adminis trator, and t 'at if you f.ili to r.i'pe-.r i ef ! e -aid court on the "-'-d day of August. 1-t.-. a. y o'clock a. in ., and contest said pct.tion. the court mav grant t.'ie prayer of said petition, and make such oilier and further orders, a.iossances and decree as to this court mav seen, pr jpc-r, to the end that ail matters pertaining to said e-tate may be final ly settled and determined. YV;tnc-s my band and the seal of said court, this 2d day of Aug ust, IsHS. (jLOROE M SnRLOCK, Iseal County Judjje. Commencing MONDAY, AUGUST 1st, and continuing for the next Thirty Days, we will have a... CUT-PR CE 5 A IL c: ON ALL SUMMER GOODS. Summer Wrappers From 69c up Shirt Waisls at Cos!, From 30c Uf Percales, () in. wide, - )C Laicns. - 5c (, iiHihaiiis, - - - be Special Reduction on all Lavvii Dimities and Organdicn. iVv Srnfci ( i n tl Im m x . ( ' ';' iJ5c and :(); non :PJ J -'Jr. THE BEST SUMMER CORSET MADE, Xr,v -' -. s CJTS- " SHOE DEP'T All Tan and Chocolate Shoes and Si pers at very low prices, to close... Children's Tan Shoes, (J to V, - ,v Children's Tan Shoes, 8to , - ..S7V Children's Tan Shoes, 11to:i, - J .'.) A few Colors in Carpet Warp, only about IQO Hr, are offering at I2ic per pound. ARPET DEP'T-.Vyr; 10 dozen Brussels Bitfs for .'J.'Je. . I (iete Bays, 1.25. Make your selections early, as the last a Jew days. Xcw Mofjaette Carjjes and iara ins ju. ' ccired. 25 dozen Window Shades, 50c kind, for 5' 5c; extra '.-d i. White Enameled Curtain Poles and fixtures, all complete, for 'J-'ic Bare you seen the Dewey washable Caryel, 'or 52c ? Jj. 7. Muslin, 5()-in. wide, unbleached, le; best aualitu. Best bleached Muslin, Jive, six and seven cents. n :j 'sC This Sale is GENUINE. Enough said. . G. DOVEY iimiimmimimiiiiiiimimimimmmim J W ii. ..-I o I is-J rai:p.lir?J M p ii m 1-5! irrTTiFi'iiv;-': -e "I-: -ir; m Lcii m. m M & m .Td IsJ m m - m m mi Strap Bow San da Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is better... We (give you tlio (TiEA M of the SHOE subject, from the most reli;ille m:inuf.-i:tu-": in 11 I St.att;s, where not.hmir but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes are refne i i,. an and not permitted to p-iss to tho trade. We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Cases of HTUFP that. !'. ,;, - 11. ar.d then swell up arid advertise the Largest Stoclt" of shoes, to induce you to our in:- of .-,. then comoel 3'Ou to look with chagrin and disgust on the small assortment and make -hi ft i" li -or:.-you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading statements, for we ii -i ve . . . Replenished Our Stock to the Extent of S4,GO05 So. if you cm not be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to stand and scri's-h ;. o-j i .-: won ier what to do, for we have an UNLIMITED RESEKVE, and we can spring -o-uet 1, i n j during the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and make you siy: 'III ;: riHCES OX Latest Novelties in Hot Weather Footwear : Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to o's 5-ic. Infants' Chocolate, button, L'"s 'o ." ." . Chi d's (.'hoco ate st-ap b')w Sandals, 4's to 8's H'tc. Infants' Dongol i button, li'- ls ."i"--Chiisi's Extra fin.; Choc, strati Sanda s 85c and Hoc. Inf ints" Choc, (ext a fine; bu'to .. Cii'.id's Ex ra fi-ie (Anvil bott'im) bow Smdals, 8i to Infants' (I ted arjsl li.u; .S'.'oh, 1 vJ I e.'i .!, r ,-1 I 1 r,M l'-s r, li. ii-i H id. V; 1 1, Hsl Ml f) sl.l.J. go':i button 7re .".ii-se- Ex' i-a fine (Anvil bottom) bow S rnd?i Is, 1 1 J to Child's Vesting Top. extra li:. : I' ll'. S 1.1. J to il.50. Mi-ses' Choc, strap ow -andals, 11 to 2's 00c to 31. Je.b lot all solid Goat button. 8 to 11 75c to 8."c. Ladies' Oxfo ds 11 25, $1.50, $1.65. to 31.-30 Child's Anvil bottom Cho:. !a to ?i.:i5. Little G -nts', pat. baek st'-i;;, i-j. ..J ...-1-'' ;i.j Everything Mentioned Is Solid Leather No Humbiigaery. n!PA,mN.G- ROBT SHERWOOD FO M I L L o -1 mm BimmmMmimmm !rairir5'7r Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO I5UY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL A.LL GRADES OF WOOD. Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP, THIRD AND MAIN-bTS. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING House Furnishings. STOVES, RANGES. Our stock la comDlete In all llDes and we In vlte our f rlend to look it over. We will "ndeavor to please you. Call and see us. STREIGHT 0 SATTLER, (Successors to bttry Boeck. ) PLATTSMOUTH. HARVEY HOLLOVtAY Coj triMji or Jiu t Id or. Contracts t;icii 1 '.':. i-r ' :. ' :: !:.'"". Ilarr.s and are. ..nl -f ' .::.'..:! .. i-, ::. s.v part ol the co'..r.t . (.';..! :.oi-ll: HAKVKV HOI. LOW 'j , ' 1 itt-n. e:il .. Nil) run thrkixs F. R. cut:.:a!;i;, i:c- Rates Si and 1.50 per Dan Centrally Locr.ted at:(i C'.i.". f or tab! v Eust. ishod . NEB i PLATTSMOUTH,- NEBRASKA 1