Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 29, 1898, Image 4

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2 U W
Was not cooler than our Crash
Suits. We do not claim that
they are as cool as the Klon
dike, but we do claim they wi!l
afford you as much comfort
as it is possible to find in a
Nineteenth Century Suit.
Oil i
They are Crashes to wear, wash
and wear aain.
A KiliiiK
Has struck the price of these
Summer Suits, and your op
portunity to get a dressy, up-to-date
Summer Outfit is
golden, if you come at once.
& n &
K nee Jaunts and Long Pants
.V Sizes
Xo i rouble to find what jjotc
icant here.
G. t. W6S60U k son,
1 Inttersf
I In he nln xli ern.
f SI
Continue to do a leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb
2v3 11 11
o. TT.
Surrey Harneii. Prl-e, 16.00.
At g-xsd m sells for f-a.
fc'.lt '. 1 ilir.-.'t t tin c.
s'.u:iur veari at wh lo-
priccj. sjiriiitf him the
u-.-nler's pro&i. Ship any-
vuers f.r examination.
Everything warranted.
1 1 S stvlej of Vehicles,
5. stvles of flam-s.
Ton busies. $ 16 to 70.
urrTi, SjO to Slilo. Carria-
l'haetons, Traps, Waon
ttc" Jprine-Koad and Milk
War-as. Send for larjre. fre Ko. 604 Sumy. Price, wltk curtains, lamps, sn
Catalogua of all our styles, shade, apron and fendsrs, 60. Al food u Mill for
SlOO Ki-wiird i-loo.
T!ie readers of this p. ::. svii! :-o j-Io.t.',! t
leaiu tliat there is at one tlrc.tdv.-d disease
that science has been able t cure in all its
stages, and tliat is Catarrh, li. ill's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure kao.wi to thomednal
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment, i Tali's
Catarrh Cure is taken interna'.!) . actiuu directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the found i 1: m of trie
disease, and Riving the patient stream by u'.ii.d
ing up the constitution ami assisting nature m
doing its work. Ttie proprietors have so ir,.;jii
faith m its curative powers that tney oi:er D ie
Hundred Dollars lor any case that it lads to cine.
Send tor list of testimonials.
Address. F.J, hknkv &C., Toledo. O.
So.d by DriiKCists 7"j;
I turllii;t on Inn
Six block? from exposition. A. I).
Toazalin, niimiL'er; E. 15. Mioin?y,
clerk. li mis sl.UU per d-iy special
ratesi by week or Rioiitb. ilveryiliii.o;
fii-at eiads. Toko D.nljro s-trect ear.
from Union depot to 1'uih an i Uurdot te
streets. Write us for particulars.
Thousands of persons have lc-rn
cured of piles by uin IJe Wilt's itch
llazcl Salve. It iioals promptly Htiil
cures eczema and nil skin disi-nr-e-. It
gives immediate relief. F. G. I'ricke.
Tf you vuat t. smoke the best t-y
Wurl Bros. Gut Licil. The litiest 5
cent cigar mar'e.
The Chief Burgess of Milesbur',
Pa., says Ue Wilt's Li tile Marly Hirers
are tho best pills be ever used in bis
family durinir forty years of hmi.-t'
keeping. They c-:re con-tipr.'ion,
tick headache and stomach and liver
troubles. Small in size but great in
results. F. C Frick.-.
r.r mI.
Mornine'H bread here if'c- m iy be
obtained at Zm-kweiler Lutz, Jona
than Ilatt'r. and Dovey's.
M. T.. Yo'-tm, Cameron, Fa., s:iys "I
wnH t HulTer r fir tm years trying
all kindHof pile rem.siies but without
MJCe.rM. I" Witt's Wifb IF.z.-l SllVO
re.rcoiniinHl t' me. 1 us on.
It Ion etb-.t.-d a permatvrrt
" A ! tuirniM ni'iit cure for piles
IImWSU'h WI1i Hazel Salve has no
WU!e2ioili Go,i.4.
The ancient Greeks oeiioveU that
the 1'enates were the gods who at
tended to the welfare and prosperity
of the family. They were worship
pod :is household gods. Tho house
hold god of today i- Dr. King's
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, col Is and for all alTec'ions of
tin oat. chest and lungs, it is invalu
able. It has been tried for a quarter
of a century and is guaranteed to cure
or money returned. No household
should be without this good angel. It
is niC'is'in', to tako and a safe and sure
remedy for old and young. Fre trial
hot ties at F. G. Fricke & Go's. Regu
lar size oOe and $1.
Notice to Ice Consumer.
Our ice b oki are 30 cts. per 100 lbs.
("a.-ii from and after this date. Cah F. S. White.
II. G. McMakkx A Sox.
Uoh Moore of of La Fayette, Ind.,
savs that for constipation he has found
De Witt's Little Early Risers to be
perfect. They nover gripe. Try them
for stotiKiche and. liver troubles. F.
G. Fricko.
T;ikr the Missouri Pacific trains if
you wi-h to go to the exposition, as
they have the only depot on the
grounds. You can save street car fare
and avoid the crowded thoroughfares.
The editor of the Fvans City. Pa.,
Globe, writ"s: "One Minute Cough
Cure is rightly named. It cured my
children after all other remedies
failed." It cures coughs, colds and
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warrmted. J. W. Crabill, first door
of vYatorman block. Plattsmouth.
II. 15. Pi inks, of Lewisville, Texas,
writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve was wo-th to him.
It cured his piles of ten years stand
ing, lie ad vises others to try it. It
also cures eczema, kin diseases arid
obstinate soies. F. G. Fricke.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Dress making, Miss Laura Twiss.
Union Block.
Ilolloway's popular stoatnod dread
M made of Ilei-o.'s hi-.-t flour.
FokSAM; A good family hor.- ,
cheap. Kihj ui re of A. W. Alwoo.i.
Ask your dealers for the "White
Sailor"' cigar, manufactured by Frank
Rohort Sherwood i arranging to
put in a fine sidewalk in fioat of his
new building.
Ilolloway's bread, which has taken
the lead, is ui ado of Ib-isci's. "Plau
siftei" Hour.
Pearl slieet will soon l.o a hnsy pai t
of town, with two la ge bui uings in
eou rs" of erection.
J. W . Sag.- "ivitig his hand-onie
-ottagia siyli-h dress of yeliowa'ni
olive green today.
Y. I). Jones will take a big crowd
out to Lou isyi I le in the morning with
his four-horse rigs.
I f you don't see the (Jut Heil cig ir
call for it, and get tho host cent ci
gar I u t he market.
If it's quality you want in a cigar,
not quantity, sinoko tlie '"Lxquisiio."
I'or sale everywhere.
Franco Bai'ancu and Frank Wheuler
Were harvesting a frog crop up ncir
Oivapols this nfLernoon.
Kd. Fitzgerald's stable has tieen
heavily drawn upon for Weeui ng We.ler
and Louo-viile timoi row.
For the next s.xty days I wili sell
cigar clippings for oOe per pound.
11. SriK.s
John Hall is building a neat addi
tion to his residence in iho third waid,
anil lixing uj his pieinises generally.
Jake llouck's friends will be glad to
know that he has s.eurei: u posit :on in Omana Willi one of the packing
Williw Ramsey is justiy p- oud of a
handsome new ci oquel giouml, v. hieh
his father has established for his
pieasu i e.
The Hotel P.atlsmouth is having
some new sidewalk put in today, which
makes an unfavorable contrast wih
some of its neighbors.
Tod.-iy the weather has been delight
ful, the rain having tempered the :t
mospheie ui.til the air could not be
sweeter or more sal jbrious.
A warrant was issued this afieruo 'n
for the arrest of Jnu Kaloscek. charg
ing him with abusing his family and
threatening to ki.l his wife.
Two teams we.e in town this morn
ing with big loads of the iLiest look
ing water melons ever s-.en in this
market. They wore from Missouri.
Nails which have been in the Hood
for sale by the pound or keg, at prices
below wholesale ut the factory.
Coatks o; Co.
Louis Otnatt and Sherry Sherwood
are painti ng the handsomest sign in
the city for I'hii Thierolf on tho
west side of the An heu-er-Busch
b oc k.
U. R. Dung in, of St. L'u:s will
preach in the Christian church here
Sunday evening-. Khier Dungan is tile
father of the Chiisiiun minister here
and is one of the strongest men in the
Sergeant WoidrulT, of company i,
writes a I'lalt.-mouth friend that the
boys ale nicely located at. Juck-ou-ville,
but are anxious to get in on the
Porto Hicnn expedition b -fore the war
Cl ises.
Will Becker residing west of town
had a close call to losing a large lield of
wheat in shock'. Tie- lightning set
tire to a shock of wheat an ! the I! e
w is spreading when '.he ram began to
faU and put it out.
The. e so of Klepser vs. Win. Fikea
bary t-ied to Jude A rebel-, Jioy -7,
was decided this morning in favor of
the defendant ilat.hew (Jering ap
peared as attorney for plain iitf and
Byron Clark for the defemlaut.
Patterson & Ku izman have put in a
te eolione, No. lii-'k ind ordo: s from
t heir ciis'ouiers wili b.. promptly at
tended to The xchange, under
2v-anager Groves, is moving ahead
rapidly, nine new telephones having
been put in recently.
S. K. Hall it Son have something
thatovcy farmer should buy a bi
cycle frame grii.dstone. Tho frame is
all of iron, with an iron seat for the
op.u-a tor and an iron tread e. It is
woniierfu ly complete and sells on
sight. Gall and see them.
An exe a .ire think t h 1 1 i f a cannon
tir cracker was lighted Under the
Spitiih throne, 'lo dynast v would
:um!ie and a r. p ib ic migti' be es ah
:i ned. We s!iog-t Commeih r I'o-
Me.s-e, sm'lh a-ni his lieutenan'. O
.val i (iui hm n. a- t vo of our !v-ves'
: a rio's, who could do the fire-caeker
act, and iidSi nef its incubus II.
C. McM ick' ti miohl go along as an
On the morning of Feb. 20, l,S!o, I
was sie. with i heumatism, ami lay in
hod until May "Jist, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
lirst application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the paiti and the
second afforded con plete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A, T. MnitKAVX, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
The young man who was found with
his throat cut, north of Paul, on Tues
day, is much better today and is
rational. Tie gave his name as Edward
Yan Sheets, and his f ither's name as
Oscar Van Sheets, who resides north
of Pacific Junction. Tho young man
is nineteen years of age and, strange
to say, can neither read or write. His
father has been telegraphed for and is
expected to arrive here today. Ne
braska Citv News.
Whilo Wiin.hing.ori has no news
'from Manila, the report eomes from
London again that tho cUy has sur-
rendered to the Americans.
I The president has given it out that
Spain must surrender 'uba, Porto Rico
and the We-t Indies, the Ladrones
iandatlea-t a coaling station in the
i Philippines. Tho Philippine matter,
i however, will not be sottlod until
! another meeting of the cabinet and
I t he demands as to those islands may
j hi- changed. No cash indemnity has
i thus far been asked for.
AS TIII1Y CO.Mitf A Mi tiO.
I'.i rt Slity-i lv diovi- out to Louisville this altt-r-
IH M 111 .
Clnnky I'.aldwni, of Weeping Water, was in
town today.
I). . Dwyer made a business trip to the
ini-lpipolis today.
I ). S. (juild returned home this morning from
a business trip to Chicago.
Col. L.I'. Sine, of the Carpenter l'aper Co.,
Omaha, was in the city today.
Judjje Archer is one of the few politicians who
will remain at home tomorrow.
Miss M.Cilda Vallery and Miss liertha Williams
were Omaha visitors this afternoon.
Mr. White, of the Cady Lumber Co., Omaha, in the city today with W. W. Coates.
l'i ank Guthniann and wife and 1'eter Keil de
paitedthis afternoon for Sioux City on a busi
ness trip.
Mrs. Lucy Lmbody returned to her home at
Line In this niorniu, after a pleasant visit with
her i-ister, Mrs. Frank Buyer.
Miss Imo'tene Clinton returned to her home in
Lincoln today, after a delightful visit of several
dajs in this city with Miss Street.
J ihn F. 1 1 inshaw, wife and children returned
home this nioiniun from an extended visit with
relatives in Henry county, Indiana,
John Kauen and wife of Kossville, Illinois,
came in this nioininjj for a visit with relatives.
This is John's first visit here for four years.
(ieoine Weidmann, wearing the uniform of the
exposition guards, was in the city today, visiting
Ins family, i ie l e turned to Omaha this afiernoon. 1
VS.. ' l : RE
s ' il i '
V. y V
IS lbs bet gr.inubi'ed sULiar ?1 mi
1! lbs best "G" sugar l.oo
Bucket Syrup l
BueKet Jelly 4n
L Pi package (Jatlneal 0,"i
Price baking powder, 1-lbcan... ,',H
Price biking powder, i lb can... L'i I
Bon-Bon baking powder, 1-lbcan 10
Calumet baking powder, 1-lbcan !'.
1 lb Pepper IS
Lemon extract, per bottle ."
Yanilla extract, per boltie Oo
('oal oil, per g al lb
New Yolk ('renin ' lo-e e .
( J oi id bucket
I lest li lire buck '
Bran, KM lbs
F.ega n t .lion r hi "H '
Lam ji e h i in in s
Argo gloss slareh
A ' go corn t-l irch
I est crack r, pe r 1 b
I doz. clot lies pin-
("alifoinia l'runes, per Id
Klegant liaisins, per lb
: lockages Parlor Malehe-
I -1 !
' . . i per !.. o7
I J : i
1,1 ,i i- (is
1.1 "Oil. e. il, 0
.1 In t i, rib I'.'t
.! e (IS
i . l'i
Ml C . e .e, , (IS
om t ' .. r b-1 1 I ! e . . . Ill
i no. -.a-1 10
ti ., I. i , . i - 1 1 1 . ....
-. : "7
v. j j"fc
Opposite Bank of Cass County, PiaUsmou'!.
One Tiii!;0 anc ftiiollM';"
Dowty Will iet Tlirixi.
New York. July S. A cablegram
from Hong Kong to the Journal says
that Admiral Dewey at Manila has
dispatched the It ileigh and Concord
to gather up eleven Spanish craft
which, according to inf irmition sen!
him by Consul (.cneral Yih!m an, are
at various places in the Phrippine
archipelago. Among these vessels
are three gunboats at San Miguel, Lu
zone island, and four at Pott Royal,
Palawar island. Four merchantmen
with cargoes of tobacco are report" d
at Caygan, Luzon. The same dispatch
reports that English traders at the
coal mines at Batan. Luzon isiaad-.
have been imprisoned and subjected to
ill treatment otherwise by the Span
iards there,
A Severe I.oms.
Word comes from Will Barker who
resides near Mas.-ot, Neb., to the effect
that his barn had been struck by
lightning which completely destroyed
it, together with hay and grain and
four sets of harness. He saved his
The I-onUville-Weepinc Watur Tram.
A coach will be attached to the B.
& M. 7:."o freight in the morning
which will connect with the M. P. at
Louisville. Returning, passengers will
bo brought back on freight Xo. 7i.
C'ompitruti ve l.ort.ti-s in Itnllle.
Newspapers which have compared
the losses of our army at Santiago, '
have nou made a fair p esentation ov
including in all of them tho number j
of prisoners. Because o;' the largoi Suos!i i'o-
number of prisoners taken in several . Caiuaia. lu Caiienv. . .. i
battles of the late war t:ie aggregate -,,, Vai-..ii is :.,-.. ! .! p., w
loss was very heavy. Take .-ihiioti And if he sh mid i-1. h u . !
The federal loss was lH,o7.'L of whieni Thne d'l.e the di.iblo to n.o.
i- : H- V V
r"r, ',,,..'.vV-,
We Will Be There I 1,00 were Kllieu aiul i.MJ we 'e , ( ,-n..r.i s l.iK slnp.-, air ;ii e- ; in tli
Those who im.a.rino ,.,lt frioml i ounu,!U. ul" -eHiaill(ier, .,'". oeing i . ; s, l,;ey -eat il, a, ,l.r,w. f, P.-
Lao Miivlieid of the Louisville Couil ! ',ritjoner?- . Lslim;in' the f.-ueral ! Ad n,nV ue'v.- n.-t n.n v en.r.jd. '. v.
..... i, ...... t ...... in .... ; i a rill V at SO, 000. the loss W.s Ib.P Per, Ol Cuninv. tie u Ciii.ino
l.j A J . I V U (4. Ul UV 1 V- 1 llllll (LIJU 1 , . . I'll I
every gill ol his blood an ti-Spaiiish,
should hear a, speech he is said to be
pi epari tig for delivery iu the conven
tion at Weeping VVater tomorrow.
We are permitted to print in advanco
a few mild sentences as follows:
"I am an American eagle and my
wings 11 ap together, iikewiso I roost
high. and eat banannas raw. Blanco
may sit in his Morro castle and howl,
but he can't sit on me! Will he please
roll that in his cigarette and smoke it?
1 am mostly a bird of peace, anil I was
bo-n without teeth, nut I've got talons
that reach from the storm beaten coast
of the Atlantic to the golden shores of
the placid Paeitie, and I use tho Rocky
mountains as whetstones to sharpen
them on. I never cackle till I lay an j
egg. and I point with pride to thr
eggs I have laid in the past yen rs. I'm
game f om the point of my beak to the
starspangled tip of my tail feather,
and when I begin to scratch gravel.,
mind your eyes ! I am cock of the walk
and tho hen-bird of the Godd--ss of
Libe-ty, the only gallinaeious Epluri
bu u on m on record ! I'm an eagle
from Louisville, with a scream on m
that ma '.-es thunrlc sound like drop
ping cotton on a. still morning, and m v
iv(..nt. address is Louisville, ITai'
Co'umbia. United States of America!'"
cent., but counting the killed and j
wounde 1 onl. . the percentage of the
casualties t the whole army was a j Mrs. lleaold ..-h
fraction over 12 per cent. At Gouys- , that for Uio c, invenie:
i. h.
i 1
burg the fedcra: loss was i!o,lsi), in
eluding pri-oners, which carried too
loss up to iJS.9 per cent. The killed
and wounded wur 10, 2111. or 20 per cent
of the 80,(1110 federal troops in th - bat
tle. At Santiago the missing were so
few as to make no feature in any esti
mate, but the killed and wounded
were l.S.JD. As tho number rt men j
engaged was 10,0(10, in round numbers,
the loss in these casualties of war,
which are the standard of lighting,
was 11.44 per cunt. Indianapolis
I o
A y
1 1 1
1 1
bel'sof liie Worn ill S .'1 o o, li;
have been left for saio wit i M
iieroitl, at the store.
A torpid liver ro-js you oi an
and ruins jour heaiiii. I e U' i ;
tie Marly Risers; cleanse the
euro constipation and all stoma
I liver troubles !' 11 I'YioLo .V
1. J i lie
Tli'Tc'ti no !.
J r
lielleT in Six Mourn.
Pistressing kidney and bladder dis
ease re.ieved in six hours by "'I ill'
Gueat South Amkimcax
Clm:k." It is a groat surprise (in ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in blniMer, kidneys and
i I,.. ..i. ; 1 i i . I
t o.iciv. in ni ne o: ieiii.iic. ii.ui;ie ..
retention almosr immediately. If you
wm nt oiiick relief nd euro this is the! f-!"'!,lg. i
remedy. Sold by tiering ec Co.. Ib ig
gist, Plattsmouth. Neb.
Hour- i m a
i 'eim.-i'fi " i 'l;j lis! ft or, pin 'III.'
in ii Ci t . A .-k
..r.ii thereby ecV i
port ti home inc. nsti
v ."i i c. h i . u i 1 i s u 1 1 "be t o-. ;
Win your biltles nga n.-t, oi
acting prouip'iy. One Minni
Cure pri -due. imti.e.iia;"
ivJi.-M.! wi(C.,i taken early H i
j tioi' . .And i n ia: r st i
prompt ri-lief. 1'. (1. I 'r
L 'h a hoif i '.ros.
j this sjiring. Piali.-ir 'ii'i
j ' o be u !! i te !.'.ti'i i: . f il o 1
! the l.t'tie f :ks
..i ni
- i e 1 -
. i '. e r ,
'li and
1 1.
I so:
Ice Cii!,;;n en Lawn,
I oil ' !
I n a-.
: ; i . i
V. ! . '
: n i -,
g ;, I
! In' )l'oiier
fain ly are
ei, golf or
re is nol.h
ice cream
id iiooi ish
s. n. I it. to
d- sired.
.1 :
have -o
C'i .-
lj; J '.M A Y T,,
r.'il I lib
Wrek ou tlie .Alls sou II I'm ilie.
L-'.st nigfit the nigh wind blew sonio
oox cars oil' the siuing at Stella, irj
Kiehardson county, onto the main lii.e
and as passenger train No. 2, eamtt
along it c -asheu iuto the obstructions,
e -citing quite a wreck. No one was
hurt o;i the passougor train, but en
gineer Ivl. Finnecum, who used to be
nt Weeping Water, and was well
known in this county, jumond from
his engine into a pile of ties suffering
inju'ies which proved fatal. Ho dieu
in le-s than two hours after tho acci
dent. The fireman jumped off on the
other side of tlie engine and escaped
with slight injuries. Tho road was
not c eared until this morning. The
regular 4 a. in. train got in from the
south about 10 o'ctock this forenoon.
iv tn:s
ll.ircl Storm In lovra.
Malveun', la., July 2S. Milis
ocumy t ii is d fternoon experienced the
hardest rain of the season and the
s. longest wind for years, accompanied
hv some bail No damage was done
except broken trees and overturned
o .tbu idings. This rain will insure a
corn crop io Mil.s cojnty equal to the
best eve. grown here. At Hawthorn,
liftecn miles of here, the wind
mueii more severe and it is re
ported a fa'-in house one-half mile
north of th'.t town was destroyed, one
chi d killed, one missing and as many
as live persons dangerously injured.
Horse Stoleu,
Sheriff Wheller received a message
from Greenwood this morning convey
ing the meagre information that a
horse was stolen in that town last
night. It was a sorrel and weighed
lli0 pounds. No further data was
given, and it is not known if it was
led away or was ridden or driven off.
The owners name was not given. This
is the first cass county theft in many
months, and it is sincerely hoped the
thief may be apprehended.
Kains la KtiKtcrii Nebraska.
The railroads entering the city re
port good rains all about Omaha on
Wednesday night, even though they
never touched us. iho Burlington's
weather report showed rain at the fol
lowing points: Plattsmouth, .6S inch;
Ashland, .4S; Central Citv, light;
P "ltcei-, .11; Atchison, light; Uulo, 40;
Brownvitle, Nemaha and Nebraska
City, hard riin; Syracuse. .05; Salem,
Table Rock, Teeurnseh and Burch ird,
hard rains. Bee.
A Walkout.
The de'egates from Nebraska C'ty
to tho Otee county convention of the
disgruntled (demo pops) held at Dun
bar yesterday, adjou-ned to a neurby
saioon for refreshments after the close
of ibe convention, and the train pulled
out ami left about thirty-live of the
faithful to walk home, twelve miles.
A man who was there says D c Mar
noil, of the Nebraska City News, was
one of the boys who walked.
Horses and Mulm,
Wanted, the best draft horses and
fancy chunks I can get, weighing from
Kloo to 1S0O, for eastern and export
market. Also knee actors and pacers,
the more speed the better. I will also
buy mules, from three to eight ye'-irs
old. All must be fat and well broken.
Bring in your big drafts and fancy
chunks, I will buy them. Highest
ma-kef. price. Wiil be at Plattsmouth,
Neb., Tuesday August 0, "JS. One day
only. F. E. Powell.
Truth Tersely Told.
Foley's Kidney Cure is a safe, sure
remedy for all kinds of kidney and
bladder diseases.
The life of the Nebraska leu
year is a, ;r aul song.
his fattening hi rds in li -. b ad
pastures nuU liuns up a oig profi
be- f at, live c. nts pmi. o. iJe pi.e'.s
26-ceiit corn in the presence oi Lis
thriving po. i.eis and s!t uov.ri and
ligures out fifty cents it. Pinmei for it
wfien the bogs are sold. lie scaM .-!-two
bushels of wheat on an acre oi
his fertile soil and reaps tbirt-!ive.
He puts a peck of corn in bis plan'. el
and drives gaily ali ld and i iler
shucks sixty busheis exclusive of
"rousting ears." His w:fe buys an up
holstered surrey witti her butter and
egg money and he rides in it with as
much gusto and comfort and pride as
if he had bought it himself, instead of
spending his small change for tolncd.
The farmer's heart is gladdened and
the woe that was there h is given
p. ace to a belief that all things come
to those who wait, and he having
waited is now strictly in it.
U1:'!I a
i 's ea n 1
M i 1 I i I -
.iUi" il
i : i.i-,
'i icUe.
"A" . P
d al
ip.ic iv
t'e I. lib
I i ! I t.
'Jl U t Li
d I
I .
f A
lb II'
New process gasolino stoves at al
most your own prices at Coates .V Co's.
Kleotric I5itter.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally needed when the languid, ex
hausted fce.irig previils. when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt use of this medicine has
often abated long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine wil; act
more surely in counteracting and free
ing tho system from the malar.:al
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric
Bitters. Fifty cents and -SI bottles at
F. C Fricke's drug store. I
v n -1 y l n j 1 1
be f ice add S ! . i e i i . !' V
f g in 1 he hiit: ds i f berg i
w .ki'i.ed anon!. 2 a. i.i
in i be room .mil o . . 1 e,i en
I : . Wa s. lie was n n s . e i i
bo vvs. which l e f :. him
The whole hou-e w a- then
i desl re to a! t-'S1 to 1 n -Chamberlain's
('o-igb Rem
of the mo-l valuable ill:
pre pa i at inn- on t h m irke
an exceed nglv ll'ii; ' rii
me i n 21 hours, and in 'J r ' ' i
for. Ides re to ii form veil
in r.
. v -
LllftL SflFT
I !
: nip
tr without l ' ami you .-ten; u .
' of the li gh es''-em la v.T.i- b
your Remedies are bebldy p"oole in
general. It istheone r. n.- dy amo-.g
ten tli.'-usand. S'i'-i's- to it.. i. ! !.
iMiWNKV, Editor Democrat. Al'ii'K..
II. '1
f .u in p,
I ! i . (
' - I.
. . 1 V
. I
nil 'tv of
A. All
U (..
Ind. Fo'" sal" bv all dru-rgi-t-.
! J
HLl-kieii'n .riil(a .s:,le.
The be-t salve, in tlie v.-orid for '"Jt
burus. sores, ulcers, mi. t n ""'n, ie
Vei soi i;s. tetter, eb ,)P' u il i.
tilaili-. corns, and skin e -op..
I 1 o.-!tle,y cure- pi.. . or I.:- n .
re., u . I. 1 : s I. ,'l a - . ei . ; i '
.:'. et sat.:- f-.c m-.. '.' : -! :' er-.nt- p--r box. -r h
F. (i. !'-ic!ce
M i: S W SAGE,
Kpwarth league.
There will be a. bu-iuess and social
meeting of the Epworth League Fri
day evening of this week at the
hoiine sf Mr. and Mrs. A. 1. Campbell
in South Park. A full attendance 's
When You Take Your Vacation
The most n?cessary article to have
with you (after your pocket book) is a
bottle of Foley's Colic Cure. It is ;'.n
absolute prevention or cure of i de
rangements of the s caused by a
change of water. You are likely io
need it.
Flower Day at the Trans-M ississipjii Ex
position Autrunt 21.
Grand pa: ado of 10ij beautifully iiec
orated equipages, driven by the lead
ing society ladi ;s of Nebrasi-ca aid
Iowa, presenting a spectacle that will
outrival the world-famous fiestas o"
Los Angeles, Colorado Springs at d
New Orle.ins Tuesday. August 2d, at
4 p. m., on the exposition grounds, :U
Oma ha.
One cent a mile via the BurlingV-n
route Tickets good to return Aug. 3.
The Wor d's best o cent cigar, Wurl
Bros. Gut Heil. strictly Union m .6-.
Every dealer bandies them.
A Word to I'hjsU-iuiis.
Do you know that many broad mind
ed physicians are using Foley's Honey
and Tar Caugb. Syrup in their prac
tice. They have found no remedy
that gives as satisfactory results for
all throat and lung com pi 'lints as this
groat cough medicine.
For Sale.
A fresh milch cow. Enquire of Wm.
Weteukamp. Mynard.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tah'.ets.
All druggists refund tho money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has
!. L. B. Q. on each tablet
Half e, alem Cli.-iu on. i aa !'..;r
lniion i;oiiie.
July o0:h to August 7ih ? he Bj rli rig
tori route oilers a rate of one f .re for
the round trip to Salem. This 'a.:
wili be in effect from ail st-tt.on- with
in loo miits of Salem, and iiei-.'.-is will
bear tiuai return limit el Aulu ' S.
Salem Chautauqua is tne only r-m u
t a i-qua which win tie hold in s ,u; nern
Nebraska durirg the pn-eat ''-'
The mu'i'igenieri' has ink- n ud van ' s:
of that fact, and has ;: .-ranged a p-o-gram
of except ioieil iu:o est ane m -i -it.
Trie attendance si; oil id be gn- it y
in exec.' of ihitt of any previous y. ;!.
.1 1'kani is. (J. I'. A.
d n;.
Ire.r ,r 1
d i,. :: i 't
!'.r lar-
l':.. ;",'S moi; i H
Misnui i ft. a!, (o-ntinic Canon ( if y Coal
.A man stands no cnarice
sleeied to the mayorsli: ; o." :.
he en i--vs t he cmi tid-.T'-e n il
( i
his neighbor-. (J. o. w' I
the popular mayor tA S.v;
ar;d under aate of Jan
writes as f; Low: "'Vu,-
to ou- ai'nei;ia
Cough R.-e ed
n -i g h b irs ii . v.
kn iw it is an
c-ughs a-.d
f 1 i:iriiK!.v."'
f Cl.
if .-;V'.'-T-
X e .-nt i-.on
eo d - : ; i; k .
So it ; a i d:
In New (l.nriir-.
Having removed to the '.;.
building, next to Lehnh "IT's,
con'inueto keep a sel'-e-led sto-.
trojiieal fruils. and wil s.-rve
cream and lemonade as forme ly.
.Tniix Sciii.-.r; i
w 1
Finish illri, Cid Say !
A Whit- ;iark.
feet I v
bir a!
dis as"-
Kid ney
The p v
ere . mraiciae
or the m-iiiey re
they not deserve
a white ri
i n
i L
1 1,
; ri-: "
; p. ,y
.': -1 l! 1 1 ' .
v. ..- '.si.!
i I.i a .:
v 1 i -
-.s-. . . s
a- g;-- t
. I. lis : i
i n
. i
c . . a
rf vt
. 1 ion.
....e to
For lt-nt.
Storeroom in Fitzg-ireid's blocic
Enquire of T. IL Pollock. Age-.t.
Take Laxative Bromo Quia ine Tablet s.
All druggists refund the money it it
fails to cure. 25c. The cenuine has
L. B. Q. on each tablet.
II- Ss L .
. r I : ::e a,
up n It.
and ;ii., t
-nt Io i
.ti-r rd
I. . J 'n
' .-a v- M his
ti ,ish him,
a man lo-r as
. ft. r put ting
( ) . r 1 o -rid ry
ding sent to
.' laundered
-ii, a- well
ill ,r- and
: 11k-; iiesv.
South Sixth St.
The I V K N INii Nl-lWS oil's ten C-oitS
ier wi'ck, you can't itTord to do with
out it.
r(.nil. F. (i. I ru Ko v -o.