Mm s Was not cooler than our Crash Suits. We do not claim that they are as cool as the Klon dike, but we do claim they will afford you as much comfort as it is possible to find in a Nineteenth Century Suit. They are Crashes to wear, wash and wear again. A lillin( Has struck the price of these Summer Suits, and your op portunity to get a dressy, up-to-date Summer Outfit is golden, if you come at once. A A BOYS' CRASH SUITS, K nrc Pants and Lovcj Pants MEN'S EXTRA CRASH PANTS, .77 Sizes CRASH HATS .'o trouble to find what joh want lure. S S 3r 6r 3 L WesGOttfiteon. Clot hie i-h, 1 In tiers, Tin I) errfn s h e ?5L 3 YE Zuck Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, Plattsmouth, Neb " but hsTa soM direct timer f r rears PRie prices, siring dealer proata. snip any where for examination. KTerTthin? warranted. 113 fiyiea of Tehicle. 55 airles of I!arnei. Ton Burner. S6 to 170. SnrreTi, $J0 t Ilia. 3eoa. Phaetoni. Trari. H" iprinr-K-iad c. .... u. ...... 4aa cir no 'VTain. Send for ' A, .0od aa Ml.a far f la. Catalogue of all our El KH&RT CABULA.GE AND UAK5E99 MFG. S1UU Keward lOO. The readers of this rarer wi!! he pleased to learn that there is at least one dreade i disease that science has been able to cure m ail us staejes, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur? is tiie only positive care kilo.-, n t t.'ie medical fraternity. Catarrh l.eit.e a constitution.!: dis ease, reiu;res a c n.-t itut : nal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu.o'.is sui faces l tho yvs tem, theieby destroying the t .r.;:d:-it:on of the disease, and siv':t;K the patient ?treii;tii by build ing t'p the constitution and assistiim nature in dc:ut! its Work. The i '"rr--: 'r l.avo so :i:uca faith in its curative p veis trial they oner One Hun lied l.VIiais fm anv c.i-e lint it I.-.i.s. to cure. Send tor list t te-tcnoaa.i.s. Addie-s. h i. H.N lv oil",... T le do. ) by IVusis;.-. 7:.. I'lirllngtuii Inn. Six blocks fi oin ex irit icri. A. 1) Tou.alin, m inasiror; K. 15. Maonoy, cloi'k. K' imj ?!.()) pi.-:- il.'iy ?;.eoiil rate? by week or niiMith. I.verythit'o; first class. Take. DoiJro street car. from Union tlep'd to J' 1 Hurdette btrects. Wi ite u- !" jvtr; icu'ars. Thousands of persons have lo,n cured of piles by u-m' D.'Wiit's Witch Ilazol Salvo, i' i.i.-a's promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases. It g-ives imm diatc rel i"f. F. G. Fr. kc. If you vaut t r-iuoko t'i' bc-t try Wurl II. o.'. Gut lleii. Th-3 Jicost 5 cent ciar n 'Ce. Tho' Hii! f,f Mi;.; burp I'ii., bays l)e Witt's Little I'arly Itiere are the best pills be ever need in his family during forty years of Iiu?-e keeping. They cure eonstir.a'ion, tick beudaclm and stomach and liver trou'ib-s. Sma'l in si'; but 'real in r suits. F. G. 1'ricUe. ISrt MorfjiriL''B bu;ad beic -fier may bn obtahitd at ZucUwcilcr .t Lutz, Jon;.. jilt First 5lfSt Frost A c A to the run- ml wfnie- htm the t'arria- Wiron and Mil larza. frae Ko.088nrreT. Price, wit arlalna lamps, na It" lei. ihade, apron and tender., HO. Aaioedaj aalla Ibr fV4 CO. TT. B. PRATT. BerT. ELKHABT. IX D. A Word to Physicians. D.i ynu know that in:vny broad mind ed physicians are usitig Foley'd Uoney atid I'.tr C-tuo;b Syrup in their prac tice. They h ivy found no remedy that pives ;is satisfactory results for r:li thi'oat rind lung1 compl. tints as this jri eat coui.'li medicine. or lee to Ice C'ohmii mers. O il- ice hroks ai'o SO cts. por- 100 lbs. C'ati from and after this date. Cash j'.iy. F. S. Wiiitk. LI. C. McMaken" & Son. M. L. Yoeum, Cameron, Pa., saya "I ivts a sufTerer for t n years, trying all kinds of pile remedies, but without success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was receotnmend to me. I used one box. It has elTet d a permanent cure." A a permanent cure for pile? DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no en nil. F. G. Fricke & Co. Take the Missouri Pacific trains if you v.i-h to jro to th- exposition, as they have the only d( pot on the grounds. You can sare ptrcct car fare and avoid tbe crowded thoroughfares. The editor of tho Fvan-s City, Pa. Globe, writes: "One MiDutfj Cough Cure 's rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke. Tlir Ferry Is Kniinlnfr. I have put a Ciblo entirely across the I'la'to river nt Orenpoli-, and with thrco boats I am crossing all who come this way. The sand bars iio longer make any trouble every thing now and safe. Your patronage solicited. l'KTEK NORD. Ys4 JT3?-VS? S3r-Oe.:' KVtKTT ft AX BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. No important news from the Heat of war today. Div'hm maki rig. Miss I,;iura Twiss. Jlriion Hlock. Cake, cream and ices served at the lawti Hocial this evening. llolloway's popular steamed bread i made of IleisoFs best Hour. New process gasoline stoves at al most your own prices at Coates & Co's. Nice home-made candy for sale at the lawn social this evening at Wash. Smith's. Ask your dealers for the White Sil ver cigar, manufactured by Frank Nciman. Fifteen cents admission to the lawn sociable this overling at Mr. Wash. Smith's lawn. Jack Donson is having more than his share of trouble, all thrco of his rioys being sick. If you dou't see the Gut Ueil cigar call for it, and got tho host " cent ci gar in the market. llolloway's bread, which has taken the lead, is made of Ib-iscl's "l'lati sifter" Hour. If it's quality you want in u ciyar, not quantity, smoko the "Kxquisito." For sale everywhere. The Wor'-d's best 5 cent eiirar, Wurl Hros. (Jut Ueil, strictly Union maun. Every dealer handles them. tor tho next sixty days I will sell cigar clippings for o'Oe por pound. II. SPIKS. 1 'earl mm is unloading u ear of furniture today which he is storing in vacant room opposite the Perkins I Iouso. Li. 15. Kgenberger is fixing up bis cellar with finely crushed stone until it is nicor and cleaner now than before the Hood. Fred M. Andrus of Manlev, aged 2(5, and Emma II. L.add of Weeping Water, aged 20, wore nr anted license to wed by Judge Spurlock today. Judge Joyco this morning granted a mar riage license to Charles S. Long and Miss Nellie Dunlap, both of Cass county. Nebraska City News. Ed. Spencer's many frierds will bo glad to know that he has been pro moted to corporal in company C. second regimont at Chiekamauga. Nails which h;vo been in the Hood for sale by the pound or keg, at prie.'s below wholesale at the factory. COATKS &. CO. Fred Horn, Will Ceaeh and Charley Kerr were tho guo-ts of a doz n ynun lady picnickers on Goos etc k down on tho ferry road near the r iver Ibis afternoon. Various US'-ful articles from th Presbyterian exchange will be on sale at the lawn social, given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Washington Smith this evening. Mrs. Ilerold wishes to announce that for the convenience of tluu mem bers of the Woman's Club, the badges have been left for sale with Mr. James Ilerold, at the store. "United Moderns," a new fratern il order, is being represented in this city by II. J. Johnson of Denver. Tho order is a good ono and Mr. Johnson will no doubt be able to perfect an or ganization. J. A. Murray, Jack Denson and Frank Baird wero out hunting this morning, and in shooting over the horse's ho-d tho animal was made deaf as a stono. It will probably bo all right in a few days. There's no better flour made than Heisel's "Piansifter," manufactured in this city. Ask your grocer for it, and thereby get the best and sup port a home industry at the same time, which builds up the town. Win your b ittles against disease bl ading promptly. One Minute Cough Cure produces immediate rcsubs; vhen taken earlv it prevents cccsump- tion. And lh later stages it furnishes p ompt relief. F. G. Fricke. MissAtwo id presides at the soda fountain in her father's drug store with consummate grace, and will soon have a monopoly of the business, if the other stores fail to get equally gracious and pleasant assistants. Sick headache, biliousness, consti pation and all liver and stomach troub les can be quickly cured by using those famous litt'e pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Itisers. They are pleas ant to take and never giipe. F. G. Fricke. The man found out on Platte bot tom was taken to the poor farm by Deputy Sheriff McBride last evening. tie speaks German, and complains of his head all the time. He is either the victim of sunstroke or has fallen from a train. Mrs. Howland gave hr for Tier guests and a few invited friends a pic nic party tut at Pa'terson'. pasture today. Geo Farley and sister, G. M Spurlock, C. S. Polk. Miss Margaret Howiand and mother, and Miss Alice Wilson wire in attendance. Mrs. C. A. Riwts had a letter from her husband, L'eutenant Kawls, yes terday in which he says they pitched their tents on the hot sands. Thev have no s'iride except from some scrubby -.;.ks and lot g trunked pines. The nights are cool and ho thinks the weather no hotter where they are (in Florida) than in Nebraska. Truths Tersely Told. Foley's Kidney Cure is a tafe, sure remedy for all kinds of kidney and bladder diseases. A French enthusiast presented the fj. S. hospital force several thousand cases of champ igne for the sick. We make a wild gn ss ;h tall tho cham pagne the boys get you could put in your e3'e with safety. Council Proceeding". The city council mot in regular sos flion last evening, with all mombora present except liinshaw and Mossor smith. In the absence of tho mayor. Provi dent Sattlcr prcsidod. Minutes of former meeting read and approved. A letter from Mayor Mooros of Omaha was read, in which ho made no charge for tho use of their fire engine or time of fireman, but sug gested that if the city aw fit to give the two men $5 each it would bo ac cepted by them. A vote of thanks was proposed, but after some dis cussion it was amended to include a warrant for $10, which was agreed to. The following is a list of bills al lowed. W J White, pavement repairs $ 41 75 vV I) Fisher, street work 75 ' Heiidricksen 1 50 1) M Jones, lahor at gas house 13 00 Koht Johnson 5 1" S W Dshorn 50 K 1'orsiiiKcr 7 bb LKilduw 15 U0 Koht fames 2 00 YV M Sheldon 15 75 I. Kildovv 75 J Slavicek 1 50 11 Sheldon 1 50 1'at Tevan 8 75 I. O'Neill 70 1. M I lilt 3 00 II Smith H 30 K Kildow 23 55 W H (JiiiKery 1550 Win Wilson 11 40 John (iiiiK'ery 1 H) 1) M Graves 18 00 Koht Carries '. 00 K K Milton 8 00 Coates & Co.... !" Tims Whalen 7 ?5 lliiKh Standley 1 50 Water Co., water at gas house 7 50 W Wetteiikainp. rent 25 00 W I) Fisher 1 50 Cass county, boarding pris 5'J 50 Cass county, same 24 "0 Cass county, same 35 25 Ca-s couu' y, same 47 50 Hiram Matcher 2 55 Chris Petersen 3 W C I) Cummins, poles W 20 Coates & Co 10 HO C F.Miller... 45 Ii & M, freight 0 39 F M Ki'diey. lumber 74 115 A petition, signed by Geo. Longen hagen and others, asking that North Sixth street be improved, was road. Mr. White explained that part of the street seemed to be fenced and, on mo tion, the matter was referred to the judiciary committee. A commuaicrtion from tho acting city attorney, Mr. liyron Clark, was read, calling ' attention to the condi tion of the city ordinances, which are in typ-writing and unbound. Mr. White thought the city was in danger of sustaining grave losses and ho be lieved the ordinances ought to bo printed and bound. Tho matter was discussed and, on motion, wan referred to judiciary committee to see about having the same printed. The annual levy ordinance was read atid, on suspension of the rules, was passed iu due form. Tho claims committee recommerded that the claim of the police judge for uncollected fees be allowed, which was agreed to. Tho committee on stret., alleys and bridges reported that tho roads were too dry to work the grader and they desired more time, which was granted. AS THEY COMS AI OO. Mrs. Illack and Mrs S, L Thomas were Omaha visitors today. Councilman James Rebal "was in the metropolis on business today. Supt. Pollock of the Water compa ny was an Omaha visitor this morning. Col. L. J. May field of the Lumisville Courier was a pleasant caller this morning. Miss Bertha Williams and Miss Edith Pntterson wero exposition visit ors todav. Miss Nellie Guthman and Miss Cena Hanson were exposition visitors this afternoon. Judge Maxwell, congressman .from the Third district, was in town to-day looking after his farm. Mis-es Hose and Bertha Lloyd, went to Lincoln this afternoon to visit their sister, Mrs. Fred Cunningham. Frank A. AVhite, Miss Clara Street md Miss Clinton drove over to tVeep- ing Water this morning for a few days' visit. Harney Shepherd and sister, Mettie, T. E. Williams and wifa and Miss Oiipbant of Curtis wore exposition visitors today. Arthur Jackson and wifa ietarned this morning from a delightful outing of sever al d'vs uu on tho lstces of western Canada. C. E. Wescott was an Omp.hs passen ger this afternoon md we suspect he will do tho Midway ths evening,. though he gave no intimation. S. H. Mowery of the Mallory Con struction Co., Cht iiton, la., wns in town todny looking at Sawtetlo's graders with a view of purchasing. Hilt Wescott, Miss Liizzie Eiken bary, C if We-n ott and Miss Margaret Davis were exposition visitors la.Bt evening returning homo on tho mid night train. Kt-pulli-n Delegates. Following is a list of delegates from Liberty and H uisville precincts: LIBERTY PRECINCT. G. N. Luliue, Chas. Graves, IT.enry F. Taylor, Andrew Taylor, T- B. Birnum, Joe Lyan, Sim Luce, Wm. Delozier, A. H. SaMta, G. F. Mc Namee. LOUISVILLE PRECINCT. Tt. J. Miytield, J. L. Hartshorn, Frank Dickson, F. Rathbun, G. A. Ashmua, I. DePuy, G. W. Mayfield Tom I'armele and one other. A. A KdoU was nominated for assessor. TO CUKK A COLIJ IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo QuinineTablts.. All drusrgistsi refund the nvouey if it. fails to cure. 2oc. Tho genuine "ha L. 13. Q. on ech tablet Letter From Aluckit. The News is kindly permitted to print tho following letter from I'M. Oliver to Joo Klein of this city: Juno I I, KS'.hS. Friend Joe: Wo aro now nt tho head of tho Hitr Uapids of tho Klutina River, thirty miles from the Copper River, and miles Irom tho mouth of tho Copper, or 2711 miles int ) tho in terior of Alaska, where wo are camped waiting for the river to lower so wo can safely let our boats down with the rapids, as it is not safe to attempt to shoot the rapids. Quite a few have done so safely, while a groat many have failed and lost all their-outfit and have to go brck. We met four men that got wrecked the other day, who started down with 4,00(1 pound", and only saved 4.0 pound which they sold and went back. Well, Joo, when I wrote you b -for-f wo were at tho lured of tho lake, we started tho next day to cross it in two boats and ono raft, all heavily loaded. It was calm when wo started and bad to row until noon when wo laid to for lunch, and while eating a gentlo breeze came up .and wo hoisted our sails and bad a splerdid time of it un til about bix o'clock when tho wind got stronger and tho waves arose, and our boats began to pitch and roll, and tho water came in over tho stern so we thought it best to got to shore, as we could see a bay to ono sido we made for it and when we got there Poterson was ahead in ono or tho boats, and when he got to shore tho waves wero ho high that it washed over the boat and of course on our goods. I was managing tho other boat, and when I saw how Poterson was faring, I pushed out to sea again and held her there until the men on the raft was drifted ashore, and they and Peterson got the goods unloaded, then it was my turn. I started her nose straight for the shore and pulled with all my might. I ran her pretty well upon tho sand, then wo all pitched in and her un loaded. Some of our goods got pretty wot but we did not loso a pound of anything, and wo got wet ourselves. Then wo pitched our tent and got sup per, retired early and got up early. Next morning tho lako was calm, the wind having gone down; had break fast, loaded our boats and started for tho river, got to the boa I about noon. We learned from some men camping there that we had better lash all our goods in the ooats securely as we might loso them for the river was very swift and dangerous, and wo done so and 9tarted down. For about two miles it was all right, nice going, but after that distance it got swifter, and thorp was large rocks sticking up here and there; also lots of snags, and the stream was very winding. Well, we were in it and hnd to eo as the b.-snks were too high to laud, so we. kept on and got here o. k. But, Joe. I want to say to you that it was the fastest boat rido any of us ever took, and it was full of danger too. On our way down we saw seyer al parties who were wreoited. Soino of them savo ! a little while other saved nothing, and all of them hallowing to us to be careful watch for tho rocks and snags. Il made me feel kind of queer, but as the Lord has been on our side through this trip so far, we kind of felt safe, aa we had several narrow escapes. The rapids below us are very bad and dan gerous the water runs like tho mill race of hell, throwing waves eight to ten feet high. Wo will not attempt to go down without ropes, and will wait till the 9now all melts in the mount ains then tho Indians tell us it will be lower and we can get down safely with ropes, but we will not take more than three mouths' provisions with us and come back when tho river freezes up and haul it on sleds. We have built us a cache and will store goods until that time. We are again to mal.e a trip down on foot to learn what we can about the Copper River country and find out if possiblo if there has been any strikes yet. June 20. Have been down to the mouth of this the Klutena river and on the Copper River. It is a wonder ful country. On our way down we had an excellent view of the rapids and the mountains. The rapids are a sight to see, and the current ii so ?vrift that a log going down went faster than I can run as I tried it. I don't think we will take many goods down that stream and get them safely to the mouth. We could plainly ee Mount Wrangel, 18,500 feet high, also Mt. Dram, Ml. Sanford and Spirit Mountain. Mount Wrangel is a smoker but the others are all burned out, and there is a solid bad of lava for miles around them. Got to the camp at Copper Centre pretty well tired out, as the trail is a mew one and hard to travel. It is mos'lyon a ridge nbout eight hundred feet above the river and runs nearly through the timber, and is yet quite dangerous to tr ivel as- there aro man- wild animals in this country, but we all go well armed. There has be-en several hear and mountain lions killed, but we h ve not, encountered any o far. Wo learnod that there had not been anything struck so far, but there are probably 1-50 prospectors out looking the country over to see what; the out looiC will be, and we joined the coloni zation orgaaized there which will en able v to gt-tall the news from the-e proectors. We went up tho river some ways and dug up some gravel and panned it and fuund gold but not enough to pay m to locate. It was sheet gold ana very tine had from four to thirteen o tors to the pan we learned that there had been lots of colors found for t-iity miles up the stream but not in paying quantities. Upon our arrival at Copper we will push with our goods a up to the Tan na River Country which is about 1G0 miles, where we think these colors all came from, and will get there in about thirty "lays if our good luck Htays with us. June 2-V What do vou thli.k of pen i ill . ill iirnl ink. A poor d 1 1 sel 1 1 rig on t h i 1 1 I I I., ..f i 11119 Milk tlllU PI'I11, 1 llWllllb It in u.l.l. got a bottle of ink and two holder for t we ri t v - Ii ve cent-; Irive i fused 1.0 for then.. This is ii lovely morning; had a light i t l .i .,;..!, ii... in'. i .-.iit..i i I inn tini. 'i ii b, . d nee we eaiii"", to this en in p. I I get so cold at night that we sb-i-p nuN r- three henvv blaulet-. Night heh.r last the t herrnometer go down t 'J. above. It goes below U eV' i v riii;hl. ami gets up to S and '.Ml iluirg lie- s day. There was a party made up on tho night of the 21. to ascend one of tin mountains and see the midnight sun. 1 did not go as it was four hour's wall;. but I wish now that I had as tle y siy it was grand. It went down at and raised again at. l2:-r, -o yon we do not have much night, h-il -v will gut it by hh.1 by when wn w.ll, only have one and a half to two boa- dayl ight Dr. King of Chicago, a cimp-r ,-,.,, ir;l1 i.M on th- market. Itbroko this trail, tells me th'it lie got a l.-tt -r M( i u d.i.e-e,- ,e e..-.,gl. for from homo saying tbal, Me- ' ' " ' ' '"' , , , , ,, ,. , , , , ,,,., hen States had gone to war with '!'. f). . , r.m v, ihatl will but that there was not much damage done yet. I (io wish that we e 1 1 1 1 get some newspapers; I am lot w i t h . -1 1 thorn; tho mail carrier will not vtr-r-y papers; he has all he ear. do to en r r y , tho letters; ho charges each man one dollar per trip for his mail, one or- i thrco letters, more th t'i thre- he has ; . . i if ii.' to riav ;0 cents ad I it lona! fo each 'et, . . , , . ., ier. i got two irom nome iasi mo u 11 and had to pay $1.00 for them. I have been told by one of the men that, made . -. ....... : ........ . .. . : il irip vviin laio e,.irrier inaL eaeii i. a 1 1 nets him from -1,:!':0 to i? I. "( . but it i, a very dangerous trip, and .f h" has to carry the. mail on bis ba-k I do not th i nk it too much. Respects to nil. (inod I'.ve. Fi. I'i'iuliHl l"rlliiiirl.H. Tbii populists of the city held their primaries last night and eb etcd a fi.ll delegation ,o the county convention,, which meets at Louisville next alui day. A resolution, referring; to the prin ciples of the Omaha platform, evoked considerable discussion and wiiHpi--od ; with a win on and three r inging cheer - I for the old lino populism. The delegation was request, d t keep the good of tho people's parly and that of the whole people, to lioj exclusion of all other parti' s. who might ho hangers-on or lieeleisi j.,r' mctc nary purposes. i l?y : esolutio'i, it was the sen-e f t iie meeting that all of the delegates work 1 to secure the nomination of I). Cb m Denver for govo' nor. 'I'itK;;. i'i:s. i (', ',. ('avault, Jahn I). Tut, W. I ' Short, .lohn Sharp , ('. M I'ii-ht. Ii. .1. Vass, Marii i J.dinso.i, J. ). Thomas, J'.hn Fos-b-titl..' , Short, ll 'iiry llu -uins. b-. ' , i Folleito. J. A., NeU P.t.i' .1. C. Likewi-i:. t't:a-. I'iii-i. !ir..i Walters, i.'h.'is. Ci-thil:, II. . Mi ; -, John W. CiMiil!, John A r...: ' ' . Robert Masden, J.W. tlolforlh. He.;. . Spurrier, S. S. W.ik'-r, 15. K 1 a .-a !, J. W. I ' r.ser, ( 'h ris .'ii r s-,-.i . .1 o 1 Cory, i trismus Petersen. W. II Wvmi. .lohn W. Whalen. Ole It una". L-.u;s Olsoa, K. K. Monroe. J. R Kelly. S. F. Osborn, P. V. Met Jul ley, .1. C. Itodgers, A. . Jacobson, M. . Thomas, Jake Slater, A. Lik--'.v:se, II. D r,:rr, K V. Martin, M. S Briggs, O.iver Gilson, M. J. D v . K. Ii. II inks, of Lewisvili Ti.'xa-, writes that oae b ix of I Jo Witt's Witch Hazel Salve was wo-t.h o..,b)0 . o h i m . It cured his piles of ten years fctarid- ing. He ad vires others to try it. It aiSO cures ee.ema, srvin insu m.-i .'in obstinate soi es. V. C F:'ick-. Today's Slarki'ts. CliH'Ai ;o, July Following is the range tf p- ices for today. Jt,.en'K llinli'st l.ov.ct ; 'i-r. n 'i -1 1 " y Wheat. r,r,;H (-orn. . . " I'ork.. . '. '.i." i Jats. . . I-Jifi 11 ii-j g'i'i .-'" - Vfi-n Vou Tk- Your V.irntlcn The most nac-e-sary nr? id" t- I--. with you (-.ftcr your p .gk 't -oo -:; '. bottle of Foley's Colic ' 'ure. It is ar, absolute prevention or cure of a i de rangements of the liOAeis caused 'oy a chantre of water. You are likely to need it. All kinds of jewelry, clocks ara! promptly repaired. A.l vvo- k warranted. .1. W. Crahill. first door west of Waterman bioek. i lattsinonih IJurkK-n'B An-ica r-alve. The het ' lv in the world fer cuts, burns, sores, ulcers, sait rh-'on:. f.- ! ver sores, tetter, chappen.'hands, cbil-! hiainf, corns. ;.r d ail skir. eru. trot:-, j md t. si li vely cures fjih-s. or no pa s J required. It is gti.-irnr t',--- to gi e i rior'ect satisfaction or i:;;fn-y r umujci'. I'r.e.- h ee'l'S ; ho . I or -r e F. Fried- - Orilinuno' "o. 'IIO. An'iancc jirovidvi f .r tho nna-i.V ', taes ter the c;t i.f f'.att :::. -h. Nei-r..-ioi I'.e it ir.iaiia-.i j the !iia'.r ;.n ' (.uim.;. i : '. ' citv -f I'.attsa.i.iith. ehr i-k r'ectiou 1. That there be an i i ':. ' v .- I up-iit'ie i alar v.-tiuatiotl o.i a' r. 1- ii . sunai and nii.-.ed reier.y waliai ti..- ..-15. .r..:e limits of tiie cay i.f 'iait!ii-anh. N-l 1. .. exempt from taxation by the la-.s i.f the ta : i Nebraska: (ii.-neral fund s,nc;, j L"'. ( ias and I.iiditii.i; hind i " ".',..: Oni.iha .s kv bonds, interest 7 " li.'T 'la .& M.K. bonds .1 " l.H.! Keart n bor.ds. interest .i " I -1 .S.-wer bands, i.itere-t -4 " . ".'', Iti . Hih school bonds, interest.. 7 ' : ; . ; 7 j r interseciion na ii-.k 1 i :- i I JIC niuidiji ii..ii. 1... I,- 1. Library fund ! ' 1 " Dnrlf (tl.T,t 1 . - ' I Total -eciion Tl.Rt the said several an.-nn.ts levied are for tin? ue of the s:d in r.r.j: t!,e ....-. 1. .... tl... . ..... ., I.Srtl li'iiiinvi.iui, --.. inv .-t'.'iu ....1. . .11 August. A. i.. lvs. ' Sections. The levies herebv made shall be -at- ' tncdiatclv cc-rtitied to the Countv c.-a of in countv. Nebraska, by the city c.erk f the sad citv of Piattsmouth. ; Passed and approv d July i. A. D..l-'.'s. i U . I. Wini 1 . I 11. II t KUl.U, kr Lit.. Finance t 'oni. F. M. Richkv, Mayor. B. C. Kerr. City Clerk. lloiim Ixdd (ilirl , '!'). ar.e!. t: l,e,v. el t lilt t he I 'elilites Were Mm g"d-i who lit- tended 'le ! 1 W" i 1 : 1 J p Oh pe rl t y ; 1 " 1 ' J of 1 1' i i ' I v w -r., v.or-slilp- i ml p nnperity v w v. orxh I p. n atid'l"'' 1 '""'' I'" " I-"""- ' IM.USM- " V ' '" ' ' ! tl i i ( r,s ii rn pi i on , i . d ! ,i ;i If- c' i on s i if it i -. in valu ' for a ( ua i ter il t' l-ll to i u- .'. o to U-'c hold .. 1 'I gel It - . e and .-ore g I 'ree ( rial V o s. I teg U- !'''' Ii e d a e. Ii 1 ii I ,"' """'.' ' s. I. on Id .-. i. ! i I i i . I . i I . Ik, I Ii i -. a I I . . i 1 ii lar s'e ' ' nid I. tl Si v. O i I I ; I i. il . II'1 e . I I . til .Merge.-' ,u. ,o . ii, , , ..I. i . I nli .IT , I iv ill ei n'l'.ne !,, .., :, ... I. i ti d stock r.f a i, , i , I serve ice ti 1 re n a . . u. '. .i iim-i ly. m'. : i i i I a I'l '.S:.i '. i a,...,, ,,,,!,,. merits of ( ' ' i 1 1 . i i I : 1 1 d 'l ! I -med y as one I of i . mod. .' 1 1 1 1 lib and ellie leu I. . ( i wj. .m -) , . . 1 1 1 1 feel - ' em fi which ( a 1 , 1 , 1 . 1 y people In ,. , . . 1 1 i- l I,, cue , cin. d.y among . ,,,,,,.,,, s .,. ,,, ji.-O. . ,,nxVN:Y .;lh,,,r Democrat, Albion. , , . I n d - or sa I e i iy a I I i n n g I si -. 1 liinri.l I'.i ill li Ii 1 1, , !e , rliil.v of N ell. nv -t. m National I 'a r h and the .- u m n.e n irt s of ( 'olo r eio and eeu'.-iinii ;. l."-lil.-i map-iaiid : I'd'"' ' " I le of in To: nri - t ion of interc-t. to - ght seers rind 1 1 1 i ' i -1 ' , e i n In- li.'i I by a il d i es-i ng .1 . I Va nei -. II a I '. . m r g- I' Agent, I ! II r I I r ' 1 o:, leitite, ' )mi ili.a, Neb. A in!. e .i i'ii . ! I'oiey'- feet:" ; ( '( . ' ;- , . . Ki.l' , ( ,a-e i- a per- ei I .1 i p r a t. i O II I .'id a .! Bladder I I I 1 1 i o i r ; e I O s I f ! h i s ,...,, , die; g;i I.- t.tees it, I (.f I Io- ill a.e . re fn: d.-i!. I Io I tin- ;,. t - '' a lute mark'. a i" lit Crem an lh-: Lawn, f I' v i Oil Hi'1 J i ,,. . ' e p e, f ''.-.::. j . -1 ii a w , . ii . . . . m . i are 1 . : : e ; i ' : i -end , e,,, . -m! . r O'i." I lie It I' .i I . '!' ; is IHll I.- i- g to ijnal .air C 1 i i n.J l- e e.'.ln a '"I'liii-', re ' re.-)i i n g ;.r,d nomi ii- i:-g r. f- e, !r,e t. We v. i i ! -end it to s,,;.,. ,,r(1,... jn ;WiV ,,,, ,,.i ty desired, HOLLOW AY, J J2gr j , , . ,. ' j t : .ge ra Id J d o- I-:. 1 JAMLS VV SAGL, j . .. I 'l'111-Z j S 1 1 f . j LiLaUSSflS J UlUilm i ft;.: ,r t .,( rig-- fianis!,. -i ui -1. t, m it ' I. i : c-s 7i : c ri . v y -i o.-.: v-,ii,t -. 'J !:,fii,.. '.oi. -...a. t:nt i.oa .-da-;; -a. Mo f.,r far mer'. : 1 t.-.u ciiv. PLATTSMOt.'T! I NKI5 FURNITURE N3 UN DERTAKING TvViilii, RAHtd-'L, 1 j ; -r . .: k ,s nr.-. i. . :.t i. . ilrn :i-i nr r v:! i.'ir ' lonk it over. Ufa w.i.l. r. '.- t ' r ' ' i hl .- y -'. I nil an 1 u... .- -r- -r. r ? r I ': " r f n ""r - t - -y V t.' T - .J i-'-i' p:n;J, KJjT. P,!rj Rr,y ! l.lioi! .ill. I, UnJ LftjJ ... I ne.e ---a m -'ir- to fi , ,, ...... ,- ,1 . ,. 11 , ,, :i .- .:::- -v i-h h.iiri. I. o ,1 OU .1 . i'l 1. . .1 -' e r ." 1 1 a manner as v, u i . 1 ii:.i-;i .1 r . i .' :. .- 111 r pat ring a in 1 fa I c r up ti it. ) . r 1 inndrv wo. i - 1 r ' c' . ' '. ! " '. t ' 1 i n r "tit to , . . , , . this e-r . n.i-.'.iTn-'il to he 1 a u ml ..-red ,,iv,. f ,., . ., , j f t . . , ; , , a, WU ' as gr: ti iic ; tbei. Slif's. coll .rs aid " ... . i- cuns are m: a.e 10 .o.-iv j.J-i iiie iw. GEORGE K. STAATS, South Sixth St.