Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 26, 1898, Image 3

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' 11
j i
Gaivia's Insurgents Attack
Spanish Prisoners.
forty Oiin lnuri ntk killed uixl .Muny
iVIorts Wound-! Ity SMnlfi Trofji(
Wlio 1 f 4 1 SiirriilfrfJ.
Santiago Ci itA.t-l uiy "2. Four
tiiouHitiiil ( 'u o.-m in mi fronts, compris
ing (Joriffiil (rucib 'h iirmv for tho
ens-torn ilopurtiiiont of Cuba, havo
boon routed in a lioico oni.itjomoiit
wit li a iloiiK'b m:iit of Spaninti troop.
hound for Santiago to mirrendor.
Ii thin battle, which took pl-ire at a
point wivoral iniloH to tho north of this
city, forty-ono Cubans woro killed and
many more woro wounded. Tho Span
ish 1 ohh, I inn informed, was much
Hinal ler.
Washington, July ll'd. A rumor
that K-iinpson is to lo recalled for bu
reau dutv at Washington and Schley
he placed in command of tho (loot had
extensive circulation today. It war)
tiiiollicially denied at the navy depart
ment .vhile Ij )ii was at tho Whito
bonse. Sampson is said to havo incurred
tho mai'koi! displeasure of tho presi
dent by bis action at Santiago and his
failure to promptly execute tho orders
Hent him direct from the president.
Mil- I'ltHHtn t'iii Ilrtyllcn.
(Jape Haytien, July 2.5. h'our largo
American vessels passed hero last
night going east. They are believed
to be part of Miles' expedition.
is i i,ao I'.tiiK ii f 'nitif.
( )ne of tho best strings of ('tittlo seen
bere this season was marketed today
by A. S. Wills, recognized as one of
tho best feeder-sin (Jass county. There
were twel ve loads including one load
of stags and Mr. Will has tho honor
of being the lirst man to get 93.00 for
a big string of cattle this year. 19!)
steers 1,.'!71 pounds, selling to Meyers
at that price and tho 15 stag, 1,40(5
pounds, to tho same party at $4.40.
Mr. Will started in on snapped corn,
following it up with ground oats and
corn, on which tho cattle were fed up
to tho time of marketing with oil eako
added at the rate of 100 pounds to fifty
bushels of corn, which oxpotience
shows, attain s tho best results, as a
finishing ration. lie f d timothy,
clover, millet and cain for roughness
and tho fact that he put on 450 pounds
per head proves him ma-ter of the a' t
of making good beef. Ho was much
pleased with tho market as was (J M.
Minford who was here from the sain-
placo, Mynard, with two loaas of 1,:J8
pound steoi-s of his own f--edintr which
had boon fed on about the same plan,
had made a big gain and were good
enough to bring $1.00. South Omaha
Drover's Journal.
4irrlsoii For Honolulu.
Washington', July 22. Arrange
ments are being perfected at the war
department for the establishment of a
military garrison at Honolulu. Orders
were issued today for a battalion of
tho Second regiment of volunteer en
gineers to proceed to Honolulu in com
pany with tho First regiment. New
York vol untt ei infantry. Col. Barber
commanding, which is to constitute
the first garrison of United States
troops stationed at this newly-annexed
territory of the United States. The
Second regiment of volunteer engi
neers was largely recruited on the Pa
cific coast and is now quartered at
San Francisco. It is in command of
Col. Willard Young, upon whom will
devolve tho selection of the battalion
to be transferred to Honolulu. It is
expected that the L oops will sail for
that port in a few days.
liifortuimte Accident.
Charles Maguire, the section fore
man, relates a sad occur renco which
took place at his house last Friday
morning, which may result fatally.
Is seems their little babe, aged seven
months, was sitting in a high chair
with but little clothing on, close to
tho breakfast table. While tho moth
er was looking in an other direction
it reached a colTeo boiler full of scald
ing hot code., and pulled it over
emptying tho boiling contents oyer its
body and limbs, burning them most
Medical aid was quickly called, but
slight help was rendered the little
sufferer and it laid in convulsions all
of Friday night, and chances for re-
covery are very ooor. The mother is
almost di-tracted with grief, and is
deserving of the sice-est sympathy.
o!d Out.
T. J. Thorn is & Son. who lost all
their ice during the flood, thus pre
venting their running a meat market,
have sold all their jrroceries and other
goods to August B ich. Mr. Thomas
will retire from business for a time,
and may conclude to go hick to the
Wreck :t the .Function.
No. o. the f ist passenger train from
the east, ran into a freight at tho
Junction last Saturday and ditched
several freight ears and pounded up
the ngine. Mo damatre was done to
the coaches, and no one was injured.
Cut Thin Out ? r ?.
100 acres of Merrick county land for
610.00. Write me for new land list.
J. R. Mason,
Central City, Nebr.
i nun j m n in ; u m
sAi run A V.
H. It. Neitzel, tho Murdock banker,
is in the citv today.
Win. I'ankonln, one of tho solid
farmers of Lotii -t vi I .o precinct, is in
the city today.
Howard and (jloti Doaring, of Nor
folk, me In the city on a visit with
their uuul, Mra. Treahum.
Luke Wiles wont to Omaha this
ufternoou to meet his wife, who has
been visiting in tho metropolis for a
few days.
llorold'a aro cementing their collar,
and will make it water tight. Pat
terson & Kunsman aro fixing theirs in
tho name way.
No. 81, tho K. C, had aboard this
morning eight car loads of watermel
ons, and ono car load of cantaloupes for
tho Omaha market.
Gotlieb Spriock departed this after
noon for Stanton, Nebraska, having re
ceived a telogram that his brother
Fred, who resides near that town, was
dangerously ill.
Fred (Jordor, tho implement king
of Weeping Water, is in town today.
Fred knows tho value of printer's ink
and that is one reason wny ho keeps
at the head of tho procession.
S. A. Davis returned from York,
last evening. He says York and Sew
ard counties havo had no rain for four
weeks, and corn is suffering all other
crops woro fine, especially fall wheat.
Tho salo of over $11,000 worth of
cattle by As. Wills recently, brings a
neat sum of money into ('ass county
by ono fa-mer. If there were more of
tho samo kind Cass would soon bo one
of tho richest counties in tho state.
O. M. Stroitrht was ovor in Iowa the
first of tho wook. He says last Tues
day's storm was a el i ppor over tln-r-;.
The lightning struck a school hoo-e
at Emerson, and two oihor hou-es
were struck. Quito a litt o damage
also resulted from hail.
Tho fishing party which went, to
Louisvillo last evening had a royal
time, but tho freight which they in
tended coming homo on was abandon
ed and they had to drive in with a
team this morning. They got a fair
catch of bass but were not overloaded.
Frank Trilety, while shifting a beit
at the shops this morning, got bis arm
caught and carno very near losing that
usoful member of his anatomy. His
arm was badly bruised and at fust it
was supposed the bone had been
broken, but the surgeon soon patched
him up. and he will be abb) to worK
again after a few davs 1 ;v ..IT.
Dad Purdy was u.-; o k,ell today.
T. W. Shryoci io i i j. ;n Louisville
Tho commission'. - ii: ...... i..:;
tou y.
V ilea tine Ret!; e i- i was in
tao city today.
Constable G( o' ;u L-- :c'. of L' ion
was in town todny.
Uenry Thieroif wis dowi f-om
Greenwood ovor Sunday.
Joe Byers of Rock Bluffs is reported
worse with cancer of the face.
John Ahl, one of Louisville's suc
cessful farmers, was in town today.
Mrs. John Fight and daughter,
llattie, went to Omaha this moining
to attend the exposition.
Charles Co'.lins and wife, of Lincoln,
visited the hitters parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Jean, over Sunday.
Bob Carnes and a party will go by
team to Dakota, expecting to start to
morrow to help take care of the big
Strange to say Judge Spurlock has
not issued a marriage license since
July 5. The matrimonial market
seems to be dragging.
Wm. Loughridge came in today
from a visit with his son at Pleasant
dale, Seward county. lie says corn
is Gne but is suffering from drouth.
J. J. Klepser has sued Wm. Eiken
bary in Judge Archer's court on a
breach of warranty, claimed on a team
of horses. The case is set for July 27.
Mrs. Beaumeister fell while at her
home Saturday evening and received
very severe and p .inful injuries-,
which will keep her indoors for some
Elmer Younker, Miss Co: a Jones,
Anna Critchfield and brother, Djw,
and Miss Alice Phil pot, of Wecpiny
Water, were exposition visitors this
Miss Ida Freeman has brought suit
in J jstico Archer's court against
school district No. II, on a breach of
contract. The case comes up for trial
July 27.
Joe Hawksworth begin today as
foreman in the machine shops. Joe
is bright and industrious and the
News expects to see him come out at
tho top.
A new boy of regulation weight ar
rived at Tuos. Waliing's yesterday.
Mrs. Walling is getting along nicely,
but Tom wiil require attention for
several days.
Mrs. Waller, of Cowies, Nebraska,
is visiting W. A. Royal and other re
latives at Murray and vicinity for a
few wteks, and will spend several days
at the exposition before returning
Some of the old employes who were
said to have been laid off on account of
their ages, have been reinstated re
cently at the B. it M. shops. This
proves that tho rule which holds good
in many cold-blooded establishments
don't go here, a fact that we are glad
to note.
Mrs. Shuman, residing near Ne-
hawka, was kicked over by a cow Sat-
nrday arid several head of cattle
rn-lo-d over h'-r, trampling her ns hIio
lav on the ground, inflicting serious
injur!.-. A phstcian from this city
was sent for, in consultation with local
p'a y-i.-iaiis.
The 15. V M. raiiroal is ding a
vast am mnt of work on its, lino from
Tecum. -oh to Iliwsoii. In a number
of place-, it w ll oiiaogo tSe eour-o of
the Nt-m iha by s train htoning it. In
one placo it will save two bridges by
bti aighteuing the river, at other pla
ces it will move the track. Auburn
Miss Clara Street and Miss Clinton,
while out driving Saturday, met with
(uile an accident. Tiio harne-3 on
the horse they were driving came
down in some way and the horse
Htarti d to run from the east fourth
ward school house. It made lively
lime for a little while and broke tho
shafts of tin! biingy. Fortunately tho
horse was stopp d as they reached tho
top of Y i n tei steen hill mid two badly
frighteni d young bidies quickly
al ig h toil .
Dick Wilkens, of (ilenwood, ar
rived in town Saturday, his tongue
parched, and with a b.d taste in his
mouth from having resided in a pro
hibition town, and b -foro the sh ides
of night had fallen h" had surfeited at
the shrine of (Iamb inus until
the pol'eo oathercd him in.
Judge A roller this morning cal .cd it a
plain drui k and ussescd a line of T'l 00
which with co.-ts will give Wilkens
plenty of time in jail to deplore tho
troubles which afilict and annoy good
cit i ens.
Ilnut Thieves Niiichcd.
From Monday's I l.iily.
Sheriff Wheeler arrested tho two
boat thieves Saturday evening on a
sandbar near Cedar ('reek. Joe Petit
took the sheriff over aisd when the
fellows looked ugly and one of them
was slow about raising his hands, Joe
drew a l'uii on the fc.low quicker than
you could s iy "so it." ar d up went tho
fellow'-, bands. They were both land
ed in jail and their trial Iook place be
fore Jiuige Archer this afternoon.
The pi t of showed the boat was
worth but so that it could not be
ninde a penal off. lire. After liea"ing
the testimony Clifford was discharged
and Johnson was found guilty. Neither
of them had an attorney, and the
jude lined him , which with tho cost
amouutoQ to -WiJ. (5 J. The follow put
up 1- in cash and a gold watch for
security for tho balance and was dis
charged. Tho recovered hid
away in the wibows, but the oars
could not be found. Petit and the
owner of the boat, Aaron Armstrong
of Sarpy county, were hero as the
Di'inci pal witnesses.
lit ptilt'icHn Float Convention.
A delegate convention of the repub
lican party of the Eighth representa
tive district of Nebraska, composed
of Cass and Otoe counties, will be held
at Weeping Water, Nebraska, on
Wednesday, August 17, 1S9S, at 2
o'clock p. m. for tho purpose of plac
ing in nomination one candidate for
rep-esentative, and the transaction of
a..y other business that may properly
eo. no before the convention.
Counties will bo entitled to repre
sentation as follow.-:
Otoo 22.
Cass 26.
It is recommended that no proxies
be allowed, but that tho delegates
present e;-t the full vote of their re
spective counties.
I. W. Tkkoaudkn,
II. C. Fi'KKMAN, Chairman.
AVill I'rohiihly Oie.
On Sunday, while out on Platte bot
tom, a Mr. Petty found a man lying
out in the sun. who appeared to have
been lying there for three or four
days. lie was unconscious and seemed
near death's door. The officers were
notified and he was tilten to the Mor
gan farm, near by, and the county
physician. Dr. Cummins, called. The
man is thirty-live or forty years of age
and faulv well dres-ed, but nothing is
known about him. IIo was probably
nrostrated bv the heat.
Itig Transfer of ioll.
New Yokk, Ju y 23 One of tho
largest transfeis of gold ever had in
this city took place today, when
',,)! '0,01 ;0 was transfer) ed from the
clearing house to the sub treasury.
Tho Mm. unt represented the excess of
deposits in banks by the government
o'i account of the nw war loan, for
whii-h the banks were unable to de
posit the money in the treasury, tnd
in the ab-ence of sufficient legal tender
notes gold had to be used.
Star TLixIfje No. 4.
Installation of officers of Star Lodge
No. 4, took place last Thursday even
ing, July 21. The following officers
wer- insfi led:
Past Chief of Honor Mrs. H issler.
Cnief i f Honor Mrs. A. Egenber
gc. Lady of Honor Mrs. L' Bruhl.
Chief of Ceremonies Mrs John
son. Financier Mrs. But kel.
Treasi. rer i rs. Koehnke.
Recorder Mrs. Lmer Kuhney.
Usaer Miss Zella Smith.
Inside Watch Mattie Highley.
Outside Watch Mr. J. Highley.
Irustee Mrs. Wurl.
The Populist I'reelnet lriiii;ren.
The members of the eoole's
pnrty for i'kutstiiouth precinct, for
the nurpo-e of bolectin-" de'eates to
attend the county convention o be
n.-i.i at coui-ivi,ie., j.VJ.s, aro
calitd to meet at Mynard Friday, July
-K to select seventeen delegate, and
to attend the ono to be tield August!
13, lb!)3. W.M GlLMOUlt.
feubscrilo for The News the best j
paper in the city
Kcnn oilcan 0 l-( '
The delegates elected Saturday
evening to the icpublican county con
vention which meets at Voping
Water next Saturday are m loilows:
I'l.ATTS.Mor 1 II I TV.
First ward J. I. Pnrub, llarvev
Holloway, Milton D. iVi:;, .lac'-.
Peaice, Will White, (Jeergo M. Spur
lock, J. 1 1. Hald.-man.
Second ward Fn-uk Wilson, II C
Mc.Maken, D. K. Barr, Allen J. Bee
son. Will r-jtreieht, T. T. Fry, Cfiet
Manchester, Wm. Weber, Emery
Ne wland.
Third ward F. II. Steimker, A. B.
Todd, oils Ilitgerslrolu, (. A. Hay,
F. M. Rich'-y, James Robertson, L.
Anderson, W. II. Ede, F. A. Murphev,
F P. Brown, Ed I.utz.
Fourth ward Wash Smith, Phii
Worten berger, A. Carlson, Charles
Johnson. H. S. Barlhold, J. A. Mur
ray. Fifth ward M. M. Doal, P.. J. Rey
nolds, J. Sj. 1 'holms, .). M. i oung.
l'l. ATTSMOUTI I I'll l- l I NUT.
Wm. Wottenkamp, Bert Capon, Al
bert Wettciikamp, Henry Eikenbaiy,
Isaac Wiles, T. Frank W'iies, Sun'l
First waid J. L B olgley, A. L.
Timt.lin, M. U. Thorn .s. M. M. liutb-r
a Mil C. A. I Said win
Second ward .1 . M. Teeg anion, (J.
II Olive, Charles Andrews and (co.
D. Hunt.
Third ward S. (i. 1 lizb , T. Bull,
C. II . Crew.
STOVE C 1 1 1: E K
John Baird, M. W. Waltz. John
Clements, Will Minford, John Hall,
Wm. I lolesilern ier. Win. Slo ck, L L.
Turner, A. C. Wriht, Seeker,
S ins, David Kuntz.
Ceo. W. Young, J. W. Maguey, L.
( ;. Todd, Tiios. Wiles, John Phi. pot
aviica riiirivcr.
A. Sheldon, O. Ti-llt, C. D. Oiiinioti,
L. D. Swilzer, James Johnson, B.
Wolf and J. H. Davis.
A. M. McCroy, Henry Murphin, II
R. Neitz 1, (jeorge E. Buel, A. J.
Toole, Ce.orge V. Piekweh, Simuel
C x, Henry Rornieinoir, W. H. Pool.
Instructed for Turner Zinc for
county commissioner.
f E N 1 E U 11 ; I'.C'l N ( T.
A. Jenkins, O. Torienc,
Andrus, Walter Perry, I. N
C. M.
ford, Ed Newlan, A. W. Beach.
Ferdinand Ilennings, Henry Sny
der, John Ilennings, John Becker,
John Albert, Clarence May field, Adam
Kauffenberger and one othr.
Levi Churchil, J. M. Craig, Wm.
Royal Sr., Alec Craves, Will Graves.
B. A. Root, Mont Robb, F. M
Young Sr., E. A. Burton, Geo. Steele,
W. E. Dull, Geo. Llojd, T. V. Davis.
David Young was tho nominee for
The nominees for nssessor in the sev
eral wards of this city at the republi
can primaries aro: Oswald Guthmnn,
P. D. liace, Charles Twig-, J. A.
Murray, J. M. Ynuny.
Another New Huililirif-.
The A. O U. W. folks havo con
tracted for the purchase of the Mike
Sehiik lot, opposite liiehey's lumber
office, and will erect theieon a fire
proof iron buiidinr, 44x60, two stories
hijjfh. The upper floor will be u-ed
for a lodge room, exclusively, and will
be rented to other lodges for evening
when not in use by the A. O. U. W.
The lower floor will he AiU-d up for a
banquet room, with all the latest Con
veniences. The improvement is a
g-ood one, which the who'o town, as
well as tho members of the lodges,
will take pride in .
Severely Jnjnreil,
V. D. Messersmith while working
in the L5. & M. yards Saturday after
noon was in some way thrown from a
car, receiving- some bad bruises and
spraining both ankles severely. He
is eonfint-d to his bed, and may not be
out for some time.
Lateh. lie is all right, but will not
work for several days.
Dr. Elster dentist, Waterman Clock,
TheAshton Boyle who distinguished
himself by helping to cajnure the first
Spanish battle 11 ig, worked hero in
the 15. & M. shop-i and boarded at the
Perkins house b--foie ho enlisted in
the regular army. He should be
credited from here rather than Kear
ney, where his father resides. The
boy is remembered as a quiet, uiasum
ing sort of a fellow, but he has yvon a
pbice in tho history of his country,
just the same.
To Sulxeribrrs.
We are carrying over a thousand
accounts on our books, m-iiiy i f them
small but in the a gir re -. to it amounts
to a neat snra which would help us out
if paid in. If vou can't paj- all you
owe send us a dollar and we will send
receipt by return mail with a c nd of
thanks thrown in.
It's a question o; the "survival of
the iitte-t," said the doctor who at
tended a patient who had had seven
teen epileptic fits in ono day.
Legal Notice.
In the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska.
in the matter of the guardian-hip of i
John G. I I'Kourke. Anna L. U Kourke r
and Joseph 1". IJ' Kourke. )
I naer and by vir ue ot a license to sell the j
real estate hereinafter described entered in the I
above cause by Hon. liasii s. Ramsey, judce, on !
the Ulh dav of July, A. I. 1 . I wiil ou the sth
day i f August, A. I) IK', at in o'clock a. m.. at i
the south door of the court house, in Piatt?- !
mouth, Cass county. Nebraska, otter for sale lot '
one hundred and three in the northeast quarter j
of the southwest quarter, lot one hundred and i
four in the northwest quarter of the south
west quarter, and lot eighteen in the '
southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, and
the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter,
all in section nineteen, in township twelve, north
of range fourteen, in Cass county, Nebraska, to
the highest bidder for cash.
Nl-MIIF M (I'Rnl-SKi; foiaidian
By her attorneys, Byron Clark and U. A. Kawls. i
Legal Notice.
In til.; I :-.tii. t I
lt i. f .a C
ay. Ni-l o-i .U.
In il
. lu.i't.,.
! III.- t.ilr
t M.-n-.m-! S. I'.iitlei,
iti- (- !. . :i-.i- la si-
:i. I:n irii t oil i .1
! estate ta
.1.1 .
d. -Li
I .
I l
Iie:ii'li: 1 1 1 1 1 tlir
tirl a I :: i in 1 1 .il l i n
.!.-' r;t:ted. u avuiH
i v. r- t i aul frl e w i4l
I 10 1 i auuc uuie 1 1 i ,
i -t
.-II: .- lii 'I'
ai r;i;M i si
l a a i:
A - eel
H-5 -'
II..- s.nit
untv. Nebtailm, vi a u!tn.!nt untount
ol th.- s.:nc to ay tt.e .uin ot JJ".iW in pavmetit
A K-t:t. cl..tiKM Mid rp.-iiAL- ot .iduiiniktiitttwn
id sui-i estate and it npparlng to the undersigne'l
jud - o! the distrn-t loiiH tt-at there is not ulTi
. n-iil pi-rniial praiiert in the hands ot ?aiti adriuri
iti.itr; to i.iv saul debts, chargeit and expeiim-i
.n.d it lui thcr a;iL-aniiK that it is nftfisarv to
x-1 i the real r.ite ile?ci:lird in said petition
ti ed herein lm the payment if anl debtn, i harjjrs
and i-x u-n e...
It i-- ill. letuie in.). led that "all lersons inter -e
- ted in r-.i id e trite appear bet. no nir ill the wllice
i.t the d.-li lit ( .not ill 1 'lat I sinoil t II
Ca- - i i noil v. Nebr i ska mi the 271 li day 'it A UK'"st,
A. 1 ). Is'.' al o'i Inc k I'. M . nl said day and -ihw
au-.e why a In i im- slu-uM not be granted as
pi.o. dt i said adiiiiiitsti.ittix ta sell the above
de .a Led real estate or nun h thereol as may bo
in-, i--aiy la pay said debts, i halves and ex-p.-ns.--,.
Il is bother mdeied that a ropy of this notice
he pubiish.-d tar luiir sincessie v..-rki piiorto
th.- tune lix.-d lar said hearing in the"Selnl
WeeklyNhws 1 1 1 l Al I . " a newspaper pub
I .shed in l as- . unit y , Nebraska.
I lilted tlus IMh day ol July A I ). I"JS.
Hasil S. Kamsi-.v, Judije.
Probate Notice.
in County court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of John Johiikuil,
William lulliver Johnson, Richard J.ihnion,
AuMui Johnson. Susie C. lH-ryer, Andrew Jack
sou I ohii-on. and all other peisons inteieMed in
sa. I m.ittei. aie hereby imtili.-d that on the lltb
day ol July, s..s. Win. T Johnson and A J.
b laison tiled a petition in said court. alleKiiiK,
aniom; ' her tilings, that lolm ohnioii died on
lli- sili day of Inly. IS'.is, leaving no laU nll and
testanieiit. and possessed of real and personal
cstair. an. that the aboye named constilute all
the pi-isons iuleiested in the estate of said de-
eased, and pi a y inn lor administration thereof.
on aie heieby notilied that il you fad to appear
at sai.i ioui t on the 1st ilay ol August, A I)..
I -Us. at '.' o i lock a. in , and contest said petition,
tiie coint will appoint James M. l'atteisoii, oi
same nt her sintaLle pi.-ison, ad ninistrator, and
pen lo a settlement ol said estate.
Witness in v hand and t be seal ol said Court at
li;ll;;!:t I'latlsniouth. Nebraska, this 11th day
;;-o-.M XI ol July. 1s;im.
Iii.ohoi; M. Srt hi.ock.
County Judtje.
Probate Notice.
In ('.unity (."on rt, 'ass C'oiinl y, Nebrask .
I ii the i natter ol the estate ol A . Jul laette Wi Ight.
Chailotte Amelia Morrison. luliet Amanda
I'ueil, Maty I. lien ( iallai'her. f-raiu:es I'.velyn I
Wise, and all other persons inteiested in said
matter, aie hereby unfilled that on the 12th day j
ot !uly. I -;-' . I ranees I-.. lse lile.1 a petition in
s .id i mi 1 1 . a I ley i ne; am m! other things, that A.
l-.ia.-lelte A -ilit died on the f.tli day ol Ju.y. Ih'JH.
leaymy a la t will ami testament, and possessed
ot teal and personal estate, and that the above
named .institute ali the persons intei e? ted in the
estate o s;,i , I. Teased, an 1 praying lor the pio
bate ! sa a 1 will and lor a.lin i n i s 1 1 at inn ol said
e-tate. on ie heieby notilied that if you tail to
appeal at sa I . ma t on the " 1 1 1 day ot August, A.
I) 1 -'.s, at te'i o't i il k n . in. to contest the pro
bate ol said will, i lie com t mav allow and proi.ate
said will, and a. I in m r 1 1 at ion ol said estate
to James M Pat tei s. m and Kol.-eit U. Windham,
or s am.- ol her mi i tab, e person, and proceed to a
Sett.ement l!i. .-re. f.
Witness my hand and seal ol said court at
Pla'.tsinout h, Nebraska, this, K'th day d July
A. 1). I '..s.
(Seal) County JiuIkc
Notice to t'reditors.
ate of Nebraska, ) , , . .
(. (,,.,,,, fss. In ( ounty ourt.
In the matter of the estate of J hn Frederick
Still!, deceased. Notice is hereby ejven that die
creditors ol said deceased will meet the adminis
trator ot said estate, before me, county jude of
Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room
in Plattsmouth in said county, on the 1st dav ol
October, A 1) l'lis, on the 1st day of December,
1 "!-, and on the 1st day of Pebruarv. ltK, at
naie o clock a. in., each day lor the purpose ol
presenum; their claims for examination, adjust
ment and alio vance. Six months are allowed for
the creditors ol said deceased t ) presen. their
claims and one year for the administrator to
settie said estate, liom the 1st day of August,
This notice shall bo published in the Scmi
Weekiy Nl-:ws-l I kkalo for four weeks suc
cessively, prior to the 1st day of August, 1WS.
Witness my hand and eal ol said county
court at Piattsniuuth, Nebraska, this d day of
July, ly, GEoK.iii M. SruKi.ocK.
(.SealJ County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the County Court of Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate ot I
Addison P. Weston (
To the heirs and legatees of Addison I. Wes
ton and all other persons interested in the es
tate of Addison P. Weston, deceased:
Vou are hereby notilied that Eevi C. Pollard
as executor of the last will and testament of
Addison P. Weston, deceased, has tiled his
petition in this court for instruction and power
to pay out monies on hand to the persons finally
entitled to the same under the provision of the
will in said estate or for its investment or safe
keeping il not paid out.
Saul cause on said petition is set for hearing on
the L'd day ot August, A. I) lS'.IK, at two o'clock
p in., at which time you are required to appear
and defend or show cause as to what order
snould be entered and at which time such order
will be entered as directed by the provision of
said will, and the law directs for proper conduct
of said estate.
It is further ordered that this notice be pub
lished in the Semi-Weekly N kws-II pkald for
three weeks prior to the day of hearing.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal of this court July Ld. A. I). lyi.
Gkokok M. Si'Uklock,
(Sea!) County Judge.
iHIH timetable
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
No 1. Denver express 11:18 pm
No 2. Omaha, to M. Louis 5:(i2 pm
No ti. Ctiicuzo exuress Vi:4Q um
No 3). Lucid express, daily, St Joe,
Kansas, e-t Louis, all points
south 9:40 am
N" 4. Loea. exD, dally, Burlington,
Chicago, ali points oust 10:24 am
No 14. Local exp, dally exeept fun-
No. 1U Omaha to Creston, local 4:30 pm
il iy 10.4S am
Not'-. Local exp. daily except bun
day. Pacific Junction 12:30 pm
No 30, Lrel-ht. daily exempt Sunday
Paeific Junction 2:50 pm
No 2. Vestibuled exp, dally. Bur
lington, C'hicii.-o and all
Dointseiist 5:30 prn
No 13 stub from Junction to l'latts-
n.outli 6:15 pm
No 1-'. Loeai exp. daily, st Joe. Kan
sas City, t Louis. Chicago
all points east and south.. 8:"i5 pm
No Id. Locai exp. daily, Ouiah.t. Lin
coln, Denver and interme
diate st ations 7:34 arn
No -JT. Crest on lo l )-iiaha Local 11:33 ptn
No'.'. Local st. Lou to mail a lo:ij. am
so -a. Local freutit, daily, Ouihii;:. 7..j5 am
No Loe .i freunt. oimy, ex r?un
U ay, C'-rlar free. Lou;s
vine, -outh lien ) 7:38 arr.
No T. Fasi uoiii, uailj, Jn.aba and
Lincoln 2:22 pn.
No 3. V.-siinuied ex p, dai iy, Don-vi-r
and :11 poin ;s i n Colo
rado. L lah mill Cai.fornia, Island, Black Hills.
.Vlotithtia and Pacifi'j N. W .i:. 8 prn
No 13. exu. dailyexcept -sun-Ciay.
Louisville. Ash. and,
Wauoo, cbuyler 4;ij) pm
No 11. Local exp. d ally except un-
Uay, oniaha and Lineoin.. 5-("J pm
No 17. laical ex press. u ndii v on ly,
jo.s-j Last bou n. I Freight, connects
at l'ai.-lnc Junct.nn with
No. 1 tho Denver Kxpress.
which does not stou at
Plaitsmoutb 10:05 pm
Sleeping, dining and reclinlne chair cars
iseats f reel on through trains. Tickets sold
ia:U !'Wm:(! checked to any uoint In the
United States or Canada.
I'or Information, time tables, maps and
ticket-call or write to
'A'. L. PICKETT. Aifent,
Plaltsmouth, Neb.
J. KKANCES. fien. Pass. Aiit..
Omaha. Neb.
No. i 4:50 a. m
No. y 1L5I a-ni
No. 121, local freight 4.01 d. m
No.2 10:43!p. m.
No. 122, looal freight 7:35 a. m.
No. 10 4:04 pl m
r i
v.. . .
That's what's tho ma-. i v ' u.
and all other &ood Sioi-.-.: ,
are compelled to roar.L ovr .1 i.
kitchen stove on these torrid d iy .
yuv iuui MiHi a
And thus save her much sufleriiir
and worry. It's cheaper than doclor
bills and much better than worn
out companion. We give you Hie
Gasoline Stove and Oven at the very
Lowest prices, with the asura:u:.'j
that you will be pleased with it. Yiu;
only stove in which provision is m.; n
to prevent the escape of j;as:)lin !,
should the burner be
blown out or left open.
ably the best gasoline slov
and the price is
Stock of FurnHur
Is as full and complete
acknowledged everyvh
largest in Cass county,
you in...
..Variety, Quality
Opposite Court House, P
They banish pain
and prolong life.
rl " jf. I V-I It M f
IPfOli m - m m --a 3r4'-c; &.
mm mm
No matter what the matter is, one will
good, and you can get ten for- five c.
cU. on flon of ttw flTe-c?t tris ' uttnii'-'-'j
to tl hlfAVJ CHKMI'JAL COMI'An. St. ltl S;t ,;
TabclkS) wiil 1 eut for firu c-nt.s. Bst nieJiC.ri3
Bottom Dropped O
..of Prices
On 1897-Grown
Garden and Field
Two Packages Gzraev
Everything else
Now is the time to repair your
fore the rains beifin
We Have Something
In a door lock that will la-t a I;l..-t:;:u- : 1. ::
works better and costs los money t!.;.:i a -Call
and see a Gravity door luck-, at the re!;.V'.
store of . .
South Sixth Street, -
c, : tf
accn i-':il--:.;!y
; i
P. .
W .J lirf il
- a t-
I t
4 : i . ',.)
,4 i
V i i
t- F
i h" h
f; r.
i !
Sp uti::;.;"
r: :. 1 . ; i
T . T
i . .: re
- Plattsmouth, Neb.