JBi c m ?nr 3 Wl r alios y Was not cooler than our Crash Suits. We do not claim that they are as cool as the Klon dike, but we do claim they will afford you as much comfort as it is possible to find in a Nineteenth Century Suit. They are Crashes to wear, wash and wear again. A Kiilinij Frost. Has struck the price of these Summer Suits, and your op portunity to get a dressy, up-to-date Summer Outfit is golden, if you come at once. BOYS' CRASH SUITS, Knee Pauls and Long Pants MEN'S EXTRA CRASH PANTS, Sizes CRASH HATS Xo I rouble lo find what you leant here. t j 6. W6SG0tt&S0l), Clotliicrs, Jin I tern, J Inhcrclnnli cr& Zuckweii Continue to do a leading "business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb '&h-'i M'ts 7Jr ;rHl MHg:'?5' but hav.; !nM diroct uttiner for - vcars sale prices, Bavin? him the dealer b profits. Ship any-. where for examination. Everything warranted. US styles of Vehicles, . 5a styles of Harness. Top iiucjries. $.'it5 to $70. Surrevs, i."0 to51i. Carria ges. Phaetons, Traps, ette" ipring-Koad Wafls. Send for Po. TT. 8orry HarnMi. Price, 16.00. Ai good m Mil for f 26. Catalogue of all oar EI KH&RT CABKIAGE AND HAK2SESS iLFG. SlOO Reward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Mali's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh beiiiK a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the sys tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by build ing up the constitution ami assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they (tier One Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F.J. HtNKV &Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists 7"c ISurlingt on Inn Six blocks from exposition. A. I). Touzalin, manager; E. 1. Mooney, clerk. Ho mis 81.00 per day special rates by week or month. Everything first class. T:iko Dodge street car. from Uuion depot to 20;h and Burdette streets. Write us for particulars. Thousands of persons have been cured of piles by using Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief. F. G. Fricke. If you vaat to smoko the best try Wurl Bros. Gut Heil. The finest o cent cigar made. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg Ta., 8 ays DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever ucd in his family during forty years of house keeping. They cure constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in results. F. G. Fricke. Itrt ul. Morning's bread hereafter mny be obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, and at Jonathan Ilatt's. E -J rsi ij.:;tf iiUiillliiiiiiUi t' the at who Wagon and Milk large, free No. S0 8urrT. Price, witk oarttini. l.mrf. na ttylci. bale, apron and fender., 0. Aa food aa aalla tor CO. W. B. PttiTT. Bcc'r. ELKUAKT. 1MB, A Worl to 1'hyHiclann. Do you know that many broad mind ed physicians are using Foley's Honey and Tar Cau-rh Syrup in their prac tice. They have found no remedy that gives as satisfactory results for all throat and lung complaints as this irreat cough medicine. Notice to lee CouHumera. Our ice books are ISO cts. per 100 lbs. Cash from and after this date. Cash aaly. F. S. White, H. C. McMakex & Sox. M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says "I was a sufferer for ten years, trying all kinds of pile remedies, but without success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was reccommend to me. I used one box. It has etTected a permanent cure." A a permanent cure for piles DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no equal. F. G. Fricke & Co. Take the Missouri Pacific trains if you wi-h to go to the exposition, as they havo the only dtpot on the grounds. You can save street car fare and avoid the crowded thoroughfares. The editor of the Evans City, Pa. Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies failed." It cures cough3, colds and all throat and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke. The Kerry 1m Itunniiijr. I have put a cablo entirely across the Platte river at Oreapolis, and with three boats I am crossing all who come this way. The sand bars no longer make any trouble every thing new and safe. Your patronage solicited. Pkteh Nord. BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Dressmaking, Miss Laura Twiss. Union Block. Scarlet fever is reported prevalent at Nebraska City. August (Jor-Jer 1ms sold eighteen iwino binders this year. The weather bureau promised rain for eastern Nebraska today. Holloway's popular steamed bread in made of Heisol's best Hour. Don't you forget the republican primaries to be held July 23. New process gasoline stoves at al most your own prices at Coates & Co's. The EvisNINO News only ten cents per ween, you can't utTerd to do with out it. MissKiitio Agnew will sing a solo at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning. Holloway's bread, which has taken the lead, is made of lleisel's "I'ian sifter" Hour. The Worid's beat cent cigar, Wurl Bros. (Jut Ileil, stiictly Union made. Every dealer handles them. Emery Newland and Goo. McCavig han had a little fistie encounter at iho shops which resulted in both gettinp a lay olT. You will find the new milk white crusher at Wescolts. They cost you just $1.25 and are the nobbiest summer hat out. E F. Warren, W. C. Sloan, F. L. Jackson and C. W. Beach wont up to Plattsmouth this morning. Nebraska City Evening News. The Loyal Mystic Legion of America will give an ice ccam social at I. O. O. F. ball next Monday evening, July 2oth. Admission ten cents. Five mines of anthracite coal has been discovered in A'aska. It begins to look as if Alaska had about all the mineral wealth worth having. Taltor White today moved C. C. Parmelo's big safe from the basement of the Cass County Bank building to his now office, in the Union block. AN'Tl-PlLL, cures the pill habit, con stipation, dyspepsia, billiousness. Ac tion not followed by constipation. Doubt it? Try it. Druggists, 25 cts. Nails which havo been in the Hood for salo by the pound or keg, at prices below wholesale at the factory. Coates & Co. It is said that Col. Roosevelt, of the rough riders, has been reduced in rank and the reason given is that he went to curry his horso and "forgot the Mane " II. N. Dovey's friends are urging his candidacy for the senatorship. This wiil make a pretty, but we are giad to say, friendly, contest between M . Dovey and Judge Newell. Seventeen dog-fights on lower Main street last night enlivened the mid night hour until Officer Hasson ar rived on the scene with a revolver and killed one of the combatants. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers cleanso the liver, cure constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. John Robbins & Son have secured the contract to build J. W. Sage's new livery stable. It will have the largost roof of any building in the county, requiring neatly 100,000 shingles to cover it. It is said the government has about let the contract with the Spaniards to carry our prisoners back to Spain. This will save us much trouble and will give the Spanish transports a few needed shekels. Joe Hawksworth, as mentioned ex clusively in the News recently, will soon take charge as foreman "in the B & M. machine shops. His goods arrived today and he will occupy the John Young house in the third ward. Sick headache, biliousness, consti paaon and all liver and stomach troub les can be quickly cured by using tho-e famous litt'e pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers. They are pleas ant to ta.ke and never gripe. F. G. Fricke. John Boetel writes from his home in Kansas that peaches are so plenti ful there that there is no market for them. Ho sent his father Claus l3oe lel a bushel, but he had to pay $1.50 express charges so they were not so cheap after he received them. As yet no trace of Canoy Hanks has been found by the members of the family and friends, who havo been diligently searching for him since his disappearance a week ago last Wed nesday. His son, Lee Hanks, h is been all over the southern part of the state and has traced down every rumor of a man answering his father's descrip tion being seen, but as yet he has found nothing that ho considers even a good clue. Nebraska City Newe. An Enjoyable Surprise. Probably one of the most enjoyable and largest attended birthday surprise parties ever he d in this part of Cass county was that held at the beautiful farm residence of Ferdinand Heuuings last Sunday afternoon in commemora tion of the 32nd anniversary of the birth of Mr. Hennir.gs. All the prepa rations were made by his pood wife, as sisted by relatives, and Sunday after noon when about sixty of his near friends and relatives assembled at his home and made known the object of invasion ho was the most surprised man one would wish to see and he sur rendered at once. Tbo afternoon was spent in a most pleasant manner. It was quite late in the evening when tne party adjourned, all attesting in the strongest words to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Hennings are capital en tertainers and in wishing them a long and happy Ufa Louisville Courier. THE STEAMER CROWDED. A IH-llgtit f ul ICxciirnlon 1'nrly on th John It. Hugo CoiinlHt lug of .'ISII l'iop. The steamer, John 11. Hugo, made a very successful excursion trip last evening, having tho largest crowd onboard nitiee they began making their visits lo this city. Tho M. W. A. Ii nd and Mandolin club furnished imi-ic for tho oceas on, and everybody reports a most enjoyable time. The Mandolin club furnished fine music for tho dancing, and also played sev eral selections for the benefit of the crowd. The steamer returned to the dock about lip. m., and even at that hour many would havo been more than willing to have taken the trip over again. This boat goes to Nebraska City to day and will probably not return, although an effort is being made to secure It for another excursion in a week or so. Tho men who are manag ing tho affair hero will try to get it for a Sunday afternoon excursion, as this would please tho people much better. Thoso in charge should be compli mented for securing this attraction, as it is one that is clearly appreciated by the people of this city. Klt-Kitiitly Kntertulned. Mrs. Byron Clark entertained a largo party of young poople at her beautiful homo on high school hill last evening. Games and music were the chief amusements, the piano playing oy Miss Bertha Williams, of Grand Island, being specially enjoyable. Nice refreshments were served on the lawn, which was beautifully deco rated with Japanese lanterns and lighted up by largo reflectors. Those present were: Misses Blanche Kennedy Minna White Margaret I-'arley Clara Green liai bara ( ici ing 1 )ora Fricke Anna Sullivan Florence White Iniogene Ciinton Bertha Williams Matilda Vallery Clara Street I.iz.ij ICikenbary. Messrs. Wallace Carter Harry Groves George Farley Geo Spurlock Carl Fricke Dr. Flster France Ballance Casper TliyKeson Clilf Wescott Hilt Wescott Frank White liaising I'erverit'rt Ships. Washington, July 21. The follow ing report has been received from Admiral Sampson: Off I'lava ii:l Este, July 20. United States Flagship New York. Secretary of tho Navy, Washing-ton: Progress in wrecking the Maria Teresa very satisfactory. The com pany thinks tho ship will probably be raised by Sunday next. No informa tion regarding the other ships. Board of officers examining the Reina Mer cedes today. It will probably also be ruised. Lieutenant Commander Pills bury, commanding the Vosuvius, has been supervising the wrecking of these vessels on the part of the navy. SAMFSON. Stole it lioat. Joe Petit, the Louisvillo lisnerman, was the loser of his boat yesterday afternoon which was stolen from its moorings or. the Platte near the town. Petit boarded the li. & M. freight for Plaitsirouth. and on his way down last night, he caught sight of his boat with two men in charge of it near Sayle's island, across from Cedar Creek, ibut of course could do nothing, as the train did not stop. The sheriff has been notified and the river will be watched here and at the Platte for the thieves. No Need of a Second Shot, An English naval expert in making a criticism on American naval gun nery suggests that as a rule under the system in vogue the gunners would find it difficult to hit anything twice in the same place, and also argues that this is a fault that should be over come The learned gentleman should bear- in mind that when an American gunner hits anything the first time ther e is nothing to shoot at the sec ond lime. Denver Times. Death or Mrn. L,. V. Stiles. Mrs. Lelia S. Stiles, wife of L. C. Stiles, died at the family residence in Kansas City of heart failure, July 11, 1S9S. Mr. and Mrs. Stiles were resi dents of this city for 3'ears, and have numerous friends here who will regret, to learn of her death. The funeral took place at Kansas City. Truths Tersely Told. Foley's Kidney Cure is a safe, sure remedy for all kinds of kidney and bladder diseases. A. Correction Editok Plattsmouth News: In your issue of July 19 appeared a notice stating 1 hat the Christian Church of Murrav is holding a camp-meeting in Carroll's grove. This is a great mis take. The officers of the chur ch have not been consulted, nor have we, as a church, anything to do with the meet ing, and we do not desire to bo credit ed with thp results. Klectric Hitters. Eiectrie Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more gen era! ly needed when the languid, ex hausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often abated long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and free ing tho P3-stem from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric Bitters. Fifty cents and $1 bottles at F. G. Fricke 's drug store. 1 The Presbyterian ladies' aid society will give a lawn social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wash. Smith Tuesday evening, July 2G. Remember the date. TO Cl'KK A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. AM TIIKV (OMK A.N1 iO. Tom Parmolo is down from Louis villo today. Col. I). S. Guild was in hn metrop olis thir. afternoon. Mayor Richey was attending to I u i -nosd in the metropolis today. Win. lloiiMiffoith of Lincoln is in town, the guest of his oon, George. Harry Hillary, of Tony, South Dakota, wa in the city lost evening G. W. Stott'er ;iud -ori, Albert, from near Union nre in thecitv on hu-inecs. Henry Walermin, the B. At M. lumberman, was in town toduy on busi ness. P. W. Senleifort of Murdot-k is transacting business at Cass county's big house today. V. V. Leonard and H. J. He'ps wore chaparoned to Omaha tit is afternoon by IL R. Coring. Miss Mao Street went lo Red Oak, Iowa, today for a visit of a fow days with her brother. Miss Ferler of Grand Island, re turned home this afternoon, after a pleasant visit with Mi.-s Hilda Bar wick. Frank Koppel and wife returned to thoir home at Iowa City, after a pleas ant visit hero with Jacob Koppel and family. Joe Klein, Byron Clark, James Rob ertson and W, II. Newell were enjoy ing this afternoon fishing in Robert son's fish ponds near Louisville. Charley Leach, tho McCook jeweler-, was in the city on business today with F. J. Morgan. He will occupy a par t of Morgan's now room at McCook. Wm. M. Guiwits, supremo chancel lor of the Royal Oaks, is in the city today, looking after a lodge of that order, which is iu process of organ ization at tho present time. WhcHt Very Ve:ik CmcAiHi, July 22. Thero was a loss in wheat and corn this morning at the opening of the board of trade, but so slight that thero was not a ripple in the steady demand for tho grains. In tho first half hour all that had been lost had been gained and an additional quarter of a cent added to tho price. The first cables were a little lower, and is what caused the weakness at the beginning, but at the closing of the continental market sessions, tho tonos there was better, and tho cables showed a gain at Liverpool and Paris of from i to i in all futures, while cati wheat was from i to J higher. Reaction caused a decline in the prices beginning at, 10 o'clock and con tinuing to 11. when on the reception of the last cablo a stronger feeling ob tained, and prices began to advance, and before tho noon hour, had reached the highest poin, of tho day: wheat, scoring SA an-l corn .'13. At this point wheat took a header and went down notch b3r notch, notwithstanding the efforts of the bulls to check ilow -ward course, until it had re iched (7, the lowest, and closed ai that pi no . Corn however held its own very wl' although wheat had parted eomp-ny with it so quickly, und closed with the loss of only i cent. Hog products were heavy, openi-ig at about $9.90, made an advance of 5 cents, and afterwards lost, it and an other nickel with it closing at $9 ()'). Oats was tho strongest grain in the lot, and advanced from tho start, keeping strong all througn the ses sion, closing at 2H. The receipts of wheat was GO cars, only about one-third of which graded No. 2, and all of wnich was absorbed by the millers, thero was 315 cars of corn and 171 cars of oats received to day. 2-5,000 hogs were today's receipts, which sold at prices ranging from $3.75 to $4 00, or about five cents lower on the average. There was about 5,000 hog3 left over from yesterday, which fact had a de pressing tendency on the prices today. The following is the range of prices for the active option on the board of trade. iOpen'g Closing, Vestr'y f,7 !TJ3 :i:t'iaW !; 9 Ki 19 S7 -'& ill'?' Wheat. ;RH Corn... Pork... i S'O Oats... !1'.JS Spend August In the Black Hills. Go first to Hot Springs. There you can bathe, ride bicycle, climb moun tains, dance and. play tennis to your heart's content. If your limbs are stiff, your kidneys out of order or if you are troubled with exzema or any other form of skin disease, a month at Hot Springs will make a new man of you. Sylvan Lake and Spearfih are with in a comparatively 6hort distance of Hot Springs and everyone who visits tbo Black Ililld should see them. Sylvan Lake is the prettiest and cool est summer resort in the west. Spear fish is reached after a railroad ride thnt ranks among the experiences of a lifetime. There is nothing like it any where else on tho gobe. During August. the Burlinuton route will run two 1 w rate excursion-; one on the 9th, the other on the 26 -h of that month. Tickets will be sold at on fare for the round trip half rates and will be good to return at any time within thirty days. Organize a party. Arrange about your hotel accommodations at Hot Springs. Get your tickets from the Burlington agent, and pass the most dslightful months in the year in the most delightful summerland on the continent. So News. There are no late war news this af ternoon of anjr special interest. Dr. Wilkinson, the eye. ear. no;e, and throat specialist of Omaha wiil be at Dr. Livingston's allice, Plattsmouth, on Mondaj-, July 2-5. HiRli'st Lowest 7 : 9 ;r 9 H5 JO1;' 19 niCM riNDS IN ALASKA. 1 i l oriin-r Ciixm County K. kIiI. iiI sIiIIi. h II Itlcll III tin- I.I like. I!. F. Ilobti", who , a- in .' in, early set tier of tbis ei hi n i y , i e iil.ii" oe the Iv. White f-i-rn ui,;iii . f !! . !. I'i.uITs, n moved with bin ... . 1 ' fornia several year-, ao, ;,nil 1 !-i although 70 years of ::g-, I." -a 1,1 Willi bis son lo the 1 "d !,e. a i! i had wonderful sueee-s, i ' tie- f !!. ill! letter to liis fri-nd.-' '.t lnuie- ",Y - o vi den ce: (.ink A M vi-: D i .- i . i ; , ON" 1 to NAN .A !: i i:. March I iS'.-s. Dkak Lovi ij (Inks at Homk: After so long a time I --eeeiv l letter from you dated (1,-tol ei- 2"), 97. Received ono from John i'r'-asmer :. one from Roy Copeland the 5th ol'thi mouth, and it is too laie to an- ve,- th'-m. Youdont kiui . ho v :;la l I vi- to hear from you ami tie- chiliii I wrote you a letter the other day and told you what I was doing. Sent, it out liy ex-Al.iyor v ooii.-. e and I hope you will get it. Father is up here for a d -y o? two. We -ir.j going to stake a b'-nei, e. in the morning at lli-i end of my iay. 1 think it is good ground, as fifty feel from it I pan out four or five ounce to the pan. I think we i-a i ' j,W .. each for them. 1 panned out two pans today for pa. One had (!N in it .-11111 the other had S1 2". You ought to see j-a arid I ea'ing soup made out of moose tracks and 11 1 vorctl with rice and tomatoes. Pa says it is too much for him and wants to go t Dawson in tho morning. I will go with him and record my claim. March IS, ".is I returned from Dawson last eve. Went down la-t, Monday .v ft.-i no ia. I panned out $51 before I went. Tlie next day my partner panned out I " ounces, or $255, an 1 tho next day 1!' ounces, or $170, and the next dav ix ounces, or $11)2. Today I panned on! four ounces, or !?rS These w- te all single pans I'.aeh amount was jn -t ono pan of dirt, arid out of o-t lay. I I will bring yon some nice r;u 'ge!-, if I live, from our lay. This is tho last eve in March. I hav ' been working hard to get through drifti nr, as it is gottinir late in the season. Iain going to D iwmiii in a day or two o take a lot of r-tntV do wn, as when the snow goes oil' it w ill impossible to get anything down. Tie mud and writer will be up to one's n---ek. Our pay is ho'ding out good yet. I have divided up ovi 'J.oon with the owner of the min -, that we panned out. I have a Ce.v nice pieces saved for you. Wi-!i you ha i V. em now. Dawson. April I". '!'v This m mv s -cond trip to Ibwsm this month. I brought my goods down tho other trip and took' b:ek 2-iO feet of lumber. This time I bad no !oa I. Have a ehaiiC' to send yo-i a ietter. I will get the mil1! before I vo h e : re- i am cure to iT' t s ii; b tier-. ",',, C -nadian mal fr-it i-; the ot lie:- (I v, will be distributed ' e! Ti! , , a ' Have only received thr-e let !er- !ro a you to date. Well, I got 'hroimii ilri!' -i n r yesterday n.iei a;id c . medov. h rein the afternooi. May l-o i. c up the creek tomorrow' 11,0-P i a .- if ! get through. Have to take out a license lo tin anything. It ca,!- -jn. Ono h 11 to pay for the air h breat h-s. Will try to sell out and come horn--this summer. Think now 1 .:;. 1 f will havo all the way from t'-:i to fifteen thousand dollars. I will not be able to clean up the dump until late on ae- count of water. Wish I was wiln sou now. Pa is as fat as :i pig, while 1 am very lean from bard work, and fej! tired all the time. r.U'Ki: OXE DOLLAR APIKI i: Several dog teams have arrived from tho outside and brought fom-i late papers. I bought four of them for "T. Will send this letter out by a Mr. Wil son, lie has made one round trip with dogs this winter, and will leave in Cue morning for the outside. He wiii ca. y i letters at one dol iar each . j Haven't seen McL'ti en for so . 10 j time, but hear he is weii. I ea-r-e ,-.v:i to do some busir.e s, hu fa. J it i- a ioir il holiday, and w li have ; -;-- over another day. Tho tr .ii is r bad now. Spring is here and the snow wiil soon be gone. The coldest weather wo had was in November ai.d February, and registered i8 degrees below zero. I worked cut on the win i lass every day arid it makes mo fe ! old. Will write every month if I have a chance to send letters out. I want you all to write. Tons of love to ali. W. I. liopi-.s. A. O. L". Y. '). X. All members are reo, nested to meet at their hall Saturday evening. .July 2'j, as business of importance ii to come before the lodge. IlAitifY Johnson, M W. A White Mark. Foley's Kidney Cure i ; r- feet y reliable for ail Kidney dis-.iises. Tho pr o great medicine or t he money re they not les rve r-r p r a t i o ri ar.d 'i adder prieto: - ' f t h i. iru'iraritf-es it fu-ldeij. )o a white marky HARVEY HCLLOWAY! Coi tm c I or j i i Contract? taken for the erection o! Hc: 1,-i.c.-. Harns and any k;ni of carpenter work, ir. aa part of the county. Ca.l on or ad-Jreb IIAKVKY HOI.LOWAY. I'lariMinonth. N. t '! THE PERKINS HOliS! - ,! i F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. Rates 51 and S1.50 per Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH,' NEBRASKA 1 In Greal Demand : ! - w ,i ' :i 1I1 Ii. i -i,; iiiv mi I . ! 1 ' -. , 1 i 1 mi r - 11 ! ' I . ; I, 1 I 1 1 1 1 I ! i 11 g i en I' i- I. it. etilv omul t(, tl,ii 1 I ' , ; . v a 1 1 1 1 i-it- . . 1 : . ' 1 1 1 1 11 : 1 i-, 11 n r.d ! 1 1 1 - 1 1. : 11 ali . -I. j 1 1 i . . ; i ere-t in. I :t. . , 1 , v , n IV. Fit.: aid 1:1. k. JAMES W SAGE. TI i 1- 8 coding Liveryman. it, . t 1 ' t .,( li;' . I'lllll h, , .it . , S JUL- .'lirt-i, , I I. 'i!1 1 1 1 .' 1 ! ' In, 111 ;m I liin ,-: !,.,!,:, . I I,, si 1 I.,; M., I 1,1 l.l I -lii.: 1 i I v : N I ' 1 5 t.oii vrn ii-ii t ' 1 1 1 - : Plnlisinoutl! Coal Yard - is ri:;: im.a't: to nrv HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL a:.!, '.m !.s or WOOD. 1 n.-i ai, a ! : a in I ali K i 11 d s of a-' il ( 'on t a n 1 1 y on ' land. zmmzmm & tkgop, Til l Hi! AND MA I. Wits. V.'hil EI3REA3T 7 j re ! I ' ( (II.N f:. ;vi 1; iti.r s j -('! .. 1. T. ' r '': : ; , I i -'.ri. 1 i - n, . i ; LII1'! ' "o ; n l..,,..;.. a- 1: t a 1 ' ' :: 'S-vGv '.---!- ''i ! -C5 -o-- 1 - j j j j j j j ( t' A T so ii i i Cia!, '.eiiirM- ( atsoti ( ily Coal La t A. W ii i t - V St-. re. .1 Will i ii. . . i i i t - i i i . ND un de: rtaking ? r ijv f: u: r m r' - i 'i t): r i:n lie:! :: .'Ire-s ;u; 't n. r ' r !cn:'J 9 to lo-,; it i,v.r. Wu vsill t ir i ;. i case yen . ' MU s?!r r: ' tti ill : V. Finish him, Cld Boy ! ' ";-,; 'sfn ".V" to h'.- plucky lighter-. 1 1 ' will iiriish him. r;o(ouat, in a- tii a-' e r f ' ! a manner as we will iirii-h vo-ir !ir:er:. a f l-r pu tti n g - , " "..' " work is ,er: ct. ;. nd :;n tf.in .-cut t this e-tabiishme-.t to i,e laundered wi!i give perf'-ct -a t i sf e-1 ion , as well as grri ti l;c ition. Shirts, collars and cutis are made to loek jut like new. GEORGE K. STAATS, South Sixth St. -I- Y. r;.,a;.gc.-. V ? c jr. f I .ll'lro, J , ;i eia ul :f. ',( 0 t i a;:,- a ' k .;; ii ( a. r 7