Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 22, 1898, Image 1

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    Semi w
Li h
ii tL
TIIK NKUH, Ksi:itistn-il Nov. .1. Ih'ii.
'UK li I.UA Mi. I stiiMishi-il April HI, (
0'iriHillmit.!il Jim. 1,1115.
This Space
Belongs to the
Firm of
8AT YD'BR & CO.,
Jewelers and Opticians,
Boeck Block.
No Cheap Goods
No shoddy wares, which wo aro marking
"Special Low Prices. " Wo liavu been in the merean tile business in
Plattsmouth for tho past twonty-oight years and liavo established a
reputation for.
The Best Goods at tiic.
..Lowest Possible Prices.
This is our motto, our invariable
rule, and wo tlo not proposo to
depart from it now. Our Spring
touk is larger and more com
plete this year than ovor.
Wo aro solo agents in Platts
inouth for tho celebrated "Mack
Cat" brand Triple Knoe Stock
ings. Como in and see us and wo
will treat you right.
aoons usn oi?ocjsi?ij$&
Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know
our reputation. We say these are the best paints we kumv of You'll
say so too after you used them.
THEY carry tho largest and most complete line in Cass "county, tj Every
thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo
mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned roods
always in stock. Tlie only place in the city where you Jean pet all kinds of
fresh Cheese. Call and see us.
A. H. WECKBACH & GL Waterman Blk.
ri js
is a guaranteed remedy
For Sale bv SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO.
For Sale.
The five acres with residencs, east
and adjoining B. & M. lumber yards.
2J act es in alfalfa. Berries. 2 wells.
Cistern. Cellar.
The Gut Ileii continues to head the
list as a tine 5-cent cigar. Ask for no
"I think DeWitt's Witch IPizel
Salvo is the finest preparation on the
market for piles. " So writes John C
Dunn, of Wheeling, Va. Try it and
you will think the same. It alsocures
eczema and all skin diseases. F. G.
Triple Knee
"leather Stocking
1 1-V1VL.
Sherwin-Wiluams Cl
Cupboards, Shelves,
Bath Tubs,
Farm Tools, Etc.
A special paint for each pur
pose, not one slap-dash mix
ture for all.
for all KSCNEY and
It is, or should be, the highest aim
of every merchant to please his cus
tomers; and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers & Eshlem in, Sterling.
III., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshleman: "It my
sixteen years, experience in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy."
Sold by all druggist
Insure in the German American.
Fred Ebinger, AgeDt.
S,it;)il Again Triidrrii IIIh Itt-nlKiiHtluu
- t Continue th nr to the
I t iiiwit I. In. It -1 lie Trni)urt
( hlnu I ttt Cavilc.
W AviiiNino.N, July 21.
I feci.ii tad vices f : 0111 Madrid via Lon
don indicate that 1'remicr Sagasta will
devolve tho Spanish ministry by ad
vise of tho li'iiuii Recent, and that
another will be formed which will
havo (Ion. Weyler as premier and
(Jen. I'olavieja as minister of war.
This combination will support the
dynasty, and continue the war to tho
1 1 n tr I'Titr, July 21 The transport
China with reinforcement for Admiral
Dewey arrived a Cavite Saturday and
other of the transports arrived Sun
day. No advance has been made by tho
American forces. They are awaiting
the arrival of ( Jen. Me' ritt who is ex
pected to reach there within ten days.
The insurgents still have tho town in
vented. The news of the d istruction
of Cevera's lleet was received July 17,
by tho Spani irds with consternation,
and by the Americans with great joy.
W ant to Iti conn' A lin riciiilH.
Santiago, July IS. (via Kingston,
July 2l.) Many of the Spanish sol
dier are anxious to become American
eitizetm, and aro applying for natural
ization j tapers. The Spaniat ds assert
that there will be no dillieulty about
other garrisons in Santiago sun oudor
lie v. Sylvester Scovel, father of tho
newspaper correspondent now under
arrest ;it Santiago for an alleged as
sault upon Gei oral Shafter, came to
Omaha a day or two since from Wes
ter, Ohio, whoi'o he is president of tho
V ostor collog", to occupy the pulpit
at tho First Pnsby tor ian chutch next
Sunday, but, upon le:tr: ing of the
trouble in which his son is involved,
be left ;:gain for home last evening,
fearing the effect of the news upon
the boy's in -'her. Uee.
Admiral P- wey is sLil! on deck in
the tii knt and when his ft inforce-men-
i.U get ;.;.t; c, another Munila
viclery wili have in be c.iroiiic'od.
I' i- believed ht :is soon as the
Spaniards Tilly comprehend the
American way of treating prisoners,
every Spaniard in Cuba, i'orto Rico,
Carolines, Ladroues and Philippines
will run a foot race with the Span
iards of the mother country to see
which can reach the American com
misary department first. Ex.
The much abused Missouri mule is
occupying :i front place just now,
Uncle Sam having purchased 17,000
head for tho army. Horses are not
used so much as mules, and only 7,000
havo so far been put into service.
Mark ILmna's name his not been
mentioned by the democratic press
fitr four days. We fear old Mark has
bought up the democratic organs, and
will use them for tho furtherance of
som:; of his vile schemes.
Our esteemed friend, Hello Yeiser,
it is s tid, has captured the pop prima
rios in Douglas county, and the boys
who wish to do business must see Un
cle Yeizer. D. Clem Denver's name as
usual was too heavy a load, and he
fell by the wayside, while his guber
natorial boom went glimmering.
The story about Commodore Wat
son not sailing for Spain turned out
to no a fake. He will sail this week.
and already t' e Spaniards are report
ing having seen his ships oil their
CO i St.
Tho Nebraska City News of Thurs
day contained a report of tho Douglas
hail storm. It. was printed in this
family companion the day after the
Coi. Bry;in arrived at Atlanta yes
terday, embracing a favorable oppor
tunitv to maiie a speech.
The N' brnska boys have arrived
s-.fely at Manilla, and are reported all
Ai il. it will be some time before any
iet'or can arrive fiom that far olT
land, which only lacks 2.000 mile of
being on the opposite side of the
Admiral Cervera and his son are
sail to have concluded to settle In
Uoston, and not return to Spain. They
are wise people.
j Wonderfully low Kntea.
In order to secure men for the har
vest holds of Kans and Oklahoma the
M. P. railway will sell one ticket to
any point on its lines in that country
' at regular rates good for three per
, sons. This is a remarkably liberal act
i on tho part of the M. P. and will give
i any man who wauts work a chaDce to
j get it.
H0UHll0ll 4Ollrf. j
The ancient Creeks believed that j
the Penates were the gods who at- I
tended to the welfare and prosperity j
of the family. They wore worship-,
ped as household gods. The house- j
hold god of today is Dr. King's j
Now Discovery. For consumption,
coutrhs, colds and for all atlec'ions of 1
thtoat, chest and lungs, it isinviilu-
i.e. i . i. ... i , . ..i f r I
llOie. It JWIS oeuil LI U-U iui tfcljlld! iei
of a century and is guaranteed to cure
or money returned. No household
should bo without this good angel. It
is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and young. Free trial
bottles at F. G. Fricke ivc Co's. Regu
lar size o0c and $1.
1 Im- Suit-in C'huiitaiiui4.
The Salem Chautauqua tijtons in
about one week, (Saturday July .)
and many of our people are arranging
to attend. There is no better place
in tho west to spend an outing, pre
senting as it does a most conrming
combination of beautiful grounds,
splendid program and courteous treat
ment to all its patrons. Reduced rates
on railroads to all wishing to attend.
At this particular sea-on of the ye;ir
a most delightful ou'ting may be
che;i ply a rranged by camping at the
Salem Chautauqua where a jolly crowd
and good entertainment awaits all
visitors. It opens July o0 and closes
August 7. See bills and program.
There's no better flour made than
Doisol's "Flansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
ports home industry at tho same tiire,
vthic.h builds up the town.
It 1 i f in Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by "IHk
G uk at Sni'TH Amkuii.'AN Kii).m:
Cl'Ui:." It is a groat surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
romedj'. Sold by Goring & Co., Drug
gist, l'lattsmouth. Nob.
If you don't see tho (Jut Fleil cigar
call for it, and get tho best o cent ci
gar in the market.
The MiswiMiri l',cilic
Has a round trip rate of a fire and a
third to Omaha, good every day dur
ing the exposition except when a low
er rate is made. All trains stop at
the exposition gate, giving exception
al facilities for tho convenience of
patrons who save car fare and unpleas
ant transfers. Take the old reliable
M . 1'. train for Omaha and the expo
sition. Wli'ii You lake Your afittion
The most n.'ce.rsary articlo to have
with you (after your pocket book) is a
bottle of Foley's Colic Cure. It is an
absolute prevention or cure of all de
rangements of the bowels caused by a
chance of water. You ate likely to
need it.
Vocal I ustruct ions.
Those wishing lessons in vocal mu
sic may see me at residence of F. S.
White on Tuesday, Wednesday or
Friday of each week. Terms are,
three half-hour lessons per week,?2.oO;
two half-hour lessons S2.00; one three-quarter-hour
lesson $1 2.
E. 15. Ilinks, of Lewisville. Texas,
writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo was woth $50,000 to him.
It cured his piles of ten years stand
ing. He advises others to try it. It
also cures eezema, skin diseases and
obstinate soi es. F. G. Fricke.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth.
ISnokleii'H Arutca Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep.hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positivelj' cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke
In ew Ouartern.
Having removed to the Merges'
building, next to LehnhofT's, I will
continue to keep a selected stock of
tropical fruits, and will servo ice
cream and lemonade as formerly.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All drusrgists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 25c. The genuine ha
L. B Q. on esch tablet
Old papers fo sale at this ofliee.
stints NERVOUS
Investigation shows that men who
succeed are men of brains strong
nerves great wi'l-power. Ordinary
food cannot supply the vital forces
which people with active brpins and
bodies require. Bicola Pills feed the
nerves make the mind bright, mus
cles strong make flesh and blood and
give perfect health to Men and Wo
men. The TniNEKs of Phila
delphia make Bicola Pills
J E Buckey, ehief rlerk National Hotel, Wash
ington, I) C, testities that lie was all run down
was a shadow cf his former self ltirnht I'ills
gave him wonderful reiief-he gained over
twenty pounds after using them.
Selling Agent for 1'lnttsiiimit Ii auil ('as
County, F. tl. FKICKE St CO.
Turners' Little Liver Turners A very
small pill. Turn your liver. Cure sick head
ache Biliousness I digestion.
Dni' P. u iu . ! rsrarfpirarriirraHtiraraira
IS lbs best granula'cd sugar II. 00
1!) lbs best "C" jugar 1.00
Bucket Syrup 45
Bucket Jelly 40
2 lb package Oatmeal 05
Price baking powder, 1-lbcan... 38
Price baking powder, i-lbcan... 20
Bon-Bon baking powder, 1-lbcan 10
Calumet baking powder, 1-lbcan 19
1 lb Popper IS
10 cent sack of Salt 05
15-cent sack of Salt 10
Best Salt, 250 lbs 1 00
Lemon extract, per bottle 05
Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is bet
We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from the most reliable man nf.t i
States, where nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Si.oe- . . ; ;
and not permitted to pass to tho trade.
We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty (,'a-e- s. !'i :
and then swell up and advertise "the Largest Stock" of shoes, u, jf:d i-- ;.
then comoel you to look with chagrin and disgust on the small as.- i ' n - '
you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading state n
Replenished Our Stock to the Extent uf il
So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to
wonder what to do, for we havo an UNLIMITED RESERVE, and we
during the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and i.n .
Latest Novelties in Hot Weather
Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to o's ooc.
Child's Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 4's to 8's Goc.
Child's Extra Qne Choc, strap Sandals 8oc and 9-5c.
Child's Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 8i to
11 $1.00 to $1.15.
Misse-i' Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, Hi to
2's 81.25 to 81.50.
Misses' Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 90c to tl.
Job lot all solid Goat button, 8i to 11 75c to 85c.
Ladies' Oxfords f 1.25, 81.50, $1.65.
I desire to attest to the merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one
of the most valuable and efficient
preparations on the market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for
me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there
for. I desire to inform you that I will
never bo without it and you should feel
proud of the high esteem in which
your Remedies are held dy people in
general. It is tho one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion,
Ind. For sale by all druggists.
Get Wash-a-Lone soap at Zuck-
i weiler & Lutz.
m .:.r?:r HUd
DnMimiinTflv W
rk r-n a ir-ftiiti m Bk
Bank of Cass
w. m vv ft
Vanilla extract, per bottle .',
Coal oil, par tfitl 1"
Now York Cream Cheese 1
Good bucket !'!
Best librw bucket , 25
Bran, 100 lbs 55
Klegant Hour bins 1 25
Lamp chimneys 05
Argo gloss starch 01
Argocorn starch 01
Best crackers, per lb 0j
1 doz. clothes pins 01
California Prunos, per lb $ 05
Elegant Raisins, per lb 05
Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth
Infants' Chocolate-, but'.. on.
Infants' Dougola button, :"
Infants' Choc, (ext'-a 11 n ,
Infants' (lied and Hiue S
go! a button 75c.
Child's Vesting Top, ext;-.
to 81.40.
Child' Anvil bo'. torn Cn"
to $1.35.
Little Gents', pat. back st
Mentioned Is Solid Leather no
Win your b'lttles against disease by j a man s.Ulljs. i.o
acting promptly. One Minute Cough j -jlected totne may r
Cure produced immediate results; he enj.-ys the rot .'.'..'.
when taken early it prevents cor.gump- j his neighbors. Co.
tion. And in later stages it furnishes j the popular r.n:.y r
i.rnmnt. rnlipf V fl Frii-L-n land UP.Ucr 'i:t'" of
On the morning jf Feb. 20, 1S05, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded cortplete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. Moueaux, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
v. ) a j.
fr T
Dv.i.-h!- .
So:, p. I.I.
I !u 1 1 r in I I.
Spec. a! !i 1
Specinl lilMIe!
!'-l b ci n Ionia'
2-1 b can cm n
2-1 b e ! ii i ( i , , i
I -1 b ca n cove
I lest tolnal.' ' '
Fancy y In- - in
( "ond en eel n. i '.
( i i toil peaches.
n ' .
i it i a:
AiJ V-.!.'" , v i . ... -i. --. S
r .';
I .'1
Bow Sancial
- 1
: ( boirg
'i'y u '. less
I "f m of
roy i-'
r. i-:-;, ho
:,, .c'tify
: e rial n "s
m.iy rnd
:;nd we
-dv for
I :..: V.
writes !s f i -:
' to our aj':!
j Cough It
r.eiirhbors h 'V.
t- .-
kn iw it is an -x :.t l
coughs and co:i: U.
IIUMI'HKKV." So I by ;i '.
Bob Mrore f of Lar'.iye' te, Ind.,
sa ys that for i-on - ' i p '.1 ion In-has found
DeWitt's Littl" Em!.v Pi-ers to bo
perfect. They r.ov-r r inc. Try them
for stomacho anil liver troubles.- F.
G. Fricke.