,3 MONT Print Newspaper What the man said when he saw his basement full of mud and water. If we tried to do it, the paper would probably print it something: like this: " But, gentlemen, don't get ex cited restore your equilibrium 12 and part of your Cool Crash Suits At Wescott's. Comfortable Cloth ing at Comforting Prices. J t-"J -rj c a ti r J G. E PHI Iff K "One Price and No Monkey Business." Zuck wei er Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb if. . r ;.i but h:ivo soM direct sinner for -." years saie prices, saving dealer s proms. Miipany whore f-r examination. Everything warranted. , 118 ttylei of Vehicles, 55 style of llarne. T(in l'mrpi.. S.",r to f Snmrr fi."tl to Slllj. '?2fftta Phaetons. Trans. ettt ipnng-ttoaa . t, Br H.rni. Me.. 116.00. .- Sena lor Catalogue of all oar El KHART CABBUCB AXD HABSESS MTO. Call fur Congressional Convention First District. The Peoples Independent Party of the First congressional district of Nebraska mill meet in delegate con vention at Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the lltb day of August. 1S0S, at 2 o'clock p. mM for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candi date for congress for said district, and to transact such further business as shail come before the convention. The basis of representation in this convention is the vote cast for Je tier son II. Broady, in the First Congress ional district in 1SUG. E ich county will bo entitled to one delegate for each two hundred votes, or major fraction therof tfcen cast. Under this apportionment the several ccuntics of the district are entitled, respectively, to the following number of delegates, to-wit: Cass, 12; Johnson, G; Lancas ter, 27; Nemaha, D; Otoe, 13; Pawnee, G; Richardson, 13. It is recommended that alternates be elected for all delegates, and that the delegates present cast the full vote of their respective counties. Fked SiiEl'l'AKD, Chairman. The ChieT Burgess of Milcsburg Pa., says DeWitt's Little Early Misers are the best pills he ever used in his family during forty years of house keeping. They cure constipation, sick he-idache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size but great in results. F. G. Fricke. Water Takers, Take Notice. July 1st water bills are now due and payable at oflico of Water Co. Otlico open at night this week. DO ! ! ! losses by buying m -vO null Af uuuu -wj --o to the coa at viiulo- hiin the Carria - Wafiroa ana win urge ireo styles, shade, apron and tenders, foO. As good as sells for 90, CO. W. B. PRATT. Becr. ELKBABT. DO, Maminol h AVIiale. The mammoth whale enrouie to the Omaha exposition will remain here two days, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 12 and 13, at the Missouri Pacific depot. This mountain of flesh, bone and blubber is fifty-five feet long, 400 years old and S0,000 pounds in weight, and the only genuine whale on ex hibition in the world. After the fair it will he taken to the Smithsonian institute in Washington. The ad mission will be only 10 cents, childien 5 cents. Open from 10:00 a. m. until 9:00 p. m. A Little Personal Matter. I. Pearlman's heavy losses by flo d make him in sore need of mon"'. If the farmers and town people would call and pay their bills, or a ptrt of what they owe. he will give them a discount in order to raise some money. If your bill is not yet due it will pay you to come in and see him. Those whoso bills are past due are especially requested to caii in at once. Sick headache, biliousness, consti pation and all liver and stomach troub les can be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Ilisers. They are pleas ant to take and never gripe. F. G. Fricke. Keiuoval Notice Having removed my tailor shop to the rooms over John Schiappic.isse, I desire to thank my former patrons for their supprrt. and invite them to call at my new quarters, with as many new customers us may desire anything in iuv line. John C. Ptak. 1 utz -..:.,;,u,.,....i;iii:. BRIEFLY TOLD. C A. Marsha!!, Dentist. Kings Daughters so.-iil, Thursday July It. Dressmaking, Miss Laura Twis-. Union Ititx'k. tinhsc ire fur Till" Xl-.WS tin bt .si pane' in t ho ei'y Th u rsd ay e von i n g, J u ly H A f o' h er Kings Daughters social. Don't you forget the republican primaries to be held July -'. lloiloway's pipular st.oarii..-J broad is made of Hei-el's best Hour. Good driving mare for sale. En quire at Sherwood's shoo store. The Puritan wick'ess oil stove, the latest th'ng out, at Coatcs & Go's. Enurprisj cherry ttiners that do the wot k. For sale bv V. W. Coatcs &. Co. Ilolloway's bread, which has taken the lead, is made of Hoisel's 'Plan- sifter" Hour. Jfyouvant l. smoke the best try Wurl Bros. Gut lleil. The finost 5 cant cigar inai'e. If you don't see the Gut ITeil cigar call for it, and get the best o cent ci gar in the market. All stvli s of ices arid ice cream will bo sold by the Kings Daughters, Thursday evening, July 11. Wa.ntkd Three neat appearing ladies. Salary 1 .(i0 per day. Address E. Lallar, General deliver. , city. The people are expecting a Kings Daughters social, 'i'ney will not be disappointed Thur.-day evening, July 14 St. Paul's church wi 1 give a social at Win. Ha-tler's, Tue.-day evening, July 12. You are expected to be pres ent. Come out to tlio recital Friday evening and hear wh ta good method, with a good teacher, can do wiili a voice. W'AN'TKl). A go d girl for general hou-o work'. Enquire of Mrs. W. II. Rhodes coi tier of Tenth and Mai tile streets. Quite a number of Mr. Tucker's pupils from Glenwood will appear on the program at thj recital Friday evening, July 15. Alice, wife of Walt. M. Sc -b-y, has sued him for divorce on the ground of failure to support her ami of cruel treat men t. Dotit fail to attend the recital given by Mr. Tucker's pupils Friday even ing. The program will be var ied and interesting. The ladies' ;u--:L:cry of the presby teri in church, w'il meet at the home of Mrs. Wendol, Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. Don't forgt the Kins Daughters social at Garli :ld p i rk Til u r-day even ing. Fifteen cents will hi charged for t ef rt s'i met' ts. Mr. Tucker halrmo good wo -k wi:h his vocal cla-is and deserves a great deal of credit. Aitjt.d the recital Friday evening, July 15. Charles MclJride has bcn h sving a surgical operation performed on lis heel, cutting out a sup m Huous growth which makes him quite lame. Morning's bakery is beb;g fitted up in the Neville building, corner of Sixth and Vin, where the finest of home made bread in iy be obtained. Mr. C. F. Tucker gives his first vocal recital Frida3 evening, July 15. A number of his pupils, both of Glen wood and Plattsmouth, will take part. Everybjdi iuvited to attend the Patriotic Concert and social at the Christian Church, Friday evening July 15. Admission 10 cents, refreshments free. Mr. Tucker has dot e excellent work with his vocal pupils and Plattsmouth pjrple will have an opportunity to hear them tir.g Friday eveniug at the r e cital. The lull's of it . Paul's Evangelical chinch "ill give a lawn social ;:t the home of Wm. ll-is.-ler, Tuesday even ing July 12, to whicu all are cordially invited. Gideon Ai cher, Hugo Kobei ts and WTiil S ige went down to Nebraska City today with the B. & M. bridge painters, to work on the bridge at that place. Mrs. Lease has taken up a perma nent residence in Oregon, and the softshell democrats breatho a sigh of relief that she is no longer a resident of Iho middle west. Foil SALE. Eighty acres of land seven miies south-west of Plattt-mou h, all under cultivation no buildings. Price $40 per acre. Enquire of i.. L. Cox, Mynard, Nebraska. Misses White, Ujrgrss, Agnew and Street and Messrs Hiatt, Gr oves an d Freund are among the Plattsmouth pu pils of Mr. Tucker, who will sing at the recital Friday evening. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit tle Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. Wanted. Five ladies to do work at home. Nice, pleasant, profitable employment. Call at once. Corner of Fourth and Vine streets at Mr. Petersou's. Hours 4 to G, and 7 to 8, p. m. The steam boat John K. Hugo took a small crowd out on the river 1 .st night, and they report a delightful time. The boat was out with a crowd today, and will give another excursion tonight. The bridge across Eight Mile Crek near Sam'l Riehardsons farm was wash ed cut by the recent flood, and many t f the farmers in that vicinity are mow ing their oats for hay, as it is dov, n too bad to save it otherwise. j Latest War News. I'LAYA Del. Khtk, July 12. One hundred and one shells from the ships landed. Only five fell in tho harbor. Army batterios fired abount 400. Deadly havoc was created and many of the finest buildings in tho city wore red need to d ust. The slaughter and devastation was so great and so (sickening to the sight that Shafter sent in begging for the surrender before the town was com pletely destroyed. The Spaniards made several sorties, fightU'g like demons, but were driven back at every attempt. Now there are only 300 yards bo tween our advance trenches and the Spanish. What is left of the city is hardly worth bombardment. Surren der expected every moment. Think Santiago Has Fallen. Washington, D. C, July 12. Army officers, after reading Shafter's dispatch, which was of yesterday's date, declarod their belief that Santiago has surrendered and that bv this time our flag floats over it. AS Til KV CO.MtC AND JO. Miss Alice Mann was an exposition visitor today. Frank Worden came in this morning for a visit with his parents. Jos. Opelt and A. W. White were deiing Omaha this afternoon. Mrs Neil and her grand daughter were exposition visitors today. E. WT. Fitt and brother were busi ness callers nt Havelock today. John Graham, of Greenwood, is one of tho I. & M. bridge painters. Mrs. Ed. Todd and son, Allie, and wife were attending tho exposition to day. Job Uirggs leaves today for an ex tended visit at his old home in Salem Iowa. J. II. Palmer of tho third regiment is in town today looking like a real 'sojer." Mrs. Hogro'e is visiting relatives in Iowa this week, in company with her mother. Lee Etelman of Bartlette, Iowa, was in the city today vis'ting his cousin. S. Ilogrefe. Hiram Robir.e was in town today vis iting fr iends and saying goodbye be fore leaving for Florida. Mrs. George Straley and Mrs. Brooks, of Lincoln, returned home this mor ning after a brief visit in this city. Gus Flyers was in the city today on his way to Omaha, where he goes as a delegate to the republican state league. Mrs. Fred Lehnhoff Jr. is enjoying a vi-it from her mother, Mrs. Miller, of Newton, Iowa. They went to Om aha this morning to visit the exposi tion. Robt. Simpson and Corporal Will Carmaek, of company B, are in the city today saying erood bye to their friends. The boys look fine as silk in their new uniforms. James Walker has been enjoying a visit for several days from his two sisters, who reside in Washington, Pennsylvania. They departed for their homo yesterday. Mrs. O. A. Brown and daughter, Marguerite, came in Sunday morning from Topeka for a visit with the for mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman. Mrs. Brown's sister, Clara, returned with her. Charley Spencer is down from Fort Omaha today. He has been ap pointed fourth sergeant in company B. It looks like Lieutenant Ilawls was taking good care of the boys from Plattsmouth. A. J. Jackson and wife leave tomor row tor Winnepeg, Manitoba, Mr. Jackson's old home. He came down today and left their little daughter Beth with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Streight. Council Proceedings. The city council met in regular session last evening, all members present except Herold, Lutz of the Third and Sattler. Minutes of prev ious session read and approved. Afttr some discussion it was ordered that the B. & M hi consulted to 6ee if the gas tank cou:d not ba repaired at t'.e shops he e 'I Le o: d.iiaiico to extend the clos ing hou-s of s -loons was read first time, a'-d on rat ion cf White the r ules were sii-pended, aad the ordi nance was p'ace l on its final pas&age, a; d l the Mirp-isj of the looby, every vo'e w s i ec".!cl.l gan st it. Mr. h en wani. d some repairs done on st e t- in his ward but at a sus. jjest io i of the niitj o", a motion prevailed f the ff et, that as soon as paver J rt ecHs iid --i.iewa'Ks were re pair: d. the ij.ty mar-hal should go all vji the city uu'i fix up all streets that ha-1 be- n d imaged by washouts. Messjrsmhh ci.led up the dumping ground nj itt-i- an t showed how filthy refuse was being cumped down near the river. After some discussion the city marshal was ordered to put up Lotiees warning people not to dump garb.-igo near dept on penalty of ar rest, a d to fix up road to regular duniniij ground, T. e da m cf Judge Archer for un co.:: eld fet s $12 40 was referred to claim- comunttt e. Tii3 eounc I af er passing on the usual gri-t f i Is, which will be printed to nnrnrw, then adjourned and met immediately filter in tpecial ses sion, whn the sidewalk assessment mttter wu- taken up ::nd passed. I Letter From Honolulu. B. Cecil Jack of tho First Nt brnaka writes as follows to a Plattsmouth friend, dated Honolulu, Juno 25: Honolulu, II. I., Juno 2-5, iKtis. DkAU FltlKND: Your letter received boor o leaving Frisco, but delayed answering until I had somo nows of interest. Left Frisco on 15th, coa choppy for lir.tda; saw wlotles, flying fish and sharks. Four vessels in fleet, China leading with Colorado and Utah troops. Senator followiug with First Nebraska, Zialandia with Penn sylvania and Colon with Utah artil lery, and cavalry from where I do not know. On 20tU China left us to rnKk arrangements hero for coal, and we became flagship On 21st, Sergeant Goddes, of Bent rice, company C, died of Spinal Meni getis at 5:20 a. m., buried at sea same morning at ten, which was a pretty though mournful sight. At ten o'clock tho body was wrapped inhheots, sewed in canvas, placed on a board and cov ered with the stars and stripes, bourd was placed one end on railing or ves sel and tho other held by three of his company comrades on each side and two on the end who held on to a corner of our flag. The band played, bugles sounded, choir sang and chaplain preached the burial services, and when he camo to that part where it says "deliver him to the sea," tho slab was lifted up until tho body slid from under the flag and down tho side of tho ship into tho sea, thereupon company C fired three volleys and all was over. Tho incident left a great impression upon the boys. It is very peculiar what a close attachment we form for one another in blue. I have a state room and eat at tho colonel's table so jou see I am getting the bet to bo had. We arrived hero yesterday and re ceived a welcome in the shape of a fine dinner for all boys in blue. The din ner consisted of everything, winding up with cigars. Nothing is too good for us here. Honolulu has a population of about 30,000, but only 2,500 American and English who control the government. There are a large number of Chinese and Japanese and natives. The natives are an intelligent race and constitute the police force who all speak good "American," and are anxious to give any information desired. They are highly pleased with what the U. S. congre-s has done toward annexation, and are anxiously waiting for tho stars and stripes to be hoisted upon their islands, and to be under the protection of what they term the greatest "country on earth." Stepping into Honolulu reminds one of a Pacific sea port town in our country. Very truly yours. B CECir Jack. Itryan Hooked for .Jacknon ville. Colonel Bryan's regiment, the Third Nebraska, is to be sent at once to Jacksonville, Fla., where it will form a part of General Lee s command. As scon as trie regiment is inorougiuv equipped and licked into shape it will have an opportunity to see service in either Cuba or Porto Rico, depending upon the exigencies of the service The delay in the mustering in of the regiment made it impossible to send it to the Philippines, as was fi -st con templated. Most of the troops at Jacksonville have been in the service for three months past and are becom ing well seasoned through daily drill and camp discipline. The corps divi sion and brigade in which the Third Nebraska will serve is composed of some of the very best of our volun teer forces. Burlington Koute California Excnrslona Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs day in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over the Scenic lloute through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered !n rattan; have spring seats and backs ind are provided with curtains, bed- ling, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed iorters and experienced excursion conductors accompany each excursion, relieving passengers of all bother about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in manv other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $5. For folder giving fnll information. call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb, Hard and Soft Coal. John Waterman is sole agent for the famous Mendota soft coal. Also carries the best grades of hard coal. wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime, cement, etc. If you are going to build, it will pay you to see Water nan. Office at the rear of Water man block on Fifth street. The Evening News only ten cents per ween, you can't afford to do with out it. In New Quartern. Having removed to the Merges' building, next to Lehnhoff's, I will continue to keep a selected stock of tropical fruits, and will serve ice cream and lemonade as former ly. John Schiapecasse. All kinds of jewelry, clocks and watches promptly repaired. All work warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth Troths Tersely Told. Foley's Kidney Cure is a safe, sure remedy for all kinds of kidney and bladder diseases. Loyal Mystic Legion of America. Wilt meet in I. O. O. F. hatl, Fitz gerald block, eecond and fourth Mon days each month, until lurther notice. The World's best 5 cent cigar, Wurl Bros. Gut Heil, strictly Union made. Every dealer handles them. Wet In Hedbloom's Old Stand, Opposite Herold's, by Wm. Her old & Son. $5,000 worth of Water Soaked DRY GOODS, Carpets, Mat ting, Trunks, Shoes, Etc. That were soaked by the late flood in our basement department. Sale will begin MONDAY, JULY 11, and continue until goods are sold. HEROLD Death of .lonat Iihii ilisoii. Jonathan Gibson, orio of the early settlers of this county, died at his home in this city at 7:15 last evening, after a tedious illnoss from kidney and stomach trouble. He was seventy-six yoars of age, and the funeral n;rvicoH were held at O.iK Hill cemetery at four o'clock this afternoon. The de ceased was a man of kindly dir-positiou and leaves a family, all of whom are grown, to mourn his lo-,. Dialh ul Krril l.iiiilscy. i Fred, youngest son of John Lindsey, I who was bor.i in this ciry fourteen years ago, died at Murray at II :''( last night after sufTei ing for one week from a kick bv a horse. It seems while go ing past a horse with an armful of h-iy ; the animal kicked him on tin loft u)c producing tho injury which proved ! fatal. The funeral will take pl.ico at I Murray today at 3 P. M. lit v. J. G. Oldham officiating. Card of 1 liankn. To the many friends who kindly rendered assistance and sympathy at the bedside and funeral of our father, we desire to publicly express our sin cere thanks. Wm. T. Johnson-. Richard Johnson, A.J. Johnson, ArsiiN .Johnson, M us. Sl'SIK Hkkoki: Can! of 1 hxiikM I desire e.-pecially to ex'-ro-s ilio thanks of myself and family to the many kind friends, and also to the members of the A. O. U. W.. I. O. O F., D. of R. and I). of II. lodges who assisted us durinur the lust ilines-j and burial of our beloved d lugii ter arid sister. Mil. and Mrs C. Yoki.naoki, and Family. To Suhserihers. We are carrying over a thou-and accounts on our books, nrmy if them small but in the agirrogi. te it amounts to a neat snm which would help us out if paid in. If you can't pay all you owe send us a dollar and we will send receipt by return mail with a card of thanks thrown in. The Juniors of the Christian church are going to give a patriotic concert and social at the church Friday even ing of this week. Ten cents "Emis sion will be charged at the doo-, re freshments free. Everybody invited. The proceeds will go to foreign mis sions. Den't fail to aitend. E. 13. Binks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve was woth $.50,000 to him. It cured his piles of ten years stand ing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate soi es. F. G. Fricke. "Water Takers, Take Notice. July 1st water bills are now dun and payable at office of Water Co. O.'hce open at night this week. The editor of the Evans City, Pa. Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cure 1 my children after all othe r emedies failed." It cures coughs, co ds anri all throat ana lung Lou lis. F. G. Fricke. if y.'r fii CMT r In Great Demand By those who li ve a rit-h, creamy and delicious refreshment is ou- ex quisitely flavored and tempting ice cream. It is not onlv good to the taste, but it is nourishing and accept able to the invalid, the children ar.d grown people. Wo have it in ali flavors. Ilolloway's ISnkcry Fitzgerald Block. Sole, rhivr Pkittsinoutli Coal Yard IS Till-: FLACK TO BUY HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ,V L ilAli-S or WOOD. 11a; , Corn, ();its and all Kinds of Foe- Const a n I ly on hand. EGESBEKGER & TROOP. TIllRh A.'l MAIN'-sTs. -; o & WHITE BR EAST 6 9 9 d 9 4 COAL YARD LINCOLN AMI. AM A I ItltLK STM., i 9 i II. M. SOKNNICIISKN, .Manager. Large Supply of all the I'.KST GIIADKS hard roAi i il' !ll ! ; tit; I",. M ; s mri . : . 1 1 iii, is, J e !.-,(, u 1 1 ill and C'.non City Liimji SOFT A 3 f 4 4 9 5- 9 9 j'v.r" on Ij;iik1 A I' o a quantity of cl. -r Uiades of NUT COAL. We also tc ;) on ii.'iii i all kir'ls of Wood. All or tcrs i.r'r::;:l'y k-!ivt.Tr l. Leave orders at -.'fiery s'-ircol A. II. Weckbach & Co. i--5 : c. :--"i---:-c- HAWD COAL. Missouri Coal, (-ceiiine Canon City Coal FOR CASH Leave order 3 at W. J F. S. White's Store. WHITE. FURNITURE ArjD UN DERTAKING House Furnishings, STOVES, RANGES. Our sloeU coraolete In all lines and we n vile our friends to look It over. Wo will n le:ivor to please you. Call and see uri. TRE!GHT C SATTLER. Sui-(;i'npr to i.ctry Itimcrt. ) f C. -A , v. Finish Him, Old Boy ! Cu-de Siiia says to his 'p'ue'-v li-ht-Ms. He win tioiah him, no -ou -t, in a- r.-as-erful a manner us j w-j will ti : i . ii 3 o il- . iiju i, a f ter (jutting i a b auiiful eolor up n it. O-ir laundry j work .s p-.-t-f. c:, and arut.iing sent to jthis e-t l) iahi.ier t to 'm? laundered i wiii t-ive p. r:. et !-. t isf i-i i n , as well I as gr; ti lie .lion. hh.r's, coll irs and : cull's are made to I k just like new. ! GEORGE ST A ATS, South Sixth St. '1 ijous 1 1 mis ." e. so n.ive been cut i d of p l s o u -ing D- Witt's Witch HaZ'il Salve. It iieals p omptly and curs eczema and all skin diseases. It gives immediate relief. F. G. Fricke, 1 S