Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 12, 1898, Image 2

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    The Snni-Wcekly Kews-Herald
. . . HY TIIK . . .
M. I). 1'Ol.K, KDITIIK.
Ono Year, in ulvnn- . . .
Six Mouths
On Week,
binle CopieM,
1 "u
One Year, in ixivanee, . . . . ftl 00
Six Months, fie
Of any Cass County Paper.
CAI.I. IOK (ill NTY (i)N(KNilON,
Tho rop'lbl ionns of Cas-i cimiity nro
hereby : died to meet in coven tien ;it
Winpin Water, Neln'aska, on Satur
day, .July I'd, IH'JH, ;it onu o'clock p. in.
for tho purpi " of n!.icin in iiominii
tion c-iiiul iuat e.s fur tho following olli
cos, te-wit: County allorney, two
lUOinlxn a of the U I e, one riinu
tor, ot:o nii.-inb-r of tin,- bonrd of comity
coiuniihsioners from the third dit.iiri;
also to select 2 I doieyiiles lo tin; s-t.-itc
convention at Lincoln, Aiijriti-l 1", at
JO o'clock a. in.; iiImj 2(i ileleyntcH to
tho first c inrcshioi al i' n vea ! ion :i I
Lincoln, on August .'!, at K p. in., and
for tlio transiiclion of siu li olh.r bus
iness as may ps-oporly ciinc bi fori: the
The- coinmitte recoininondod thit
tiicru lx; no proxies i ce.-jrii i. d, but.
that thu didcates pruseiit from ;icb
precinct or ward ils full v do. Ti.o
priina'ys to select doloirates to x id
convention will bo hebl on Suturd.iy,
July Ivcp'Oioiitntion is b-i.-ed on
the vote cast for C W. Kaley, (rcL'ent
for the state university in lv-7,) bulnf,'
one deleir.ito for e: c'i l- votes -r ma
jor fraction thereof, and ono delegate
at lartfu for each precinct or w.-ird:
fRc'T voiim; I' !: l 1 mi; and n oi-.i.
Avuca Avoc.i '.' i m
(..Viitcr, Mauley "' t' s V 111 "
H M lie (irovc, lloil action! hmiso I I' in 7
!'! u. nod. Murdoch school h'se .spin '.
t.i c: wood, Alvo Spin l)
Liberty, I'niiin s p m I "
I.( .i . ilte, MasM-niicr's hall S to '.' p m '
Niha.ka. Nehaw ka sch'l li'.su S to U p in
Mt I'icasant. 1'ieasaut Dale " H to '.' p m "
ki.iA lilulis
l'"h ;t ' Mst.. M in ray school hVe to Si p in .v
Set. il " Kuck Hlulls " S to U p in ft
M i; 1 .umb'r office Kale K to ! p in N
So..:h I'eud, So I'.cihI school h'sc h to ! p in ti
Stove Creek, F.liuwood opera li'sc S to '. p in VI
Sail Cieek, Greenwood S to 1' p in S
W Y;.ter prct, Cascade school h'se S to H p in li
V cepiiif; Water City Ward, (i A K hall to V p in
Se ou l Ward, Council Chamber N to p in ft
Third Ward, l'owel's Hall S to p in 4
l'l.itt Tret Taylor school house 4 to") p in 7
1 :a t.sinouth City
Irir. t Ward, 1'erkins House t to S p m 7
Sc.uu I Ward, Turn r I hill to S p in '.
Tl.ird Ward, Kitch'y hnbr ollice 0 to S p in II
Kor.: ih Ward. Council Chamber f to s p m 4
Kit th Ward, School House '. t s ;, m 0
C. !). CLAIM',
11. G. BKAKDSr.KK,
AumikalSajU'So.v was away when
it happened, but they are all b-ave,
brilliant fellows anyway and did their
work well.
Sam Chapman ha-i at last got a job
that fits him with peculiar nicety, he
is row wet nurse to Mat Cerium's
dem -pop congress'onal boom.
Ross Hammond has grown hilari
ous over the magnitude of a Dodge
county man's boom for state auditor.
It may collapse before convention time
arrivt s
Political, matters are beginning to
occupy some attention, but fellows who
expect to run the democrat and pop
conventions will linu whn nos.'s ;iro
counted that they are not cutting much
ice in the republican ranks.
Some people, who ought to know
their names were a stench in the nos
trils of good republicans, are wasting
lots of time plotting and putting up
jobs to control tho piimaries, when, as
a matter of fact, they will have no
moro to do with those who go as dele
gates than the Akund of Swatt.
When the republican ex-tjoss took
charge of Mat Gering's political for
tunes, tho young- man with a big voice
felt at once that he was not only nomi
nated, but his election was assured at
the same time. It is well that he
should enjoy the victory (?) now, a he
wont be able t enjoy it later on.
Caul Schukz, in a let er printed in
a German newspaper, informs his fel
low countrymen in Europe that German-Americans
will stand by their
adopted country: "its friends are their
friends, and its enemies are their
eoemies." There has never been a
doubt on this subject in the United
States. There are no more loyal citi
zens than our German citizens. If any
misconception on this subject exists
in Germany or elsewhere it cannot be
too soon recUfua Minneapolis
Blanco's voice is loud for war. It
eeems a great pity that he is not in
Santiago instead of Havana, where
his wants could be speedily attended
to. Butcher Weyler could not have
been moro cruel than Blanco, who
now urges continuance of tho war
when his people are starving and their
loss from American shot and shell
will be something terrible. It looks
like murder rather than war surround
ing Santiago as we do, to have to bom
bard that city which, ought to have
surrendered several days ago.
Tiikkk- is still much ta k about peaco
and many people at Washington are
rrone to believe that the Spanish war
is near an end. The Amoricans are
not reqengeful, and feel that Spain
h:.s su'Tereil cmtifMi for tmr cov.ird iy
do-lruct ion of tlic Maine. Our penp'e
would bo ylad to hear that the war
sv is over, und that le riiM of btt lenient
bud hi-en made as do-ircd by th! t-n-li;,rbtened
sctitiuiiNit of thin country,
l'l.rto Kico hhouid be unuoxed, ,' n i
m.nie free, ii tiii the 1 Mi i i ppi u s In Id
until every doilar tlio war has cost e
was paid bacK by Spain.
As im:i:iic'ji:i.-'"- fusion pl ins d
wily ollice KcckurVaru d.iily bein
f rostra I ed by men who have reyanl
for pririe'p'o abovo pelf. Yostcrda
the for sale element of the I'opuli.-O
party w in il i v. .((! from tbcfdcineni
which M bones: und cai nest for hct'er
govern incut in the st.ito of Missouri,
and the result was. two (;pulist stale
-n veiitioi.s aie now i n session and Un
slate ticket will Ii nominated, to the
IX i cat soi row of Oeinoeratic ollice hun
ters who had hopi-d for a diPVroiil
leal. Nebraska in iy not do s') well iit.
the convention, buL it will r -liuke bar
i'ain eoiiiiti.'i" politics at the polls.
INK!li;.:.V I ION AMI (iri.NKINS.
According to the London Chronicle,
Admiral ( anarais hmf Knglish, hi--uritlier
before marriiigi; having been a
Miss Liverinoreof L verp ol. Cainara
is a graduate of tlio Naval acadi my of
San I'Vr tin u do. 1 1 o is a n aiden t mon
a: chinl and W'a-. a men g thos.i who ad
veca'ed giving the crown (if Spain to
A i !i:s XII.
(Icveia's family in Spain are said to
be !,uU"l wine makers; that is probably
the r . ason he as so easi .y bottled up.
duly 11 is ihe date when Hiiigreene,
the bo- .; contrressman from the
I'oiirth i.-l: ie" , expats a renomitia
ticn. II ; is a disgrace to the stae,
and ought to bo left at home.
'I he next thing is to bottle tile oopo
crat party, and that event is due tho
first week in November.
The two Spanish llcets sunk at Man
ila and Santiairo numbered in till
eighteen ships. They lost over II, Sot) j
killed, wounded and prisoners. The j
American loss was ono killed, eight!
wouiidi d and not a ship was damaged, j
This is one of t h-most surprising facts j
in all history. I'x.
Spain did not celebrate trie l-iui-tb
remarks an exchange, but she cor rob
( ia ed with us in our celebration, by j
furnishing the cause for much joy.
'i Invo horses were stolen in Colum
bus Satutday night, and still Cass is
not troubled. Tne long sentences
which Judge liamsey deals out to
the-e thieve-, we believe, is the chief
reason they choose t thcr cvun tics to
operate in.
An exchange thinks the Spaniards
in Santiago must be from Missouri be-
c .use we have to show :em.
The po s of Buffalo county in con
vention as-embied last week pointed
with pride to the record of Billgrene.
This is the worst rcllection on Buffalo
county that could be printed and the
only way io earn the respect of the
state and country at large is to turn
down the blooming bocic r with a big
ma jo.dty.
It is reported that the Spaniards
could be easily dislodged without loss
of life, if proper care were taken to
see that people didn't get trampled on
in the rush, by feimp'y inducing Major
Milo S. Briggs to sing one of his solos
in front of Santiairo. People have
been known to rush into all sorts of
danger, to escape the major's music,
which seems to bo a cro.-fs between a
noise i f saw tiling and a horse fiddle.
Thirt-22n people in Crawford county,
Mo., were drowned last Friday by a
waterspout. The county seat was al
most wiped oat by the Rood.
A- C Wright has gone to Lincoln to
do work fo: the republican national
committee and will have his head
quarters at the Lindell hotel. A. C.
enjoys a national reputation in that
line (f work having taken part in the
McKinley campaign in Ohio in 1891
and in every state campaign in Ne
braska since then, and besides all this
he has sent millions of documents into
the northwestern states for the na
tional commit'.ce. Elmwood Leader.
Fighting Bob Evans should be re
named as breevy Bob Evans. lie talks
too much for what he has to saj-.
The U. S. Grant republican c ub
has arranged to tender a banquet to
all the republican newspaper editors
in the state next Friday evening. It
will occur at the Commercial club
rooms and it is expected that Hot)
plates will be laid. This is a step to
bring' them all to the meetings of re
publicans next week. Tho arrange
ments are in tho hands of Cadet Ta3T
lor, A. II. Iveliy and John G. Kuhn.
Omaha Bee.
Bjv. C. T. Atwood or Whiting,
Iowa, has distinguished him-elf by
becoming engaged to sixteen of the
young lady memi ers of his church.
When the facts leaked out the minis
ter resigned without an investigation.
lieutenant B:ue, whoso exploits
around S ir.tiago command praise and
admiration , U only 32 years of age,
but he is true blua and an honor to
the navy. Ho is commander of the
Suwanee, one of the converted saa-
coine; too;-', lint what t.:- :ie,k- In
naval archii( Clu:e is mor-i tb::n l;al
aiiceij ,y t,. com ;i jr , ;,nd da--li d it-
CO I'liliniler Lie ii'.eai'.l.t idue w is the
liist American to make a tour aio iui!
ihe city f Santiago a- d d Ii lit.-ly !
ea'.e the SiMiii-Ii !!:. too, wi
ote; of the Iir.-tlo 11 in d r a-!:inv I y
tlio Wll.ek of the Colon ,:I 1 IliiUe
prisoners of sev-ial of lie-, beM-luii
The eobinel on th'3 st-lT of jovi r- j
nor lloleomb who r. fus.'d to rut lii-H
ty laj'.vritint; m-tehino at lii di-postl i
if his country b ise-ea; el the court-j
liarsha! on a technicality and the pal- j
,'Mitisui of the nation is ao.iin vindi
cated. Now for the linn who m iie
the typc'Ariler to take up the incident
for advertising purposes. 15- e.
iJefore tae w ir ihe yellow p;ip- r.- j
were full of aiai niin' stories about tin;
defects, in our lihtintr ships, a'ld the j
' hlow holes," in tho armor furui-hed
by tho pi utoi-rat ii; American manu
facturers. Tlo! te-t of the pudding
has boon made, i:ml the yellow joui
na!s were wrong, as usu il. The United
States n ivy has juuij-ed in sixty das
from a p ace of comparative b-eioity
to in -j very front r ur; of tiguing or
gai.lzithn of the world. It is not the
large-t, but. no navy is more e'V' dive
or has a higher reputation.- Stale
i:i:i i-i'.Li( .N i: t o.wicni ion.
The republican i-h elors of the state
of Nebraska are riqu- s-ial to send
delegates fiom lli ir n.ect've coun
ties to m et in convention in the cty
of Lincoln, on Wcdne.-day, August 10,
lS'.fS, at ten o'chvk n. m , f..r the pur
pose of placing in nomination c ndi
dates fi r thi! following olfiecs:
1. Governor.
'2. Lieutenant governor.
.'!. Secretary of state.
Auditor cf public accounts.
Superintendent of public insTrue-
Attorn y-genernl.
Commissioner of public land
and buildings,
And to tr ui sac t s :ch other business
a may properly before the con
vention. Theseve:nl counties : re entitle 1 to
represen tation as f i.v.: The apeor
li aliment beii g b i.-ed U-.oa the- vote
cast for Hon. Albert J. H-i rnha m, for
presidential elector- in lS'di, giving
each county one delegate at large and
one for each 12-3 voles and a m .j ;r
fraction thereof:
COUNTIES. OKI. . rill'Xl I IS. DiiL.
Adams 1" J ' I---
Aiitolupe ; : K inibr.l I 'i
B;;ii!iei 2 Kaiox !'
lilaiao - Keanu'V V
limine I1' Kei'.ii
Box Butte ;" Kea 1'aiia
Bi)J a , i ..mca-uei .":!
Broun 4 I.nicuhi !n
Buffalo li 1 -iitran 'J
Burt 14 i. imp V.'
Butler li Ma bsnii If.
Ca Mcl'i -er-on 1
Cedar U Merrick '.'
t hase :i Nance '
Cherry "; Nemaaa 1:1
Clieveune " ucko!ls. in
( lav 1" H:e -I
Colfax s l'awnee Vi
(umiiiij; 11 1'lielps '.i
Ciu ter l.- I'erkins ".'
I laki ta fierce
liawes i'latte IS
Dawson in Bulk v!
1 leuel 3 Red Wiaow !
jiixi.-n s, Richardson IS'
Dod'e -'l Kock -I
Douglas li ii.Sarpv
Dundy S.Saiir.o is
riH-inoie 1 IpSauaclers 1s
Franklin H Scon's Blutt li
1 rainier 7, Seward 15
1-urnas ft
(iai;e liiySherniau -I
(iailield 'ijSioux .-
(josper liMauton
(.rant 21'1'liayer lit
fireeley 4 'Thonuvs 1
ilail Ifiiihuistoii 5
Hamilton lUjYallrv 7
Ilar au S Washington 11
Haves 3'VaA:ie '.
Hitchcock 4-Wel.ster in
Holt S'Vv heeler
Hooker 1-Vork i'j
Howard- 7
Jeiterson U Total Vlft
it is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention and
that the delegation present ho author
ized to cast tho entire vote of the dele
gation of the county which they rep
resent. It is requested that" the county con
vention select their committeeman
and perfect their county organization
at the first convention counties in
which two conventions are held.
David II. Mekcei!,
Ed. R. Sizek,
A loii Celi-brat ion.
They teil a good j ike on il. B. Wind
ham that, though a little o"d is worth
repeating. On the Fourth, of July he
took four of his children and vioiteU
the exposition. He expected to return
home on the M. P. at Shot) i-i the even
ing, and went to the depot ill the north
entrance to the grounds for that pur
pose. An M. 1'. train soon came Plong
headed south, and, thinking it must
be the l'lattsmouth train he got on
with tho littie folks, only to find half
an hour later that his train was bound
for Louisville and Weeping Water.
He disembarked at Louisville, stayed
all night at a hotel, and,came to Plaits
mouth the next morning on the B. &
M. at 10:15, with the biggest Fourth
of July to his credit he had ever ex
perienc d. As K. 1. never drinks
au thing stronger than butter milk he
had no headache after such an ex
tended celebration, and ho kept the
secret to himself very guardedly, hop
ing to keep it out of the papers. But
it finally leaked out.
A 15. l Fall.
Mrs. I). K. Birr met with an acci
dent Saturday evening, which, by
arousing heart c imp ications, came
very neir proving fital. She wa
st inding on a chair in the house, when
the chair tippod over and she fell, the
back of the chair striking her over
tho heart. She suffered intense pain
and heart palpitation. TI13 calling of
a physician for medical treatment
probably saved her life. Today she
was mucb better, and wiil nodou t
soon be well again.
The Evening News only ten cents
por ween, you can't afford to do with
out it.
) I I
I .iit
ii 1
CuuniiMii'Icr of (he Iowa Ik scrilx'.s Po
.tnu'tioa of S;;uith Fleet.
I'l-iiiioii in-.rn t li- t i -at Kim .if tli Span
I;iiiN hi n If lit Without I'aralifl.
Jlviiiii Ti li'H to Ham Oik; of
C'f rvi'in'ii Sliip.
Off SAvn.vio Dk Cu-a, July 7. (Per
dispatch boat, via Port Antonio) July
9. The hattleship Iowa was the first
ship to see the Spanish fleet coming out
of t lie harbor. i
Somebody on the "bridge slioxited:
"What's that black thing coming out of
the harbor?" j
A moment later the Iowa was at geu- j
oral quarters and tbe signal was hoisted
that the ( nemys ships were coming out.
A gun was fired to attract tho atteution
of the fleet.
"l ighting Bol" Evans, commander
of the Iowa, was sitting in his cabin
talking to Irs son, a cadet on the Massa
chusetts, who lucidly had been left be
hind in a picket launch when the
Massachusetts went to Guantanamo to
coal at dawn. Captain Evans' account
of the battle, as told in the cabin of the
Iowa to a correspondent of tho Associ
ated Press, is intensely interesting. Ho
"At the time 'general quarters' were
Founded, the engine bell rang "full speed
ahead,' and I put the helm to starboard
the Iowa and cio-syd the bows of the
Infanta Maria Teresa, the first ship
out. The Spanish ship swung to the
westward, the 12-iiich shells from the
forward turret of the Iowa seemed to
tdrike him in t he bow and tho fight was
a spectacle. The squadron came out in
column, the ships beautifully spaced, as
to distance and gradually increasing
their speed to lo knots. It was superb.
The Iowa from this moment kept up a
steady fire from her heavy guns, head
ing all the time to keep the Infanta
Maria Teresa on her starboard bow and
hoping to ram one of the ships. The
Oregon, Indiana, Brooklyn and Texas
were doing excellent work with their
"l.i a very short space of time the
enemy's shii;s wei all clear of the har-
bor mouth and it bet-am-.; evident! jr im-pos.-ihle
IV r the Iowa to ram. either the
first or the second ship on account of
their speed. The range at this time
was 2,Oi)o yards. The Iowa's helm was
immediately put hard to the starboard
and the entire starboard broadside was
poured into tho Infanta Maria Teresa.
The helm was then quickly shifted to
port and the ship went across the stern
of the Teresa in an effort to head off the
Oqitendo. All the time the engines
were driving at full speed ahead. A
perfect torrent oi" shells from the enemy
pas-od over the smokestacks and super
structure of the shin, but none struck
Cotin nit Die Iowa.
"The Cris.-ebal Colon being much
faster than the rest of the Spanish
ships passed rapidly to the front in an
effort to escape. In passing the Iowa
the Colon placed two six-inch shells
fairly on our starboard bow. One
passed through the coffer dam and dis
pensary, wrecking the latter and burst
on the berth deck. The other passed
through the side at the water line
within the coffer dam, where it still re
mains. As it was now obviously im
possible to ram any of the Spanish ships
on account of their superior speed, the
Iowa's helm was put to starboard and
she ran on a course parallel with the
enemy. Being then abreast of the
Oqtieudo, at a distance of 3,100 yards,
the Iowa's entire battery, including the
rapid lire guns, was opened on the
Oquendo. The punishment was terrific.
Many 12 and S-inch shells were seen to
explode inside of her, and smoke came
out through her hatches. Two 12-iuch
shells from the Iowa pierced the Almir
aute Oquendo at the same moment, one
forward and the other aft. The
Oquendo seemed to stop her engines for
a moment, she immediately started and
gradually drew ahead of the Iowa, and
came under the terrific fire of the Ore
gon and Texas.
Tm pc il lioat Alarm.
"At this moment the alarm of 'tor
pedo boats' was sounded and two tor
pedo boat destroyers were discovered in
the starboard quarters at a distance of
4,000 y:rds. 1 Ire was opened on them
with the after battery and a 12-inch
shell cut the stern of one destroyer
sanarely off. As the shell struck she
fired back at us, sending a shell close to
my head. I said to Executive Officer
Rogers, "That little chap has got a lot
of check.' Rogers shouted back, 'She
shoots very well, all the same.' Well
up among the advancing cruisers, spit
ting shots at one and then another, was
the little Gloucester, shooting first at a
cruiser and then at a torpedo boat and
hitting a head wherever she saw it.
The marvel was that she was not de
stroy!, d by t he rain cf shells. In the
meant iine tlio Vizcaya was slowly
drawing abeam, r f the Iowa and for the
space of 15 minutes it was give and take
between the two. The Yizcaya fired
rapidly but wildly, not one shot taking
effect on tlio Iowa, while the shells from
the Iowa were tearing great rents in the
sides of the Viaya. As the latter
passed abend of the Lwa she came un
der the murderous lire of the Oregon.
UrailfU l'.ir Hie I -arti.
"At this time the Infanta Mari?e
Teresa and the Almiraute Oquendo
leading the enemy's column were seen
to be heading for the beach and in
flames. The Texas, O.vgon and Iowa,
pounded them unmercifully. They
ceased to reply, and in a few minutes
the Spanish cruisers were a mass of
flames and on Ihe rocks with their col
ors down, the Teresa fiyiug a white
flag at the fore. Tho crews of the
enemy's ships stripped themselves and
began jumping overboard, and some of
th:' smaller nag: began to explode.
"M an time the Brooklyn and the
Cristobal Colon w( re exchanging com
pliments in lively fashion at apparently
long range, and the Oregon, with her
locomotive speed, was hanging well on
the Colon, ;i-so paying attention to the
Yizcaya. The Teresa and the Oquendo
were in flames on the beach just 20
minutes alter the first shot was fired.
Fifty minutes after the first shot was
fired, the Yizcaya put Iut helm to port,
with a great burst of flame from the
utter part of the ship and headed slowly
for the rocks, where the f jiind her last
resting place.
"XTcscribc th?m liccause thry never vary
from one standard of medicinal quality
the highest and doctors sue careful folks.
You trust your family doctux of
course. Ask him. 1
la scaled bottles wily.
Oi Druggist.
"An it was apparent that tin Jow.i
could not catch the Cristobal Colon and
thiit tho Oregon and Blooklyii und .rl t
edly would, and as the fast New York
was on her trail, I decided that the calls
of humanity should lie answered .aid
attention given to the l.liOJor l.TrHJ
Spanish olliccrs and men who had
struck their colors. I therefore headed
for the wreck of the Yizcaya, now burn
ing furiously fore and aft. When I
was in as far as tho depth of water
would admit, I lowered all my boats
and sent them to tho assistance of the
unfortuuato men who were being
drowned by dozens or roasted on deck.
I soon discovered that insurgent Cubans
were shooting on the men who had sur
rendered tt us. I immediately put a
stop to this, but I could not put a stop
to tho mutilation of many bodies by tho
sharks inside the reef. These creatures
had become excited by the blood from
the wounded mixing in the water.
"My boats crews worked manfully
and succeeded in -saving many of the
wounded. One man who will be recom
mended for promotion clambered up the
Yizcaya and saved three men. Tho
smaller magazines of the Yizcaya were
exploding with magnilicient cloud ef
fects. The boats were coming alongside
in a steady stream, and willing hands
were helping the lacerated Spanish of
ficers and men on to the Iowa's quarter
deck. Some of the Spaniards had no
clothes. Some had their legs torn off
by fragments of shell. Others were
mutilated in every conceivable way.
"I took Admiral Cervera aboard the
Iowa, from the Gloucester, and received
him with a full admiral's guard. The
crew of the Iowa crowded, aft, black
with powder, and half naked as Cer
vera stepped over the side bare headed.
Over the undersuit he wore a thin wool
undersuit borrowed from Lieutenant
Commander Wainwright. Cervera is
every inch an admiral even if he had no
hat. He submitted to the fortunes of
war with a grace, that proclaimed him
a thoroughbred."
Kxamle8 of Heroism.
"The bottoms of the boats held two or
three inches of blood. In many cases
dead men were lying in the blood.
Five poor chaps died on the way to the
ship. They were afterward buried with
military honors from the Iowa. Some
examples of heroism, or more properly
devotion to discipline and duty, could
never be surpassed. One man on the
Yizcaya had his left arm almost shot off
just below the shoulder. The fragments
were hanging by a small piece of skin.
But he climbed unassisted over the side
and saluted as if on a visit of ceremony.
Immediately after him a strong-hearted
sailor whose left leg was shot off below
the knee, was hoisted aboard the
Iowa with a tackle, but never a whim
per from him."
Captain Evans is intensely proud of
his ship and his men, The Iowa fired
31 12-inch, 41 8-inch, 210 4-inch, 1,000
6-pound and 120 1 -pound shots. The
officers of the Yizcaya said they could
not hold their crews at the guns, on ac
count of the rapid fire poured on them.
The decks were flooded with water from
the fire hose, and blood from the
wounded made this a dark red. Every
instant the crack of exploding shells
told of new havoc. Two 12-inch shells
from the Iowa exploded a torpedo in the
Yizcaya's bow.
To Subscribers.
We are carrying over a thousand
accounts on our books, many cf them
small but in the aggregate it amounts
to a neat snm which would help us out
if paid in. If you can't pay all you
owe tend us a dollar and we will send
receipt by return mail with a card of
thanks thrown in.
M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says "I
was a sufferer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
was reccommend to me. I used one
box. It has effected a permanent
cure." A a permanent cure for piles
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
equal. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Hard and Soft Coal.
John Waterman is sole agent for
tho famous Mendota soft coal. Also
carries the best grades of hard coal,
wood, lumber, laths, shingles, lime,
soment, etc. If you are going to
build, it will pay you to see Water
nan. Office at the rear of Water
man block on Fifth street.
Ilougehold Uod4.
The ancient Greeks believed that
the Penates were the gods who at
tended to the welfare and prosperity
of ihe family. They were worship
ped as household gods. The house
hold god of today is Dr. King's
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds and for all affections of
throat, chest and lungs, it is invalu
able. It has been tiied for a quarter
of a century and is guaranteed to cure
or money returned. No household
should be without this good angel. It
is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and your g. Free trial
bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Regu
lar size 50c and $1.
There's no better flour made than
Peisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at tho same time,
which builds up tbe town.
E. B. B tnks, of Le-visville. Texas,
writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve was wo-th $50,000 to him.
It cured his piles of ten years stand
ing. He advises others to try it. It
also cures eczema, skin diseases and
obstinate sdes. F. G. Fricke.
ft 8 ft 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
i o tne rarmers or
Cass County:
Tilt 1 h Mil tilt 11 I Stoic ll'ls. s..IVc1 U1 lltlll-
dreils of dollars by cltcipi. niii' the juice oi
( i roevries, lrv (loud-.. Sit its, and ot !i r att ielos.
Since our advi tit in 'la t Isiuoii I h, the tegular
profit on ( i t'oCeties has lieeti reduced over liity
per cent.
We have done you 4ood we have saved
you money. It is but fair, under the cincuiu
stances, that you should appreciate our ciTorls
1)' yivinf us at least u portion of your trade.
We pride oi'.rsvl ve:-. on si lling" joods chea per
than any other house in Cass count y. We do
this by ayin" cash for our floods and bein" satis
fied with a close margin of profit. If you ap
preciate low prices and fair treatment, come and
see us.
The Department Store,
South Side
v v s ti . . K
: TLhz Smith premier typewriter
2 J "tfc'V
LJ:i -ZxtrrKtr.-- VI'V
Omaha. Branch Ortice. cr
mgm W.
w ' iti -s. : l i v- i i ,
3 EST ris for vVeddinjjr-, Funi-ra'p oi Pleit-'iin: IV. -t's, etc. ll-ic orUtih
JTJ attended to promptly. Terms rcisonnbie. J-t'- preferred. Ci-li unit tre'.
rates Telephone 7(i.
W. K. V. D. Joe auctioneer ill I lr.d t voods ad form ctocV
dlHr-of.ed of
Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC riJKK. Tho
surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, 1'rice 50 cents
per box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication.
..Good Joh Prin ting
The Casino Saloon
Headquarters for the
Best Beer On Earth,
As' Proved By the
Greatest Medical Ex
perts in this Country,
and is Giving Special
Attention this Year
to tho Best Brand
of Bottled I5ki:u.
ii fcs-Ti
You Can Always Find a Full
Supply of
And Other Brands Which Will
Be Sold Very Cheap By the
Case. The Public Has
Shown Its Appreciation of
BudwEISER by the Fact that
Five Hundred Million Bot
tles Were Consumed Last
Delivered To Any Part of the City.
PHIL TH1ER0LF, Proprietor.
Reading Rooms and Dispensary,
Drew BuildiDg, riattsinouth, fb.
Open from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p.
m; services each Sunday,
8 8 8 X 8 IV: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Main Street,
y.ts. . i-v J 't i, , , , ,
Best Tatut Writing Machine.
Das all the Hatcat Zmpvovcmcnta.
popular Because of JIcrit.
Jloat Durable Cypcvfriter pladc.
premier Buyers do JNot experiment.
drite for JVew Hrt Catalogue ftc.
UlllUII PJl Ulllvl VVLllVI I(',l vVm
Syracu, ff. . 8. H.
Seventeenth and Farm in r,l
Ccihk Comity's
R 8
Z 1
a .iiprvmnn
i j? H fa V4 1 I
1 Q f. AIM CI T n? T.Z T
Of l'LTT.SMOL"Ti!, N V. li.
Offers tlic very best facilities for the
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
'"( ''J5CS, n ri s. i-'olij, vi-rn iii-ri t Hnd lor u!
securittoj nought and sold, tin posits re
ceived Ai-d ir.tor?et allowed on tbe certfl
cuti:3. dr;iwn, avaMaOle in any
part of Oie U. S. an'J all the principle
town of i urope. 'Jol ictl jiis made and
prom;.! ' ;. : j: .'tt:d. Ilizhest market
.,-!t' ! "ir county wnrrauts, state
ami -i 111 n t v i iiiii s.
O P.Z-.C TO r?3:
' . Ii;i-.w v(.it!,. s. Waugh,
'.victc. a. f. : ...
. i'.e-.. -S. 'A'auKh. Cashier.
'-. ').,.. .-. -..:..-r
l . i fi 2 mjwJ
' w .-'in-i. mi.-.v rifc'd and
i.- , ri-. i ( f i'!t'-r than over
1 - ! t- C! of
t Oj::;ra! LKeru Business.
Q ,'(! i-i.,, rn.i-!e t inrts of the
ci u:;: v. L.'ivv ririt-i: aiiti i-ourl--i-i-.'j?
fi-i'm "it .-.--n--i.
M'v;;i.ks six til t.i) vi m: sts.,
flai i-iin;i:t!!, -hritsk.i.
" Hui hi or.
t'ontra ts titkeu for the erection of Residences,
I arns and any kind of carpenter work, in anv
part of the county. Call on or address