Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, July 08, 1898, Image 4

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    ur Name's Pants
We will
when the
by, Gentle Annie.
"One Price and No Monkey
6. E. wesoott&son,
Clothiers. Hatters
and Haberdashers.
New Store!
I take pleasure in announcing to my friends, and to the public gen
erally that I have just opened a large and well chosen stock of
and such articles as generally go with them, at No. 418 A1AIN STREET, and
I invito everybody to call and tako a look through my goods. My stock also
includes all the latest
I also ca- ry Cigars, Tobacco, and a
and see forlyourself. I will sell at prices
Zuckweiler & Lutz
Continue to do a leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb
EST rigs for Weddings, Funerals
attended to promptly.
rates Telephone 76.
ff. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all
disposed of
bat hire sold direct to the con
lamer fur 25 ys&rs at whole
tale prices. sarins; him the
dealer s profits, ship any
where for examination.
Hit styles of
w styles of
Top Hurries,
Surreys. Ix) to 1125.
ges. Phaetons. Traps. Wajron
etts. lpnnr-Koad and Milk
.n. 8arr.yH.rMM. Prt.H.00.
-Waa-- "
Catalog of all
AS goo "
be all Right
"Clouds Roll
J 5
New Goods!
line of Iligh Grade Candies. Come
to suit the times.
W. K.
W. D. JONES...
Cass County's
Oldest : Liveryman,
or Pleasure Parties, etc. Hack order
Terms reasonable. Cash preferred. Call and gel
kinds of goods and farm stock
t.16 to 170.
r lrr. Ke. 806 Surrey. Frioe. with cartel ns. lamps, en
oar sty les. shade, apron and tenders, 60. As good as sails tor fvo.
C. A. Marsha1!, Dentist.
Dressmaking, Miss Laura Twic.
Union IJlock.
Dayid Hawksworth, Jr., w;s nn
Omaha visitor this morning.
.Subscribe for TlIK Nkws the heat
paper in tho city.
Eirl Clark ia attending a btenog-
raphic school in Omaha.
Mrs. Hutchison, of Haveiock, is virit-
ing friends in this cily.
Holloway's popular steamed bread
i made of Heisoi's best Hour.
K. 15. Windham was a bunines-j
visitor to the metropolis today.
CJood driving mare for sale. En
quire at Sherwood's shoo btoro.
John Cagney returned to Omaha to
day, after a brief visit in this city.
Tho Puritan wickless oil stove, tho
latest thing out, at Coatcs it Co's.
Did you see tho new advertisment
of VV. K. Fox? Head it and profit by
The Evknino Nkws only ten cents
per vi'coK, you can t uuord to do with
out it.
Enierprisa cherry i-toners that do
tho wot k. For sale by W. V. Coates
& Co.
T. N.Julyan, foreman of the round
h use at Gibson, was in town last
nit: lit.
Holloway's bread, which has taken
the lead, is made of Ileiscl's "1'lan
sifter" Hour.
If you don't Fee tho Gut Oeil cigar
call for it, and get tho host 5 cent ci
gar in the market.
Fred Everhardt, of Philadelphia, is
in tho city visiting his aunt, Mrs.
Goorgo Longenhagen.
The commissioners adjourned and
J. C. Hayes returned to his hone at
ELmwood this morning.
Tom Wheeler and Gtorgo Tnrtsch
are out in tho country todny repairing
the boiler of a steam thresher.
Seventeen head of dead horses were
shipped to the render ing and fertili
zer factory near LaPlatte today.
Reeee Walker sajs his wheat and
oats are in the finest condition, and
that the storm did him no injury.
Wanted. A good girl for general
house work. Enquire of Mrs. W. II.
Rhodes corner of Tenth and Marble
Holloway's oven was flooded, but
they secured permission to use the
Vienna bakery's so as to furnish their
customers as usual.
The Missouri river is steudily fall
ing again, and as its source of t-upply,
the mountain snows, are gene it will
not likely be up again this year.
Stansbevry, Mo., suffered a cloud
burst yesterday which resulted in the
loss of seven people's lives. Flacts
mouth was more fortunite.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Iiisers cleanse tho liver,
cure constipation and all stomach and
liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth.
Head the new advertisments of W.
K. Fox in today's paper. Mr Fox is a
genial gentleman, and a good business
man. He deserves well of the public.
Some big land slides occurred yes
terday along the river bank between
Rocky Point and the depot, but no
damage was cone to the railway
tracks except at river switch near the
Washington, July 7. The war de
partment has received a bulletin from
General Shafter's headquarters, stat
ing that the auxiliary cruiser Osceola
has captured a Spanish lighter loaded
with provisions and valued at $50,000.
There's no better flour made than
Heisel's "Plansifter," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at tho same time,
which builds up the town.
Insure in the German
Fred Ebinger, Agent.
Sidewalk Assessment Notice.
The city council will con vene in special session on the
evening- of July 11, 1S9S, for the purpose of assessing- the cost
of repairs and construction of sidewalk along- and adjacent to
the following- described propert-, that it may be certified up
to the county clerk and become a lieu upon the property
herein described, to-vit:
Block Lot & Pts Name Owner or Agent
159 3 & 4 J Fitzgerald En
44 8 John Groves Est
18 6 Cal Walton
122 12 II Guv Livingston
122 1 M Morton
111 12 Livingston Loan & B Co
43 B AD Despain
30 s 11 Citizens Bank
Phil McCulley
Above Thil McCully
50 9 Peter Rhaun
49 14 F W Guthman
32 10 same
27 ni 2 pat McCann Executor
163 6 Geo L Weidman
2 19,20-1 Lilian Sage
2 18 HE Hunter
2 17 ? c Billings
2 16 same
2 15 Ira Myers
2 14 same
11 rv Roberts Est
- -same
3 -ame
42 12 0 L Wheeler
63 4 VV L Hunter
63 56 e j Cooper
60 1 vv Y Oberlander
50 1 p M MuLermann
9 304 j Kqnua
Yesterday was Fourth of July for
tho Sandwich Inlands.
Charley Grimes w s a visitor to
Fort Omaha this afternoon.
Don't you forget tho rrpubl'can
primaries to bo hold July 23.
Judge Spurlock wont out to York
this morning for a few days vacation.
Supt. Farley has been out In the
count all week looking after school
T. W. Shryock and John Ahl, and I
uaugnier, are m me city luuajr niuu
Mrs. W. L. Pickett, accompanied by
her mother, arrived home from a visit
at Evansvillo, Indiana.
The body of the three-year-old son
of Mr. Salacek of Ilavelock, was
brought hero on tho noon train for in
tormen t.
A. C. Wright, one of the substan
tial residents of Elmwood, was in the
city today shaking hands with his
many friends.
Elder Duncran and wife returned
homo last evening from a weeks so
journ at Beatrice in attendence at the
state convention.
The pump men at the Fitzgerald
block who were getting $2.50 per day
struck yesterday for higher wages,
but we learn they had poor success.
Wanted Trans-Mississippi expo
sition postage stamps used. Will puy
ten cents per hundred.
B. G. Mekrill,
Hinsdale, Iil.
Mrs. Atwood requests that the mem
bership committee of the Woman's
club bo prepared to make their report
at a called meeting, which will be an
nounced next week.
Jennie P. Siiipman,
Cor. Secretary.
A. C. Cartwright, who has been
making his headquarters with John
Tigho at Manloy for some time, is in
town on a brief visit. He thinks small
grain crops have been ruined by the
heavy rains in the eastern part of this
county and in Otoe.
The three conventions to be held
here August 11, at 2:00 p. ni., will
have eighty-six delegates to each con
vention. Just where eighty-six 6ilver
republicans can be picked up in the
entire district is a hard proposition,
and the chances are that that part of
the show will be poorly attended.
The method of taking the water out
of the flooded cellars is callei siphon
ing. A stream one-eighth the size of
the one pumped out of the cellar is
used to create a vacuum, and the
water from the cellar flows out in a
constant stream. The amonnt of city
water used is not large.
The Pearl steam laundry has sent
its work to Nebraska City, it is not
able to run on account of the rain
Wednesday night. We hope to be
able to set laundry work returned
Saturday, so we will not disappoint
our patrons. The laundry will be in
running order the first of the week.
The merchants along the street are
still busy getting the water out of
their cellars, and caring for their
damaged goods. Pearlman is still
pulling furniture out of his cellar,
and must have had an immense stock
in there. He is storing it in the old
Journal office.
An autograph letter from the late
President Lincoln is seldom seen.
Henry Snyder has one belonging to
his father, which is on exhibition in
his show wiLdow It is very evident
that Mr. Lincoln could talk better
than he could write. The stationary
is very plain, not even a printed letter
head being used.
The city administration, according
to Sam Chapman, is to blame for
Hoods and all the ills that man is heir
to. It's a pity some men will allow
their spleen to make laughing stock
of them. The city authorities of no
town could have done more than
Mayor Richey and his assistants have
done in preventing losses and caring
for property.
Water Takers, Take Notice.
July 1st water bills are now due and
payable at office of Water Co. Office
open at night this week.
Remit- ka
7 4:l Yound and Hayes add Main st
4 4i)'Graniie beuve -n dih and 6th sts
4 '. Dukes add
4 o'.t'O.k and Vine, 10. h .-t
0 68!same, 10th st
7 lUjLocust and Oak, 10th st
11 4" Between Pe irl ai.d Granite, 7ih
18 4'.j .la n st between 3ra and 4th
7 7Sj Lincoln avo
11 70 "j undivided on m ip
2 45 Marble st
16 72,Uornr 3rd and Granite
17 10j Third st
29 SOjOurner Siith and Vine
10 92 Tenth st
13 86Stadelmans i dd
4 62 same
4 0 same
3 oil -amo
3 47 jama
3 21 same
194 12 Dot e'ans add
4 br- same
4 21 same
8 60 7th st bet, oranite and Marble
t ( Marble st between 3rd and 4th
10 12 Bine
) 1' !Corn r Marble and Sixth
16 n Third st
14 1' -ame
31 Corner Vino and D ke t
Dukes ad.i
2o 15
City Clerk.
W. K. C.
The members of tho Uolief Corp
are requested to meet with Mrs. II. C.
McMuckcn next Tuesday, July 12, nt
2 o'clock p. m.
I. nut Alrrllnif.
1hi last meeting of tho Mozart Club
will bo held tomorrow evening, July
9, at tho homo of Miss Cngiiey. it is
urgently requested that all members
be present.
L.uteat War News).
The only item of interest today from
the frcnt is to the effect that Shafted
will begin the bombardment of
Santiago at noon tomorrow.
I. of IC. No, 4U.
All members requested to be present
at their hall at 2:00 p. m., Saturday
afternoon, for tho purpose of arrang
ing for installation of officers.
Mus. J. M. Lkkk, X. G.
KeturiiH the Kuffliie.
Mayor Richey today hauled the fire
eneine down to tho B. fc M. depot,
loaded it on a flat car and shipped it
back to Omaha, the system of siphon
ing the water from the cellars having
been resorted to.
A Little I'eraonal Matter.
I. Pearlman's heavy losos by floid
make him in sore need of monny. If
the farmers and town people would
cxll and pay their bills, or a part of
7hat they owe, he will give them a
discount in order to raise some money.
If your bill is not yet due it will pay
you to come in and see him. Those
whose bills are past due are especi illy
requested to call in at once.
A Thee Ringed Circus.
The populists, democrats and silver
republican central committees, which
met in Incoln yesterday each called
the'r seperate conventions to meet in
Plattsmouth August 11, when an nt
tempt will be made to nominato a
fusion candidate for congress from
this district. Mat Gering thinks he
gainad a point by the conventions
coming here, but he may conclude
differently later on
Death of John Johnson.
John Johnson, residing southwest of
this city, died at noon today at the ad
vanced age of eighty-four years. He
came here from Holt county, Missouri,
in 1863, and has resided on the same
farm ever since. He leaves the fol
lowing children: W. T. Johnson of
Uemingford, Dick of Blair, Toby and
Mrs. Berger of this county. The
funeral will be held at Eikenbary's
cemetery tomorrow, but we could not
learn the hour.
Disinfect Your Cellars.
The result of the recent Hood is
liable lo be an epidemic of typhoid or
malarial fevers. Cellars tilled with
water cannot be dried out in a day,
and poisonous gases are all the time
rising from the ill-snrelling pools.
There is only one way to prevent the
threatened troub'e, and that is to pur
chase lime and cover the damp earth
with it. It will destroy all disease
breeding germs and leave your cellars
nice and clean. The matter is of such
vital importance that the city author
ities should see that it is done, that
the public health may be conserved.
Miss Mary Volnagle, at the age of
twenty-one years, departed this life
Wednesday, July 6, after an illness
dating back to last September. Her
ailment was consumption, and she
showed great patience and fortitude
during her last illness. She was a
member of the M. E. church at South
Omaha, and died in full faith of a
happy home in the other world. The
funeral will be held at 2:30 p. m.
Saturday, from the Evangelical
Lutheran church. Rev. F. H. Freund
officiating. Members of the A. O. U.
W. and 1. O. O. F., D. of K. and D. of
H. are especially invited to attend.
The deceased leaves three sisters and
four brothers beside her loving par
ents, to mourn her loss.
The Hotel Riley escaped without a
dollars damage from water, none hav
ing entered the building. A gushing
spring of crystal water however broke
out in the engine room and all efforts
to shut it off have been unavailing.
It will probably be connected with the
sewer and may continue to run indef
lnately. It is certainly a peculiar
At Haveiock the storm was much
more furious and the downfall of rain
more devastative than in Lincoln. All
over Haveiock cellars were filled.
The office of the Ilavelock Times was
wrecked and that paper will have to
suspend publication until the damage
can be repaired. The railroad yards
and even the shops of the company
were flooded and filled with mud and
drifting aebrls, but open for work as
usual in the morning. On each side
of the track embankment the water
was not less than eighteen inches
deep and covered the field as far as
one could see. Journal.
The World's best -5 cent cigar, Wurl
Bros. Gut Heil, strictly Union made.
Every dealer handles them.
Morning's bread hereafter may be
obtained at Zuckweiler & Lutz, and at
Jonathan Hatt's.
Men and Women Out of Work
Can earn big wages and establish a
permanent trade selling Ironite. "
Sells in every family. Indispensible
article. Sample box and confidental
terms for five two-cent stamps. Send
today and secure your field.
Menomonee Falls, Wis.
The editor of the Evans C.ty, Pa.
Globe, writes: "One Minute Cough
Cure is rightlj' named. It cured my
children after all other remedies
failed." It cures cough?, colds and
all throat ani lung troubles. F. G.
Great Wet Goods
In Hedbloom's Old Stand,
Opposite Herpld's, by Wm. Her
old & Son.
$5,000 worth of Water Soaked
DRY GOODS, Carpets, Mat
ting, Trunks, Shoes, Etc.
That were soaked by the late flood in our
basement department.
Sale will begin MONDAY, JULY 11, and
continue until goods are sold.
The Casino Saloon
Headquarters for tho
Best Beer On Earth.
As Proved By the
Greatest Medical Ex
ports in this Country,
and Is Giving Special
Attention this Year
to tho Best Brands
of Bottled Beeu.
You Can Always Find a Full
Supply of
And Other Brands Which Will
Be Sold Very Cheap By the
Case. The Public Has
Shown Its Appreciation of
BUDWEISEK by the Fact that
Five Hundred Million Bot
tles Were Consumed Last
Delivered to Any Part of the City.
PHIL THIER0LF, Proprietor.
Coming Wf dii"nl:y,
Thursday, Friday and Saturdny,
July 13. 14, 15 and 10, 1S!)S.
Wait and come to Plattsmouth to
the large store room, becond door east
of court house.
Shoes and c'.olhing. Great manu
facturers closing out sale. The Em
pire Clothing and Shoo company,
$175,000. Cincinnati, Ohio, quit busi
ness, and have sent out iigents to
country towns with their stock, to be
sold quick for cash, less profit of manu
facture, less profit of wholesaler, less
profit of retailer, and without cost of
freight. Read these prices for new
stylish goods, first-class workmanship,
up-to-date in every respect.
Gent's heavy working shoes, worth
$1.25, at 78c; Ladies oxfords, wor th
$1.50, at 98; Ladies' oxfords, worth
$2.50, at $1.24; Ladies' oxfords, worth
$3.00, at $1.48; Ladies' dress shoes, lace
and button, worth $1.50, at J8c; Ladies'
and Gents' drass shoes, worth S'i.50, jit
$1.24; Ladies' and Gents' tine shoes,
worth $3.00, at $1.48; Ladies' nd
Gents' custom-made shoes, worth ?4 50,
at $1.98; Ladies' and Gents' hind
sewed shoe?, worth $0.1:0 at $2.4S;
Children's school shoes, sizes 8 to 11,
worth $1.25, at 74c; Misses' and
Youth's school shojs, worth $1.50, at
We aiso carry a full line of Ladies
and Gent's fine drees shoes.
Men's pants, worth $1.25 at 08e;
Men's business pants, worth $2, at 9-::
Men's fine pants, worth $3, at $1.24;
Men's tailor-made pants, worth 5 5 ai
$2.48; Men's suits worth $8, at $3.25;
Men's cassimeie suits, worth $12.
at $4.75; Men's fine cassimere suits $15,
at SG.7S; Men's fine custom-made suits
worth $18, at$8.68; Men's tine tailor
made euits, worth $22. at $9.83; Boys'
long pants, worth $1.50, at 78c; Chil
dren's school suits, worth $2, at 98c;
Children's fine suits, worth $2.60 at
$1.24; Children's dress suits, worth $5,
at $2 48.
Three hundred dollars, worth o'
ladies' capes at j'our own prices and to
on through the line you will find bar
gain after bargain. Nothing reserved.
Everything must be sold in four days.
Goods exchanged if not satisfactory .
Honest, honorable, square dealing to
alL Ileraember Wednesday, July 13 is
the day, and is for four days only. Look
for the Big, Red Sign.
L. M. Matuews, Agent.
Two car loads of 6hoes and clothing.
Plattsmoutli Coal Yard
Hiiv, Corn, O.itr-. and all Kinds of Ftx-d
( !o-t a n t ly on 1 1 :i nil.
II. N. SOKNMCIISh'N, Manager,
Iiigo Supply of nil th
hard COAL soft
!nt !.!:;' the F.ui.'Mi-
M i :-si nir i . luirmN.
.Irn'ksnn 1 lill and
'an on Ci ty p,
A 'wa . on Ij.iii ! A! n a rju.-mtitv of
( (i:.ido5 of .Ni;T ;0. I.. Wc also
ket-j liiiinl kinds nl Wn i'l. All or-clci-
i.rn:;'ly delivrnvl. I .rave orders
at jr i ' 'i ui s'.o: c of A . 1 1. Wuckljath & Co.
Missouri Coal, ta nnine Canon City ('on!
Leave orderj at F. S. White's Store.
House Furnishings,
Our stock is complete In all lines and we
Invite our friends to look it over. We will
endeavor to please you. Call and fee us.
fSiicec'ESor; to i.tiry Honck.
f-- 'vfxi:fZ'ji7
Finish Him, Old Boy !
Uncle Sam t-ay-i to his
p'ucy lighter.-. 11". will finish him,
no duuM, in a rnaVcrful a manner as
we will tiniih your linen, after putting
a beautiful color up n it. Oirlaundry
work is ppr'i ct, and anything sent to
this "t b i.-.h merit to i laundered
will gi v ; p rfct p iti.-f icti jn, as well
as err tificition. Shirts, collars and
cuffs ar.3 in ide to lock jjst like new.
South Sixth St.
Thousands of pe.noce have been
cured of piles by using Do Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It heals p-omptly and
cures eczema and all skin dirieafttfs. It
gives immediate relief. F. G. Fricko.