Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 28, 1898, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly Hcws-Hcra'.d
. . . II V Tlir . . .
NEWS l'UHl-ISIIlNfi t.o.urAls V,
M. I). IMH.K, 1 HIT' H.
Olio Yenr, ill :t.l riiici',
Six Months
One Week,
biiikfle (Jopii
t.... V.. .if in l vrtiicc ?l ,)('
l K' j .... r
Six Months,
or any Cass County P.".:" r.
To IIKAD tlii ticket tor l'.iuj, v.'5i;ii
the mullet' with Dn'.Vf.V .'i'i'I Mi,W mm?
Til K only win- i-.-uo I L i -i y-:i ? i-'u
beat the enemy, nii'l s..; ;i I ! we e;i n
from tho friim- nts. l.'nn-e c-l .. :i i n;.'OIH;il t I'.'l. Ml.
AliMlltAI-SAMI'MlN i- t in; f(-,l'i
for ii lij.f h'otirth of .Inly eel. t .-it ion at
Sinti.ijro. H" show the :-; : i i ; 1 1- i
the wjirmert timu t li.-y will ' v r !i r.c
until tho go to (he ; ii r w !u.
Till-: l)ini,'ley revenue !.iv p'..-.-oxni'ily
whnt repuhlieruis e'.i.iin il foi
it, mid for three months it li s'.jten
returning it million !,.l:r. :i i :.Y '
tho nntioriiil trensmy, v. Licit is h.oiv
than our ex pen (i i I'.i ! es.
C'OL. lillYAN's i-iraee t !!.!
pori;ilisin has plo'iseil Lis h.i!ov.-r.
iun;i.ingly, some ol whom coiao ( ui
openly iitid mlmil llitl .-iiver i- :i ! h
issuo, find th;it the ne.v oiie is :u thv-
have to in;:Ue a st iml on.
H. J. l!i:iiKF.TT is the cho'e'e (!'
Lancaster county for congress, !,.; in
was given the rijjht to ;-e!-i i s:x'y-en
of his friends to go as deiegiil -s. The
light was a warm one, I i;t I In; I: -it
had a few mote votes in t ho conven
tion than Judge- Hall.
Sli NATO II JilLLY MAsoS h::s c 'M e
out of tho gloaming to say In' is op
posed to annexing lli3 1 'ii . 1 i j;" nes.
Since Hilly m:de his war sjn- 'ch ue
supposed he would he in f.ivor of an
nexing tho earth, hut it seen,., In.-. i
not as rod-hot an American as he
It is now made certain that the
bankers and plutocrats will not. In
given any of the new toad-, as Un
common peoplo have aheul taken the
entire issue of $:200,OIHU;OI. Thn fa.-!
effectively silences the yawp of I'm
World-Herald and its kind about tie
whole affair being in the inU-rcst o!
Wall street.
OUI1 old frienu Jleilo ei ! was
k nocked out by thesupt en.e coaitin
his effort to regulate the te'.epiioi.e
company according to his ide:!s (!
what it ought to charge for tie 'is o1
its phones. Some people wold I ii!:
to have the government ilx a nrico v.-.
everything, and take full clir.rgo o:
the earth and planet-.
WUYLKH says he would ha v.; strui-k
terror to the Yanuce heart il he had
been at the head of the governim-nt,
by taking tho oiYen-ive. If the oid
bragcart only knew it, he h is been as
offensive as possible, Mid il is lie
prayer of the American people that
he come within s'riking distance.
The American soldiers v.i.l d lh
denied a proxy in the national popu
list committee m-joting at ) uaha, by
the use of lifty or sixty other proxies,
amoug which were more than a half
dozen from Mebra-ka, threatens to get
even with tho fu-ioii gang by running
for governor of Nebraska. Paul would
thus become a thorn in their tleh for
a fact. Ex.
IT 13 quite pleasant to once more
noto the perfect accord of G rover
Cleveland and our Col. Cryan. Ibiih
are outspoken against the capture of
the Philippines and holding thorn as
apart of this country. The annexa
tion question is a grave one, and
whether right or wroag it is pleasant
to seo the two democratic leaders
more in harmony.
Dll GnOTHAN, a pop mem-be;- of the
last legislature, was yosterday ap
pointed surgeon for the third regi
ment, to take Mercer's place, he hav
ing failed to pass. Its too bad Hol
comb can't appoint ofheers for the en
tire government. No one but pops and
soft shell democrats wou'd draw big
salaries. Ilolcomb's course is very
different from McKinley's.
TlH-: flagship of the America i t'.eet
off Santiago has no white ll igon beard
and when the Spaniih Hug of truce
boat came out of the bay to inform
Admira' Sampson that llobson and
his men were safe, the American boat
sent out to meet it had to be equipped
with a tablecloth tied to a pole. Samp
son evidently went down there with
no expectation of having any u e for
a white flag. Kansas City Star.
THERE ought to be a vaca-it pro
fessorship in the Chicag) university
without delay. Von llo'.st of that in
stitution is criticising tho United
States in a public lecture for having
captured the Pn.lippines, when we
only wanted to frco Cuba. According
to this authority we ought to allow
Spain to mortgage the I'uilippines or
sell them to some other country for a
few millions to bo used in siaughter
ing American soldiers. Von Hoist is
an azel, and a ride on a rail would be
none too good for him. 1 ho sooner
such frauds are fired from our uni
versities tho bettor for all concerned.
why tik;y op.osu annexation.
"Of course rot. '1 lie hieh grades of
Miliar r lim d coming from
il-moiu u i Ue) t ; i i ; ! . t i Stale pay u
dm,,-. pn-liele of siiifar that
'ia ie, .-.hove. 1)7 p -r rente 'lues in with
a duty. It isshippt il directly to the
I'nioo Stiles It is almost a white
:t.i i i' :i toi - ii;.; ir. I have seen It rolled
oat fioai the reiinery, and of a most
il dihU'ul llavor. That is the reason
t'.e Mi;:iiP ten t is against aiinexatlon,
lie-.aii-.; i f a n ii i on can be defeated
i' i- s.:.(ii:(l,('lU a '-ar m their pockets.
A 'nil her iv;hi'i is that the younger
Sorer,,.- .- own-. l,tlOII aei'os of the
be i 1 hi 1 of th; lliwiiini island a
III a u . lirriil p iii tat i Oil l lid it IS CUlti- !
it.-d by ceitiai-t labor drought from
("bina. ai d Japan. Sorerkels knows
ti: it wh no vor the A mot icau Hag goes
u p o v r I 1 i wa i i t ho la ws of I ho United
S' ili s apply lo it, aad the contract i
1 ibor ui.i-t come io an end. This is:
one' i-. a .on for opposition to annexa-I
t on; it ;.s very ea i y explained; it !
ilei-s iml ta.iO-. in .m Words." I
' 1 1 . e f o . i g nil..' i
sp -. e.i ii. I: ver. il
an extract from a
in congress by a
il -iiioi-i a' 1." member, Mr. IJei ry. It
Ap:aiiei in s':upie and plain language
toe Mian.i i i l tiie opposition to Ha
waii m annexation al Washington.
-ei: lali e Ma.: Weil Voted against
au:o x .lion. Was il because thobugar
tru I h il convinced him of ihe wisdom
..I' tb ? policy, or was it because the
rei.a t.l!(. an party with which he
trail. ii: for too t -. cnty-ono years he
was in oilier, lavois a n lie xatioa ? Fro
;nait '. ri nil :
( '.':::: " :: i has replied to
an op :.. 1 ; ler it ide e-sod to him by a
can i jroni th i Nebraska regi
ment of In; ivy artillery wiiieh he of-f'-r--.1
to l ho government, and wiich
he ai crwai'ds e. mpelled to step asido
until l.e provided a regiment for Mr.
li.'.v ti i. U'o gaihereJ from a reading
of the g v. mor:s remarks II" at the
artillery committee in its spectfica
tioa.i of Pad faith and peanut politics
oi la p : i t of the governor, hit tho".- eye a fe vv times. The governor's
abored def.-n-o sets up the juslifica
!,io i t hat ho was not shown proper do
fereuoe at every st'j) and that if the
h- avy a ri'ib i-ts had salaamod to him
uitii b c unicg o'jo:s,t!!ce lie might
h-.v - kept liis word aad they might by
this lime, be dying with disease in
(lub i. T,.c next installment of tho
ii t. i-. stiaj- serial from the pens of the
eomm lt"i' will be awaited with a de
gr e of feverish expectancy, especially
bv ll,
rove. nor. Mx.
ll" will interest Cornel lians to learn
that President Sehurmaii has invileU
ll iwaril K 'sew.- ter, editor cf tho Om
aha II '.'.to de iver a course of lectures
on j -.ui-naii-iii du itig the next col
.egiate year. In making tho an
iioi.ncciiienl Urcsideat Sehurman said
iii il ho : bought was not as yet
i p'are for a ps-ofessor of journalism at
th.i eniv r ity, but he did think that
an aril" ;,i,.l conscientious newspaper
man, w h Las ba l largo experience,
m g;,t. in ihe course of half a dozen
eel "j.'-.-s. convey much information
f,"in wliieii students could greatly
pieiit. I'orrr. ll is lo be congratulated
upon securing Mr. J lose water, for he
lias as thorough a knowledge of the
j.i-irnr.lisiii of this country, at least, as
any iii-n in the work. His lectures
witi be w H worth hearing. Buffalo
Tin; d -clam :i(,ns of Senators Pen--ose
f Pennsylvania and Lodge of
;.I ;saebi.sji's that "Congress wiil not
ac;j inn ua'.ili t he II iwaiian resolu tire, voted up ui' is only another
eiu'ouragirg proof that the majority in
th-.' Sen .to thus not mean to bo brow
bo it. it into postponement by a minor
ity. The. e is evidence that the minor
ity is daily g-owing weakc, as shown
bv it- f liiii e to lilibuster overthecou
fcror co report on tiie bankruptcy bill,
and ibs eva-ion of a roll-call on Friday
last on S.natoi' Allison's motion to
ie 'en tho session by one hour in
order that the anti-annoxationists may
proceed to talk i h .-it- side of the tjues
tion lo death.
Tin: fiipi'iino court has finally
passed on the Omaha police commis
sion case, ard Holoomb's pets have
1 ceri kaocket1 out. The present board
wiil have to get out, while the old one
wi;l bo reinstated. Tho opinion was
by Commissioner Llagan, a democrat,
Xorvali aid Harrison concurring,
Sullivan and Irvine gave a dissenting
opinion. This is quite a victory for
i lose water, who has been luakinur a
hot light again t the present board,
aceu-ir.g t!io members of all kinds of
rascabty. The police force has been
demoralized, and now that tho matter
is s-btled givat improvement is looked
TliF famous Cadiz fleet under com
m cad of Admiral Camara has again
been definitely located. This time it
consists of twelve vessels, and is now
passing through the Suez canal on its
way to tho Philippines. The ships
arc all in poor condition, and the men
a. e iiii-erably clad and ill fed. The will take coal frorn French light
ers, and expects to reach its destina
tion in two weeks from today. Dewey
will be ready to receive them, and no
daubt will be able to show them a
warm welcome.
TiiK Spaniards are beginning to talk
po ;ce and have not said much about
honor lately. If the force at Santiago
eo add capture Cerveras fleet and rout
or capture- the soldiers, it certain'y
looks as if Spain wouid bo ready to
cry enough and ask for terms. Tho
foolhardy course of the Spaniards from
the first, however, does not specially
betoken a spasm of good sense at this
late day.
lleniber if yeu don't 6eo it in the
News, it isn't worth soeiug.
Sinco the Oregon return havo all
baen footed up tho aro more
than ever convinced that all patriots
ought to lay union politics this year
and join in lighting the common
one my. J loo.
Joe Inciter was a "bully" boy for a
time. Now ho is in the gloom o de
spond, and hear stories are very dis
tasteful to him. Fx.
The crazy Iondoner, who, in at
tempting the life of A mbassador Hay,
lugged tho Germ in representative,
could not have made a more sad but
glorious mistake. Hixby.
Whether King Monelik of Abvssiuia
will come to tiie Paris exhibition of
I'.KJO still remains an undecided ques
tion. Uut it is stated that his majesty
has quite ni ido up his mind to under
take a less distant pilgrimage in tho
course of that year. lie is very
anxious to visit Jerusalem, not merely
beeau-e he holds firm to tho Chris
tian faith, but in order to identify, if
possible, the very spot whore the
quoon of Sheb.i had her famous inter
view with King Salomon Home 15, 000
years ago. Tho queen is the founder
of his dynasty and ho claims her as
his direct ancestress, tho reigning
Xegus being, according to Abyssinian
tradition, tho ninety-seventh in do
scent from that illustrious lady.
The American Cultivator says that
the O' iginal G.eening apple tree is
still standing on the farm of Solomon
Drowne at Mt. llygei t in North Fos
ter, 11. I. Tho tree was a vory old
one when the farm was sold in 1801.
The seller informed tho purchaser
th it it was a pity the old tree was
going into decay, as it produced the
best fruit of any tree in the orchard.
The purchaser determined to see how
long he could keep it alive and it still
survives after almost another century
has been added to its venerable years.
But it shows sigi s of final decay and
the parent of all tho famous Rhode
Island greenings, which has set its
grafts on the orchards of almost all
the world will soon be but a neighbor
hood memory. It is doubtful if there
is a more famous apple tree to be
found in all Pomona's groves from end
to end of the e irth.
The Spaniards do not want to trade
llobson and his men for any of their
countrymen, because the Americans
know too much about the situation at
Santiago. This is the reason now ad
vanced, but the dons probably realize
that the market value of an American
like Hobson is greater than a platoon
of Spaniards. It seems likely that the
Americans will h ive to remain in cap
tivity until the war is over, and the
day of reckoning is come. Fx.
An esteemed Kansas City contem
porary is conducting a voting contest
among its Missouri and Kansas con
stituents on tho momentous question:
"What, shall we do with the Philip
pines?" It is interesting to note that
up to date the vote stands 087 for per
manently holding tho archipelago to
o-5 for turning them loose. Fx.
D. A. Campbell, clerk of the su
preme court and state librarian; was
reappointed yesterday by the court for
the ensuing term, which is defined by
the constitution as a period of four
years. Mr. Campbell's present term
ends July 14. He has served eight
years and during that time has
brought about many reforms in the
departments under his control. Law
yers throughout the state speak
highly of his service and praise
the ellic'ency and perfection of his
departments. State Journal.
Tho C. , B. & Q train out of St.
Liouis was held up Friday night near
White Hall, 111., and the engineer
shot by a masked robber, who then
fled. The engineer died ten minutes
Tho second largest distillery in the
world was totally destroyed by fire as
h result of lightning last Friday; loss
$350,000. It was lecated at Peoria,
Frank A. White made his customary
trip to the country the other evening
when some one changed a front wheel
of his buggy on behind and put the
rear one on in front. Frank drove
homo and did not notice the difference,
but when some memoers of the house
hold drove down on the street with
the buggy Friday, the mistake was
soon noticed. The laugh was on
Frank, aud he will take a hand out to
w itch the buggy next time.
A liood Game.
The game of baseball Sunday af
ternoon at the Chicago avenue bill
park drew a large crowd of spectators
and proved to bo a very interesting
game. The Indian boys won out by a
score of thirteen to seven. While the
Louisville team is a strong one, they
are no match for the red boys. It was
a hard-fought game and the spectators
enjoyed it very much. The Indian
boys play good ball all the time and
have been successful in shutting out
live or six teams thus far during their
trip east. They left this morning for
Tabor, la., where they play this after
noon. liacklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappepihands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or no pay
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale b'
F. G. Fricke
HoIihoii la In K:tnt tiiK".
Santiago ik CritA, Juno 'JO. Hob
son is in a t-pacious front room on tho
ground Iloo- of the barracks, in which
is a large window looking on tho road.
The food supplied him is good and
not limited lo regulation rations. Ilob
hoii is allowed wine, but some things
aro wanting in consoquenco of tho
blockade causing a dearth of many
articles. Hobson ban repeatedly ex
pressed to me his satisfaction at the
troutment nccotded to him. Nobody
hero prevents his sending a message,
but his rules of service forbid. His
men are in a room on the same floor,
with a largo door, in the upper part of
which are iron bars, facing tho bar
rack jard. Tho food is better than
that eiven to the Spanish saldiers, but
tho doarth of supulios causes very
limited choice. I visit them fre
quently. ItAMsUKN, British Consul.
A 1'lt'iiMiiiit Wedding.
A nice home wedding occurred at
high noon Monday at the residence of
Win. Foxwell on high school hill,
when his daughter Dora Maud was
married to Farnost M. Slattery of
Chadron, llev. Frank Campbell ofli
ciatihg Tho bride ii one of Plattsmoulhs
nicest young- ladies, daarly loved by a
large circla of friends.
Tho groom is a young attorney who
has been with A. W. Crites at Chad
ron for several years, and is highly
commended for ability and sterling
worth as a citizen.
After tho happy ceremony in the
presence of relatives and friends, a
sumptuous dinner was served, and at
3:38 Mr. and Mrs. Slattery departed
for their future home at Chadron.
Many nice present wore received and
heatry congratulations given the
happy pair.
Mrs. Cook f Des Moines, sister of
Mr. Foxwell and Mrs. Crites of Chad
ron were among tho guests.
TiiK News on behalf of many friends
extends earnest congratulations 'and
bor t wished
I'leiiHautly Surprinel.
Mrs. Lydia Liivingslon who is one of
tho early settlers of this county and
resides t-cuth of town about two miles,
was pleasantly surprised by a large
crowd of her lady friends and neigh
bors last Tuesday. She knew the day
was her birthday anniversary, bit
when I. Pearhnan drove up in the
morning with a nice easy chair that
had been purchased for her she in
sisted some mistake had been made
and did not dream of a surprise party
being in store for her. During the
afternoon thirty of her neighbors and
friends called in a body with ice cream
and btrawberrios and the appearance
of the chair was explained. They all
enjoyed the refreshments and had a
most delightful social .-.fternooa.
;ivf the Children a Drink
callel Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap
petizing, nourishing food drink to
take the place of coffee. Sold by all
grocers ana liked by all who have used
it 1 eeause when properly prepared it
tastes like the finest coffee but is free
from all its injurious properties.
G ain-Oaids digestion and strengthens
the nerves. It is not a stimulant but a
health builder, and children, ns well
as adults, can drink it with great
benefit. Coets about one-fourth as
much as coffee. 15 and t';V.
The report of the treasurer of the
prohibition state campaign committee
showed that for the last year $459.61
was received and $437.31 was paid out.
This is not a very large sum of money
to employ to carry the state for a
great moral cau.-o, but in view of re
sults it is doubtless encouraging for
ihe party to know it had something
left over. The balance of $22.30 was
a better showing than some of the
large parties can make. Of course
nothing had to be spent for the drinks
and this saves several thousand dol
lars in a campaign. Fremont Trib
une. Try Allen's Foot-Ease.
A powder to be shaken into the
shoes. At this season your feet feel
swollen, nervous and hot, and get
tired easily. If you have smarting
feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
Ease. It cools the feet and makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous
spots. Relieves corns and butions of
all pain and gives rest and comfort
Try it today. Sold by all druggists
and fhae stores for 25c. Trial pack
ape FItFF. A'Ulr s A let, S. OIti
5te;:d, Lo loy, N Y.
(Jet XV.3 Hi m .
The brighie-st. p-t, newspaper
printed in Nei es tre State
Journal. A 1 h va- nn 1 ihe
latest sj e. it'i ti t.n'ev - fr m Vvash
ington a: v u i ei.. V. . i. c- ni i g -b-scribe.
now. i. " s '' .) ur i'; and
Evenicg r w- e-dlv .; i pjrt
of the city t"r 2i ce t ; r i, .
tf i .o st.-i
The rc icr- .1 lu.- p
ie.uu that la. .-ro ; iv.- isi
that scic'ice h-i- L-.ji :i!.;..
stages, s'.i'-i tli.i: 'u '.'.itr.rr'i.
is the only po-ittvc n re ki
frst-.T!.!' v . ' riHirl. aci:: ;
. p. '.s , to
.. J : 'i.-joase
v:ure :a ail its
.. "s Crtt.-rrh Cure
;i to t;;e medical
.I'.stuutioual dis
case. I'.'iii"- a onsvutut: ...a: n -..enent. Hall s
Citar:i i u:c i-- taksit i --ru.i i. . acting directly
vyvn tv- bloo-.i .ii.J .::'je-.'i- -.-rfnecs of the sys
uni, ti.-.reby iI-i-to! -fj uon of the
disea-e. nod Ki.!: t'u- p.e;jni -tiouiiib by build
ing Uj- tie a:. -wiui!,.. n ai:.j H-r.:.' nature in
doing it. o.ik. I'ho j-re-r;.et..r.- .;ave so much
faith i:: its- cu at i vc powers that they otter One jv.... . i iot auy case that it fails to cure.
Send f ir "- rf t.?-tiTi -uials.
Addr-fss. .1 ':s vr i'.'o.. " r.e-Jo, O.
Too'-'H J'iintj'il t..
Descriptive cf Vellowrton National
Park rr.u il e unirre- resorts of Colo
rado an d ' n a n og, be.-i-.I-a maps and
illustrat o s, i tr ei' deal f info na
tion of interest to s'gar.-seers and
tourists. c:n be ha t by add . es-ine-J.
Francis, Geue:ai Passenger Airent,
Curling'oa Urate, Oni il..i, Neb.
The Wor d's be.-t 5 cert cigar, Wurl
Bros. Gut lleil, strictly Uuiuu made.
Every dealer handles them.
I H mm m mm m m m m m 0.
SOLD ill unuza
N EVER supplied except In
Sealed Bottles, bearing propria
tors firm name Signature thus
t From The- Register.
II. C. Strong went to liucolu Wed
nesday to order half a car load of Mc
Cor rnick binders shipped down lo II.
F. Kropp.
Ii. Wolph departed yesterday for
Crete to uttend a meeting of tho board
of trustees of Doano College, of which
he is a member.
Isaac Pollard & Son have a largo
force at work picking cherries which
they aro shipping to various parts of
the state. They expect to harvest
nearly 1000 bushels.
Company B was royally entertained
by tho Woman's Relief Corps in Piatts-
mouth Tues lay evening with a ban-
quo, A feat was spread before the
boys, consisting of tin best, the town
afforded, and they were honored in
every way pcssible.
A man stands no chance of being
sleeted to tho mayorship of a city unless
he enj.ys the confidence and esteem of
his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is
the popular rauyop of Swan ton, Ohio,
and under Oate of Jan. 17, 181M5, ho
writes ns follows: "This is to certify
to our appreciation of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. My family and
neighbors have tested it, and we
know it is an excellent remedy for
coughs and eoids. GkokuK W.
Hum TURK Y," Sold by all druggists.
The 1 u rlli t Omxha.
Hon J. M. Beck tho gifted Penn
sylvania orator will deliver the ora
tion at the exposition, and a splendid
special musical program has been pre
p ired. Ten thousand dollars has been
set aside for fire works, which will bo
the finest exhibition ever seen west of
Chicago. Many of tho pieces will bo
uicer than those at the World's Fair.
Tho grand court will be specially illu
minated. The en tire lit of attractions
on the midway will bo in the proces
sion i f all nations.
I desire to attest to tho merits of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one
of the most valuable and efficient
preparations on the market. It broke
an exceedingly dangerous cough for
me in 24 hours, and in gratitude there
for, I deS're to inform you that I will
never he without it and you should feel
proud of the high esteem in which
your Remedies are held Oy people in
general. It is the one remedy among
ten thousand. Success to it. O. R.
Downky, Editor Democrat, Albion,
Ind. For sale by all druggists.
We will pay a salary of $15 per
week :.nd expenses for man with rig
to introd uce our poultry Mixture aud
insect Destroyer in the country. lief,
required. Address with stamp, Pkk
kjsction Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan.
Investigation shows that men who
succeed are men of brains strong
nerves great will-power. Ordinary
food cannot supply the vital forces
which people with active brains and
bodies require. Bicola Pills feed the
nerves make the mind bright, mus
cles strong make flosh aud blood and
give po; feet health to Men and Wo
men. The Tuuneks of Phila
delphia make Bicola Pills
J E Iiuckey, ehief clerk Xational Hotel, Wash
ington, D C, testifies that he was all run down
was a shadow cf his former self Iticola Pills
gave him wonderful relief he gained over
twenty pounds after using them.
Selling Agent for l'lattsmouth and Casa
County, F. O. FRICKE & CO.
Turners' Little Liver Turners A very
small pill. Turn your liver. Cure sick head
ache Biliousness I digestion-
Annual Sales over 6,000,000 Boxes
gueh. as "VTind and Pain in the Stomach
Giddiness. Fulness after meals. Head
ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings
of Heat, Jjoss of Appetite, Costivenesa
Blotches on the Skin. Old Chills, Dis
turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and all
Nervous and Trembling Sensations.
will acknowledge them to be
BEECHAn s PILLS, taken aa direct
ed, will quickly restore Females to Com
plete health. They promptly remove
obstructions or irregularities of the sys
tem and cure teick Headactie. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion '
Disordered Liver
Beecham's Pills are
Without a Rival
And ban tke
6f any Patent Medicine lntbe Woeta.
25c at all Drug Stores.
Con trn. c tor
Builder. Contracts taken for the election-oi-Residence.
Barns and auy kind of caxpentei work, in any
part of the county. Cail on or. address
.T 'I: -I'lilMiiii oil. r i
MSP toe
I ll'1
.'OA7T1 I
Hi'l iH'Art ev
j a
5.;i":'Imcubato,r e broodeo ca f -f . .
t.l'tli'H lillOiiiNCY 1LL.U.S.A.
i m mmm miaiMJ&jQ,--.
To Every Purchaser of Ten Dollars' Worth
of Merchandise irom
The Leading Clothier.
You can hardly afford to miss this chance.
If you have never bought anything from
MORGAN, now is a very good time to get
You do not have to buy that amount at
one time. We furnish you a ticket and when
that is punched full, you get the case.
We have a very strong line of Clothing
and Furnishings.
Not low priced, but highest grade at fair, honest prices. You know
our reputation. We say these are the Lest paints we know of. You'l!
say so too after ycu have used them.
Con tinue to do a leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Stress, - - - r sUsnioulh, Neb
il TLbz Smith Premier ' Jv r,cvV:;itcr.
Omaha Branch 031co, cor.
1 L U.MJV'jmi
Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S KIIKUMATIC CURE. The
surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee. Pi ice 50 cents
Sold by dmggists
arnple sent free on mention of this nuhiication.
A B El
For You
- -ot- -ac-:-!- -;:-- -o-
Cupboards, Shelves,
Bath Tubs,
! Buggies,
Farm Tools, Etc.
A special paint for each pur
pose, not one slap-dash mix
ture for all.
f3 all the Latest Xrrtprorcmcr.ts.
popular Bceauoe cf Merit.
Jost Durable Typewriter Made.
premier Buyers do JSTot Gpcrimciit.
drite for Jtv? Hrt Catalogue fret.
"Cbc Smith premier Cypcwrxtcr Co
8t"-.icu9, ,N. I- . & H.
Sov?rto ' n 1
C ipl IT) -
on a positive guarantee,