Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 28, 1898, Image 1

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TIIK NKU H, F.HtnblnMw Nov. 5. lH'H
l'LATTSMOUTir, NKIt.. JUNK 28. 1898.
VOI,. VL NO.f.l.
I II K III.KAU). IstublibKtU April 10, iWA. (
ConHOtldatod Jan. 1. M5.
The Latest
Souvenir Spoons
Battle of Manila, Battleships,
Maine, Iowa,. Oregon,
Indiana, Texas, Massachusetts.
due on bonded indebtedness, and sink
ing fund, as follows, to-wit:
For salaries of city mayor, council
men, city clerk, city treasurer and
city attorney, tho sum of $1,500.00.
For printing 200 00
Boarding prisoners 3'K) 00
Streets and grading 2fi0 (Hi
Hydrant rental 43(A) 00
lias and electric light "S00 00
Incidental expense f00 00
Expense of parks 2-5 00
Interest on B. & M. K. K. bouds 221 50
Interest on Keartoi. bonds l&iti 47
High School bond interest 4UM5 00
Sturm water seer bonds interest 3250 00
Intersecting paving bonds interest (V)0 00
Omaha & Southern K. K. bonds int 210J 00
The City Board Meets, But
Docs Little Business.
ititd Do; Will lie Hutclierfd A Number
of 1 iiirtvfiii'iilM Ordered - Other
Local KyentM, ;atli-rel
Here ami There.
Opposite Bank of Cass County
V V H A u A
Snyder & Co., Jewelers and Opticians
See Them in Our Window.
The World Beater.
Pearlmun talks Husiness, and means Uusiness, when he says
The Herrick Refrigerator
is tho best in the Market, and if he can't Drove it. ho will ive
you one. That's certainly a Fair offer.
The Princi-
e of the
is found in
this Cut. Q"
v 1 v
Tho warm air rises, as Everyone know?, and
keeps a current moving all the time.
as shown above
ess jlnEf
A ) 11
none of mcp.oce s
Here is the style of the old
ber Pearlman sells the best,
and its the HERRICK.
Here is one of those
who are either so prej
udiced against all ad
vertised remedies, or
have become discour
aged at the failure of
other medicines to help
them, and who will
succumb to the grim
destroyer without
knowing of the won
derful value of Foley's
Honey and Tar for all
Throat and Lung troubles.
For Sale by SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO.
111 fTffi OKWJH
5 r r
THEY carry the largest and moat complete line in Cass county. 12 Every
thing fresh and new; They" pymOToufr goodrand give their custo
mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete , line of canned goods
rV H. WECKBACH & Er Waternian BIk.
i j "1 L i carry iate-L auu uiOat codpiete line m Cass 'count v. Ohverv-
ff c z r-:
.the a3?fc2 w!2Mm &--xZk-i"?&on
jb.t4iAre sold direct to the con'
lamer for z& Tears at whole
sale prices, saving
tea IsrrfaJ Sts fS
Tt3 styles of Vehicles,
&3 styles of Hani
111 u
1 A M
- -ittt J AO -Tun
tlttr SurrOiBarnesa. Price, i(
Q.- 1 Jr n s is msj fsi 1
H U S . .-J . . .
re vji J'an ea alJ xir-ass ?
1 Jbz?
The fouticil met liiat night in rcgu si'nion. Mayor llichey not appear
ing a 1 a very early hour, President
Sattlor called tho council to order.
Tho roll was called and all mem
bers save MesKcrsmith answered
presi lit.
Minutes of tho last meeting were
read and with few alterations were ap
prove!. Communications from Standard Gas
and E.rctric Light company to furnish
napthii for the gas plant for tho en
suing y ar was read, and mayor and
cl rk authorized to make contract.
Hoard of health reported regarding
tho old foundry that was in a danger
ous condition, and on motion the chief
of polieo Wiis ordered to tear it down,
to teli tho roof and brick and apply
proceeds on back taxes due against
the pronerty,.
l ire committee reported new hose
recently purchased all right and pay
nient will be m ale for the same.
Cas and light committee reported
two propositions from J. M. Johns re
garding the operation of tho light
plant. The propositions were not suf
ficiently definite to suit tho council and
ttiej- weie, theiefoie, not accepted.
The following report of the light com
mittee was then adopted:
io the mayor and city council of the
city of I'Jat tsmouth:
1 iie undersigned, your committee
on lights, beg leave to submit the fol
lowing report and recommendation as
to the communication of J. M. Johns
superintendent of tho electric light
p.ant, relative to unloading coal and
hiring and discharging men directly
under him in the employ of tho city,
as follows:
We recommend that the superin
tendent of the electric light plant be
authoii.i d to suggest to the mayor
and council tho appointment of such
help in the gas and electric light plant
as he may deem suitable in qualifica
tion for the employment in which they
are to be engaged, and also to dis
charge all such help whenever he
deems tho same incompetent or unfit
to discharge their duties subject, al
ways, to tho approval by the mayor
arid city council of any action ho may
take in so discharging such employes.
We further recommend to the hon
orable mayor and city council that the
said superintendent notify the chief of
police to unload tho co il necessarily
used in the operation of the electric
light plant, and that tho resolution
heretofore adopted, relative to such
unloading of coal, bo reconsidered,
and said extra help allowed.
The light committee asked for fur
ther time in which to place lights in
front of county jail. Granted.
Bids for city printing were opened,
read and referred to finance commit
tee. An ordinance regarding the time for
opening and closing saloons, bowling
alleys and biiliard halls was intro
duced, read first time and referred to
judiciary committee.
Whalen reported the approach to
hose house on Wintcrsteen hill in bad
condition and chief of police was or
dered to fix it.
Lutz of the Fifth reported a bad place
on Lincoin avenue, also one on I'atter
son avenue. Repairs ordered.
A side walk was ordeied laid along
the property of Mrs. Chaplain Wright,
council pay the bill and charge up to
the property.
Tne following bills were reported
by tho finance committee arid warrants
ordered 'drawn for their p3y'm'entVr ' ei
-u:j '-v-rti u". up-at 3 01 ue. od.
ISe's. pnntrng,, 19 00
Hugh ft6"bl-AV.' iaWW iM1.1? .'.? d laid .alon
ftVtt&rt Wrni:y jtaniil its,, c aic. .Wr.i g hta
W.LittribfcaHi bttfjiS:4'!d--oh-ar-;je--ip
.j;;uao,4iJdoi(krsame 1 25
J Andersiii street work., 5 25
Al 6fN'lur, sinned .V? . J.'! . ??: . .,.'?.l,f' rS
JbJni Kildow, SrfrrreVP.y.".
Rotiart C&rrirsi 8ani4cM.: . I
mirs uenanCKsen, same .7 5(J
ji.McCpoi, saiie i '.'JJ.'.". '.v. . .v.':: :::: if to
V L ; Stabling, ' sanje-.r...." . ..'.' 0 (W
U, I .Suiitli,- iiau'ling lips'e , '. '. .'.'..'.' .' .'.7 .' pO
Lymau Kiido'w, wrapping nbzzle.7 .' .77 '. 1 00
? ," ' , .,. street work II... 777777.7 12
Total 24,677 U7
It was reported by White that there
was a supet lluity of dogs in tho city
ana 110 tnougnt a systematic war
should bo waged against them, par
ticularly since the hot weather is com
ing on, and tho brutes aro becoming
dangerous. Officers instructed to bo
gin the war.
It wus reported that cows aro allow
od to tramp on the sidewalks and thus
break a great many boards. It was do
cided that each offending bovine here
after should bo arrested, placed indur
anco vile and fed on broad and water
Adjourned to Wednesday night.
Attractions of the National Kdarational
AHHuciatlon .
The meeting of tho national cduca
tion association at Washington, July
7 to 12, promises to be one of more
than ordinary interest. The general
meetings aro to be divided and will
offer a choice of program. Tho quali
ty of the program of tho general and
trie snecal meetings alike has never
been surpassed. As to tho city itself,
it is a place every American should
visit and study. As congress will
probably be in session, there could bo
no more favorable time than while it
is tho center of the great preparations
now in progress for the war with
Spain. Even if congress should ad
journ, there would remain the attrac
tion of the work of the departments
which will not relax during the con
tinuenco of the war. In additien to
tho many places of interest in Wash
ington, arrangements havo been
made for railroad and boat excursions
to all points of interest in the east
Parties going from Nebraska will
take the most convenient route to
Chicago, arriving there the morning
of July 5. From there the party will
go together on a soecial train over
the Pennsylvania route, arriving in
Washington the afternoon of July 6
Arrangements havo been mado for
meals for the regular excursion party
between Chicago and Washington at
50 cents each. Those not wishing
meals can avail themselves of tho
lunch counters. Those desiring sleep
ing car arrangements should write the
member of the committe of the initial
route. Those who desire to join the
parly whether teachers or not should
inform the committee in order to in
sure arrangements lor their accom
S. W. Crabtree, Lincoln, manager,
Superintendent J. T. Morey, Kearney,
U. P. system; Superintendent A. A
Heed, Crete, Burlington system;
President W. IL Clemmons, Fremont,
F. E. & M. V.; Superintendent Miles
Marsh, Pawnee City, Rock Island
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirety from the pain and the
second afforded corrplete relief. In ' a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. Mokeaux, Luverne,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
What, does, it
ei there ?
U :va a; v. w;t rr aiJ e
. ;,'-.. U.i,Y-iO:M(tJ 25 SO
1.00. va": Sena for Tart.'Tre w Ko. CM Snrre.Tl r"ii;e. with enrtains. lamps,
w .t.injm ? U Pur S'l'es- . sbaae, aproa and leaders, Sw. As rood um..i (or JV
e fi.Ve
1 1 it viei c f Vehi4?
nnd ad lOiJI
! . t' fl . 1 ... " J
2i Hcxaiia(,im:
Ll5ier,Vj,aj,si.'rM Citaii ius if ai our t
pei1 floZgn,- Estra--3uu bluumlug plantg
23 cents per ttoreftiiat L. A. MooraV
TStepaone No.el.r)vith residence, eat '
and ad joir7. MWd'.3 r yf.rJs. j
h rolef KMire cJitW-i- saerfe;
Vemedy f6rfa'kJndsofJildney andi
bladder mlseasoftral mixture, 20 cents '
per dozen, rxira, lino blooming plants
25 L-orits pei- dozen at L. A. Modra's
Telephcne Xo. lo.
Troths Ttrstlj Told.
Foley's Kidney Cure ia a ?afe, sure
remedy fvr all kirjd 1 kidny . ?nd
e acres thesfdenceCa a
xiing By tVW sWiVr&.e.-
9eHs TnTtsfamilv. rrrdteftrrSible
ar ti cle. lfe&m'$eltl:wx''lai& Icon fiiWn t al !
EJHrsPi nIgrrefml.VlW1eritSf term fWJfl fetwo4fiiP4irp. Send
-te4ty and ooouno your field. .
tan euru
permanent Undo r.iiiug "Iron i te. " '
SeThe; fiJu,l c5.rjtin.ue31 .oj Lhej
VrT'for five two-cent stamps. Seed
today and secure 3'our field.
Ikon-ite Mfi. C.,
JleDouioiieo Falls, Wif.
Tue Gut Ileil continues to head the
r. Ask for no
i.JO -COllt
I-'at Xvvan. same " ...... 7. . 7 77 7 .'.7777'
Jacob. Iiatc.sf saiiie, . . . . . . .'. . '. . . 7 77 . 7 7 7
Urr.ia ?, saaiQ- ;
plau? hi6sejsam'-7''.. .7777 7 77 :
Arthur Carraat, same! .7.7 .7.7 777' 77
Cieif Ivkctrit t'o, supplies. . 7 7 7 . 7 . 7 7
,v ecjcoaioli -V Uo,. col ...
II, Scnea'iaferV nfc'.at light '.station". 7 77
I'ouoford Warbvirfoji,, paint snib"istack7 '.
U..C H.jrr. collector three months. 777 7 7
li Kii jow, labor. light plant. . 7 7.7 '. 77 77.
Jiuiirii,&. painting water tank. . 77
i Atv.opJ Co, car coal. .7 7.7. 7.777
Cie-j V(tibijrj. JVtiing sidewalks'. "7.7 7.7
Cb;Ty!tx,. hauling dead horse.... 7... '.". ".
h m K.iy reigttt ; . .'. ......'.'77. '.
!" M Ji i uh e ; t l in b e r.. . . . , , j. ' ! '. '.. '
S J.j llail Jc 5jyu.iiajiiare,.,... . . .. .
, K ;H y t o u , t. u r v t; y u ig a l) e y . 7. .7 7.
fJlws T.Dabb, seric;s .Jig lit plant..'.
12 00
8 10'
i 20
29 25
3(J 00
,5 bb
is bij
... 16 0
71 7 6b
77 916
7. 64 id
j iw
Ji ie
7." us T't
... ,,005
te&yitt atrsdaL4pleYe iveer la
mines.? aw much .have thnv nrn-
TOcnrnmi way edib ta d upjrfiajfiDut
waged ar& jpaid 2 n'a iiyADgje.xpensivef
a What are we'a cha-afccs-at-'making a
strike?" Combrte?ttild satisfactory
rehesf'toth dfeofef-queititSris
dyke oldff'r" ho' ready Ifodidlritya feifefeTn 'frames d?:lt)Fatibat'in?e
malior ajid v'a,nK; uVto-Via te ma bf
Atftska-'atid the felofa'dfcV:' lFfivftij
Hif lin go tPf 6 utrf t bi6T 6tii cmW
orf V'ecei pt Foureen't l n-itkm'i'!bjr
fcrVAW Vnmtri.-i'KUWJJicii roc
It wft-d-ciajedrwiii;n .'tha oouncil ltd
JcJarti it itdj6urnarto H Wednesday night
.to cCTrUfv up bldevvalk1 "costs to couhev
ltreaurr thattthey be taxed up agacsi
thfe :propertyber ;r
7 'S!jventl' sidewalk" - resolutions wfere
XnWodiic'feJ'a'na 'irdbfited'. - 00
lho finance committee reported the
fol lowing, estimate ,pf .the . probable
amount of money necessary fprallpur
.poses to be raised in the Citv ofPlatts
.mouth, Cass, county, Nebraska, during1
lUe flical year ending in August A. D.
, Sf'J. -including interest and principal
routo s"Kioc-
dvke i: older-. tnv-rtt-t.--fty distrihu-
g:5. jgatTfi;m;lHet.ia, , Free at
i)urliGgloHA"tWni!krk,es or sent
o:JfWjrSi i WttteVtD-aoetifej siiletigeps for
thii ftnbas Meoddta- Qft. cballu'Also
ChpHW th4eeg rudes of hard coal,
ur'i tLVliirkflfty J"ou tosee Water
Tan. Oliiee tt Ue rear of Water
man blocklbtf'Fifthtrfefrt1
Johu Wotei'iLinn ;'eie agent for
the faYb?P yW:ST?Sft?f..on 7o
wJtjh yqy yo.ur,pocket c.lw.ok) jisi
5-te2r,ulftWfiYei?n ?Mm&
rMSGT&H a fr b wfil-5 rcay? H" ara
Singt watae ft tb'roAre likel-v to
need it.
o n
18 lbs best granulated sugar $1.00
Bucket Syrup 45
Bucket Jelly 40
2 lb package Oatmeal
Price baking powdor, 1-lbcan...
I'rico baking powder. J-lb can...
Bon-Bon baking powder, 1-lbcan
Calumet baking powder, 1-lb can
1 lb Pepper 18
10 cent sack of Salt 05
15-cent sack of Salt 10
Best Salt, 2-50 lbs 1 00
Lemon extract, per bottle 05
Vanilla extract, per bottle 05
Coal oil, per tral 10
Now York ('roam Cheese l'i
Good bucket l'i
Best fibro bucket , 2f)
Bran, 100 lbs 55
Elegant Hour bins 1 25
Lamp chimneys o."
Argo gloss starch 01
Argo corn starch (U
Best crackers, per lb 4
1 doz. clothoa pins 01
California Prunes, por lb $ 0.".
Elegant Raisins, por lb 05
li packages Parlor Mateln-H 24
Dwight'ri Cow brand Miila, per lb. 07
Soa , 1 5 ba rn 25
llutlermilU Soap, .'! bars (IS
Special lciui.1 coffee, p'-r ll 10
Special brand tea, pur M 25
.'t-lbcan tomalocH OS
2-lb can corn 07
2-lb can covo oyntors 15
1-lbcan covn oystefH )H
llest tomato Cat-sup, por bottbj... 10
l-'ancy glas mustard .... ... 10
Condensed milk, .'(tans 25
Good poaches, per lb 07
Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth.
Strap Bow Sandals.
Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is better...
We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from the most reliable manuf i cturers in tliD United
States, where nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes aro refused by an expert,
and not permitted to pass to the trade.
We did NOT receive a palty consigDment of Twenty Cases of STUFF that look like Shoes,
and then swell up and advertise "the Largest Stock" of shoes, to induce you to our place of business, and
then comDel you to look with chagrin and disgust on tho small assortment and make shift with something
you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading statements, for wo have. . . ,
L.jt, pariniLiaa to pats to taa trade.
So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to stand and scratch yo ir head and
wonder wtravto OT,fdrwfe HaW an IWi3aHr:MlT,eahH Gc
M?ftne7.0.1? to loK with chagria and disgust on the email assortment ar.d n.ko -7i.'t, v, 7.i s-;.,..Li:jg
you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading atatrLeuts, r r u -ivi
Rte5ihK9Y?lsf hSoi f weatnerlfl:kootwearf;A
InfantsWa loHkJy JM &okWM, MlVMf
dbi!3jQBccVS,li60w-iSAa ;., - i
OhHd'S' Eitk -'Ca.W5'8t86dWBW'av4) 95cs HHMlitsfiChoo. (extra fine) iuttou,2 to nVsTc -Ghlid'
CxiMffftil-bflttowH1 Saiaa4ff?tl5i ;toi InJanteT (Rcdr. and -B-Luo, Suilrh) iXr.v iy.tlltl)oa
PKjliillQiO'to Sl.lo. gola button 75c.
Mifso' Extja firyp (Anril ifttom) brw Sandls, llio ChiJd'jS Vesting Top. ax tr-i fne Choc, bow 1.25
2's-si 4g w NpyefiP5 in nor wc-mlt HotKear -
Mi-ses' Choc, strap bow SandaIs,Tf lo 2s 90c to If. XhnTs Vnvil fetlom CTio"5.t hi1 to 11 ? J. 25
Jebloatd atriwttbtliv8ttoqi-i.73c! to &--"5c. Infato L35.-j -r, b -Hon u"- V . -
tkffiiV 0Wd9-i-tS? I.t,1.69.l3, 1's to S'9 C5c. XlUle-Gdo to!,: paL ..baolc strap, 'Si to ll
Child's Extra tlue Choc, strip San da'. 3 S5o ar.d 95c. la'.n-" ( :ho'' .'v'-a ":.- -' .
Child's Extra line SfMfcl&O&l
li III Ji.lO. i-r -- -.
i j j.. . , ilMii
I Ladies" ()yfo.ds-.?l 25, 1.50, ?1.6-3. Little G,-nW, pat. hack st -:.p. -.- to H- 1.5... ff
A ord to Ph jnlclans. J
eu; pny5ici.aq5 v-na. ns.ipg r oit
trtid" Tar Cajugh Syrup in tf
leir pfac-
re prodi2 iTTgryriy
wnen taxen eariy it prevents consump
that gives as saTfsractory resulfsfof 1 bfomot relief FCl FZittZ-' f tiOMV ?w exwxlin& pfisafiltHxn
ujr "k Aialluu
frin tno-t
am sole,
a -eesr.::ry. atl;cie
e, fluent in Plaits
ft of
1 niterj'our rn-.-KeT. t'v.-i :s :
tne ceie.Di-3teaiiOUi?viii.e paving prlcK.
:il'Ui- 01 iM.iv s ( 'Mic ( ere.. 7" :-i m I
tseeone on estimates lor paving or pav-i
i.j3o,uie pcoyeuiioo or Wraui.j Je- 1
in it materia . 1 W rr it C"
The 11 nance committee reported the
following estimate of tho probable
amount of inoiu-y necessary for all pur
poses to be raised in the City of Platts
mouth, Cits county, Nebraska, during
the flr-cal year ending in August A, D.
i ;'.,,
-tsmputn for
' t';.j! i is a
Q VI nrr hrlflP
ng or pa;uicui5 ui ujc ine:s oausou uy a
change of water. You are likely to
neod it.
Pjvlo? Krlci.
I am sole sgent in Plattsmouth for
the celebrated Louisville paving bi ick.
See nivj on estimates for paviag or pav
isg tca:eria7. W. J. V.'iiixr.
all throat and lung complaints as this
great cough medicine.
hohe yqrlSftplainiOjnts
b,ardypg r zn nj a V a wi lhlrjgmi
aif veaf, tai su.:sctioor-8JIgrefef-.,
bpRe)at and lung cot. plaints as this i
-rCefWasHi8oap at Zuck-j
w??Tc ?a plants in bud 40 cents
per dozen. Geraniums, 50 cer.ts to
21.50 per dozen. Also a choice lot of
hardy perennial plants that will bloom
this year, at L, A. Moore's greenhouse.
1 .1 I 1J L''HrlT Cl
in your oatlles against aiease dv
Get Wftih-a-Lone
soap at Zack'
WonderfnHj Iow Hat. --- - -
Tnlordec lobefteiirea pid n -foe itbe sh ar
rvB fieddeD Kans and Oklnhona -.ihe
"3LrP. rpilye-will:Bell-.103i ticket lp
hy:p0it orfciH Jijie,9t Jo caUDtry
Btxeguiari rxUat'groxtdgitfr' t three i is
pons.plTbI.i3 a i-'edoiarrrbly liberal act
on the part ef tho M. P. aad will give
any manvwiWwanls workKchance to
git itlder to t-ecure men for the har
vest fields of Ivans and Oklahoma the
M. P. railway will tell oaa ticket to
any point on its lines ia that Country
at regular rates gcol for three per
sons. This is a remarkably liberal act
on the part of the 2,1. P. and will give
ary ruan whj waata work a ehf.cce to
get it.
umbugenv'll. r In Six Hoar. Jid"
Pistrosslng kianey ard bladder ji-
S-fTeVid in ri3COlrs by "TfcS
Iiksrt EsTCTH :lltjLtr:&f i KlDVli'V
relieving pain in biaudcr, kidneys and
retention iklqi0iit14rnn,fdj'-ly. If you
want -quick- relief land.ouro,, , idtth
reuiedjj.i.-fciij.ld hy Qriny V,Ci J ; Vvy'
6 ie t vl at ts m tm t h A Nb ; c A - Ku;.-j.y
-L'i',ro pCRE1A,coLiil'is ViKii foA flC'
TaViif Laxut i v?B rrAnb-'Q o f nl ri e' fub re tM.
vil"-iiiifigg'fstsJ rhfarjA'Htinf ffit
'f alia 'td Curb'.S-VfJ'. ''The1 genoinc h'a?
TL;''fet:at-V- it joj
Aaiit quu'K rea-jf aad care, this is th.j
remedy. 6old by Goring & Co., Drug
gist, PlaXtsmouth, Xeb.
Take Laxat
All dru
Zii7s to ci;re
L. D. . ,
ixativo liromo CjfiT 't-bic-U.
ggists refi.nd tiil "vf