Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 25, 1898, Image 4

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ftpasri Suits
You can't duplicate them in the
state, taking Quality and Work
manship into consideration.
Alpaca, Sicilian Mohair and
Serge Coats and Vests, at all prices.
Have you seen their Straw and
Linen Hats?,
The People's Clothiers,
Waterman Corner.
. C-0-C
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Nurse wanted. Enquire of Mrs J.
N. Wise.
Japanese lanterns, now styles, at
House for rent. Inquire of John
Cool and refreshing 6oda water at
Wire and willow waste baskets at
Dress making, Miss Laura Twiss.
Union Block.
An election of officers at the Leagi e
meeting tonight.
Lemons twenty cents per dozen at
S. II. Atwood received a fine spaniel
by express yesterday.
Foil Sale A good milk cow. En
quire at Vienna bakery.
Don't forget the meeting of Ep
worth League this evening.
Great reduction in prices on gaso
line stoves at Coates & Co's.
The Epworth League meeting to
night for election of officers.
Holloway's popular steamed bread
is made of Heisol's best flour.
Good driving mare for sale. En
quire at Sherwood's shoo store.
The Puritan wickless oil stove, the
latest thing out, at Coates & Co's.
Go and see the Indian boys play
ball Sunday afternoon at the ball park.
The Evening News only ten cents
per week, you can't afford to do with
out it.
Enterprise cherry stoners that do
the work. For sale by W. W. Coates
& Co.
If you want to keep posted take the
Evening News, only ten cents per
Jointed fish rods, hooks, lines and
everything in fishing tackle, at Lenn
hoff's. See the game of base ball at Chi
cago avenue grounds Sunday after
noon. The ga'lant boys in Cuba have just
such weather as this, minus the
Girl wanted for general housework.
Enquire of Mrs. Henry Herold or at
the store.
Holloway's bread, which has taken
the lead, is made of Heisel's "Plan
sifter" flour.
Foil Sale A good young milk
-cmv. Enquire of James Barker, or at
News office.
John Likewise has been quite sick
for two or three days, but was slightly
improved today.
Hobson's choice don't cut much ice
with Cervera and it looks as though
ho would have to remain with the
Spaniards until we capture Cuba.
Peter Pitz brought in the first load
of alfalfa hay this morning, and J. W.
S.ige purchased it.
Kelly Fox got in part of his goods
today and will soon have his store
ready for business.
Bert Crissman has left Platte Cen
ter to accept a position in a Fullerton
meat market in Nance county.
I have a few atom sprayers, the best
made, which I will sell cheap. Call
at Joureal office. C. W. Shkuman.
The raspberry market starts out
lower than ever before. Nice berries
were selling today at 8 1-3 cents per
Wanted To buy a small house of
three or four rooms. Must be cheap
for cash. Enquire at the The News
Tramps fairly swarmed up along the
M. P. last night, but no depredations
about town were made that we could
learn of.
H. J. Helps and Otto Wurl each ride
new Crescent wheels and Ed Barwick
and Dave Hawksworth ride new
W. D. Jones has such a nice new
sidewalk in front of his livery barn
that he hardly recognizes 6ome of hii
old friends.
Louisville vs. the Indian boys, at
the Chicago avenue ball grounds,
Sunday at three o'clock. Admission
twenty-five cents.
Lost A book of Chopin waltzes, on
Main street or Washington avenue.
The finder will confer a favor by leav
at the postoffice, or News office.
The republican county central com
mittee, we understand, will meet in
Weeping Water about July 1, though
no formal call Las yet been issued.
Wanted Two good farm hands to
plow corn, best of wages paid. - Apply
to Charles Vallery, three miles west
of Plattsmouth, or Jacob Vallery,city.
All kinds of jewelry, clocks and
watches promptly repaired. All work
warranted. J. W. Crabill, first door
west of Waterman block, Plattsmouth.
Fine blooming pansies, for" ten days,
beginning June 13, to clear beds for
other plants, at only ten cents per
dozen, at L A. Moore's.
District court will convene tomor
row morning, when Flanceburg and
Moores of Lincoln will argue a very
important case before Judge Ramsey.
Sam Archer while working at the
shops yesterday had a rusty key driv
en into his hand, which laid bare the
bone, making an ugly wound that will
bo slow to heal.
Lehnhoff Bros, have recently re
ceived an invoice of incandescent
electric lamps in 16 and 32 candle
power, all in one lamp, which thoy
can bell .for the low prico of forty
cents. They are of the well-known
Fostorla pattern and none bolter are
made. Call in and see them.
The W. R. C. folks are serving din
ner and supper at their hall tod3'.
A square meal for ten conts. You
had better go thero for your supper,
atG. A R. hall.
The News list is rap'dly increasing
since the price was reduced to ten
cents per week, the old figure, and
the paper has not been cut down.
Now is the time to subscribe
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DoWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers cleanse the liver,
cure constipation and all stomach and
liver troubles. F. G. Fricko & Co.
Farm hands were never so scarce in
this state as right now. Tho war with
Spain has already taken a great many
able boditd men out of tho country,
and many of them from tho farms.
Thousands of persons have been
cured of piles by using DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and
cures eczema and all skin diseases. It
gives immediate relief. F. G. Fricko.
Word from tho Klondike has lost
interest to most people and but little
is said about tho gold fields anymore,
which in reality are little, if any,
richer than many fields right at home.
Tho popular sport among the boys
just now is going in bathing. Tho
water in the river is quite cool and
refreshing, and crowds of young people
have been taking advantage of tho
The boys say that when Chris
Peterson goes out to do street work
with his team he always carries an
umbrella. Chris hasn't got tough
ened up yet from his long siege in
doors. H. C. McMaken has a sample of war
bags and needle case at his office,
which may bo seen by those who de
sire to make any for the soldier boys,
who will leave us on Tuesday for Fort
The ice cream social out at Allio
Todd's, (the poor farm,) lust evening,
was well attended, and a lovely time
is reported. The refreshments were
nice, and the ride both going and com
ing to the city was especially enjoy
able. "I think DeWitt'a Witch Hazel
Salve is the finest preparation on the
market for piles." So writes John C.
Dunn, of WTheeling, Va. Try it and
you will think the same. It also cures
eczema and all skin diseases. F. G.
Citizens of Plattsmouth and vicinity,
your attention is called to the fact
that Dr. W. E. Flick an eye specialist
of great ability, from Kansas City,
Mo , is located in bank room in Union
block, where he will consult With you
free of charge until June 30.
E. B. Banks, of Lewisville. Texas,
writes that one box of DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve was wonh $50,000 to him.
It cured his piles of ten years stand
ing. He advises others to try it. It
also cures eczema, skin diseases and
obstinate soi es. F. G. Fricke.
Dr. W. A. Humphrey is in clover
this week knee deep. The national
convention of Homeopathic physicians
is in session at Omaha, where he is in
daily attendance. Many of the bright
est men in the medical profession in
this country are in attendance.
We are sole agents in Plattsmouth
for Eastmans solio papers, solio solu
tion, developing powder and every
thing for the e.mateur photographer.
There is no better cameras made than
kodaks. There is only one kodak,
Eastmans. Lehnhoff Bros.
Harry Northcutt received a letter
today from J. C. Burnham of Auburn,
who is with company C, of Nebraska
City, at Chickamauga. Ho says they
are comfortable there, but have no
idea of when they will be called into
action. They hope, however, it will
not be long before they can tackle
the Spaniard in his Cuban lair.
The cavalry from Wyoming, which
the Omaha railway officials said would
pass through here before 8 o'clock
last night, did not reach Omaha until
midnight, and passed through this
city about 4 o'clock this morning. A
few members of company B, were at
the depot to receive them anyway.
The train was in four sections of
twenty cars each, and nine of the
twenty of each section were Pullman
sleepers occupied by the soldiers,
while the others were palace stock
cars for the horses.
Co in n 11 jr II 1 1 1 1M
Captain Sheldon went- 1 1
P. E. O. Reception.
The P. E. O. folks will give one of
their swell receptions at Mr. H. J.
Helps residence this evening. The
men folks have been honored with an
invitation to attend. A delightful so
cial evening is anticipated.
Cherries ! Cherries!
F. S. White has arranged to handle
Henry Eikenbary's cherry crop,which
is extra fine. Orders left at the storo
can be promptly filled.
Today's Markets.
Wheat closes today li lower, at 66i
for September. Corn 4 lower, at 32
for July.
The commissioners finished their
session and adjourned today, after
making the June levy, which is a
little higher than last year.
Take the Missouri Pacific trains if
you wish to go to the exposition, as
they have the only depot on the
grounds. You can save street car fare
and avoid the crowded thoroughfares.
Lirge quantities of pansies, gera
niums and verbena's in blo.m ready to
plant out, at Moore's.
Jfyouvaut U smoke the best try
Wurl Bros. Gut Heil. The fineit 5
' cent cigar mad.
Tom Julyan was down from Gib-on 1 i,lst evening lu order to have an intor
todiiy. ! view with Vu'. Uy ti. lie learned
Will Archer is n ported hick at . that eempany li wo- Id i 1 culled to
llavoiock. I Omaha to ! mustered ir e ther Tucs-
Ilert Shultz and wife were t xnosi- I ,la ("' u'" ,hlOMl 1V ' f "i xl w,-,,,f- Sov"
tion visitors today.
Fred Denson and f.imily are home
from their visit to Denver.
Phil Thicrolf undo a drive acro-s
era! 11 i-mln-is of l!.- company wore
L-xtrusi il until Muh1.iv. arid thoy will
ifo 1 1 r 1 1 ' ai.d inaiiu linal airango
11K 1 T f--r tlioir d'-p:u turo.
a itrivo acro-s ! , (,.. 1 i,m.. .
the country to N.-hawka today. ' j WMI ;. , , .,. f( ;ir Ul.,t wilt ,',., of
Abe Becker, tho provost marshal! of , th- I,,. , s o 1 in weight might count
Liberty precinct, wag in town to-lay. ag iu-t ilou k far a - l r-,i nt
D. S. Guild enjoyed a visit from his ( h i- p-. ing "i tl. -.-my -m-
brother yesterday, who r esides in On.- genu's 1 : uuii at ion.
aha. 1
r mm
pt. tttv. m "v. n
e s rants f
A. M. Russell, attorney , of Weeping
Water, was in the city today on legal
W. K. Fox, stationer to tho Queen,
was a business visitor at tho metropo
lis today.
D. S. Guild anil Mr. Kami-son of the
li. & M. general offices, were Lincoln
Visitors today.
Charles Johnson, the barber, accom
panied by his wife, visited tho ex
position today.
Mrs. Fred LohnhotT is homo from a
pleasant visit of several days w.itJi
relatives in Iowa.
Mrs. Ed. Johnson returned to her
homo at Lincoln today, after a visit
with Mr. anil Mrs. J. W. Johnson.
Mrs. R. G. Tandy returned todaj' to
her homo at Crawford, after a viil
with her sister Mrs. Harry Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Munger are in
Omaha today, tho latter is in attend
ance at the Homeopathic medicai con
vention. Mrs. Will Car ruber, neo SLouten
borough, has been in the city two or
three days on a visit with relatives
and friends.
Fritz Otto, and Mr. Clements from
near Murdock were in town today
looking after soun matters in ti.o
county court.
Mrs Cupple of Chicago c-uiie out to
the exposition Illinois day and visited
her brother W. T. Melvin, returning
home this afternoon.
W. II. Bonscotcr and wife are down
from Sioux City, on a visit. They are
running a farm up that way and re
port the outlook for an enormous crop
was never better.
Frank Reaver of Des Moines, a
nephew of C. W. Sherman is in the
city, accompanied by his wife, the
guests of C. W. Sherman and Harvey
Hollow and family.
M-s. Streight, although eighty-four
years of age, is in town from South
Bend visiting her sons, II. J. and O.
M. Streight. She is accompanied by
her sir ter, who is sevency-six.
I. N. Stewart, who has been in the
employ of the B. & M. here for several
months, gave up his position yester
day and returned to his home in Om
aha, where he has secured work.
Fred Sodergren and wife, L. C.
Anderson wife and daughter, T. E.
Olson and wite, together with about
forty other Swedish Americans, went
to Omaha this morning to attend the
exposition, this being Swedish day.
Miss Tressa Hempel has gone to
Lead City for a motnhs' stay, while
Mable Roberts visits her parents here
for that length of time. Miss Roberts
likes Lead City very much, and she
says Miss Kate Hem pei is building up
a good business there.
Perry -I'll man.
On Wednesday evening, the 22J inst.,
about sixty friends assembled at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Pitman,
south of Murray, to witness the mar
riage of their daughter, Adda, to Glenn
Perry of Eight Mile Grovo. Rev. J.
D. Oldham of the United Presbyterian
church performed the ceremony. Miss
Ethel Perry, sister t fthe groom, acted
as bridesmaid and Mr. Charles Spang
ler as best man.
After congratulations were extended
the guests were led to the dining
room, which was beautifully decorated
with smilax,ferns and roses, and there
was served a sumptuous wedding sup
per. The bride was attired in a beauti
ful white organdie, while the groom
wore the coaven'ional black.
The presents were many and beauti
ful, among other things two bedroom
suits, rocking chairs, center tables
and many pieces of silverware.
The newly-wedded couple departed
over the M. P. railroad to visit friends
in Omaha and L'nco'.n. In the latter
piace a reception is to bj tendered
Mrs. Thos. Ke npster is in Denver,
so Mr. Kemp.-tir conel 1 Jed to enter
tain some of hi- gtMiil'.'(ii-'!i frit n -Is in
a proper in in er, au-J he i'iv: e-l them
to a '"K iusiiigiKii" i t y 1 i-t 1 vi-ning.
Wuisb was tho y jvai u : amuse
ment, ni l i;:e s .y ii H .-. in was
hilarious ov.-r wi .ui g ev .ri ,:nc.
The ne.giibor- v -v u wa , j .".lost
crowd lb t i-v -r .-t---i:. .1 '1 in that
part of town I J-s . 1 g over
his s 10 -os-i ill i', tho ' - i- '.v .l-in out
and stoo 1 iim o a and inuae
him 1 1 u r-i- : ti :: C ii.
It was t j ly - a J, trio refresh
m jnts we e 1 ef .- -i! . . s a l th cigars
we e tir.e. M . Iv .-iii j -si . t voted a
royal h s', ad it t.i iijl until a late
huur .ua guests repaired to their
homes. T.'i sc present w M-r? :
H.J. Hel:s, D. 2$. G-iiiJ, W. L
Pickett. C. A II .w, R. GuHd, C.
M. Bu.lor, A. C iielns, H. N. Duvey,
Kelly Fox, S Wilae, Joe Like,Lou
Egenborjrt", I'c W. Clements,
E W. Fat. L Atw .od and Gus
ft MAST fcHLtS 5 MAiu,
-i lnniil, v. 11. !m lit in my kffjv
1 r 1 -T .
I wan.'.i-r tho woi M. 1 I'll v.:.,...vr :;nin,
Willi Kliidm ss my j iutit ri wl t-ru ot h.-rs lcnow
w. -i-piii
Ami mirth for my siv;lin. .': when,
icikI p:iin.
With z.-st spc.-diiii; onv.-.-u-.I, T . .-. - t . l-o (-'over,
Ciud'H world in lis f;iirn-s i: lui tl-.ri-!it to
'Twixt nil- :in.l tho .sums'. iai. tlv r; n of no
All .-."It liiin-H ovnoint' I l::.i.'h ai.-l ;.'i fun.
Ail'Jwn j-.urnlo liill.s steal tho mists uf tho eom-iat-',
I'-ut 1.--.V lira my thoughts what that future
may be,
The lai ii'.s .-.l;y l.oru antln-m, tho volv.-t boe'a
Euuail s-.vh ur than lovo word or love son;
to m'.
Yet .s.iim tinni.s I linger and Lush ia my ;.u;;j
iiitf And wait for tho i-ii.ssinn of unsteady feet,
And si-h w hen I hour baby laughter mift rintf
intr. And wondi-r nwhilo if viy freedom bo .sweet.
Vet aoinet imi-s noineS wanting, uncheeked and
When cold lulls tind's bunlilit athwart tlio
I'M 111 KI1I.--S,
And down in the daiti.-s I kun l me, luce hid
den. And kiss the- kind earth baby footsteps will
London ypcetutor.
1 lie C'li iiiaiiiati'H Horse.
Tho Ciiin ;-o aro not UHulJy credit
ed with merciful qualities, but if tho
man i.s merciful who is merciful to 1
his beafct the quality must lie nat
ural to many Chinese; in America.
The tew C' in our jicat cities
who deliver yoods to their country
men or have other ukcs lor horsed
often possc:-;u sk:u3: and well fed ani-i
ends whoso care shows great fond-i
uess and generosity.
Tho Oregon ian says that thero is
a Chinese vegetable jieddlerin l'ort- j
land whoso two horses have long
been admired by his customers. He
feeds tliem on the street, and ono
day lately some 1 .issersby, who saw
that the man always seemed to he
concocting some spf eial dish for the
team, watched him rjicnaro their
First ho led tho liorsen into the
shade, loosened the traces end took
off the bridles. Then lie took a
nosebag for each, and into each bag
poured a good measure) of rolled
barley. Kc.ti Lo cut up some car
rots small, put tliem into tho nose
bags and mixed them up with tho
barley. Finally he went to his wag
on and got lour eggs; two of which
ho broke into each measure, and
stirred them up with the brley and
The horses watched all these xrep
arations with great interest and
were "correspondingly elated," as
the election dispatches say, when
the bagH containing the appetizing
mixture were hung on their noses.
They proceeded to eat with gusto,
and the Chinaman turned to a frugal
lunch of his own, which apparently
consisted of an onion and a piece of
dry breath
White drivers who give theii
horses a nicer lunch than they
themselves eat are i'ouaLdy rare,
east or west.
Said about three hundred
pairs of long-legged, short-legged,
siim, fitt, pubsey, bow-legged,
straight-legged, all snrls of legged
Trousers, a; ihey got out of the
boxes and up onto our Clothing
tables. Three hundred pairs of
trousers in one day is a good many,
but what about them? Why, tlu y
are the unmatehable DUTCHESS
Trousers, tho best line on earth.
Some are $1.50 a pair, good Cassi
more Trousers; some a; e $3 a pair,
good Trousers, phu every pair war
ranted. Dut.cher, trousers are
made of good goods provided with
ail the comforts of home; front
pockets, watch pockets C to watch
your money pockets nights, in case
your wife wants to see if she is get
ting her half of your income pistol
pocket and refreshment pocket.
We sell all wool Cassimere Trous
ers, solid as a rock, beautiful, plain
or fancy patterns for $2.50, that
will keep an able-bodied man busy
nights and days to wear them out
in a year. Why, say, we sell all
pure Worsted Trousers for $3.50
that are simply great. Patronize
our Pantry--it pays.
"One Price and
No Monkey
E. - W6S60U & son.
Clothiers, Flatters
and Haberdashers.
Keep baby cool,
at Leh n holt's.
i ! ; l-v ii am mocks
Insure In the German
Ebinger, Aser.t.
A morican.
Keinenjl and I'uuiiieruirkel.
"My meeting with Itcmenyi, "
says II. .7. Cleveland', "was over a liv
ely stable in Cnnneil 1 fluffs. A concerl
hall was there and ho was to play. A
jaekaas in a stall bem-ath persistently
brayed. Remenyi would not play. I was
on my way to Japan, or thought I was,
and introduced myself to b.iin alter his
audience had Lei n dismissed. lie Leg
ged of me to lind sonse puniperniekel
for him. I searcht d Pearl .street resorts
until I found some and took it to his
room. lie ate with satisfaction and then
played fur me, played until, boy as I
was, I critd. That was at 2 o'clock in
the morning, and in a large hotel filled
with people. We had the halls filled
with people in their nightrobes before
that private concert e nded. His love for
pumpernickel was no more strange than
that of Janauschek for stale beer, and I
have got many a pint of that for her
after a most thrilling depiction of Mary,
queen of Scots." Chicago Times-Herald.
""Who is that I see yon feeding near
ly every night in the kitchen, M oilier-"
"That's my inte nded, the policeman,
ma'am. "
"Well, if he's your intended, why
don't you marry him'r"
"I'm v-;:itiu till his appetite goes
down a bit, ma'am." Vonkers States
man. A Pleasant .A n t; i vernary.
Mr. Frankrtown j i-Hn's birthday
conies next week. Let's give a smoker
in his hum r.
Mr. Larimer That's the very tiling.
lll'KI.IMiTON KOlTi:,
Take ArivaiititK" ' Low JCh1-m KitM, V M
unci South.
San FriUicico and return, .In ne
Hot Springs, S. 1). and return, .lane
DO and .J uly o.
Portland, Ore. , and return, .l ui.e."!)
and .1 uly 1 .
Na-hville, Term., arid re in-n, July
Salt L ke City and return, ,lu y
Washington, I). C. and ret o n J uly
3, 4, ii.
Buffalo arid return, Julj 1 1 a ;d 12.
Ask the local ticket aent for par
ticulars. J. Francis, General Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Cut Thin Out ? ? ?.
KiO acres of Merrick county land for
? 010. (JO. Write me for new land list.
J. It. MA So.V,
Central City, Nebr.
i:a:k L'Alsawi
f - ji .r.. ..,.;. n lie- .rini-t " 1
.-jv- V"ilw.-vc-r Kaita to i yt
' "''( -rJilHti Jl.-tir J' I V'Jiitlilu! -lIOl. I
;CrSV,;CunH :.. . .1 r;(...:riIu::, j
to lioosi.-ko-epors
Licbin COMrAXY'S
lixtnict of I5ccf
telling how to prepare many djli
eate and delieioui di. ie-.
a Voile
Wanted Agents for "Gladstone,
His Life and Public Services,"' Thos.
W. Hand ford. A wonderful story of a
glorious career. Over oOfJ large, radi
ant pages, 100 superb rare eng ravings.
Richest, biggest, bett and only in
dorsed "Gladstone book" published.
Only .1.50. Commission, 50 per cent.
Credit eriven. Freight paid. Outfit
free. Drop all trash and clear .' t0
a month with the only true and good
"Gladstone book." Address The
Dominion Company, Dept. 3d, 3 'l ''-j'
Dearborn street, Chicago.
nF ri.VrTSV.M'TM, Nt:u.
!cis Iliij i;iy l.c-1 f;i'.:!it i: for tin: Xra:,' ;i'.t.n of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS, bend oIi. ") v;rn mi-ri t :i nfi lor n!
Hecuntlcs nought mid sold. Oi-poslts re
cfived uriU Interest ullowcd on i)ie r-;rt.H-catcs.
lirufts clr.iv.-n, avaiialjlo In any
part, of tl o t". S. un'l iill tli r- principle
towns of Kur'' ':. Colie-ct 1 jns n.;i(J! and
yron.p: .v r'-nnLi:d llh'h:'t market
price pt: .1 for r-ouniy w.trrani'-, Htate
' -nds.
and '-oij
I II. X. Il-vi
tpii.ins doesn't use cigars
and can't
bear the smell of tobacco. PitLsburg
(.'hronicle-Teli graph.
Ohl pnpers for sale at this
Star Lodge, D. of H., will jjivo a
drill social on their 7th aim i 7 :-r3.; ry,
Wednesdiy, June 2'.), at tli-i- h 11.
Other teams will take pa-', i-nl a uro
gram is being prepared to properlj-eeleorat-J
the event.
!;. V.. I '
I .. .n.-., ii. V.. i
. Wtiv.uh,
A-H ' '
Fr Warrants.
General fund warrants b-'arinir reg
istry numbers from 4-').3 j2 to 40,-?f50 will
be paid at this office on the Second day
of July, 18!S. and interest wtll cease
from that dttte.
J. P.. Mksekvk,
State Treasurer.
Bob Moore of of La Fayette, Ind.,
sa3-s that for constipation he has found
DeWitt'e Little Early Risers to be
perfect. They never gripe. Try them
for strmache and liver troubles. F.
G. Fricke.
Get Wash-a-Lone
weiler &, Lutz. -
toap at Zuck-
fclOO Keward WlOO
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in ail it
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hail's Catarrh
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a'constitutional treatment. Ila.i's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direC
upon the blood and mucous surfaces ol ttie s
tern, thereby destroying the found i tion of '
disease, and Riving tlie patient strength ay ou.
doing its work. The proprietors have so iniicti
faith in its curative powers that they otfer Ine
Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails t-j
Send f'-r list of testimonials.
Address, K.J. hf.nkv 5:Co.. Toledo. O.
io.d by Druggists 7."C
lu New (JuartrrN.
Having removed to the Merges'
building, next to LehuuotTV, I ill
continue to keep a selected stock of
tropical fruits, and will servo ice
cream and lemonade as formei ly.
John Sciii.u'kcassk.
! A
Taken Up.
At my place near the fair grounds,
a black horse, .vhite star in forehead,
weight about 1100 pounds. Owner ean
have-same by calling, paying for this
notice and damages.
"I: " Thojias Isnkk.
In Cub i i.- b inr - a-i-- d n v to tho
tune of Y.mlo ; Do .l.c. U e iiiivo
soiiK'thing will make thefimily
da-ici- wii'n : li.-iii in our ie cream
f;e--zer.-. whai vuu tal:e it hone- or in
vito your v. if I.-, suf-etto-: it or the
childuii lo eoiii" .-round and refresh
tueriis.-; v- at our ir- rr -am parlors.
We have the most u- lii ii iu ice cream
in town.
Holloway's Ice Cream Parlor.