Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 25, 1898, Image 1

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    Semi-W i
1 II K N FA'- . I-M:it.l-I.i-I Nov.
, I-!-!.
I II i: II I . l; A l.l. i -1.1,1.-1,, ,1 Aj.rll l'l, iHiiJ f
CiiiHo!ldiltMl Jan. 1, IMI."..
VOI,. VI. NO. (10.
The Latest
UX 7
Battle of Manila,
Maine, Iowa,
Indiana, Texas,
Iiyder & Ca, Jewelers and Opticians
See Them in Our Window.
w -w "
$ The World Beater.
i Vii l m ill in 1 ks 1 'usinoss, and means liusiness, -vhon he snys
The derrick Refrigerator
tin- iii the Market, and if ho can't prove it. ho xvill "ive
you 0110. 'I'ii :il'.s cert i i illy a F;iir oiler.
The Princi
ple of the
is found in
);bsjs rY
J -L
or NO
I lur warm air ri-os, as know?, and as shown above
kt-i-ps a current moving all tho time.
. r-y
Here is the style of the old
ber Pearlman sells the best,
and its the HIOKRICK.
I OEAD Am !i I
11 w4
Here is one of those
who are either so prej
udiced against all ad
vertised remedies, or
have become discour
aged at the failure of
other medicines to help
them, and who will
succumb to the grim
destroyer without
knowing of the won
derful value of Foley's
Honey and Tar for all
Throat and Lung troubles.
For Sale bv SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO.
THEY carry the largest and most complete line in Cass county. 3 Every
thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo
mors the advantago of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods
always in stock. The only place in tho city where you Jean get ail kinds of
fresh Cheese. Call and see us.
A. if. WEGKBACH & . Waterman filk.
tnt have solJ direct to the con
eumtT fur years at whole
sale prices, saving mm tae
dealer profits, ship iny
where f r exammatioa.
Everything warranted.
1 IS strles of Vehicles,
5. stvles of Harness.
Tp Uuicies. 36 to $70.
Stirrers, i'MJ to 5125. Carria-
pfes, Phaetons. Traps, M'uoo
ettes. Sprinff-Koad and Milk
K ?7 surrer TTamf Pri 116 00 VTaff ms- Send for larpe, free Ko.606Sarr7. Frie. with enrtain. lamps, sun-
A g H'd a fur " Catalogue of all our styles, shade, apron and fenders, $60. As good asaeils tor 'jO
For Sale.
The five acres with residenc3, east
and adjoining 5. fc M. lumber yards.
2i aci es in alfalfa. Berries. 2 wells.
Cistern. Cellar.
Pan si os in general mixture, 20 cents
per dozen. Kxtra fine blooming plants
2." cents per dozen at L. A. Moore's
Telephone No. 1".
Trntli Tersely Tohl.
Foley's Kidney Cure is a safe, sure
remedy for all kinds of kidney and
bladder diseases.
Men ami Women Out of Work
Can earn big wages and establish a
permanent trade selling "Ironite. "
Sells in every family, lndispensible
article. Sample box and confidentil
terms for five two-cent stamps. Send
today and secure your field.
Ironite Mf'o. Co.,
Menomonee Falls, Wis.
The Gut Ileii continues to head t,he
list as a fiae 5-cent cigar. Ask for no
A Sh;iclwy AII.ilr.
! Long after t .r. shades of night had
If.dUii upon the weary and duiy city,
'and Urn citizens had sought
i repose, and t lie bl ue-co'Ued guardians
of p su e patrolled, with measured
tro iil, t he do-ierled thorougf ires, all
the night owls had, (except sumo who
had been detained extremely late,)
gone to rno-t, a stealthy for in might
have been been creeping, with cat-like
utillne-u, up the back stairway lead
ing to the photograph gallery of V.
J. Koon.
During tht! past two weeks ' one
Claude S.vem, a traveling artist of
Chicago, has boon taking views about
' the c'.tv, ami t-urrounding towns, and
slopping with Mr. Koon. Mr. Swem
retU' from a trip lo Louisville
yesterday, and some one who mjst
h.'ivo b.-o a k 'i)inr tab. and suspect-
' ing that his tt ip had been pro&peroua,
thought to o the receiuts derived
fiiuL liis professional tour, knowing
full well that tho business place of
Mr. Koon had no safe in which their
motiey and other valuables could be
deposited. Sometime after midnight
Mr Koon hearing a noise at tho b:ick
Uoov, and thinking it might be Chas.
Martin, who had boon employed at
the ftudio, and thought ho might be
br'uiijii g news of the passing of the
airy tioop, which attracted such a
laigc crowd of people to the U. & M.
depot ast tiight.
Mr. Koon aio-e to open the door
!o n to his fin-prise and horror u man
as 1 iieo s O.d Coiiah of bib deal fame
ciMr. nted him. No one would be
wr .iiL- in t-uppo.-ipg that the door was
innin diately closed and securely bolt
ed, while ivory hair on his head stood
on oi d. Mr. Swoin, hearing the uuiso
:.nd thinking that Walter was sick,
rushed into the work room whore Mr.
Koon .-b-pt, and was horror stricken to
tiiid him lying unconscious upon tho
Moor. Whereupon he gave tin un
earthly yell, which arousi.d the night
watch to whom he ' told his troubles,"
and tlie ever vigilant minion of the
law i mtnediately began a search for
the tui-elar. .lust at this juncture
Chas. Martin, who had been out upon
legal buei iH'fS (?) returned iind upon
entering found Mr. Swem in the mid
dle of th-j room tearing his hair and
asking for protection from supposed
danger, while k'o iu still remained un-con.-cious.
The eastern sky had Legun to show
a ruddy glow which betokens the
breaki.ig of day before Martin was
able to get tho two thoroughly fright
ened artists ireassured and quiet was
again restored. K very body should be
ware of the festive burglar and be
prepared to guard his property.
Kccruit iiii at Nebraska City.
IYeuie' Henry Wiley and Ser
geant L'aul Jofsen, recruiiin g officers
from company C, are still here at
work, gathering up soldiers for com
pany C to li 1 out the full quota of the
company. Up to noon there had been
sixteen enlisted, eleven of whom had
been sent to join their company and
several more had gone to get things in
shape so that they could enlist.
The recruiting otlicers need fourteen
more men, and desire to t ike them all
from this city and county. If, how
ever, they do not get them, they will
iro to some other point to secure the
It is their desire lo have all enlisted
by Saturday afternoon and leave then
f,jr their c imp with their recruits.
It is thought now that those who
have cnli-ted up to noon tomorrow
will be sent to Chaltano ga tomorrow
after noon. News
The National ame.
There will be a game of base ball at
the Chicago avenue grounds Sunday
afternoon at 3:00 p. m., between the
Louisville team and the Nebraska In
dian team. Tiie Indian club is on its
way east on a balling tour, and has
played thus far on i's trip thirteen
games, winning eleven out of this
number. Louisville puts up a good
game this year, we understand, as the
club is really stronger than last year.
The admiSfion will be twenty-five
cents. This will be a rare oppor
tunity for lovers of the national game,
as this is the only Indian team oa the
road. In every game they have
played the scor e has been kept down
to the minimum.
Nicely Entertained
The friends of Will Carmack, he
having enlisted, gave him a very
pleasant and very comp'ele surprise
Wednesday evening ill the home of
his parents. Sixty young peoule were
there and a j 'ly time was had. Nice
refre.-hments were served, and social
amus meats were indulged in. Will
is a member of c-muniy L, and the
pa ty wa-as.rlof goodbye from his
fr ends.
Criufo:i, yo 1 ;w and white rambler,
and ihe mem rial : ose. perfectly h ii'Jy.
a lnrge su ck of plants for s lie at L.
A. Moore"-. Call and see them.
Attraction of t lie National Educational
AitHoclat lull .
The meeting of tho national educa
tion association at Washington, July
7 to 12, promises to be ono of more
than ordinary interest. The general
meetings are to be divided and will
offer a choice of program. Tho quali
ty of the program of tho general and
the spoc'al meetings alike has never
been surpassed. As to tho city itself,
it is a place every American should
visit and &tudy. As congress will
probably bo in session, there could bo
no more favorable time than while it
is tho conter of tho great preparations
now in progress for the war with
Spain. I'ven if congress should ad
journ, there would remain the attrac
tion of tho work of the departments
which win noi reiax uuring me con-
tiuuenco of tho war. In addition to
tho many places of interest in Wash
ington, arrangements have been
made for railroad and boat excursions
to all points of interest in the east
Parties going from Nebraska will
take tho most convenient route to
Chicago, arriving there tho morning
of July. 5. Prom there tlie party will
go together on a special train over
the Pennsylvania route, arriving in
Washington the afternoon of July G.
Arrangements have been made for
meals for the regular excursion party
between Chicago and Washington at
50 cents each. Those not wishing
meals can avail themselves of the
lunch counters. Those desiring sleep
ing car arrangements should write the
member of the committo of the initial
route. Those who desire to join the
party whether teachers or not should
inform the committee in order to in
sure arrangements for their accom
S. W. Crabtree, Lincoln, manager,
Superintendent J. T. Morey, Kearney,
U. 1. system; Superintendent A. A
Peed, Crete, Burlington system;
President W. II. Clemmons, Fremont,
F. E. & M. V.; Superintendent Miles
Marsh, Pawnee City, Rock Island
Change of Time on the It. it M.
The new Kansas City train will
change time next Sunday as follows:
The train north which passes here
now at 12:1S will be earlier and will
pas-s here at 11:33. The train south
will leave Omaha at 4:30 arriving here
at 5:02 instead of 4:40 as formerly.
This gives a little longer stay in
Omaha, and will be especially conven
ient for Plattsmouth visitors to the
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1S95, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved mo al
most entire ly from the pain and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. MoitEAUX, Luverue,
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
Mrs. Lee Faunce, who lost a hat
through a forger named Smith, re
covered the same, as ho left it at one
of the stores. This Smith worked the
same racket at Plattsmouth and se
cured $9. Strange to say, he told the
same story there as here, that of sell
ing a load of grain. The man does
not look to be more than nineteen
years old, but he is one of the smart
est forgers on the road. The hat of
Mrs. Faunce was recovered this morn"
ing at D. P. Rolfe's lumber office
where he left it. Nebraska City
For reliable news from the seat of
war, as well as all parts of the world,
it must be admitted that the Omaha
Bee is the peer of all newspapers in
the west There is no better time
than right now to take a good daily
paper, and Lehnoff Bros, the Bee's
agent in Plattsmouth will deliver it to
you every day in the month for s:xty
five cents or one week for fifteen cents.
Keep posted. Take the Bee.
Leaguers Attention.
The business and social meeting of
the Epworth League to be held Fri
day evening of this week at the home
of Miss Ilirdella Smith, west of the
high school, should be largely at
tended, as the aunual election of
officers will occur at that time.
I i ii II .-ic e.
I am sole ngeut in Plattsmouth for
the celebrated Louisville paving brick.
See me on estimates for paving or pav
ing material. W. J. White.
Wo will pay a salary of $15 per
week and expenses for man with rig
to introduce our poultry Mixture and
insect Destro3"er in the country. Kef.
required. Address with stamp, PER
FECTION Mfg. Co.. Parsons, Kan.
If you dou't see the Gut Uel c'gir
call for it, and get tho best 5 cent ci
gar ia the m irket.
What does it cost to get tnere ?
When and how should one go ? What
should one take? Where pre the
mines V How much have they pro
duced ? Is work plentiful V What
wages are paid ? fs living expensive?
What are one's chances of "making a
s'rike?" Complete and satisfactory
replies to the above questions will be
found in the Burlington route's"K lon
dyke Folder," now ready for distribu
tion. Sixteen pages of pratical infor
mation and an up-to-date map of
Alaska and the Klondyke. Free at
Burlington route ticket offices or .-eat
on receipt of four cents in stamps by
J. Francis, Gen. Pas. Agt. Eurl.ogton
route, Omaha, Neb.
The Chief Burgess of Milesburg,
Pa,, says De Witt's Little Early Risers
are the best pills he ever used in his
family during forty years of house
keeping. They cure constipation,
sick headache and stomach and liver
troubles. Small in size but great in
results. F. G. Fricke.
5 NT
O 11 U
I J v
Opposite Bank of Cass County,
Double the- Pleasure or a Drive.
A lino carriage doubles the pleasureof driy
Ing. Intending- buyers of carriages or har
ness ran savo dollars by sending for the
large, free catalogu a of the Elkhart Carriage
and Harness Uie. Co Elkhart, lad.
n r i r- i I i r r r r r-s 3 r-
IS lbs best granulated sugar $1.00
l'J lbs best "C" jugar 1.00
Ducket Syrup 45
Bucket Jelly 40
2 lb package Oatmeal 05
Price baking powder, 1-lbcan... 38
Prico biking powder. -b can... 30
Bon-Bon baking powder, 1-lb can 10
Calumet baking powder, 1-lb can 10
1 lb Pepper 18
10 cent sack of Salt 05
15-cent sack of Salt 10
Best Salt, per barrel 1 00
Lemon extract, per bottle 05
Vanilla extract, per bottle..: . 05
Coal oil, per gal 1 n
Now York Cream Cheese ",
Dry Salt Moat 07
Breakfast bacon, per lb lo
California Hams, per lb i.'j
Largo Hams, per lb In
Bologna, per lb t; 1
Good buckot :;
Best libro bucket ,
Bran, 100 lbs
Elegant Hour bins J J5
Lamp chimneys o", s -i i-m . v , ,
Argo gloss starch (i I 3 I i . i , u,;: i ,r 1 1 1,
Argo corn starch PI 8 ;;!;. noi 1 :i 1
Best crackers, per lb ; j 'on-l. n .-.i o 1: 1 ,
1 doz. clothes pins il I ' "'I " , I
( ',i 1 1 fi p. n i i I Y' 1 1 1 ,
l a- ';m t, K ii hi , ' i
:; p . ! !,.- M
I iv I ; 1 1 1 V '. ..- I " i , i I
Si i.i p. I . I'M -i
I ; u 1 1.' 1 1 1 1 1 1. Si 1. 1 1 1, .';
Si'ci.t 1 1 -. ii i I i (:'.'. i .
j i i i ., I I ,! r.l I :t, m
Ii i n I.i 1. 1 1 i 1 1 i ...
'-'-Mi .-! II , ! i ....
i I l i M i Ii . i l i -, .-, ! i-
. 1 " ;i , l ii r lb.
i !
. T II.
I ' ill
in I- buttle. ..
Opposite Bank of Cass County, PlattsmouUi.
3 HZ T "v I '
Strap Bow Sandals.
Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is belter...
We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from the must reliable mmi-if i:tu or in !) ; Coiled
States, where nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes no r f -i- 1 by an exper t,
and not permitted to pass to the trade.
We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Ca-es of S I Cl'i' thai io !.- k: Shoe-,
and then swell up and advertise 'Hhe Largest Stock" of shoes, to induce you t' our ti'm- t 1 iri-iim-.-, ;md
then compel you to look with chagric and disgust on tho small assort merit a0 nr.; ;..; 11 r v. i : h -'.mot h i tig
you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading state me, fo,- wo ! i v . .
ReDlenished Our Stock to the Extent of 14,090,
So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to stand au 1 ;--r.
wonder what to do, for we havo an UNLIMITED HESEIiVE, and we o i i s;j ,-i g - u
durinsr the beautiful Sorinctime that will enrinc vou to vour feet and maki v:
Latest Novelties in Hot Weather Fconvsar :
Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to 5's 55c. Nnts' Chocolate, button, u - o .. -. - ;
Child's Choco ate strap bow Sandals, 4's to 8's 65c. Infanta' Dongola button, 12- ".'- - ',''.
Child's Extra fine Choc, strap Sandals 85c and 95c. I 'if mts Choc, (extra Inicj l t
Child's Extra fiue (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, Hi to Infants' (Red and Blue S
11 $1.00 to $1.15. gola button 7 5(
Missei' Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, Hi to Child's Vesting To.-. ; V.
2's $1.25 to $1.50. to $1.J0.
Mi-sea Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 90c to $1. Child's Anvil bottom -'h
Job lot all solid Goat button, 8i to 11 75c to 85c to $1.U5.
Ladies' Oxfo dc fl 25, $1.50, $1.65. Little Gents, pit. baeli st
.nii- lii-;oi ;i rid
' !i i - pi i ng -t
In - ,.-..
'j u ility Don-
. 1 --rl 25
. to
Everything Mentioned Is Solid Leather .No Hiimbumery
A Word to I'hysicians.
Do you know that many broad mind
ed physicians are using Foley's Honey
and Tar Cjugh Syrup in their prac
tice. They have found no remedy
that gives ns satisfactory results for
all throat and lung complaints as this
great cough medicine.
Choice verbena plants in bud 40 cents
per dozen. Geraniums, 50 cents to
$1.50 per dozen. Also a choice lot of
hardy perennial plants that will bloom
this year, at L. A. Moore's greenhouse.
Rember if you don't see it in the
News, it isn't worth seeing.
Win your bittles against direase by
acting promptly. One Minute Coutrh
Cure produces immediate reul.-;
when taken early it prevents corsump
tion. And in later st iges it furnishes
prompt relief. F. G. Fricke.
Wonderfully Low llali-n
In order to secure men for the har
vest fields of Kans and Oklahoma the
M. P. railway will sell one ticket to
any point on its lines in that country
at regular rates good for three per
sons. This is a remarkably liberal act
on the part of the M. I', and will eive
any man who wants work a chance to
get it.
Ki ln f i'l Six II on r.
Ii-lro-inir ki'inoy ar d bladder dis
' ii-o !'. ioved i'l .-ix l..iirs by "Till-.
Gi:i-:at SiM'ri! Ami i:i an Kidnk'V
Cl'i:!:." It is a re it nirprie on ac-
! count of its vei-ding promptness in
ro!ieing p:ii-i in l.'iaii.b. r, kidneys and
back', in male in' fern do. Kelievea
retention almost immediately. f y,.u
wa;it (juiek ri-'.i-.-f and cure, this is the
remedy. Snid by Jiering iV Co., I)rug-
gi.-t, 1 'latt-mont h. N'p'n.
TO ( I ill: A ( (11.11 IN ONK I.Y
Take Laxative Uromo Q iinine Tablets.
All druggi.-ts refund the money if it
fails to euro. 125e. Tho genuine ha
L. 11. Q. on each tablet