Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 22, 1898, Image 1

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    A r
j 1VJL J
TIIK NF.WH. F.Htut.lHln .l Nov. r. lH'.'l
1 UK 11 K KALI), I Ml u "A i Viii i:l April ID, J ConHoMdaUul .,. 1.
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Ifl c
The Latest
souvenir spoons
i . i J
Battle of Manila,
Maine, Iowa,
Indiana, Texas,
; A lii'.iutilul Silk' I iannci" ( ii ven
j to Coin jnny 1.
IJ.WOlilTl'lil) AT (t. A K. HALL
I hi- Loyal (HiiiiH of I" lit 1 1 iiiiiiii I li ;lve
till' t.allant l mil t'lTH it TilHtc of
I i oh l I 1 1 1 1 y I. list Nilil llil
Jil llillH lf IllttTCHt.
nyder & Co., Jewelers and Opticians
See Them in Our Window.
The World Beater.
j 'earl in t n talks Easiness, and means Easiness when ho says
TSie fierrick Refrigerator
is tlio host in tho Market, arul if lie can't prove it. lio will jive
you ono. That's certainly a Fair offer.
The Princi
ple of the
is found in
this Cttt. "xTl
Tho warm air rises, as Evoryono knows, and as shown above
keeps a current moving' all tho time.
L 4r
Here is the style of the old
ber Pearlman sells the best,
and its the HERRICK.
Here is one of those
who are either so prej
udiced against all ad
vertised remedies, or
have become discour
aged at the failure of
other medicines to help
them, and who will
succumb to the grim
destroyer without
knowing of the won
derful value of Foley's
Honey and Tar for all
Throat and Lung troubles.
For Sale by SMITH & PARMELE and FRICKE & CO.
IN if
TIIEYcarrv the largest and most complete line in Cass 'county. B Every
thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo
mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods
always in stock. Tho only place in the city where you Jean get all kinds of
fresh Cheese. Call and see us.
I. T4 luiiiiLiriiiii o irauLui siiuu 'sm
iCaAc twf La bis-
but have sold direct to the con
sumer for 2o years at whole
sale prices, saving him the
dealer s pronts. baipany
where for examination.
Everything warranted
lid styles of Vehicles.
& styles of Harness.
Top Burbles. S.i6 to t70.
Surrevs, $ju to f 125. Carria
res. Phaetons, Trans, Won
ettes. Sprins-Kiad and Milk
QnrreT Harncus PrteellSOO Wagons. Send for larpe. free Ko.SOS Surrey. Price, with enrtaim. lamps, sii
A ri -vd aj nin'for f.'il ' " Catalogue of all our styles, shade, apron ana fenders, too. As gooa as seili tor .)
For Siile.
The five acres with residence, east
and adjoining B. & M. lumber yards.
2i acres in alfalfa. Berries. 2 wells.
Cistern. Cellar.
Pansies in general mixture, 20 cents
per dozen. Extra Sne blooming plants
25 cents per dozen at L. A. Mooro's
Telephone No. 15.
Truth Ter-ly Told.
Foley's Kidney Cure is a safe, sure
remedy for all kinds of kidnoy and
bladder diseases.
Ien antl Women Out of Work
Can earn big wages and establish a
permanent trade selling ''I ror.ite.
Sells in eve-y family, lndispensible
article. Sample box and confident-xl
terms for five two-cent stamps. Send
today and secure your field.
Ikonitk Mk'o. Co.,
Menomoneo Falls, Wis.
The Gut Heii continues to head tho
list as a fine 5-cont. cigar. Ask for no
fi'i-t evening was one long to bo re
lu n. hereil ill I 'i a 1. 1 sm ti t )i , when liuu
('ri iU ef u;')jil.j packed all the streets
in the vicinity of the court house to
w iliic-fS the presentation of the silk
ling, whit h had been donated by citi
. ns for t om pany ' Tlie b ind played
in.-piring music, the special choir sang
a patriotic sting and Kov. F. A. Camp
li. 11 invoked tin; (liviiiij blessing.
T!io eiily feature tliat marred the
occa.-iou was tho so-called speech by
Sam Chapman. The speech was a
li..'e, r.o one mo.-o than twenty feet
away ould hear anything he said.
The mo-t efihe crte.vd heard not a
word. The Hag was handed to Ser
ream (,'lias. Crmu s and Privates Her-b'-rt
Austin and 11. 1). Woolen the
cob r be ir-'rs for the eompany.
t' i;-'.. Sbeldon in response, on be
ii. i. f i f the company, m ide a sjieecli
well v.-erlh in aring. He thanked the
-i! i.ciis "f for i hoi- gen
eco is kindnos--, and promis d no Sp tn-i.-ti
bands .-bou'.i! ever soil the colors
of the beau li lul ll-tg, and if but otic
man llv.-d to reLuni ho:ne, the Hag
s.!i' . uld be ! -ought bat k t ) Platts
inoutb ami find lolgeinent in the
court house, llii speech was fre
queniiy intorrupiud with loud cheer
ii'g. After the Hag prosentution the vol
unteers were escorted up to the G. A.
l. bait where the Woinans Uolief
Co. ps had prepared a banquet for
them. The labies were loaded with
good tiling.-; to t at and the guests of
the evening greatly enjoyed the feast
before them.
Ono of the members of the company
from the wect end of the county said
t, Tin-: Ni:'s reporier that ho was
i.urp:-ise.l at the !ios:.i tality of Piatts
inoiith, and tint he would leave with
a very different feeling toward this
town than ho had ever haiborod be
fore. The company is feeling first
rate, and expects to go to Omaha to
morrow, though no orders have yet
ben received.
A I'U-itsitiit Wetltliiifi.
A pretty home wedding oceured at
noun today at the of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. 3Iorrow in this city, whon
their daughter, Miss Erli j, was united
in marriage to Mr. Charles Banning,
;i piominent young business man of
Mehnwka. The ceremony was per
formed by Kev. Mr. Chimberlain of
L'.mdon, Xebi-aska, in tho presence of
a sn. all company or frienas and rela
tives. The bri 'e is the bright and win
some daughter of tine of Cass county's
hest fain i i ies, and was raised in this
county out near Eight Mile Grove.
The groom is a promising young man
of good family. He was born in this
county, and has by his correct bearing
and kindly manners made hosts of
The Imppypair will reside at, or
near, NehawJca in a pleasant homo al
ready furnished in elegant style for
their future lioni:. M-iny handsome
p.esents were received from relatives
and friends. After the ceremony, and
congratulations we e extended. The
company then sat duwa to one of the
most elegant and substantial dinners
ever sorved in this city.
Tho names of the guests present
were: Dr. C. 1). .Morrow and sister,
Nellie, of Cedar Creek; Dr. J. Mor
row and wife, Ccrmantown; Andrew
Morrow and wife, Murray; Dr. Milton
Morrow, Memphis, Neb. Dr. Shel
don, wife and daughter, Isador, Ne
hawka; Miss Maud Davis, Nebraska
City; J. E. I.anniug and Stella Ban
ning, Nehawka; Mrs. II Sturm, Ne
hawka; Mr. Longhridgo and wife,
Murray; Mr. Dull, Murray; Mr. Frank
Young and wife, Murray; S. M. Davis
anil daughter, Cora, I. Pearlman and
wife, Mr. Gilmore ai.d wife, Andrew
Dill, Delicti Chriswiior, Pa: k Chris
wiser, Mr. Sehu'.zo and wife, Mrs.
Alice White, Albeit Egenberger,
Miss E ttie Dean, Uo.-a Melvin, Mrs.
Meivir-, of riattsmouth; Joe Shaw and
wife, Grace McDonald, Dock Long,
Albert Young, Mrs. McDonald, Klor
auee McDonald, Anna and Viola
Ytu;ng. of Murray; George Reynolds,
.i i s. .f . lil. B inning. Frank Mother
read Co. 15, X-diawka; Mrs Rachel
Co.vii', .M iple (irove. Neb.
Txt:ij'rt .Markets.
September wheat went off today in
Chicago and c.ost.d at 07, torn also
declined arid cloed at .'ihH.
One of tile iincst entertain ments on
trie exposition grounds is Ilagenback's
trained animals. Some criticism has
been passed on tho Midway, but none
of it can apply to this exhibition, since
the performance is so clean and the
attendants so courteous that any lady
can properly attend it without, an
escort. Tho fo its performed by those
ferocious animals ;.ro ir.deed marvel
ous :uid i o one visiting the exposi
tion should fail to see them.
Insure in the German American.
Ebingor, Agent.
The Mitht 0irrulur AKiiltfl Willi a
Knife at th IW I. !-ol.
East evening Night Operator Mason
got an hour off and came downtown
to see the Hag presentation to com
pany B. When ho returned to the M.
P. depot two negro trumps wer J there
on tho platform, and a beer keg in
Irontof tho office appeared to have
been punctured, and he asked them
what they did it for. The larger of
tho two uttered an oath and sprang at
tho operator with a knife.
llo warded tho vicious thrusts but
in doing so his middle finger was
cut nearly off and several othor deep
gashes were received about hisTuigors
and hand. Sumn one coming toward
the depot frightened the .senegambian
and lie and his partner made a hasty
retreat. The police were telephoned
for and Oflieer Murray and 1. II.
Peterson hastenod to tho scene and
spent several hours in search of tho
scoundrels, but they had evidently loft
town as no trace of them was obtained.
Mr. Mason hud his wounds dressed
and went on with his work.
Srv.l J 1 1 in ItiRlit.
A fellow by the name of Dan Evans
enlisted with tho boys of comoany B,
hut soemed to exult in making himself
obnoxious. lie had boen working in
the Codar Creek quarries, and looked
to bo about thirty-fivo years old. lie
refused to drill, unci acted in a very
insolent manner toward tho captain,
lie kept getting worse each day, and
finally had to bo dismissed from the
company, then ho became unbearably
Insulting. This morning about 100 of
the boys formed a rush lino hud cap
tured him. ,
lie was then placed astride a two by
eight board with the odgo up. which
took tho place of tho proverbial rail
and was given a rocky rido down Main
street while the crjwd which swarm
ed around him yelled themselves
hoarse. Evans was ugly at Grst and
wanted to fight but he was overpow
ered, and as tho crowd bounced him up
and down on tho hoard and moved
toward the river at a good gait, he
changed his tactics, and when ho was
ordered to yell hurrah for company B
ho did so, though it was a bittor dose
as he had been denouncing the com
pany in the vilest language he could
command only a few hours previous.
Tho boys were bent on ducking tho
fellow in tho river but tho ollicers of
the company interfered on the theory
that ho been punished enough and he
was turned loose with a parting ad
monition that ho must get out of town
as soon as possible, and ho took them
at their word and acted accordingly.
Those who heard Evans abuse say the
bjys served him exactly right and that
he really got off easy.
Action Henrtily Kmlornel.
I'LATTSMOUTII, Neb., June 22.
We, tho members of Comoany B,
Third Regiment,Nebraska Volunteers,
do htreby condemn the actions of Pri
vate Dan Evans for unsoldierly con
duct, and uphold our captain and lieu
tenants in the action they took in dis
missing said Private Dan Evans from
company B.
Resolved, That we at all times
favor strict obedience to our superiors,
and condemn any actions that will re
flect on a soldier.
Membeks of Co. B.
What does it cost to get tnere V
When and how should one go ? What
should one take? Where are the
mines ? How much have they pro
duced V Is work plentiful ? What
wages are paid V Ts living expensive?
What are one's chances of "making a
s'.riKc?" Complete and satisfactory
replies to the above questions will be
found in the Burlington route's"Klon
dyke Folder," now ready for distribu
tion. Sixteen pages of pratical infor
mation and an up-to-date map of
Alaska and the Klondyke. Free at
Burlington route ticket offices or sent
on receipt of four cents in stamps by
J. Francis, Gen. Pas. Agt. Burlington
route, Omaha, Neb.
The Chief Burgess of Milesburg,
Pa., says De Witt's Little Early Risers
are the best pills he ever used in his
family during forty years of house
keeping. They cure constipation,
sick headache and stomach and liver
troubles. Small in size but great in
results. F. G. Fricke.
P ivi'iq; Itrie'.
I am sole agent in Piattsmouth for
the celebrated Louisville paving biick.
See me on estimates for paving or pav
ing material. W. J. WHITE.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 1S9-5, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded con plete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
ag'.in. A. T. MoheaUX, Luverne,
Minn. So'd by all druggists.
Take the. Missouri Pacific trains if
you wi-h to go to tho exposition, as
they have the ord3 depot on the
grounds. Ym can save street car fare
and avoid the crowded thoroughfares.
The Wor d's best 6 cent cigar, Wurl
Bros. Gut Heil, sti ictly Union made.
Every dealer handles them
noables the Pleasure of n Drive.
A lino carriage doubles the pleitsuroof driv
inf?. Intending: buyers of carriages or linr
li ess can save dollars by sendiupr for tho
urge, free catalogu a of the Elkhart Carriage
and HorDesa ills. Co., Elkhart, iud.
I) c
'i 1-0 r
Opposite Bank of Cass County
n in f. (r- fh fti
s r -r-
A It S-r-
IS lbs best granulated sugar $1.0l)
li) lbs best "C" sugar 1.00
Bucket Syrup 4r
Bucket Jelly 40
2 lb package Oatmeal )."
Price baking powder, 1-lbcan... MS
Price baking powder. Vlb can... 80
Bon-Bon baking powder, 1-lb can 10
Calumet baking powder, 1-lb can 10
1 lb Pepper 18
10 cent sack of Salt 0f
15-cent sack of Salt 10
Best Salt, per barrel 1 00
Lemon extract, per bottle 0-r
Vanilla extract, per bottle 05
Coal oil, per gal 1 1 1 ' ! i f e i a I'limo-, per lb
New York Cream I 'hee-e 1 '. . ; a 'i I . I ; a - : ii , i r 1 1.
Dry Salt Meat 07 f - p . !. : . -, i V, ! , ., M a f. b es . . .
Break fast bacon, per lb lo ! )v, i glii ' . '. w I rami -o.ia, per
California Hams, per lb , .' p. i
Largo Hams, per lb h g lest!- t -1 . . . ' i . : '.o.i,, ;; bars
Bologna, per lb 1 3 '.ie .; 1 , .1 1 ,1! ,ii 'ee, p -r lb...
Good bucket I .;. i I i.r.::i.l ! a, i ' r lb
Best fibre bucket L - : : -I 1 1 e 1 1 1 t .,,..i ' 1 e -
Bran, 100 lbs .V? .-'-lb car, l ira
Elegant Hour bins 1 2-"i 2-ib 11 mv o; ;
Lamp chimneys e;, - 1, e., M ,-,,ve ny , !);
Argo gloss sla rob 01:: I: ! ' oaia 1 1 a .1 -u p, per bottle
Argo corn starch ('Mimic, r'a en I at tl .. ..
Best crackers, per lb 'c,,.!, n . d i. , ns
1 doz. clothes pins (M 1 .' ., I pe,e-!i -, per l
ri'-y"V WVi29 r3S firStoa ,
Opposite Bank of Cass County, PlaUsmouth,
m1 '
' 1 V
Strao Bow Sancials.
Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAI7I is better...
H' We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from the most i liable man '.f ;' 'irer s in t he United
ls States, where nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes are f-f u- d iy an '.xpirt,
lii and not permitted to pass to the trade.
Biji We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Ca-es ol STl.'i'-T that look- like Shoe,
Isi and then swell up and advertise "the Largest Stock" of ?hoe-, to induce yo 1 to oar p!a-.- of im.-ine-.-., and
then compel you to look with chagrin, and disgust on the small assortment a ,U a, a ko -bin. with something
jgji you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading statements for w: h ive . .
I Replenished Our Stock to the Extent of S4,000,
So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to stand at; I s r; 'eh vo ir le-ad and
wonder what to do, for wo have an UNLIMITED RESEitVE, and wo :au spring r tbi-- spring
during the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and make y.u ---y: "I'll lake those.''
Jj 1'RICES ON....
I Latest Novelties in Hot Wealher Footwear :
IMll Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to 5's 55c. rnf--nt.-' Ch'--.!ale, button. S- ' ."5c.
IBl! Child's Choco ate strap bow Sandals, 4's to 8's C5c. Infar.t- I..,i -ol-i button. 2'- c 5 -5e.
rjji Child's Extra fine Choc, strap Sandals 85c and 05e. f ar-" 1 .;. (extra fine, t,-r-. 1. -' -, to 5's 75c.
rali Child's Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, M to Inf tnt-' (lted and B'-uo 1. .-ii; :'". utlity Uon-
111.00 to 41.15. tola button 75e.
Missoi' Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 1 to Child's Ve-iting Top. - :;' . ii ''".,. l-.-w il.25
2's-$1. 25 to $1.50. to. 51. 1!).
21; 3Ii-ses' Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 00c to 1. Child's Anvil Lo'te a
s; to J I -ri .25
Job lot all solid Goat button, 8i to 11 75c to 85c.
Ladies' Oxfo ds 1 25, $1.50, $1.65.
to sl.'lo.
Little Gent-', p .. b.i-: si 'o li 1.50.
Everything Mentioned Is olid Leather o H;;'.;h:io.vry.
S IL.R W S Ttl ! L L 1 r
m r rt
A Word to I'hysiciaim.
Do you know that many broad mind
ed physicians are using Foley's Honey
and Par Caugh Syrup in their prac
tice. They have found no remedy
that gives ps satisfactory results for
all throit and lung compluints as this
great cough medicine.
Choice verbena plants in bud 40 cents
per dozen. Geraniums, 50 cents to
$1.50 per dozen. Also a choice lot of
hardy perennial plants that will bloom
this year, at L. A. Moore's green
house. Rember if j'ou don't see it in the
News, it isn't worth seeing.
Win your battles against di-ea-e y
acting promptly. One Minute Cough
Cure produces immediate r.sal-:
when taken early it prevents co suaip
tion. And in later stages it furnishes
prompt relief. F. G. Frlck.
Wonderfully Low Hates.
In order to secure men for the har
vest fields of Ivans and Oklahoma the
M. P. railway will sell one t.eket to
any point on its lines in that country
at regular rates good for three per
sons. This is a remarkably liberal act
on the part of the M. P. and will give
any man who wants work a chance to
get it.
Ki-lii-f in Six Hour.
IS-! e-.-in g ki-iney nr d bladder dis-'.-:
)'' ievei! in six hours by "TllP.
( i'i:i:.": 1 1 i -j a j.-roat surprise on ac-cou-r.
of it- t-xeiedlng promptness in
rv: ie i ng pa in i n H.-m ier, ki lru ys and
back, in ri1 ale or female. Relieves
retention almost irnme-diati ly. If you
want ouick relief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Goring A: Co., Drug-gi-t.
I'iatt-nioutb. Neb.
nt rt 111. . ( 01 11 in .m-: ijay
Take Laxative I in uao tju initio Tablets.
All druggist-3 refund the mono- if it
fails to cure. 2"c. Tlio genuine ha
L. B. Q. on each tablet
1 .V
1 1