Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 15, 1898, Image 4

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) mf J
l mill!
You can't duplicate them in the
state, taking Quality and Work
manship into consideration.
Alpaca, Sicilian Mohair and
Serge Coats and Vests, at all prices.
Have you
Linen Hats?
seen their Straw and
The People's Clothiers,
Waterman Corner.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Old papers for sale at this oflice.
House for rent. Inquire of
subscribe for Tin-. Nkws the hest
paper in tho city.
Hollow-ay's popular steamed hread
is made of Ilei-el's hest Hour.
The finest screen wire guaranteed
for ten years at Co.ites & Co.
Beginning May 2;d, spoeiai sale on
trimmed hats at Tucker Sisters.
Lawn sp-ink'ers and lawn mowers
at Coates & Co's. hardware store.
Ilolloway's are serving- extra nice
ice ereain which you ought to try.
The Knights and Ladies of Security
will meet in regular session this evening-.
For sale cheap. A four-hurner gas
olino stove. Enquire at Hotel I'latts
mouth. Trimmed hats at 50e, 75c, 1. and
$1.2-5 on the bargain table at Tucker
Girl wanted for general hou-ework.
Enquire of Mrs. Henry Hcrold or at
the store.
Ilolloway'd bread, which has taken
he lead, is made of Heisel's Plansif
ter llour.
If you want to hear, see or eat
something- rood come to the social
Monday, Juno 20.
Go lo Anthony's music store on lower
Main street for everything- in tno way
of sheet music
Dewey took Manila just as Lilac
Sweets perfume will take America, at
Gering & Co.'s.
If you don't see the Gut TIeil cigar
call for it, and pet tho bjst 5 cent ci
gar in the market.
Don't forget the dance to he given
by the Turners at their hall. Saturday
evening- of this week.
Large quantities of pansies, gera
niums and verbena's in bio m ready to
plant out, at Moore's.
Found A cheap watch. Owner c-.n
have same by proving property and
paying for this notice.
Tho Wor d's best 5 cent cigar, Wurl
Bros. Gut Ileil, strictly Union made.
Every dea'.er handles them.
Don't fail to hear tho gr.iphophone
social Monday evening-, June 20 Ad
mission 15 cents. Ice cream and cake
Tho secretary of the Loyal Legion
will bo at Sherwoods Thursday and
Gorings Friday evening from 8 to 9
Don't fail to hear the comic duett
"Matrimonial Sweets" at I. O. O. F.
hall, Monday, June 20. Admission 15
The Marino band has its time ex
tended two weeks longer, a fact that
Plattsmouth people will be glad to
Plants of the celebrated Mmo
Gunther, Nasturtium and seed of
same, for sale at L A. Moore's. Tele
phone No. 15
Four Pullman coaches passed
through on the E. & M. loaded with
soldiers from Osceola, la., bound for
San Francisco.
The Christian church ice cream so
cial, owing to the unsettled weather,
has been postponed to next Thursday
evening, June 1G.
Wanted 1G0 acres of land with
in three or four miles of Platts
mouth. A e ish customer. Enquire
of J. II. Thrasher.
The Christian church ice cream so
cial will be given on the church lawn
Thursday evening, if it don't rain.
Everybody invited.
Oklahoma and Texas wheat, with
some sunshine in Nebraska, pulled
down the Chicago wheat market a
few notches today.
George Becker is at the hospital in
Omaha, where he had an operation
performed last week and is reported
to be getting along nicely.
Fine blooming pansies, for ten days,
beginning June 13, to clear beds for
other plants, at only ten cents per
dozen, at L. A. Moore's.
With homo grown strawberries sell
ing at 2i cents per quart, market
gardeners ought to be encouraged to
go into the business more extensively.
The many friends of Will Beach will
be glad to learn that he is able to be
out again. He has suffered from a se
vere attack of measles for several
Nice strawberries were being re
tailed in Omaha yestarday for 5 cents
per box. The man who raised them
noto, is reported dangerously ill with
appendocltis. Sbo wai taken very
suddenly last evening, and bo far has
shown little or no improvement.
Tho Presbyterian church choir is
arranging to give a eacicd concert
one week from next Sunday, in which
many of tho best vocalists in tho city
will take part.
Take tho Missouri Pacific trains if
you wi-sh to go to the e.xpohition, as
they have the only depot on the
grounds. You can save street ear faro
and avoid the crowded thoroughfares.
Star Lodge, D. of II., will irive a
drill social on their 7th anniversary,
Wednesday, Juno 29, at their hall.
Other teams will take part, and a pro
gram is being prepared to properly
coloorate tho event.
John Phillip Sousa, tho great band
master, has a brother who is one of
tho loading musicians in tho marine
band now playing at Omaha. T. II.
PollocK of this city had tho pleasure
of meeting him, and says ho is a man
of most engaging mannors.
Andy Frye & Son have splendid pas
turage this year and their stock looks
sleek as moles. Tho fact that enws are
well careu lor uotn in going to anu re
turning from tho pasturo by Mr.
Frye's help is one reason why ho has
6uch a large nerd to care for.
A lady left her ticket at the ticket
window in the depot this morning and
ab-v picked it up. She discovered
her loss before tho train started and
was excited about what she had done
with her ticket. Noticing hor 6earch.
the boy camo to tho rescue with the
missing pasteboard.
Postal car No. 78 has been rebuilt
at tho shops and was turned out this
morning with a coat of paint as nice as
new. It has tho new air signal by
which the engineer can be notified of
what's wanted by the use of a whistle
that he can't help hearing. It is a
big improvement over the old gong
and rope.
Phil Harrison says Wood Epperson
is full of prunes when he talks about
selling tho "mules" 18 years ago. Ha
says tho team has been working- on
the street for 25 years continually and
that he has driven them 22 years him
self. One of the mules was raised by
the old man Mutz and the other by a
farmer named Hall and forty years
would not be far from their age.
The regular conferonce of the priests
of the Catholic church was hold in
this city yesterday, Bishop Bonacum
presiding. Among tho priests in at
tendance were Father Hartig, vicar
general of the diocese, Father Bex, of
Falls City, Father Hoffman, of Itulo,
Father Sawler, Louisville, Father
Carney, Plattsmouth, Father Ilahn,
Paul, Father Cusson and Father Mc
Donald, of this city. Nebraska City
Wanted Agents for "Gladstone
His Life and Public Services," by
Thos. W. Handford. A wonderful
story of a glorious career. Over 500
larare, radiant pages, 100 superb rare
engravings. Kichest, biggest, best
and only endorsed "Gladstone book"
published. Only $1.50. Commission,
50 per cent. Credit given. Freight
paid. Outfit free. Drop all trash and
clear $J00 a month with tha onlv true
and good "Gladstone book." Address
The Dominion Company, Dept. 36,
352-35G Dearborn street, Chicago.
Sergeant Paul Jeseen arrived here
this morning from Camp George II
Thomas, Cbicamauga, Gi., and will
enlist twenty-eight men for company
C. Paul says Capt. Hayward express
ed it when he said he wanted no more
trundle bed bovs as they were not
running a kindergarten but wanted
full grown men. The News today
turned over a list of twenty men who
are anxious to go to the front. The
enlistment will not begin until Lieut.
Wiley is heard from. Nebraska City
The fool killer is evidently neglect
ing his plain duty, judging from the
following, clipped from an exchange:
The "seventeen-years'-locust" has ap
peared again. On its back, according
to widely circulated reports, is to be
found the letters "U. S. A." This is
said to prove that the United States
will certainly whip Spain. Before
the late war the locust appeared. It
had on its wings the letter "W." Im
mediately following- the war the locust
appeared again. It had the letter
A Klic Orpart nirnt Htore to Orrupy the
In Ion Illock at Once.
Charles Long, a prominent businoBH
man of Idaho, today purchased the
south half of tho Union block, which
beior.god to the M. K. church, consist
ing of two largo business room with
lloor above for offices, for which ho
paid $3,500 iti rash, a very low price
indeed, considering tho cost of the
property imd its splendid location.
The purchaser has ample capital, and
is a man of experience in . mercantile
bu.-dnes. Ho will ut once, with his
father and mother, become residents
of this city, and as soon as tho rooms
can befitted up in good style ho will
put in a big department store, com
plete in every lino. With his com
plete stock there will bo no excuse for
going to Omaha to trade, as has been
the custom too largely heretofore for
tho good of the town.
Omaha passen
and daughter
I inuab uavo recoiveu a very meagre
at the Ivy social Monday, June 20 proit.
Program will b3 given later.
Foil Kent Seven room house,
orchard, garden, pasture,stable. Close
in It. B. Windham.
Henry Wolf has an ugly growth on
his wrist which compells him to lay
off, and gives him considerable pain.
Wanted A job of corn plowing, or
any kind of farm work. Leave orders
at Vienna bakery, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Ivy Lodge, D. of II- will give thoir
Guy Johnson was out today for the
first time, after an illness of four
weeks. He doesu't look like he would
make much of a show fighting Span
iards. Write to J. Francis, General Pas
senger Agent, Burlington Route,
Omaha, for handsome thirty-two pago
pamphlet, descriptive of the Trans
Mississippi exposition. Free.
"L" on its wings. It indicated the
assassination of Lincoln, so the proph
ets say.
C. S. Polk and Earl Wescott aro said
to have furnished no little amusement
for the crowd at the Marine band con
ceit the other night in Omaha. Thev
took seats well up in front and the
crowd soon filled the benches behind
them. Later on it began to rain, in a
slow drizzly fashion and C. S. opened
his umbrella and the two crowded un
der it and the band played on. It
gradually rained harder and after
several minutes had elapsed and the
water was having an effect on the
umbrella they looked around to see
what the rest of the people were
doing when to their great sur
prise every bench was empty
and they were the only auditors- j
The crowd had taken positions back !
under the viaduct and under the
buildings far to the rear. The little
"audience" quietly got up and ad
journed to the rear, while several
hundred people laughed.
Adam Kurtz was an
gor this morning.
Mrs. Wash Smith
were in Omaha today.
Jerry Dolaney, tho Harvard
dealor, is in town today.
W. II. Manspeaker went to Omaha
on the early train this morning.
Charley Dabb has been putting in
some new electric light wires today.
Mrs. Wendell and Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Clark wore in Omaha today.
Miss Carrie Tighe and hor cousin,
Miss Schulof, were exposition visitors
this raoi niDg-.
Attorney Clarence Tell't and Joseph
Graham of Avoca were in tho city to
day on legal business.
Henry McMaken carried a basket of
flowers to Omaha this morning for
tho people at tho hospital.
Baxter Smith departed this after
noon for McCook, where ho has a
week's work in laying out a new cem
etery. Howard Kowiski of Nebraska Citv
came in today to hire tho M. W. A.
band to play for them next Sunday at
the Independent Workmen picnic.
A. M. Campbell the La Platte chick
en man, who buys more chickens than
any other dealer in this part of the
state, was in town last nignt anu re
turned homo this morning.
L. D. Bennett and wife depart to
morrow for a two weeks visit with rela
lives near jMinneapous. it be is
urged real naru Mr. uennett may go
fishing before ho returns home
S. P. Humphrey of Ironton, Ohio
c. una in last evening to join his wife
who has been undergoing- medical
treatment here for several weeks, and
to visit his brother Dr. W. A. Hum
phrey. They will remain a month or
two and enjoy the Omaha exposition.
St. Johii'ti Commencement.
Ihe commencement exercises at
St. John's school last evening drew a
crowded house, and the entertainment
itrorded was especially geod. To par
ticularize would require a column.
The sisters have been tireless in their
efiorts to teach not only book learning.
but good manners, a graceful carriage
and everything that a child should
Every pupil that took part in tho in
teresting program showed the ad
vantages of this careful training.
which called forth many good words
of compliment for the patience and
zeal of the teachers. Ihe school has
been prosperous sinco its first incep-
tiou under Father Madden, and under
the guidance of Father Carney, it
continues to grow in strength and in
On ITor That Waa Not Tattle fttrlrkcn
When Ilia Master Went to Keacnn Illm.
The common belief that horses iu a
burning building aro always panio
Stricken and refractory, not recognizing
their friends nnd refusing obedience to
those who would rescue them, is noj
strictly truo, as is proved by an incident
related by a Companion contributor.
The governor had aline black driving
horso called Dexter. Although strong
and spirited. Dexter was docilo and obe
dient and was petted and made much
of by his master. Ah tho governor kept
no other horse, Dexter hail tho stablo
till to himself, with u clean stall and a
full manger.
Tho stablowas near tho house, ami in
addition to Dexter's Mall and harness
room contained a largo carriagu room,
uu oat bin and a haymow over the stall.
One night, when the family and the
servants were away from home and tho
governor was in tho honso alone, ho
was awakened by an ominous crackling
and a bright glare ou his chamber win
dow, and before ho could collect his
6leepy wits ho was startled by a cry mi
liko any sound ho had ever heard. As ho
sprang out of bed tho cry came again,
and hastening to tho window lie learned
tho cause. The stablo was all ablaze,
and out of tho smoke and flames Doxtur
was calling his master to his rescue.
Pausing only to dou coat and slippers,
the governor rushed out. The outside
floor of tho stable leading into the stall
was already blocked by tho flames, and
tho only entrance to bo had was through
the carriago room, tho harness room and
a narrow entry leading past tho oat bin.
Those rooms were on lire overhead, and
burning wisps of hay and shingles wero
raining down in showers.
Blinded by smoke, tho governor stum
bled along the roundabout way and,
reaching the stall sooner than ho expect
ed, fell headlong down tho steps against
tho excited animal, who was vainly
tugging at his halter. Thinking somo
new danger threatened him, Dexter
gave a mighty kick that sent his master
sprawling and lamed him for a month.
"Whoa, Dexter 1" shouted tho govern
or. "Don't you know me, sir? Steady
now, old fellow, and we'll get out of
Itecognizing his master's voico, Dex
ter turned his head toward tho prostrate
man and uttered a coaxing whinny quite
unlike his previous loud cries of alarm.
Knowing he need fear no more kicks,
tho governor crept up and cut the halter
and, calling Dexter to follow him,
limped blindly through tho sinoko filled
entry and tho two blazing rooms be
yond, and closo after him went Dexter,
his nose pressed against his master's
shoulder, man and horso reaching the
Bafe outer air together.
"It was Dexter's obedience that saved
him," said the governor. "I could not
lead him, and had ho shown tho least
obstinacy or any less readiness to fol
low at a word through all that round
about, unaccustomed way I must have
left him to perish in tho flames, but he
followed like a well trained soldier, and
we escaped from our burning, fiery
furnace almost as safely as Shadrach,
Meshach and Abednego did from
their " Youth's Companion.
Household (Jod.-i.
The ancient Greeks believed that
the Penates were the gods who at
tended to the welfare and prosperity
Whtit a Social Student Found In an EasU
era Province.
While studying social conditions in
oriental lands Dr. Alico B. Stockham
was advised by Tolstoi to visit the
Naiais on tho Malabar coast of India,
and witness a type of civilization un
known elsewhere among the inhabitants
of earth. Here, according to a writer,
the husband is a mere incident in tho
social organization. Woman's power is
autocratic and absolute. She wins or
divorces a husband at will. She frames
and administers the laws by which he
lives, and through her is the descent of
the property, which he may earn, but
not own. The ricefield is his active
arena, and if industrious and frugal
proving himself capable of maintaining
a family someNaiar maid invites him
to become her husband. The successful
man of eligible years is wooed and won
as is tne tortunate ana accomplished
maiden of our country.
The impropriety of manifesting affec
tion for a woman before it is solicited
is thoroughly instilled Into the mind of
the Naiarman, and, while the strife be
tween natural tendencies and national
custom may sometimes approach the na
of the family. They wero worship- 3 ture of an irrepressible conflict, to yield
ped as household gods. Tho house
hold god of today is Dr. King's
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds and for all affections of
throat, chest and lungs, it is invalu
able. It has been tried, for a quarter
of a century and is guaranteed to cure
or money returned. No household
should be without this good angel. It
is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and young. Free trial
bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Regu
lar size 50c and $1.
A Neat Improvement.
L. A. Moore donates the foliage
plants, nnd the ladies of the Woman's
c ub p;ur for the vord "PUittiinouf,h,"
which White is engstrod in
putting in to lay on the terrace', in the
15. x M, aeput park. It will be a
handsome pi- ce of work-, jinl the la
dies deserve i o end of ewmpliments
for their work 'n lcantif ing ihe city.
I O. , I'. UeiG-:tiiu iay.
The Odd Fcuo vs will pj:-fo-m the
beautiful se -vicj of decor:iiin- the
mouiiU.- ot ueeea.'-ea Ot'ir oneo gone
before, on iu-xi Sundav i t Oa : Bill
come ery. i" tfi-i hit, ni.r twicer
Dungan of t ho C n i-tia.i eb-ircli will
preac.i trie meta-iial sermon at tne
M. E church ,'o . hieii th s publ.c is
co: d a 1 y i i vili d.
Death of Henry Martens.
Henry Martens died at one o'clock
this morning of throat trouble, and
the funeral will bo held Sunday. .A
moie extended notice will be given tomorrow.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. The genuine has
Tho Tui .a. iv: rtj-.P.
Thu Turners wi 1 ive .c dance at I
th ir h.-ili in iliis eity Salurd:iy even-
nsr G i i inujie will bo provided and
a good time is nssurel nil who attend.
Tiie 11 iKHonri IVcllic.
1 In s a i our. I trip i a.e of .i f ire r.nd
third tj Omaha, good every day dur
ing th expositi-jrt rxceot when a low- J
er i-. n .adc All trains stop at
the exposition gate, giving exception
al facilities lor ihu i-on venience of
patrons wn- s en- f :it and unpleas-
: nl tiaii-fer- Tafc-- the old reli ible
. P. train i vm. ha ...:d Wie x position.
Miss 'Phema Ilobbins, wa regret to L. B. Q. on each tablet
Dress iu;iiu
Union Block.
..1.3 5 Laura Tv:s3.
is ruin and humiliation irreparable.
The eligible bachelor must await an
avowal of love and choice and suffer in
silence if it be long withheld. The
Naiars are of Brahman origin and much
above the average inhabitants of India
in intelligence and in the administration
of their native government. Better na
tive schools are found here than else
where in India, and a surprising degre
of domestio contentment. Springfield
The Pope and Rome.
The Osservatore Romano thus ex
plains why the pope does not appear ou
the streets of Rome: "If the pope went
about in Rome, he would inevitably be
made the object of demonstrations of re
spectful enthusiicm on the part of tho
faithful, and by a uiicral reaction theso
demonstrations would be followed by
others of a hostile character. The pope
would be simultaneously applauded and.
hissed and surrounded by tumults and.
faction fights. The government would
render military honors to i j'm, but it
could not long tolerate in the streets of
Rome demonstrations in favor of the
pope, who, after all, ia a dispossstoed
sovereign. "
About Telegraph Poles.
The number of poles used for tele
graph wires per mile varies from 20 to
22 on minor lines to 26 to 30 on main
lines. These poles are of regulation
height, in order that the lowest wire
shall not bo less than 12 feet from tho
"round, and as the poles are set into the
gemd ironi 4 to 6 feet they measure
from 20 to 22 feet in length. The sag, or
dip, varies of course with the number
of poles per mile and the condition of
the atmosphere, but the average is abot.G
14 feet.
On the morning of Feb. 20, 180-5, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded complete relief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. r. mohkaux, Luverue,
Minn. Sold by all drusrjrists.
Coates & Co. are headquarter Jor
all kinds of rubber hose.
Said about throe hundred
pairs of lon-Iey&od, yhori-Iegod,
slim, fat, pusscy, bow-logod,
straight-logged, all sorts of legged
Trousers, as 1hey got out of the
boxes and up onto our Clothing
tables. Three hundred pairs of
trousers in one day is a good many,
but what about them? Why, they
are the unmatchablo DUTCH ESS
Trousers, the best line on earth.
Some are $1.50 a pair, good Cassi
mere Trousers; some are $3 a pair,
good Trousers, and every pair war
ranted. Dutchess trousers are
made of good goods provided with
all the comforts of home; front
pockets, watch pockets C to watch
your money pockets nights, in case
your wife wants to see if she is get
ting her half of your income 3 pistol
pocket and refreshment pocket.
We sell all wool Cassimere Trous
ers, solid as a rock, beautiful, plain
or fancy patterns for $2.50, that
will keep an able-bodied man busy
nights and days to wear them out
in a year. Why, say, we sell all
pure Worsted Trousers for $3.50
that are simply great. Patronize
our Pantry-it pays.
"One Price and No Monkey
Obi (jC
Clothiers, Hatters
and Haberdashers.
6 r-tJ- ti
lil liI.INt.TON noi n:.
YV s
IS. ' V
Take Atlvuituc of l-ow Kates K;tst
ami Sunt h .
Denver and return, .1 une l-, 17,
San Francisco and icturii, JuiieLS
and 2i).
Hot Springs, S. 1). i.nd return, -Inn.-
;i0 imd July o. (
1 ,ril;i:n (), o. . ami return. .lune.'Jn
and July 1.
Kasdiville, Tciin., and re urn. July
i, 2, :;.
Salt J a .Ice City aul renrn, J i v
Washington, I). C. st.t retain Juiy
3, 4, 5.
Buffalo and return, July 11 a :d 12.
Ask tho local ticKet agent Tor par
ticulars. J. Francis, General Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Neb.
tut This Out '.' ? '..
J CO acres of Merrick county land for
$010.00. Write mc for new land list.
J. It. Mason,
Central City, Nebr
(X- J Cui
in :l. J-
r j'-.-ti'H lo
!, v.-
1 o i (: ( . ray
; or.
:1 r.u
to liousf?kar-r rs.
Licbin C(XMPA.YS
Ji.xtnict of 15c
A. I.
tijilinj" how to pi-ci:i -c
e.ate ami del n;iou.- ills'.
i I O. V... : S,
- F; RST
oi' rj, vi "j ;t, i n. m:is.
Wanted Agents for "Gladstone,
His Life and I'ublic Services,'' Thus.
W. Handford. A wonderful story of a
glorious career. Over o00 larg'e, radi
ant pages, 100 superb rare engraving's.
Richest, biggest, best and only in
dorsed "Gladstoue book" published.
Only 1.50. Commission, 50 P'jr cent.
Credit riven. Freight paid. Ou'.iit
free. Drop all trash and clear i'.Vid
a month with the only true and g-ood
"Gladstone book." Address The
Dominion Company, Dept. 30, 'J- 350
Dearborn street, Chicago.
Coming, who is coming? The orig
inal drummer boy of Shiloh. When
is he coming? June 22 and VS. One
of the best, if not tho best concerts ever
given in Piattsmouth. Watch for pir-ticulars.
100 Kewarl S1DO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
iMrn that there is at least one drea.le J i
that science has been able Vt
stages, and that is Catarrh. Ha
is the only positive cure known i' tne illy.-,
fraterir.ty. Catarrh being a constiuit; ..nai -ease,
requires a constitutional treatment,
Catarrh Cure is taken internally. a--uns' o.ref.t
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tlies;.
tem, tiiereoy decrowns the loundutio:.
disease, and gi inff the patient strenrfti. i; -";
inprtp tho const. tution and ,4a'ur'-' "f!
doinn its work. The proprietor-- have so v.-j . i
faith in its curative po.vers that t.'.cy "-ler on
Hundred Dollars lor any case that it tai. to cjru.
Send ..t list of testimonials.
AJdress. JK.J. HENfcY aLu
bo. 1 by Druggists 7;.c
cure ni an its
i's Catarrh C'.re
tile cry he-1 la. :
pr-.mpl tin!,-,: ti
.0 th.
Legitimate Banking Business.
TOC bonds, 'old. ;rjvcrnrn(-nt and lr.i ;tl
sc:cu ritlfis wm;ht and oid. Di-ooslts re
ceived and lrit.T-st allowed r,n the --rl fi -cutes.
Drafts rlruv. ri, 'i vai i a Ij! r. In any
part (it the K. S an i all t he principle
'uvns ' Kurop'. 'W"ti ns tna'liiiiiid
t ro :
II. X. I)'.
i or
W 1. I '
eo j lit
Wan iiritfc.
d:f.i:ci ows:
iv. .:
s. v
T' 2 VP
V... '.
, o.
In New Jitart-M.
Having- removed to the Merg-i's'
butldinfr, next to LehnholTV, I will
continue to keep a selected stock of
tropical fruits, and will serve ice
cream and lemonade as formerly.
Jon x Sen IA ri.CAS.- K.
t; it
Taken Up.
At my place near the fair grounds,
a black horse, white star in forehead,
weight about 1100 pounds. Owner
have sarne by ailing, p tying for this
notice and damages.
Thomas Isneii.
t r
:a w
f o . : .
v t
!,: .!!:
We Lav.
in town.
A o
Ii n
in i'.o i 1111 1 v
; 1 1 1 . n i 1 . i ' e:i lil
i jilvo ii h' it i n -
- u. : the
r 1 fresh
' ! .1 o'ir'ors.
-I ti' lu ii iid i-e cream
Holloway's Ice Cream Parlor.