CITY AND COUNTY. hati;kia v. Dr. (lilmoro ami Mont Kobb wore in from M unity t ulny. Julius I'ilz urn I John I urloif;h will visit tin: exposition this evening. Mth. T. M. M i rq ui!i to of Lincoln cn'iio in this nflcrmmn for a visit with MrH. at Urn Cil v. Mr. and .:. I' K. Whito, ton, I T' orl, anil iicph-w, l'''nncU II imnn. son, W(irt) ( y.uos ..ion vimIhi i.mIm . Toin IMio(l-n, ; f iti'- sijnt nihil fjifinors icsidintr nciir Mutiny vviia in town today ami in ;; ihu Nhtt'S a t cal I . Mr. I 'it .or, of M ills county, Iow;i, in in 1 ron Clark' law otli'-o ami will tako (J. A. IIiwIh' place whilo tlio lal tor to tlio war. Harrison li who has been school director for twenty-seven years in tho Hook UlulTs dist'ict i e liahlo to l;c elected for anothci Ihroo years term. Mrs. (leoro Knirllehl came in yes terday from Omaha having recovered from a successful operation on her oytss. She will visit at II C. MeMak on's for some tt mo. This year wili bo a groat one for tho binding twine factories, as tho crop of wheat and oats novor was larger. August GorJer bought a load of twino containing over 20, 000 pounds. Chris Christiansen, an emplojo of tho blacki-mith shops, mashed a foot vo'.y badly a few days npro and is now oft" duty. Hop'j ho will be able to ro Buinc his dutios in a vory short time. Iluck Adams lolls tho Courier that th ball team is a go; that tho grounds will be cleared at onco, a line grand 6tand erected and the ball will bo in tho air in loss than ten days. Ijouis villo Courier. Cioorgo Snyder camo up from Cedar Creek Thursday and look tho Missouri Pacific for tho Black mountains in North Carolina where ho goos with hopes of improving his health. Louis ville Courier. Kobert Troop has traded for tho Blake businoss block on lower Main street, ono of tho best built blocks in to'.n. Ho will probably occupy tho room himself with a lino of agricul tural implement. Henry Kotliinan and James Camp bell woro released on bail yesterday evening in Omaha and arrived home today. Henry is all right again, but has a sore head from tho blows struck by tho Omaha robbers. Philip Seidenstriker, who died a fow days ago up in Montana is known to have ha i $2,000 life insurance but no data has thus far been received as to the cause of his death or any pa--ticulars about his personal affairs. His brother Coon is at Salt Like City Utah. Ed Porter and Frank Delbride have been remanded for trial under $1,C00 bonds for robbing Harry Itathman and James Campbell, two Plattsmouth boys of $12 on tho night of M iy 9. William Johnson, tho third party ac cused of complicity in tho crime, turned state's evidence and was dis charged Mayor Kiehey having some regard for tho city pocket book had Chief Morrissey escort, seven of the tramps from the j til to the city limits with instructions to move on. The chief followed instructions and with the tasto of work which they got on the streets yesterday there is no danger of their returning. T. E. Fulton, proprietor of the Ma ple Grove blacksmith and wagon shops, three and ono half miles from Murray, was in the city today and made the Nkws a pleas mt call. Mr. Fulton is one of the best workmeuin the county and is kept busy the year round, at the present time he requires tho cssistance of two men to attend to his work. Levi Churchill returned home this morning from Davenport in Thayer eounty. He says we know nothing about the rain down here. Out in that country thousands (if acres of the best farm land is lying under from one to three feet of water. Down at White Cloud, Kas., tho best corn county in that state, no corn has yet been plant ed on account of the wet weather. 31 ON DAY. Miss Conn was an Omaha visitor today. Dr. Fato of W eping Water is in the city today. Hobt. Wilkinson and son of Weep ing Water art? in town today. Oliver Ward and .-on, J. O. Ward, were in town today from Glendale. John Becker and J. M. Meisinger was attend i ng to busi .ess in Omaha today. Owing to an increase in lifciiit-t-F. J. Morgan's, Fred Horn has been t tken in as an additional clerk. Hans Frahm has quit the service of the B. 5c M-, and is ready for any job of otirpeuter wo-k that may be given him. Judge Shcrt is seventy six years of age, but his patriotism is undimmed and he exi ecia 10 raise a big vole on July fourth with appropriate cere monies. Circuit Judge A. It. Dewey and wife of Washington la. returned home this morning after a pleat-ant visit with their uncle and aunt, Wm Atwoodani wi fe. Byron Hector of Lincoln and Miss Bessie Siinson of Greenwood and Steven Ambler and Miss Helen Ho' den of Weeping Water took out wedding licenses today. a.. Carm'chel, son of the old 'squire, who was one of the first settlers iu this county, is at H. C. McMackena on his first visit to this county in 27 years. Ho is a resident of Neosho county, Kansn', and will bo remembered as Borgount of Co. A, First Nebraska reg iment. He ox oectH to nttend tho ex position for a few days and will then visit his early friends in this county. A big "jumbo" coal car jumped th track up in the yards y sterday and tore up tho ground in groat nh:ipe. It required tho assistance of several men to get the car back on the track again. C. Soaiv, an industrious and well to do resident of Cedar Creek, will hi married next Wednesday to Miss Em ma, the handsome daughter of Henry lnheldor. Tho N kh's ex tends congrat ulations and best wishes in advance. Fi ank Curtis was taken by surprise today when he learned that a tine boy had arrived at his house in his ab sence and demanded something to eat and wear. Frank hurried homo and will look after the wardrobe without delay. Tho sheriff is in receipt of letter to day from Hans Ilendi ickson, no ir Ka gle, which had been carefully regis torod so he thought ho was about to receive a noat sum of money. When tho loiter was deciphered it was found to contain nothing except a roast for George Houseworth, Sam Chapman and Judge Hamsoy, couched in terms that would make Ilendrickson liable to arrest and imprisonment. TITKSDA V. Andrew Chrisienson, ono of tho live farmers of western Cas, was in town today. Miss Eikei.biry wenttoTIum boit today as a delegate to the Hpworth League convention. It rained every day laot week in this county, and tho same record has been maintained so far this week. Mrs. T. M. Marquette returned, to her home at Lii.coln today, after a pleasant visit i'i this city with Mrs. Opolt. Montgomery Waid & Co. have a horseless carriage at Die exposition with which they entertain their friends. Wilson Gilmoro of Mt. Pleasant precinct was in town today and reports all crops looking the very linest in his part of tho county. Meek Davis enjoyed a visit from his mother, yesterday. Sho is a resident of Malvern. Sho went out to Murray, to visit other relatives. A. B. Ilobson lost a check for $CS 00 signed by Walker & Pitman, also a note for over $oi0. If ho will call at the Nkvvs office wo can put him on the track of his property. Eu Fitzgerald received from St. Louis yesterday ono of the handsomest carriages ever brought to the citv. He will now bo better fitted than ever to take care of his patrons. Mrs.' Meek Davis, and son Troy, are visiting back at Concord, Massachu setts. They are having a good time, as Concord is a suburb of Boston, where they spend pirt of the time. The Epworth leagues of tho state have issued advanced notices of the program of their assembly to bo held at Lincoln park early in August. Tho Crete Chautauqua will not bo hold this year on account of the exposition. General Colby will be home this week and Beatrice will give the brig adier a warm reception. He is the only general selected fn m Nebraska and his town can not do herself greater honor than to give him a rousing re ception. Guy Livingston is here to recruit for his company, 300 men being re quired for the regiment. Guy says tho job of recruiting was not relished by the boys all wanting to go to Manila. He thinks they will sail this week, and he hopes to get through in time to go with the next expedition. Cass county today received a road roller weighing five tons, which cost $350. It will be used to level the roads out in the connty after the grader has thrown them up in a ridge. Waiter White hitched onto tho new machine this morning and gave it a trial trip that showed it would do the work intended. The farmer who is strickly up on the markets has undoubtedly gotten his binding twine. If he hasn't he may have trouble to g'it it. It h is more thad doubled in price at whole sale and the largest factory in the country refuses to book any more orders at any price s it. cannot fi'd ail that have b en la n. The county cmm:ss:oi.ers are in session now as a hoard of equal:, iiion. Tho members h;-ve returned from Mur dock where they will ch itit'o the road so as to go under the Hock Island trestle and thus avoid tho man trap crcs ng. The Hock Is and is willing to fix the overhead crossing as soon as the Henning case is tried. "WEDNESDAY Frank Sackett of Weeping Water was in the city today. A. L. Timblin, a Weeping Water attorney, whs attending court today. Wm. Deles Dernier and Iko Tee garden are in the city today on legal business. Robert IP.rseh of Pueb'o, Colo., and Miss Ida M. Bell of Greenwood, were recipients of a wedding license today. The Louisville mills, under the management of Claus Brekenfeld, un loaded a car of Hour here today for Plattsmouth met chants. Andrew Christenson and Isaac To land, two of the solid republic ins of Greenwood precinct, were in the city tod iy attending to business and shak ing hands with old-time friends. Nebraska day at tho exposition was a big day, even though it did rain, and crowds were to be seen all over the grounds. The exercises at the Nebraska building were also well at tended. Tbo building is in every way a credit to tho stato, and it's interior furnishings and decorations aro beauti ful, beyond comparison with tho Ne braska building at the world's fair. Lewis Walker writes from Oklahoma to 1 'laltsmout ti friends that they aro now in tho midst of their wheat and oats harvest and their wheat is making .'0 bushels to tho aero, tho biggest crop ever raised in tho territory. Wood Epperson of Omaha was iu town today. He was the original own er of the mules which Phil Harrison drives, anil sold them to Mr. Way bright eighteen years ago, and ho says they were eighteen years old at that lime. Some one has been trying to gain an entrance to Fred Archer's resi dence two nights in succession. lie came up town this morning and got a gun, and will do a little hiJo perforat ing on tho next tramp that comes his way. District court is grinding away, and prombos to last most of next week. Judge Hamsoy is cleaning up tho docket, however, with his old time rapidity, saving tho county saveral thousar d dollars in tho courso of a year iu court expenses. Two ScouiulreU at l.iirt'c. The toughest lot of tramps and dead beats that ever alllicted the city have been dropping in hero of late, and it may bo that hemp and a tele graph pole will have to be resorted to before they cm bo taught a lesson. On Saturday evening a tramp called at Mrs. Jack Britten's and asked for a pair of sox, tho lady got him a pair then ho wanted her to cut tho fringed edges which adorned tho bottoms of his trousers, this sho refused to do. Ho then very impertinently enquired if sho was married and about the chil dren, and insisted on entering the house to see the baby, but the lady was lirm and he had to go his way. A shotgun would teach him a valuable lesson if properly handled. On Sun day evening another tramp met the littio daughter of Wm. Short, grand daughter of Jurlgo Short, who is but twelve years of age, on tho road not far from tho house. He picked tho girl up in his arms and started to run away with her, but she screamed so lustily that ho hai to put her down, when he ran and has not since bjen found, though the police made diligent search for him. Tho republican convention for the First congressional district will be held in Lincoln, Wednesday, August 3, at S p. m. This was the decision of the district committee which met last night at the Landed hotel. There were present Chairman II. M. Bush nell, Lincoln; John A. Davies, Platts mouth; S. W. McGrcw, Auburn; G. W. Marshall, Falls City; A. E. Hassler, Pawnee City; P. A. Brund ige. Tecum seh; Web Elton, Lincoln. The only member absent was Frank E. Ilelvey of Nebraska Citv. Smashed a Uurkj- Whorl. O. P. Monroe's horse and buggy were standing quietly in front of tho department store Saturday night, when young Sam Henderson, driving Ed JjUI.'s ho: so and buggy, came along slowly, and as he was passing Monroe's buggy the horso suddenly backed up and tho rear wheel was quickly smashed by the collisionAvhich ensued. No ono was hurt, but the wheel will have to be replaced with a new one. I desire to attest to the merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one of tho most valuable and efficient preparations on the market. It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 21 hours, and in gratitude there for. Ides re to inform you that I will never be without it and you should feel proud of the high esteem in which your Remedies are held Uy people in general. It is the one remedy among ten thousand. Success to it. O. R. Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion, Ind. For sale by all druggists. The Fourth at I'lattxmouth . Plattsmouth has not held a Fourth cf July celebration for several years, and quite a number of citizens insist that this is a good je;:r for an old fashioned celebration. A meedng has been called of the citizens at the council chamber Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, June 15, to take action in the matter and appoint tho necessary e .mmittees. liound Over to Court. John S'ettler who w is arrested . nd jailed on tho chuge of attempted as sail. t on a little srirl, had his prelim -nary ho. a ine before Judge A eher this morning. Sam Chapmm ap peared as his at'.o.-ney in police court. Only a fe at witness ;s were examined, when tie was bound over to the district court, which meets in September, in the sum of 1,0(0. Not being able to give bond ho will rest in jail. His chance for a term in the peni tentiary stems unmistakably good. First Huttle In Cuba, The 800 marines landed Saturday at Guantanamo, were attacked by seyer hundred Spanish regulars, in guerilla fashion Saturday night and Sunday. They wore repulsed with great loss; but four of our soldiers were killed two of them st rgeai.ts. Tho Marble head pushed further up the bay; turned its search light upon the Span iards, and mowed them down with its machine guns. Two of the Americans killed were horribly mutilated with machetes in the manner much like indians would have dor e. Have You Kidney Trouble? A ."0c trial bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure will prevent serious results from this usually fatal disease. Smith &, Parmele nd F. G. Fricke & Co. For sale cheap. A four-burner gas oline stove. Enquire at Hotel Plattsmouth. Obituary. Ma-y Ann Craig was born March 1, 18o0. Was married to James It. Bar ker Somptomber 20, 18S1. Died Juno 2, 1808, Ago IV.) yoars li months and 2S days. Sistor Barker was converted and joined ttio M. E. church at Eight Milo GrovelS years ago and transfered to tlio Plattsmouth church three years ago. Sister Barker was a groat suf ferer, yet sho did not lose her faith in God. Sho looked forward with a hope of suffering, and at rest with God. Sho loaves a husband and live child ren, four sisters and ono brother to mourn her loss. Tho funeral was held at the M. E. church, tho order of Rebekas, of which sho was a member, having charge. Tho following poom was written by an absent sister during tho hour of her funeral. A tribute of lovo from an absent sister. Sacred to the memory of our sainted sister. W ife, mother, sister, all in one, l-'or you the earthly task is done; Death's sitklo keen has cut you down. The soul released now wears the crown. (), loving wife, so tired and true, My bleeding heart still yearns for you. May your blest influence linger still. To guide my life as by your will. Nay linger not but always stay. To help and cheer me day by day, As to our children left to me; Father and mother both I'll be. O, patient mother, nothing less Cuu Soothe our griefs than your caress, I'oor orphan children now we mourn. Our very life seems from us torn. Christ, may thy spirit come anil bless. And comfort now the motherless; God grant, that by our life we prove Ourselves pure tribute of her love; And that at last in that great day. With mother we may be ahvay. O darling sister as I. w rite It seems my heart must break outright. To know that as you're laid to lest. That I apart from all the rest. Though loving you so warm and true. Must spent this hour apart from you. As husband, children, sisters brother. Your loss shall bind us to each other. In golden chains with links of love. Till we too dwell with God above. As we in grief and sorrow grope, , We're truly blest by this glad hope. That as we bear the chastening rod, Your spirit dwells in peace with God. I.ohi-m S5.00O.00O. Joseph Leiter h;s surrendered to his creditors 10,000,000 bushels of wheat. His grain deal, beginning April 2, 1897, has collapsed. His es timated loss is $5,000,000. On wheat owned Mai' 31, Mr. Leiter might have realized a profit of $4,500,000. Since then the mirkot has declined, and fi nancial support which ho had hitherto received being withdrawn, ho re tired on the best terms possible. His creditors are financial institutions in Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, I)u luth and New York City. These concerns lent money on his wheat at eighty cents or less a bushel. They are amply protected. The Illinois Trust and Savings Bank prob ably will be selected trustee for the Leiter grain and place ono or two broker representatives in the market. Accurate figures as to Mr. Leiter's holdings when be decided to liquidate are difficult to secure. The best esti mates indicate that he has 12,000,000 bushels of wheat in Duluth and Minneapolis, 2,000,000 bushels en route to Europe, and 2,000,000 bushels now en route to New York. Mr. Leiter will not make an assignment, and court proceedings for the settle ment of his grain account will not bo necessarv. The Human Fish. Capt. Robert Beasley of the P. M. S. S. company arrived here yesterday having in charge the remarkable am phibian that created such wonder on the Pacific coast and so fully described in the press dispatches recently. The creature, which was captured alivo in the Gulf of California shows a strange combination of species in its formation; the upper of its body is strikingly human in form. Its arms, back and shoulders are covered with scales. The features are human, also tho head in form, but the eyes are those of a fish. In short it comes nearer the popu ar idea of tho mermaid of ro manco than anything heretofore cap tured, and will aoubtless prove a er-eat feature at the Omaha exposition, whence it is bound. Captain Beasiey has been persuaded by local friends to exhibit his strange charge here for a couple of days and is now exhibiting it at 1224 O street. State Journal How It Was Done. Henry Rothman relates his Omaha ox per ence to a Nevv; reporter i;s fol lows: He. says he and Campbs I wore on Notth Sixteenth street, looking for a p' ce to s'.eep, when they we e ac costed by thiee men, who asked them whit 'Key were lokinsr for. They t -plied th t they weie looking for a placj tj sleep and tue men said lb y knew of a good place and to c uie along. They went threnor four block3, when ihey camo to a railroad track and oue of the men told them to sit down, they did. Then they de minded their money. Camube.l gave up but Rothman started to ru'i when he was c.iught and about the head with a coupling pin until he was insensible. The Turners I5a.ll. The Turners will give a dance at their hall in this cit" Saturday ever n. GjjJ maiij wi.i be p: oviud uliJ a good time is assure 1 al. who attend. When You Take Your Vacation The most necessary article to have with you (after your pocket book) is a bottle of Foley's Colic Cure. It is an absolute prevention or cure of ail de rangements of the bowels caused by a change of water. You aro likely to need it. George Y. Lrng, wife and son Charles are in the city the guests of their nephew, Frank T. Davis and family. Their home is in Idaho. Cyclone In I'olk County. Silvkk Ckkkk, Nob., Juno II. Yesterda3 at 5:30 p m. a genuine cyclone visited Platto precinct, Polk county, about throe miles southwest of this place. It moved in asouth- wo-torly direction not far from tho river. Alter the funnel formed it lasted right minutes befo-o itbioke. It did not move very rapidly and covered only two or three miles. It leveled cot ton wood groves like weeds and tore up apple trees, but fortu nately struck tho buildings of only one farmer, those of BeMijamin Finery. His barn, containing some J500 bushels of grain, was wrecked, ono hori-o killed and several others crippled. Tho porch was taken oil" his house. Will Miller, John Wisley and Mont Mustard, three young men who woro cultivating corn across tho road from Finery's and who .had put their horses in Filler's barn on the approach of the storm, were lifted bodily from the ground, thrown over a fence and into a mudhole, but were not seriously in jured. T t'l)llHIIIIIIIV-H. As an bo.iest remedy, Foley's Honey and Tar does not hold out false hopes in advance stages, but truthfully claims to give comfort and relief in the very worst cas'js, and in tho early stages to e fleet a cure. Smith & I'armelo anil F. G. Fricke & Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Legal Notice. In the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska, In the matter ot the estate ot Addison 1'. Weston, deceased. William O. Weston, Fiances Kixby, children of Joseph W eston, deceased, Frank A. Weston and Aithur Weston, children ol Jane Hall, de ceased, Mis. Ida Frost and Jennie 11. ill, Fletcher Weston, Abbie Spragu , arah Hemingway, i-y-dia Ann Kelsey, Kuggies.Marv Ouck. 1'agc Weston, Wallace Weston. llinnia Uavis Marion Hall, Jos" ph llaldwiu, Fdgei tou Baldwin, child ren ol Mary Sheldon, deceased, Irwin 1.. Shel don ami M rs. A bbie Shekels nee Sheldon, M rs. Cora McKiniiey nee Sheldon, Abbie Bailev, Thomas Baldwin, Albert A.Johnson, Albert J. Bixby, Ad iie (.Ol vis) Spaulding, children of Fei i is Barton, deceased. W llliam Fraud Hattie May Barton, Cynthia A. Orvis, Amelia B, llalileman nee Weston, and all other persons interested in the estate ot Addison 1'. Weston, deceased: You are hereby nolilied, that pursuant to an order of County Court ol Cass county, duly en tered upon the lith day of May. A. I). ls'J.S, in the above entitled cause, on the tithdayul June. A. L). IS'.is, at o'clock, p. M ., iu the County Couitof Cass county, Nebraska, the accounts ot the executor, Levi C. Pollard, hle.l in said cause on the i"th day ol May, A. I). Kith day ol iJccember. A. 1 1M:. 1st day of June, A. 1). Is'.Hi, 1st day ol July, A. J J. 1S:)7, and the lith day of May, A. I). IS'J.S, including charges made lor extraordinary service not required ol an exec utor or adminis' rator in the common course ol his duty, and including his Accounts of pament of legacies to legatees, will be examined and ad justed and final judgment entered therein. Ot all ol which vou and each ot vou will take due notice. (Seal) CiKOKGK 31. SrUKLOCK County J udgc. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued by George F", Houseworth, cleric ol the district com t. within aud-tor l ass county, .Nebraska, and to me di rected, 1 will on the lsth day of June, A. I. ls'JS, at o'clock p. m. of said day at tlie south door of the court house in the city ol I'latt-mouth, in said county, sell at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the following real estate to-w it: Lots eight IS), nine Ml), ten (tin and eleven ill), m block one hundred a:id lilty-one (Kdi, m the city of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, together with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. The same being levied upon and taken as the propeity ol Margaret A. lJovey, et a!., defendants, to satisly a judgment of said court recovered by FJizabeih Sporer-McCullough, et al. , plaintiffs and co-defendants against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. May 17, A. I). 1S!S. W . 1). W HHI I.hR, Sheriff. Cass County. N'ebiaska. By I. IX McBride. Deputy. C. S. Polk, atty. for plaintilts. Probate Notice. In county court, Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Albei t YanCleave, deceased. Louisa H. VanCleave, I-ulu May llurlbut, Sarah Irena Wolf. Cora Hell Wolf, Mahlon O. YanCleave, Nettie YanCleave, and all other persons interested in said matter, are hereby nolilied that on the '2nd day of une, isiis. 1-ouisa II. YanCleave tiled a petition in said Court, alleging among other things that Albert YanCleave died on the 17th day of May, lSl'- leaving no last will and testament and possessed of real and personal estate, and that the above named constitute all the persons interested in the estate ot said deceased, and praying for ad ministration thereof. oi. are lu;ieby notified that if you fail to appear at said Court on the -Tth day of June, ltus. at ID o'clock a. in., and contest said petition, the Court will appoint Louisa H. YanCleave, or some other suitable person, administratrix, and proceed to a settle ment of said estate. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court at JiiJUUtt Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this Cth day JtKAi.4J of June, 1SUS. jJiitjJttJ George M. Spcrlock, - County Judge. Administrator's Sale of Land. In the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska. ''"flvrvw'i Administrator's sale of estate ot Jas. Grove, deceased. ) i'"ld- Notice is hereby given that in pursuance to an order of sale made by Basil S. Ramsey, Judge of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 7th day of May, A. I). IW, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold for cash at the south door of the court house in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the li'.Uh day ot June, A. I). lV.'H, at 1:30 o'clock p. in., the following described real estate, to-wit: The west half (w 'i) of the southeast quarter (s e f.i) section two ('-'.), township ten (10), north of range nine CD, in Cass county, Nebraska, for cash, sub ject to all Hens and encumbrances existing at the death of James Grove, deceased. Said sale will remain open one hour. Arthur L. Minokr. Administrator. Byron Clark and ) a ttornev. C. A. Kawls. 5 Attorneys. Notice to Creditors. STAcSKA1-- In County Court In the matter of the Fstate of Baithaser Siebold dec ased. Notice is hereby given that the credi tors ol said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate, before me. ouuty Judge ol 'as County. Nebraska, at the County Court room in PlaUsmouth in said county, on t he -th. d i of December. A. D. lsKs, at 11 o'clock a. m. for the purposs of presenting their cU ms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. :x months are allowed for the creditors of said deces--d to pre sent their claims and One year for the l.xecutrix to settle said estate, fioin the -.'ah day of May 1S'.S Witness my hand and seal ot said County court, at Plattsmouth, Nebra?ka, tnis, 4th day of June A. D. l93. George M. Si'I RI.ock, (Seal) County Judge. Order to Show Cause. In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate I of Samuel A. Holbrook, Order to show cause. deceased. ) This cause came on for hearing upon the Cth day of June, l;is, upon the petition of William L. Lowell, executor under the last will and testa ment of Samuel A. Holbrook, deceased, for license to seil the north half of section twenty three, and the east half of the northeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the northeast quar ter of section twenty-two. ail in town hip twelve, lange ten, east of the sixth principal meridian, in Cass county, Nebraska, lor the purpose of paying debts of said estate and the costs of ad ministration, there not being sufficient personal property belonging to said e: ta e to pay the said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all persons inter ested in said estate appear before me at the cltice of the clerk of the district court in Plattsmouth Cass county, Nebr.iska on the 3nth day of July. A- D. IS'S at 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause why a license sh uld not be granted to said executor to sell said real estate above described lor the purpose hereinbefore set lorth. and that this older shall be published four successive weeks in the Semi-Weekly News-Herald. Dated this tith day of June A D. lSS. Judge of the District court. Basil S. Ramsey. Judge. R. B. Windham, Attorney. Notice of Application. Union. Cass County, Nebraska. June 6, lM'H. t I do hereby make application to the Board of Trustees ot the village of L'nion. Cass county. Nebraska, to sell matt, spirituous and vinous liquors for the niunicipa.-year'n fintr AFi! 'M b'jy. John Kennedy. Applicant, 0 V 0 r 7. Jewel I f :i)i- CHEAT next Hi lu:! .!. or rent -1 . pi i. and Of Willi o w i 1 1 to in jtn ext ra gooi Wateli ami ;ili -l rep J no. 7 Second I oi ir Si 313 That's whatY, and ali olhc-r are com pel ic kitchen stove c i uy And thus sa c and worry. I LY bills and much out companion. 6 HT . . . . Gasoline Stovo Lowest price: that you'. wili b only stove in v. to prevent LY should the b blown out or 1: ably the bosl and the price My Stocl Is as full r,n acknowiGcY;; largest in Cr you in... ..Variety, THE BIG FUT Opposite Court Hoi ;YY 9 Not low priced, but highest gr.i';.j our reputation. We say ther e arc say so too after you have used tl.j; Struck F. C. FRICKE Permanently cured by usin? Dii. Will': 1-'. I j surest and the best. Sold by tin; r.'' i :. ; fer box. Sample sottf free nn 7i:-. y.-cy, ,: t THE WlIITLIiALL UUJ. THE NEW r" J f. t ! ?: 1 1 1 r i n J' u , Neb - . . . j ..i . : i"iix- f i 1 1 ..... - r' 1 A i ;i..Yi:-j t'i;!'.. The . i'l ice ) centa . l. jud, Iudiansw i,-.- A 7 i.i. .:: .' ;j; t. Jr. M Xi -si 'Ls ii. Ji. I