Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 11, 1898, Image 4

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i f
Sumner. .
& PR
You can't duplicate chem in the
state, taking Quality and Work
manship into consideration.
Alpaca, Sicilian Mohair and
Serge Coats n . cl Vests, at all prices.
Have you s:on their Straw and
Linen Hats?
The People's Clothiers,
Waterman Corner.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Old papers for sale at this office.
House for rent. Inquire of John !
Dick Oldham or Heaver Uitv was mi
town today.
Dresa ma-king. Miss Laura Twis-.
Union Block.
D. G MtVntta was an Omaha pa -sen
gar 4hV B.
Mi--a Wfclpla raturaed to Ucr
APhlaq toflay.
WantaaL tOoA cook. Koqulre at
Hotel PUUemoutV
Full supply of Qeadlaa to all fwing !
machines at Lehahofltf9.
Coates & Co. are beadquartara for
all kinds of rubber boso.
August Uach was lookiig aitef "bus
iaoss in the metropolis today.
Hollo way's popular ataamed braad
is made of Ileisal's best four.
The finest screan irLfe guranUed
for ton years at Coataa A Co.
Don't forget next Tuesday is Ne
braska day at the exposition.
Beginning May 23d, special sale on
trimmed hats at Tuoker Sieteri.
Mrs. Tollifl and daughter were vis
iting relatives in Omaha today.
Lawn sprinklers and lawn mowers
at Coates & Co's. hardware store.
Holloway's are serving extra nice
ice cream which j'ou ought to try.
N. II. Meeker, the Greenwood badi
er, was in town todaj- on legal busi
ness. Tbe Gut Heil continues to hea i Ihe
list a a floe 5-cent cigar. Ask for no
Johu WhlUnan of Nehawka was in
the city tvdy oo buelaess of various
For sftjlo chaap. A four-burner sras
oline stove. Enquire at Hotel Pialls
mouth. Holloway'a brea4, whiah has taken
the lead, is nad of Heiael's Plansif
ter flour.
Go to Authany'aiausiaatora on iower
Main street lte vatything in the way
of sheet mustdu
Dewey took Jtfanila just as Lilac
Sweets perfume frill take America, at
Gering & Co. 'a.
A man in Otoe county bears the sug
gestive name of Weatherhogg. This
weather might suit him.
Mrs. Twltchall'a znothar and sis'.cr
returned home today after a
visit hero of aevaral days.
Regular acrrlaeak the Chrtatia-n
church t.axt tt9iiytha vnlon tarvice
hav;ng baa poatpoaad.
The will u Iuey MT. Tceffftrdc wfco
admitted to pMtett ted&y. The raV.
estato is given W bar huatoaad, and
th .
: personalty, amounting to several
i thousand doll-ifs, to the on! child,
j Large qu mtitie? of p.msie9, cera
: iiiums and verbeiwi's i i l'.o ni ready to
plant out, at Mooro'o.
Found A cheap watch. Ow:ierc?n
j have same by proving p operty and
paying for this notice,
Bci iha, Itosii and George Ivoyd wont
out to Li'ic.-ln this aflei iio ; to spnd
S;:nday w.iii their sister.
Tlie Wt r d's best o cent cigar, Wurl
IJros. Gut Heil, sti ictly Union made.
Every dealer bandies tl.em
Omaha has a new vaudeville theatre
at the corner of 14 1 h and Harney
ftreett-, called Ll ( Trocadoro.
Misses Lei tLa White, Claire Uruni
mond and Frances Higyenson wete
visiting the ext'Oiuon today.
Wam'I'J) A job of corn plowing, or
any kind of farm work. Leave rrlers
at Vier.nn bakery, I'Littamouth, X b.
Col. 1). S. Guild informs us that S.
H. A l wood of this city h.s fnced up a
near relationship to Adiniiv.i Dewey.
1 F. Dean, the genial p ly master of
the L5. & M. was in the c.ty today with
c ir lo and made the hop hoys happy.
Plants of the cei-.-i'iated Mmo
Gunthor, Ni-turlium and seed of
same, for sa.e A. Moore's. Tele
phone No.
Dr. W. A i Liiipbrey has had his
offioa iu liio Dovey block nicely re
papered and cleaned up until it looks
finer than silk.
WaMjJD Jfr) acres of land with
in three or four miles of l'lalts
moutb. A cAfeh custciiiji'. Kuquire
of J. H. Thrasbor-
Don't fargat the calico bail to be
given by tha T. J. Sokoi society at
their hnll SatUfdav evening, Jane 11.
Everybody wlocn.
FOUND A lady's black capo on the
streets Sti.tnrda.y- eight, which owner
can have by tailing; at this office and
paying for thj notica,
Joe Klein has red ur ad th priea of
his i.S oO civah suit to $ii.W mkinr
bargain in sumip wear that caaaq)
he surpassed ari(r$
The rnin yestfiay did ciiitidaraWa
damage to the expqaitlffi, but a' laf
force will soon hv rjtfclaf
nice as cou.d be daaifed .
Dr. Wilk4nson,paillit, yA aar,
nose and throat, cOmLb&, will bm a
the oilice of Dr. J.-? vijreton, fUHU
mouth, Monday Jpne ISih.
The L. M 1. .of A ataralBiaul
has been postpone! until farar CO
tice on account of June 14 blag Nr
braska day at the exposition
Ail kinds of jewsiry, alaais as4
watches promptly roaird- AU work
warranted. J. W. CrfblU, r 4or
west of Waterman h'oe, tWaVik.
l'ha Christianachurch is arS4
cial, owing- to the unacttlli VUlW,
ha been postponed to next Th s - - I ii v'
overling, June. Pi
The l. .V M. v.- 11 Hi -he r-i.ethe.'
cent round etc f . : ii ti-- - ; ' y l-i
Omuhu on .eh- li-lfu Day, I II,
pood in ;ii mi either of tin- t v i. ( ,
ing train s.
Frank W ho-t -r w il .
roei pien 1 1 of i li'iiiiiciiii' !'.
J he
t TV
young , ()-'
roott-r, and t In
proud of '
llnnvn. i; Hall,
year ago, will opt
a tit w r!:i h of ii..
which '.v.c
:i lit: 1 . : 1 1
i li
: h
I t is t he i ii t en 1 1 1 mi to make it the lead
ing ladies suiuiuury in the west..
Tho 1 tard of county commc ion ors
will rut as a b iard of equali I'mn eotn
nieuci ng J uiii! II I S1S.
.) A M KS IlOlU'.l I ,
Couuly Mi I: .
The Lad it Aid Hrfi. ;y of Iho
Christian t;!nirr)i will nn l at Mrs.
Hates Tuvsday aft3inooi. Ti." iiv'in
bora ar rn(U stcd to lo pio nt.
Ln.i.i.A Srt'l.T., :;c..m-i i. uy.
Wo. llaVu jurt oponod a !'!n- ol tin;
Ctjli:bi"it-.;1 "Maiiitr ' Mantlo! iii and
Willi l-:ioil ilisl i u Mi Ii t
crive a thrco xo-ii-'n warrant aiot ;'u:.i-
nntee tin-in to bo tiie liiio' Manufac
tured. Lfliniioll DroH. Sole Avi nt-.
Tlio M it.-oLi i-i river is on it .'nnu
rrfinntiifo. Ii is level witii I ii .inv.
at tills point and in HOlli" i aii'-:.-i I
overllovuni.' the bottom on ti oppo I
site bidi:. 'l'he Ni.shna r'-. or ir i
IIiinf)!iiv i? backing upa-i.1. t!n; ra
roadtiac.n a-o parti. Ii
X It. i:ity I'rc.
I An ellurl is beiti;: in
:.t..e '.I c
;-t. l!,t
. i at hi. i-
i J i r '
! '! I.l
I Hi. i : a
'A i 1 I !JC
Fourth ol Ju!y tlu- .'real
X,)()HllU ii. Willi favui aide
we havo no itou'ii it wi;l be
day than 'tbiai.,i tlav. i
mouth does rait ceiebihle at
thousand viMlors Jroin hen
Bent to bweii tile the cioau. I
Levi i'alljn is indignant bec.iu -r. ibe .
inspector reMi .ei to p iss hiin a.- 1. 1 lo
bd a soldier. 11-. says he ctH .-. d t i ai.-
non in the Iowa nulitia f i three yv.ars i
and was a.- aole tt go u- uny .' in- m. i
We haven't mis-id bovi Un u i'.a'.i
moth fe-r more I linn a few v :.. :.-uu:e j
ho was ten years old and con: ia ic j
his militi ,l service tnusl li . v -u im
aginary. Col Anderso-;, one of ti pr:';irieto:-R
of the Glenwocu Opinion, !ia- b, t. a
given a position in Wa-ii . n j losi ; s
clerk to the adjutant goru i a: . Ibi ba
already assumed the d uties ci hir- (t
sition, which Is q-j'tte h khI one
We have not heard of any NcbraKa
editirs being roraemb-icd by nunc
thun the local P. O but lb. eat-tern
fellows svm to fare belter at tin- U tmU
of the president.
'I lie'H i It'll
A bit sines' meeting of tlie Wo-nan's
club was held insd. evening at the heme
of Mrs. Atw(,od. The tcrriMo rain
and iiiiid could not daunt liio nob.e
purposo of the b ave quorum, and
mire, who weie j.. resent. A number
of subjects were brought up and dis
cussed and with other business the fol
lowing committees were nppointe 1:
Membership- -Mrs. Wailce. , Kawls
and Strcight.
Consti! ut ion M- s. Thrasher, Travis'
Hons.: and Home Mrs. I'iiapmiti,
Wduyh and Ulson; Mis es Sullivan
and Mcl'.. wain.
City Improvement Mrs. Clark,
Hoot, Twitcle.ll, Newell and Miss
Courttsy Mis. Wcecott.
Mrs. Se.yd -r has charge of the year
book and a request is made that aii
those det-iriiig to Income members of
the ciub t'ne eeminjf yea.-, v.i.l, at
their earliest convenience, d -..ipo.-it t'no
m-'nitier.-bi p fee SI 0 with the treas
urer in order that their names may
appear iu it. Mrs lle.olJ reports
there are new Indies icily F.jr all
who wioh them. A very ideasaus bus
iness nieeliuy p-is-sod most satis
factorally amid the ffigranl etlor of
beautiful roses which at the close, the
hostess generously bistoweti upon each
Mr.s. .It n.vihB Sihi man,
tJoi'i-espouding S jereia y.
loul!f Tr:i(li in tlie Ittirllnt tin
Ckeston la. , .1 uue 'J. It i jiersis
tently rumored that the Chicago lur
hngton & (Juincy road wilt complete
the double tracking cl its iinc from
Chariton to tiio Missouri iu ,-r. about
150, this year and next. IV. o
hunred to aOU men are wi king 1". dil
ferent jilaees widening eels anu pre
paring grades for another tr.tck, and
it is understood a huge amoui.t of
iron will be luirt on the sic-oni track
this summer to upsist in accomodating
the increased travel to the Omaha, ex
position. Between Creston aiai iteo
Oak the work is being t'lishq!y.
A Clieap Tn.
Tlie opportunity lo . :t tbo
southern States afi'o ded !y the t-oiui-
monthly excursiuiis ot the loui.-vide
& Nashville Hailrt. aJ is o-.-v tbat should
be taken advautage cf l.:,v every one in
terested. TIicoj c.eL.r.?ons are ar
ranged for the lirt ami tail ' Tie ay s
Q,f A pi il. The tic '.. ; i e good on the
regular trains of Incse dale- leaving
BOl ibero terminal.-, i.nd can ai -o be
purchased through from agents of co.n
oaoti ug lines. Tickets are reld to
Clota in Kentucky, Tennessee, A a
bam, the carolioas, Mississippi
Qargla and the western portions of
Florida. They are good for return
paaaa on any Tuesday oi- Friday
VlUkto twenty-oae days, and allow
6fltU inys on the going trip to slop
95 aat examine the country. Ti.e
aoat fOf lhe round trip is atcut lh
t'tjutr no-way rate, atid on smne
ne-aray tickets are sold at about
tTO-thirta of the regular rates.
F$F fwjl puttieulars, write to C. i. Av
B)rt C P, A.-. Louisvile, Ky., or Geo.
n.Uorqer, J. P. A., SU Louis, Mo.
iafy!9 1 the German Araeriiun.
9jt Wr, Agent.
blfil Took til a 8oltllr t rrtic.
Mr. W. O. Stoddard' norinl, "With
i)u, i;!ack Prinoe." Rives iu Ut. Nicho
las fta account of the fplei-did army
that aeocmpunifcd thu jirinco to the bat
tle of Crccy. Mr. .Stoddard wys:
It was the largef4 Lnylish fb-et yet
awrii.l-d. and the uiaty frclqK iu
hriartt vva also the best with which tfoy
lcigliih king had i-vt-r put to fx a. it
conirt(.d cl picke d men only. Of thoFt,
4,000 vtre in ii-ut-arms, O.C'J'J v ei
Iri.-h, 12,000 w ere Teih, tut the most
cartluily trained and disciplined part
cf the force coiiHit-td of lU.OuO bow
men. During a whole yenr h. d Lihvard
mid Lis Fon and his yeiierala teiled to
select and prepare the men ami the weap
ons with which tin y wcro to me t tht
highly famed chivalry cf the crntiuuit.
An army selected, from a nation of per
haps 4,000,000 of people was to couti-i :d
with an army collected trem I'l.cieo
with her 20,000,000, nud from ex,ch al
lies of hers as Germany and IJohtani i,
re-enforced Ly large numbers cf paid
mercenaries. AiiK'Ug these latt r w in
the croFFbowinen of Cienea sr-hl to Phil
ip ty the icasterb v.i that Italian li
Carchy. IJdward'e inrventurn had a t-ecmii :
of great rashness, for already it was re
ported that the French him; had i:::..'
teied 100,000 nan. 1'ull many a gal
lant cavalier in armor cf proof inuy
will have wi.ndind to hoar, moreover,
that Edward III, accounted the fore
rnont gineral of his time, proposed to
meet fcup-crior numbers cf the best
lances of Europe with liglltly armored
men en foot. They knew not yet cf the
new era that was dawning r.pnn the
science of wij. Edward and his bow
men were to teach the world more than
one new lessen before that memorable
campaign was over. Defore this he
had fchowii what deeds roiRht be wrought
upon the tea by ships prepared and
tnannrd and led by himself. He had so
crippled the naval power of his ene
mies thut there was now no hostile fleet
fctrong enough to prevent his prenent
undertaking, although Philip had man
aged to frnd out fcome eccres f cruisers
to do whatever harm they could.
First BTftn lie 31 rt In lh AIiiKkit
oldClda Sraxrd II tin OfT.
"iso," taid a man iho wftfl Kitting
on a box in front of a grcery store, "i
can't say as 1 know very much about
His companions looked at him in as
tonishment. It was the firft time he hud
ever admitted not kmiwing much about
"I reckon, then, thau you're not
thinkinR about going to di; for gold,"
Fa id cue bystander.
"Mebbo, though, as the 8toii- of
Riiddcn wealth keep pouring in you'll
shange yonr mind," said anotht r.
"It won't be possible. I've been
"And came ha:k without getting
"Yes. I didn't much more than i-i-css
the boundary lino before 1 turned
around and struck fur home."
"That's the answer."
"What of polar bears?"
"Supplies pive otit?"
"No, I had plenty of food. What
changed my plan was seeing a man dig
ging a hole. I had these ideas alw nit gold
being found anywhere and everywhere,
and I went up thiikin to pet some
points about mining I a.sked him in
an ollhand way whether he had struck
any pay dirt yet, and bo turned around
and glared at me and f-aid, 'Young fel
ler, what do yon think I am digging
this for?' I told him I, thongh, he W!ts j
digging for gold. Ho glurx fit in
Bgain and paid: 'Geld nothing. I"m do
ing this for fun. I've been living her
for four years, and there's one thivg
that my curiosity has never been satis
tied about. I'm going to dig this heir,
good and deep so as to allow plenty cf
room, and then find out just how far
down this climate will make the mer
cury go.' " Washington Star.
"Tell me, am I net fair?"
The speaker leans Lack in her teat
and emiles coqnettishly.
In truth tho question scents sruperfiu- j
ous. j
As she sits there with tho afternoon
bun transfusing her glorions trusses into
a stream of liqnid gold, her eyes as bine
as tho bvravena, fathomless as the se.i
and dancing with excitement; her lips
of coral wreathed with a roguhih emile,
she is indeed transcendentally beautifuh
. But tho man ecenis blind to her love
liness. He regards her with a frowning
brow and eyes that smolder with anger.
Timidly sho repeats her question.
"Am I not fair?"
Her companion's face grows black as
"Fair!" he cries bitterly. "Fair,
when you open a jack pot with a ton"
Rage chokes his utterance and with
a passionate gesture he dashes the curds
to tho floor. S.m Francisco Examiner.
Valid Excuse.
She How is ityouwernot at West
end's reception?
Hg I staid away 011 account of a per
sonal matter.
She May I ask what it was?
He Will you to keep it so
net? She Yes.
He Well, they failed to Fend me an
invitation. Collier's Weekly.
Imitation slates, n-ado of compressed
wood pnlp, are nstd for roofing in
C'hristiauia. They are made waterproof
bv a secret process.
Tho population of Eypt is now nbont
1,000.000 and probably cseceds that oi
die period of its greatest undent pros-
da iiiiiitiikii.
Most elaVtoTile line of hfotiinocks
ever shown. Wo have the c.-b brati d
LnCrosse hand tiiuJe gof.tis; nothing
finer inadj. Onrwiie haiumoi ks art;
s 'methin now; will not rust; will bold
a ton, and you can't wear 'em nut,
LnMN lion r.uo.
I"ttt iirwRi' for S'ltx k.
llirses .".nil cattle taken topa-iure
at Cullo-n; ccod yras-t, pb n'y of riiade
land running water. Call mi th-.: 'iu-
Jorsignul, .'it t'u ben, or adtlrers,
;i;i)i:t;r. L'h ks,
( ' ( ;r iok, It;b.
A f'lrtorr T tho I ht 1 uiii. 'i t tluiutx, VKl-
A dee) hush fell upon the h trail i
per:;' ga llei y jis thn clerk of tin 1 iv
or hoiiMt ni-o tt reml Iho r'M-oiil. '
The) vikipg Itltitxl within rx'gan
to liqi ns I iuiu'!.t here !ii'I tlit'ro n
word that ;is i.nt 1 ii i!"l in our
CXiininoii Jnt.;!lh l n;;r.t sl.H'-o it was
trieho'l out in Ntii tne.n frijqwry by
the Pastard oiltf -et:tuiie ;i-. It
wnA the :nrha ire-lit
fciavik, jiii-t the ;:ltiiing was in ms.
sitin. As the pti-.--iiieiil s i. a p
t siiri the record 1 glaiueil J i ! i -(b-ntly
nt my et m jai:it eis;. For th;
lack of a grill., tlio women sat to
the left il tl:e ga 1 b ; y , ;.s m church,
and thn irn a to the n.uht. Theie
Wi.'i" a liskwife 1 1 om t f:" quay, t 'iit
or t'.; taimers," tlanuiiteis m town
lor a day's pi;;g aul others oh
rioasly present, ;s in nnoth'-r ilaee,
to ti. :r r l:,tit-H t.Lt-i n:. '":.
i!!t-n rcj v'h ii.' 't on tix-ir aiol)e
r-amo i i.-'il;..' t ! in t'-i ' s a M' 1 n;-l u. i. i
o til': eaiftam t' t
1 1
b eian l I
I l-
:;;a.oo!' t s a Li: :i Aiiay, a Dan-'
i.-h l;t'u; :i.i:it. a i'lt ;a !i I . : i : i -1 1 1
and an .. .- i . ! .f !!: Iieii-i1. in a
c-or:T sat a:iot 'ier I'au! 'n:t n, a
vtiiiir ai t ist i;n!n t h
)! t'-l it
the pre.-ii'i lit rose the ! n- n jisi i y
opened and there trooped in, an if'
to another place, a couple of half
nhotl youngsters from the Latin
s-clax d.
Tho Hcnato lionst; is squaro and
lofty, with a decorated ceiling, and
around the walls hang portraits in
oil ot famous althing men. Tin
benches' are in a horse.-hoe, and
each of tie) 2 I members has his ap
pointed pl.veo, with a couplo ol ink
plots' and a trpittoon. ( hit of hi si
and eightpeiieo a day (ami lravelm
expenses-) ho can lcadily allottl u
Well filled Miul'i horn, ainl the n gu
larity wherewith homo of the con
wjript fntliisi laitl a train d pun
powder along tho gulhy between
tho index and tho thumb was a high!
lor J:ussell, C. J., hinelf. I
The session lasts lor a couple of
monthH only, and somo ol tho al
thing men liavo tra v i h 1 for w t ks
toiullill their duties. Tlie L'anli
mail steamer makes one of its voy ,
rial's a Hort of ji.-irlianientary train, j
Starting from Key that jorthi , tin the
ti.-t enlist, it ell ie tho inland north j
Ward and picks up t he senatoi s 1 'ruin
hord to lioid. Somo of them come j
in on KuMieback, driving beloie
them n long train of paek ponie.s;
f.tul remount, 'i he -::naioi s reja-e-'
sent the strongest olcments m tie;
public lil'nof i( elaitu iariners, law
ers, u n ! e: i a 'Us, '.;iisional magis
trates ami the lik Tfiero is als an
tipper Iidiim', ':i!ii h.:il by election
fiom tho lowei iiiitl 1 all' ,y ,!; king.
1 '
id(-ut wore no uniform !
denote his rank- a floe; coat mid
way in smartness between Oom
Paul and the colonial secretary, sur
mounted by a cravat that might
have eo,--t n krone. As he read, in a
robust viking note, from the orders
of tho day, tlie Panish governor
drolled in, gold laced and epaulet
cd, sat at the di l; reserved for hnn,
lifttsl the lid to letch out bis papers,
glanced round for an attendant, who
is also the curator of the museum,
to bring him an agenda and took
sfoek nonchalantly of the house.
The horj-eshoo still ' di vidtsl its in
terest tx'tween snwfiing, following
til" text of the reader and glancing;
through the newspaper, which con
tained intelligenco biought north
hy the mail. Ex i'pt for size ami
giaiiiicur, tho yrriii) most vividly
recalled, to ir.y memory was the
Glasgow city i-on-icil chamber.
New York Post.
V:triol l:it-al T Itullt-t-.
A great revolution in warfare will
bo dice ted if any thtTig comes of tho
new French rille which di.-. harge.s
vitriol instead of biiiiots. Heroes do
not fear death, but naturally shrink
from disfigurement. Tho Duk? oi
Wellington, we are told in tlu; Latin
Grammar (comic), would, "walk
among tho cannon balls, him not
caring one blow, ".but oven the great
duke would hardly have exhibited
the same indifference to rifles. squirt
ing; vitriol. No decent looking sol
dier will be got to face then. They
will have to be approached back
ward. This will entail a now' sys
tem of drill. Think of a whole regi
ment charging backward! If both
forces are possessed of this no 1
weapon, tho spectacle will bedoubly
enteitainii!. Our ideas will not
only be transformed, but inverted.
When our warriors return, hays
James Jayn, they will no longer ex
hibit with prido the " wouu'l.s they
have received in front quite tho re
verse. The. more lehind the better
.San Francisco Argonaut.
After h t lt'jk Arti-1'.
"It goes tt show how avarice will
ovei teach itself,'' remarked the man
who is always poiutii:", a moral.
'Mr. (iri p.per has just wastetl his
money without it."
"in what manner ; ' '
"His. doctor told him he medc.1 a
lttle mountain air. He wouldn't
'birik of so fAp'-nsi "o a trip, so he
went to ; s'n.w that included a
Tyrolean vaiii.u;-." Washingt-n
t ; I-
I . i . r 1 i 1 1 t 1 1 I ti it
Six bb tck r f : i en e v pi a -n. .. I ).
Ton a i i c, ni n: oer: lb 1 ' Mtoney,
clerk. lb la S I no iter tl . -pt-t ial'.-rbv Week or month. or ! In. 'if
li'--t cia--. 'I'.ke Dtitlg.' rlie.-r car
lit ni i I ii bill il,-i.,t In 'Jrllli mi l I t.irdot to
.slr. i t-. Wi ite us for partieiih-o '-
1 tetnr inter the Maine, but It n "i f'il
got that Id voc's iiiiv-tl paint is the.
host mi I a. S .bl by ( b-'-j rg A .'...
1 f you don't, no t be .at c .' if '
call ftu' it, and get lie" h -st e. n t ci
gar in the 'narket. J
As you will be? during the
IH'XL fovv VVO(;kS.
Why not bo one of Iho romfort
ii)io pooplo vho vjonr our cool
(lot h os ?
Prices are at zero mark, while
the quality is ninety in the shade.
For instance, the Summer Suits
we are soiling arc marvels of excel
lence and coolness.
V r.v 'iitc s ff;r j i i'ii J n ' sitihlc.
ui!isi i! rv.NVv.s --.', i;rrt;s n sli'i'l III IK'S.
This kind ot clothing is our
greatest specialty in summer. Wo
show morse crash suits than all the
rest of the town. Our success this
vear and in past years are our proofs
superior to any other product.
We've studied it for years and have
mastered the art.
To get at the intrinsic worth
the real bargains you must appre
ciate that Skeleton Clothing is the
most difficult to make. Its the most
stylish anJ comfortable in hot
weather if properly made.
No garments are worn under
more severe conditions that make
them look like rags in a day or two
unless they are made to withstand
these harsdships.
We shall be pleased to show you
a line that is full of beauty and merit.
Clothiers, Hatters
and Haberdashers.
N.l.r-i-lv.i l,i .o lite I r.m--l i-i-i'l'i
Tie -day. -I ice 1 NeUr,.r
to a 'el r i ;. V at I lie t V Ol.- - ..I is- .
-i-i.pi I '. - 1 1' i i ' a A " e 1 i i V ti at
,r-.i - I-..HI b : bei-ii je e..u-."i.
t : i 1 1 - 1 ' 1 1 1 1 'ii ' ' i- 1 1 ' '
e tin- e. 1 i-it ita tiio e'.liiiiil-, tbe
1 . . . 1:.; ... ... 1 .' ti..!
.M el i- 1 " uilh it- -I. ai -e -i:.' I.ts and ;
i - .1 . i 111- poo; 1! e, 1 bo :i 1 i - r in ton 1 Mil e ven -
i , j- e. lac ; t - ' 1 o 1 1 y tie - I .
Marino and T:,!Mi:i- 01 e.-.o.-l V: -p- ef lie.
u i : be d i i vo oil by a. . :;, t:
-r;, ..; ,., N -'e .-i:-:.a.i-. iia ' renor.g !
o . .1.
i II . .1 -
1 p. : I ( i
.vo. -. i
!,-iii -., 1 i; iii m ike I' '.-','-;i-k;i day at
', ;' o;.; ; .0- i 1 ion . 'l iio b.i i ol 1 - a
d . , a, o.-!. a! : ' be e. - ;
oii'i', a trie " M ; d vi "' j
n: t.s are
;- , jvj.l Sv. i'-y. N'e.vbero in th"
l"-.L'i d S:a'. can ere pa-- nine n."n-e
pb ;, - : lit ! V v.i'li e-.c:i"er -'i I 1 - fo ft I i.'l
a. . b r. f: ' lii -
'I he P jroii-ton I luut- will fin
s,i o ; :s.i trail. s to ( )tn d- troai tie- p-ii.-oip.i
!0;::t-ii:i its 1 i n o i a ea-.O-rn Ne
rraska. !' o.- information about there
ii-.-.ia.- when tijey ieav '.our -tation,
b:).ro! arrival a!, and tb-part.ure from
t ) ni - i i a , call at the local ticket oibce
t.f tiio liar! i t. Itoule. Kites i.i'e
e.t rata dinai-ily io.v. 'i( certs for tl.e i
rou-id trio.
On tin- nioi nil g of l-'eh. 'Jo, Is'.io, I
W.i it'K ttilli i ti o a mat i rin, and lay l n j
) ii until At a 'i . w ben 1 o,h a Inn 1 if
Ol (Jii.-imt o - i'.tltt I'.ailil The J
li !-s' apoi ica i.e. -.'t of ' relieved im- al j
mi .rt on t 1 1 c ! , fi. m lite eai.t mnl ' '''(
second ail tnb -.1 con pi-Mo tf!i f. I n t I
rip irl line- I wa.- a hie t n I n p ;i nil j.l.ouL I
again. A. T. Mm:i:.M'x. !--;vono,
l i ii u . sni.i hy .i.i d . a o i '
I ti Ni. t j . . r r l ir-.
! ! i ; ii re im . v o.l to l Ii
i I I : I i : II . T.i I iO I I I. Il rl
w l
c !,: ii, n.; lo i.i ep a b ei.-.i -o.-k e.
trej'ieal frtol-, aa J wi ! -oj-vo it: j
cream a-id !rlii-'ti eb- - fe- l!l--r ly. j
.loll S' St 1 1 1 I 'I .( As-K. j
i i i i: V I l.l) IN !. IIU
1 -i . , ..... ,:! ., 1 i ! , .. ! ..
! It.-n i. ta.ti la.-t'.- , - .-t .. - a t .ti.; ! S ' i . : '
! ti at .. ..a-! .-I ' -i. ..: ' ; ' 1
'.-. - itiiit I- ..'.ton. I t.t. . ' - i l.t 1 1 I. e i e- 1 --
. v.o:. , : Cf. ?,.etr
, - -rj ( l - . .' .T .
cr,:.:; :::,y.r. & :
" . -: ' ' i p i s. r; - -. H li'.. i-!1-:;.
i'al.o I , i e Ih-oiao Mti . ni nc Tablet i
.mi drug-i-t- -. fui.ti th.- in-. trey if tt j Wicked Flea,
f-iii- to cure. 2"e. Tbe g"io.iue hnsj
. ,, ,. , , , , ! Spain's licet i about as
1 ,. 11 ( . on i' ii'Ii t.-onol .
j hard to lit-i ,-is t h - ebi-ivo !, -a.-,'-A hen
oiniii'.', vi bo is c.,n. i nir'.-' I lo- orig- ! you put your finor on him, hn isn't
inal tlr.'liiiuo,- boy of Saib.b. When t b. rc. " It jn-L abtnit t.s hard to
P ! niiiiiii;? June 'J'J ami Oiiejbn.i rich and pui e ico cream, but yoil
of the be-l. if nol tic lio.i coitcci r c, t-r j t an li ml oi emu at Holloway's that is
I n i ven in
Piatlrmtmth. U.ikn l..r U-tr- I
ticul.o s.
x t n pr
In ' .':' srd tji tlss.
.(. f mcihiclioii.
Ntw : advertisements.
' " '3 j '- i I c n Ui
f . fU't f", ' y-t yift"- iut.1 U-niitiiM lh hair.
, . V r . l'r..if...:-il a ;n'iriai l rrt.wllt.
is.::t - "Si
S.l.vir Km la to Ht-ntoro Oray
;"V, -c - ? JUir to it YouU.ful Color.
-i r- r-it iz.
I r. 1 -r r r- r r-
to I toil F.r-k t 1 .0 is
Lieliifl COMI'AXV'S
nict of I3cci'
icooK book-
f'lliiiL' how to re e pa re rainy deli
cate : i r i ' j 'lelieiou.S di-!ie-.
! ; . i . 1 1. I; , ;'7l-. yt,ik
ol i ' ! . A I' 1 - f O III. M-.ll.
l ;. ..iv !, i ;i - it ii tor tin:
I i 1 n i ' trai; -.'ti" ti-n ol
i Legitimate Banking Business.
, s 1 i K
c ' -, '-''I. -f; ,trel Itirai
-feu r.t ii - rn u. 't inn uiii. I if Dosl tn rt
ri l'f,l :n il iiO.-i I 'illntK otl tlif ct'
lo.lir i . f ', rt vai I ;ilj c, in uriy
i)..r; i f ' ' . -. Oi l .til the principle
in-. !'- ? ii rtijie. ' nl it-i't .1. his m:iri'f and i licit I i i ' liff-t market
o r 1 o . - ;,.i ' . ... oiiv .irritttts, ttute
' '.e.o ..i-t S.. WabKh.
' ' "-o:V
.c . .- V:c,tti, C.'a-liicr.
1 ..
ni't emy . .i i c-h l n g. nui lo-o ana
drink .