Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 11, 1898, Image 1

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TIIK NHS. Kstni.lNlK d Nov. r,
I UK lil.UAI.I), i s! .lhi.hljcil Arll l.i.i-
ConsoMdattu Jan. 1, 1m'j5.
UL V V U u
The Best Thins Made
'or 1ht.-- Kind of woather i
tt ibii-J cool ;i!il Ifi'sti and
that will Uoep your
on vour ice hill.
The Herrick Refrigerator
Is ll,e best refrigerator on o-i rt h. Tho ico is put
near the top and by the on-truefion of tho box a
in at one sid
circulation of cold a'r is
f urn ishe
and iHicleatiline-
M ieroboH
Rov. lUi-g-s ;u cba:-iil one
and pronounces it the finest thing el' tin
placed a damp cloth in the box, closed it
w as d ry .
You must see it to appprcciat- it.
) II I l" i I I
iifi riii
i i i i i " i i i
I I I I ! I I I
I t I I 1 1 II"
i i i j j i i r
I I I I I I i I
-A 1
THEY carry the largest an 1 moH complete line in Cass .county. fjEvery
thing fresh and new. They pay cash for our goods and give their custo
mors tho advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned poods
always in stock. Tim only place in the city where you Jean get all kinds of
fresh Cheese. Call and see us.
A. H. WECKBACH & SL Waterman Blk.
bat ha" nld diwyt tn tae cnti
pumer for i5 jir at whole
aie pneea. fimTin him the
her for eumiomuoa.
Krerythisc wrrntel
118 ftytu of Vehicle
."5 itvlrt of Ilvncss.
Tor Harm. i-V " t""-
8timT. t.0 to 1125.
rea. Phaetons. Trr.
tteft. Spnnx-Ko4 and Milk
W&ffons. Send for 1it. frw
Tt. Soify Rmmm. fK.OO.
Cataioga of ail our tjleJ
M KliLK 8TS,,
H. M. SOKNMniSKX, Mima-cr.
Larpe Supply of all the
Includiup; the Famous
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson Iliil and
Canon City Lump,
.w a wivq on nat n io a n: .in iv u
-jjtTfec-p on hani all kinds of Wood. A'l or-
T dory promptly delivered. Leave
or ler--
A at irrocery store of A. H
Weckbach & l.'o .
it in the
Ilember if you don't see
News, it isn't worth seeing.
Uncle Sam's War Timer
wa- i i ' t ; t. on tin; minulo of scheduled
tinx . Our finely adjusted watches never
vary ono moment, after they have been
rej'ul.-iti d. We have the handsomest
-1 i k df Hue watches, for both ladies and
eenilemen, to he found in I 'lattsmoulh.
Our ladio chatelaine watches aro a
useful ;uion un lit which no lady should
ho without.
.i ewelek.s and optician's.
the Refrigerator
save you money
1 from
to to bottom.
y a - 1 free from mould,
to eo.i.l he i.l til.
f Ui.-o Refrigerators lie ever seen. lie
uii .l.'.d in a fw hours it
C -.'A in it
always ('
Cam -
No. BOSPnrreT. Fri. with evrtains. lmpi, na
proo ui lender, (60. food m eiU for MX
When Weak. Wc-nry mikI Wasted
from Kicney I)i-ea?es, why not try
F. -ley's Kidney Cu:e, a guaranteed
me. r.ei: p. Smith ic Pai-rae'o and F. G.
Frieke t: Co.
For ShIp.
A frrs; .Icivov c e.v and
tlf. Kn-
quire of II h-'r S ii er wood.
I'ei'-r Ii.uii iii.ui h:ts moved his fruit
in:1, ciirir stoie from the Perkins
Iloj-e 01 n- r to the room recently va
cated by -John Schiappicasse.
For S;le.
ores with residence, east
ir 0. M. lumber yards.
The five
and adjoiri:
;ici e in aif.itf i. Berries. 2 wells.
( i.-te- n ( it-ii.ii'.
A utile bn- vsijii fo a bottle of
"tret up in the moi-ninu as fast you
jean," the d ru e 'ist rec"irni zed a house
j hold name for '"Do 'A'ilt's T ittle Early
j Kisers."a-u y.ivo him ah. ittle of those
i famous litt.e piils hr constipation
; sick headeache, liver and stomach
. ttoii'iiO-. F. G. Fi-ieke, & Co.
l'ansies in pei.eral mixture, 20 cent9
per dozen. Extra '.ino bloominp; plants
cents per dozen at L. A- Moore's
Tle phone No. !".
France emphatically denies that 8he
is unfriendly to the United States and
insists the strictest neutrality is heing
Tho Nebraska boys at San Francisco
aro, it seems, to be taken on tho next
trip to the Philippines which sails in
a few dnys.
Tho celebrated Cadiz fleet has not
yet sailed and it is not likely to sail
and leave the Canary islands and Span
ish coabt unprotected.
At labt it is deflnately stated that
Blanco has been entirely cut off from
cable communication with Madrid
and other points. This will hurt the
breezy Blanco worse than skipping
meal now and then.
The forts at the mouth of the harbor
of Santiago have been dismantled by
Sampson's cannon and troops may be
landed as soon as they arrive which
will be Saturday evening or Sunday
It is believed on good authority that
Porto llico will fall the first of the
week when 10,000 American soldiers
will invest the island under command
of GenerHl Coppinger. A naval at
tack on San Juan will be made eimul
The war revenue bill provides for a
bond issue of $400,000,000. and there
will be no juggling with the currency.
the inflation idea having been stamped
out. 1 he government is doing busi
ness as an individual. When it needs
more money than it has, it will bor
row, and pay back as good as it gets.
Some more Spanish islands have
been discovered in the Pacific ocean,
the Ladrone eronp which are 3,500
miles from Honolulu and 1,500 miles
this side of Manilla. Tho island of
Juahan has a fine harbor well fortified
and wou'dmakoa grand coaling sta
tion. It is claimed the armored
cruiser Charleston will capture the
island on its way to Manila and the
Monadnock will be left to hold it as an
American coaling station.
Will Have to Work.
Chief of Police M. Morrissy again
showed his fitness for the position by
taking tho two St. Louis toughs, Hen
ry J. Lewis and Charles Smith, out of
j lil and making them work. Their
first job consisted in unloading a car
of coal for the power house, which
would have cost the city several dol
lars, after which they will be called
upon to clean the streets.
Several of the other j-iil inmates
were given scythes and set to mowing
weeds. This paper has urged contin
uously the making of these worth
less trmps do something to earn their
bread, but without avail.
Chief Morrissey is the first officer
since Pat Murphy was chief of police
to push the matter and give the
tramps something to do. The tramp
class will soon learn what kind of a
chief Plattsmouth has, ard will steer
clear of this town. We hope the chief
will continue the trood work so au
spiciously begun.
To Kvcruit Up.
Mrs. M. L. Hayward this morning
received a letter from her son, Capt.
Wm. H. Hayward, Chattanooga, Ten-
nesee. in wnica ne states mat toe
Second regiment of Nebraska is to be
increased 300, and the ratio will be an
crease of 25 for each 60 members of a
company. This will give company C,
of this city, 25 more members, who
will be recruited from this city, if
such a thing is possible.
Sergeant Paul Jessen will be here
in a short time in behalf of company
C, and Lieut. Henry Wiley for tho
battalion. Those who desire to enlist
can leave or send their names to the
News office, and they will be turned
over to the recruiting officers when
they arrive. Neb. City News.
A Flag for Alt.
The city park commission is having
a nag pole made oi gas pipe at the
shops which will be over 100 feet long.
It will be raised in Garfield park as
soon as completed and a handsome
11 tg will float from the top which can
be seen from every point in the city
and for miles in the country, Garfield
park being one of the highest points
about town. The pole will bo set six
feet in the ground into a bed of con
crete, which will make it perfectly
Will Give iioud.
Hans Rolhman, accompanied by
Henry Ofe. went to Omaha today to
look after Mr. Both man's son, Henry,
who was severally assaulted by toughs
in the metrop jlas a fewdys ago. The
boy is well enough to come horns, and
would be glad to do so, but is being
held there as a witness against the
men who assaulted hin..
An effort will bo made to give bond
for young liothman's appearance, so
he can come home. Mr. Ofe having
gone along to help secure the bond.
Dintrict Court Proceeding.
First National bank of Greenwood
vs Thomas Reece et a I, on trial to
court to lay.
Theodore Decker vs Rudolph Decker
court finds in favor of plaintiff and
grants relief prayed for. Supercedeas
bond fixed in sum of $2,000.
Bennett fc Tutt displayed today a
verv fine crate of strawberries raised
by W. B. Roberts, a mile south of
town. Joe Opelt also had a premium
box, raised by C. D. Cummins. They
are fine samples of what can be done
in this vicinity in the way of fruit
Hotter of Company It.
Ihe following is a list of those
v ho
have signed the muster roll of Coin
any B. and who expect to be called at
any time:
I'LAT I .M' t I II.
C A Kawls CI arles K Newman
II G Kobine Paul II I'eteisen
Clias (irinies Louis Keinliackcl
Frank Wales C S 1'oik
Stephen Bu.ell Lincoln IK-nson
Glen I'liuebus Charles 1. Spencer
W H Beach Will Cannae k
Frank I. Cameron Joseph F .Muck
Wm I) Kellison Wm 11 I'iter
John Dcgroate Oliver llinwiddie
H B Groves Fred Blunt
C II Miller George Wean
George H Manners Charles II Manners
James II l'alnicr V G 1'ouell
Wm F Gerlack Green I'ij;ott
Ullert Williams Harry Adair
W H Guthman Clans '1 ams
Anton 1'etersen Mai ion Waters
John F Hurley
O H Allen II A Austin
Ed Yanderberg Al Koot
Albert Obernalte Simon Obernalte, jr
I W McMillin Win Kruger
Ed Decker Kuby Irons
WKlil-INi; W. I'KK
Lester T Bosworth Clarence K Miipman
Elmer I) Woodrutt A K Barry
Charles F Lyman C'N Richardson
P J Harrison L K Torrence
K E F'inney Frank E Holden
Dallas Garrison Mil ion F Stoner
GDClisby Guy O Case
Walter C Davis Koy C Marshal
George L Sheldon Mats Madsen
Wm McKinley K Goldbor
Charles Kellborg I G Reynolds
F V Dougherty Joseph Mapes
George W Dunkle Benj A Koot
Kay A Koot Walter Ilobson
H G Covell F J James
Fred Hadley F E Craft
Henry Brant Finest Louer
Fred Krager K E Current
F E Koyer J E Johnson
John S Henson John A Ilardy
John A Morrison
Louis J Wolf J G Abker
W E Stanton Gus I. King
J W Curtiss C A Katc'.iif
R L Applegate H M Wells
R E Wright John Heniple
J A Johnson
Simon Brockhage
Archie V
Roscoe D Waller
William Morley
James M Manners
Letter from ClmttnnooK.
The following letter is from a son of
Capt. Murphy of Arap iho, a nephew
of Mrs. Byron Clark and Mrs. James
Hunter, of this city.
Chattanooga, 'Ik.nx., May 21, UJS
dear mother: We arrived in
Chattanooga this noon, and passed
Murfreesborou?h a few miles back,
and can see Lookout Mountain and
Missionary Ridge. 1 am going up to
the top of Lookout Mountain tomor
row. We crossed the Missouri, Mis
sissippi, Ohio, Wabash and Tennes
seee rivers. All the way m m Nash
ville we passed through mountains.
There are 35,000 men here at present
One soldier was killed and ten wound
ed in a wreck five miles from hero
We are going to have new equipments
soon. I think tne Doys got about two
bushels of flowers a piece on our way
had a erood time at Mt. Vernon, Illi
nois. Chickamauga Park is about 1
miles from here. We will whip h
out of the Spaniards when we get to
Cuba, and I wish we were going right
away. The people here dou't like the
northern soldiers a little b.t. The
towns around here are dead, and the
people are behind the times. The
soil is a red clay, and the scenery is
beautiful. Everything is different
down here Negroes everywhere
Stamps cannot he bougnt in camp, so
send me some. Do not wory about
me, I'll come homo to vou all right
Bend love to all. My address is Co.
2d Regt. Neb. Vol. Inf., Chicamauga
Park, care of C. J.
Your loving son, Lkk
Unprecedented KainH.
From the government rain gauge
record at the B. & M. depot wo learn
that during the first nine days of June
little over four and one-half inches
of rain fell; a record of rainfall never
before reached in this part of Nebras
ka. The ground is not only satura
ted, -but it is soaked clear to bedrock
the rain having been falling for two
months in frequent showers. Crops
are greatly damaged by the excessive
moisture, and the outlook for wheat is
not so good as it was at this time last
Darlington Route California Excnrsiona
Cheap, quick, comfortable. Leave
Plattsmouth 3:43 p. m., every Thurs
day in clean, modern, not crowded
tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars
run right through to San Francisco
and Los Angeles over the Scenic
Route through Denver and Salt Like
City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered
:n rattan; have spring peats and backs
nd are provided with curtains, bed
ling, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed
xrtera and experienced excursion
3onductors accompany each excursion,
relieving passengers of all bother
a'bout baggage, pointing out objects
of interest and in many other ways
helping to make the overland trip a
delightful experience. Second class
tickets are honored. Berths $-5.
For folder giving fnll information,
call at nearest Burlington Route
ticket office, or write to J. Francis
Gen. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb,
L'ae Kirk's White Clond hoap
For toilet and laundry, and give the
blue wrappers to the Woman's ex
change. They wish several thousand
of these wrappers, and you can help
in this way to raise money on their
church debt.
Opposite Bank of Cass
IS lbs host granulated sugar $1.00
1'.) lbs best "C" jugar 1.00
Bucket Syrup 45
Bucket Jelly 40
2 lb package Oatmeal 0o
Price baking powder, 1-lbcan... 3H
Price baking powder. -lb can... 30
Bon-Bon baking powdor, 1-lbcan 10
Calumet baking powder, l ib can 10
1 lb Popper 18
10 cent sack of Salt 05
15-cent sack of Salt 10
Best Salt, per barrel I W
Lemon extract, per bottle 05
Vanilla extract, per bottle 05
Coal oil, per g-i) 10
New York Croam Cheese 13
Dry Salt Moat 07
Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth.
Essays on MILK are Good, but CREAM is better...
We give you the CREAM of the SHOE subject, from the most reliable manufacturers in th Univl
States, where nothing but skilled labor is employed and where doubtful Shoes aro refused by an expnt,
and not permitted to pass to the trade.
We did NOT receive a palty consignment of Twenty Cases of STUFF that look iik Shoo.,
and then swell up and advertise Hhe Largest Stock" of shoes, to induce you to our place of bus i ruA
then compel you to look with chagrin and disgust on the small assortment and make shift with t,oiutlkiutt
you did not want. We never have to resort to such misleading statements, for we have. . ..
Replenished Our Stock to the Extent of $4,000,
So, if you cannot be suited in two or three articles, you don't have to stand and scratch your head ul
won.ler what to do, for we have an UNLIMITED RESERVE, and we can spring something this spring
during the beautiful Springtime that will spring you to your feet and make you Bay: "I'll take thoe."
Latest Novelties in Hot Weather Footwear :
Infants' Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 2's to 5's 55c,
Child's Chocolate strap bow Sandals, 4r to 8's 65c.
Child's Extra fine Choc, strap Sandals 85c and 95c.
Child's Extra Gne (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 8i to
11 $1.00 to $1.15.
Misses' Extra fine (Anvil bottom) bow Sandals, 11J to-
2's $1.25 to L 50.
Misses' Choc, strap bow Sandals, 11 to 2's 00c to $1.
Job lot all solid Goat button. 8J to 11 75c to 85c.
Ladies' Oxfords 11 2-5, $1.50, $1.65.
New Improvements.
The Pearl Steam laundry has just
received one of the latest pattern
bosom, collar and cuff ironers from
Chicago, and is better prepared than
ever to do nice work. Remember
Pearl Steam laundrv. Main street.
Thousands of sufferers from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, coids, bronchitis, pneomonia.
grippe, astnma, ana ail tnroat anu
lung diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Coates & Co. 6ell lawn
tho best
cheaoor than ever. Also
I grade of hose.
Breakfast bacon, per lb $ 10
California Hams, per lb
Lartro Bams, por lb 10
Bologna, por lb 0i
Good buckot 13
Best fibre bucket
Bran, 100 lbs 65
Hlegant flour bins 1 25
Lamp chimneys 0"
Argo gloss starch 04
Argo corn starch 04
Best crackers, per lb (ii
1 doz. clothes pins 01
1 lb Battle-Axo Tobacco Tl
1 lb "G-for-10" Tobacco 18
1 lb J. T. Tobacco 30
llorsoshoo tobacco 40
Star tobacco 40
Everything Mentioned Is Solid Leather No Humtouggery.
The farmer, the mechanic and the
bicycle rider are luible to unexpected
cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep
on hand. It heals quickly, anl is a
well known cure for piles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Advertisers novor got such good
value for their money in this county
as at the present time in the ddily
and Semi-Werkly News. The best
class of people take these papers and
our list shows a rapid growth- Plant
an advertisement and reward aro cer
tain, if you have, anything the people
California Pruuos, per lb
LMogant Raisins, per lb
3 packages Parlor Matchon
Dwlgbt's CVw brund oda, p'jr M. ' 05
Soap, 15 bars 5 "
Buttermilk Soap, .1 bars
Special brand colToo, por lb
Special brand tea, per lb v
3-lb can toraatces -
2-lb can corn
1Mb can cove oyster sf
1-lbcan cove oysVyrn Q
Best tomato Catsup, i:r bottto. .. ,
Fancy glass iiiuilurd ., 1(t
Condensed milk, 3 cans W
Good peaches, or lb 11
Bow Sandals.
Infants' Chocolate, button, 2's to 5's "ic.
Infants' Dongola button. 2's to 5's 55c.
Infants' Choc, (extra fine) button, 2's to 5's 7
Infants' (Red and Blue Stitch) fl'j tjnality Don
gola button 75c.
Child's VestiDg Top, extra fine Choc, bow
to 81.40.
Child's Anvil bottom Choc, lace, fei to 11 $1.4,
to f 1.3-5.
Little Gents', pa.t. back strap, Hi to 11 -1 50.
Kellef In Six Hwin
Distressing kidney and bladder iltfr.
ease relieved in six bourn y "Tui
Gkeat South Amkhk.ak Js'ijkV
Cuke." It is a great surpri.3n-ot
count of its exceeding pron pt.fjow la
relieving pain in bladder, Ulcineys ftoti
back, in male or female. llnllovi
retention almost immediatly. If
want quick relief and cure. thi UrVfe
remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Dt&q .
gist, Plattsmouth. Neb.
At Smith fc Parmoie and I. CL
Fricke & Co. 's drug store, a marr-oni
euro for all kidney compiaint, imm
ous exhaustion and female vovfcicr.
It is Foley's Kidney Cure.