Wall JRaper JKing; & & & After an experience of twenty years in handling V. that we are better satisfied with our stock this se- v For Exquisite Designs, Large Assortment and wido rane oi price Cass county. Our prices run from 10c to $1.25 a Boll, That n ocy in saying . ivi oiwtGi g yy a o e . cur .ook is unsurpassed in double roll, and is noL misleading. JL J 4V 4? 4 V 4 V 4 4 4 V 4i ? 4 V 4V 4.? 4V 4? 49 4 V 4 V 49 4 V 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4-9 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 419 4? 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 .49 TALK ABOUT ummer.. YOU SHOULD GIOlMllQ ! OE & PRANK'S You can't duplicate them in the state, taking Quality and Work manship into consideration. Alpaca, Sicilian Mohair and Serge Coats and Vests, at all prices. Have you seen their Straw and Linen Hats? JOE & FRANK, The People's Clothiers, Waterman Corner. IP IP IP IP s IP IP b& bp' IP bP bP bt bP i i bp hp bP bP iP bP M 2 A bP IP IP J ? J i IP i IP IP ifr lt lb IP bP iP LP IP tP IP tP IP IP P IP l h'o IP bP IP bP 'IP IP iP IP bP b IP bP IP IP IP IP BRIEFLY TOLD. C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Old paporB for sale at this olUce. J, II. Waterman of Lincoln was in town today. Wanted, a good cook. Enquire at Hotel Plattsmoath. Insure in the German American. Fred Ebinger, Aped. Holloway's popular steamed bread is made of IleisePs best flour. C. A. Rawls was sttending to busi ness in the metropolis today. M. O'Doaoho and wife were expo sition visitors at Omaha today. The finest screen wire guaranteed for ten years at Coates & Co. Col. Huckins of the Xws returned from Nebraska City this morning. Beginning May 23d, special sale on trimmed hats at Tucker Sisters. Miss Shepherd will spend her vaca tion with her parents in the east. Holloway's are serving extra nice ioe crwam which you ought to try. Lawn sprinklers and lawn mowers at Coatee & Co's. hardware store. If you need your piano tuned see A. It. Newcomb at Hotel PiatUmouth. Joe Opelt and A. VV. White were looking after Omahi interests today. Miss Mia Gering and her Bister, Mrs. Horold, spent the day in Omaha. The Gut Ileil continues to head the list as a line 5-ceut cigar. Ask for no other. Trimmed hats at 60c, 75c, $1, and 81.25 on the bargain bible at Tucker Sistors. Roy Kirkpatriek of Nehawka is in the city visiting his aunt Mrs. P. E. Huffner. Miss Ilodford will epond Lor vmh tion at the home of her mother in Lincoln. Ilolloway'a bread, which has taken the lead, ia made of Ileiacl'i Plansif ter flour. The funeral of Mrs. James Barker was largely attended today by sym pathizing friends and neighbors. The remains were laid to rest at Oak Iliil. Leava ordrars at Ij. A. MoOra'a for Decoration day rose, caps jessamine and lilies. ? Dewey took Manila jut as Li'ao Sweets parfixufto witl,ak Aoirica, at Gering 4r Co.'s. if you want tt. smoka tha bt try Wurl Bro. Gut Hell. The fla&ct f cent cigar made. K. II.' RlUhMwet of th Hotel PUttsmouth, waa in tha metropolis this afternoon. , Go to Anthony's mu1c etoroon lower Main fctreet for erarytbing in the way of sheet music If you don't eei the Gut Boil e:gtr call for it, and get tb beet 5 cent ci gar in the market. Miss Oliver of Lincoln ia la the city visiting her sister, Mrs. P. C. Mor gan and Mr. Cadi. Large quantities of panaiaa, gera niums aid verbena's in b'o;m ready to plant out, at Moore' . Uov. Dr. Hutler waa a guest-of Hon. F. E. Whito laat night and returned to Omaha this morning. Tho World's bent 5 cent cigar, Wuil Iirob. Gut Hcil, strictly Uaicn mxadi. Every dealer handles them, Henry Snyder anl wlfo returned horui la-t eveciug and have begun houstkveping in South Park. S. II. Aiiderson'-and wifo, cf Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, are visiting R. li. Windham and family this week. Bart Cr'tMiian, who is cow a resident of Phitte Ceuter, came in last night and returned horao this morning. How would you liKftto be in Klon dike whore war news i not heard of until it ha a flavor of anient history, lleuiuuiber the Maine, but don't for got that Devco's mixed paint is the beet ou earth. Sold by Gering' & Oc. Plants of tha celebrated Mme Gunthur, 2asturtiun and Eeed of same, for Ealo at L. A. Moore's. Tele phone No. 15. Tho Ivy lea' lodge is making prep arations for an ice cream social Mod- ay ovening June 6. Further partic ulars will be given later. OThe Tuxedo dancing club will give Mi-s Lu!u Lictt a farewell reception aid banquet at the Hotel Riley this evening. A. II. Week l ech & Co will have 3 cat a of good bay on track Saturday tr Monday, which th -y witl sell at $6. 50 per ton on track. Earnest Wig.enhovii und sitter, Dora, of Af-hl-ind, win leave next eek for Europe where they will peud the summer, Jo'j Kioin has n-duc d the price of bis?3 50 M-i;sh suits to S3 .00 making a bargain in tumraor wear that cannot b uurpaasod anywhere. This ii pretty f.iir cyclone weather, and it will do no harm to have the imto dour open ready for a hurrj up cill from the upper regions. The Ivy lA.lgo has been fortunate in securing a graphophone for its social Monday-evering .June 6 which is alone worth the prion of admission. Col. Thr.isher ha a pot plant in his jfliee that is quite a pretty sight. Its a liixiu i.uit strawberry plant loaded with lsrgo bunches c f half grown fruit. Will Cook claims to have captured the largest btiss of tho te:ison at La Plat" th ? licfit of the week. It weigh ed CI pounds and was indeed a beauty. E. T. Mathews, who is farming out neir Xew.-uk. in Kciirney county, re turned t his work this morning after a weeks visit .it home with his paronts in this city. Judj'e Sijurlcck h:is been engaged tod:iy in tha trial of :i suit on a con-ti-ncL lx.tw ou A. 11 T.iylor and J. W. C oon. Eortecm A Hot appear for Tay lor nd II. D. Travis for Conn. H B. Windhams father celebrated h 00th birthday anniversary over at Glen wood !:it month, hischildron and numerous grand children were present to do lienor to the felicitous event: Will and Fr.mk Richardson ore s'r.siiin.r out l!ri:c!iK'uf & Baker's big corn c il 3 at My:iard, which are eup puso.i to cunt:: in !G,0'0 bushels. The corn is benig ship cl to market. Tiifs rive.- k;;s reachoJ tho 9 foot gj.u.ro, havii:g raised six inches last night. The sand bars and low bottom land is now covered by water, and tho Missouri Di.iljf-sa preventable appear ance. Miss Laura Tw'sj ha3 removed her dress making parlors to the Union lUock in the room next to the public library. Main street entrance. All former customers, an well as new ones, gladly welcomed. Seven of th-? co.n ty usscssors hive raidu thoi: returns and today W. A. Iihoden of T plon, Jenkens of Center and N,eof Iix-k Oiuffs made theirs, making ten in ail. They will probably all be ia this week. Two coach loads of soldiers passed through the city to lay on the B. & M. from thceabt bound far San Francisco. They were a fine ! a. king crowd, but We did not learn v hat state they were frcin. They looked like regulars. Mrs. Dear'ng will depart Wednes d7 next with tho boys for Norfolk, where the will reside with her hus band. They will leave their house furnished and it wiit bo occupied by Mrs. IIase und Miss Tresham. Mr. A. L. MuDger will opon her Kinder Garten next Monday June 6th. Paronts having child reu whom they wish to fend will please notify her if they have not already done so. Chil dren will bo railed for at 8:30 a. m. Hon. J. II. Strode attended the Ro publieah State Central Committee meeting in Oman the first of the wtnk and expects to be called to Washington no any time. Congress however is almost a unit on all ques tions that are likely to come up. C S. Hubbard a popular young man from No rusk a city ha been secured by Col TourteJoUe of the department store to take charge cf the grocery department as tho business has grown too largo for Mr. Tourtclotte to attend to all the details of his big store. Great excitement was caused in Ne braska city last evening and many people were ou the streets, it was all caused hy some one tying a tin can to E dO;rs tail :iiid the frightened animal ciade a circuit through the town. I'ooplu sdiould not be awakened from their slumbers so ruthlessly. The city murshall suggests that if each res. ".dent will mew the weeds in front of his premises out to street, the city would present a nice appearance and at no cost to the tax payers. Only a few minutes would oe required to do this work and the change would be a wholesome one. Tho suggestion is a good ouo which we hope will bo ncted upon. v, ' . . :r"i- - :- .:. - . "J-'3-1:' - - -r y-' 'T; . li I 1 L 1 ' C-.-.r-'-i.i,':J! 7 ..'fT--rr C i. OF VIEWS SANTIAGO UP, A. Santiago da CitTia Las hffa auit proruin.ut in m:ittcrs rclj.in-T o t) e ar, and the yihwh hore prrntel ara of iafertst on that aouuiint. Is is tli uwnA citv tf Cuba and was once the capital. Tha oity is -well built and the streets lire wido. Tlie governor's residouce ia cat of ti aaow pluoea. THE CLASS OF '98. J'le.jse Copy. Leal TJachler left his home without my consent and information as to his present whereabouts would be gladly reeeived by me, his father. He is seventeen years of age, small, of light complexion, wore tan shoes, sharp pointed; orange co'ored hat. llF.NUY ISACHLEK, Plattsmouth, Neb. Inttrentlnij tanii'iM-iuM Jin.!f Kxerctaea of the 1'iatt'OJi'Mit h S-liol, The splondul nudh'r.ce room of the Presbyterian church wh eh is rarely filled, was crowded last evening by one of thd most cultured audiences that ever convened in this city, to listen to and show their interest and apprecia tion for tho mt others of the graduat ing diss of tho city schools which were about to rv.ceive their diplomas. The platfoim was nicely decorated au alcovo having been formed and flag and bunting were plentifully used, while palms and potted plants graced the front of the stage making a very pretty scene when set off by a background of fourteen elegantly at tired handsome young ladies acd the ; frank faces of tho three boys who formed tho gradual i:g clans. Tho iirst numb r on the pi-ogram was an organ vo ui;t :iry hy M Kess- v. ry go d indeed. .voea-iOii by Dr. o of the gradu : and Ethel Dut .g dnov which was LiM-tL.- While, cune next and bok . wli.i : gown. Her !," Mid it wjs dis f -ti):g;v and in au II: Mil t r. was s-ai) Latf Ht War News. A special telegram to the New Yor!c Tribune siys that the combined fleets of Sampson and Schley began the bom bardment of Santiago this morning. No further news have been received. BEATEN AND LEFT FOR DEAD. i ler, which wa Then fol.o .ved t Bail d after w h ates, Mi?s Mr;, . ton sang a p : well received, the valodiclo; iati, ed icharming i n subject was "Ligh cussed moht inte: easy and grace "t.i The Pro.nie Miss Claire Druiuir. . ui prano voice ol tv. o ': pleased the auditn-c. Hon. R. B. Wi.-iafc u.n very appropriate t . c sen ted the diplon::.s. . Dr. But:e- tlier dci dress which w.,s i-so hopeful, up'.ii'U tan i-s better for lie . r. Miss Lulu L- ' -.- she always de .' tion by Rev. (. were at an en;4, were full flea -re: The cor.ip etc follows: Ciiarl Well3, Chriiin - beautifully as ii with the Vened ic li.li the exercises the class of ".'S urani. of grpduatos is as I. Kennedy, Delisjht Hansen, J2lta Kin- kead, Alice Sinr-m-m. Emma Poisal, Abe Pepperbei g, Marie Karvanek, Irene Cummings. J ess;.. Fox well, Kthel Dutton, Luiu Loisl. Kriink M. Sher man, Mary B.iird, Claire Drummond, O ga Martin, Bartha Whito. Murderous Footpatlx Atirtult Henry Jtathman of l'latf Binout h. Because he refused to accede to the demands of four hold-up men for his money, Henry Kathman of PhUts mouth was terribly beaten about tho head with a coupling pin this morn ing at 2:30 at the foot of twelfth t-t-eet :md left for dead. His f iend James Campbell, also of Plfiti&mouth. to save h mself fr (m llic fate of his companion ; s;i rendced his valuables on demand i of the robbo'S. Eiht dollars was tai cq frcra Itithman and six from Campbell. The former is now lying on a cot at the central station delir ious Three of the four men are looked up at tho sta-.ion. They were positively identified by Cam obeli. They give the name? of Edward Porter, Flank Deidridjre. and William Johnson. Campbell and Rati. man, wno had just ! readied the i it.,r. weie decoyed to the , place thoy were assaulted and robbed j by their ussocintes. They met the nieri j on Fa nam and Tenth s'.reot an:! ai-ked to be directed toachran 'odgin,' pluce. u i. fcw-et to- i rrho meTi tco,. t'Pca. lo tri3 ft.0. ( t n,..i ,,1-Ay., loci, j Twelfth Ft:"-Ot. Ai-riv.eg ti-ere one of the ?;ie;. -. denly Jemanue.i of IlHtfiman hi-, :tio;i cy. Instead of complying 1 i.i 1 1; ;i: . ;i started to run away. One of U;e men picked up a coupiiog pMi and b-:it iini into ii.hensi oil ity and th-. u roboed hirn. Meauwuil-a the other throe were searching Campbell for valuables. After the robbery the men run south on Twelfth street. Rathman was re moved to the central station in the p.'.tro: tgo:i, whore his wounds were C ressed. The three pri.-oners vi.tb arrested an hour later. ii -.. A fellow went to a saloon this after noon, and after investing to the Y on Are Not So Warm As you will bo during the next few weeks. Why not be one of the comfort able people who wear our cool clothes? Prices are at zero mark, while the quality is ninety in the shade. For instance, the Summer Suits we are selling: are marvels of excel lence and coolness. Linen Crashes natural, and ca rra.ss. Wool Crashesvery latest proa 'arton . Serges blue is the proper shade. English Worsteds in re v and steel blues. This kind of clothing is our greatest specialty in summer. Ve show morse crash suits than all the rest of the town. Our success this year and in past years are our proofs that our SKELETON CLOTHING is superior to any other product. We've studied it for years and have mastered the art. To get at the intrinsic worth the real bargains you must appre ciate that Skeleton Clothing is the most difficult to make. Its the most stylish and comfortable in hot weather if properly made. No garments are worn under more severe conditions that make them look like rags in a day or two unlessthey are made to withstand these harsdships. We shall be pleased to show you a line that is full of beauty and merit. bv L 3 E. W6S60 ft HOC n in an address oecasioa pre- vomjU his ad- f li-ose bright, -i mat evervoae v. ', Clothiers, Hatters nnd Haberdashers. Wiley lilacfc, tlxpwrlence. TIip Hojiuii; Unlir Iloili r. ! Wiley Bidcit and wife were at the i Those who c li-tcl from Weeping 'exposition Wednesday and had a little j Watrr for Company J5 Third Regiment exoerience that waa not down on the ' Nebraska volunteer are: Le-ter Bos- B13 DAY AT TISE SHOPS- Satari:iy AVitii a KoitKing; l'rojtram. The p ocotsiou will form at 1:30 p. m. feh'irp Saturday, Juno 4, at Inter section cf Sixth street aud Lincoln Avenue, headed by M. W. A. band, and city band. Line of march will be north on 6th to Pearl, west on Pearl to 9th, north on 9th to Main St., east on Main St. to 3rd St., ssouth on 3rd and Lincoln Ave to snnp grounds. No. 1. Selection by band. No. 2. Raising of H?,gson the shops. No. 3. Singing national air by shopmen. No. 4. Address by Geo. M. Sparlock. No. 5. Selection by band. No. 6. Salute to "Old Glory." Marshall. blacksmilhshop Cris. Chrstensen. Marshall, machine shops France Ba'lance. Marshall, coach shop Free P. Brown. Marshall?, paint shop E. II. Booth. All shop men and ci'zenaare i.ivii ed to participate. District Court. District Court will eonnvene here for the regular Juno term beginning next Monday Juue Gth. The docket is out and ehowa only 119 cases many of which will not bo t ried as the term is an equity one ar-ii do jury will be called. The next icrni of court be- j gins November 7. amount of 4-"c in ri fresh men is, he cooly refused to pay, and f-nid the proprie tor could not help himaolf. It took the p; oj.rietO;" about 2 minutes to pol ish the lelioiv oil and put a face on him that looked "like he had fallen in a stone crusher. He will be more careful next time who he tries to run a bluff on . lodjj's Market. i Wheat closed higher at 80 .1 and cor n lower at 33$ bid. ! -. . . IS . 1 l program, in oraerioavoia me cruwu they started homo a little early from thr grounds and as Wiley with a bun dle in either hand was about to board a street car several men orowded on to him vary rudely. Wiley told them to stand back or he would smash some bodv. Just about that time he felt his ppeketboo k being lifted out of his pocket by a clever band and he caught the foilow by bearing his arm down tight on him, and the tallow jerked a v.-a v. Wiley dropped his bundles and shvs re made for tho fellow who ran. i and ho gave him a hot chase for over a block before he lost him In the icro-.vd. It hnpriened that he did not io-e ;.riy money or pocket dook on ac eouM of detecting the thief in the act. The !ook belonged to Mr. Blacks wife Number 11a neat coach built r.t the ' an i was large for the poefcet. is proba- shops here, was turned out this mo n ing for superintendent Phelan of tiie Northern Division with headquarters at Alliance. Wash Smith and Jonn Ledgeway accompanied tho new car to Omana this morning to inspect it thoroughly and see how it works be fore it is sent to its d( stination. The car is of usual s'yle with kitchen, dining room, two bed rooms and the observation parlor at the rear of the car where end windows reach almost from the ceiling to the floor. Tne coach was nicely fioished and looked very pretty in its coat cf paint. In Xfw Quarters. Having removed to the Merges' bu'-ldinL''. next to Lehnhoff's I will continue to ic.-ep a selected stock of J tropic;.! fruits, and i.l serre i.;e j cream and lemonide r. forme- ly. i John ScuiAriXASsr:. ; i On the mornirjg of Fb. 2", 1S''"j, I was sick with rheumatism, and lay in i bed until My 21st, when I got a bottle i of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved mo nl- j most entirely from tho pain and tne j second afforded complete relief. In a i ebcrt time I was able to be upend about again. A. T. Mokeaux, Luverne, Minn. Sold by all druggists. biv the reason be noticed its being Uiken out. Pickpockets are thick in the metropolis and It Is aaid they did a thriving business on the opening day of the exposition, many an uncle Reuben got his eyea opened and his pocket relieved at the same time. Will Organize Tuesday. Tbe members of Company B Third Regiment of Nebraska volunteers numbering nearly eighty-fire will go to Weeping Water Tuesday afternoon where the officers of the company will b3 selected and the first company drill will be engaged in. It ia said that Geo Sheldon of Nebraska will be se lected as Captain and that hothing dt Unite has been decided on as to lieutenants Sargeant corporal etc. The company will not bo able to drill much until after it has been mustered into tho service. worth, Aloe N. Root' Ciarcnce Ship- m n, S. W. Curtis, K mer Woodruff' Chas. Rite". ill". R-,bt. Applegatf, Al bert Berry, (ins. Lyrnari, Clint Richardson, Geo Clizbv, 1'h ! Ilatri son. Roy Torrom-o, (;uy Case, l'ichard Finney, W C. Davis. Frank flolden, and Rav M irsha'.l. Dress making. Union B ock. Miss Laura Twg". Notice to Creditors. State or Ni ka-ka. In the m.ii'er of i i-dec-jat-'i. N'- ' i- I.i tors of sa;J in-' i.-j v said e;ta c. Ij'oo; :ih;. County, .Ni:bir, ;:t : PlaUsmouth ;i . : i - Ueceiiib'-i. A !). , . pnrpos-i of pn-!!!' tion. acij::-: iii'-ii 1 ;i..'i 'i allowe-J lor l In: i i ..- : sent thi;.r t i.t o . - o : ' to settle e . ih'.'ii Witness mv hrn-f at l'iiitt-ii,o;: ..-.j-j. , A. D. li-i'-. , (Sea!) In County Court. f Ii;, t!,n'-r S;;bol'I .ve:i tl-;it the creo1! i:et ti;e e :e i;trix of hi y J '-''k'- of Cass :: at v ' (: ri room in on tie h. 'lay of ic a in. f ir the - i,r eaTnina x MioiitliS are : to pre- !: f-.i" utr,. h day of May : :s ''. ( '.!iny court, . ': . it!, d;iy ,f June ,k. k M Si-i LOC K, -:tv hi'iae. h ! , . ( I : .; Co: .1,1V. : 11 o i i: I ' r.e ': r I o:i, t : e e.. Li - J J A-P vr' -' hi: Fhe Wicked Flea, Spain's l'.eet is about as f hard to find f,s th e!u-ive f!ca. "When A ladies qu irtette consisting of Mrp. Keithiey and three of her pupils. Miss Uili, Miss Breece and Mrs. Girardet goto Nehawka the 15 of this month to j yQ!I put your finger cn him. be isn't there."' It 'is jj-t abnut hb hard to find r ich aed pu'-e ire cream, but you jean find cream at Hoiioway's that is Coates & Co. are headquarters for! not oniy refreshing, but food and all kinds of rubber hose. 'drink. sing for i he W. C. T. U. Con vention : which wiH be in session the 15 and 1 Ah. W. W. Rep.