Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 28, 1898, Image 3

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M i Mm r-j.s -
tho chh f of I
ui ir-', i:n ij 1. 1 1 ii ill.
Mnvtn- 1 1 . 1 1 1 ! , i i.f Wiw-ijinjr W'uNr
vm- (Initp' ("i-1 tior.s 1 1 1 -r : '.i.'l iv.
Iliriy I! ii o oi Vt' i i n Ii:h!
liu-inoiH ni tli! jKiii't liinisij today.
M i n. Kl in'i ' ii oiiin)'.' in who was
very sick a 1 1 1 j timo was i a town
today itiiltru"' 'l nynin.
'I'll. II.iIoh who h is lu'n fii)pl fil
II O v l:i-H on tin! N UK'S, h-fl I'lnt r.iuht
for his hoirio at Sil vi-r 'ily, 1 t.
Al. tn I ! ijj , the Weeping Wntrr
nll.fn'iH'y, was in iho ciiy today on lo
tral liu.iin'.. acroiii pan ioil by Itiv.
Mou ion.
.lo.- hua Mui-rav who has been in tli
rity on a visit to fiii'iuls for tho pat
ffW "lay-., lift this inoriiin for his
home a I I 'i-imIci' .
Winn II iinrili'iiK-nt liuino-H g't.s
low Au ;'i. r I-ooiH thinps niov-
"g I huilinjk f.-w lwggios. IIo got
in a in cinul cut load today.
Tho Ni;vs purchased o,0(M( pounds
of wf.ifo print paper a few days,
which i- tho largest order ever given
in thi.-i county for white taper.
Ties many friends of Misses Dora
and .Mabel Swoari ngrn will be pleased
to learn that the young ladies havo
securi-d lucrative posiiions in the Pax
tou hotel at Omaha.
.lames lfehil, who makes tho best
brooms in tin- sl.a If, del i vored a largo
in voice ft f his In in in is in 1 1n- local mer
chants today. I 'lal tsmoti I h people
buy no other.
John O 'Donne'.!, one of the so! id
fai mors of L'bt-ri y precinct was in the
city today and ia rom i..-iiiy wiiii his
I ri t hi r -i n 1 i vv Archer, ncde
this ol'lice a p.i ananl call.
C W. ( nnrail, one of Nehawka'tt
prospetous farmers wvas in the city to
day a nil diil not foi ;rel to mal.e tho
Nkus a pleasant call. lit; dropped in
a few plunk- on Mib.-eri ption to the
City ( lerk Kerr had a letter from
his son Merrill yeslorday. Ho was
with his company at San Franeisco
and reports all the 1 'latLsinouth boys
halo and hearty and ready to sail for
Henry, Hie little son of II. M. Socn
nichson, was severely bitten about tho
waist yesterday by a iltiL', wli'ch ho
was teasing. Tho wound was dressed
and fears of ugly consequences are
entertai ned.
Although Mr. Morrissey has been
con lii mod as eh it f of police, m-iihal
Fitzpat riek will eontia'ie on the forco
until .June 1st. There will probably be
no other eh-ing.-s until after tho next
council meet in jr.
li of. Farley pot rained in at Louis
ville afew days ago, and left his team
there while became homo on the train
IIo returns today to Louisvillo and
will drive out across the county to Al
vo looking after the welfare of the
I'lattsinouth's share of tho state
school fund under the apportionment
now in tho treasurers hands for
payment is ?2,'J77.S"2. There are tw'o
apportionments mndo each year and
if tho next is as largo tho school board
will soon be on easy street ng-iin.
Mr. Huckii.s is preparing to open a
dining parlor in tho Blake building,
opposite the Nkws olliee. Mrs. II. 1-
an expert caterer and tho Dining Fa
lor will furnish the public with the
best the market affords. The parlor
will be ready for business in about a
Tlev. F. II. Fiound, the pastor of St.
Paul's Evangelical chuich in this
city, continues in his good work and
next Sunday at 10:30 a. m. a class of
eighteen young people will ho con
firmed as new members of tho church.
The building recently erected is one
of tho neatest in tho cit3 and stands as
a monument to the industry of Mr.
Freund and his congregation.
Bennio Ilert.ler, the little boy who
was drowned yesterday in the river,
was b'ried this morning from tho
morgue of Stroight & Sattler. Tho
coroner did not deem it necessary
to hold an inquest and thereby put
the county to unnecessary expenfo,
since it was known how the boy came
to his death. The parents and a num
ber of friends followed tho remains of
tho " un fortunate little fellow to the
cemetery. '
Wni. Loughridge, the Murray black
smith, wh started ia business several
3'ears ag with a m pi til of but ten
dollars, is a good example of wh it in
dustry and economy will a-. IIo has
sent his chi dren to college and now,
as the shadows lengthen, while ho
starts down the hill, past the meridian
of life, he can rest from further labors
and live with his helpful wife with
every comfort, giving no heed for tho
morrow. II is habit of work, how
ever, ch ngs to him and ho continues
at his old quarters, with as much
energy, almost, as he showed twenty
years ago.
Dr. Co.ik is again suffering from an
attack of rheumatism.
Norris I . Talcott end Miss Mary
lather Mathisof Greenwttod took out
a permit to wed today.
Charley K!cbey was down from
Louisvitie today and returned by way
of Omaha.
S 'I'teinbe;- wheat closed 2 cents low
er in Jai!itro i hi-; afternoon and crn
1 een t lower.
L. G. Todd is in the city on business
today but iil talk a little politics on
the side if l.o is cro.vde 1 into it.
Tho F.lkhoin has been ropapoiod
throughtut making it ono of
tho .
hauslsoai .at siwOnsj ia tho city, llau
Coo t.lio proprietor who In iU-hoi voUly
popular, will Hon to it that hid patrons
urn woil itiiry) for.
Prof. Mi'lluh, Judtro Spurlock,
Miss HoIhoI and Mi-a shepherd wont
over to Wiujhoiisio yostorduy to look
up '. tlii i' pii: nil' '!'( Ui:d
li-Tloy Mu-ji'iey anil .Sam Camp
bell of Uonvor wi'io down to tho dopot
to mo tho Plattmiuuth bov'H go
through on their way to tho coast
Wra. Kovlllo wont to Lincoln this
mi. riling ami ox poets tohtartfor Texas
Saturday or Sunday with hlH outlit
Ilis Hon, William, and Jairios Kinkcad
will accompany him.
Will Marku of Union who mot with
a painful accident tho first of tho
month by having tho end of a wagon
tonguo pushed through his right hand
it in tho city rosting up.
Win. M Haright, Bocrctary of tho
Midland Lif.j Insurance Company of
Omaha wan in tho city today having1
cuimi ovor f rom Veeing Wator w horo
ho milled sixtoon mimes to his list.
John l'tak has a forco of honost tail
ors. A few days ago while cloaninga
pair of pants or a customor they
found $ htowod in ono of tho jtockets
which tho customer had lost all knowl
edge of. Tho money was returned to
the owner of tho clothes and ho folt
like ho had been struck by n. wave of
Andy Broback has a loon and a
beaver in his window that aro lino
specimens of the taxidermist's art.
Tho beaver is u young one, but is vory
perfectly mounted. Tin y were brought
in from Madison, Nob , by Fremont
W! eeler,a brother of Frank Whoeler,
the harness in a Kim on Fifth street.
Mr. Wheeler's father is also here on a
visi I.
('I in l I. ii. i S, i n r l.
W. J. Ilcsset's big century plant
will be shown. I wi.l occupy tho
central position u.ili-i the dome in tho
horticultural building. Tho leaves
are twenty ft oi f:om tip t lip, and
the plant is twelve feet high, being
tho largest of its kind in tho United
Stales. It has been an ox pensive pot
for its owner, and "oats its hoad oil "
in the matter of hoat and light, over
$1,000 worth of coal having boon used
for the sole purposo of keeping it
comfortable. Ieasinnch as tho bridges
on tho Burlington :ire not high enough
to admit of handling the monstor, it
will e haul, d aei-oas the country
from I'lattsim u;li on a stoneboat.
A S11.4t.4- stoi'3'.
A largo snake wis killed in tho
workroom in the has ment of J. W.
Butt's furnitur 'If, this morning.
It was found co'l up in a chair, used
by tho employer., allot tluy had boon
at worl. for some time Ii probably
came from some other t-tate in some of
the goods. II. V. Kirkby vows that it
is a copporhead, same as he used to
play with when a boy in Missouri. In
any evont, it is the ilrst snako of tho
season, and all the boy9 who found it
vow that they have not used any snaue
mcdicino for several months. Ne
braska City News.
An Kagle Wiiinitii Kails.
A report from Council Blufl3 say's
that M. II. Frey, tho florist, has been
living there for several weeks with a
woman ho claimed, as his wife, but who
turns out to bo the wife of I). El Von
nor, a grocery merchant at Eaglo.
The woman's husband arrived on tho
scene, and has h'ul both parlies ar
rested. IIo thought his wifo was vis
iting relatives at Muscatine, Iowa,
until rocently, and ho was in search
of her when the .awful truth was forced
upon him.
Thousands of sufferers from grippe
havo been restored to health by Ono
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, coids, bronchitis, pnoomonia,
grippe, asthmn, and all throat and
lung diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Drowning of Itenny Ilertzler.
An investigation 6hows that tho lit
tle boy who was drowned Tuesday
had had no trouble at school whatever.
He and his play mate wore playing in
the skiff, when the chain broke loose
from its fastenings and tho boy who
was drowned jumped quickly to savo
himself into water that was over his
hoad, while the other b'y jumped
from tho forward end into shallow
wator and waded ashore.
Take Laxative Bromo QuiniuoTablels.
All druggists refund the money if it
fails to cure. 2--. The genuine has
L. B Q. o.! e. ich tablet.
Mrs. Cotton the well known vocal
instructiess of Omaha will give a
recital at the Congregational church
in that city the evoDing of May 31.
Miss Sullivan of this city is a member
of her class who will tako part in the
program, which will bo a fine one.
Children like it, it'saves their lives.
We mean One Minute Cough Cute,
tho infallible remedy for coughs,
colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe, and
all throat and lung troubles. F. G.
Fricke it Co.
1. 1st tit Ll'l UTS,
Ilemaining uncalled for at the post
oilico at Plattsmouth, May !i5, 1S9S:
C'arncs, Chas Corsey. Grace
Camstcrk. F W McFarland, Kiley
Raymond. A li Smith. F H
Snyder. Olnoy
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
WIivii H ink. Weary Hint Vst-il
from Kidney Diseases, why not try
Foley's Kidney Cure, a guaranteed
medicine. Smith A l'armele and F. G.
Fricke C.
Opening of t hi' Tr.tiis-.Hisis8lpi Kipo.
June 1-t the B. & M. will sell tickets
to Omaha al the rate of ore fare for
round t'ip, good eoiiii; on morning
trnin, with fiiml n turn limit to June
For return, tickets to be execut- d
by joint agent.
Two I'roinliK tit Young l'rot Join Heart
Mint IImiiiU fur Weul or Woe.
From TliursJuy'g Dally.
"Brierwood," the beautiful homo of
Mrs. i)ora Oldham Moore was the
ht ene of a tiiiml happy and auspicious
event 1 1st evening, occanioned by tht
marriage of her niece. Miss Jessie I),
Ol.iiiam, to Mr. Henry Evans Snyder.
Promptly at H:."0 o'clock the bridal
party was in readiness, and a- Miss
Antonia Kessler played tho beautiful
strains of the wedding march Mr. Loo
Atwood, best man, and Mr. Henry
SnyJor ontored tho parlor, whero they
were met by Rev. II. R Burgess. Im
mediately little Miss ialanuclu Jones
carried a white satin streamer to tho
beautifully decorated bridal arch. Tho
maid of honor. Miss Edith Snyder.
attired in a cream figurodsilk, cnterod
walking aione, followod by tho bride
gowned in a poau do mignono silk
with crepo do chino and pearl trim-
niinrs. leaninir on tho arm of her
father, Mr. G. J. Oldham. Sho carried
a handsome boquct of lillios of the
valley, and woro orango blossoms in
her hair.
Standing under tho glorious and
honored American flair, and in front
of tho Holy Bible on tho open pages
of which was laying the most sacred
of all emblems, tho whito lily, Rev.
Burgoss pronounced tho boautiful
Episcopal ceremony that inado Henry
Evans Snydar and Jessio I). Oldham
man and wife.
After tho usual congratulations and
best wishes of their frionds had been
extentied, tho bridal party led tho way
to tho dining room, whore an elegant
wedding banquet was spread. The
dining room was boautifi lly arranged
with floral decorations, tho chair occu
pied by tho brido was a bower of Amer
ican beauty rosos, a gift of one of the
guosts. Mrs. W. IX Jonos sat at the
colTeo urn, and the Misses Pauline
Oldham, Graco Britt and Olive Jones
in a graceful and easy manner presided
over trie tattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were tho recip
ients of many handsome and useful
presents, among which was noticed it
box of fragrant Cape Jassamine from
Ono of tho pleasant features of tho
evening was tho serenading from the
Modern Woodman band.
Among tho guests from abroad were
Judge J. R. Reed and wife, of Council
BlulTs, Miss Ethel Evans, of Omaha,
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Oldham, of Mur
ray, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Evans, of
Council BlulTs, Mrs. Zachary T. Lind
say, of omana, jir. orero ivooa. 01
Council BlulTs, Mr. Harry Lindsay, of
Omaha, Mr. J. (. Oldham, father of
tho brido, Boavor City, Mr. and Mrs.
James Walker and Miss Pauline Old
ham, of Murray, and Miss Grace
Britt, of Omaha.
A NotHltle Onthering.
om Wednesday's Dally
Rev. Frank Campbell and wifo aro
having an old folks' dinner at their
homo iu South Park today and aro en
tertaining a few of their friends, who
have boon horo long enough to think
themselves old folks.
The gathering is ono of the most
notable impromptu affairs ever noted
in this city, comprising a rare galaxy
of bright, cheery old people, many of
whom havo hearts as young as they
were 50 years ago. Tho only young
folks honored by a place at the tablo
bosido the host and hostess were C. S.
Polk, G. M. Spurlock and Mrs. Laura
Peterson who assisted Mrs. Campbell.
Below is a list of tho guests, with ages
and place of birth:
Sarah M. Winslow, agod 74, born in
Augusta Co., Va. Wm. Atwood, 80,
Stoubcn county, Now York; Carah J.
Atwood, 72, Madison county, N. Y.
Joseph Mapes, 7S, Bedford county, Pa.;
Mary R. Mapos, 65, Hardy county,
V. Edwin Davis, 87, Albany county,
N. Y.; Ann M. Davis, 81, Albany
county, N. Y. Sarah J. Brantnor, 73,
Highland county, Va.; Rachael O'Neil
72, Bolmont county, Ohio; Roba
Whito, 82, Washington county, Vt.;
M. C. Iliatt, 61, Hancock county, Ind.;
Margarot A. Buttery, 72, Juniata
county, Pa.,.L. J. Kinsor, 75. Taswell
county, Pa.; Maria Isham, 67, Wash
ington county, Vt.; Sarah C. Morgan,
63, Berkley county W. Va.
It is, or should be, the highest aim
of every merchant to please his cus
tomers; and that the wide-awako drug
firm of Meyers & Eshleman, Storling,
III., is doing so, is proven by tho fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshleman: "It my
sixtoon years, experience in the drug
business I havo never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy."
Sold by all druggist
The stately oak, tho largest tree in
the city park, was struck by lightning
last Thursday evening during a heavy
electrical storm, and tho troo was rent
from tho topmost bougn to tho ground.
Altout one third of tho bark was strip
pod off tho trunk and tho current
seems to have cleft tho wood to tho
heart. Weeping Wator Republican.
Kncklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in tho world for cuts,
burns, eoros, ulcers, salt rheum, fe
ver sores, tetter, chappep. hands, chil
blains, corns, and all skin eruptions.
and positively cures piles, or no Day
required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Pyice 25 cents per box. For sale by
F. G. Fricke
F. J. Morgan informs us that young
Allen resigned his commission at the
r. questof his father, W. V. Allen, he,
Morgan having seen ihe telegram
Bent bv the senator to his son.
It is a groat leap from tho old fash
ioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous
physics to the pleas.-int little pills
known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
They cure constipation, eick headache
and biliousness. F. G. Fricke & Co.
One tiling I want to know. Istlier,
Oil. what diJ Dewey tlof1
Tlmt pcnjilo talk of what he did,
And not excited, ton.
He knutked Hie Spai1l.11 Js uut. ui wm,
He i.nly left a few,
He wiped the eaith. Hud pupped tlic m .i.
With the wlni'e daini.-d Spanish cu-w.
It !eeins so M-ry strange, lather,
( Hi, can it all he true?
The storic ol the ships he sank
And the Spaniards that lie ulew.
He simply laid them out, my son.
In w inrows, two ly two.
While they raved and tore, and cursed mid
Till the sky turned tilack and blue
While the fight was jrin on, lather.
Did Dewey's boats gut hit?
While cannon halls were cominK o'er
Two thousand at a trip.
The Spaniards made a slijjht mistake,
A cannon hall let slip,
it kncked some paint from oil the side
Of Uncle Sammy's ship.
Of course it was no use, father,
Itut did they really try
To whip the Meet that Dewey brought
To smite them hip and tliih?
They did their very best, my son.
They jumped around quite spry,
Itut they couldn't do a single thing
itut watch the splinters lly.
While I was coming home, father.
I heard it said today.
That Spanish ships would go dow 11 there
And drive our ships away.
If they should try that on, my son.
Remember what I say,
That hell will be a popping there,
Down on Manilla bay.
Now what do you believe, father.
Do you think that Dewey could
Whip all the ships that Spain could send.
And do you think he would?
Why, sure, of course he would, my son.
You bet he'l lick them good.
He'd smash them into smithereens.
Brick bats and kindling wood.
1 heard one man remark, father.
Our seamen all would die
Uefore they'd let the Spaniards come
And blow them up sky high.
No use to think of that, my son.
Just let the rascals try.
When Jack Tar gets his war paint on
Just watch the feathers fly.
Khni-st K. ISaxtkk.
Klt t lrlc ItltUTH.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally noeded when the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt use of this medieino has
often abated long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act
more surely in counteracting and free
ing tho pystem from the malarjal
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipation, Dizziness, yield' to Electric
Bitters. Fifty cents and $1 bottles at
F. G. Fricko's drug storo. 1
The I5iho Itiill Team.
The base ball toam was out at the
grounds last evening for a practice
game. Tne team ox poets to practice
Monday, Wednesday andFriday of each
week from now on in order to bo sufli
ciontly oxpert to tackle the brag nines
of other towns, for this is tho year
when Plaitsmouth must have tho pen
ant. The ball park is being fixed up
in good 6hape. A now back stop is
being put in and a lot of bleachers for
the enthusiasts who want to see the
game at close rango.
M. L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says "I
was a sufferer for ten years, trying
all kinds of pile remedies, but without
success. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
was reccommend to me. I used one
box. It has effected a permanent
cure." A a permanent cure for pile9
DeWitt's Witch Hazel halve has no
equal. F. G. Fricke & Co.
rieaae Copy.
Leal Bachler loft his home without
my consent and information as to his
present whereabouts would be gladly
received by me, his father. lie is
soventoen years of ago, small, of light
complexion, woro tan shoos, sharp
pointod ; orango colored hat.
Henry Bachler,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
9100 Reward SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
tl at science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
Iraternitv. catarrn Deing a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces 01 the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength Dv build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
laith in its curative powers that they otter One
Hundred Dollars lor any case that it tails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, KJ. hrney &Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists 75c
The Great Century l'lunt.
W. J. Hesser receives $400 in cash
as payment lor tawing nis century
plant to Omaha beside other consider
ations of of value. It will be hauled
by a four-horso team which is expected
down tomorrow. The plant is a mon
ster and is said to be sixty years old.
It will bootho center of attraction in
Horticultural building.
A torpid liver robs you of ambition
and ruins your health. DeWitt's Lit
tle Early Risers cleanse the liver.
euro constipation and all stomach and
liver troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Investigation shows that men who
succeed are men of brains strong
nerves great will-power. Ordinary
food cannot supply tho vital forces
which people with active brains and
bodies require. BIcola Pills feed the
nerves raako the mind bright, mub-
clos strong make flesh and blood and
give perfect health to Men and Wo
men. The Turners of Phila
delphia make BIcola Pills
J E Huckey. chief rlerk National Hotel, Wash
ington. I) C. testifies that he was all run down
was a shadow cf his former self Iticola I'llls
gave lam wonderful relict - he gained over
twenty pounds after using them.
Sflllne Ac-n for l'littt Kinnn t h and Crhk
County, K. O. FICICKK & CO.
Turnt-ni' Little Liver Turners A very
small pilL Turn your liver. Cure sick head
ache Biliousness Indigestion.
llnlrr lu Miow Catlfte,
In the Disliift (J iurl of li county, NchrHhka.
In Ihe mnttt-r of the gimrdlnnthip l Johnti
0 Kourke, Anna L.O Kouike and Jost-pli I .
1 1 K11111 ki.-, 111I11111 1.
1 Ins i mm! aim- on fur hi iiiliu! up ui the p-ti-tli'U
ui Nel lie M . O Kmii kc ol John
It 1 Kniiike. Anna l OKi.mke ittui Jn-cph 1 .
li K.iiiikc. tiitimr hi:rs of Anna M l Kmiikc,
d.-i i-a-,-,1. piayiinr l..i Incuse tostil ha tin in
Ii. k ii.nly lie 111 the clly ol I'lattMiiunlh, I aw
(.unity, Nibuka; lots nine und leu in I'l.xk
t my six in J luke's addition to thci-ity of 1 laits
mouth lols ti n. eleven and twelve, 111 hl oi k one,
in Xadt-liitaii s addition to the i.ityot I'lalts
moutli, all in t'ass county. Ni-hiaska; also lot one
hmidied three (1U'! in the northeast (piartcr ol
the NoutliMcst H'lalUT ol settioii nine
teen; lot one hundred lour (Kill In the iioithwcst
iiiiaili-i ol the southeast milliter ol section nine
teen; lot eighteen in the southwest ipiaitel ol the
southeast tpiiu ter ol seetion niurteen; mid the
southeast ipiai ter ol the sou t h west ijuai lei ol ser
I1011 nineteen, all 111 township twelve north. o
range loiiileen in Cass county, Nebraska.
Also the southwest ipiarter ol section two in
township twetity-Hix not th, ol range one: also the
noiili hail ol the southeast quaiter ol section
two in township twenty-seven, range one, and the
noith hail ol the sou hwest ipiaiterol set lion
two in township tweut v-seven, range one, all iu
V ayne county. Nebiask.
l or the puipo!eol obtaining means to main
tain, clothe, support and edu ate her said wards,
there bring no personal property belonging to Ihe
esiateof saul wards, and tho income from said
real estate is insiitticieiit for thoir support.
Ilis therefore ordered that John O. O Kourke.
Anna I. O'Kouike and Joseph T. Kourke and
all other persons interested ill said estate ol said
wards appear before me at the olliceol the cleik
ol the district court of Cass county, 011 the 1Mb
day of June. A. 1). IN.'S, at l:.'l o'clock, p. in., ol
saitl day, to show cauHe why a license should not
be granted to said guardian to sell the real estate
above described lor the purposes in said petition
J'liis order shall be served by publication in the
riemi-U eekly Ie ws-1 leralil lor lour successive
weeks before date of hearing.
Hated this lHh day of May, A. I. ISUS.
Judge of the I Mstrict Coui I
Legal Notice.
In the County Court of Cass Count y, Nebraska,
In the mat ter ol the estate ol Addison 1 . eston
William O. Weston, Frances 5 is by, children
ol Joseph Weston, deceased, Frank A. W eston
and Ailhur Weston, children ol Jane Hall, de
ceased, Mrs. Ida I' lost and Jennie Hall, 1'ietclier
Weston, A bbio ripi agu.', ai all Hemingway. I V
dia Ann KelseV.Finina Kugghrs.Mai v Iu k. Page
Weston, Wallace eslon. Almiiia ll.ivis Marion
Hall, Joseph lialdwin, Kdgerton Baldwin, child
reii ol Mary Sheldon, deceased, Irwin 1.. Shel
don and Mrs. Abbie shelters nee Sheldon, Mrs
Cora McKinney nee Sheldon. Abbie liailey,
1 homas itald-Ain, Albeit A. Johnson, Albert J.
ISixby. Addle (Oi vis) Spaulding, children ol Per
ris liai ton, deceased. W illiani 1 . and 1 Initio May
liartou, Cynthia A. ( Irvis, Amelia IS, lialilemaii
nee Weston, ami all other persons interested iu
me estate in viiiiisou i . vv esiou,
Vou are hereby untitled, that pursuant to an
order ol Count y Coui t ol tjass county, duly en
tiled upon Ilie day ol Alay, A. II. I si's, in
the above entitled cause, on the lithdayof (line.
A. I). Is'. at 2 o clock, p. M7 in the County
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the accounts
ol the execut r, Levi C. Pollard, tiled iu said
cause on the lli day ol May. A. 1). 1X'.I.. Huh
day ol ltecember, A. O Ih'.lfi. 1st day of June, A.
I), is;;, 1st day ol July. A. 1). 1M:i7, and the llth
day ol May, A. I. lsus, including charges made
for extraordinary service not reipiired ol an exec
utor or administrator in the common course of
his duty, and including his m c ounts of payment
ol legacies to legatees, will lie examined ami ad
justed and tiual judgment entered therein.
tit allot w huh you and each ol you will take
due notice.
GiioKfii; M. Sri.'Hi.otK.
County Judge
SherilTs Sale.
lly virtue of an order ol sale issued by Ceorge
F. House-worth, clerk ol the district court, within
and lor Cass county, iNebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the lHth day of June, A. I
Im'.IS, at ' o'clock p. m. of said day at the south
door ol tne court house iu the city ol I lattsinouth
in said county, sell at public auction, to the high
est bidder lor cash, the lollowing real estate to-w it
Lots eight (H), nine (!), ten (1(1) and eleven (11), in
block one hundred and hlty-one (!!, in the city
of I'lattsmouth, Cass county, Nebra.ska. together
with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto
belonging or in appertaining. 'I he same
being levied upon and taken as the propeity ol
Margaret A. Oovey, el al., defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said court recovered by Kli.abeth
Spoier-McDulloiigh, et al., plaintills and co-defendants
against said delendants.
I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, May 17, A. I). ISSIS.
W. 1). Win Kl.hK.
Sheriff, Cass County. Nebraska.
By I. I). Mcliride. Deputy.
C. S. folk, atty. for plaintills.
Legal Notice.
In district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
Calvin H. J'armele, plaintiff, 1
vs. .
I'.mma C, nl . Shneder, et al
Anna M. Dewey, plaintiff
Emma O. M. Shneder, ct al. J
lohn Linder, John Kenneau, I'ettibone S: Nix
on, Mary K. Kenkin as executrix and sole devisee
ol and under the last will and testament el I. K
Kenkin, deceased, I'jiiuia C. M. Schneder, Fred.
Schneder, defendants, will take notice that on
the 2iu day of February, A. D. 1HW, a petition
was nieu in me aoove enu.ieu case asking lor a
conditional revivor of the judgment entered in
said cause for said judgment to be revived in the
name of the administrators ol the estate of Cal
vin H. 1 itrmele, deceased, viz.: Charles C. Far
mele, Samuel H. Atwood and Thomas F.. Farmc'le,
and thereupon a conditional order of revivor was
issued by said court requiring you to show cause
why said judgment should not be revived in the
name of said administrators, on or before the 20th
day of June. A. D. li?lS
Vou are required to answer said conditional or
der of revivor on or befoie the JiOth day ot June,
J. I J. IP'.'".
Dated May 10th. 193.
as administrators.
By their Att'ys, Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls.
Notice of Sale of Keul KM ate.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Nelson McKcynolds,
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Basil S. Kamsey, judge of the district
court of Cass county. Nebraska, made on the 7th
day of May, A. D. tsSis, for the sale (if the real
estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at
the south door of the court house in l'lattmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, on the 4th day of June,
A. D. 1W, at 1:30 o'clock, p. ni., the following
described real estate, to-wit: The west half of
the east half of the southeast quarter of section
eight (?) in township ten (10) north, of range
thirteen (la) iu Cass county, Ncbaaska, subject
to the life estate of William McKcynolds and all
liens and encumbrances existing at the death of
said deceased Nelson McKeynolds, against the
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Dated this loth day ol May, A. D. iTSts.
Administrator of Nelson McKeynolds, deceased.
Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Att'ys.
Probate Notice.
In County Court, Cass County, Nebraska.
In tke matter of the estate of Ann Cole, de
ceased: The heirs of Ann Cole, deceased, and
all other persons interested in said estate, are
hereby notified that on the 7th day of May, IkW.
Broad Cole tiled a petition in said court, praying
that his tinal administration account tiled herein,
!'e settled and allowed; that proofs of heirship be
taken ; that a decree in distribution and assign
ment be entered ; that he lie discharged from his
trust at admiristrator that lie be allowed (in
addition to commissions and expenses) the sum
of fliKMKi, for extraordinary tvrvices rendered,
and that if you fail to appeal lefore said court
on the 4th day of June. A. !., 1MH. at 2 o'clock
p. m., and contest said petition, the court may
grant the prayer of said petition, and make such
other and further orders, allowances and decrees
as to this court may seem proper, to the end that
all matters pertaining to said estate may be
dually settled and determined. Witness my
hand and the seal of said couit, at I'lattsmouth.
Nebraska, this, the 7th, day of May, A. D., lW.
rc,n George M. Spuhluck,
,:5calJ County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska.
Charles C. Farmele as receiver of the Citizens
Bank of I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, vs. The Peo
ple's Building, Loan and Saving Association.
1 lie 1 eople s liuilding, Loan ami Saving Asso
ciation, delendant, will take notice that on the
7th day of April A. 1). !'. Charles C. I'armele
as receiver of the Citizens Bank of I'lattsmouth,
Nebraska, plaintiff herein, tiled his petition in
the distiict court of Cass county. Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and prayer of
w hich are to recover a money judgment against
defendant on three causes oi action set forth in
said petition: on the tirst cause of action for the
sum of with seven percent interest thereon
from the Uth day of May A. I). 1!!7: on the sec
ond cause of action the sum of fJiMwith seven
per cent interest thereon from the Uth day of
May A. D. 1J-U7: on the third cause of action the
sum of 4111 with seven percent interest thereon
from the 10th day ot November A. D. lwi.
1 ou are requested to answer said petition on or
before the :-fhth day of May A. D.
Dated this ltth day ot April A. U. l.-vw.
Charles O. Farmele,
As Receiver of Citizens Bank of Flattsmoulh.
Nebraska. By his Attorneys, Byron ( lark & C.
A. Kawls.
Fire Insurance at Actual Cost. Collcc
- tious Given Special Attention.
Acres of Schjol Lands for Lease.
Do You Want to Buy I
Jewelry Cheap?
If hi i, now in the nei ert'l time. I will nuiko fJ
CKKAT Ki:ii:t: i IO.NS in everything in my lino for tho jgjj
next thirty ihin. If you want to liny a Watt-It, olUn-r liullo' jr
or p;nt.-i' ni.o, 1 fan navo you from $'1 (10 to $ HUM), nccuril i ntf to
prlco of watch. I la vc tviry t hlni in tho linn of .1 KV ElAl V, jL,!
itnd, owin to riorHMty, w i !l j,'i vo 3 011 mi opiiitrt un ily to (nt
an pxtra jootl Imrpaiii now.
tV Watch and Jowi lry rcpaiiiiiir Hr'utlty. Kvcry
repair and all Jewelry fully warranted.
J no. T. Coloninn,
..Tim .mwishisii ..
Second Door South of I'oatollieo, 1 Mattsmouth, Nob.
Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings
Was augmented recently ly the receipt of two car loads of
jootls for which he paid spot cash at the factory.
Think What
It means heavy discounts.
It means that his competitors
neither can they meet him on
everything in his line.
His Leader in Stoves
Is the old reliable "Chartjr Oak," with its fifteen years'
guaranty, and its half a hundred designs.
No house in Cass county ever carried half so lare a stocl5
He can suit every taste. Three hundred easy chairs to select
from. Bed room suites ami parlor suites from the lowest
price to those fit for a queen.
Is where Pcarlman shines, and explains his wonderful business
success. He pays no rent, his expenses are low, and with his
cash discounts and car load rates he takes the lead and keeps it.
It Will Surprise You
To call and sec his wonderful stock, and jet his prices, which
are from ten to twenty-five per cent lower than can be had in
Omaha. Remember the place.
1. pearlman;
Opposite the Court House.
Continuetodoa leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything
Quality. Call and try
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb
BEST rixs for Weddings, Funerals or Pleasure Parties, ou:. Hack order
attended to promptly. Terms reasonable. Cash preferred. Call and (re.
rates Telephone 70.
N. B. W. D. Jones auctioneer all
disposed of -
Permanently enred by using DR. WinTEIIALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. The
surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, Price 50 cents
ler box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication.
This Means
It means lower freight rates.
can not meet him on prices,
a marvelous assortment of
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
good to eat of Best
w. D. JONES. .t
Cs County's
Oldest : Liveryman,
kinds of good and fnrtn tnilr