Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 18, 1898, Image 3

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Americans Shell the Town of
Cardenas, Cuba.
Till-: (II V Klil LJCI:I 10 ASIILS
Till" Oiililxtitt Viljniii;loM I - !lllilll-
M'pH S,tnili ArHt'liitl I'liMVll
I (:ltl Cut.
Kiev U'ir, FI:l, M.iy 14.- 'I ho
Wiimlow tins well nvon'fj.
Tlio Wilmington hlicllod ( ':n ( tho other sliipH withdrew Thurs
day evening. She hihmccd tlm m:is!cc'd
t;it)orii's and all foils mid licr hhclln
H'-t tho town on.llro. Tho town is ho
liuvoil to ho nothing but n h(Vip of
H-h'H. Yrstorif.ay morning tho Wil
mington landed her small hoatu to in
flpoirt tlio dania-o.
In tho marked buttery Il'idortd Span
iards won; found.
Thri'o hundred other hotlios wero
found in tho forts. Miny aro believed
to have perished in tho town.
The Wilmington was not daunted.
Washington, May II If tlio com
ing naval battle is not deeisivoand
doea not terminate the war the presi
dent will iinini ili.itel y issuo jinother
cull for lMl,0OO This was
decided at a cabinet meetinir today.
Kky W'kst, Fla., May 1 1. News of
a li;'ht at t.'ie'ifiKos is eonlirmed )y
the arrival of the Windom with two
dead .'it'll four wounded.
The li,rhthou!c: at Cien f uejros was
destroyed, one foi t leveled, the; .'f.eiirl
blown up and the town set on lire.
The expedition to (Jienfueos was
for the pui pose of cutting t he southern
cable. Lony; boats from tho M:irb!o
hoad and tho Nashville wero s-nt in
bIm-iv, grappled the cable and and fin
ally out. out a section. The jrallantry
of the men was rcm.irkanlo. They
worked cool away under a withering
lire. American ships kept up answor
iii the lire for two hours. Tho boats
were within twenty-five yards of tho
sho re.
The Marble head, Montgomery and
Windom were, in the Cie.ifueos tijrht.
The Spanish loss was H0.
The American wounded were Ciijv
t.iin Washburn Maynard, Lieutenant
Cameron Window of the Nashville
Krner-t Santii .end.), 1 1 W. Uochmeis
ter Isaac I enrickson, Kobert lialtz,
John I .ivis, aial O. Dui an all of tho
Marbicliead .
Kky Wkst, Fla. , May 14. In tho
en;;:jjemeti 1 1 tT Cienfueus on Wednes
day one sailor on tin; Mjirblehead was
killed and six wero severely wounded.
Many Spaniards we:e I illedor wound
ed. The Cranil Ol.l M.411 lyiiiK.
I.oNPox, May 115. l'x-1 'reuiier Win.
IS. (iladstono is dyisjr. lie cannot sur
vive lonjr.
Clothing for I tie SoIiiiits.
The invoice. of cothinjj for the two
regiments of infantry now unc.ampou
at Lincoln was sent from Omaha to the
camp on 'i fiur.-day nitr'nt. This cloth
ing' will be di-sti i bated amoiiij nil tho
troops neodinjj clothinjf :.l one.-.. The
soldiers who are i.lready uniformed
will not be yiven new uniforms, but
tho new clothing will be hoid in re
serve for them. For such uniforms as
are now worn the state will receivo a
receipt from tho quarterma-ter's de
partment, U. S. A., and at tho end of
the war such uniforms as are now fur
nished to the government by tho state
will be replaced by othor uniforms
yiven the ttate by the government.
The new uniforms to be furnished
the recruits now drilling in citizens'
clothing include a suit of underwear,
socks, b'ue flannel shirt, blouse, trous
ers, campaign hat of felt, a cap and a
blanket. Tho private is given an al
lowance i f clothing, and if tho cloth
ing ho takes from tho quartermaster's
department tiering the Verm of his en
listment iloes r.ot equal in value his
allowance fr clot hing, the balance of
tho allowance is turned over to him in
Oomt ! Mix Men.
Host. u Transcript.
If Come, has with him, under his
immediate personal command, 3,o0()
insurgents, he has not a small force,
but an exceptionally large one for a
Cuban leader. As a rule, tho insur
gents have operated in small bands,
very often not more than 300 or 400
being present. under one leador. The
most careful estimate wo have heard
from an American observer long set
tled in Cuba placed tho total armed
strength of thi insurgents at about
,"i,IXHI n-en. The observer had, up to
a year ago, never seen more than 2,.'ii0
insurgents in one holy, and such a
strength was cxeeptionnl. Thus cor
respondents who think Goiik z is weak
ening b cause be has 3,500 men with
him are mistaken. lie is concentrat
ing and drawing his scattered bands
to his headquarters. Gomez is also
one f the men who krows how to
"make a little army go a long way."
In Tlirir New Onartrnt.
DiS. Cooi. anij Cum in. lis moved into
their new oiiico-, j t osite the liiley to
day. Kaeh has a very coaveniuut and
ban J.-o:ne y appointed suite and when
finally etlied they wi!l have tho bet
and most complete otliccs in the city.
SA'l t'UDAY.
Tin; will of the late I. Soibold wan
admitted to probate today.
Tho Omaha pototlico Boils 1,000,000
i! cent postage stamps per month.
Frank Morgan has a handsome Cu
bin (lag painted on his front window,
Hugh Roberts is MilTcring fiom a
very soro thront and is compelled to
live on soups.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. iScely rejoice
over tho arrival of a girl baby at their
house yesterday.
V.. T. Yonkers hurt his hand today
while ut work in the shops and was
compelled to 1 ty ofT.
Oscar Keil of Avoca was in tho city
today, looking after some road matters
at the county clerk's oiiico.
Tho Omaha exposition t-tamps will
be issued next week and it is safe to
say no others will be used in Ne
braska. Two convicts escaped from tho peni
tentiary Thursday night about 12
o'clock. They have not yet been ap
prehended. Stamm, who has been working
at the Journal ollleo, will leave Mon
day next to loarn the machinist trade
at Havelock.
Clarence A. Mathis of Greenwood
filed a petition today with Judge Spur
lock asking for the position as admin
istrator of his parents' estate.
Ton or a dozen of the young laJics
of Greenwood ar" gi i ig to organize a
ladii s band. Tin y expect to soend
abt ut $200 in tl.o purchase of musical
KJ. Streight writes 'lis parents from
Lincoln that he has In on promoted to
llrst sargeant in his c inpany. lie ex
pects to go to San Francisco with his
regiment in a few .;a; s.
In a trip to Oa.aiia an. I Lincoln re
cently the Nkw.S man did not to i half
as many Hags displayed as right here
at home, l'lattsmouth is awake and
shows her interest in the success of
the government.
Tho womon of questionable char
acter montioned in tho Nkw'S a few
days ago have been given notice to
quit tho dwelling they occupy and seek
other quarters. They wiil move to
avoid prosecution.
Will Cillespio tho Mynard grain
merchant has purchased 21,000 bush
els of corn in tho last few days and tho
new elevator is nearing completion.
Tho high prices will leave asnugsum
of money in tho hands of Mynard farm
ers. From Madrid wo learn that the Yan
kees are a brutal, barbarous outfit.
Dewey is charged with groat cruelty
shown toward tho Manila people, over
3,000 having been killed by this cruel
assassin. It is evidently aw ful, from
the Spanish standpoint.
I-aac Gochinour and Crura Stewart
have for some time time been quarrel
ing over the possession of an island in
the river south oi tho bridge. Goch
incur beat Stewart ia the courts and
was given title to the land. A few
days ago, however, Gochinour gave
Stewart a portion of the land and the
difficulty is now supposed to be at an
Tho followirg is a partial list of
Omaha visitors this morning: Mrs.
F. II. Guthman and son Ilonry, Mrs.
A. J. Gutscho and daughter, Mrs. Jos.
Lake, Mrs. Henry Of 5, A. E. Todd
and wife, A. L. Ttdd, Miss liuzzoll,
Mrs. Thos. Wiles r.l daughter Grace,
Don Atwood, Miss F.di.a Adams, Mrs
A. 1. Campbell and daughter, Mrs.
Frauk Boyd and daught r, Mrs E. II.
Booth, Mis Laura and Etta Kincaid.
and Mrs. Mauy.
J. I. Falter wroto eleven policies of
insurance in the Farmers' Mutual
Miss Marjorie Agnew C;imi up from
l'lattsmouth Friday evening for a vis
it with friends. Louisville Courier.
Mrs. Chaplain Wright, who will be
SO years of ago in August, is in very
feeble health and her friends are much
alarmed at her condition.
James V. Chizek of Louisville and
Miss E-tella Alexander of South
Omaha wero married at tho home of
tho bi ide's parents in that city Tin r. -day
evening. May 12.
Alg Johnson camo home last night
from Aurora to visit his parents over
Sunday. lie is firinir out of Auro:a
for the 1 & M. and this is his first
visit home in no-iily a year.
(Jid Archer j'esterdey was given the
contract for excavating tho cellar for
Robert Sherwood's new store building
and will commence work tomorrow.
Tho building will be constructed as
soon as men can do it.
Thos. Whalen broke a finger a few
days ago in a very peculiar way. He
started to go down stairs and, in some
way, slipi.ed and camo near falling to
the bottom of tho steps. He reached
out his hand to save himself and his
finger caught in the bannister and
was broken.
Mrs. John McCarthy of Nebraska
City is in the city visiting Mrs. Ed
Oliver. She went out to Seattle with
hor son and the Klondike party which
left thhs city a fow weeks ago for the
gold fields and doubtless sho has some
interesting stories to tell of the
Alaska country.
Misses Lottio Calkin, Emma Poisal,
Eva a id M ible Fletcher, Mau i Mc
Coy, and Messrs George Hall, Dick
Stultz. Oliie Olson ami John Claus
niiida up :i i'urij' ili pr?rty that went
out to Mr. and Mrs. Wellmnii's last
evening to atl.-nd a secia gathering
of young people
Fr.uiK Johnson of this city, eon of J.
W. Johnson, is said to have stood sec
ond in his regiment as a specimen of
lino physical development. If ho
possesses tho sturdy qualification of
his father ho will so in graduate from
tho ranks as an officer and we hope to
hear a good report from him at tho
1'n.l Foley, tho section foreman at
Soutll Herd, who was injured a few
days ngo. Is improving nicely and will
not be ablo to leave his rooms at the
I'erkins house in a few days. lie will
be al)b) to go to work, however, for
some time, having sustained more
serious injuries than was at first
The Kiley had tho first spi ingchiek
en of tho season last night for supper.
Georgo I'oisal started his street
sprinkler today and will keep Main
street clear of dut hoieafter.
Geortre Andorson Smith and Miss
Louisa Hicks, both of Murray, wero
today issued a licence to marry.
Mrs. W. II. Doaring and son re
turned this morning from a pleasant
visit with hor husband up at Norfolk'.
Herman Holschuh drove to the
country yesterday. Ho siys tho small
grain looks as fine as ho ever saw it
and the corn is corning up nicely.
Fred Gorder camo over from Weep
ing Water yesterday for a visit with
his mothor and sister Louise, who is
getting well again after a long illness.
Mr. Stadleman lveoived a letter
from his son Fred that he and his
party wero in tho Klondike country
about fifty miles from tho Yukon
Tho Sokol society put up its Hag
polo yesterday but did not dedicate it
or hoist the Hag. This ceremony was
postponed until next Sunday on ac
count of tho rain.
Tho Plattsiriouth boys who enlisted
in tho First regiment, Nebraska vol
unteers and gone to tho I'hilippi nes
are located as follows: Merritt Kerr,
Co. Hof Fairbury; H. C. Jack, F. H.
Johnson, II. G. Livingston, C. Fryc,
of company M, Broken How.
Lem Cooper writes his father hero
from aboard tho Suaneo gunboat which
has been at Norfolk. He says they
are ordeied to Key West with Schley's
Hying squadron and expect 1o become
a part 'of the blockading llect. Hois
well and enjoys life on ship board first
Theodore I'itts and Mary Krolek
were married this afternoon at two
o'clock at tho homo of tho bride in
Mercerville. It was a quiet affair only
intimate friends vnd relatives being
present. The3r are prominent and
well thought of young people of this
city and tho News hopes they may be
happy all along the pathway of life.
The trial of Leo Dillon at Nebraska
Citj' for the killing of Wm. Iteisch in
that city last November, was com
pleted Saturday before Judge Ramsey
and the jury returned a vordict of ac
quittal. Dillon has been always known
as a bad citizen when drunk but it is
to bo hoped that tho trouble ho has
recently gono through will make him
a better and more sober man.
Tho Plattsmouth boys are all mem
bers of the first regiment which start
ed for San Francisco and Manila this
morning except Frank Hassan and Ed
Spencer who were mustered into the
second regiment which is ordered to
go to Chickamauga and very soon
will doubtless join the army of invas
ion of Cuba at Tampa, Florida. The
boys would rather go to Manila than
Cuba. When they return, after- a 12,-
000 mile cruise they will bo regular
Jtui'kf Kaljrr lo Fight.
Ex-Deputy United States Marshal
W. II. Liddiard has returned from a
two weeks' trip to Pine Ridge agency, ;
and says there is even greater excite
ment among tho Sioux over tho war
than there is among the whites. 1 he
Indians are anious to go to the front
as scouts, and Liddiard says seven of
them followed, him to tho train beg
ging him to take them along.
Tho haif breeds are also anxious to
go, but tho full bloods frown on the as
pirations of their lighter colored
brothers, and insisted that if real, work was wanted thev
would have to do it themselves.
Try Allen's loot-Kant'.
A powder to be shaken into the
shoes. At this season your feet feel
swollen, nervous and hot, and get
tired easily. If you have smarting
feet or tight shoes, try Allen's Foot
El se. It coois the feet and makes
walking easy. Cures swollen and
sweating feet, blisters and callous
spots. Relieves corns and but. ions of
all pain and gives'rest and comfort.
Try it today. Sold by all druggists
and shoe stores for 2oc. Trial pack
age FREE. Address. A.lcn S. Olm
stead, Lo Roy, N Y.
Au I'nfortuiiate Aeeid en t.
Mrs. Wm. Claus while busy in her
kitchen this forenoon, went to turn
around quickly and fell breaking both
bones in her right limbab ive tho an
kle. Mrs. Claus being well along in
years, the accident becomes particu
larly unfortunate.
A Warm Friend.
Foley's Colic Cure is very hot, but
when diluted it is a warm friend in
deed to those suffering from bowel
comDlaints. It never-, fails. 2oe and
50c. Smith & Parmele and F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The Platte Kiver Ferry.
P. M. Nord will begin May 7 to op
erate a ferry across the latte River
at Oreapolis. Teams crossed all hours
of the day. New boats and good ser
vice. Good roads on both sides of
Get Wash -a-Lone
weiler & Lutz.
toap at Zuck-
Cuban Foils, to lo Iioui!)ai'lf.l
With S!iot Shell.
Nit ret a ry I.imi' Olvcw I'"tili" rlr to
Fiijajc' Oin t':M tIi I- liTt Tin
Culian Fort 4 to I'.i- Slii-lli'il
Oi Imt ar New.
St. 'Ihomas. W. k.. May 10 Tl.o
Spanirdi consul hero has declared that
all American newspaper correspond
ents made prisoners hereafter will be
shot at once as sp:e-.
Washington, D- C , May 1 ('.--Secretary
Long has sent thoe instruc
tions lo Samp-i in, Sehloy and Clarke
of the Oregon:
"Enemy's ships in Carribbenu sea,
must be found and captured or de
a tiiiki siii'.Mn:)X i-'oi:mi:i.
Wad.ingtoi, I). C, May 10 A
third squadron will be fonred and
may be the first to meet 1 he Spani-h
II et.
The. Montgomery, Yale and St. Louis
have been ordered lo form a junction
with tho Oregon, Marietta and IJulYalo.
It is expected this will be done tomor
row. 1 hen, as Secretary ijong say?,
I lie Spanish llect will be like a rat
in a trap.
Norfolk, Va., Mayy 11",. Naval olli-
cers believe that Spain has made ex
tensive arrangements to secure coal
by "capturing" French irr other for
eign colliers. Several big ships
loaded with coal are reported as being
in the Carrihean sea, probably waiting
for tho Spanish llect to "capture"
Washington, D. C , May 10, The
Oregon was heard from this morning.
Her location is kept secret.
Peaceful blockade plans have been
abandoned. Commodores Watson and
Reiie-y have been ordered to turn their
ships loose mi Cuban coast fortifica
tions. Artillery Soldiers
Jiidyo Spin lock, who some time ago
started in lo erganiz.) nn arlillcrv com
pany in this oou-ity, reports progress
lists are out at 11 mwood, Weeping
Water, Union, Nehawka and two iits
in Platls-mout h. About fifty men have
signed the enlistment roil and the
work- is .-tiil progressing. The follow
ing letter wiil be of interest to those
who have signed the roll:
Lincoln, Neb., Miy 12, 1W)S. .1 ud-o
Spurloek, Piatt-moulii. My iKiar Sir:
There are no new developments in
the artillery regiment. Tho kite-;!.
advices from Washington indicate that
there will not be an additional call for
men until after tho next naval eonllict,
whicn, it seems, will determine the
probable luture of the war, or rather
whether there will be any war or not.
Hold your organization toget h. r a rid
await as patiently as possible the de
velopments of the next few days. It
is to lie regretted that there must be
such prolonged uncertainty, but there
appears to bo no way cf avoiding it.
Captain Dudley writes to hold to
gether, that our prospects, according
to a letter from Adjutant General
Corbin, are excellent and that we will
bo sure to get out in tho event of ser
ious trouble. Very truly yours,
Chairman Committee on Organiz. itior.
lielil l'p ami i;!lil.
From Saturday's 1 1. lily.
Frank Huschc cf Cedar Creek was
in omana vesicrtiay. u isi nignr.
while on his way to the train, on Jack
son street, between Tenth and Elev
enth, he was met by two men who
compelled him to throw up his hand-,
and they proceeded to go through his
pockets. He was relieved of .oU in
cash all the moeey he had with him
and was then allowed to go his way.
It was rather drk where the hold-up
occurred, and Mr. Rusche could not
tell who the men were. One f ihein,
ho thought, was dressed ;l po!;ee-
It is, or should be, Uio highest ' im
of every merchant to please his cus
tomer?; and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers it Esh'.einan, Su rii-g.
III., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshlcmaa: "It my
sixteen years, experience in the drug
business I have never secu or sold or
tried a medicine that gave a.s good sat
isfaction as Chamber!. i'Ts Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
Sold by all druggist
Fatal Wreek on tin? f. 1'.
From Saturday's Daiiy.
Meager details of a wreck on the M.
l yesterday evening, dowi near Jef
ferson City, .M-:.. were broagat in to
day b3' passengers on the 4: o a. ru.
train, which did not arrive until three
this afteraoou. A passenger collided
with a freight, result ng in the death
of an engineer and severe injuries to
tho fireman on tho pas-ienger.train. No
passengers were injured.
Vh-n Weak. Weary and Wat-i
from Kidney Diseases, why not try
Folej-'s Kidney Cure, a guaranteed
medicine. Smith & Parmele and F. G.
Fricke & Co.
None Hotter in Their Line.
Monday, M:ijr 2oJ, Greenb af, iir.
person itor, and Mis Lowe, harpUt,
will give an entertainment at the
Presbyterian church. Seats o i sale at
LehnhotT's. Hear them.
1 1 )
(ill, , i .,1 I i r c i. . .I , 'iiin 1 , 1 1 ,. I
l 1 1-
VA.-lli , : y 1.:.- j .r Gen
eral FitIm -h j v. i . i - ' .i :: (!
as the ino.-t !i'i.-'.y 1 ) ; im.n . I ;, I
imv I'Mir of C'lh i u' lit p.-a- I - e i - j
cl if.-.!, says (Jard.-i.a u an im j
portant point st ra t e iea ' ly t 1 do. j
ses- d by he Ua'it--d State fi ;.
"A bout t We I, tV III I le - b.!,-:; in tie' .'..'ill
t'-y, at .1 ( - r i ' 1 ' i -, 1 think it i-," l.e
s lid, "all the railroads of 'ua form a
junetuio .'Hid with Carder, a- i,i th
hands of the A I lei invest
ment of Havana wont I ho inatc ialiy
advanced. No supplier coul l reach
Havana from the interior, and with
the bloc Mid i ng !! -e t i n f ron t of ! I a n .a
r o supplies cf u'd reach that city."
I t- ferri rg to lvisign E i; h y. Gene i al
l. 'o s'Uil: "lie was a e;illaul l id and
I am sot ry he j.- gone. II wa- a
worthy fellow and bravo as a lion. I 'll
bet he male a trood li"ht. E d ae
must not inke cur le s s too mneh to
heart. War me ins blood -led u;on
both .sides and wo aie bound to b se
many brave bids before wo d::ig tho
yellow ensign of Spain from The ram
parts oi M rr . Cab in ;-i and ot h s of
the strongholds of the eiu iay."
IS:if'kli-i)'K Arni' ii MilK',
Tho best salvo in the vnu'lii lor cuts,
burns, sores, ulcers, salt rle uui, fe
ver toruH, tetter, clia;pep. handr, chsl
bl vins, corns, and ail skin eruptions,
and positively cures piles, or i.o ;::y
required. It is truaranteed to ;ivo
perfect satisfaction or money r-d' u ndod.
Pyico 2a cent s per box. For sab. by
P. G. Pi i eke
There's no better Hour made than
Hoi-el's" Piar-irier," mamif.'!c'.lir,.,l
in this city. A si-: y grocr for it,
and thrreby get the bos!, and sup
port .1 home industry at th same tii:e,
which builds up Hie town.
Old papers for sale at this ol!ie..
I n ve-t igation shows th't men who
succeed are men of 1 rains strong
nerves ere:at will-power. Ordinary
food cannot suppiy the vital ferces
which people with active br;-itM and
hodies require. I.icola Pi! Js f" d
nerves make tlio mind bright, mus
cles st rong make Ilesh and blood and
give perfect heal th to Men and Wo
men. Tut: Tn:xi:i:s of Pin,.
I K I . I ' f 1 1 A make U.lcolzi VH's
J i: :u,-kcy. eliiof rl.-rk N'iUn.nal 1 1 ,.: .-I. V.: I;
inton, 1) C, tcstilios lhat lie .mis run d i s o
w ns a slia. 1, .v i.l his Imtiier sell -l;i:i.:i 1'ills
jiavc him w.iiidrifid rciUi l.c ..ii.rd nw-i
twcl.ty 1 1 . i ; " i i si aficr usiiij; tlicm.
Seiiiiii .Ijji'iit fur I' 1 s t'.ieu I !i ;i:i-! f'ass
Coiiii-', !'. O. I-'iilCK k Kit.
'!'ii riiers' l.ittie !.5v. r '.iirn.-rs
small ii!I. '1'rrn v.iiir livr. I'ure s:
alie - lii! ioasiioss -l.iJiHcstina. .
I, K-.--A
Legal Notice.
In i!!-;tri t coint i.f Cass r..iiu . Ncia.-ska.
0. '.lsin II. l'arinole, 1'laiiitill. i
Kuima t.'. M. Shei dcr, ct r,i., I
and ;
Anna M. Duwev, plaaitiii,
-'i- I
l'.mmn e:. M. tlir. tal.-r. ct al.
lulm I.indcr. J ilin Kciinoaa. 1'c! !ii'Mir .v; .'.
oii, Mary 1-'.. Keiikin as .s,-c. t ri:;,i snic '.So i:a::
id and under tlio last v. lii and tusla'in-iit ct I. V..
Kcnkin. deceased, Knuna O. M. Seliprder. i're i.
Schr'.t.'iier, dulcinlaa!:;. s,II take luaice lliat on
tiic IMth day nl l-ebiuary, A. I. I -.''. a peliti jn
v as l! led in tlio aijov.: ent iiied case assintf fur a
conditioaal revivor iA the jnd;-meat e'lleied in
said canso for said judgment to be revived in the
1. anie ot the administrators of the esiate oi 1 h,
via H. 1 'ariiiclc, deceased, viz : Oliatles (!. I ai
inele. ane.iel 1 i. A tv, iod and 1 h.-'inas :. 1 'ariae e.
and thereupon a Con tl it :oi; a! order ol re". v or , as
issued ly said court reijuirii,'; you to show caie
why said sr.oui 1 imt l,e rirvoed in the
name of said ad no: i ' i at. a - . on :,i 1 e!oi e i lie 'Jut o
day ot Juno. A. I ).
Von are reii'iued lo an ver sai 1 Con iol.'ie.; :,r
der id revivor on oi hclorelho i''.h day , ; li;ue,
A. I). tsi'S.
li.itcd May lath . tsi'S.
OHAKf.r.S C. V.MlYriA K,
S. Nit Id. il. A'J'W I ! d ).
and TllOMA.S ".. 1 ' A i : M 1 '. I . i '..
as a. ha ini: ae,rs.
My their Atfys. ilvron Claik an i J. A. iv;.-.v!s.
i(lee i-r Sale i.f
In tlio ilistriet curt of (':
.1 j'..a'-.
ass-cou!itv, N.-'ara-f
.Nelson'Ke'. ne
!a th.: uiaitei c,i Lii
Notice is heiehy pi von that in putMiaiK't; of an
order i.l baii S. Kn.nscy, judee oi il.e rii lint
court of Cass comity. Neliraska, made on the 7th
day of Ma . A. 1 ). I-.I i.r the sa;e ol ti.e lea.:
e. tale h le-iaaitei described, there wii! be so',,! ;J.
tiie south door of th-ecouit liout- in I'lattaionth,
(.'ass County, eln ;i.k a, on tiie tth david j..iie,
A. I ). l -'.s. al l::i) o'clock, p. t.i., the '!.::.o.,:i;r
des, ribed reai estatiT to-wit: 'J he v.esi !,.. i t.i
tiie east iiail of i!,e (jiiaiierid eit.on
e Is) in towaslep lea (loj i, ol re-.e
tinrleea (bit in ( a-s enmity. Nol.MHsi a. sui,je t
to the b to estate ol V i i lam Mc i-tc i.ob's aad iS
liens and eii.'.un.b an, c exist n:;a! ti..- !ei!:, ol
said djcea.-ea Noi.'.o.i Mvkeyiit.I.K, ir .east ti.e
."-a' I saie. i il reaiain open one ho".,.
I latcd ti.:s 1 ah da of .i... . A. I ). :b' .
AM !1.-,V Till .i AN.
Adiiiir.istrnf.r . .Ne,s..u M'!-.. oa.-.-- 1
1 '. i on i 'iars and s . . . i.i . i '
Probate Nollcs.
in fount.. 'mi ri , t'a-s '.'o:ritv. N.bra-.a
In tke a, alter i li,e cvtato o! A:ai J.,ie. de
ceased: ii.e heir- of Ana '.' i.e. di-i ea -ed. .'!!
all other persons inicrested in s .id c :.,te, a.!,1
hereoy r.ol.i.e.l that on ihe Tin day ol May. !
broad C'ole a." 1 a pet -t ma i,i said c.eir:. ;.";'V:f:;
that his Inial a bninistra'.ion aceom.t !,:ed heie-ir.,
be seitied ami abov.e i: l!,--.; inools ,, -i.,p i.e
taken : that a decree in and as.- i;,;
ment ho er.teied : tnat he be disci, ai .-e 1 Ii om
tnet as adiiiadstrat n' ; that he ue albrxe i eat
a.i.litii.ti to comans-i,!is and expen-es) the sum
of Jlau.fii. tor extra. sr-.iiara y sci vices re'. lee.-d.
and that il you fail to appear before s.O'1 c-'irt
on the itii nay oi June. .v. i).,!--'.1. at 1 o'clock
p. m.. and contest said petition, ti.e coi-rt mav
lirant the piaverof raid petition, and nnKe su h
otiier and lur'.lur rder-, aiio,' -.-s ai: I !e(.i..cs
as to t Ids com : may s.-eia pr ape r. to tiie ca 1 !,..:
ad matieis
ttaata.i; to -a, a e-i. ir.ay t ,
and ileiern; it ed . V.'i.n. - ne.
aiaily seiiie
hand and th.-sea. ,f anient, a! Pbsu- a.-i:t!..
Nebraska. th:s. the .tli. dav ot Ma. A. !) .
IjKDKI.K -l . Sit l: l.oi ' K ,
Coil :.t J ,. .;e.
l.Kl tic..-.
In the di-tiict cmct of Cass comity. Nc! rrv-ka
Lhaiies C. I'nnr.c c as reeei'.tro! the Lit;
Hank ol I'la'-t-iaolitii. Nebraska, vs. j lie 1 eo
p.e's I.iiiidiasf. l.oari and ir"a n-. Association.
'1 lie People's l.tiildii.. Ixaii an.l sa.i-,',' Ae-ii-ciatioti.
deteiidant. v:ii tar'.e r.ot ice that inthe
Tth day oi Apiii A. I). l'.,y C. l'arme-,0
as receiver of the it.zeris l.ank of 1 'lattsm out h,
Nebraska, pla.r.tltf herein, I-.. ed Ins petition in
the distiict court ot t 'asa county, Nebraska,
atrainst said defendant, the object and prayer of
which are to recover a money judgment aain-t
defendant on three canses et a-rti,,n set forth m
said petition: on the rirst cause of action tor the
sum of iwith seven per cent interest there jii
from the '.'th day ot .May A. i. 1.'7: on the sec
ond cause of action the stcn of sjim v.oj, ?uvcn
per cent thereon from the '.'th .jay of
May A. P. ls'J7:on the third cause of action tho
sum of S:cvvith seven percent interest there. mi
troni the loth tlay ot rsotetiibcr A. IJ. l-'.'i.
j You are reipieste 1 to answer said petition on or
! before the :ith day of Mav A. I). 1-:.
j Dated this l.'thday ot April A. 1). 1 .-!".
I C'llAKl.tsC 1'AHMKI.F.,
As Receiver of Citizens hank of Plattsmouth.
Nebraska, t'.y his Attorneys, b rn c'ark ei C
A. Kawls,
.. r
jj' 1,
i'Ai :!
t- J
t 4
r :
i r
i . (
I !,e
G!:::.'r :
e- t 1 1 1 i r I
or :; '
If y 'i enii
I i 'in . ; on f
. "'I
if watch. I I 1 e c I', t
whig to iiecos.-i t y, v i ! i
a I,
. I
il a il ex -a pood hi rgai u now.
. I
t Wa'eh and le .v.lrv repair in;' ;l sp
repair :,nl all Jewelry fully warranted.
Ji x JS 9
. Q
mil 1 .i .r Soul h of I ' til'iee, PI a! t.-unoti th, Neb.
i C
p, rii !; r-
-i ! I, I
H' 1 ! JJl ' 5 i ' ''"i
B 131 IllLlH !Lc
';is .-inniL-n ltl ivct.-ntly 1)
!'oi is
for wiii.'li Itc paid
TSiink What
It means heavy discounts.
It means that compctil'M's
neither can Utev m ' 1 hini on
evervl hin" in hi - -line.
His Leader in Stoves
d reliable "Cli.trter Oak," with ils fifteen years'
j-fi ia y, and iis lialf a hundred designs.
i' o ; i o i
He ctn
i rem.
couti ! x t ver
every ire.le. Tin
room swiles a;,d
a ! ueen.
f-t 5. V
Is where Pea rim a n shines, and explains his wonderful business
success. Tie pay's-no real, his expenses are low, ami with his
'oiiiil s ;
; 4-
Will Surprise You
o t.a.!
1 1
idi set; !iis wonder fill stock', and ;.reL his jirict-s, which
Leu to twenty-five per ta nl. lower thrtii can be had in
i rom
ri ha.
; . eT1i' IV, I ieT
- i
U n
Opposite the Court lb
7y ,. . ( I r.t i.r.Vf .- , 1 lirr -t t', ti.
' ' '' fjr:.ei,r.., ..-.r3 atwn'.io
i y r ii" r,c..-4. ."viar ii.rn t.i
l f1.. feis-S 1 o-alr'e rr-t.u. shipany-
V. . S ! t wl.or'i f,r examination.
1 ff5 4fil r-r"?- A
I I S hvie8 . Vjhi;
Si e'.viea of ti iri,e
3rr --r. a. f t to ? i
-rpf I'ici;iot;s, 'I r.-ipi,
Wo. 7T, Fnrrr-T T7nmn. Pr
JiS.OO Var-.nj. fc- wi for
As a, ten Tor ti. Cat-.ouo ol a.l oar
' t
'.' i; : i 5"
. 1. u ,
fi, K C t f.
XLhz Svnlzb 'premier Cypcritcr
'i '
m.ijfi Ilranoh Ofllc, c r.
e"TiTrnTt taken (,.r th cro' i;.,'i ! Kc:.;..-nrH
i'ani an ! a:iy km ! "f c;irr,..:ili-r weik, i:i anv
part .f the cunty. Cn .,11 or n l'Irss
HAIlVi:V Hdl.l.llU'AV, t l.ittMiionth. Nil
.i:..'ir,uinii-3r th :t the DVKMXii
iri tl,e only r i:i th:. ity which
pfirit-s nil the news ovr-ry d;iy in the
4 tti
H t
ae e i I. d Iliac. I will make
cveivthin in my lino for tho
lo buy a Watch, eit l:cv Indie-.'
i ' J (HI t o 1 U mi, necoriliiig lo
I in ..' in lie) lino of .1 I'. W F. I . It V ,
cileou an o po r t II !l i I V to got
daily. I'.ery
Colonic n,
, ;
Slaves end i!o!ise Furnishings
lib' :cciil. ol two car loads of
spot, cash at t In. factory.
This Means
It 'means lower freight rates.
can nol meet liim on jirices,
a marvelous assortment of
carried hall so lare; a stock II
ee hundred easy chairs lo select
parlor stiilcs from the lowest
.;i 1 car load, rales lie takes the lead ami keeps it.
tj. C,,? U J Kit kJ
I 'iattsmouth, Nebraska.
aw & vJ
- ;i,
Wair -n
iarro. Iroe
Ko. rarry. Pric, with etlrlalci, lafnpr fti.
fcc ls. ihiie, ar-jt, iluh fco'lvrB, Aa goolii tor Vs
CO. V.'. 1J. I'HATTSet'r. ELK11AKT. IMU.
it f f A ' f f fin J f t n It 6 (I
11 1.
I'.A .J -sir
Rtst Tatue driting Machine.
Daa alt the Hottest Xmprorcmcnts.
popular Because of Tlerit.
riost Durable typewriter JIade.
premier Buyers do JNbt experiment,
drite for JNYw Hrt Catalogue free.
f VmM41MI 'I WtlWHIH
vjniiii' i viiiivi 7 iv i iivr '
Syracuse, J. X. CL 8. H.
ivcnlo "nth nr;d sts.
Leading Liveryman.
!ho 1 est i f ri;;5 (aruishe.! at all hour and I, is
prices arc always reasonable. 1 litmost
convenient hoarding stable for far
mers in the citv.
I'LA-rrs mouth.