Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, May 14, 1898, Image 3

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Spanish Masked Battery
Slays American Marines.
Nmlii Si nn' llrr Urnt VI-lory Hut Nh
I.iiM'ii Alurr In I li I'ita lllc Nhmihoh
Ih i'.oinlmr lln; Sun .limn.
Kkv Wist, . Fi.a., May 12. A
in-inked battery at Ca'denas lired on
the torpedo boat Winslow yesterday
and killed Hnsig i 1 ililey and foureoa
ineri. Tho c iniiirnd jr was fatally
woiimli'd, iirid is now hero. The dead
were b ought i'l on the gunboit fiiid
h hi, which also towed the ruins of tho
Tho Winslow, Wilmington and Hud
son were cruising olT Cardenas, and
about 1 o'clock ye?-ti r.luy afternoon tho
liltlo torpedo boat moved in close to
shore. Slio could soo tho main bat
tery for a inib) urd a half ahead, but
had not thought of a masked battery.
They reaclud a point nearly 600 yi ids
from shore, when suddenly tho shrub
bery parted and a heavy cannon
boomed out. Tho Spanirds were too
cloho to miss-. Heavy shot and shell
hit all about tho torpedo boat, tolid
shot tore through her hull and the for
ward bt iler blew up, hut her men did
not Cinch. Another shot tore away
her rudder, and she drifted helplessly.
Too Hudson steamed into tho li.irb- r
and took tho W inslow in low. Tho
hawsers were so ireuly f isioned war n a
shell l.ur-t diiectly over the damaged
Ensign l' igsley was instantly killed
and four of his nu n who were working
tho rapid li-o rilles fo I with him.
Tho Wilminglan had reached easy
rang') nbout Ibis time and opened with
h.r heavy guns. The Spanish hc!d
down on her and she was hit by a
dozen shots. Si.o was hurt but not
crippled and bore tho brunt of batt'o
uniil tho Wins-low was safe out of the
harbor. She lost no men.
The Spanish batteries wero sileacid
eventually and a number of mon wero
killed and wounded.
St. Thomas. May 12. Simpson's
squadron began tho bombardment of
San .luan, I'orto llico, at U this morn
ing. All tlio ships engaged.
Hong Kong, May 12 The Concord
had an engagement with a Spanish
gunboat at illiollio this morning aud
after two hours desperate lighting
sunk her.
No Amei icans wero killed or dam
ago done. Tlio IJoston is after an
other gunboat. These are the last
Spanish war craft on the Asiatic
New York, May 12. A Hong Kong
special of this date says that a trading
vessel from tho Philippines reports
having witnessed the destruction of a
Spanish warship by the Unite! States
gunboat Concord at lloilo The fight
is said to have lasted two hours at the
end of which time the Spaniard weot
down with colors flying. Th m-o were
no casualties on boaid the Concord
and no damage was cone to tho gun
bo it.
There are, it is a'.legcd on'y two
other Spani-h vesso's in Asiatic
watera and one of these is in dry dock
at Uong Kong, while the cruiser Bos
ton is searching for the other, under
orders lo engage and sink it.
Patriotic (iirln.
Yesterday tho Ni:ws contained an
account to tho etTect that Mrs.
C. E. Wescott's class of girls in the
M. E. S:ibbath school, organized a year
ago a society called the "Willing
Workers" t; aid in raising the church
debt. They succeeded in raising thoir
apportionment rnd considerable more.
Monday thoy elected oflicers and
voted to respond to the first call for
aid for our wounded soldier bojs.
Miss Mabel Kuton was elected presi
dent, Miss Nel'.io Whalen secretary,
Miss Sadie Black treasurer. It is a
noble bant? of patriotic young-ladies,
and wo heartily endorse the good work
they have done, yet we trust their res
olution will come to naught that
they will never be called upon to min
ister to the suffering of any of the
brave American soldier boys.
A. O. V. XV. leoortion Iay.
Next Sunday is Decoration day for
tho Unitod Workman. The Modern
Woodmen band will lead the proces
sion to the cemetery at 1 p. m. when
tho usual exorcises of decorating the
graves of those of the order who have
passed to the great beyond will take
pi aco
Drromtlon I) ly
" The Woman's Kelief Corps would
like to have &2 girls t;tween the ages
of S and 10 to assist on Decoration day.
They are requested to meet at G. A.
1L hall Saturday, May 14, at 1 p. m.
M. Ij. Y(wi in, Cameron. Pa., says "I
w;is : suiTcr' r for' tin je:i'.-, trying
all kind.- f p;!e rine'i ies, I ut without
succ.i s-. Ie' in' Wi ch H't.el Salvo
was ici'com :n id i,. n,e. I used one
box. It hits til -t' 0 a permanent
cure." A a pt-.rtiinn Mil curd for piles
DeVYitt's Witch Hazel Salve has no
tquil. f. (J. r'neke & Co.
j vm nun mi nn
1 An I U I jAM
(. W. Cirlmes, a pood
citizen of
Union is with us today.
Hev. T. K. Surface of Nohawka was
a visitor in i'latlsmouth today.
Jacob Vallery, sr., went to Omaha
today to visit old time friends.
Mr. J. II. Becker and daughter od
Eight Milo Grove wero Omiiha visitors
C. M. (J raves, an early settler of this
county, has located at Bickclton, in the
stite of Washington.
Deputy Shoriff McBrido is fixing up
his quarters ut the jail residence in
good comfortable stylo.
Dr. W. II. Djaring was down from
Norfolk over night and returned to
his work this morning.
Burl Chandler and Miss Lcta Gro i
son wero today given permission to
join fates for weal or woe.
Since It. B. Windham purchasod a
trotting horse, ho wears a Prussian cap
that makes him look like a real horse
M. M. Ileal is finishing up a nice
job of graining, painting and paper
hanging for John Lut, jr., whose
houso is one among the nice ones in
South I'ark.
Capt. Sigsboo, sifely aboard the
cruiser St. i'aul, has sailed out to sea
with sealed orders. It is likely he
will have no trouble in remembering
tho Maino.
Miss Kessler h s resigned her posi'
tion w ith It. 13. Wind ha in and tommor
row assumeshor duties as stenographer
in Mr. Guild's cflijc, at tho It. Sc. M.
st're house.
MissCoates if IIo'sl Ia niece of
Mrs. J. II. Thra h t, h is been ac
copied by Gov. Shaw, of Iowa, as a
professional nuise. M is-i Coates' father
is wealthy and In r oacriliou is truly
Tho marines have been called out.
t any rate D. M. Jones and Col.
Kroehler were seen hurrying towards
the river at an early hour this morn
ing with oars and other paraphernalia
in their possession.
George Ereor, the Adams express
messenger, has been changed onto
trains Nos. 4 and 5 from Pacific Junc
tion to McCook, which permits him to
lay over hero at home instead of at
Omaha, as formerly.
L. C. Pollard of Nehaw ka was in the
city on business today.
Tom Howard of Weeping Water is
in the city on business today.
James Hoot, or.o of tho subatantial
residents of Murray was in tho city to
day and made the Nkws a pleasant
Ij. C. EikhoiT was in town today.
He says Oklahoma is booming, and
that the outlook tor a big wheat crop
there could not bo bettor.
Burl Chandler and Miss Bertha
Greason of this city were married by
Judge Archer last night. The bride
is a daughter of Mrs. Greason who
moved here from Beaver Cit3' about
two years ago.
B. Cecil Jack s'olo away from his
coinp my last niht to close up some
busir.oss matters before going to the
front. He could not get leave of ab
sence, however, but we hooe ho will
not be court mariialed when when he
rel urns.
Tho following a-e names of the la
dies who went to Ashland toJuy to at
tend the tho suue meeting of the
Woman's club which usseaibles there
today: Mrs Streight, Holloway,
Itawls, Shiuman, Hoot, At wood, Ag
new, Parmole, Waugh, Walker and
It is, or should bo, the highest aim
of every merchant to please his cus
tomers; and that the wide-awake drug
firm of Meyers & Eshleman, Sterliug,
Iil., is doing so, is proven by the fol
lowing, from Mr. Eshleman: "It my
sixteen 3rears, experience in the drug
business I have never seen or sold or
tried a medicine that gave as good sat
isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea. Kemedy."
Sold by all druggist
Light It rah in an.
And fancy Game Bantams for s le: also
eggs for setting. Enquire of William
Gilmour, or leave orders at Egenber
ger & Troop's, where somi of the
chickens mav bo seen.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money if it
fails to cure. 2oc. Tho genuine has
L. B Q. on each tablet.
There's no better flour made than
neisel'a" Plansiftor," manufactured
in this city. Ask your grocer for it,
and thereby get the best and sup
port a home industry at the same tirre,
which builds up the town.
Thousands of sufferers from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, coids, bronchitis, pneomonia,
grippe, asthma, and all throat and
lunar diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
John Alexander Gochenour and
Maud-j Junette Rice were granted a
marriage license by Judge Spurlock
todny, and tho parties were married at
3 o'cU c!. at his iffice in tho presence
of 6omo twenty i f iheir friends.
liucklcn'K -iriora Naive.
The lkt S'il7tj in Hie worid for ''Uis,
burns, sorer-, eha-rs, s;i! I rheum, fo
ver sore-, tetter, eh -1 h mis, chil
blains, coi iih. at 1 all sk'ti oi'Uil!im-.
and positively cures nib's, or nt- o
required. Ii is -.'"ai ;,iri.-..-.i i,
perfect satisfaction r iimi't: renimli
Py ice 2o cents per liox. i-nr ..le b
P. G. Fricke
IHd Not Want II I in.
From Wednesday's Iiaiiy
Yostorday tho News published an
article about a man being arrested
hero for a crimo committed In or near
Council Bluffs. The man refused to
give his name yostorday but wo learn
today that his name is Armstrong,
SherilT Morgan of Council Bluffs came
here yesterday for the fellow after
It,ftrriins? from Chief Fit.patrick that
trie man was here. When Morgan ar-
rived hero yesterday the chief of police
informed him that Armstrong was
working at Collector Johnson's house
on the hill near tho high school build-
ing. The chief and Shoriff Morgan
planned to capture the fellow by the
chief entering the front door of the
houso whore he was at work and the
8heritT coming in at the back door.
Their pi ins worked all right and Arm-
strong was easily entrapped- When
Imormed that ho was to cousider
himso.f under arrest, he de-
manded sight of a warrant which
SheriiT Morgan presented him. Arm-
strong consented to go with the Iowa
omcer but when they got to tho train
for Omaha and wore about to board
it the fellow refused to go without a
requisition. Morgan turned his man
over to the chief of police and took the
train for Lincoln to obtain a rcquisi-
tion. Today the sheriff wired the
chief of police to liberate Armstrong
which was promptly dono. The offense
he was charged with was assault
and battery, which is not a requisition-
able offense, hence the Iowa officer
could not get a requisition. Tho Iowa
sheriff seems to bo very much of a
Two Dollars on the Side,
From Wed uosd ay's Dally
Judge Spurlock's face opened likea
cellar door today when a nice looking
gentleman and lady irom umana pre-
sented themselves in his court and
asked him to say the words which
would make their two beats heart as
one. By virtue of an act entitled an
act to allow a county judge to commit
sucn an act ne proceeded to proceed
with the ceremony which tied up Mr.
Irving Crane and Miss Nellie Ilartvig,
both or Omaha, into a knot which we
trust they will never wish .o untie, at
least not Deiore old uaonei gives tne
toot at his horn. The judge raked in
$2 as his foe in the transaction and I
immediately invested it wiin a very
winsome voun? ladv book airent for a
history of Cub i and its troubles. His
honor has a very acute eye for things
winsomn. Tho v'nunrr eo,ml rtnrnd
to Omaha after the nuptial perform
ance, happy as two bugs in one rug.
Household God.i.
The ancient Greeks believed that
the Penates were the gods who at
tended to the welfare and prosperity
of th9 family. They were worship
ped as household gods. The house
hold god of today is Dr. King's
Wow nisnifirv. Pnp rnnn m nt.t on
coughs, colds and for all affections of
throat, chest and lungs, it is invalu
able. It has been tried for a quarter
.... . . . I
or monev returned. JNo nousenold
u n v. -,u 4. 4U- i i j,
chimin n vpit.hnuT. tnia crtmn nn opl Tt. I
is pleasant to take and a safe and sure
remedy for old and young. Free trial
bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Regu
lar size 50c and $1.
John Crabill, who is one of the most
expert watch repairers in the city re
turned f om Omaha yesterday with
one of tho finest outfits of engraving
and watch repair tools ever brought
to the county. John is prepared now
do all kinds of work in a first class
manner, lie nas estaoiisneu a good,
business ai.d the News is glad to note
tho success which has attended the
oung man's efforts.
Kelief iu Six Hours
Pistressing kidney and bladder dis
ease relieved in six hours by 4ifHK
Great South American Kidney
Cuke." It is a great surprise on ac
count of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and
back, in male or female. Relieves
retention almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure, this is the
remedy. Sold by Gering & Co., Drug
gist, Plattsmouth, Neb.
England's grand old man is nearing
the end and can live but a few davs at
most. He no longer takes any inter
est in mundane affairs and only desires
rest and quiet. He suffers no pain
and seems to gradually lessen his hold
on life.
A man stands on chance of being
elected to tne mayorship of a city unless
he enjoys the confidence and esteem of
his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is
the popular mayor of Swanton, Ohio,
and under date of jan. 17, 1896, he
writes as follows: "This is to certify
to our appreciation of Chamberlain's
Cough Semedy. My family and
neighbors have test 3d it, and ew
know it is an excellent remedy for
coughs and colds. George W.
Humphrey," Sold by all druggists.
The Queen Regent refuses to come
out of her palace until after ten
'clock in the morning. The reason?
iecauso its too Dewev for her.
. A Warm FrlenU.
Foley's Colic Cure is very Hot, but
when diluted it is a warm friend in
deed to those suffering from bowel
comDlaints. It never fails. 25c and
50c. Smith & Parmole and F. G.
Fricke & Co '
Plattsmouth has a boy six years old
who is not named. He is called Jack
because the parents have not been able
to agree on what name he should be
christened by.
Have You Kidney Trouble?
A 50c trial bottle of Foley's Kidney
Cure will prevent serious results from
i his usually fatal disease. Smith &
l'armele and F. G. Fricke & Co.
j Tho dressm ikeis (?) residing on
! Washington avenue, we unde stand,
(have been given Ihroo days in which
to leave town.
I A Touching TrKrly.
I In 1880 while looking over tho lime
Ltono hills twenty-five miles south of
Dead wood and eight miles northwest
Qf Itochford, some Minneapolis parties
carno across the hkeloton of a white
man arui tnat of a black heir close
together, showing that after a struggle
tho monarch of tho mountains in in
hiding death upon tho man had also
suffered a death wound and togolhor
both passed from life. The condition of
the skeletons showed that tho encoun
tor mu8t have taken place at least
thirty or forty years ago, and tho fact
that tho Indians had not allowed tho
white to enter the Hills until about
twenty-two years ago added much in
terost to the find. Tho skeletons wero
carofully articulated with wire and
I were taken away to grace tho rooms of
I a city museum
Last fall, while prospecting in this
vicinity, A. B.Todd of this city and
Frod Buck , a brother of John Buck,
the German farmer residing near town.
came across an old English fowling
pieCe , a s moot ho bore flint lock ri Ho
ma(j0 by Chancy & Son, London. It
Was found about one hundred feet from
whero the skeleton of the man and
hear were found, and the stock had
POtted away and fallen from the barrel
The ram rod, which laid near by, fell
to dust when they attempted to pick-
jt Up. Mr. Todd soaked the iron part
D( the gun in keroseno several weeks
ana goi the rust off so that it made a
I presentable appearance. Tho stock-
Was wirad on and when he brought
I the queer looking shooting iron down
with him from the Hills yesterday it
attracted much attention.
A load was found about six inches
from the broech where tho bullet had
, k j j d3Ubtless tho secret
lson (op tQO trBffio dealh of tho
f tunatQ hunter. He could not
loa(1 hig rifl0f the boar closed in on
him nd d ,h en3ued. tho rest of the
tory c:in only bo gleaned from tho
surroundings. The strange gun which
, . lik it mint be a hundred years
w1)4 tllpnnd ovr to Tien iiemnel
t , v , dd ,bo G A- R milseUm
t the court house, but tho name and
hiatorv of it3 unfortunate owner who
die(J in strUrrle with tho fiercest
anira;ii which inhabits the mountain
fttstIloj!Be!, of the west must ever re
: ,,i ,,,,.,,,,
I main emu uifoi-ui jt
KeKiiiientl Appointments.
v- Holcomb Tuesday night an
nounced his regimental appointments
The officers of the First regiment art
aa follows:
Colonel, John F. Bratt; lieutenant-
colonel, Geo. B. Colton; major, John
M. Stotsenburg; major, II. Ii. Mulford;
adjutant First Lieutenant Frank D.
Eager; quartermaster. First. Lieuten
ant Lincoln Wilson; surgeon, F. A.
Snyder;(irst assistant surgeon, Capt.
C. L. Mullons;second assistant surgeon
First Lieutenant It. P. Jensen; chap-
The Second regiment officers aro as
Colonel, C J. Bills; lieutenant colo-
nnl O'.son! maior W. S. Manes:
' m , ". .
major lrnes iracv aujuiaiu,
J - 1
Lieutenant VV. S. Harding; quarter
master. First Lieutenant E. II. Myers;
m A TT .
surgeon. Major iviorris v. uoover,
first assistant surgeon, Capt. M. A.
Robert; second assistant surgeon,
First Lieutenant J. G. Marron; chap
lain, no apDoiutment.
Lieutenant John M. Stotsenbursr,
Sixth United States cavalry, who was
appointed United States mustering
officer, take3 the place of a major who
failed to pass the physicial examina
tion. Captain Mulford of the Omaha
guards being the senior captain in
the regiment, was promoted to major.
Captain Tracv of company L. Second
regiment, Norfolk, was second in sen
iority and was also promoted to major.
Lieutenant Wilson of the Lincoln
Light infantry, Second regiment, is
the quartermaster in the First regi
ment. Chaplain Mailley of the First
regiment is located at University
Place. He was chapl tin of the house
of representatives in 1897. First Lieu
tenant Frank D. Eager of company D,
Liucoln, is regimental quartermaster.
Wouldn't This Kill You?
Mobile, Ala., May 10. Gustavo da
Cardenos, a prominent Cubm of ihis
city received the following letter from
Havana yesterday d attd April G:
The Spanish are celebrating the
victory of the capture of four Ameri
can ports Mobile, Charleston, Boston
and Pensacola. J31anco has given a
very large banq uet to the army and
navy. The city is gaily decorated, and
thousands of people in processions.
The city is wild with enthusiasm.
Klectric Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally needed when the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the
liver is torpid and sluggish and the
need of a tonic and alterative is felt.
A prompt use of this medicine has
often abated long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers- No medicine will act
more surely in counteracting and free
ing tho pystem from the malar5al
poison. Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipation, Dizziness, yield to Electric
Bitters. Fifty cents and II bottles at
F. G. Fricke's drug store. 1
List of Letters.
Remaining uncalled for at the post
office at Plattsmouth, May 11. 1898:
Armstrong, Nannie Bottcher, Heinrich
Hoffart. Henrv Williamson. Etta
Thomas, Walter.
When calling for any of the above
letters please say "advertised."
On the morniog of Feb. 20, 1895, I
was sick with rheumatism, and lay in
bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle
of Cham be Iain's Pain Balm. The
first application of it relieved me al
most entirely from the pain and the
second afforded coolplete reiief. In a
short time I was able to be up and about
again. A. T. MOREAUX, Luverne, I
Minn. Sold by all druggists.
Xtulldn an Addition
Tho Nebraska City cereal mills aro
contemplating tho enlargement of
their plant and will build an addition
80x40, four stories high, to bo situated
between tho mill proper and tho ware
house. Tho plant now even by run
ning day and night, is not able to bu
ply tho demand fo' thoir goo Is, and
this addition will bo orocted with a
view of onabling them to fill all or
ders Nebraska City News.
To CotlHUIIipllVt-M.
As an honest remedy, Foley's Honey
.and Tar does not hold out falso hopes
in advance stages, but truthfully
claims to give comfort and relief in
the very worst ciis.js, and in the early
stages to effect a euro. Smith &
l'ai melo and F. G. Frieko & Co.
The Sokol society will make quite
an event of their flag raising Sunday
afternoon. Tho band will play, can
non will bo fired and a high old time
will bo had.
Thirty-live years make a generation.
That is how long Adolph Fisher, of
Zanesvillo, O., suffered from piles
Ho was cured by using three boxes of
DeWitl's Witch Hazel Salvo. F. G
Fricke it Co.
Legal Notice.
In district court of Cass countv. Nebraska.
Calvin 11. I'aniicle. plaint lit.
vs. I
Knima C, M . Shnuder, et a!.,
Anna M Dewey, plaintiff, j
vs. j
Knuna C M. Shnrder. ct al. I
lohn Under. John Konneau. l'cttihone & Nix
on, Mary K. Kcnkin as executrix and sole devisee
ol and unilcr the last will and testament el I. K
Kcnkin. deceased, J-aiima O. M. Schroder, Fred
Sclini-der, defendants, wdl take notice that on
the 24th day ol 1'euruary. A. U. 1MHM, a petition
was tiled in the above entitled case asking lor a
conditional revivor of the iudinnent entered in
said cause for said judgment to be revived in tlio
name nl the administrators ol the estate ol Lai
vin II. Tunnele, deceased, viz : Charles V. l'ar-
niele, Samuel II. Atwoodand 1 homas l'armele.
and thereupon a conditional order of revivor was
issued bv said court reciuirinif vou to show cause
why said judgment should not be revived in the
name ot said adiuinist rators. on or belore the 2uth
dav of une. A. 1). !!.
V ou are ream red to answer said conditional or
der ol revivor on or belore the Lilth day ol June
. It. inm.
Dated May 10th. 1W8.
as administrators.
ISy their Att ys, liyron Clark and C. A. Kawls.
loti-e of Mule of Ileal KHtt.
In the district court of Cass countv. Nebraska
In the matter ol theestateof Nelson McKevnolds.
Notice is hereby civen that in pursuance of an
ordered Hasil S. kamsey, judge of the di-trict
court ot Cass countv. Nebraska, made on the 7th
day of Mav, A. 1). I MM, for the sale of the real
estate hereinalter described, there will be sold at
the south door of the court house in l'lattmouth,
Cass county, Nebraska, on the 4th day of June,
A. I). IK'.IS. at 1 ::10 o'clock. r. in., the following
described real estate, to-wit: The west hall ol
the east half of the southeast quarter of section
eight () in township ten (KM north, of ranfje
thirteen (Kl) iu Cass county, Nebaaska, subject
to the life estate ol Wil.iam McKeynolds and ail
liens and encumbrances existing at the death of
said deceased Nelson McKeynolds, against the
Said sale will remain open one hour.
Dated this loth day ol Mav, A. 1). 7!W.
Administrator of Nelson McKeynolds, deceased,
liyron Clark and C. A. Kawls, Att'ys.
Probate Notice.
In County Court, Cass County, Nebraska.
In tke matter of the estate ol Ann Cole, de
ceased: J he heirs of Ann Cole, deceased, and
all other persons interested in said estate, are
hereby notilied that on the 7th day of May, Is'.i,
liroad Cole hied a petition in said court, praying
that his final administration account tiled herein,
be settled and allowed: that proofs of heirship be
taken ; that a decree in distribution and assign
ment be entered ; that he be discharged from his
trust as administrator; that he be allowed (in
addition to commissions aud expenses) the sum
of S1MJ.U0, for extraordinary services rendered,
and that if you fail to appear before said court
on the 4th day of June. A. 11., IMim, at o'clock
p. ni., and contest said petition, the court may
grant the prayer of said petition, and make such
other and further orders, allowances and decrees
as to this court may seem proper, to the end that
all matters pertaining to said estate may be
finally settled and determined. Witness my
hand and the seal of said court, at Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, this, the 7th, day of May, A. D., 1X98.
County Judge.
Notice to Creditors.
STASSKA' County Court
In the matter of the estate of Samuel McCon
key. deceased. Notice is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will meet the adminis
trator of said estate, belore me. county judge of
Cass county, Nebraska, at the county court room
in Plattsmouth in said county, on the 7th day of
November, 1M8, at U o'clock a. in , for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for examination,
adjustment and allowance. Six months are al
lowed for the creditors of said deceased to pre
sent their claims and one year for the adminis
trator to settle said estate, from the 7th day of
May, lsas.
This notice shall be published in the Semi
Weekly News-Hekald for four weeks succes
sively, prior to the 7th day of May, IMm.
Witness my hand and seal ot said court,
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this, the 11th day of
April, A. L. lSte.
George M. Spurlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the district couit of Cass county, Nebraska
Charles C. Parmeie as receiver of the Citizens
Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, vs. The Peo
ple's Building. Ioan and Saving Association.
the People's Building. Ioan and Saving Asso
ciation, delendant, will take notice that on the
7th day ot April A. IJ. 18US Charles C. Parmeie
as receiver of the Citizens Iiank of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in
the distiict court of Cass county, Nebraska,
against said defendant, the object and prayer of
which are to recover a money judgment against
defendant on three causes ol action set forth in
said petition: on the first cause of action for the
sum of iSHlwith seven percent interest thereon
from the SHh day of May A. D. 1H'.7; on the sec
ond cause of action the sum of fM) with seven
per cent interest thereon from the ith day of
May A. 1), 187; on the third cause of action the
sum of $'!) with seven percent interest thereon
from the loth day of November A. D. 18W7.
Vou are requested to answer Faid petition on or
before the 3Uth day of May A. U. 18y.
Dated this l'Jtli day of April A. D. 1898.
Charles C. Parmele,
As Receiver of Citizens Bank of Plattsmouth,
Nebraska. By his Attorneys, Byron Clark & C.
A. Kawls.
Probate Notice.
In county court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Balthascr Sie
bold, deceased. All persons interested in said
matter are hereby notified that on the lath day
of April. 18y. Eliza Siebold filed a petition in
said court, alleging, among other things, that
Balthaser Siebold died on the 2"th day ot March,
1848, leaving a last will and testament and pos
sessed of real and personal estate in said county
of the reasonable value of $J,2K).0O, and praying
for the probate of said will and for administra
tion of said estate. Vou are hereby notified that
if you fail to appear before said court on the 14th
day of May. A. L.. 1898. at o'clock p. m.. to
contest the probate of said will, the court may
allow and probate said will and grant adminis
tration ot said estate to Joseph W. Johnson and
Eliza Siebold, jointly, or some other suitable
person, and proceed to a settlement of said es
tate Witness my hand and the seal of said
court at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this, the 18th
day of April, A. D., 1898.
. George M. Spurlock.
(Seal) County Judge.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
loseph Graham and John Wilkinson, partners,
doing business under the firm name of Graham
& Wilkinson, plaintiffs, vs. Frank Koddy and
Clara Koddv. defendants. The defendants will
take notice that Joseph Graham and John Wilk
inson.under the name of Graham and W llkinson.
have commenced an action against said defend
ants iu the district court of Cass county. Ne
braska, the object and prayer of which is to re
cover a judgment against said defendants for the
:-um of $911 oo for goods sold and delivered which
were necessary for the support and maintenance
of said delendants and for which defendants
agreed to pay. and that they have caused the
east one haif of the northeast one quarter of sec
tion 31, town It), range 11. east of the sixth prin
cipal meridian, situate in Cass county.Nebraska.
to be attached in said action as the property of
said delendants, . .
Defendants are required to answer said peti
tion on or before the 10th day of May. or Judg
ment will be taken as prayed for in said peti-
"I'si-nh Graham and lohn Wilkinson, under the
j firm name ot Graham 6c V ilkinson.
V. ' lenv, 1 . i . i . . ...... , -
Furniture, Stoves and House Furnishings
Was aii-nu'nU'il recently ly the receipt of two car loads of
jools for which he paid spot cash at the factory.
Think What
It means heavy discounts. It means lower freight rales.
It means that his competitors can not meet him on prices,
neither can they meet him on a marvelous assortment of
everything in his line.
His Leader
Is the old reliable " Charter .Oak," with
guaranty, and its half a hundred
No house in Cass count3' ever carried half so larje a stock.
He can suit ever)' taste. Three hundred easy chairs to select
from. I3ed room suites and
price to those fit for a queen.
The Prices'
Is where Pearlman shines, and explains his wonderful business
success. He pays no rent, his expenses are low, and with his
cash discounts and car load rates
It Will Surprise You
To call and see his wonderful
arc from ten to twenty-five per
Omaha. Remember the place.
Opposite the Court House.
No Cheap Goods
No shoddy wares, which wo aro marking;
"Special Low Prices." Wo have been in the rnereari tile hujnc-B in
Plattsmouth for the mist twenty-eiyht years and have oiitnblifchod a
reputation for. . . .
TIte Best Goods at the..
..Lowest Possible Prices.
This is our motto, our in var iahlo
rule, and we do not j:r'io-o to
depart f om il now. Oji1 Spr in'
t?toek i;i larger and mot-j com
plete this year than ever.
We are solo apents in PI att h
mouth for the celebrated "JJiack
Cat" brand Triple Knee Stock
ings. Como in and see us and w
will treat you rijrht.
TIIKY carry the largest and most com pie to line in county. V Every
thing fresh and new. They pay cssh for our goods and give their Custo
mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of canned goods
always in stock. The only place in the
fresh Cheese. Call and see us.
bat hmr5 oI4 direct
timer tr 23 jtur
sale prices. ancr
dealer rrofiu.
here for examination
Everything warranted.
1 lo styles of Vehicles,
5? styles ot Harness.
Top Barries. f'W to $70.
Parrevs. tOotoflj.
ges. Phaetons. Trans,
ettes, Sprmjr-ltoad
Wag ms. &nd for
. n.
Surrey Harness. Price, $16,00.
As food as sells for
Catalogue of ail our
JUL" Ae1 . J
This Means
in Stoves
its fifteen years'
parlor suites from the lowest
he takes the lead and keeps it.
stock, and jct his prices, which
cent lower than can be had in
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Triple Knee-
"father Stocking'
city where you ;can get all kinds ot
. Waterman BIk.
to tiie con
mt whole
him ta
Ship any-
and Milk
larre, free
Ko. 606 Surrey. Prie. with eartafns,laiDs, na
Styles, ihade, aprun and lenrat fu). As good aa seil tor f.4
2R -rTJ
1 li -Ji
F;' tt yyfi: