The Semi-Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS ... BY THK . . . NEWS rUHMSlIING COMPANY, M. D. POLK, EDITOR. DAILY KDITION. One Year, in advance, -r l( Six Months 2 50 Ono Week, . Single Copies, 8KMI-WKKKLV KDITION. Ono Year, in advance, .... II 00 Six Months, -r0 T.?-R LARGEST GIRGULflTION Of any Cass County Paper. ToitONTO was too friendly with Undo Sam. Polo llcrnabe has moved to Montreal where ho will fc2l more comfortable. DOI.L.AK and a half wheat under Mc Kinloy is very dilToront from SO cent wheat under Cleveland and Bryan. The two theories have been tented and freo silver. stands publicly con demned. Wk dolT our hat to Miss Helen Gould who turned $100,000 into tho national tron&ury last Saturday to help out tho war fund. The popycrat wail about tho rich will have to be amended. JUDGINO from the report of Com modore Dewey's naval achievements, it's little wonder that thocible was cut to prevent the news reaching Madrid too suddenly. Tho mercurial Spaniards would have bureted with indignation. SrANlsii honor has not been en tirely vindicated yet, hut if Admiral Sampson meets the Armada ho will finish tho job so beautifully begun by Commodore Dewey. Wo must see to it that tho "honor" of tho Castilians is properly preserved. Well, the Spaniards said the loca tion of tho first battle would be a sur prise to tho Yankees. It was. Very few of them thought it woula be seven thousand miles from home. And tho result was a complete sur prise to the Spaniards. Ex. MEAT is quoted at $1.50 per pound in Havana and while the soldiers are be ingstarved out we are wondering what the poor reconcentrado women and children are living on. There won't bo enough of them left to fight over if Uncle Sam does not land troops with supplies very soon. The entire nation stops to praise Commodore Dewey tho intrepid bravo commander who won the first signal victory in the Spanish war. His vic tory and the real merit of tho man may make him president of tho Unit', d States. He is said to be quiet and un assuming in manner much like Gen eral Grant. The supreme court last week re fused to issue a writ of ousted in the Moores case on behalf of W. J. Broatch and the report of the referee has not yet been acted upon. The apparent victory of tho Broatch crowd is not so important as was first supposed, the supremo court having tho power to set aside the referees report entirely. The Spaniards were so bittily whipped at Manilla, and it was done so quickly they are puzzled yet to know how it was accomplished. One Spanish officer says Dewey threw blaz 'og coal oil bombs onto the Spanish snips, a munition ot war that is new to the country. No coal oil bombs were ever seen or heard of by the American troops and the Spanish marine will havo to guess again. Marshalltown Iowa is to h ive tho first factory for tho manufacture of India rubber out of corn oil. This is ono of the latest discoveries by tho chemist and promises to revolutionize the prices of India rubber which have been going skyward for several months Tho new material will give Marshall town a reDutation all over the world unless new factories spring up in other towns. Commodore Dewey seems to be quite able to take care of himself. He is already a bigger man than admiral, if reports aro correct, hav ing elected himself as governor gen eral of the Philipino islands where he is the executive head of a nation of seven million inhabitants. Dewey is a Vermont Yankee, and when they fail to take care of themselves there's no need of other people trying to help out The triumph of American sailors with second class ship? at Manilla has changed tho tenor of the European press and intervention is not thought of now except on terms to be dictated by the United States. Even Austria whoso emperor is a brother of the queen regent says Spain must givo up Cuba. A decisive battle on the Atlan tic or the complete surrender of the Spanish army in Cuba would probably closo tho war at once. Commodore Dewey is probably too busy establishing a government on the Philipines to think of exploiting his recent achievements in the news papers. Reports from Hong Kong today secured by boat from Manilla say Dewey is in charge as gov ernor general of tho islands, having taken . full possession, with tho stars J and stripes floating irom tne govern ment buildings. Tho islands have been under Spanish rule for GOO years, but there is an end to all things and Spanish rule is no exception. THE OREGON. Tho Oregon, according to some of the or. iclos, says the St-ite Journal will bo bu)t at an early day by four of the bnt bhijM in the navy, protected cruisers, each about equiva lent to taill-Hhip. Tho n.ivy men are, however, not afraid. Tho Oregoti is a ten thou -rind tonner plated with lii inch. Ilarveyizod steel, tho best armor in tho world, and furnished with four l.'J-inch guns, eight 8-inch guns and four G-inch rilles. The four Spanish cruisers aro alout 7,000 tons each, and carry, ouch, two 10-inch guns and ton .rJ-inch rapid fir ing guns. But this, to a landsman does not tell tho difference. A broad side of all theso eight 10-inch guns would throw out an aggregate weight of metal of 4, 0i) pounds or two tons, while a singlo discharge of the four 13-inch guns on the Orogcn would hurl 4,400 pounds of metal. But the difference of results would bo far greater than tho difforenco in tho aggregate weight of metal. The plating of the Oregon will oasy stand a five hundred pound shot from a 10 inch g-in. But when one of her 1,100 pound shots strikes the plating of a Spanish ship of twelve inches, it will penetrate it as though it were card board. If tho gunners on the O.-egon aro up to snuff, not one of the Spanish cruisers is likely to get near enough to injure her before it is knocked into a cocked hat. The News learns from a reliablo source that Gov. Holcomb thinks ser iously of aiding his boom for a third term by calling a special session of tho legislature for tho first of June. Tho governor is a very smooth politician, but he will find after the deal is con summated that he has badly over reached himself and ho will not only be defeated in his schemes but the popycrat party will go down with him next fall to disastrous defeat. INFORMATION AND Ol'lNIONS. O, Dewey was the morning Upon the first of May, And Dewey was the admiral Down at Manila Bay; And Dewey were the regent's eyes Those orbs of royal blue. And Dewy feel discouraged? I hardly think we dew- Exchange. Senator Thurston informs the Jour nal that be has been working for two weeks to secure tho acceptance of an additional quota of troops from this state, with the desire of mustering in the Nebraska artillery battalions. There is, in his opinion, no possible chance of receiving a further call for men, as every state is clamoring for additional allotments and ours already exceeds tho quota justified by tho population. This will prove a severe disappointment to large numbers of Nebiaskans who wiah to go to tho front with artillery and cavalry or ganizations. State Journal. A womans relief corps is being or ganized to assist in tho Spanish The loyal, patriotic women will iird a way to help, that is certain. C. II. Smith has been confirmed as postmaster of this city. Ho will now send in his bond as soon as his com mission arrivo3 and will th?n be ln sta led as master of tho unils to suc ceed W. K. Fox, whoso term expired last week. Chet will make a first class postmaster, hut in succeeding W. K. Fox he relieves one of tho best officials that ever held tho office. J. W. Mar shall was appointed postmaster in 18G0, then after years of service he was suc ceeded by J. N. Wise for four years, then II. J. Streight filled out a four years terra and W. K. Fox succeeded Streight. In thirty-eight years this city has had but four postmasters. The gaiety of the fracas is consider ably heightened by the fears ex pressed in dispatches as to the fate of the battleship Oregon if attacked by the Spanish gunboat Temarario. Such a contest would bo as brief and unin teresting as a scrimmage between a diminutive poodle and a bulldog. If the Spanish crew insist on taking an involuntary bath in tho briny, Com mander Clarke is just the gentleman to accommodate them. Ex. Bryan's lack of decision in tho mat ter of going to war is having the effect in Kansas to make the populists more enthusiastic than over for a divorce from tho democratic party. Bixby. Tho harbor of Manila is said to be the finest in tho world. It is 120 miles in circumference, with an average depth of three hundred feet and will hold: all the navies of the world with out crowding. Two prominent populists were heard to remark on the streets of Lin coln yesterday that there were no pop ulist state officers who wanted re-election. Are we to infer from this that all are democrats or are they so thor oughly imbued with reform ideas that they want to get out of tho way for tho other fellow?. If the latter be the caso human nature must have taken a queer turn. In looking over some old papers yes terday O. fl. Snyder discovered an autograph letter from Abraham Lin coln written to a friend at Mt. Pleas ant, Iowa, in 1SG2. Ho will havo tho letter framed and displayed at the store. ' Itjpo has raised 20 per cent since war with Spain was declared. Our capture of Manilla so 3ms to have had no effect on tho price. An exchange suggests that it will not require three weeks work of a naval board of Inquiry to dctermino what caused tho explosion in Manilla bay. STAIN is now claiming European intervention on tho ground that she is too poor to fight tho United States successfully. It is noticed, however, since tho buttle at Manilla, that tbo intervenors who were quite numerous a few weeks ago and loud in denounc ing this country aro now singing a different tune. Might may not mako right, but it goes a long way in that direction. Cora Bvdle Fellows, tho handsomo school ma'am who married an Indian named Chaska, after a few months housekeeping got a divorce and then Chaska committed suicido from re m rse. The Indian seemed to bo moro sincere than tho iicklo maiden. There are several ships now to keop company with the.Maino at tho bottom or tho sea. Tho fellow who said tho Spanish soldiers can't shoot straight is all right but tho man who said they would not fight was suffering from strabismus. Nebraska farmers with wheat selling in Chicago for $1.75 per bushel and tho outlook for a big crop hero" never so flattering at this time of year as now, ought to feel first rata The populist state central committee is called to meet in Omaha Juno 2 when a little very bitter medicine may be mixed for the democratic bosses. - Some sensational rumors of disbar ments etc., como up from Nebraska City that are quito serious, if true. Washington dispatches say that ten thousand troops will be 6ent from San Francisco this week to reinforce Dewey and take complete possession of tho island. Fear is expressed that the insurgents might rob and pillage if they were given charge of tho city. Some of the "grand stand" boys who signed the muster roll down here concluded they did not want to go to war. Tho smell of powder makes them sick and the din of battle grates harshly on their esthetic nerves. Edmisten is making an industrious still-hunt for tho pop nomination for governor this fall. Ho has plenty of money to spend and reports say that h3 pays out the cash like a plutocrat. Old man Doty was in town today from Bethlehem. He says tho Dowey victory was the best news he over read in his life and tho result proves to everybody that the Lord is on our side and with that kind of backing we could whip the world. (live the Children Drink called Grain-O. It is a delicious, ap petizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it because when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but is freo from all its injurious properties. Grain-O aids digestion and strengthens tho nerves. It is not a stimulant but a health builder, and children, as well as adults- can drink it with great benefit. Cotts about one-fourth as much as coffee. 15 and 25c. C. N. Karstens, the leading furni ture man of Nebraska City, and Otoe cou city's coroner, accompanied by his wife was in the city yesterday visiting II. Martens and family. "Nick" was one of the old boys of the Nebraska first in the late unpleasantness and went out from Omaha with Capt. Wm. liarmies. Though getting along some what in years, "Nick" is as full of pa t iotic fight as in the old days. It is, or should be, the highest aim of every merchant to please his cus tomers; and that the wide-awako drug firm of Meyers & Eshleman, Sterling, III. , is doing so, is proven by the fol lowing, from Mr. Eshleman: "It my sixteen years, experience in the drug business I have never seen or sold or tried a medicine that gave as good sat isfaction as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." Sold by all druggist Tho clothes lino thief has moved from Plattsmouth to Union and one man reports tho loss of four suits of underclothes this week as tho result thereof. Nebraska City News. Unfortunate People aro they who while suffering from Kidney Diseases aro prejudiced against all advertised remedies. They should know that Foley's Kidney Cure is not a quack remedy, but an honest guaranteed medicine for Kidney and B. adder troubles. Smith & Parmelo and F. G. Fricko & Co. 's. August Gorder has already begun to send out corn planters to his cus tomers who are ready to begin work in that line. The Platte River Ferry. P. M. Nord will begin May 7 to op erate a ferry across tho Platto River at Oreapolis. Teams crossed all hours of the day. New boats and good ser vice. Good roads on both sides of river. Col. Huebner the bachelor editor of the Nebraska City News says: "A first-class newspaper man should never marry," says an eastern authority. "If he marries the love of his heart ho neglects his business, and if he mar ries as a matter of business ho neglects his wife.'1 A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DoWitt'a Lit tle Early Risers -cleanso the liver, cure constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. F. G. Fricko & Co. More F1k at the Kliupn. Plattsmouth has tho reputation of being tho best decorated town in tho state, and largo coolly flags an boing put up daily. Tho boys at tho shops are determined to load in tho matter of expensive docorations and three of tho largest Hags were ordered for them Saturday. .. F. II. Steimko's force is not to bo allowed to float the largest Hag much longer, as tho store house boys will havo a larger ono erected on tho store house. Foreman Mauzy's men in tho blacksmith shop havo also ordered a big flag for their building, and Wash Smith's department, tho coach shop, will not bo behind any of its ncghbora with a fine Hag to lloat from tho top of their quarters Tho folks up town will havo to do somo moro decorating if thoy intend to keep a place in tho procession. I desire to attest to tho merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as one of tho most valuable and efficient preparations on tho market. It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough for me in 24 hours, gratitude there for, I desire to inform you that I will never bo without it and you should feel proud of the high esteem in which your Remedies are held dy people in general. It is tho ono remedy among ten thousand. Success to it. O. R. Downey, Editor Democrat, Albion, Ind. For sale by all druggists. Iteautlful Work. Henry Snyder has on exhibition in his window ono of tho finest pieces of china painting over 6een in this city. It is a china tankard in gold and color, and is valued at $150. Mrs. Y. S. White was the decorator and we understand did the firing herself in her own kiln. Tho painting shows much skill and would bo creditable to anyone. Mrs. White has done some nice work before, but nothing quite so elaborate as the piece now on exhibi tion at Snyders'. A man stands on chance of being elected to the mayorship of a city unless he enjoys tho .confidence and esteem of his neighbors. Geo. W. Humphrey is the popular mayor of Swanton, Ohio, and under date of jan. 17, 1S9G, he writes as follows: "This is to certify to our appreciation of Chamberlain's Cough Semedy. My family and neighbors have tested it, and ew know it is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. Georoe W. Humphrey," Sold by all druggists. I'aMturage for Stock. Horses and cattle taken to pasture at Cullom;good grass, plenty of shade and running water. Call on the un dersigned, at Cullom, or address, George Hicks, Cedar Creek, Neb. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo QuinineTablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Tho genuine has L. U. Q. on each tablet. It l'ays to it the 15-Ht. W. E. and C. E. Crabili aro deliver ing the best of milk to their customers in all parts of tho city. Try our sys tem of bottle delivery. Rouble the IMensure of" ll Drive. A fijiocarriag'edoublesthoplofisiiroof driv ing. Intending buyers of carriages or har ness can savo dollars by spndinpr for the large, free catalogu o of tho Elkhart Carriage and Harness Mfg. Co., Elkhart, Iud. SETTLES NERVOUS BANKRUPTGY. Investigation shows that men who succeed are men of brains strong nerves great will-power. Ordinary food cannot suppiy tho vital forces which people with active brains and bodies require. Bicola Pills feed the nerves mako tho mind bright, mus cles strong mako flesh and blood and givo perfect health to Men and Wo men. The Turners of Phila delphia make Bicola Pills J E Buckey, ehief clerk National Hotel, Wash ington, D C, testifies that he was all run down was a shadow cf his former self Ilicola Pills gave him wonderful relief he gained over twenty pounds after using them. Selling Agent for Plattsmoath and Cass County, F. G. FRICKE & CO. Turners Little Liver Turners A very small pilU Turn your liver. Cure sick head ache Biliousness Indigestion. r They banish pain and prolong life. No matter what the matter is, one will do you good, and you can get ten for five cents. A new irtyloparkHt contaJnlw tk unties rARrr,w fn h papr mrtnnfrithniit Bf w) ift now fnr mlm mX some druir ntort?s roH rivx ttttm. Thin trw (tt i 1 K.-rt : j m:-art-'l f-c th? j-m..- url ( un c-ctioii:l-eol. ui rlocen of tho llvenwir. '-.-iritns ( i l4tiul- tv u;i ny uvi 1 by iwti -tin: - trl itrUt miU to the RlP an a ChrxK'al ColrjNir, No. u ;-irtM t.v. ?.fr Vi-rfc w r jo-tob (tilm T&BUUK) will be Bout fur flru c m. Buet moiiiciroj 1898 HAY. 1898 Sik Ho. TaJWdThjFrL Sat ililili. 8910 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 lltu kleu'H Arnict Naive. The best salvo in tho world for cuts, burns, sores, ulcors, salt rheum, fe ver sores, tetter, chappepjiands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay roquirod. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Pyico 25 cents per box. For sale h F. G. Fricko. St. JoHeph'H .lulillee May 11 and 12, promises to bo tho greatest celebration in Missouri's his tory. Visitors will havo presented for their edification a trados display seven miles in length, and tho night carnival ono of magnificence fifty thousand people will bo entertained at tho stock yards with a barbecue. On tho morning of Fob. 20, 180"), I was sick with rhoumatism, and lay in bed until May 21st, when I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. The first application of it relieved mo al most entirely from tho pain and the second afforded coir.plote relief. In a short time I was able to bo up and about again. A. T. Moueaux, Luverne, Minn. Sold by all druggists. NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS. BALSAM xaiititi:8 mc mix. wurinnt Pmwth. to HcBtoro Gray "Tt'a Cure w'P tliM-a fc hair falling. r-. BTui , i "'u. j .... r - SENT FREE to housekeepers Licbifl COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK telling how to prepare many deli cate and delicious dishes. Address, I.iebiK Co.. V. O. liox 27 IS. New York. HARVEY HOLLOW AY Contractor J3ui Icier. Contracts taken for the erection of Residences, Harns and any kind of carpenter work, in anv part of the county, ("all on or address I1AI1VKV 1KILLOWAV, l'lattsin outli. Ne s Annual Sale9 over 6,000,000 Boxes TOE BILIOUS AUD 1IEEV0US DISOEDEES such as 'Wind and Tain ia tho Stomach. Giddinoss. Fulness after meals. Head ache. Dizziness. Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite. Costivcnoss, lilotches on tho Skin. Cold Chills, Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and nil Kervous and TremMhij Sensations. THE riEST DOSE WILL GIVE BELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. BEECHA3TS P1LI-S, taken as direct ed, will quickly restore Females to com plete health. They promptly remove obstructions or irregularities of the sys tem and cure hick Headache. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver, IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Ceecham's Pills aro ithout a Rival And have the LARGEST SALE f any Patent Medicine in the World. 25c at all Drag Stores. ONE GIVES lt ; v, nn inn rnr ltimlo since the worlt. wa.-, rvui. fe-iSil HAIR Ll:'o?;iV- V-'-l .Never Fails r.Vs r -r c' KJfy,, . . .y-i i'i k-i 1 'i' IW - , rt ::1:::f:;i!!!!ljtty ' '; t: Willi RfLIABLC " i INCUBATOR 6 B800DCQ CO. ' f !!! :! IlilQuiNcV HI.US.A. fy--- c-!.o-c-:--:- THIS EGG CASE GIVEN AWAY m FREE a a To Every Purchaser of Ten Dollars' Worth of Merchandise from IVSORGAN The Leading Clothier. You can hardly afford to miss this chance. If you have never bought anything from MORGAN, now is a very good time to get acquainted. You do not have to buy that amount at one time. We furnish you a ticket and when that is punched full, you get the case. We have a very strong line of Clothing and Furnishings. FRANK J. MORGAN, No Cheap Goods No shoddy wares, w'nieh we are m:ii-kin' "Special Lew Prices. " Wo have Jieeu in the mercanlile hiirinerH in I'lattsmoutti for the past twenly-ei-lit ami have cstnhl is-heil a reputation for.... The Bcht Goods at the, ..Lowest Possible Prices. This is our in itio, our 1 1 vat iahlo rule, and wo do not propoir to dep.irt f om it now i.- Kprinj; ht-iek -i larger and nin e eo ii pieto this year than ever Wo aro ajjen's ia I '1 'Us- ni"iitli for tho celehr -te-1 l aek (J:it" lr,uni t riple Kne.t Stock-ir-Si. Como in and soo us aid w will treat you riyht. ixrev goods jvxn citocnituss .. THE LEADERS THE GROCERY T ARE A. H. WBCKBACH & CO, THEY carry tho largest and most complote line in Cass Jeounty. . Kvcry thing fresh and new. They pay c.ish for our goods and give thei - custo mors the advantage of special discounts. A complete line of caniu'd goods always in stock. The only place in the city where jou.oan get Ms Mnds of fresh Cheese. Call and see us. A. H. WECKBACH & (S. Waterman Bik. uckweiler Continuetodoa leadingbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets, - - - Plattsmouth, Neb .. .: - - - - - 1 1 in lil Permanently cured by using DR. WHITEHALL'S RHEUMATIC CURE. The surest and the best. Sold by druggists on a positive guarantee, Trice 50 cents Der box. Sample sent free on mention of this publication. THE DR. WHITEHALL MEGR1M1NE CO " th Bend, Indiana :- '.m- -:-- mi B B Triple Knee- . "father Stocking Make Brand- -UKFax .0 RflDb Lotz