TlTfT:lk7,Q IRi ImITR. A T Ti) EMI- TliK NK '!. KM;il.Nh.',l Nov. 5. ISO!. ( ,,,iiHo1I . Inl. . tH,r. I UK II I'.KA l.l, i.HUH.I.hlH-d April 10,114. ( Oonsolluatud Jan. I, 1HJ.. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB., MAY 11, I8i)S. VOL. VI. NO. ll V V 13 A LI U V V -J rfJ-l-J -JAJJ S K : rlt .ATT FAT Tin? 4 UXIM A 1 .A J J Ji Hi Hi Tail! 1 () m LOOK -AND THE- TliEUE it, in know) fabrics, a liEUE i a sense of satisfaction in being well dressed, mowing Unit you tiro wearing tho correct thing in as well as in tho cut of your euit. It requires a .'ond Tailor to mako a Suit of Clothes properly. It also takes bn. ins and skill to create stjlo and to design plons-ng pat tern s. Why nhould you wear "hand-me-down," or eastern so e.illcd "custom-made" (in sweat-shops), when you can get clothes mado by a TAILOR at home, who employs no ono but First-Class Tailors til, Mi ilcU; list & m m m m m M m m For nearly tho samo money? Wo try on all coats beforo thi-y are finished, arid wo cuaranteo a Hi r.nd lirst-class work only. If you once have your clothes mado by a 'iailor ( I say TAIIK), you'll never woar unyting ol-e, b.r.uiso it won't LOOK' and FELL tight to you. ('.ill and see our Latest Designs in Woo'er.s. 1. O. PTAK, Merchant Tailor, - Platismouth 4HCN OFllop A FRIEND OF THE FAMILY. - i( FOLEY'S HORSEY and i AR IS THE GREAT THROAT and LUNG REMEDY. Foi SalelbylSMiril & PARMELE. MBS "Hi i e t -'' t Co. make: Not low priced, but highest grade at o;;r rCjUitation. We say these are the s.i loo .nfier vou have used them. PAINT FOR Houses, Barns, Floors, Cupboards, Shelves Furniture, Bath Tubs, Buggies, Farm Tools, Etc. A special paint for each pur pose, not one slap-dash mix ture for all. fair, honest prices. You know best paints we know of. You'll S; ' I . I ' liV F. G. FRICKE & CO. J , nd Complt-te OiilRt. fully Guaranteed. 7 n vu uuyi a iviauuuillie, . r , Tlrdseye Maple, Mahogany or Rose vjuod Finish. Fully guaranteed. )h CO buys An American Gnitar, guaranteed to stand. Steel strings, in Mahogany or Rose wood finish. SEND FOK CATALOGUE OF SIIEET EUSIC. SSO buys a $ioo Organ. Kimball Pianos 1 Oigans ON EASY PAYMENTS. n.tnos, little used, for $50, $60, $80 to $100. Writ for Catalog and oar twsu. FACTOBI PBICE3. A- KOSPE, JR., 1513 Delias Strsst, OMAHA, KEB. mM STILL SAILS. ! Bombardment of San Hourly Kxpectod. J nan rOKTO KIC0 S00X TO HE 0UKS No Kunirtl In MlRht 3 Shoot t He- ported ;one to Kpnln Klotlnfr In MhiiIIi Sln Han Trouble t Home hh Well mm AIrottl. 'ha Best Tatuc drtrtng Machine. Ras all the Hatest Improvements, popular Because of Merit. Most Durable Typewriter Made. prermer Buyers do JSbt experiment. CUrttc for JVrw Hrt Catalogue frtc. Cbc Smith premier "Cypc writer Co, Syracuse. JH. T- Q. H. Omnha Branch OCGjo, cor. Soventeaoth aod PiirnHm sta. Washington, D. C, May 10, 3:30 r a . .1 T m I- p. m. Special to trio inkws.j ine latest dispatch from Ilayti saya that tho Spanish fleet has not been eoen about l'oito llico, and tho jovormnenl has about concluded lhat the Capo Vordo fleet is not in that vicinity. Austria has declared her neutrality in the present war between Spain and the United States. Nothing haa been hoard from Com modore Sampson's fleet. It is expect ed that it will 6hell San Juan, l'orto llico soon. A special dispatch from Ilonp: Kong says it is reported there that the in surgents surrounding Manila are mur dering the poople of that city. All the regular troops have been or dered to the Florida coast from their several places of rendezvous in the south. This indicates an early move ment into Cuba. General Coppinger hnsbeen assigned to tho command of the first division, and Generals Wado and Shafter are to command the next two divisions in the order named. Chicago, May 10. July wheat went to tho $1 25 mark on tho board of trade today. New York, May 10. Creel man cables from London: "The Cape Verde fleet has returned to the Span ish coas-t. The Journal correspondent at Cadiz has sent in a cipher hero that four cruisers, ono torpedo boat and three dest royers have returned. There is no doubt this is tho fleet which left Capo Verdo April 27th. " "It is now absolutely certain that the Capo Verde fleet and the Cadiz fleet are practically united. My private in formation is that the combioed armada will start across the Atlantic not later than a week from now." It is reported that Admiral Monlego who commanded tho Spanish fleet in tho fight vith Dewey, has been mur dered b' the mad populace of Manila. MAY RE SPAIN'S SUKPUISK. Washington. 1). C, May 10 The cuttinjr of tho South American cable yes-tcr-laj' has gre at significance today. Tho be'ief i ex pros ed here that Ihe missing Spanish fleet is mailing art und the Uoi n !o Manila or to bombard the Pacifi.- coast. Spain p omised a su - pri-o and this may be it. Geneial Miles says: " J ho Cuban campaign will be pushed with all pos sible speed. Troops will start as soon as possible. 1 go with the invading army." Key West, Fla., May 10 Two more prizes were brought in this morning the Norwegian sleamer Dratsbcrg and the Spanish sIood Condidita. The Bratsberg tried to run the blockade after warning. Madrid, 8 a. m. The bread riots at Alecante, the seaport of Valencia, which began yesterday, were con tinued all night. A riotous mob paraded tho streets demanding cheaper bread and other necessaries of life. The rioters marched to the factories where they were joined by the people who were at work. L iter, they s lcked the octri bureau aud burned the furni ture and archives. All the bonded warehouses at Ale- canto have been burned by rioters. Gibraltar May 10. Spanish cruiers are boarding vessels in the straits. comb received advices from the war department which indicalo an entire change of operations and that the Nebraska troops will l3 dispatrln-d to tho 1'hilipirtes in a few days. I.Vla tives and friends of the soldier Moys will receive ttiis good news with do light. Tho trip to tho l'aci lie islands is not fraught with tho danger a etim paitrn in Cuba would be. The cl invito is better, there is not tho danger fioin disoaso and thero is little likelihood of any sorious lighting. Their prin cipal duty will bo garrison. It will be a nice trip for tho boys, fraught with more pleasure than danger to life. Uruve Ifolilii'M. As tho warm weather approaches many of our people ares beautifying the cemetery in vaiious way, planting llowors over tho place where loved ones tleep. Some cold-blooded, heart loss ghouls and renegades mako a practice of stealing the flowers almost as fast as they bloom. Ono gentleman put but beautiful pan&ies, in lull bioom, a few days ago and tho next tiav they were gone. Only a most unprincipled wretch would bo guilty of such van dalism. Parties interested in tho cemctciy because they have loved ernes buried thero, have a suspicion as to l he identity of tho perpetrators, r.nd if they aro caught thero will bo music about their oats. jf" DEPART ST0 K 15 WILL SHOW ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST ..AND LARGEST LINES OF.. "Fi -H try O iic d3 sf iV Bk mam a Ever shown in the west. J These goods are all New, Stylish, S. AT and the Highest Grade, and will be sold PRICKS TO EAS K Should Move Out. itosiuenis of Washington avenuo complain that there is a hou-:o of 111 repute in the vicinity of Ileisel's mill and disagreeably near tho second ward school house. There are sup posed to bo threo inmates nnd they SPECIAL LOW PRICES: LTtlies' Oxfords, worth JiOe, now 60e. took up their abode" thero Saturday Ladies' Oxfords, worth $1 2", now Toe. l.icl T1. I,,,! lnn,,o ....rl f .1,1 , , , Ladies' Oxfords, worth $1. .o, now ?1.2 . last night, iheir lewd and profane 11 it's' Oxfords, woith $.)0, now $1. Ladies' Siiees, worth from 1.3! to l.-, now 1.K). Ladies' Shoes, worth $2.C0, rv w $I.;0. Ladies' Shoes, worth $2.2", now $1.75. L-.idics' Shcos, worth $2.50, $2 .75 and :U)0, now $2.(10. Men's Shoe.-, woith $1.05, now 75c. Men's Shoos, worth $1 .50 nnd $1.3!), now $1.00. language was very disgusting and an noying to residents of that vicinity and they propose to have them moved out if tho authorities will do their duty, which is altogether likely. Char acters of this kind should not bo al lowed to molest respectable pjeple for a moment, and especially no', al lowed to display their vile condu. t in the presence of children. He liot Out of Town. A hobo went to the home of Joe Klein today near the noon hour and asked for something to eat and for a pair of shoes to j ut on. Mrs. Klein gave liim some bread Out it was evidently not quite rich enough for his blood and he talked very impudent j to her. Mrs. Klein was frightened, lest ho do her some bodily harm but ho finally left the place nnd came! down town. Oflicer Fitzpatrick picked him up on tho street and f! rod him nnt. of town TTa Li43y 1 K J ' " talked rather impudent te the othver but he cot out of town just the same. Mof's Shoes, worth $1.75, now $1.-5. Men's Shc es, worth $2.00, now 1.3!. Men's Shoes, worth fr'.iu $2.50 to $2.75, now $2.00. ' hildre-n's Shoes, worth "Ah; now I5i". Chiieli en's Shoes, worth 50c, now 25c. Child rcn'e Shoo--, woith 75c, now 30c. Children's Slices, worth $1.00, now C.Oe. Children's Shoes, worth $1.25, now 00c. Children's Shtes, worth $1.00, now $1.10. D A D-rEMlErMT" .QTCP Opposite Bank of Cass County, Plattsmouth. ix Tons Kay. K. L Littaof Murrav called em the I NkVS today em his way homo from Omaha. lie has been for tho past forty-eight days weighing on the route from Omaha to Ogd .tr. Ti e government is making new e-onttacis win the carriers ranro;;us ;;nn. ;!.ik i- linor-'of tr.insport.-.tinn and is weighing the mail to find the average ::i ount the; various lines carry. Oa his route Mr ijitla weight u upon an average. six tons of m-iil matter per day. m rail ii.i li! lCeturns to II U First Love. Will lioeck, an olil citizen of this place, but recently living at Auburn, has returned to Piattsmouth to make his home and is opening up his stock of boots and shoos in the Black build ing at tho corner of Sixth and Main. His family will arrive in a few days. Wo are pleased to welcome him back to Piattsmouth. It's the best to-n in America, today. Household ;!. The ancient Greeks believed that the Penates were the gods who at- teneled to the welfare and prosperity of the family. 'I hey were worship ped as household gods. The house hold god of today is Dr. King's New Discovery. For consumption. coughs, colds and for all alTt-c'ions of tht oat, chest and lungs, it is invalu able. It has b.;en tiied for a quarter of a century and is guaranteed te) cure or money returned. No hous'3held should bo without this good angel. It is pleasant, to take and a safe and sure remedy for old and youg. Free trial bottles at F. G. Fricke & Co's. Regu lar size 50c and $1. m rsit m .T Hi m m m m m m m m iii Pi m ;f?Tl; Is otTorcil to Stock :i jinir Ladies' an v of". n.-rson vlu will linl in our Colored Shoes 1 THE BE.ST AVE GARRY This Shoe, in many places, will cost you l and $5. That were bought for last spring and summer trade so you need not be afraid of cUin any fld or oiT-color sttiiT slioved oiT on yon, for.. .. Our new Spring Goods are Factory Made, Neat, Clean and Up-to-date. m ijp 0 rj m To the Fhlllpines. Word came from Washington yes terday that both of Nebraska's regi ments will see active service in the war. They will both shortly be sent to Cub. This was decided upon when the adjutant-general announced that one of tho legiments would shortly be sent to camp at Chickamauga anti the other to ihe camp which will be lo cated across tha river in Virginia from Washington. Fifty thousand troops within the next few weeks will form an army of invasion" for Cub:i, and both the Ne braska regimen :s are expected to make part , of the invadiog army. The troops were to be hurried east as rapidly as found practicable, armed, equipped, drilled and placed on trans ports. It is the intention of the ad ministration to rush the campaign in the island, capture HavRn and occupy Cuba as rapidly as possible. Late last night, however. Gov. Hol- Atteution, Citizens, Every bod j-, tenants and property hol ders, are nereDy requested to remove all filth and refus3 matter from your premises, alleys and street adj inir g your property, immediately. Inspection of tho streets and allej-s will be commenced by tho board of health, Monday May 16. On aud after which date all parties violating this ffsj - fSj "fS j ?fJj FS tlj T- notice will be prosecuted according to law. F. M. KlC'lIEV, Mayor. f3Ji i m WIC wait on you in our shirt sleeves and haven't any diamonds in the bosoms of our shirts, as have the clerks in the fancy out-of-town shoe stores; but with us, we don't make you pay for the extra style, for, upon inspecting our new Spring.. ..VESTING TOP SHOES.. You will realize that we can save you from 50c to SI. 00 on every pair. We haven't any misleading, ojT-color, old style, catch -(nis at catch prices. The adjoining figure represents our $2.50 black and S2.75 Chocolate shoes, which stand all kinds of mud and water and will be nearly as shapeh- the day you throw them away as the day you buy them. Our Men's Colored Cloth Tops Are arriving daily, they beinj delayed on account of bcinf factory made, ane not left-overs in Red Colors from last year. Our grocery and dry goods department will be opened next year, and for the remainder of this year we will continue to devote our Undivided Attention to Durable, Shapely Fcotzscar, not such as dry goods, auction and grocery stores sell. repairing. nroj-r LJEroiA-rrr fGIESECKEj iV-Jw V SHOE Cv V mm m -I iri m '0. .pi !f23 li p m 0, M RO FOOT MILLINER El Itldit Fur KxcavHtiiiir- At schlapppcasse i . . ... I will receive sealed proposals for A complete lints ot choice tropical excavating cr-U ir on mv lot, on Main fruits, candies and cigars. Oysters street between Fifth and Sixth up to served in every style at his old stand. 12 o'clock, noon, of Saturday, May 14. opposite Bank of Cass county iteserve nglit to reject any ana all Tho farraeri the mechanic and the llOBERT SHEKWOOI), t. .AnA bruises. T)e Witt's Witch l"e Kirk'H white i iu! Soap Hazel Salve is the best thing to keep For toilet acd laundry, and give the on hand. It heals quickly, and is a blu j wrappers to the Worn m's ex- well known :uro for piles. F. G change. They wish teveral thousand 1 Fricke & Co. of these wrappers, and you can help in this way to . raise money on their church debt. N f w InipruTtnientii. The Pearl Steam laundry hns ju?t received one e-f the latest pattern bosom, collar and cull ironers from I Chicago, and is better prepared than ever to do nice work. Remember I'earl Steam lundrv. Main street. Seetl I'otatom. For salo fine ei'ly rone, early Ohio and othor choice sead potatoes at s. II. Wkckhacii Sc Go's. Old papers for sale at this offi ce. Remember that the Evening News is the only paprr-in the city which prints all the news every day in the week. Hay For Sale Either in the ba'e or loo.-e, as may I he desired. C. L. s'TfLr,. Oreaoolis, Neb. A liulo boy asked for a bottle of "get up in the morning as fast you can," the druggist recognized a house hold namo for "De Witt's Little Early j Risers." and gave him a bottle of those constipation, and stomach i famous little pi';ls for Sick neadeacne, liver ! I-. (,. i ncke, x Co. lt-e, Io! T . 1. ... l t . . . 11 is a (.-r;.iL ie.j nuiu iiie oiu i;irn- ioned elopes of b!ue-ma:s3 and nauseous physics t the pleasant little pills j known as Do Wilt'o Little Early Risers, j placo your order with McMaken & They cure const! pition, sick Lendach'i ; Son and get I't'ltK CUYSTAL IC. Tele and biliousness. F. G. Fricke & Co. I phone No. 72.